1. Introduction
The first ensemble prediction systems were developed in the early 1990s to account for various sources of uncertainty in numerical weather prediction (NWP) model outputs (Lewis 2005). Such systems have now become state-of-the-art in meteorological forecasting (Leutbecher and Palmer 2008). Additionally, the ensemble forecasts are commonly postprocessed using statistical techniques to improve calibration and correct for potential biases, and a diverse range of postprocessing techniques has been proposed (e.g., Gneiting et al. 2005; Raftery et al. 2005; Wilks and Hamill 2007; Bröcker and Smith 2008). While these methods have been shown to greatly improve the predictive performance, many are only applicable to univariate weather quantities and neglect forecast error dependencies over time or between different observational sites. However, correct multivariate dependence structure is often important in applications, especially when considering composite quantities such as minima, maxima, or an aggregated total. These quantities are crucial, for example, for highway maintenance operations or flood management, where subsequent risk calculations based on the forecast require a calibrated probabilistic forecast for both the original weather variable and the composite quantity.
In this paper, we focus on spatial extensions of the nonhomogeneous Gaussian regression (NGR) or ensemble model output statistics method for surface temperature, originally proposed by Gneiting et al. (2005). NGR is a parsimonious postprocessing technique that, for temperature, returns a Gaussian predictive distribution where the mean value is an affine function of the ensemble member forecasts while the variance is an affine function of the ensemble variance. The parameters of the model are estimated based on recent forecast errors jointly over a region or separately at each observation location (Gneiting et al. 2005; Thorarinsdottir and Gneiting 2010; Hagedorn et al. 2008; Kann et al. 2009). Recently, Scheuerer and König (2014) proposed a modification of the NGR methods of Gneiting et al. (2005) in which the postprocessing at individual locations varies in space by parameterizing the predictive mean and variance in terms of the local forecast anomalies rather than the forecasts themselves.
To obtain a multivariate predictive distribution based on a deterministic temperature forecast, Gel et al. (2004) propose the geostatistical output perturbation (GOP) method to generate spatially consistent forecasts fields in which the forecast error field is described through a Gaussian random field model. Berrocal et al. (2007) combine GOP with the univariate postprocessing method ensemble Bayesian model averaging (BMA) of Raftery et al. (2005). Ensemble BMA for temperature dresses each bias-corrected ensemble member with a Gaussian kernel and returns a predictive distribution given by a weighted average of the individual kernels. By merging ensemble BMA and GOP, calibrated probabilistic forecasts of entire weather fields are produced. We propose a similar conceptualization, combining the NGR methods of Gneiting et al. (2005) and Scheuerer and König (2014) with a Gaussian random field error model in an approach we refer to as spatial NGR.
As an alternative multivariate method, we consider the nonparametric ensemble copula coupling (ECC) approach of Schefzik et al. (2013). ECC returns a postprocessed ensemble of the same size as the original raw ensemble. The prediction values at each location are samples from the univariate postprocessed predictive distribution at that location. Multivariate forecast fields are subsequently generated using the rank correlation structure of the raw ensemble. ECC thus assumes that the ensemble prediction system correctly describes the spatial dependence structure of the weather quantity. The method applies equally to any multivariate setting and comes at virtually no additional computational cost once the univariate postprocessed predictive distributions are available.
Figure 1 illustrates temperature field forecasts obtained from the raw ensemble, the standard univariate NGR method, NGR combined with ECC, and spatial NGR. The raw ensemble is depicted in the first row. The NWP model output has a physically consistent spatial structure, but as we shall see later, it is strongly underdispersive and does not adequately represent the true forecast uncertainty. The samples in rows 2–4 all share the same NGR marginal predictive distributions that have larger uncertainty bounds than the raw ensemble. In the second row, the realizations have been sampled independently for each grid point (i.e., no spatial dependence structure is present). This results in unrealistic temperature fields and, when considering compound quantities, forecasts that are statistically inappropriate. The combination of NGR and ECC in the third row gives forecast fields with similar spatial structures as the raw ensemble even though there is larger spread both within each field and between the realized fields. As a consequence of spatial correlations being modeled through a discrete copula, the resulting temperature fields feature some sharp transitions at locations where the ranks of the raw ensemble change. The bottom row depicts temperature field simulations obtained with spatial NGR. Here, the spatial dependence between forecast errors at different locations is modeled by a statistical correlation model and the physical consistency is implicitly learned from the data.
In a comparative study, we apply the various extensions of NGR as well as ensemble BMA and its spatial extension to 21-h forecasts of surface temperature over Germany issued by the German Weather Service through their Consortium for Small Scale Modelling (COSME-DE) ensemble prediction system. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The forecast and observation data are described in the next section 2. The univariate NGR postprocessing methods are introduced in section 3, while the multivariate methods are described in section 4. Forecast evaluation methods are discussed in section 5. In section 6 we report the results of the case study and a discussion is provided in section 7. Finally, computational details regarding the calculation of the evaluation methods are given in the appendix.
2. Forecast and observation data
The COSMO-DE forecast dataset consists of a 20-member ensemble. Forecasts are made for lead times from 0 to 21 h on a 2.8-km grid covering Germany with a new model run being started every 3 h. The ensemble is based on a convection-permitting configuration of the NWP model COSMO (Steppeler et al. 2003; Baldauf et al. 2011). It has a 5 × 4 factorial design with five different perturbations in the model physics and four different initial and boundary conditions provided by global forecasting models (Gebhardt et al. 2011; Peralta and Buchhold 2011). The ensemble members are thus not exchangeable. The preoperational phase of the COSMO-DE ensemble prediction system started on 9 December 2010 and the operational phase was launched on 22 May 2012.
We employ 21-h forecasts from the preoperational phase initialized at 0000 UTC; our entire dataset consists of forecasts from 10 December 2010 to 30 November 2011. As we use a rolling training period of 25 days to fit the parameters of the statistical postprocessing methods, the evaluation period runs from 5 January 2011 to 30 November 2011. If at least one ensemble member forecast is missing at all observation locations on a specific day, we omit this day from the dataset. This way, 10 days are eliminated with 346 days remaining. The temperature observations we employ stem from 514 synoptic observation (SYNOP) stations over Germany. Their locations are shown in Fig. 2. The forecasts are interpolated from the forecast grid to the station locations using bilinear interpolation. Many of the stations have some missing data. In total, we evaluate forecasts for 117 879 verifying observations over 346 days. The COSMO model uses a rotated spherical coordinate system in order to project the geographical coordinates to the plane with distortions as small as possible (Doms and Schättler 2002, their section 3.3), with 421 × 461 equidistant grid points in the meridional and zonal direction. We adopt this coordinate system to calculate horizontal distances within the framework of our spatial correlation models.
3. Univariate postprocessing
a. NGR for temperature
In the formulation in (1), the regression coefficients b1, …, bM can take any value in
b. Locally adaptive NGR
The NGR postprocessing in (1) makes the same adjustments of ensemble mean and variance at all locations. However, it has been argued that systematic model biases may vary in space due to incomplete resolution of the orography or different land-use characteristics. Similarly, the prediction uncertainty may differ between locations in a way that is not represented by the ensemble spread (Kleiber et al. 2011; Scheuerer and Büermann 2014; Scheuerer and König 2014).
c. Ensemble BMA
d. Parameter estimation in the univariate setting
We focus on the NGR+ formulation of the NGR method in (1) and the NGRc extension in (2). The parameter estimation for both methods proceeds in a similar manner. It is assumed that the forecast error statistics change only slowly over time and a rolling training window
The parameters of the NGRc method are estimated in two steps. In a first step, the regression parameters b1, …, bM in (2) are estimated by weighted least squares using a penalized version of the loss function to prevent overfitting [see Scheuerer and König (2014) for details]. The estimated parameters
We estimate the ensemble BMA parameters using the R package ensemble BMA employing the same training period
4. Multivariate methods
a. Ensemble copula coupling
b. Spatial NGR
The GOP (Gel et al. 2004) approach was originally introduced as an inexpensive substitute of a dynamical ensemble based on a single numerical weather prediction. It dresses the deterministic forecast with a simulated forecast error field according to a spatial random process, thus perturbing the outputs of the NWP models rather than their inputs. We propose a spatial NGR method that adopts the ideas from GOP and combines them with the univariate NGR methods described in sections 3a and 3b. The result is a multivariate predictive distribution that generates spatially coherent forecast fields, while retaining the univariate NGR marginals. The spatial NGR method can thus also be seen as a fully parametric Gaussian copula approach (Möller et al. 2013; Schefzik et al. 2013).
c. Spatial BMA
The spatial BMA approach by Berrocal et al. (2007) combines ensemble BMA with the GOP method of Gel et al. (2004) in a similar way as the spatial NGR methods described in the previous section except that M error field models are constructed, one for each ensemble member. It, thus, also differs from spatial NGR in the manner in which realizations of the multivariate predictive distribution are simulated. For simulating a temperature forecast field under spatial BMA, we first randomly choose a member of the dynamical ensemble according to the ensemble BMA weights in (3), and then dress the corresponding bias-corrected forecast field with an error field that has a stationary covariance structure specific to this member. As the forecast field is chosen at random and the covariance function is member specific, the final covariance structure becomes nonstationary. This comes at the expense of having to estimate M different covariance functions. The spatial NGR approach, on the contrary, is based on a single correlation function, which results in a rather simple spatial dependence structure. Here, the corresponding realizations become nonstationary through the scaling of the stationary error field
d. Estimating the correlation parameters
5. Forecast evaluation methods
Statistical postprocessing aims at correcting systematic biases and/or misrepresentation of the forecast uncertainty in the raw ensemble and, in our case, returns full probabilistic distributions. To evaluate the predictive performance of the methods under consideration, we follow Gneiting et al. (2007) who state that the goal of probabilistic forecasting is to maximize the sharpness of the predictive distribution subject to calibration.
a. Assessing calibration
Calibration refers to the statistical compatibility between forecasts and observations; the forecast is calibrated if the observation cannot be distinguished from a random draw from the predictive distribution. For continuous univariate distributions, calibration can be assessed empirically by plotting the histogram of the probability integral transform (PIT)—the value of the predictive cumulative distribution function in the observed value (Dawid 1984; Gneiting et al. 2007)—over all forecast cases. A forecasting method that is calibrated on average will return a uniform histogram, a ∩-shape indicates overdispersion and a ∪-shape indicates underdispersion, while a systematic bias results in a triangular shape histogram. The discrete equivalent of the PIT histogram, which applies to ensemble forecasts, is the verification rank histogram (Anderson 1996; Hamill and Colucci 1997). It shows the distribution of the ranks of the observations within the corresponding ensembles and has the same interpretation as the PIT histogram. To facilitate direct comparison of the various methods, we only employ the rank histogram. That is, for the continuous predictive distributions, we create a 20-member ensemble given by 20 random samples from the distribution.
Alternatively, we also investigate the fit of the correlation structure by investigating the calibration of predicted temperature differences between close-by stations that we define to be all stations within a 50-km neighborhood of the station under consideration. The form of the predictive distribution of the temperature differences under the various models is given in the appendix. If the strength of spatial correlations implied by the respective postprocessing approach is adequate, the predictive distributions of temperature differences are calibrated and the corresponding PIT values are uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. Underestimating the correlation strength would entail ∩-shaped PIT histograms (i.e., PIT values would tend to accumulate around 0.5). Conversely, overestimating the correlation strength would yield PIT values closer to 0 or 1. A station-specific PIT histogram may thus be summarized by the mean absolute deviations (MADs) of the PIT values from 0.5 over all verification days and all temperature differences between this station and stations within the 50-km neighborhood. A flat histogram translates into an MAD of 0.25, smaller values go along with ∩-shaped histograms, and larger values go along with ∪-shaped histograms.
b. Scoring rules
Finally, we provide some error measures of the deterministic forecasts that are obtained as functionals (e.g., mean or median) of the predictive distributions. For univariate probabilistic forecasts, the mean absolute error (MAE) and the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) assess the average proximity of the observation to the center of the predictive distribution. The absolute error is calculated as the absolute difference between the observation and the median of the predictive distribution, while the squared error is calculated using the mean of the predictive distribution (Gneiting 2011). The Euclidean error (EE) is the natural generalization of the absolute error to higher dimensions. It is given by the Euclidean distance between the observation and the median of the predictive distribution.
Approaches to calculate the various scores under our prediction models are discussed in the appendix.
c. Confidence intervals for score differences
To assess the statistical significance of the score difference between two different approaches, we provide 95% confidence intervals for some of the more interesting pairings. Following Efron and Tibshirani (1993) and Hamill (1999) we generate 10 000-member bootstrap sample of the daily score differences (univariate scores are averaged over all locations), take the average over each sample, and report the 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles of the 10 000 average score differences obtained in this way. The implicit assumption that score differences are approximately independent from one day to the next seems justified in our setting where a forecast lead time of less than 1 day is considered, which implies that the underlying NWP model is reinitialized between two consecutive forecast days. We consider the score difference between two methods significant if zero is outside the 95% confidence interval.
6. Results
In this section we present the results of applying the univariate NGR+ and NGRc postprocessing methods as well as their spatial extensions to forecasts from the COSME-DE ensemble prediction system, described in section 2. Additionally, we provide a comparison to the univariate ensemble BMA method of Raftery et al. (2005) and the multivariate spatial BMA approach, proposed by Berrocal et al. (2007).
a. Univariate predictive performance
Measures of univariate predictive performance of the raw COSMO-DE ensemble and the postprocessed forecasts under NGR+, NGRc, and BMA are given in Table 1. A simple approach to assess calibration and sharpness of univariate probabilistic forecasts is to calculate the nominal coverage and width of prediction intervals. If the ensemble members and the observation are exchangeable, the probability that the observation lies within the ensemble range is 19/21 × 100% ≈ 90.5%, and so we take this as the nominal level of the considered prediction intervals. While the raw ensemble returns very sharp forecasts, it is severely underdispersive as can be seen by the insufficient coverage. This is also reflected in the numerical scores that are significantly better for all three postprocessing methods. NGR+ and ensemble BMA return essentially identical scores, improving upon the ensemble by 34% in terms of the CRPS and by approximately 18% in terms of both MAE and RMSE. Ensemble BMA returns minimally wider prediction intervals than NGR+, but yields an empirical coverage that is closest to the nominal 90.5%. The locally adaptive postprocessing of NGRc is slightly underdispersive, but yields the best overall scores and approximately 10% narrower prediction intervals than NGR+ on average. The station-specific reliability indices indicate that the postprocessing improves the calibration consistently across the country with the postprocessing methods always yielding lower indices than the raw ensemble. The 95% confidence intervals (not shown here) for the differences in CRPS, MAE, and RMSE between the different methods show that the performance of NGR+ and BMA is not statistically significant; all other score differences observed in Table 1 are statistically significant.
Mean CRPS, MAE, and RMSE for 21-h temperature forecasts aggregated over all 514 stations and 346 days in the test set. Also reported here are the average width (PI-W) and coverage (PI-C) of 90.5% prediction intervals aggregated over the entire test set and the mean (RI-mean), minimum (RI-min), and maximum (RI-max) station-specific reliability indices.
b. Spatial calibration
In Fig. 3 we assess the calibration of the joint forecast fields at all 514 observation stations in Germany using multivariate band depth rank histograms. Without additional spatial modeling (i.e., assuming independent forecast errors at the different stations) the multivariate calibration of BMA, NGR+, and NGRc is rather poor, despite their good marginal calibration. The three spatial forecasts that are based on parametric modeling of the error field (spatial BMA, spatial NGR+, and spatial NGRc) significantly improve upon the calibration of the univariate methods, in particular spatial NGRc. However, the strength of the correlations seems somewhat too low as the observed field is too often either the most central or the most outlying field resulting in a ∪-shaped histogram [see also section 4 of Thorarinsdottir et al. (2014)]. In contrast, the combination of ECC and NGR produces forecast fields where the strength of the correlations appears slightly too high. This result is consistent with the spatial correlation patterns portrayed in Fig. 1 where the raw ensemble—and thus also the ECC fields—appears to have distinctly less spatial variability than the estimated Gaussian error fields.
In our spatial NGR+/NGRc model we made the simplifying assumption of a stationary and isotropic correlation function. To check whether this assumption is appropriate or whether correlation strengths vary strongly over the domain considered here, we study the PITs of predicted temperature differences between close-by stations. We focus on the NGRc model and its spatial extensions where we can assume that the univariate predictive distributions have no local biases and reflect the local prediction uncertainty reasonably well (Scheuerer and König 2014). Departures from uniformity can then be attributed to misspecifications of the correlation strength. Figure 4 depicts, for each station, the mean absolute deviations of the PIT values from 0.5 over all verification days and all temperature differences between this station and stations within a 50-km neighborhood. As expected, in the absence of a spatial model the magnitude of temperature differences is overestimated. When ECC is used to restore the rank correlations of the raw ensemble, it is underestimated (i.e., spatial correlations are too strong), which is in line with our conclusions from Fig. 3. On average, the mean absolute deviations from 0.5 of the PIT values corresponding to spatial NGRc are closest to the value 0.25, which corresponds to perfect calibration. However, the adequate correlation strength varies across the domain. The assumption of stationarity and isotropy of our statistical correlation model entails too weak correlations over the north German plain and too strong correlations near the Alpine foothills and in the vicinity of the various low mountain ranges. That is, (10) presents a good first approximation, but a more sophisticated, nonstationary correlation model may yield further improvement.
c. Case study I: Predictive performance in Saarland
For a more quantitative assessment of multivariate predictive performance, we focus on two smaller subsets of the 514 stations. This is necessary because in our own experience, the lack of sensitivity of the energy score in (13) to misspecifications of the spatial correlation structure (Pinson and Tastu 2013) becomes even worse as the dimension of locations considered simultaneously increases.
First, we consider the joint predictive distribution at the seven stations in the state of Saarland (see Fig. 2). The corresponding multivariate band depth rank histograms in Fig. 5 confirm the conclusions from the preceding subsection in that spatial modeling significantly improves the joint calibration of the standard (nonspatial) postprocessing methods. The histograms for spatial BMA and spatial NGR+ are still somewhat ∪-shaped, while the one for ECC NGRc is ∩-shaped. Those for spatial NGRc and ECC NGR+ are slightly ∩-shaped, but closest to uniformity, which suggests that the corresponding predictions have the best calibration overall. In all histograms the lower ranks are somewhat more populated than the higher ranks, which is in line with our conclusion from Table 1 that the postprocessed forecasts tend to be slightly underdispersive.
Table 2 shows the multivariate scores over this region, and while these results are subject to some sampling variability, they show again a clear tendency of the spatial models yielding better multivariate performance than their univariate counterparts with spatial NGRc being especially competitive. Somewhat surprisingly, the energy scores of ECC NGRc and ECC NGR+ are larger than those of NGRc and NGR+. A look at Fig. 4 suggests that in the particular region considered here the overestimation of spatial dependence by the ECC technique might be more serious than its underestimation by completely ignoring spatial correlations. While the latter seems to have a strong impact on the band depth rank histograms (see Fig. 5), the energy score seems to be more sensitive to overestimation of spatial dependence, putting the ECC-based spatial models to the rear places in the performance ranking. The confidence intervals in Table 3 show that the energy score differences observed in Table 2 are statistically significant with the exception of the difference between spatial BMA and spatial NGR+. With respect to the Euclidean error of the predictive medians, on the contrary, there are no significant differences between spatial and nonspatial methods. Here, it is mainly the local adaptivity of the NGRc approach that yields a significant improvement over NGR+ and BMA. Finally, the Dawid–Sebastiani scores confirm the ranking between the spatial and nonspatial variants of BMA, NGR+, and NGRc. They do not permit a reasonable comparison with the ECC ensembles and the raw ensemble, though. The latter consist of only 20 members—as opposed to a very large sample that can be generated by all other methods—which does not warrant a stable estimation of the empirical covariance matrix. This can be disastrous when calculating the Dawid–Sebastiani score in (14) and it shows that it can be problematic in certain contexts that ECC NGR+ and ECC NGRc inherit the sometimes close to singular correlation matrices from the raw COSMO-DE ensemble forecasts.
Average ES, EE, and DS of joint temperature forecasts at seven observation stations in the state of Saarland in Germany over all 346 days in the test set.
The 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for differences in the average ES and EE between selected postprocessing methods for seven observation stations in the state of Saarland in Germany over all 346 days in the test set.
d. Case study II: Minimum temperature along the highway A3
As a second example in which the multivariate aspect of the predictive distributions becomes noticeable, we consider the task of predicting the minimum temperature along a section of the highway A3, which connects the two cities Frankfurt am Main and Cologne, Germany. For consistency with the forecasts at the individual stations and with other composite quantities, we do not set up a separate postprocessing model for minimum temperature, but derive it by taking the minimum over 11 stations along this section of the A3.
Since the minimum of several random variables depends not only on their means and variances, but also on their correlations, we expect that only the spatial postprocessing methods can provide calibrated probabilistic forecasts. Indeed, the histograms in Fig. 6 show that without spatial modeling the minimum temperature is systematically underestimated. This is a consequence of the fact that the minimum over independent random variables is on average much smaller than the minimum over positively correlated random variables. This systematic underestimation is largely avoided by spatial BMA, spatial NGR+, and spatial NGRc while the ECC techniques here yield the histograms closest to uniformity. This clear advantage of postprocessing methods that account for spatial correlations is further confirmed by the CRPS and MAE scores in Table 4, and the corresponding confidence intervals in Table 5.
CRPS and MAE for minimum temperature forecasts over 11 stations along the highway A3 averaged over all verification days. The last column gives the BS for the event that the temperature drops below freezing (0°C) at at least one of these stations, averaged over the subset of verification days in January, February, and November 2011.
The 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for differences in the CRPS, MAE, and BS between selected postprocessing methods for minimum temperature forecasts over 11 stations along the highway A3 averaged over all verification days.
As an application and example of the relevance of spatial modeling in practice, consider the decision problem of dispatching or not dispatching salt spreaders when the temperatures along the considered section of the A3 are predicted to fall below 0°C. The event “temperature falls below 0°C at at least one location along the A3” is equivalent to “minimum temperature along the A3 falls below 0°C,” and good decisions are, therefore, taken if this event is predicted accurately. The last column of Table 4 shows the corresponding average Brier scores (BS) over the verification days in the winter months of January, February, and November, and illustrates once again that appropriate consideration of spatial dependence is required to take full advantage of statistical postprocessing.
7. Discussion
In this paper we have proposed a postprocessing method for temperature that uses the information of a dynamical ensemble as inputs and generates a calibrated statistical ensemble as an output. By following this approach, it not only yields calibrated marginal predictive distributions but entire temperature forecast fields, thus aiming for multivariate calibration. The importance of this property is underlined by the results presented in section 6 where forecasts of spatially aggregated quantities are studied and spatial correlations have to be considered. Our spatial NGR+ approach performs similar to the spatial BMA approach of Berrocal et al. (2007). However, it is conceptually simpler and computationally more efficient; the estimation of the spatial correlation structure of spatial BMA is M times more expensive than that of spatial NGR+, where M is the size of the original ensemble. This makes it an attractive alternative, especially since further extensions—such as the spatial NGRc method presented here—are also easier to implement.
In our case study using the ensemble forecasts of the COSMO-DE-EPS, the performance of the parametric spatial methods was overall slightly better than the results obtained by modeling spatial dependence via ECC. However, this result may not hold in all cases. When the (spatial) correlation structure of the ensemble represents the true multivariate uncertainty well, methods that use or retain the rank correlations (Roulin and Vannitsem 2012; Schefzik et al. 2013; Van Schaeybroeck and Vannitsem 2014) have the potential advantage that they can feature flow-dependent dependence structures while the statistical models presented here rely on the assumption that correlations are constant over a certain period of time. A statistical approach, on the other hand, has the advantage that it determines the correlation structure based on both forecasts and observations, and thus does not inherit (or even amplify) spurious and wrong correlations that may be present in the ensemble.
The exponential correlation function used by Gel et al. (2004), Berrocal et al. (2007), and in the present paper is, of course, a somewhat simplistic model. While replacing it by a function from the more general Matérn class, which nests the exponential model as a special case, did not improve the performance of our method, Fig. 4 suggests that a nonstationary correlation function might yield a better approximation of the true spatial dependence structure. There are a number of nonparametric modeling approaches that can potentially deal with these kinds of effects (Anderes 2011; Lindgren et al. 2011; Jun et al. 2011; Kleiber et al. 2013). However, this is rather challenging and left for future research.
A further extension of the approach presented here concerns correlations between different lead times. Instead of modeling spatial correlations only once, one would need to set up a model that captures correlations in both space and time. Similarly, some applications require appropriate correlations between different weather variables. This presents yet another multivariate aspect that has been addressed by Möller et al. (2013). Taking all three aspects—space, time, and different variables—into account would be the ultimate goal in multivariate modeling. At the same time, this further increases the level of complexity so that in this very general setting the ECC approach might be preferred just for the sake of simplicity.
The authors thank Tilmann Gneiting for sharing his thoughts and expertise. This work was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, within the framework of the extramural research program of Deutscher Wetterdienst and by Statistics for Innovation, sfi2 in Oslo, Norway.
Predictive Distributions for Temperature Differences
Assuming no local biases and marginal calibration, the calibration of the temperature difference forecasts mainly depends on the correct specification of
Calculation of scoring rules
The Euclidean error (EE) requires the median of a multivariate predictive distribution. It is estimated using the functionality of the R package ICSNP (Nordhausen et al. 2014).
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