1. Introduction
Nonhomogeneous regression is a popular regression-based technique to statistically correct an ensemble of numerical weather prediction models (NWP; Leith 1974). Such corrections are often necessary since current NWP models cannot consider all error sources (Lorenz 1963; Hamill and Colucci 1998; Mullen and Buizza 2002; Bauer et al. 2015) so that the raw forecasts are often biased and uncalibrated.
In statistical postprocessing, various approaches have been developed to correct such ensembles (Roulston and Smith 2003; Raftery et al. 2005; Gneiting et al. 2005; Wilks 2009) but none of them has appeared as a best single postprocessing strategy (Wilks and Hamill 2007). However, nonhomogeneous Gaussian regression (NGR) is one of the most widely used techniques (Gneiting et al. 2005) and addresses ensemble errors in terms of regression coefficients, which are estimated on past ensemble forecasts and the corresponding observations. NGR has also been extended from temperature to other meteorological quantities by assuming appropriate forecast distributions (Gneiting et al. 2005; Thorarinsdottir and Gneiting 2010; Messner et al. 2014a,b; Scheuerer 2014; Hemri et al. 2016).
In the field of statistics, regression coefficients and distribution parameters have traditionally mostly been estimated with maximum likelihood estimation (Aldrich 1997; Stigler 2007). Although the maximum likelihood estimator has certain optimal properties (Huber 1967; Casella and Berger 2002; Winkelmann and Boes 2006, details in section 2c), Gneiting et al. (2005) established NGR parameter estimation by minimizing the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS; Hersbach 2000). Postprocessing studies for meteorological applications have used this estimation approach frequently since then (Raftery et al. 2005; Vrugt et al. 2006; Hagedorn et al. 2008; Scheuerer 2014; Scheuerer and Büermann 2014; Mohammadi et al. 2015; Feldmann et al. 2015; Scheuerer and Hamill 2015; Scheuerer and Möller 2015; Taillardat et al. 2016; Möller and Groß 2016) and often found it to yield sharper and better calibrated probabilistic forecasts than with maximum likelihood estimation.
Likelihood maximization is equivalent to minimizing the log score (LS), which is more sensitive to outliers than the CRPS (Selten 1998; Grimit et al. 2006). Because of this higher sensitivity to outliers Gneiting et al. (2005) found LS minimization to lead to overdispersive forecasts.
Figure 1a illustrates this overdispersion exemplarily for 2-m air temperature forecasts, where NGR is employed at an Alpine site for +24-h forecasts (see section 3a for data). Ideally, for perfect calibration the probability integral transform (PIT) should be distributed uniformly. However, both estimation approaches, LS and CRPS minimization, show a hump in the center bins indicating overdispersive forecasts (i.e., the forecast distribution is too wide so that observations fall overproportionally into the central range of the distribution). Although the CRPS approach indicates a better coverage at center bins, further peaks are found at 0.05 and 0.95, which correspond to the tails of the Gaussian forecast distribution.
The differences between CRPS and LS minimization and the W shape of the CRPS model indicate a misspecification of the NGR in terms of its distributional tail. Figure 1b shows the PIT histograms of a nonhomogeneous regression model with a heavier-tail Student’s t distribution instead of a Gaussian forecast distribution. Both estimation approaches show only small differences and much better calibration. This agrees with theoretical considerations that, given an appropriate distribution, LS and CRPS estimator are consistent and estimate very similar regression coefficients (Winkelmann and Boes 2006; Yuen and Stoev 2014).
In this article we set out to investigate when and why results from LS and CRPS minimization will differ for symmetric distribution assumptions. This is performed in terms of temperature forecasting in central Europe and with simulated data using the NGR as the benchmark approach. Further adjustments of this benchmark include the use of heavy-tailed logistic and Student’s t probability distributions. In particular, the Student’s t distribution allows for flexible adjustment of the distribution tails.
Section 2 provides an overview of the distributions employed and the methods for estimation and evaluation of the statistical models. Sections 3 and 4 present and discuss results for probabilistic temperature postprocessing and synthetic simulations, respectively. Finally, section 5 gives the conclusions.
2. Methods
This section briefly describes the distributions, along with the corresponding statistical models that are set up for the real case and simulation studies, and explains the estimation methods and desired estimator properties. Additionally, the comparison setup and verification measures are described.
a. Distributions used and density functions
In this article we employ three probability distributions with differences particularly on their tails (Fig. 2a). In the following we overview their key characteristics by their density functions.
Figure 2 compares the probability density functions of the different distributions where the scaled functions (Fig. 2b) highlight the different tail behaviors. The logistic distribution has clearly heavier tails than the Gaussian distribution and with
b. Regression models
Clearly, the framework of Eqs. (4)–(6) can be extended by including additional covariates and also nonlinear terms (e.g., as in Stauffer et al. 2017). Also, other probability distributions such as the generalized extreme value distribution (Scheuerer 2014) could be used in this framework. Therefore, the models defined in this article as well as in Gneiting et al. (2005), Scheuerer (2014), and Stauffer et al. (2017) can be generally regarded as distributional regression models (Klein et al. 2015), where any probability distribution can be assumed for a response variable where each distribution parameter is linked to explanatory variables.
c. Estimation methods
Consistency and asymptotic normality can be mathematically proven for both estimators under certain regularity conditions (Winkelmann and Boes 2006; Yuen and Stoev 2014), where the properties for the CRPS estimator are proven under mild regularity conditions (Yuen and Stoev 2014). Under strong conditions (e.g., where the probability density function is regular,
The differences between LS and CRPS can be found particularly in the tails of an assumed distribution, as illustrated by the Gaussian example in Fig. 3. If a single observation is located on the distribution tails (above and below ±2), then larger differences between the scores can be found. The LS penalizes events on these tails more strongly than the CRPS.
d. Verification
Furthermore, the overall performance measures for temperature forecasts will be shown in terms of LS and CRPS as defined by Eqs. (11) and (12).
To investigate the characteristics of the two estimators on real temperature data, we perform a tenfold cross validation (CV) to mimic operational conditions. In an operational situation, multiple years of a consecutive time series would be used to estimate a fixed set of regression coefficients that are applied on independent future data where the forecast performance can be assessed. The CV approach is used for scientific research purposes to obtain stable regression coefficients, and a sufficiently large amount of test data is not used for regression (e.g., as in Hamill et al. 2004; Wilks and Hamill 2007; Hagedorn et al. 2008; Wilks 2009; Messner et al. 2017; Gebetsberger et al. 2017; Rasp and Lerch 2018). Therefore, the data are randomly partitioned into 10 different subsamples and forecasts for each subsample are derived from models trained on the remaining 9 subsamples. More specifically, each trained model is applied on raw ensemble data of the remaining test subsample. This leads to out-of-sample forecasts not used for training, which are verified with PIW, PIC, RI, LS, and CRPS. This approach is repeated for each lead time and station, and estimation method (LS or CRPS).
The CV approach used for temperature data assumes temporal independence and stationarity in the forecast error time series. Since separate CVs are performed for each lead time, temporal independence is a valid assumption and with no major changes in the NWP model and no major changes in the climate over the data period, the ensemble characteristics are not expected to change much either.
However, it has to be mentioned that the original NGR approach uses a rolling training period, where a certain training window (e.g., 30 days for temperature) is used to train the statistical model. This allows us to rapidly update the regression coefficients from day to day to capture seasonality. In the CV approach used for this study, this seasonality is captured by a seasonal effect as explained in section 2b, and must not be updated for each day.
In the simulation study we mainly compare the estimated regression coefficients with their known true values to investigate how well the different estimation approaches estimate the true coefficients. Additionally, calibration is assessed by PIT histograms.
3. Probabilistic temperature forecasting
With this real data application it should be investigated if the differences between CRPS and LS minimization, as shown in the introductory example, imply an inappropriate distribution assumption for temperature data. This idea is addressed by the use of heavy-tailed distributions to determine the estimator characteristic on real data and to improve temperature forecasts. For simplicity, statistical models (Gaussian, logistic, and Student’s t) where CRPS or LS minimization is employed, will be referred to as CRPS or LS models, respectively.
a. Temperature data
Temperature records are used from 11 locations over central Europe (Fig. 4) for 3-hourly lead times from +6 to +96 h in the time period between 2011 and 2016.
The corresponding ensemble forecasts of 2-m air temperature are based on the 0000 UTC initialization from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), of which forecasted mean values and standard deviations of the 50-member ensemble are used. Overall, this yields 581 076 observation–forecast pairs to be validated, which include 311 different regressions for different lead times and stations, since 2 sites had missing observations during nighttime.
The following case study is based on temperature records at an Alpine site (Fig. 4, filled circle) where the complex topography causes a challenging forecasting situation. Distinct differences between the real and NWP topography (valleys that are not well resolved) lead to a cold bias, which can be seen when comparing observations with corresponding ensemble mean forecasts (Fig. 5a). Furthermore, the ensemble is also underdispersive, which is a common problem of many ensemble systems. This underdispersion can be assessed in a rank histogram (Anderson 1996; Talagrand et al. 1997; Hamill and Colucci 1998), which is shown for the bias-corrected ECMWF ensemble forecast for +24 h in Fig. 5c. Here, too many observations are counted below the lowest and above the highest member value (lowest and highest rank), indicating less forecast uncertainty than needed. Well-calibrated forecasts would result in a display of a uniform distribution. These illustrated ensemble forecasts for +24 h are the basis for later synthetic simulations, using the error characteristics for bias and underdispersion. The empirical values of this dataset have an average ensemble mean value of 0.35 with a standard deviation of 6.91. The corresponding logarithmic standard deviations have an average of −0.56 with a standard deviation of 0.43.
b. Alpine site case study
In this subsection we apply the regression framework, as defined in Eqs. (4)–(6), for temperature postprocessing at the Alpine site (Fig. 4, filled circle), where individual regressions are performed for each lead time separately.
Figure 6 summarizes RI, PIW, and PIC for the Gaussian and Student’s t models, which are estimated with both approaches (CRPS or LS minimization). For the Gaussian models (left panels), there is a clear difference between the LS and CRPS model for certain lead times (e.g., +24 h) where calibration in terms of RI (Fig. 6a) is better for the CRPS model. Additionally, the CRPS model obtains sharper predictions for all lead times, which is shown by a smaller average width of the 90% prediction interval (Fig. 6c). Both estimation approaches show empirical coverages for certain lead times, which do not match the nominal coverage of 90% (Fig. 6e). This empirical coverage should be as close as possible to the nominal coverage of the evaluated prediction interval, where the LS model covers too many observations and the CRPS covers too few in the 90% interval. The agreement between empirical and nominal coverage is even worse for the 66% interval, particularly for the LS model (not shown).
Therefore, the PIT histograms, which are shown in Fig. 1 for the +24-h example, provide a more complete picture of the calibration. The 95% consistency interval shown as gray area, are derived similar to Bröcker and Smith (2007) and show the expected binwise sampling variations. Thus, as long as the PIT lies within this interval the forecasts can be regarded as calibrated.
Regarding the Gaussian models (Fig. 1a), the smaller sharpness (larger prediction intervals) of the LS model produces a hump-shaped PIT (solid), where too many observations fall in the central bins, and too few fall in the tails (bins close to zero and one). In contrast, the CRPS model (dashed) shows a better calibration especially in central bins, but creates larger peaks on the tails, which results from sharper forecast distributions. Regarding the high standard of PIT histograms showing a uniform distribution, both approaches illustrate shortcomings and differ in the forecasted distribution parameters if the Gaussian distribution is assumed.
However, if the Student’s t model is applied, both approaches yield almost the same results. Similar values can be verified for calibration (RI) and sharpness (PIW), as illustrated in Figs. 6b, 6d, and 6f. Regarding the overall calibration in terms of PIT, the example for +24 h yields almost uniform histograms for the Student’s t models for both minimization approaches (Fig. 1b). The corresponding estimated degree of freedom ν is shown for all lead times in Fig. 7. A daily pattern can be identified, with the highest values during daytime (e.g., at +15 h) and the lowest values during nighttime (e.g., at +24 h). Small values of ν imply that heavier distribution tails are estimated, whereas high values for ν (
c. Overall performance
The previously shown case study for the Alpine site is now extended to other locations in our study area, again with individual regressions for each lead time. The mean scores over all the individual LS and CRPS emphasize the benefit of the heavy-tailed models for which score values are smallest. Not surprisingly, CRPS models perform better in CRPS evaluation and LS models in LS evaluation (Figs. 8a,c).
Figures 8b and 8d summarize differences in LS and CRPS values between each regression model and the Gaussian benchmark model, where negative values report a better performance than the benchmark model. LS models refer to the Gaussian LS model and CRPS models refer to the Gaussian CRPS models. Absolute differences are chosen rather than relative changes as skill scores cannot be computed for the LS (Gneiting et al. 2005). The variability in the score difference is smaller for CRPS models than for LS models evaluated on the CRPS (Fig. 8b), and smaller for LS models than CRPS models evaluated on the LS (Fig. 8d).
However, Figs. 8b and 8d illustrate a clear benefit for all individual regressions if heavy-tailed distribution models (logistic, Student’s t) are applied, indicated by a negative difference. In terms of CRPS evaluation (Fig. 8b), the logistic models can improve the Gaussian benchmarks in 59% and 76% of all locations and lead times, when estimated with CRPS and LS, respectively. Even smaller CRPS values are obtained in 80% and 86% of the Student’s t models.
A similar picture is visible for LS evaluation (Fig. 8d). A total of 84% and 82% of the evaluated logistic models show smaller LS values for CRPS or LS minimization, respectively. Student’s t models obtain smaller LS values than the Gaussian benchmark for 93% (CRPS minimization) and 97% (LS minimization) of all regressions.
On average CRPS and LS, the Student’s t models perform best (Figs. 8a,c). However results also imply that the logistic models already improve the benchmark sufficiently, and the further improvement of the Student’s t models is small. Hence, there are situations with real data where the logistic models might be good enough and where the tail flexibility of the Student’s t model is not necessary.
An example of the good calibration of logistic models is shown in Fig. 9b, which consists of predictions for all stations at lead time +18 h. Similarly to the Alpine site as shown in Fig. 1a, the Gaussian models in Fig. 9a illustrate an overdispersive W shape over all locations. The PIT histogram of the CRPS model is more pronounced on the tails (dashed), and the PIT histogram for the LS model is more pronounced in the middle (solid). Contrary to this, the heavy tail of the logistic distribution leads to nearly perfect and similar calibration for both approaches (middle). Additionally, the heavy tail created by the Student’s t models (Fig. 9c) seems to be too heavy for this particular lead time where too few events occur on the tails (right). In this case Student’s t models can clearly improve calibration compared to the Gaussian models, but the tails are not captured appropriately and suggest to assume a logistic distribution. Moreover, the assumption of a constant ν in Eq. (6) might be too simple, and a seasonal variation of ν as in Eq. (7) would be more reasonable.
To give an impression about the estimated degree of freedom ν, Table 1 summarizes the estimated values on the log scale for the entire study area and lead times. For each station and lead time, 10 estimated values of ν are obtained, which is why averages for each station and lead time are analyzed. In 75% (third quartile) of theses averages, the values are below 2.67 and 3.05 for LS and CRPS estimation, respectively, which correspond to
Summary of estimated degree of freedom
4. Simulation study
In the following simulation study, “ensemble” and “observation” data with similar error characteristics as those at the Alpine site are generated. These data are generated such that the true distribution parameters and regression coefficients are known and can directly be compared with estimated values. Furthermore they are used to evaluate which minimization approach is more efficient and to confirm findings from the real data application.
a. Simulated dataset
Thus, a dataset of length 5000 is available with forecasts and corresponding observations that have similar properties as the real data used in section 3a. However, different to the real data the true coefficients
In the following, we fit models with Gaussian and logistic distribution assumptions and repeat the simulations 1000 times to account for sampling effects.
b. Simulation results
Figure 10a compares the two estimation approaches for the Gaussian models. By repeating the simulation 1000 times, both approaches estimate the true coefficients for the location submodel (
Furthermore, this difference is caused by the response data, which are sampled from a logistic distribution that has a heavier tail than the Gaussian distribution. To account for those “extreme” events, both approaches have to estimate a larger intercept and make the “forecast uncertainty” large enough. Furthermore, the LS model produces a larger intercept than the CRPS model, which is caused by the larger penalty of extremes by the logarithm.
However, if the same simulation is performed with logistic models (Fig. 10b), then both approaches estimate the true “errors” (coefficients) on median. By looking on the variance or range of the estimated coefficients, respectively, it can be seen that the LS model is slightly more efficient than the CRPS model. More specifically, the LS model reports a smaller interquartile range than the CRPS model. This finding also agrees with Yuen and Stoev (2014), where CRPS shows a smaller efficiency than LS estimation.
Finally, Fig. 11 shows PIT histograms of the different models for different lengths of the simulated datasets. As expected and similar to the real data case study, the Gaussian “forecasts” humps at central PIT values show the lack of calibration (Fig. 11a). Although this hump is less visible for the CPRS model than for the LS model, the peaks on the tails for the CRPS model are more pronounced. In contrast, the difference between the estimation approaches becomes smaller if the correct (and known) logistic response distribution is assumed (Fig. 11b). As expected from estimation theory, the differences vanish with increasing sample size for the correct distribution assumption (Figs. 11d,f), and show a well-defined W shape for the wrong assumption (Figs. 11c,e).
This W shape is characteristic in the presented scenario where symmetric heavy-tailed (logistic) data are modeled with the Gaussian assumption. Clearly, this is expected to differ if the response data are drawn from another distribution. As an example, we repeat the simulation with the same setup as described in section 2a, but simulate the observations from a Gaussian instead of the logistic distribution. The characteristic PIT histograms for the respective models are displayed in Fig. 12, which shows an M shape for the logistic models (Fig. 12b). As for the wrong assumption in Figs. 11a,c,e, the two estimation approaches differ most on the tails. This M shape is also visible for the temperature study at +18 h in Fig. 9c for the heavy-tailed Student’s t models, where the PIT histograms for the logistic models show the best calibration and a good agreement between the estimation approaches.
Generally, calibration for symmetric response data in terms of PIT histograms shows the W shape if the assumed distribution tail is too weak, and the M shape if the distribution tail is too heavy. However, the forecast tail shows largest differences between the estimation approaches in both scenarios and agrees with the temperature study of section 3.
To combine results of real and synthetic scenarios, the obtained shapes of the PIT histograms display a useful characterization to identify misspecifications of the distributional assumption. Apart from the presented scenarios, the PIT shapes and differences between the estimation approaches might not be restricted to ensemble postprocessing. For instance, similar calibration results are expected if wrong tails of temperature anomalies are assumed, since anomalies typically have the same distributional properties as the data themselves. Moreover, results are relevant for applications other than probabilistic weather forecasting (e.g., climate), where a future increase in extremes would lead to heavier tails.
5. Conclusions
Nonhomogeneous regression is a commonly used postprocessing strategy to statistically correct NWP ensemble forecasts. This approach predicts the outcome of weather quantities of interest with full parametric forecast distributions. To estimate distribution parameters or regression coefficients, scoring rules have to be optimized. Log-score (LS) minimization has a long tradition in statistical modeling, whereas CRPS minimization has become popular in meteorological studies. Although both approaches should theoretically obtain similar results, differences are often found in practical studies. In this article we set out to explain potential differences and use these findings to improve probabilistic temperature forecasts. A comparison of both estimation approaches is performed on air temperature data from 11 stations in central Europe and in a simulation study.
In principle, LS and CRPS minimization differently penalize “extreme” events or events with larger deviations from the mean forecast, respectively. Consequently, the assumed forecast distribution plays a crucial rule to obtain a good forecast performance regarding sharp and calibrated predictions.
Generally, it turns out that evaluation of CRPS shows better values if CRPS minimization is performed, and evaluation of LS shows better values if LS minimization is employed. However, synthetic simulations and the case studies show that CRPS models can lead to sharper predictions than LS models. This particularly occurs if a wrong distribution with too light tails is assumed. Unfortunately, the increased sharpness of CRPS minimization is obtained at the expenses of a decreased calibration, where coverages are better at center bins but worse on the tails. CRPS minimization apparently improves coverage, but only at particular prediction intervals. Overall calibration in terms of PIT histograms illustrates that both approaches cannot calibrate appropriately if the wrong distribution is applied, which qualifies the better sharpness of CRPS minimization. Therefore, we cannot conclude that one approach should be applied over the other. In this context, more appropriate distribution assumptions have to be made if PIT calibration highlights problems on the tails, or if differences between the two estimation approaches occur. As a consequence, symmetric or—if needed—asymmetric distributions should be assumed, which better take heavy tails into account if necessary.
To account for a potentially heavier tail, this study introduces and compares the logistic and Student’s t distribution against the classical Gaussian assumption for air temperature. The Gaussian and logistic assumption is found appropriate for air temperature at certain stations and lead times. However, the larger flexibility of the Student’s t distribution to adjust the tail, could clearly improve sharpness with respect to calibration in the overall analysis. This derives from the distribution parameter, which accounts for a possible heavier tail if needed.
If the distributional assumption accounts for the tails, then both approaches lead to very similar results. In this case, the synthetic study highlights that the LS approach is more efficient in estimating the true regression coefficients.
We thank the Austrian weather Service (ZAMG) for access to ECMWF EPS and observational data. We also thank the University of Innsbruck, the Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences, and the Institute of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences for sharing publication costs. This project was partially funded by doctoral funding of the University of Innsbruck, Vizerektorat für Forschung.
Computational Details
The estimation of regression coefficients is performed in R (R Core Team 2017) using the crch package (Messner et al. 2016), which is able to perform minimization of the CRPS or LS. Closed expressions of the CRPS for the Gaussian, logistic, and Student’s t distribution are based on the scoringRules package (Jordan et al. 2017).
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