Wind Measurement Capabilities of a Doppler Radiosonde System (The Safesonde)

Vincent E. Lally National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo. 80303

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Ranjit M. Passi National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo. 80303

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The Safesonde is a minimum weight, cost, and hazard sounding system for measurement from surface to 15 km. It consists of a simple transmitter carried by a shaped superpressure balloon and tracked by 5 receivers. The accuracy of wind determination as a function of receiver location is described.


The Safesonde is a minimum weight, cost, and hazard sounding system for measurement from surface to 15 km. It consists of a simple transmitter carried by a shaped superpressure balloon and tracked by 5 receivers. The accuracy of wind determination as a function of receiver location is described.
