Peter S. Ray
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For the past four and a half years, I have been assisted with all my duties for theMonthly Weather Review by Ms. Lisa Herbster. She has been my right hand in the MWRoperations. All papers submitted are directed to her attention after I have received them,and she has deftly handled all correspondence, communications, questions, and problemsamong the submitting authors, editors, and reviewers.

I will be continuing in my position as chief editor of the Monthly Weather Reviewfor 1997. Lisa, unfortunately, will not be able to continue to assist me. I will greatlymiss her expertise in handling the operations at the MWR, but wish her the best for herfuture.

Continuing in the position for her will be Ms. Darci Foote Kelly. Effective immediatelyall submissions to the MWR will still need to be addressed to me and directed to theattention of Ms. Kelly at the same address as was directed to Ms. Herbster.

In addition to this staff change, I would also like to reemphasize an issue raised inan editorial in the October 1995 issue of the MWR. In that editorial, I mentioned theneed for including single-spaced captions on the copies of the figures directly, alongwith the double-spaced captions that are to appear on a page separately from the figures.This policy has been implemented by the American Meteorological Society for alljournals and has been done to assist reviewers. The double-spaced copies must alsoaccompany each submission for typesetting purposes. This policy is not an option, itis a necessity in submitting any paper to be considered for publication in the MonthlyWeather Review and all other AMS journals and has been in effect since this previouseditorial. It continues to be effective immediately.

Again, I give my best wishes to Lisa Herbster, as I am sure many of you who havedealt with her in the past also do. It has been a pleasure to work with her and theMonthly Weather Review will be a very different place without her pleasant demeanor.
