The Influence of Average Snow Depth on Monthly Mean Temperature Anomaly

A. JAMES WAGNER Long-Range Prediction Group, National Meteorological Center, NOAA, Suitland, Md.

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Linear regression equations relating monthly mean temperature anomaly to average monthly snow depth and its anomaly were derived for 15 selected stations, using 8 yr of data. It was found that, depending on the characteristics of the station location, from about 10 to 55 percent of the variance of the monthly mean temperature anomaly could be explained in terms of the average monthly snow depth or its anomaly.


Linear regression equations relating monthly mean temperature anomaly to average monthly snow depth and its anomaly were derived for 15 selected stations, using 8 yr of data. It was found that, depending on the characteristics of the station location, from about 10 to 55 percent of the variance of the monthly mean temperature anomaly could be explained in terms of the average monthly snow depth or its anomaly.
