An Ice-Water Saturation Adjustment

Wei-Kuo Tao General Sciences Corporation, Laurel, Maryland

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Joanne Simpson Laboratory for Atmospheres, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

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Michael McCumber Laboratory for Atmospheres, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

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A reasonably accurate and noniterative saturation adjustment scheme is proposed to calculate the amount of condensation (and/or deposition) necessary to remove any supersaturated vapor, or amount of evaporation (and/or sublimation) necessary to remove any subsaturation in the presence of cloud droplets (and/or cloud ice). This proposed scheme can be implemented for a nonhydrostatic cloud model. The derivation of the scheme, evaluation of its performance and tests for sensitivity to variations in a few key parameters will be presented in this note.


A reasonably accurate and noniterative saturation adjustment scheme is proposed to calculate the amount of condensation (and/or deposition) necessary to remove any supersaturated vapor, or amount of evaporation (and/or sublimation) necessary to remove any subsaturation in the presence of cloud droplets (and/or cloud ice). This proposed scheme can be implemented for a nonhydrostatic cloud model. The derivation of the scheme, evaluation of its performance and tests for sensitivity to variations in a few key parameters will be presented in this note.
