1. Introduction
Hyperspectral infrared radiometers such as the Atmosphere Infrared Sounder (AIRS; Aumann et al. 2003) on the Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua platform and the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI; Hilton et al. 2012) on the MetOp series provide retrieval profiles with better accuracy and higher vertical resolution than traditional broadband radiometers such as the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on board GOES-16 (Schmit et al. 2005, 2017), because of their higher spectral resolution and broader spectral coverage compared to traditional sounders (Huang et al. 1992). Assimilating selected temperature sounding channels and humidity sounding channels from these hyperspectral observations provides positive impact on both global models and regional models (McNally et al. 2006; Collard and McNally 2009; Guidard et al. 2011; Xu et al. 2013). Although it is tempting to assimilate all the channels to exploit the full information content in these hyperspectral observations, its high computational cost can be prohibitive, especially in the near-real-time operational environment. Moreover, although thousands of channels are available on these instruments (e.g., 2378 channels on AIRS and 8461 channels on IASI), most channels are highly correlated, resulting in much fewer pieces of independent information than the number of channels (Huang et al. 1992).
Carefully selecting a subset of all the channels that contains as much independent information as possible is one way to balance computational cost and information content obtained (e.g., Goldberg et al. 2003; Susskind et al. 2003). Alternatively, the full information content (or part of it) of hyperspectral observations can be compressed using dimension reduction techniques such as the principal component analysis (PCA; Goldberg et al. 2003; Huang and Antonelli 2001; Aires et al. 2002), which is also called Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF; Hannachi et al. 2007; Monahan et al. 2009; North 1984). Besides data compression, another benefit from these PCA-based approaches is noise reduction. It can be argued that variations of atmosphere signals are more correlated across the hyperspectral channels while variations of random noises are less correlated. Thus, after PCA, the atmosphere signals are more likely to be represented by the leading principal components (i.e., those with larger eigenvalues) while noises are more likely to be represented by the lower-rank principal components (i.e., those with smaller eigenvalues). A truncated number of leading principal components (PCs), with significantly fewer variables than the number of channels, can be used to reproduce the original hyperspectral observations with reduced noise (Huang and Antonelli 2001; Antonelli et al. 2004; Turner et al. 2006).
PCA-compressed data have been used in data assimilation approaches in various ways. Collard et al. (2010) assimilated reconstructed IASI radiances from the principal components. Matricardi and McNally (2014) directly assimilated PC scores instead of radiances over clear-sky condition in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 4D-Var data assimilation system. They showed that directly assimilating 20 PC scores instead of 165 IASI radiances leads to significant computational savings with no detectable loss of skills.
PCA-based radiative transfer forward models have been developed to efficiently simulate hyperspectral radiances or brightness temperatures (BTs) from atmospheric states (temperature, water vapor, and trace gas profiles, etc.). Examples are the PCA-based version of Radiative Transfer for TOVS (PC_RTTOV; Matricardi 2010) and the principal component (PC)-based Radiative Transfer Forward Model (PCRTM) developed by Liu et al. (2006). These PCA-based radiative transfer models directly simulate PC scores using pretrained PCs. If channel radiances or brightness temperatures are needed, they can be reconstructed using PC scores and the pretrained PCs provided by the PCA-based forward models. The overall execution speed is several to tens of times faster than channel-based fast forward models. If PC scores are directly used in subsequent retrieval or data assimilation (e.g., Matricardi and McNally 2014), extra time savings can be obtained since the reconstruction of brightness temperatures or radiances is not necessary.
The typical approach of infrared satellite data assimilation used by operational centers is to only assimilate radiances not affected by clouds (Geer et al. 2018), which includes not only cloud-free conditions, but also channels unaffected by clouds (e.g., stratospheric sounding channels in cloudy conditions). For cases where clouds and precipitation are ubiquitous, all-sky data assimilation shows positive impact on the perdition skill especially for short-range forecasting (Zhang et al. 2016; Minamide and Zhang 2019, 2018). Wu et al. (2017) showed that PCRTM could be used in physical retrieval for IASI cloudy scene analysis, illustrating possible use of PCA-based radiative transfer models in data assimilation under all-sky conditions. These findings indicate that assimilating hyperspectral observations using PCA-based data assimilation method under all-sky conditions is worth exploring, in particular for the ensemble-based data assimilation techniques.
In this paper, we explore the possibility of directly assimilating PC scores instead of original hyperspectral observations under the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) framework for all-sky conditions. The outline of this paper is as follows. Section 2 discusses the methodology including a brief review of PCA and PC scores in satellite data applications, and the proposed approach in direct assimilation of PC scores with the EnKF. Section 3 describes data compression and dimension reduction of hyperspectral measurements with PCA. Section 4 shows data assimilation experiments with EnKF update using PC scores as innovation vector. Section 5 provides summary and discussion.
2. Methodology
a. Brief review of PCA and PC scores in satellite data applications
Principal component analysis is a widely used method for dimension reduction, data compression, and noise reduction. Its application in data application has been described in a number of papers with slightly different approaches and notations (e.g., Collard et al. 2010; Matricardi and McNally 2014). Here we briefly summarize PCA in the context of hyperspectral infrared observations as follows.
b. Proposed approach in direct assimilation of PC scores with the EnKF
Equations (16)–(19) are very similar to the original EnKF update Eqs. (6)–(9), with the observation variable changed from hyperspectral observations to PC scores, the forward operator changed to a PCA-based radiative transfer model that directly calculate PC scores, and the observation error covariance changed to
Goldberg et al. (2003) chose to save and distribute 200 PC scores to assure that there was sufficient information to reconstruct observed AIRS observations with over 2000 channels. As will be shown later in this paper, the variance of hyperspectral observations explained by the leading PCs are orders of magnitude larger than the lower-rank PCs. This means the leading PC scores (leading dimensions of z) are expected to be much larger in value than the lower-rank PC scores (lower-rank dimensions of z). The matrix elements corresponding to the lower-rank PC scores of the variance term in the Kalman gain matrix (i.e.,
The most obvious benefit from this PCA-based EnKF method that assimilates truncated PC scores is the huge savings in computation time. The speedup includes both time savings in the forward modeling step and the EnKF analysis step. AIRS have over 2000 channels. If assimilating less than 20 leading PCs can provide similar result compared to assimilating over 2000 channels, tens of times speedup can be expected.
3. Data compression and dimension reduction of hyperspectral satellite measurements with PCA
The focus of this work is to demonstrate that directly assimilating a number of leading PC scores yields similar increments to the model states compared to assimilating a much larger number of hyperspectral channels. In other words, it is to show that the truncated version of Eqs. (16) and (17) yields similar increments to Eqs. (6) and (7). As such, full data assimilation cycle was not performed. Instead, EnKF priors from previous data assimilation experiments for Hurricane Harvey (2017) described in Chapter 6 of Minamide (2018) was used, which is described in section 3a.
When directly assimilating PC scores in an EnKF system, there are generally two approaches to map atmosphere states into PC scores. One way is to simulate the hyperspectral observations using traditional channel-based radiative transfer models, then project the simulated hyperspectral observations to pretrained PC components. By following this approach, the data assimilation system benefits from the computational savings in the analysis step due to reduction in dimensionality and from noise reduction by discarding the noise-affected lower-rank PCs. The drawback of this approach is that the computational cost can be prohibitive if large number of channels are need, especially for operational systems. Another way to obtain PC scores is to directly map from atmospheric states to PC scores by using a PCA-based radiative transfer model as forward operator
AIRS brightness temperatures (BTs) were simulated using the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM; Han et al. 2006) using modeled atmospheric and surface states as input. Principal components should be trained using a dataset that is independent of the EnKF assimilation experiment. In this work, simulated AIRS BTs from the simulation of Dynamics of the MJO (DYNAMO) field campaign described in Ying and Zhang (2017) is used to train the PCA, which is also described in details in section 3a; the selection of AIRS channels used in this study is described in section 3b; and the training of PCA and calculation of PC scores is described in section 3c.
a. Generating hyperspectral observations
EnKF inputs from previous data assimilation experiments for Hurricane Harvey (2017) described in Chapter 6 of Minamide (2018) was used to evaluate the PCA-based EnKF data assimilation method. The ensemble data assimilation experiment had 60 ensemble members, which were initialized at 0000 UTC 22 August 2017 with perturbations added using WRFDA CV3 option and integrated for 12 h for spinup. Minimum sea level pressure and all-sky GOES-16 channel 8 observations were assimilated every hour after 1200 UTC 22 August 2017 for 3 days till 1200 UTC 25 August 2017. The intermediate resolution (9 km) domain was used because it directly predicted hydrometer mixing ratios and had a relatively large geographical coverage. The WRF single-moment 6-class mixed-phase microphysics scheme was used (WSM6; Hong and Lim 2006). EnKF priors at two different analysis times were used: one at 1400 UTC 22 August 2017 and the other one at 0200 UTC 25 August 2017 representing the initial stage and the well-developed stage of Harvey (2017), respectively. The WRF Model used had 42 vertical levels with model top at 10 hPa. More details about model configuration were described in chapter 6 of Minamide (2018).
Principal components were trained using simulated hyperspectral observations from the DYNAMO period, which represents general atmospheric conditions over tropical oceans with different types of cloudy and clear conditions, different moisture profiles, and a wide range of surface temperatures. The WRF simulation for DYNAMO had a large domain covering 20°N–20°S and 50°–120°E with 9-km horizontal resolution and 44 vertical levels with model top at 20 hPa. Hydrometer properties were directly predicted by the WRF double-moment (WDM) scheme (Lim and Hong 2010). More detailed information in model configuration was described by Ying and Zhang (2017). Hyperspectral BTs simulated using CRTM from the WRF Model output at 0000 UTC 21 October 2011 were calculated. Then Gaussian random noise was added to each channel with standard deviation equal to instrument noise level of that channel. This noise-added hyperspectral BTs were used to train PCA.
When using modeled atmospheric states as inputs to CRTM, typical effective radius values of hydrometers were used: 16.8 μm for cloud water drops, 25 μm for cloud ice, 1000 μm for rain, 500 μm for snow, and 500 μm for graupel. Only ocean grid points were used in this study to avoid additional uncertainties in land surface temperature and emissivity (that will be explored in future studies). The zenith angles for AIRS cross-track footprints range from near 0° (footprint close to nadir) to about 57° (outermost footprint) in each scan line. This angle is important for AIRS TB calculations since it influences ocean surface emissivity and effective pathlength of the atmosphere. To represent this variability, the zenith angles were randomly drawn from a uniform distribution from 0° to 57°. For the 60 ensemble members for Hurricane Harvey (2017), the same zenith angles were used at the same location for all ensemble members, while different zenith angles were used at different locations.
Figure 1 shows simulated BTs of AIRS channel with wavelength 12.183 μm within the atmosphere window. Figure 1a shows simulated BTs of the DYNAMO case; Fig. 1b shows the first ensemble member of the early stage Harvey (at 1400 UTC 22 August 2017); and Fig. 1c shows the first ensemble member of the developed stage Harvey (at 0200 UTC 25 August 2017). It is clearly shown that the largest variability in window channel BTs is due to variations in clouds. Warmer BTs usually correspond to clear sky while colder BTs usually correspond to clouds of different levels. The three circles in Fig. 1b labeled with B1 through B3 are three locations with cold, medium, and warm BTs for the first ensemble member of the early stage Harvey case, respectively, indicating high-cloud, mid-cloud, and clear-sky conditions. Note that other ensemble members at these locations could have different sky conditions than the first ensemble member. Figure 2 shows histograms of simulated BTs of AIRS channel with wavelength 12.183 μm for all the 60 ensemble members at the three locations B1 through B3. At location B1, most ensemble members had cold BTs smaller than 240 K, indicating most members had high cloud. At location B2, most ensemble members had warm BTs (larger than 270 K) while some members had medium BTs (between 240 and 270 K). Location B3 is similar to B2, but with more warm BTs and less medium BTs.
b. Channel selection
Although using all the channels can exploit the full information content in hyper-spectral observations, not all channels were used in this demonstrative work. First, channels with noise equivalent temperature difference (NEDT) larger than 1 K were excluded. Second, the model tops of the WRF simulations used in this study only extended to 10 or 20 hPa. Simulated BTs for channels sensitive to atmosphere layers close to or above the model tops are not accurate and thus should be excluded, which includes some temperature and water vapor sounding channels. As a result, only 1670 channels with wavelengths between 4.44 to 14.503 μm, with similar wavelength range to Lin et al. (2017), were used in the current study.
Another choice to make is that whether all channels within this wavelength range should be used in data assimilation. It is known that the number of pieces of independent information in hyperspectral observations is much smaller than the number of channels. Figure 3 shows the interchannel correlations between different channels. Channels with wavelength 8–13 μm (roughly corresponding to channel number 400–1330) directly sense Earth’s surface or cloud top and are highly correlated with each other. They have largest variations in BTs among various sky conditions because of large differences between cloud-top temperatures and Earth’s surface temperatures. The water vapor channels with wavelengths about 6–8 μm (channel number 1300–1864) and the temperature sounding channels with wavelengths about 13–14.5 μm (channel number 137–400) close to CO2 absorption bands have smaller BTs than the window channels but are also highly correlated with the window channels. One reason is that when the cloud top is higher than the peak of the weighting functions of these sounding channels, radiances emitted by the cloud also have large contribution to the measured radiances by these sounding channels. Another reason is that correlations exist between atmospheric state variables, such as surface temperature and atmospheric temperature. As such, correlations between BTs of window channels and sounding channels also exist over clear-sky condition.
In this research, classical fast forward radiative transfer model is used. Simulating BTs for all AIRS channels and then calculating PC scores require significant computational resources. Since BTs of AIRS channels were highly correlated, the 324-channel subset suggested by Goldberg et al. (2003) and Susskind et al. (2003) may be used to balance the information content and computational requirement, which has 199 of the selected channels within the frequency range specified in this work. We performed PCA on both the full-spectral-resolution BTs (1670 channels) and the subset BTs (199 channels) over the DYNAMO domain. Figure 4a shows the variance explained by each PC for both the full-spectral-resolution BTs (red line) and the subset BTs (blue line). For both full-spectral-resolution and selected-channel BTs, variance explained by each PC decreases rapidly, especially for the first few PCs. If 1 K2 was used as variance threshold, corresponding to 1 K white noise in the observation, the full-spectral-resolution BTs had 19 principal components with variance larger than the threshold, while the subset BTs had 14 PCs.
Figure 4b shows that the explained variance ratio of both the full-spectral-resolution BTs (red) and the subset BTs (blue) corresponding to each PC. The full-spectral-resolution BTs had less PCs than the subset BTs with explained variance ratio above a certain level, indicating variance in the full-spectral-resolution BTs were more strongly concentrated to the first few leading PCs, possibly because that many highly correlated window channels are excluded in the 324-channel subset. Figure 4c shows the first PCs of the full-spectral resolution BTs (red) and subset BTs (blue), while Fig. 4d shows the second PCs. Note that the amplitude difference was because the PCs were scaled to have unit vector length. Although the number of channels was different, the shapes of the corresponding PCs were similar for the full-spectral-resolution and subset BTs. As such, the subset BTs is used in this study instead of full-spectral-resolution BTs to save computational time in the forward radiative transfer calculations while retain most information in the hyperspectral observations.
c. The training of PCA and calculation of PC scores
When selecting AIRS channels used in this study, noisy channels with NEDT values larger than 1 K were already excluded. Most of the 199 selected channels have similar noise level lower than 0.5 K. As such, unlike other research that performs PCA on noise normalized radiances to avoid errors from noisy channels, we performed PCA on BTs directly. The simulated hyperspectral BTs of the DYNAMO case were used as training dataset to train the PCA. The domain of DYNAMO case had 444 grids along latitudinal direction and 777 grids along longitudinal direction. Hyperspectral BTs from every fourth ocean grid point were used to train the PCA, resulting in a training dataset with 74 612 hyperspectral samples, each with BTs of the 199 selected channels. The choice of the training dataset in the current demonstrative work was not intended to be optimal. With all hyperspectral BTs simulated from a single time at 0000 UTC 21 October 2011, they could not represent seasonal or diurnal variations of the atmospheric states. However, this deficiency could be compensated to some extent by the large geographical coverage of the domain.
PC scores of the hyperspectral BTs simulated from the 60-member ensemble WRF run for Hurricane Harvey (2017) were calculated using the mean hyperspectral BTs and PCs trained from the training dataset following Eq. (3), where y was the hyperspectral BTs simulated from the two analysis times of the Harvey case mentioned in section 3a, and
Using more PCs leads to higher reconstruction accuracy but higher computational cost. It is beyond the scope of this work to find the optimal number of PCs to use. Rather, we explore the influence of PC truncation on reconstruction error and EnKF increments. Figure 5 shows the reconstruction error when the first 10 (Figs. 5a–c), 15 (Figs. 5d–f), or 20 (Figs. 5g–i) leading PCs were used to reconstruct the hyperspectral BTs simulated from the first member of Harvey (2017) at 0200 UTC 25 August 2017 (i.e., the well-developed stage). Figures 5a,d,g show the residual error of a water vapor sounding channel with wavelength 7.493 μm, Figs. 5b,e,h show the residual error of a window channel with wavelength 10.213 μm, and Figs. 5c,f,i show the residual error of a temperature sounding channel with wavelength 13.796 μm. Reconstruction error values for 1400 UTC 22 August 2017 was similar and not shown.
Root-mean-square of reconstruction error over the entire domain of the DYNAMO case and the first member of Harvey (2017) case at the two aforementioned analysis times for all the selected channels are shown in Fig. 6, with the three panels corresponding to using 10, 15, and 20 PCs, respectively. When more PCs were used, the reconstruction errors were smaller. The error level difference between 15 and 20 PCs was small, indicating information gained from using even more PCs can be limited.
It is shown in Fig. 1c that the range of variation of the window channel was about 80 K, with BTs about 220 K over hurricane eyewalls and about 300 K over clear-sky ocean. This large variation was successfully captured by the 20 leading PCs with residuals similar to or below instrument noise levels. Residuals in water vapor sounding channels and temperature sounding channels showed similar characteristics, indicating the majority of information content in the hyperspectral BTs could be captured using about 20 leading PC components.
4. Data assimilation experiments with the EnKF update using PC scores as the innovation vector
The PCA-based EnKF assimilation method was evaluated by comparing the EnKF increment xa − xf obtained from assimilating PC scores and from directly assimilating simulated AIRS hyperspectral BTs. The 40th ensemble member of the two analysis times of the Harvey case was used as “truth” because its temperature profiles and water vapor profiles had relatively large departure from the ensemble mean at the three locations B1 through B3 in Fig. 1b. Gaussian noises with standard deviations equal to instrument noise levels for all channels were added to the simulated hyperspectral BTs from the 40th ensemble member to generate synthetic hyperspectral observations. The other 59 members were used as ensemble members of the EnKF system.
Figures 7a–c shows the simulated hyperspectral BTs from all the ensemble members at the locations labeled as B1, B2, and B3 in Fig. 1b, respectively. Each colored thin line shows simulated hyperspectral BTs from one ensemble member. The color of each line was determined by the brightness temperature at the same window channel used in Fig. 1 from each ensemble member at the specific location. As a result, lines with the same color in Figs. 7a–c do not necessarily correspond to the same ensemble member. Although the three locations were selected as example of high-cloud, mid-cloud, and low-cloud in the first member, respectively, different ensemble members could have different scene types, as is shown in Fig. 2. Nevertheless, most ensemble members at B1 had relatively higher clouds, while more members at B2 and B3 had clear-sky conditions. The black lines show the mean hyperspectral BTs of the training dataset. It should not be confused with the BTs calculated using ensemble mean atmospheric states (
Figures 7d–f show the corresponding 20 leading PC scores of the ensemble members at the three locations, respectively. Lines with the same colors in Figs. 7a and 7d, Figs. 7b and 7e, and Figs. 7c and 7f correspond to the same ensemble members, respectively. The black dashed line in Figs. 7d–f show the 20 leading PC scores of the ensemble mean. The absolute values of PC scores decreased rapidly with increasing PC index, which agreed well with the rapid decrease in explained variance shown in Fig. 4a.
When AIRS hyperspectral BTs were assimilated, Eqs. (6)–(9) were used to calculate EnKF increments. Although instrument noise levels for most AIRS channels are smaller than 0.5 K, observation error for all the channels is assumed as 1 K in this experiment to account for other possible error sources including representative error and forward radiative transfer model error. As such, the observation error covariance
When PC scores were assimilated, EnKF increments were calculated using a truncated version of Eqs. (16)–(19) that only a number of leading PCs and PC scores were used. The observation error covariance changed to
Figure 8 shows the EnKF increments of temperature profiles (Figs. 8a–c) and of water vapor profiles (Figs. 8d–f) when AIRS hyperspectral BTs were assimilated (black lines) and when PC scores were assimilated (colored lines) at 1400 UTC 22 August 2017. Different choices of npc values from 2 PCs to 30 PCs were tested. With increasing number of PC scores assimilated, the increments from assimilating PC scores became closer to that from assimilating AIRS hyperspectral BTs. When more than 15 PC scores were assimilated, the increments from assimilating PC scores and from assimilating AIRS hyperspectral BTs were almost indistinguishable for both the temperature profiles and water vapor profiles.
Figure 9 shows the root-mean-square (RMS) of the difference between increments from assimilating AIRS hyperspectral BTs and PC scores calculated over all layers at the three locations when different number of PCs were assimilated at 1400 UTC 22 August 2017 at the three locations B1 through B3. Figure 9a shows the RMS of temperature increments and Fig. 9b shows the RMS of water vapor increments. For all of the three locations, RMS decreased until about 16 leading PCs were used. This number was close to that used by Matricardi and McNally (2014) where 20 leading PCs were used for sounding channels under clear-sky condition. This result indicated that most information contents in the hyperspectral BTs could be captured by a smaller number of leading PCs. Also, assimilating the leading PC scores instead of assimilating AIRS hyperspectral BTs could provide significant computational savings with satisfactory accuracy.
5. Summary and discussion
Satellite-based hyperspectral observations such as those from AIRS and IASI have thousands of infrared channels that contain information on atmospheric state with much higher vertical resolution compared to observations from traditional sensors. However, the large numbers of channels also lead to computational burden in retrieval and data assimilation. Furthermore, most of the channels are highly correlated and the number of pieces of independent information contained in the hyperspectral observations is usually much smaller than the number of channels. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used in this research to compress the observational information content contained in these hyperspectral channels to a few leading principal components (PC). The corresponding PC scores can then be assimilated into a PCA-based ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) system.
In this proof-of-concept study using simulated observations, PCA was trained from AIRS hyperspectral BTs simulated using the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) and a large-domain convection-permitting simulation over the Indian Ocean that represents generic tropical ocean conditions. Brightness temperatures of 1670 AIRS channels were simulated over the domain, which showed large interchannel correlations. Since PCA-based fast radiative transfer model is not used in this study, a subset of 199 channels were selected for subsequent analysis, which contains most of the variabilities in all AIRS channels, to balance information content and computational requirement. Then principal components were trained using 74 612 hyperspectral BTs samples.
AIRS hyperspectral BTs were simulated from the convection-permitting ensemble simulations of Hurricane Harvey (2017) with CRTM. These hyperspectral BTs were converted to PC scores using the mean hyperspectral BTs of the training dataset and the PCs. The EnKF increments from assimilating AIRS hyperspectral BTs and from assimilating different numbers of leading PCs were compared. Result showed that assimilating about 10 to 20 leading PCs could yield increments that were nearly indistinguishable to that from assimilating hyperspectral measurements with 199 channels.
In this proof-of-concept study, we chose not to use PCA-based radiative transfer models so that the results shown in this work can be independent of their underlying assumptions and constraints. The drawback of this approach is that we had to use a subset of all AIRS channels that contains most of the information content. In a real PCA-based EnKF system, PCA-based radiative transfer model can be used to directly simulate PC scores at the full-spectral-resolution.
The current proof-of-concept study is based on simulated observations for both the training dataset and the reference truth for a tropical cyclone event; research is ongoing and/or planned to further explore the use of this approach for cycled real-data assimilation under different atmospheric conditions including those over various land surfaces and/or over higher latitudes.
This research is partially supported by NASA Grants NNX16AD84G and NNX12AJ79G, ONR Grant N000140910526, and NOAA funding under HFIP and NGGPS. The authors thank Masashi Minamide, Scott Sieron, and Yue Ying for providing the WRF Model output. Discussions with Eugene Clothiaux, Scott Siron, and Xianglei Huang are beneficial for this study. Computing was performed at the Texas Advanced Computing Center.
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