1. Introduction
Seasonal climate forecasts from coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models (GCMs) are routinely issued by meteorological forecasting centers around the world (Troccoli 2010). Forecasts of climate variables such as temperature and rainfall are highly sought after by climate-sensitive industries such as agriculture, water management, mining, and insurance. Not only can quality seasonal forecasts forewarn of changes in climatic conditions, but they can influence decision-making and, in turn, affect business and environmental outcomes (e.g., Everingham et al. 2008, 2012).
In mid-2013, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology first issued official seasonal climate forecasts based on outputs from the Predictive Ocean Atmosphere Model for Australia (POAMA). POAMA is a coupled ocean–atmosphere GCM set up specifically for seasonal forecasting (Hudson et al. 2013; Marshall et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2011). GCMs produce forecasts for a wide array of oceanic, atmospheric, and land surface variables. Forecasts for local climate conditions can, therefore, be viewed in the context of an overall global climate forecast. For example, a seasonal climate forecast for an important agricultural region can be considered in the wider context of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), subsurface ocean temperatures, and polar circulations. GCMs are able to provide forecasts many months into the future. For example, POAMA forecasts up to nine months ahead from the model initialization date. Appreciably then, GCMs are potentially useful for forecasting the evolution of large-scale climatic patterns such as ENSO.
There are a number of challenges that must be overcome if GCMs are to be widely adopted by the aforementioned industries. GCM outputs are frequently biased relative to observations and their ensembles are unreliable in conveying uncertainty through appropriate spread. Barnston et al. (2015) provide an up-to-date discussion of this. The consequence is that raw GCM forecasts are unsuitable as direct inputs to the types of quantitative models used in, for example, agriculture and water management. For practical applications in such industries, GCM forecasts can be statistically postprocessed to correct bias and ensemble uncertainty spread (e.g., Feddersen et al. 1999; Gneiting et al. 2005).
Simple pooling of forecasts to create multimodel ensembles—such as the North American Multimodel Ensemble (Kirtman et al. 2014)—can improve forecast accuracy by cancelling uncorrelated model errors. However, multimodel forecasts can still have limited skill in discriminating climate events and cannot be assured to reliably convey forecast uncertainty. In the 1990s and first decade of the 2000s, postprocessing methods predominantly used singular value decomposition analysis and canonical correlation analysis in conjunction with multiple linear regression equations (Bartman et al. 2003; Feddersen et al. 1999; Lim et al. 2011). However, statistical corrections can be unstable due to short data records and therefore forecast uncertainty requires more rigorous treatment. Lim et al. (2011) suggested that Bayesian approaches could be better suited to postprocessing GCM outputs. Over the past decade, Bayesian methods have become increasingly popular in hydro-climate forecasting in order to better capture forecast uncertainty, improve reliability, and combine multiple model forecasts (e.g., Coelho et al. 2004; DeChant and Moradkhani 2014; Dutton et al. 2013; Herr and Krzysztofowicz 2015; Jo et al. 2012; Luo et al. 2007).
Even though Bayesian methods can improve forecast accuracy and reliability through forecast calibration and combination, forecast skill can still be low after postprocessing. Individual GCMs differ in their representation of large-scale climate patterns such as ENSO and the Indian Ocean dipole (Barnston and Tippett 2013; Shi et al. 2012). Additionally, individual models vary in their representation of the teleconnections between the large-scale climate patterns and local rainfall and temperature (e.g., Kim et al. 2012). In Australia, several studies have analyzed the relationships between POAMA SST patterns and rainfall and temperature (Lim et al. 2009; White et al. 2014; Zhao and Hendon 2009). Forecast skill can be unrealized if teleconnections are poorly represented. Thus statistical postprocessing methods that can induce additional skill by overcoming poorly represented teleconnections will be at an advantage.
Recent work has led to the calibration, bridging, and merging (CBaM) method for postprocessing GCM rainfall forecasts (Schepen and Wang 2014; Schepen et al. 2014). CBaM makes the best use of GCM outputs by capturing and combining the information available in multiple output fields. Calibration is postprocessing GCM forecasts using a statistical model. In CBaM, the Bayesian joint probability modeling approach (Wang and Robertson 2011; Wang et al. 2009) is used. Bridging is the production of alternative forecasts, also through a statistical model, that has the GCM’s forecasts of climate indices as predictors (Lim et al. 2011; Schepen and Wang 2014; Schepen et al. 2014). Merging is the optimal combination of calibration and bridging forecasts from one or more GCMs. CBaM uses model averaging (Schepen and Wang 2015; Schepen et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2012) for merging. The current preferred merging method is Bayesian model averaging (BMA). The BMA method, detailed by Wang et al. (2012), builds on the earlier BMA methods by Hoeting et al. (1999) and Raftery et al. (2005). CBaM has been demonstrated to produce rainfall forecasts that are reliable in ensemble spread and to maximize skill through the combination of calibration and bridging. CBaM has been tested for rainfall forecasting in Australia (Hawthorne et al. 2013; Schepen and Wang 2013, 2014; Schepen et al. 2014) and China (Peng et al. 2014). CBaM needs to be tested as an effective tool in postprocessing a wider range of climate variables. For example, a crop forecasting model may take temperature as an input alongside rainfall. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology makes publicly available forecasts of minimum and maximum temperature. However, for applications such as the aforementioned crop modeling, it is essential that the necessary climate variables are postprocessed in a consistent way. It is therefore a logical next step to test CBaM on minimum and maximum temperature forecasts. Through testing of CBaM for postprocessing temperature, we refine the methods to produce a more widely applicable and useful version of CBaM.
In this study, we investigate the application of CBaM to postprocess forecasts of POAMA seasonal (three month) minimum temperature (Tmin) and maximum temperature (Tmax) in Australia. We extend the work of Schepen et al. (2014) who investigated CBaM for postprocessing POAMA forecasts of Australian seasonal rainfall. POAMA is still the current operational forecasting GCM in Australia. This work targets forecasts issued one month in advance. We consider the entire Australian continent and forecasts issued monthly. The analysis is therefore consistent with the type of climate outlooks that are issued operationally in Australia. Although the focus is on development of CBaM using POAMA and Australian data, it is anticipated that the method will be transferrable to other GCMs and countries.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 details the GCM and observed data used in this study. Section 3 details the CBaM and verification methods. Section 4 presents the results in a straightforward manner. Section 5 contains a detailed discussion of the results and outlines avenues for future research. Section 6 summarizes the study and points out the main conclusions.
2. Data
a. GCM forecasts of temperature
The GCM used in this investigation is POAMA. POAMA version M2.4 is a coupled ocean–atmosphere GCM set up specifically for seasonal forecasting in Australia (Hudson et al. 2013; Marshall et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2011). The atmospheric spatial resolution is approximately 250 km. POAMA comprises coupled atmospheric, oceanic, and land surface modules as well as ocean and atmosphere–land initialization schemes. Atmospheric and land initial conditions are created by forcing POAMA’s atmospheric module with observed SST and nudging winds, temperatures, and humidity toward an observationally based analysis (Hudson et al. 2011). Ocean initial conditions are produced separately using an ensemble ocean data assimilation system (PEODAS; Yin et al. 2011). Final perturbed ocean and atmosphere initial conditions are created jointly using a coupled breeding technique (Hudson et al. 2013). The number of ensemble members is 33.
Long periods of data (at least 25 years) are needed for establishing CBaM models and for forecast verification. Fortunately, POAMA hindcasts (simulated forecasts of past events) are available and used in this study. Specifically, we use hindcasts initialized from 1 December 1981 to 1 November 2010. These start dates correspond to 1-month ahead forecasts for the period January–March (JFM) 1982 to December–February (DJF) 2010–11 (hereafter all 3-month ranges will be abbreviated by the first letter of each month).
The variables of interest in this study are minimum temperature (Tmin) and maximum temperature (Tmax). Tmin is the minimum temperature in the preceding 24-h period. Similarly, Tmax is the maximum temperature in the preceding 24-h period. The POAMA hindcast dataset makes available monthly Tmin and Tmax output fields whereby monthly values represent a monthly average of daily values. Seasonal forecasts of Tmin and Tmax are obtained by averaging monthly values across three sequential months.
b. GCM forecasts of climate indices
Climate patterns in the Pacific and Indian Oceans affect Australian climate in certain parts of the year; climate indices are therefore useful indicators or predictors of Australian climate (e.g., Risbey et al. 2009; Schepen et al. 2012). POAMA forecasts of climate indices are calculated from ensemble-mean POAMA sea surface temperature (SST) fields. The indices represent future SST conditions in the Pacific and Indian Oceans for the forecast period. The Niño-3, Niño-3.4, Niño-4, and El Niño Modoki (EMI) indices are used to capture ENSO teleconnections from the Pacific region. The Indian Ocean dipole mode index (DMI), its poles, and the Indonesian SST index capture teleconnections from the Indian Ocean region. Seasonal forecasts of climate indices are obtained by averaging monthly values across three sequential months.
c. Observed temperature
Seasonal Tmin and Tmax values are obtained from the Australian Water Availability Project’s 0.05° × 0.05° gridded climate dataset (Jones et al. 2009). The data are regridded to match the POAMA grid of approximately 2.5° resolution. To match the period of M2.4 hindcasts, observed data from January 1982 to February 2011 are used.
3. Methods
The CBaM method for postprocessing seasonal climate forecasts links together Bayesian joint probability (BJP) modeling (Wang and Robertson 2011; Wang et al. 2009) and BMA (Wang et al. 2012). A calibration model is a BJP model for correcting bias and ensemble spread in raw GCM forecasts of a climate variable. A bridging model is a BJP model that produces alternative forecasts of the climate variable by using predictors derived from other GCM output fields. Each of the bridging models is established with a single climate index predictor. CBaM BJP models have a bivariate normal distribution at their core, and allow data transformation in fitting the model. Inverse transformation is used in forecasting mode, which is achieved by conditioning the model on new predictor values. BJP models produce ensemble forecasts, which can be merged using BMA in a separate step. The BMA model assigns weights to BJP calibration and bridging models based on performance for predicting historical events. The BMA method described by Wang et al. (2012) includes a weight-stabilizing prior and separates BJP model establishment from combination. The final BMA merged forecast is obtained by sampling from the calibration and bridging forecasts in proportion to the BMA weights.
The methods for establishing BJP and BMA models and their use for ensemble forecasting are described in mathematical detail in the subsequent subsections. The methods for verification follow. The experimental process for this study is outlined in Fig. 1.
a. BJP model description
b. BJP inference
1) Prior specification
2) Inference of fixed transformation parameters
3) Inference of bivariate normal parameters
c. BJP forecast ensemble generation
In this study, 1000 parameter sets are sampled, representing the posterior distribution of
d. BMA model description
e. BMA inference
1) Prior specification
2) Model weights inference
A modified iterative expectation–maximization (E-M) algorithm that accounts for the effect of the prior (Cheng et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2012; Zivkovic and van der Heijden 2004) is used to find the MAP estimates of the weights.
3) BMA forecast ensemble merging
BJP modeling yields a large number of ensemble members for each model forecast. The BMA-merged forecast ensemble is obtained by randomly drawing ensemble members from each model’s forecast ensemble according to the model weights. For example, if the number of ensemble members for each forecast is 1000 and
f. Verification
In this study, we assess the performance of forecasts for the period JFM 1982 to DJF 2010–11. Forecasts are produced for each grid cell and season independently. The skill of calibration, bridging, and merging forecasts are compared to evaluate the benefit of bridging over calibration alone. We also contrast the skill and reliability of CBaM postprocessed forecasts with mean-corrected raw forecasts to demonstrate the need for more sophisticated postprocessing methods.
The mean-corrected and CBaM forecast results are cross validated using leave-one-year-out cross validation. For each historical forecast event to be tested, the data points for the year to be forecast are omitted from the BJP and BMA inferences. This procedure is repeated for each event in the historical record. Each forecast event to be verified is therefore made with a separate cross-validation model. Although leave-one-year-out cross validation does not assure testing of perfectly independent events, we consider it to be suitable for the conclusions drawn in this paper; particularly as we are analyzing the relative performance of different postprocessing measures in a consistent way.
A bootstrap procedure is used to detect if the skill scores of merged forecasts are significantly higher or lower compared to calibration forecasts. Uncertainty in the skill scores is primarily due to a limited number of forecast events. A bootstrap procedure is used to build up a plausible distribution of calibration CRPS skill scores, which is represented by the CDF
Reliability, sharpness, and resolution are assessed for binary expressions of the probabilistic forecasts by plotting an attributes diagram (Hsu and Murphy 1986). Here, we express the forecasts as the probability of exceeding the observed climatological median. Reliability and resolution are checked by plotting the forecast probabilities of events against their observed relative frequencies. Sharpness is checked by plotting the relative proportions of forecasts in bins of the forecast probability. We note that the test against the observed climatological median is more stringent than a test against a modeled median. Any systematic residual bias will become obvious when testing against the observed median.
In construction of the attributes diagrams the forecast probabilities are binned into bins of width 0.1. The plotting points for the x axis are the average forecast probabilities within each bin. The plotting points on the y axis are the observed relative frequencies. The size of the dots represents the proportion of forecasts in the bin and, therefore, forecast sharpness. If forecast probabilities are reliable (i.e., consistent with the observed relative frequencies of occurrence) the centers of the dots will align with the 1:1 line.
4. Results
a. Skill—minimum temperature
Prior to verifying the CBaM Tmin forecasts, we establish the skill of mean-corrected raw Tmin forecasts, to provide a further basis for comparison. Spatial and seasonal CRPS skill scores for simple mean-corrected Tmin forecasts are presented in Fig. 2. There is one panel for each season from JFM to DJF. The skill scores represent the skill in the original 33-member forecast ensembles after mean bias has been removed. It is clear that simple mean bias correction is ineffective as a method for calibrating POAMA Tmin forecasts. CRPS skill scores for many regions and seasons are largely negative. We will reflect further on these results in the discussion (section 5).
We now turn to results from CBaM. Spatial and seasonal CRPS skill scores for Tmin-calibration forecasts are presented in Fig. 3. Since calibration applies corrections to bias and ensemble spread, these skill scores represent the recovery of inherent skill in the raw Tmin forecasts for each grid cell. CRPS skill scores for Tmin-calibration forecasts are in the realm of −5 to 30. The range of skill scores is congruent with expectations for seasonal climate forecasts, which are generally of low skill (e.g., Langford and Hendon 2013). There is positive skill across parts of eastern Australia from SON to FMA and across northern Australia from JJA to ASO. Slightly negative skill is evident in many regions, for example, in southeast Australia in JJA. In the absence of real forecasting skill, CBaM returns the forecasts to climatology, resulting in marginally negative skill in cross validation.
Spatial and seasonal CRPS skill scores for Tmin-bridging forecasts are presented in Fig. 4. These skill scores represent the skill that can be obtained by ignoring the direct temperature output and considering solely the large-scale climate patterns. CRPS skill scores for POAMA Tmin forecasts are again in the realm of −5 to 30. However, positive skill is evident over a larger proportion of grid cells compared to calibration. There is positive skill across large swathes of Australia from JAS to DJF. Positive skill is limited for JFM–JJA except for AMJ, when weakly positive skill is widespread across Western Australia.
The results for Tmin-calibration skill scores and Tmin-bridging skill scores (Figs. 3 and 4) suggest that bridging can be very effective for improving the skill of POAMA Tmin forecasts. Merging calibration and bridging forecasts is therefore expected to yield higher overall skill. Spatial and seasonal CRPS skill scores for Tmin-merged forecasts are presented in Fig. 5. Green triangles indicate significant improvement in skill due to bridging whereas red triangles indicate significant worsening of skill due to bridging. The regions of positive skill are consistent with the regions of positive skill for Tmin calibration and Tmin bridging. There are regions and seasons where calibration and bridging are similarly skillful (e.g., in southeastern Australia in SON). In this case merging does not significantly improve skill. There are regions and seasons where calibration yields no skill, yet bridging yields considerable skill. An example is the eastern coast in ASO. Overall, the addition of bridging significantly improves skill over calibration in approximately 17% of grid cells. The addition of bridging worsens skill in approximately 1% of grid cells. The CBaM Tmin-merged forecasts are considerably more skillful than the mean-corrected raw Tmin forecasts (cf. Figs. 5 and 2).
b. Skill—maximum temperature
Spatial and seasonal CRPS skill scores for simple mean-corrected Tmax forecasts are presented in Fig. 6, reaffirming the result for Tmin that simple mean bias correction is ineffective for calibrating POAMA temperature forecasts.
Spatial and seasonal CRPS skill scores for Tmax-calibration forecasts are presented in Fig. 7. The Tmax-calibration skill scores are evidently higher than the Tmin-calibration skill scores in a high proportion of grid cells. There is positive skill across eastern Australia in all seasons. There is positive skill across northern Australia, most pervasively from FMA to JAS, but also evident in other seasons. Positive skill for Western Australia is most pervasive FMA–MJJ but is also evident in other seasons, notably OND–DJF. There is no skill for few regions and seasons, for example, in central Australia in DJF.
Spatial and seasonal CRPS skill scores for Tmax-bridging forecasts are presented in Fig. 8. While skill is obtainable by solely considering large-scale climate patterns, Tmax-calibration skill scores exceed Tmax-bridging skill scores for most grid cells. However, Tmax-bridging skill scores exceed Tmax-calibration skill scores chiefly in OND and NDJ. Spatial and seasonal CRPS skill scores for Tmax-merged forecasts are presented in Fig. 9. The green and red triangles indicate significant improvement or worsening in Tmax-merged skill scores due to bridging. The regions of positive skill are consistent with the regions of positive skill for Tmax calibration and Tmax bridging. The addition of bridging is confirmed to significantly improve skill in OND and NDJ. Overall bridging significantly improves skill over calibration in approximately 6% of grid cells. Bridging worsens skill in less than 1% of grid cells. The CRPS skill score results are summarized in Fig. 10, which shows the proportion of grid cells where the merged forecast skill scores are significantly improved or worsened by the inclusion of bridging.
c. Reliability—minimum and maximum temperature
The overall reliability and sharpness attributes of the merged forecasts are visually assessed using an attributes diagram. The attributes diagram for Tmin merged is Fig. 11 and the attributes diagram for mean-corrected raw Tmin is Fig. 12. The attributes diagram for Tmax merged is Fig. 13 and the attributes diagram for mean-corrected raw Tmax is Fig. 14. In construction of each diagram, all forecasts for all grid cells and seasons are pooled.
For both Tmin merged and Tmax merged (Figs. 11 and 13), the dots align well with the 1:1 line, indicating reliable forecasts. The dots for more emphatic probabilities deviate somewhat from the 1:1 line; however, due to the generally low skill of the forecasts, there are fewer forecasts and therefore the values are subject to greater uncertainty. Focusing on forecast sharpness, we observe forecasted probabilities are clustered toward the climatological probability and there are few events with emphatic probabilities. The higher skill of Tmax forecasts is reflected in the sharpness attribute with more forecasts deviating from climatological probability than for Tmin. The results for mean-corrected raw Tmin and Tmax (Figs. 12 and 14) are in stark contrast to the CBaM-postprocessed forecasts. The raw mean-corrected forecasts are sharper, as evidenced by higher frequency of more emphatic forecast probabilities; however, the forecast probabilities are not reconciled with observed relative frequencies. The evident reliability of CBaM Tmin and Tmax forecasts confirm that CBaM is far more effective at postprocessing temperature forecasts than simple mean correction.
5. Discussion
a. Discussion of results
The results show that CBaM is an effective method for maximizing the skill of POAMA seasonal Tmin and Tmax forecasts for Australia. Skillful Tmin forecasts are primarily achieved through bridging. Skillful Tmax forecasts are primarily achieved through calibration. These results build upon the previous findings of Schepen et al. (2014) who found that CBaM is effective for maximizing the skill of POAMA seasonal rainfall forecasts for Australia.
The failure of the simple mean bias-correction approach to yield acceptable skill scores can be understood in the context of the recent discussion by Barnston et al. (2015). In their study, the authors considered the ensemble spread of Niño-3.4 forecasts from several models composing the North American Multimodel Ensemble (NMME). Although the context is different, we can take insight from their erudition. Barnston et al. (2015) essentially found that GCM forecast ensemble spreads do not vary appropriately from forecast to forecast and therefore contain little useful information about the real uncertainty surrounding a forecast. While the ensemble mean is useful, and mean bias correction helps, other corrections, such as amplitude corrections are necessary for effective postprocessing. Their findings support the need for more sophisticated methods like CBaM.
Bayesian model averaging was applied to merge the calibration and bridging forecasts. An alternative method is quantile model averaging (QMA; Schepen and Wang 2015). QMA averages forecast values across equal quantile fractions (cumulative probabilities). QMA has the effect of preserving the original unimodal shape of the calibration and bridging forecasts and averages their ensemble spread; taking into account the weights. The CBaM method, which first produces multiple ensemble forecasts and then merges with BMA, as detailed in section 3, can theoretically lead to forecasts with a wider than optimal ensemble spread. We tested an alternative approach of applying QMA merging with the same weights as derived through BMA (results not shown). For the Tmax forecasts, which primarily source skill through calibration, QMA merging improved continentally averaged skill scores marginally. For Tmin forecasts, which primarily source skill through bridging, QMA merging did not alter the skill scores noticeably. This suggests that the ensemble spread of bridging forecasts can be marginally wider than optimal due to the merging of many models. Future research should therefore evaluate QMA more thoroughly as an alternative to BMA in various applications and also investigate alternative methods to further optimize forecast merging.
The methodology applied in this study differs from previous studies that applied CBaM. First, parameter uncertainty is not considered for the transformation parameters. Second, the data are subject to scaling. And third, a prior is placed over the transformation parameters. These three measures contributed to a smooth application of CBaM. For example, during the course of the study, it was discovered that forecast values could occasionally be sampled beyond reasonable physical limits. The changes to the methodology resolved the problem. As the forecasts proved to be reliable in ensemble spread, it is recommended that future applications of CBaM consider fixed transformation parameters. The continued fortification of CBaM to work consistently well in a wide range of applications is an active area of research.
b. Future work
There are a multitude of GCMs in existence, many that are elemental in multimodel ensembles such the NMME and the European Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction project (EURO-SIP) projects. We expect that CBaM could be uniquely effective in postprocessing temperature, rainfall, and other climate forecasts from different GCMs and in different global regions. Testing of CBaM using other GCMs and for different global regions is therefore a useful avenue for future research. CBaM can also be used to identify priority areas for improvement in GCMs by analyzing the relative contribution of calibration and bridging models to forecast skill. For example, if bridging with a certain predictor is found to improve skill, effort could be invested into improving the teleconnection in the GCM simulations.
A key motivation for applying CBaM to Tmin and Tmax, as given in the introduction, is to contribute to the goal of readily available, consistently postprocessed precipitation and temperature forecasts for use applications such as crop modeling and yield forecasting. Further research is required to realize this goal. First of all, the CBaM Tmin and Tmax forecasts produced in this study represent seasonal (3 month) averages, with 1-month lead time. Crop modeling and forecasting requires monthly data values as a minimum and, more often, daily values, at the crop scale, for many months ahead. CBaM has been proven to be effective at producing monthly time series forecasts of precipitation at the catchment scale for up to 12 months ahead (Schepen and Wang 2014). Properly sequenced ensemble time series forecasts are created by connecting forecast ensemble members using the Schaake shuffle (Clark et al. 2004). It can therefore be assumed that CBaM is readily applicable to produce monthly forecasts of Tmin and Tmax at the crop scale and for many months ahead. The production of daily postprocessed forecasts from CBaM is another challenge altogether. Direct postprocessing of seasonal climate forecasts at the daily time scale is likely to be fraught for a number of reasons, including the lack of clear climate signals and extreme computational requirements. It is therefore our suggestion that CBaM is used to postprocess forecasts at the monthly or seasonal time scale only. Daily forecast values can be obtained through temporal disaggregation. For rainfall, disaggregation may require a sophisticated method that accounts for no-rain days and high variability. For example, disaggregation based on a stochastic weather generator may be a good choice for rainfall (e.g., Hansen and Ines 2005). For temperature, a simpler disaggregation scheme may be applied. Disaggregation of CBaM postprocessed forecasts is earmarked as an area of future research.
The CBaM Tmin and Tmax forecasts are consistent in that the predictor and predictand data sources are the same and the methodology applied is identical. However, Tmin and Tmax are postprocessed separately. The CBaM method can theoretically handle multiple predictors and predictands. It is therefore possible to calibrate Tmin and Tmax jointly. The poor skill of Tmin-calibration forecasts (Fig. 3) may be improved through a joint calibration with Tmax. Furthermore, joint calibration may yield additional skills that are not captured by bridging. On the other hand, the ensemble spread will differ in joint calibration and so a full assessment of forecast skill and reliability would be required. It is therefore an avenue for future research to investigate the value of including joint calibration models in CBaM.
6. Conclusions
Sophisticated postprocessing methods that target the known deficiencies in GCM seasonal climate forecasts need to become prominent to enable climate-sensitive industries to transition to GCM-based forecasts for modeling and decision-making. Very basic methods such as mean bias correction will simply not enable the transition, as the forecasts remain of poor quality.
The calibration, bridging and merging (CBaM) has previously been shown to be effective for postprocessing GCM seasonal rainfall forecasts in Australia and China. In this study, we test CBaM for postprocessing POAMA seasonal temperature forecasts for Australia. Several modifications to the CBaM methodology, including data scaling and prior specification, are found to ease the application to temperature.
CBaM is effective for postprocessing forecasts of POAMA seasonal minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) temperatures in Australia, considering forecasts issued one month in advance. Tmax skill is primarily maximized by calibration whereas Tmin skill is primarily maximized through bridging. It follows that merging calibration and bridging forecasts yields the best overall skill for postprocessed Tmin and Tmax forecasts.
In addition to maximizing skill, CBaM produces postprocessed forecasts that are bias corrected and reliable in ensemble spread. Further research is anticipated to assist in the adoption of GCM and CBaM forecasts (e.g., through temporal forecast disaggregation).
We thank the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research for making freely available the POAMA and AWAP data sources used in this study. We thank David Robertson for inspired conversations on data transformations and assistance with the Bayesian Joint Probability modeling software.
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