1. Introduction
In the presence of positive daytime surface heat flux, buoyant turbulence eddies drive the development of the convective boundary layer (CBL). The vertical heat flux in the CBL typically decreases linearly from the surface throughout the CBL and remains positive over most of the CBL, only becoming negative near the top of the CBL with absolute magnitude reaching ~0.2 of the surface heat flux (Driedonks and Tennekes 1984; Chrobok et al. 1992; Sorbjan 2009; Wang et al. 2016). As a result of such a vertical heat flux profile, the mean vertical profile of potential temperature in a typical CBL is characterized by a three-layered structure: a surface layer potential temperature decreasing with height, a near-neutral mixed layer in the middle, and a stably stratified entrainment zone at the top (Chrobok et al. 1992). While large-eddy simulations (LES) can resolve the dominant energy-containing turbulent eddies in the CBL, in operational atmospheric numerical models with much coarser resolutions, turbulent fluxes need to be parameterized using Reynolds averaging via planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization schemes. Since only stationary to quasi-stationary and homogeneous flows can satisfy the Reynolds averaging premise, PBL schemes are designed for such idealized conditions and can introduce errors in nonidealized conditions (Arya 2001).
In K-theory, an assumption of downgradient transport is made. In presence of near-zero gradient of potential temperature in the mixed layer where vertical heat fluxes are still positive, if K-theory is to produce positive fluxes, Kh needs to be infinitely large (or even negative, depending on slight variations around zero of the potential temperature gradient). Such cases violate the original assumption of downgradient transport. To address this, amendment of the K-theory was proposed to parameterize the vertical fluxes in the mixed layer with vanishing or slightly positive gradient of potential temperature (Deardorff 1966). Thus, even though near-zero gradient of potential temperature in the mixed layer is generally accepted, slight variations in the gradient (whether slightly superadiabatic or slightly statically stable) are critical in justifying this amendment to K-theory (Deardorff 1966; Brown 1996), as well as for validation (or invalidation) of other higher-order closure parameterization schemes (Shin and Hong 2011; Wang et al. 2016).
The countergradient correction to the K-theory for turbulent parameterization proposed initially by Ertel (1942), Priestley and Swinbank (1947) and Deardorff (1966) was later widely used in many studies to develop/improve K-profile first-order PBL schemes; examples include Deardorff (1972, 1973), Mailhot and Benoit (1982), Troen and Mahrt (1986), Holtslag and Moeng (1991), Holtslag and Boville (1993), Holtslag et al. (1995), Frech and Mahrt (1995), Sorbjan (2009), Lock et al. (2000) for developing the PBL scheme in the UKMO Unified Model, as well as Hong and Pan (1996) when developing the Medium-Range Forecast (MRF) PBL scheme, and Noh et al. (2003) and Hong et al. (2006) in developing the Yonsei University (YSU) scheme, which has in recent years become one of most widely used PBL schemes (e.g., Hu et al. 2010a; Hu et al. 2013a; Miao et al. 2015; Sun et al. 2016; Zhu et al. 2018; Hu et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2019). The intent of the countergradient flux is to simulate transport by penetrating thermals rising from the unstable surface layer to the upper part of the CBL (Zhou et al. 2018), and it has been shown to play a role in neutralizing/stabilizing the gradients of potential temperature by cooling the lower part of CBL and warming the upper part. Limited tests show that the MRF scheme may overestimate local static stability in the upper CBL due to excessive countergradient fluxes, while the YSU scheme aims to improve the simulated CBL thermal structure (Hong et al. 2006). However, evaluation has only been performed against a limited number of observed soundings.
A new PBL scheme using the YSU treatment of local eddy fluxes (or downgradient fluxes) was developed by Shin and Hong (2015, below abbreviated as SH), in which the countergradient heat flux term was replaced with a nonlocal heat flux profile fitted to LES results, and scale awareness (or horizontal grid spacing dependency) was added to the scheme. To achieve scale awareness, the SH scheme scales both local and nonlocal eddy fluxes according to the normalized grid spacing (
Starting in 2010, high vertical resolution L-band sounding data have been collected daily at 1300 local time during the rainy season (from June to September) at selected radiosonde sites in China (Guo et al. 2016; W. C. Zhang et al. 2018), including the Beijing site. This study uses 2010–16 L-band radiosonde data from Beijing to investigate the detailed vertical thermal structure of the CBL and to evaluate performance of the YSU and SH first-order PBL schemes within the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model (Skamarock et al. 2008; Skamarock and Klemp 2008). Viable options for optimization of the SH scheme will be identified, particularly in terms of reproducing the slightly stable upper CBL. The advantage of the scale-aware technique of the SH scheme is not discussed in this study; instead, the performance of the YSU and SH schemes applied beyond the gray zone at
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In section 2, the L-band radiosonde data and their processing method, an analytic solution of a K-profile CBL model, configurations of the WRF simulations used in this study, and relevant details of the SH scheme are described. In section 3, composite profiles of CBL potential temperature over Beijing are presented. The impacts of adjusting countergradient flux profiles on simulated temperature profiles are then demonstrated using the analytic solution of a K-profile CBL model, followed by WRF simulations using YSU, SH, and SH variants with adjusted flux profiles, in both single-column and three-dimensional modes. Finally, section 4 contains a summary of the main findings and some relevant discussion.
2. Data, methods, and simulation experiments
a. L-band radiosonde data and technique to produce composite profiles
In 2010, China shifted from using type 59–701 mechanical radiosondes, which operated at 403 MHz to an L-band (1675 MHz) sounding system for the 120 radiosonde sites managed by the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) (Bian et al. 2011). The L-band system uses a GTS1 digital radiosonde together with a secondary radar to retrieve atmospheric profiles. During the balloon launching process, the sounding data are collected every second, producing data with 2–6 m vertical resolution near the surface (Liu and Chen 2014). The GTS1 radiosonde temperature profiles agree quite well with those of Vaisala RS92 and RS80 radiosondes in the daytime troposphere, having a mean difference of only ~0.2 K (Bian et al. 2011). In addition to the regular daily soundings at 0000 and 1200 UTC [0800 and 2000 local time (LT), UTC = LT − 8 h], additional soundings were launched in the afternoon (~1300 LT) at selected sites during the rainy season (corresponding to the monsoon season from June to September). The Beijing sounding site (world meteorological organization (WMO) station number 54511; located at 39.8°N, 116.467°E) has the greatest number of afternoon soundings since 2010.
Beijing is located in the northern portion of the North China Plains. The Beijing sounding site is located near the southeastern corner of the 5th Ring Road of Beijing (Tian and Lu 2017; Z. Y. Zhang et al. 2018), approximately 60 km away from the Taihang and Yanshan mountains (which are situated to the west and north of Beijing; see Fig. 1). The boundary layer structure at the sounding site thus may experience mountain effects, but outside the region immediately/mostly affected by the mountains, which is estimated to be within ~50 km east of the Taihang Mountain (Hu et al. 2014; Hu et al. 2016). In the presence of southerly prevailing winds during the monsoon season, the Beijing sounding site is in the upwind region of downtown Beijing in an area with relatively flat topography.
In this study, the composite profile of CBL potential temperature over Beijing is produced based on afternoon soundings from 2010 to 2016. From the total datasets of 417 afternoon soundings available from these 7 years, 313 soundings containing CBL features (i.e., a near-neutral mixed layer with a capping inversion) are selected for use in this study. Soundings lacking such features are excluded, as those soundings are likely affected by transient atmospheric processes such as fronts, troughs, and precipitation. The 313 CBL soundings are first normalized using the CBL depth (zi), and are then averaged to obtain composite CBL profiles.
Many methods have previously been used to diagnose CBL top. In the LES community, the CBL top is usually diagnosed as the level of the minimum heat flux. Unfortunately, heat flux profiles are not available from the radiosonde observations used in this study. For sounding data, threshold Richardson number (Guo et al. 2016), and the 1.5-theta-increase method (Nielsen-Gammon et al. 2008) have proven more practical (Hu et al. 2010a; Hu et al. 2010b; Hu et al. 2013b; Miao et al. 2015; Li et al. 2017; Yang et al. 2019). The 1.5-theta-increase method defines the zi as the height where the potential temperature first exceeds the minimum potential temperature within the boundary layer by 1.5 K. An example diagnosis of the CBL top from a L-band radiosonde profile and a WRF-simulated profile is shown in Fig. 2. In this case, for the simulated profile, the 1.5-theta-increase method diagnoses a CBL top 28 m higher than that diagnosed by the YSU algorithm. The YSU scheme diagnoses the CBL top as the lowest altitude for which the bulk Richardson number between the surface and that altitude exceeds zero (simply when virtual potential temperature at that level exceeds surface virtual potential temperature plus thermal excess due to surface buoyancy flux) and thus essentially does not consider wind shear magnitude. A critical Richardson number of 0.25 is used in stable boundary layer (Hong 2010). In this study, the 1.5-theta-increase method is used to diagnose zi for normalization and generating composite profiles for both L-band radiosondes and WRF-simulated profiles.
b. Quasi-steady-state analytical solutions to a K-profile PBL model derived by Stevens (2000)
c. Flux profiles in the SH scheme
Except for adding scale-awareness treatment, the other main change to the YSU scheme made by the SH scheme is replacing the countergradient heat flux in YSU (Kh × γ) with a three-layer nonlocal heat flux profile fitted to LES results. The three-layer nonlocal vertical heat flux profile adopted by SH peaks at
d. One-dimensional (1D) simulations for a clear day (23 July 2010) over Beijing
Sensitivity simulations are first conducted using WRF v4.0 in single-column mode with the YSU and SH schemes, including runs with different values of
The horizontal grid spacing is assumed to be 4 km. By 0500 UTC (1300 LT), simulated zi is lower than 2 km, thus the normalized grid spacing
e. Three-dimensional (3D) simulations for 14 days with well-developed CBLs over Beijing
To investigate the performance of the YSU and SH schemes and the impact of parameters
All model domains used the Dudhia shortwave radiation algorithm (Dudhia 1989), the Rapid Radiative Transfer Model (RRTM) (Mlawer et al. 1997) for longwave radiation, and the WRF single-moment 6-class (WSM6) microphysics scheme (Hong et al. 2004). The Grell-3 cumulus scheme (Grell and Devenyi 2002) was used on the 27 and 9 km domains, but is turned off for the 3 km domain. In initial tests of the 1D WRF, setting fnl = 1.1 in SH resulted in a slightly stable CBL starting from a very low zn, while setting
3. Results
a. Composite profiles of potential temperature in CBL over Beijing
Composite profiles were produced for 14 CBL cases in 2010 and 313 CBL cases during 2010–16 based on the L-band radiosonde data over Beijing. The slightly stable upper part of the CBL starts at 0.32, and 0.31zi in the 14 CBL composite, and the 313 CBL composite, respectively (Fig. 3). When composites were produced using data from individual years between 2010 and 2016, the altitude of this neutral point, zn, varied between 0.28 and 0.36 (not shown); zn derived from these sounding data appears to be lower than zn derived from LESs for other cases. Zhou et al. (2018) reported a zn of 0.4zi and Stevens (2000) reported a zn ~ 0.46zi based on their LES results. Using different definitions of zi may slightly affect zn, which matters because 1.5-theta-increase method is used here, while the altitude of minimal heat flux is used in LES diagnoses. zi diagnosed using the latter method can be lower than zi diagnosed using the former by around 5%, as will be shown later. Thus, mean zn over Beijing during 2010–16 may be 0.33 if diagnosed using the minimal flux method, closer to (but still lower than) that of the LES results. Different meteorological factors, such as capping inversion strength and wind shear, may have modulated the altitude of zn for different cases. For example, when wind shear increases, buoyant turbulence-driven CBL transitions to mechanical turbulence-driven CBL, in which small eddies dominate, CBL will likely become more superadiabatic and zn increases. The actual reasons for the differences warrant future investigating. Nonetheless, the composite profile over Beijing corroborate previous limited observations (Bunker 1956; Telford and Warner 1964; Lenschow 1970), revealing that upper part of CBLs are slightly stable and thus further justifying the countergradient amendment to the original K-profile schemes. In addition, the detailed thermal structure of CBLs in terms of zn height (~0.31–0.33zi) documented by the composite profiles can be used to fine tune the K-profile PBL schemes.
b. Impact of countergradient flux profiles on temperature profile based on analytic K-profile model
Due to atmosphere’s inherent mechanism, vertical heat flux in the CBL linearly decreases from the surface throughout the CBL and becomes negative in the entrainment zone (Driedonks and Tennekes 1984; Wang et al. 2016). We first examine under such a constraint the impact of adjusting countergradient flux profile on simulated temperature profiles using the analytic solution of a K-profile PBL model derived by Stevens (2000). In this model, Kh takes a prescribed cubic form and the entrainment ratio is set as −0.2. In the quasi-steady solution characterized with linear total flux profile, different countergradient flux (Kh × γ) profiles with different γ lead to different profiles of potential temperature following the analytic solution of Eq. (3). As shown in Fig. 4, when countergradient fluxes [called nonlocal fluxes by Stevens (2000)] exceed total fluxes, the local fluxes become negative. Anywhere local fluxes are negative, the CBL becomes statically stable. The crossover point where local flux switches from positive to negative is the neutral point zn. Increasing γ leads to larger countergradient flux, thus lower crossover point.
Entrainment ratio may vary in presence of vertical wind shear (Conzemius and Fedorovich 2006a, b). Varying entrainment ratios also affect zn. In Figs. 4e–h, the analytical solution is shown with a different entrainment ratio of −0.3. Stronger entrainment leads to decreases in zn (Fig. 4), likely due to entrainment-induced turbulence penetrating deeper into the lower CBL, and also leads to a deeper slightly stable upper CBL. For an entrainment ratio of −0.3, γ affects zn the same way as for an entrainment ratio of −0.2.
The analytic solution demonstrates how the countergradient flux profile directly impacts the simulated CBL structure, and therefore provides clues for optimizing countergradient treatment in PBL schemes, including that of SH.
c. CBL structures simulated by YSU, SH, and SH variants in 1D single-column mode
As mentioned earlier, the SH scheme replaces the countergradient heat flux in YSU (Kh × γ) with a nonlocal heat flux profile fitted to LES results.
Simulated flux profiles are examined in Fig. 6; local downgradient flux is computed as
Increasing fnl to 1.1 in SH leads to larger nonlocal fluxes in the CBL, exceeding the total flux over a thicker layer in the upper part of the CBL, resulting in negative local fluxes above a shallower surface layer (Fig. 6b). As a result, a more slightly stable profile starting from a very low zn (0.12zi) is simulated. Given the observations (Fig. 3) and LES results (Stevens 2000; Zhou et al. 2018), a zn of 0.12zi is likely too low. Thus, variation of another parameter,
These 1D simulations demonstrate that the actual shape of the nonlocal heat flux profile in the SH scheme can be controlled by parameters fnl and
d. CBL structures simulated by 3D WRF for 14 cases in 2010
3D WRF simulations are compared at the Beijing sounding site for the 14 cases from 2010 with L-band radiosonde data (Fig. 7), and with National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) global hourly surface data for two cases (Fig. 8). Simulated profiles of potential temperature and water vapor mixing ratios from forecasts using the default SH (with
Simulated and observed profiles of potential temperature for two cases, at 1300 LT on two days (23 July and 5 September 2010), are shown in Fig. 9 as zoomed-in plots to better reveal the detailed CBL structures, revealing differences in the finescale structures not discernible in Fig. 7. While all simulations produce smooth profiles, the instantaneous soundings show much greater vertical variation in CBL, likely resulting from transient turbulent processes as well as effects of horizontal nonuniform heat transport. The level of noise in the vertical variation of θ over Beijing is comparable to that of other soundings (e.g., those over Beltsville) (Hu et al. 2012; Hu et al. 2013b, figure not shown). The PBL parameterization instead tries to simulate the mean effects of boundary layer turbulence eddies in the form of an “ensemble average” (Mellor and Yamada 1974; Wyngaard and Coté 1974; Sun and Chang 1986; Nakanishi and Niino 2004). Because of the presence of transient structures, the three-layered CBL structure (i.e., superadiabatic surface layer, near-neutral mixed layer, and upper inversion layer) is harder to clearly define for the observed soundings although the presence of the stable upper CBL is clear in both soundings. The height of the neutral point in the 23 July sounding can be estimated as 0.37 km, while the CBL top can be estimated as 1.3 km (Fig. 9a), although there are significant uncertainties with such estimations. For the 5 September case (Fig. 9b), the observed structure of the lower CBL is even more complicated. Due to the presence of transient structures in the observations, using individual sounding profiles for evaluation purposes is less meaningful, and the use of coarse vertical resolution sounding data is even more problematic. Instead, using composite profiles based on many sounding profiles (such as those shown in Fig. 3) should give more robust results.
Overall, however, the differences between the YSU and SH schemes, and the two variants of the SH scheme, in terms of temperature gradients in CBL shown in Fig. 9 are consistent with the 1D WRF simulations shown in Fig. 5. YSU simulates a slightly stable boundary layer starting from a very low zn (~0.25zi on average), while the default SH gives a higher zn (~0.48zi on average) with overly weak local static stability above zn. Increasing fnl in SH to 1.1 while holding
To more robustly evaluate the simulated potential temperature profiles, the composite profiles for the 14 CBL cases in 2010 are shown in Fig. 10a. Here the composite profiles from the simulations are produced in the same way as for the observations, using the procedure described in section 2a. The composite of observed sounding profiles is mostly free of the transient structures seen in the individual soundings. Again, the differences between YSU and SH, and two SH variants are consistent with the 1D results. The SH scheme with fnl = 1.1 and
Given the variation of zn between 0.28 and 0.36zi in different years based on the L-band radiosonde data, we did not try to fine-tune the SH scheme further to exactly match the composite profiles from 2010. Nonetheless, our evaluation for the composite profiles in 2010 illustrates that the YSU scheme simulates too low a zn, and the default SH scheme simulates too high a zn. Adjusting the nonlocal flux profile in the SH scheme by increasing fnl, and
Following Shin and Hong (2015), our examinations of the CBL structure focus mainly on the resulting potential temperature (θ) profiles. For dry air, the θ profile determines the static stability. For moister air, virtual potential temperature (θυ), that takes into account of the effect of moisture (q) on the air density, represents the static stability more accurately. Most, if not all, PBL parameterization studies present θ and q profiles individually instead of θυ. Still, we present in Fig. 10b the comparisons of simulated and observed θυ profiles. As can be seen, the shapes of these profiles are very close to those of corresponding θ profiles shown in Fig. 10a, with the main difference being a shift of about 2.4 K toward the right due to the contribution of moisture. Given the very similar vertical structures, not surprisingly, the optimal parameters of the nonlocal heat flux term in the SH scheme would be the same based on θυ. While the observed θυ profile indicates a zn of 0.31, the default SH simulates a zn of 0.51. The two SH schemes with adjusted parameters simulate a zn closer to observation. Overall, The SH scheme with fnl = 1.1 and
4. Conclusions and discussion
Since the 1950s, a countergradient flux term has been used to amend the classic K-profile first-order PBL schemes based on observations of slightly stable conditions in the upper part of CBLs. These early observations, as documented in the literature, were mostly limited to a few aircraft soundings. Attempts to infer detailed vertical gradients of potential temperature and the neutral stability point (zn) in the CBL from those soundings contain much uncertainty. In this study, composite profiles of potential temperature are derived from multiyear, high vertical resolution L-band radiosonde data taken early in the afternoon over Beijing, China. The CBL over Beijing becomes slightly stable above zn ~ 0.31–0.33zi. These composite profiles are then used to evaluate two K-profile first-order PBL schemes, the YSU and SH schemes. Optimization of the SH scheme through parameter calibration is also proposed.
In 1D WRF simulations for a CBL case over Beijing, the YSU scheme simulates a statically stable profile over most of the CBL with zn ~ 0.24zi, while the SH scheme simulates a thick superadiabatic lower half of the CBL with zn ~ 0.45zi (in other cases, SH simulates an even higher zn of up to ~0.6zi). The uncertainties/biases of simulated zn with different PBL schemes illustrate that even the most recent SH scheme may need further calibration and tuning against a larger observational dataset.
Experiments with the analytic solution of the K-profile PBL model of Stevens (2000) show that adjusting the countergradient flux profile leads to significant changes of thermal structure in the CBL and the associated zn. Increasing countergradient flux leads to lower crossover point of local fluxes becoming negative and consequently a lower zn. These experiments offer insights valuable for calibrating the SH scheme by adjusting the countergradient flux profile used.
The SH scheme replaces the countergradient heat flux profile inherited from the YSU scheme with a three-layer nonlocal heat flux profile, with fnl specifying the peak value of the nonlocal flux and
The YSU and SH schemes and two SH variants with modified
Note that in addition to modifying the nonlocal heat flux profile from its predecessor YSU, another innovation of the SH scheme is adding scale awareness to both parameterized local and nonlocal turbulence fluxes. With the scare awareness, the parameterized fluxes are scaled according to the normalized horizontal grid spacing
Currently the treatments for θ and moisture in YSU and SH are different. Particularly, while the countergradient mixing is considered for heat fluxes, it is not considered for moisture fluxes (Hong et al. 2006). The different treatments for θ and moisture may be due to their different mixing characteristics/processes. It is well realized that the dissipation time scale for moisture fluctuations appears longer than that for temperature fluctuations, and thus moisture is often not well-mixed even when θ is (Mahrt 1991). Evaluation and improvement of the parameterization of fluxes/profiles of moisture, as well as momentum, in mesoscale models also clearly warrants further investigation (Mellado et al. 2017).
This work was supported by the NOAA VORTEX-SE program Grant NA17OAR4590188 and NSF Grant AGS-1917701. We are grateful to Bowen Zhou for discussion. Proofreading by Nate Snook is greatly appreciated. Computations were performed at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) and earlier simulations were conducted at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). The reanalysis dataset was downloaded from https://rda.ucar.edu/, the NCDC data used for model evaluation are downloaded from http://www7.ncdc.noaa.gov/CDO/cdo, and the radiosonde data are archived by the China Metrological Administration (CMA). Model data produced from this study have been archived at University of Oklahoma: http://www.caps.ou.edu/micronet/WRF_1D.html.
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