Merging Finite-Difference Schemes Having Dissimilar Time-Differencing Operators

Philip S. Brown Jr. The Center for the Environment and Man, Inc., Hartford, Conn. 06120

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Joseph P. Pandolfo The Center for the Environment and Man, Inc., Hartford, Conn. 06120

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A procedure is given here that allows two finite-difference schemes having dissimilar time-differencing operators (say, a horizontal advection-diffusion scheme and a vertical diffusion scheme) to be merged into a single equation at the cost of increasing storage requirements through the introduction of an additional time level. lie accuracy and stability of the combined scheme are investigated.


A procedure is given here that allows two finite-difference schemes having dissimilar time-differencing operators (say, a horizontal advection-diffusion scheme and a vertical diffusion scheme) to be merged into a single equation at the cost of increasing storage requirements through the introduction of an additional time level. lie accuracy and stability of the combined scheme are investigated.
