1. Introduction
The advent and operational implementation of dual-polarization radar has led to vast improvements in hydrometeor classification (e.g., Vivekanandan et al. 1999; Bringi and Chandrasekar 2001; Ryzhkov et al. 2005a; Park et al. 2009; Kumjian 2013a,b), as well as improvements in the ability to differentiate between meteorological and nonmeteorological scatterers (e.g., Zrnić and Ryzhkov 1999). Tornadoes can loft substantial amounts of nonmeteorological scatterers, which exhibit unique polarimetric attributes. The tornadic debris signature (TDS) is characterized by low values of copolar cross-correlation coefficient at lag 0
Attempts to algorithmically detect tornadic debris have been made, with future work expected to optimize and improve the application to operations (Snyder and Ryzhkov 2015; Wang and Yu 2015). However, there are many caveats to polarimetric tornadic debris detection (Schultz et al. 2012b). Attenuation and differential attenuation may lead to erroneous values of
An understanding of how the TDS relates to tornado characteristics can expand the utility of polarimetric radars. If relationships between the distribution of polarimetric radar variables and tornado structure can be documented, more accurate inferences can be made about tornadoes in real time. Previous studies have found a correlation between the areal extent and height of the TDS and tornado intensity and pathlength (Bodine et al. 2013; Van Den Broeke and Jauernic 2014; Van Den Broeke 2015). Additionally, studies have shown that seasonal and regional differences in land type and usage modify some of the characteristics of a TDS, including the height to which debris is lofted and the likelihood that a tornado of a given intensity will exhibit a TDS (Van Den Broeke and Jauernic 2014; Van Den Broeke 2015). The life cycle stage of a tornado may also influence whether a tornado exhibits a TDS, with the probability of a TDS increasing during the first 5 min following tornadogenesis and decreasing between the 5 min preceding and 5 min following the dissipation of a tornado (Van Den Broeke 2015). Recently, Wakimoto et al. (2015) used rapid-scan polarimetric radar data in conjunction with photogrammetric data to document the evolution of the spatial distribution of debris in the 31 May 2013, El Reno, Oklahoma, tornado, noting many features, such as the weak echo hole (WEH), “debris overhang,” and “pockets” of low-level debris associated with the rear-flank gust front (RFGF). Similarly, Kurdzo et al. (2015) noted instances during the 20 May 2013 Moore, Oklahoma, tornado where debris was ejected from the tornado along bands coinciding with RFGFs. Finally, Houser et al. (2016) investigated the three-dimensional structure of the TDS and how it evolved with changing tornado structure using high spatial- and temporal-resolution data.
The 10 May 2010 Oklahoma tornado outbreak produced 55 tornadoes, including two tornadoes rated as category 4 on the enhanced Fujita (EF) scale in central Oklahoma. This case provides a rare opportunity to perform dual-Doppler polarimetric radar analyses on a large, debris-lofting tornado and compare the results of dual-Doppler analyses to those performed by single-Doppler methods. The serendipitous collection of data at relatively close range by the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (KTLX), and Norman, Oklahoma (KOUN), WSR-88D S-band radars, and the University of Oklahoma’s Polarimetric Radar for Innovations in Meteorology and Engineering (OU-PRIME) C-band radar operated by the Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC), briefly provide a favorable dual-Doppler lobe for the interrogation of the Moore–Choctaw, Oklahoma, tornado, which will be the focus of this study. While previous studies have focused primarily on single radar representations of the TDS, little work has been done to document the two- and three-dimensional wind field associated with a large, heterogeneous TDS using two radars. The use of dual-Doppler-derived data may provide insight into some of the kinematic processes that have been hypothesized in prior literature that utilized single-Doppler radar data. Further details regarding the 10 May 2010 outbreak can be found in Palmer et al. (2011).
2. Methods
a. Radar data
The polarimetric radar data used in this project were collected by OU-PRIME, which is located near the National Weather Center, and by KOUN, which is located at University of Oklahoma Westheimer Airport in Norman. Supplementary velocity data for dual-Doppler analyses were provided by KTLX, which is a WSR-88D radar. Selected specifications for each radar appear in Table 1. For a full system overview of OU-PRIME and details regarding system performance during the event, please refer to Palmer et al. (2011). At its closest range, the Moore–Choctaw tornado was sampled as low as ~100 m above radar level (ARL) by OU-PRIME. Late in the period, the lowest OU-PRIME scan available (1.0°) sampled the Moore–Choctaw tornado at an altitude of ~400 m. KTLX sampled the Moore–Choctaw tornado as close as ~5 km, with a beam height as low as ~75 m at the range of the center of the tornado.
A selection of radar characteristics for OU-PRIME, KTLX, and KOUN.
Radar data editing for this project was completed using the National Center for Atmospheric Research Earth Observing Laboratory’s Solo3 editing software (Oye et al. 1995), which is available online (https://www.eol.ucar.edu/software/solo3). Clutter, identified by regions of stationary high-power returns with near-zero radial velocity, and erroneous data, most often in the form of azimuths affected by partial beam blockage or multiple-trip contamination, were subjectively removed. Low values of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were objectively thresholded below 0 dB. No
b. TDS criteria
The original criteria for a TDS at S band proposed by Ryzhkov et al. (2005b) were values of
c. Dual-Doppler analysis
Dual-Doppler and objective analyses are performed using the Observation Processing and Wind Synthesis (OPAWS) code developed by D. Dowell (NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory) and L. Wicker (National Severe Storms Laboratory). Documentation and source code can be found online (http://code.google.com/p/opaws/). Radar data are first objectively analyzed on a 30 km × 30 km domain using a two-pass Barnes method (Barnes 1964) with a second-pass convergence parameter γ of 0.3 used to further recover the amplitudes of smaller-scale spatial structures (Barnes 1973; Majcen et al. 2008). The limiting spatial resolution δ in the vicinity of the tornado was ~350 m. A smoothing parameter [
Dual-Doppler wind syntheses are performed in regions where the look-angle difference between OU-PRIME and KTLX is between 20° and 160°. Vertical velocities are calculated using upward integration of the mass continuity equation with the implementation of a
A major crux of the dual-Doppler assumption is that the two radars are observing the same volume of space at nearly the same time. Because this study does not use coordinated radar scans, and OU-PRIME was running a different scanning strategy than the WSR-88Ds, only two analysis times approached synchronization. The first analysis time began at approximately 2223 UTC, about 3 min after tornadogenesis, when scan times between OU-PRIME and KTLX varied between 3 and 10 s. The 2223 UTC dual-Doppler analysis (Fig. 1) illustrates some interesting features, including a cyclonic–anticyclonic vortex pair and small raindrops in the rear-flank downdraft. However, these topics are beyond the scope of this paper, and the lack of a TDS in the early life cycle of the Moore–Choctaw tornado dictates that this time serve only as comparison to a later time with a TDS. Nonetheless, the 2223 UTC time serves as a quality control check of the methodology, confirming the locations of the supercell structures, like the rear-flank gust front and a strong cyclonic vortex, consistent with theoretical models (e.g., Lemon and Doswell 1979; Bluestein 2013).
The other time that approximately fulfills the simultaneous observation requirement is the volume beginning at approximately 2231 UTC, when the difference between scan times4 is on the order of ~30 s. The Moore–Choctaw tornado exhibits a large, inhomogeneous TDS at 2231 UTC (Fig. 2), which will be the main focus of this study. Because of the main circulation pattern being near the edge of the dual-Doppler lobe, kinematic analyses only cover the lowest ~1 km of the tornado. The lowest scans of KTLX and OU-PRIME are also the most synchronized.
d. Axisymmetric wind retrieval
Using the assumption of axis symmetry, Lee et al. (1999) developed a method of diagnosing mean three-dimensional motion within tropical cyclones. This technique was called the ground-based velocity track display (GBVTD) method and has been successfully applied to tornado vortices (e.g., Bluestein et al. 2003; Lee and Wurman 2005; Tanamachi et al. 2007; Kosiba and Wurman 2010; Wakimoto et al. 2012). This paper uses the simplified single-Doppler wind retrieval approach similar to GBVTD defined by Dowell et al.’s (2005) Eqs. (25)–(27) that recovers only the azimuthally averaged (zero wavenumber) radial and tangential velocities, u and υ. This method has previously been used by Kosiba et al. (2008) to derive axisymmetric wind fields for a tornado near Harper, Kansas, and by Bodine et al. (2014) to interrogate the Moore–Choctaw tornado of interest to this study. For KOUN and OU-PRIME, u and υ are calculated for 250-m-wide annuli, at 125-m intervals. Vertical velocities are computed by vertically integrating the radial mass flux using Eq. (2.2) from Nolan (2013). KOUN did not sample the lowest 150 m of the tornado, which as noted in Nolan (2013) could result in significant errors in the retrieved vertical velocities as a result of insufficient observations of the low-level mass flux. However, circumstantial evidence supporting the derived vertical velocities will be discussed in conjunction with the results in future sections.
3. Results
a. Spatial distribution of polarimetric variables
At 2231 UTC, areas of high
Plots of both raw and two-pass Barnes-analyzed
Axisymmetric cross sections are used to gain a better perspective on how mean radial profiles of polarimetric variables change with height (Fig. 4). The cross section of reflectivity (Fig. 4a) illustrates that the radius of the maximum in reflectivity within the TDS increases with height associated with the centrifuging of debris, similar to what has been noted previously within tornadoes (e.g., Wurman and Gill 2000; Dowell et al. 2005; Bodine et al. 2014). As seen in Fig. 3, the minimum in
The minimum in
b. Tornado subvortices
The plan position indicator (PPI) of
Axisymmetric wind fields were retrieved from the Moore–Choctaw tornado using KOUN data beginning at 2229 UTC (Fig. 6). The analysis of the secondary circulation (arrows), comprised of radial and vertical velocities, provides evidence of a central downdraft, with upward vertical velocities displaced to ~1 km in radius from the center of the tornado. This observed secondary circulation pattern closely resembles the model for moderate to high swirl: two-celled vortices seen in previous studies (e.g., Church et al. 1979; Davies-Jones 1986; Wakimoto and Liu 1998; Lewellen et al. 2004, 2008) and conceptually summarized by Bluestein (2013). It is possible that the low-level divergence field, which is poorly sampled at ~17 km in range, offsets or supersedes the divergence and convergence of u at higher altitudes rendering the secondary circulation erroneous. However, the Moore–Choctaw tornado exhibited tornado subvortices and a RMW of ~1 km, which is consistent with a moderate-to-high swirl ratio vortex that should likely contain a central downdraft. Regardless, the authors caution that the magnitude of the downdraft may be exaggerated by the absence of boundary layer inflow, similar to what was noted by Kosiba and Wurman (2010) and shown by Nolan (2013).
The axisymmetric analyses capture the top of an inflow layer, which extends to at least 300 m in height. The low levels are characterized by radial inflow and a strong vertical gradient in angular momentum (Fig. 6b). Radial inflow also extends into the RMW at higher altitudes (Fig. 6a), similar to what was noted by Nolan (2013). The maximum in υ is observed at approximately 1100 m in radius at 500 m ARL, with values exceeding 45 m s−1. A secondary maximum in υ exists at 250 m ARL at 800 m in radius. At this height, radial inflow extends into the RMW, impinging farther than inflow aloft. The 0.8-
As noted in the previous subsection, the lowest values of
c. Polarimetric versus kinematic variables
To gain a better understanding of what underlying processes may be responsible for the aforementioned distribution of polarimetric variables, scatterplots of
Prior to the Moore–Choctaw tornado exhibiting a TDS, there is no relationship between the radar variables and ζ in the vicinity of the tornado (Fig. 7). At 2223 UTC, all values of
Among all data points at 1000 m ARL, there is perhaps a weak maxima in ζ around 40 dBZ (Fig. 8b), but the overall relationship between
A scatterplot of all points within 5 km of the TDS center indicates that the largest values of ζ are associated with the lowest values of
At 1000 m ARL, there is still an inverse relationship between
Within the TDS, a direct relationship exists between
In general, the lowest values of
4. Discussion
a. Polarimetric observations
The previous section illustrates that the subvortices in the Moore–Choctaw tornado at 2231 UTC are associated with locally enhanced
Regions of negative
The final topic of discussion regarding polarimetric variables is the WEC illustrated in Figs. 4 and 6. Similar to what was observed by Wakimoto et al. (2015) in the 2013 El Reno, Oklahoma, tornado, the region of low
b. Comparison of single- and dual-Doppler analyses
It is important to recognize the trade-offs and differing degrees of utility of the single- and dual-Doppler techniques used in this study. To better understand some of the strengths of each method, a brief direct comparison of the analyses created by each technique was performed. By radially averaging the dual-Doppler analyses and vertically interpolating the data, a mean, axisymmetric wind profile is created that is similar to the one made by the single-Doppler technique9 (Figs. 13a,b). The magnitude of tangential velocities is greater in the single-Doppler analysis than the dual-Doppler analysis at almost every point with the greatest velocity difference (
In most places, the difference in radial velocity between the single- and dual-Doppler analyses is <10 m s−1 (Fig. 13d). The largest difference is between 1 and 2 km in radius at the lowest two analysis levels where the single-Doppler method exhibits stronger negative radial velocity, which represents stronger low-level inflow into the tornado. It is likely that these differences are due to the better native resolution of the single-Doppler analysis in addition to the dual-Doppler analysis being constrained by the data horizon of two radars, which may limit the sampling of the inflow layer. The other region of large radial velocity difference is between 150 and 1000 m in radius and between 300 and 800 m ARL, where the single-Doppler analysis has much higher outward radial velocities than the dual-Doppler analysis. The single-Doppler technique better samples the peak radial velocities, which may be most biased by the effects of debris centrifuging. The region of maximum velocity difference is similar to the region found to contain the largest difference in radial velocity between the air and debris by Dowell et al. (2005), which supports the hypothesis that centrifuging may account for some of the observed differences. However, it is also possible that the observed differences are the result of the single-Doppler technique better sampling the radial divergence associated with a stronger two-celled vortex.
Both Figs. 13a and 13b capture a downdraft near the center of the tornado with vertical velocity becoming directed upward near the RMW. Recall that both the dual-Doppler and axisymmetric analyses may have significant errors in vertical velocity because of the poor sampling of the low-level wind field. Thus, while they are qualitatively similar, it must be cautioned that their agreement cannot be used as validation for the derived secondary circulation. Similar to tangential and radial velocities, the single-Doppler technique exhibits larger-magnitude vertical velocity than the dual-Doppler method (Fig. 13e). The underestimate of vertical velocity in the dual-Doppler analysis is likely due to poor sampling of the low-level flow, as can be seen in Fig. 13d, where stronger radial inflow exists beneath the updraft and stronger radial outflow exists beneath the axial downdraft in the single-Doppler analysis. One more takeaway from the vertical velocity comparison is that the dual-Doppler solution is much more stable near the center of the vortex. This is likely due to errors in the single-Doppler technique that arise from using a small number of data points near the center of the vortex, which is less of an issue when subsetting and radially averaging dual-Doppler data from a larger domain.
While the single-Doppler technique has the advantage of better capturing the mass flux, the dual-Doppler technique is not constrained by an axisymmetric assumption and clearly illustrates an asymmetric vortex (e.g., Fig. 5b). Thus, the assumption of axisymmetry is violated in this case. However, the axisymmetric mean is still useful and can be used as a base state to linearize the dual-Doppler wind field in the vicinity of the tornado and provide a meaningful visualization of the asymmetries in the Moore–Choctaw tornado (Fig. 13e). The CAPPI of perturbation vertical velocity (Fig. 13f) illustrates that the Moore–Choctaw tornado may not be characterized simply by a downdraft at its center and an updraft at approximately 1 km in radius. Rather, the Moore–Choctaw tornado may be composed of at least two concentrated downdrafts: one near the center of the vortex and one in the southern portion of the tornado. Likewise, there may be at least two concentrated updrafts, with the strongest one in the northeast quadrant of the vortex. Thus, even though the dual-Doppler axisymmetric analysis undersamples the largest-magnitude vertical velocities, the dual-Doppler technique still captures one updraft and two downdrafts within the tornado.
5. Conclusions
The 10 May 2010 Moore–Choctaw tornado produced a large, heterogeneous TDS. Within the TDS, values of
The maxima in dual-Doppler ζ associated with the two large subvortices are collocated with two polarimetric variable extrema within the TDS (Fig. 14a). At low levels, the tornado subvortices are associated with the highest values of
Axisymmetric cross sections of the Moore–Choctaw tornado (Fig. 14b) illustrate an annulus of
Additional dual-Doppler datasets of TDSs are needed, especially ones with the high spatial and temporal resolutions that are provided by mobile radars. Expansion on the findings of this paper will further our understanding of how debris is distributed by the three-dimensional winds in the vicinity of tornadoes, which, in turn, will facilitate more accurate inferences of tornado structure using polarimetric radars.
This study is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant AGS-1303685. DJB is also supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Advanced Study Program. NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Many thanks to Jim Kurdzo for his meticulous efforts to improve this paper. Finally, the authors thank the three anonymous reviewers who provided thorough comments that greatly improved the paper.
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TDSs have been noted to exhibit a wide range of
We used the formula for grid spacing (
These relationships were derived for precipitation, and are likely to be underestimates of the fall speeds for debris. However, no alternative methods for debris exist.
For other potential dual-Doppler analyses, the scan times between KOUN and KTLX are on the order of ~2 min, which is well beyond the length of time where we can assume steady state for processes within supercells (Taylor 1938).
It is possible that some of the bins exhibiting low values of
All scatterplots in this study are fitted to second-order polynomials.
PPIs of KOUN data are not shown in this paper, but
A bias in the divergence field due to debris centrifuging may impact the magnitudes of the vertical velocity in the dual-Doppler analyses. Additionally, poor sampling of the lowest 100 m of the storm may also affect the magnitude of the retrieved vertical velocity. Finally, the analyses do not capture subgrid-scale features, like suction vortices, which may exhibit larger vertical velocity magnitudes.
No correction for centrifuging was applied to either the single- or dual-Doppler analyses for the comparison in Figs. 13a and 13b.