Gap winds occur in topographically restricted channels when a component of the pressure gradient is parallel to the channel axis. Aircraft flight-level data are used to examine atmospheric structure and momentum balance during an early spring gap-wind event in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. Alongshore sea level pressure ridging was observed. Vertical cross sections show that across-strait gradients of boundary-layer temperature and depth accounted for the pressure distribution. Geostrophic adjustment of the mass field to the along-strait wind component contributed to development of the observed pressure pattern. Boundary-layer structure and force balance during this event was similar to that often observed along isolated barriers. However, the Rossby radius was lager than the strait width, and atmospheric structure in the strait exit region indicates transition of the flow to open coastline conditions. Two across-strait momentum budgets show that the Coriolis force and across-strait pressure gradient were an order of magnitude larger than other terms. Largest terms in the along-strait balance were the pressure gradient force, acceleration, entrainment, and friction. Boundary-layer acceleration in the along-strait direction was 55% of the potential Emit determined by the along-strait pressure gradient. Entrainment of air into the boundary layer was the largest retarding force and contributed to the along-strait profile of boundary-layer depth. Large horizontal divergence was observed within the strait, yet boundary-layer depth increased slightly following the flow. Entrainment at the inversion and sea surface fluxes accounted for along-strait variation of boundary-layer equivalent potential temperature.