Hawaiian Winter Rainfall Related to Pacific Sea Surface Temperature

Peter B. Wright University of Hawaii, Honolulu 96822

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An attempt was made to specify Hawaiian winter rainfall from simultaneous Pacific sea surface temperature (SST). Over the period 1949–69,December–February Oahu rainfall had a multiple correlation of 0.83 with the simultaneous values of two SST differences in the North Pacific. How-ever, use of this relationship for the years 1970–77 revealed that little success in specifying rainfall would have been achieved. A contributory reason is “artificial predictability.” Further, a multiple-regression formula baud on the whole period gave significantly more large errors in 1967–77 than in 1949–66, suggesting that the dominant influences on the rainfall have changed.


An attempt was made to specify Hawaiian winter rainfall from simultaneous Pacific sea surface temperature (SST). Over the period 1949–69,December–February Oahu rainfall had a multiple correlation of 0.83 with the simultaneous values of two SST differences in the North Pacific. How-ever, use of this relationship for the years 1970–77 revealed that little success in specifying rainfall would have been achieved. A contributory reason is “artificial predictability.” Further, a multiple-regression formula baud on the whole period gave significantly more large errors in 1967–77 than in 1949–66, suggesting that the dominant influences on the rainfall have changed.
