1. Introduction
Our ability to measure the atmospheric state above the ground needs to be improved in order to meet the growing needs of society (National Research Council 2009; Stalker et al. 2013). One way to address these needs is through ground-based remote sensing systems that can fill in large spatial and temporal gaps in the current upper-air network (Geerts et al. 2018). Ground-based profilers present an intriguing option because of the high time resolution of their retrievals and because they can be left unattended for long periods of time. To explore the use of these systems for severe weather applications, the National Severe Storms Laboratory obtained an Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) to retrieve profiles of temperature and water vapor and a Doppler lidar (DL) to retrieve wind profiles. These profilers are mounted on a trailer—named the Collaborative Lower Atmosphere Mobile Profiling System (CLAMPS)—to allow for targeted observations (Wagner et al. 2019).
Characteristics of severe convective weather are sensitive to the state of the convective boundary layer (CBL). Unfortunately numerical weather prediction (NWP) of the CBL state continues to be error prone with systematic biases (Coniglio et al. 2013; Cohen et al. 2015; Shin and Dudhia 2016; Cohen et al. 2017). Many efforts to reduce these biases on convection-allowing (~1–4 km) grids through improved physical parameterizations are ongoing (e.g., Shin and Hong 2015; Benjamin et al. 2016; Zhou et al. 2018). In the meantime, although a biased background state can hinder the reduction of analysis error through the assimilation of observations (Romine et al. 2013), the upper-air network is exceedingly sparse relative to convective space and time scales, and therefore it is likely that even biased systems would still benefit from additional, judiciously chosen observations. Indeed, despite the presence of known temperature and humidity biases in the CBL, some improvements to short-term (~1–6 h) convection-allowing forecasts of thunderstorms has been shown by assimilating special upper-air observations from radiosondes (Hitchcock et al. 2016; Coniglio et al. 2016).
For NWP applications, it is important to gauge the worth of new observing systems through multiple diagnostic studies of forecast-system improvement (National Research Council 2009). To contribute to this effort, we have assimilated retrievals from the CLAMPS AERI and DL into an ensemble analysis and forecast system that has been used for real-time prediction of convective weather. This study is inspired by the Mesoscale Predictability Experiment (MPEX; Weisman et al. 2015) in which ensemble sensitivity analysis (ESA; Ancell and Hakim 2007; Torn and Hakim 2008) was used to guide where and when to take observations to increase the likelihood of making an impact on forecasts. In MPEX, a Gulfstream V aircraft released dozens of dropsondes in the early morning over the Intermountain West with a focus on gauging impacts on 12–24-h forecasts (Romine et al. 2016). In this study, CLAMPS is used to obtain AERI and DL observations from a single location and we focus on 1–6-h forecast impacts. It is shown here that retrievals from the AERI and DL, even from only one location, can have a positive impact on analyses of the prestorm environment and the subsequent prediction of storms. Section 2 provides an overview of the CLAMPS AERI and DL and the methods to obtain retrievals of temperature, humidity, and winds. Section 3 describes the ESA method used for observation targeting. Section 4 describes the ensemble analysis and forecasting system, the methods of postprocessing of the retrievals for data assimilation, and the forecast verification methods. Pertinent results from the data assimilation experiments are summarized in section 5, experiment sensitivities are discussed in section 6, and conclusions are provided in section 7.
2. Ground-based profilers
The AERI is a passive remote sensor that measures downwelling spectral infrared radiation every 20 s in a portion of the spectrum (3.3–19.2 μm) that is sensitive to the vertical thermodynamic structure of the atmosphere (Knuteson et al. 2004). After applying a principal component–based noise filter to reduce random error in the radiance spectra (Turner et al. 2006), and averaging the radiances to 2-min intervals, the radiances are processed through an optimal-estimation-based retrieval algorithm (AERIoe) described in Turner and Löhnert (2014). AERIoe is an iterative Guass–Newton retrieval technique that uses the Clough and Iacono (1995) radiative transfer model to obtain estimates of the vertical profile of temperature t and water vapor mixing ratio q, as well as the cloud liquid water path (LWP) and mean cloud effective radius in the column. The retrieval is constrained in the middle to upper troposphere by a first guess from the Rapid Refresh model analyses (Benjamin et al. 2016), but the final retrievals are insensitive to the particular first-guess profile that is used (Turner and Löhnert 2014). More information on AERIoe can be found in Turner and Löhnert (2014) and Turner and Blumberg (2018).
The retrieved t and q profiles lose vertical resolution rapidly with height [as shown later and in Turner and Löhnert (2014)], which reflects sensitivities in the radiative transfer model, truncation error in applying the radiative transfer model to a discrete set of height points, level-to-level covariance in the a priori data used to constrain the retrieval, and noise in the observed radiance spectra. Because of these uncertainties, the retrievals contain far fewer independent data points than what can be obtained from in situ methods (e.g., radiosondes). However, assimilation of these above-ground observations of t and q every 2 min, despite their low vertical resolution, may be an effective way to incorporate mesoscale environmental heterogeneity (if present) into model initial conditions and/or reduce initial condition errors. Further, the retrievals include estimates of their associated error as a function of height (Turner and Löhnert 2014), which is important to quantify for data assimilation purposes.
b. Doppler lidar
Doppler lidar (light detection and ranging) is a visible analog to Doppler radar that uses light backscattered from aerosols to measure line-of-sight particle velocity. NSSL uses a pulsed Doppler lidar manufactured by Halo Photonics Ltd. and is similar to the lidar described in Pearson et al. (2009) (see Table 1 for the primary lidar parameters used in this work). For this study, the lidar was configured to complete a full conical scan at 60° elevation in 8 steps (every 45° in azimuth). A full conical scan takes ~20 s to complete and these scans were performed every three minutes (the lidar was scanning vertically when not doing conical scans). In the ideal case of a homogeneous wind field, the line-of-sight winds are sine-like as a function of azimuth and the wind components are retrieved through fitting a sine function to the radial wind speed (commonly known as the velocity–azimuth display, or VAD, technique). A separate sine wave is fit to the winds at each ~30-m range gate to obtain a high-resolution vertical profile of the wind every three minutes. The vertical range of the DL sample is limited by the amount of aerosol backscatter and clouds (the light can penetrate only very thin clouds). For the plains region sampled, the aerosol concentration can be large enough to allow for retrievals up to 3 km AGL but a retrieval depth of 1–1.5 km is typical.
Parameters of the lidar.
3. Targeting using ensemble sensitivity analysis
Two types of sensitivity plots were used as guidance for observation targeting. First, Eq. (1) was computed at each grid point using 6- or 9-h forecasts to define the state variables [x in Eq. (1)].1 In 2016, the forecast metric [J in Eq. (1)] was the simulated composite (column maximum) reflectivity averaged over a 2-h period within a ~250 km (east–west) by ~300 km (north–south) region. The location of this region was chosen to encompass forecasts of storms on that day and the 2-h period was chosen to end at the time that the standard deviation in vertical velocity within the region of forecasted storms was maximized. This 2-h period was chosen to capture convective initiation and early convective evolution in the forecasts. In 2017, the forecast metric was changed to be the maximum vertical kinetic energy (
While real-time plots of Eq. (1) are helpful in identifying potentially sensitive areas, and provide a means to interpret physical reasons for differences in the forecasts (Torn and Romine 2015; Hill et al. 2016), quantitative estimates of how an observation will impact the later ensemble mean forecasts requires knowledge of the observation value itself, so that one could determine errors in the model state estimates. An observation will not change the ensemble mean forecasts if there is no error in the ensemble mean model state, regardless of the sensitivity. For real observation targeting, it can be difficult to determine ahead of time when and where the model state will have significant errors, and thus Eq. (1) can be difficult to exploit in real time.
To better quantify how an observation will impact forecasts, Ancell and Hakim (2007) derived an expression that estimates the reduction in the ensemble variance of J that would occur by assimilating an observation at a particular location, termed the observation impact value [see Eq. (6) in Torn and Hakim (2008)]. This technique estimates the reduction of forecast variance by only knowing observation error characteristics and ensemble forecast values,
It should be noted that areas identified as having the highest ensemble sensitivity for one variable are not necessarily the same for other variables, and are not necessarily the same areas where the possible variance reduction from assimilation of observations is maximized. This leads to some ambiguity in where to target for observations to maximize their impact. The observation impact values are directly proportional to the forecast-metric-observation covariance [see Eq. (6) in Torn and Hakim (2008)], meaning regions with large ensemble variance in reflectivity are more likely to have large observation impact values than regions with small forecast-metric-observation covariance. Because the ensemble variance is not directly related to the innovation (observation value minus the ensemble mean value), there is no reason to expect that the pattern of sensitivity values will be the same as that for the observation impact values. Therefore, decisions on where to target with CLAMPS were made subjectively after considering the whole of the observation impact values and the sensitivity values among several variables.
4. Assimilation experiment methods
a. Data assimilation and analysis system
The configuration of the experiments are summarized in Fig. 4 and are described next. Version 3.6.1 of WRF-ARW is used for the data assimilation experiments with the same configuration (Table 2) as the NCAR real-time ensemble that was used to derive the ESA fields, except an ensemble of 80 members is used for the forecasts here rather than the 30 members used in real time. For each case, a 15-km grid with a one-way 3-km nest is initialized from the real-time NCAR-generated 15-km analyses valid at 0600 UTC. Forecasts from the 0.5° GFS 0000 UTC cycle with WRF-VAR perturbations (Torn et al. 2006; Barker et al. 2012) provide lateral boundary conditions for the 15-km grid. The 15-km analysis and the downscaled analysis on the 3-km grid are integrated together such that the 15-km grid provides lateral boundary conditions for the 3-km grid. The 3-km grid is centered near the location of CLAMPS for each case (Fig. 1).
Primary WRF-ARW options.
After a 6-h forecast spinup period starting at 0600 UTC, the ensemble adjustment Kalman filter (EAKF; Anderson 2003) encoded in the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) software (Anderson et al. 2009) is used to assimilate observations into the 80 model states starting at 1200 UTC. Observations are assimilated every hour from 1200 to 1700 UTC then every 15 min for a case-dependent 2–5-h period starting at 1800 UTC. The analysis from the final assimilation cycle, the time of which varies from 2000 to 2300 UTC among the cases (Table 3), is used to initialize 6-h forecasts produced on the 15-/3-km grids for all 80 members. Observations assimilated in both the 1-h and 15-min assimilation periods include t,
Periods of the AERIoe and DL retrievals used for the PROF experiments resulting in the number of assimilation cycles shown, and a description of the convective mode that later occurred (if any) in the environment that was sampled from the locations shown in Fig. 1.
Primary DART options. Choices for the localizations follow Wheatley et al. (2015) (radar), Coniglio et al. (2016) (radiosonde), and Sobash and Stensrud (2013) (mesonet). Horizontal localization for the AERI, DL, and ACARS observations were made smaller than that used for the radiosonde observations because they are assimilated more frequently.
b. AERI and DL assimilation experiments
AERIoe retrievals of t and
After the QC steps above, a temporal Gaussian filter with an e-folding time of 3 min is applied to both the AERIoe and DL retrievals to create lightly smoothed profiles every 15 min to match the time interval of the second assimilation period. After smoothing in time, the DL wind retrievals are smoothed lightly in the vertical (with an e-folding distance of 60 m). Examples of smoothed retrievals are shown in Fig. 6. As noted earlier, AERIoe results in smooth vertical profiles that reflect the rapid loss of independent information content with height (Turner and Löhnert 2014). This is accounted for in the assimilation by using AERIoe retrieval points that are spaced according to the vertical resolution of the profiles estimated in the retrieval (Fig. 5a). For the DL retrievals, the lightly smoothed wind profiles are linearly interpolated to the 40 vertical levels in the model.
Measurement uncertainties are quantified directly by AERIoe as described in section 2a. However, this retrieval error does not include representativeness error resulting from unresolved scales and processes. The standard deviation of representation error for the AERIoe retrievals is specified to be 2 K for both t and
At least 90 min of simultaneous AERI and DL data were collected for each of the 12 cases, allowing for at least 6 cycles in which the processed AERIoe and DL retrievals are assimilated (Table 3). The control (CNTL) experiments assimilate all observations except for the AERIoe and DL retrievals. The experiments that add the AERIoe and DL retrievals are referred to as the PROF experiments. The time when the AERIoe and DL retrievals are first assimilated is determined by the start of the sampling period, and the time of the final assimilation cycle for each case is chosen so that a 2-h period of short-term forecasts (covering 1–3 or 2–4 h) can be made to match the valid time of the forecast variables evaluated in ESA. For example,
c. Verification
The forecast field used in the verification is simulated composite reflectivity and the observed field is the NSSL Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) 0.01° by 0.01° analysis of composite reflectivity (Zhang et al. 2016) interpolated to the 3-km WRF-ARW grid. Using a threshold4 of 35 dBZ, the NPs for each member are computed from these reflectivity fields and are then averaged across all ensemble members, which is then used to compute the FSS as in Schwartz et al. (2010). The verification domain covers only the area of convection that evolved within and near the ESA region to prevent FSS sensitivities that can occur when the “wet area” ratio of the domain is small (Mittermaier and Roberts 2010) and to mitigate the influence of errors from convection in the 3-km domain that does not evolve within the environment that was sampled.
Although many reflectivity thresholds and neighborhood sizes were tested, we focus on results using 35 dBZ and a square neighborhood of 8 grid cells giving a neighborhood size of ~25 km by 25 km as this combination is found to provide a good representation of skill that matches visual inspection of the differences. The interpretation of the relative differences in FSS is not sensitive to these choices. This neighborhood reduces the influence of errors with spatial scales close to and smaller than the smallest resolvable scale of the grid (
5. Findings
a. 25 May 2017 case
Assimilation of the AERI and DL retrievals results in noticeable changes to the ensemble mean fields in the CBL for all cases. The typical changes to the ensemble mean in the CBL, regarding both the spatial extent of the changes (governed by the choice of covariance localization; Table 4) and the magnitude of the changes, are illustrated in Fig. 7 for the 25 May 2017 case. The flow-dependent and nonisotropic nature of the EAKF covariances results in a pattern of cooling and moistening in the CBL that reflects the shape of a dryline to the west and a cold front to the north (Figs. 7e,f). The pattern reflects a westward shift of the dryline in the PROF ensemble mean, which is also reflected in the easterly vector wind difference. This westward shift results in a dryline position closer to where it was observed. This westward shift to the dryline, and the associated convergence in the CBL, results in more divergence near the CLAMPS location in the PROF experiment with a slight cooling and drying also noted there. The result is an environment more supportive for convection farther west, within far-western Kansas, and an environment less supportive of convection near CLAMPS.
Differences in neighborhood ensemble probabilities (NEPs)5 for the 25 May 2017 case are small through the first 2-h of the forecasts (Figs. 8a–c). After 2 h, as the convection interacts with the modified environment, NEPs that are 5%–10% higher in the PROF experiment emerge near the location of the supercell over northwestern Kansas and NEPs that are 5%–15% smaller in the PROF experiment emerge to the east of this supercell where no storms were observed (Figs. 8e,f). This westward shift of NEPs in the PROF experiment to a location over the supercell is consistent with the westward shift in the dryline closer to where it was observed. This dipole in NEP differences continues through 4 h, with increases of NEPs up to 10% that overlap with the eastern portion of what evolved into a small cluster of supercells. Furthermore, decreases in NEP continue to be seen up to 15% in the PROF experiment where no storms were observed to the northeast of the supercell cluster (Fig. 8i). By 5 h, the pattern of the differences becomes much less coherent and the magnitudes of the NEP differences become small again (Fig. 8l).
Consistent with the negligible NEP differences through 2-h forecasts, the FSS is nearly identical for both experiments through about 2 h (Fig. 9). Also consistent with the NEP differences shown in Fig. 8 for 3- and 4-h forecasts, the FSS is larger for the PROF experiment at these times, with up to 95% confidence in the differences at 3 h (Fig. 9). The FSS differences become small again after 4 h (Fig. 9).
b. Impacts over all twelve cases
The NEP differences provide a helpful way to visualize the impacts on the forecasts and are presented for all 12 cases (Fig. 10) at a time when the FSS differences (PROF minus CNTL) were large for that case. While the NEP difference magnitudes are rather small—mostly <20%—the positive differences (higher probabilities in the PROF experiments) tend to overlap or are close to observed storms and the negative differences (lower probabilities in the PROF experiments) tend to be in areas devoid of storms.
Figure 11 presents the FSS for all twelve cases. Presenting the FSS differences for each case more effectively conveys the overall impacts of assimilating the AERI and DL retrievals compared to a single aggregate across all cases because the forecast times when the impacts are seen vary across the cases (Fig. 11) resulting in muted impacts when aggregated. The red (blue) shading in Fig. 11 displays when the PROF minus CNTL (CNTL minus PROF) FSS is
Some mention of the near-zero FSS for the 26 May 2017 case (Fig. 11h) is warranted. The zero FSS reflects times when there were no storms observed in the evaluation domain for this case. When there are no observed storms, the FSS will be 0 for both forecasts regardless of the forecast NPs for either ensemble because
c. Relationship of impacts to ESA fields
Overall, no robust relationships between the real-time ESA fields to actual forecast impacts are found; the magnitude of the observation impact values did not relate linearly to the magnitude of the changes in either forecast skill or forecast variance (the standard deviation of the forecasts can be seen in Fig. 11). Likewise, no clear statistical relationships between sensitivity to q, u, and υ averaged in the lowest 1 km and the ensemble mean reflectivity are found. This is not surprising because multiple observation types from the profiler retrievals were assimilated (t,
(left) The near-CLAMPS 0–1-km AGL mean potential temperature (
The interesting results for potential temperature sensitivity aside, there are many possible reasons for the lack of identified relationships between the ESA fields and the forecast impacts. Attempts were made to locate CLAMPS in an area with at least moderate sensitivity or observation impact as shown in Fig. 3, but this was not always possible because of the numerous logistical challenges of mobile ground-based observation targeting. Furthermore, the forecast fields used for the sensitivity calculations were averaged in space and time prior to the development of deep convection in an attempt to produce more robust and effective sensitivity fields (Torn and Romine 2015). However, the averaged sensitivity fields still contained large mesoscale gradients and noise, and likely still contained sampling error related to a relatively small ensemble (30 members) (e.g., Fig. 3). Therefore it was sometimes difficult to relate the sensitivity fields to physical processes like that shown for the 25 May 2017 case in section 3. Of course sampling error from the limited sample size of cases is another problem. Yet another potential problem is that the experiments—and real-time ESA guidance—were designed to capture the initiation and early evolution of convection in 1–3-h forecasts. Predicting the first storms, an inherently small-scale and often nonlinear process, has long been recognized as the biggest challenge for storm-scale NWP (Lilly 1990; Stensrud et al. 2009). It is not surprising that the skill of convection-allowing models of predicting the timing of convective initiation within tens of minutes and tens of kilometers is still highly limited (Bytheway and Kummerow 2015; Hill et al. 2016; Burlingame et al. 2017). Applying ESA fields to this prediction problem is precarious because they rely on linear relationships. More robust relationships could be hindered further because the ESA fields are generated from 6–9-h forecasts, and small errors in 6–9-h forecasts of the CBL could lead to large errors in forecast metrics related to convection, even those metrics that are averaged over space and time. The coherency in time of the ESA fields was not examined here and should be examined in future studies to assess the general utility of ESA techniques for convective-scale forecasts.
6. Experiment sensitivities
The sensitivity of the results shown in Figs. 10 and 11 was tested in numerous ways, including by varying the reflectivity threshold, neighborhood sizes, and evaluation domain sizes. Parameters in the EAKF procedure also were varied, including the covariance localization and representativeness errors in the AERI and DL retrievals. There are no noteworthy differences in the interpretation of the results by changing these parameters of the assimilation and verification within reasonable bounds. Regarding the lack of sensitivity to neighborhood size in the verification, this is different than what was found in Coniglio et al. (2016) for forecast impacts to the assimilation of radiosonde observations. In Coniglio et al. (2016), larger differences in FSS were seen among all eight of their cases as the neighborhood size increased from ~25 km by 25 km to ~100 km by 100 km. Here, the FSS differences are similar for both neighborhood sizes. This implies that the improvements to the forecasts in this study tend to be made on smaller spatial scales than those made in Coniglio et al. (2016), which can be seen in Fig. 10 with positive FSS differences remaining rather close to the observed storms if not directly overlapping them. The reasons for these differences in results between the studies is not clear, but could indicate the benefit of having subhourly CBL observations versus observations taken at intervals equal to or greater than hourly as done with the radiosondes in Coniglio et al. (2016).
However, the positive impacts within ~25 km by 25 km neighborhoods seen in this study are often smaller than those seen in Coniglio et al. (2016). More specifically, there were four cases in Coniglio et al. (2016) in which the 95% confidence interval for the ~25 km by 25 km neighborhood FSS differences did not overlap with zero for at least a 1-h period [see Fig. 17 in Coniglio et al. (2016)], whereas there is only one case in this study in which that occurs (Fig. 11k). There are many possible reasons for this difference, one being the relative impact of remotely sensed AERI and DL retrievals versus in situ radiosonde observations, including data resolution, quality, and availability of observations above 2 km. Another possible reason is that in all cases in Coniglio et al. (2016) there were multiple radiosonde observations obtained over a mesoscale network, whereas in this study observations from only one location were made. The Southern Great Plains (SGP) site of the Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program now contains a network of five AERIs and DLs spread over north-central Oklahoma (Wulfmeyer et al. 2018). The impacts of retrievals from these systems (and from the temporary network of research AERIs and DLs used for PECAN; Geerts et al. 2017) on forecasts of convection are currently being investigated at NSSL and other institutions to help determine if the skill improvements, and the confidence in the skill improvements, would increase if retrievals from a network of profilers are assimilated versus from one targeted system of profilers.
One notable sensitivity of the forecast impacts to the assimilation procedure was found and relates to the number of cycles in which AERI and DL data are assimilated. While this study was designed to focus on convective initiation and early convective evolution, experiments were produced that extended the assimilation period into the afternoon/early evening during the mature stage of convection. For example, an experiment was performed for the 25 May 2017 case in which data were assimilated through 2300 UTC rather than 2000 UTC giving 20 cycles instead of 8 (Table 3), with storms occurring within 15 of those cycles instead of 4 in the 2000 UTC-initialized case. This longer period of assimilation does little to reduce initial condition errors of the background environment, which reflects the well-calibrated and stable nature of the NCAR ensemble (Fig. 14). However, extending the assimilation period allows more time for storms to evolve and mature within the cycled analysis and contributes to reduced errors for reflectivity and improvements to the spread/error relationship6 for both reflectivity and radial velocity (Fig. 15).
Despite the better analysis of ongoing storms, the AERI and DL retrievals are still able to make positive impacts to the forecasts in the 25 May 2017 case, and the impacts are even amplified. The additional cycles of AERI and DL retrievals allows for the impacts to become well established in the analysis in the presence of the storms (several other cases not shown also display this behavior). For example, the final analysis at 2300 UTC for the 25 May 2017 case shows more mesoscale structure to the amplified difference fields (Fig. 16). As for the 2000 UTC-initialized case, the differences in NEP continue to show an improvement in the placement of the cluster of supercells (Fig. 8), but the maximum differences are amplified (now 20%–25%) both within the area where NEP is larger for the PROF experiment near the supercell cluster and where the NEP is smaller for the PROF experiment for the spurious storms to the northeast of the supercell cluster (Fig. 13a). This is for the 1-h forecasts, but the later forecasts show that these larger differences in NEP are not just because of the shorter lead time; the differences in FSS for the 3-h forecasts from the 2300 UTC-initialized case are larger than those for the 3-h forecasts from the 2000 UTC-initialized case (cf. Fig. 13c and Fig. 8c). The PROF experiment for the 2300 UTC-initialized case even shows a pattern of increases in NEPs, most well defined at 3 h (Fig. 13c), that reflect the two separate supercell clusters that were observed.
The larger NEP differences produce larger FSS differences for the 2300 UTC-initialized case compared to the 2000 UTC-initialized case (cf. Fig. 9 and Fig. 17). These improvements are made despite an increase in the CNTL FSS for the 2300 UTC-initialized case compared to the CNTL FSS for the 2000 UTC-initialized case (~0.65–0.70 for the former and ~0.55–0.65 for the latter). These results give confidence that the AERI and DL retrievals can continue to provide improved mesoscale initial conditions that result in improved near-storm-scale forecasts of convection even when storms are well established in the initial condition and when the baseline skill is already quite high within ~25 km by 25 km neighborhoods. This result could be applicable to efforts to improve the mesoscale background environment for the developmental Warn-on-Forecast system (Jones et al. 2018; Lawson et al. 2018) and for current operational convection-allowing models (Benjamin et al. 2016). These results justify efforts to explore operational implementation of observing systems that can improve the mesoscale background analysis for convection-permitting ensemble forecast systems.
7. Summary and conclusions
In 2016 and 2017, the mobile ground-based profiling system operated by NSSL (CLAMPS) was deployed in the preconvective and near-storm environments in the U.S. Great Plains. Retrievals of temperature and water vapor mixing ratio from an Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) and profiles of horizontal wind components retrieved from a Doppler lidar (DL) were obtained at locations guided by ensemble sensitivity analysis. The goal is to examine the impact of assimilating these profiles on short-term (1–6 h) forecasts of the initiation and early evolution of convection produced by a cycled ensemble analysis and forecasting system. Observing systems like these that can profile the above-ground state in the lowest few kilometers every 2–3 min could be especially important for convective weather applications since the current upper-air radiosonde network is too coarse in space and time to capture mesoscale details than can be important for convective evolution. Furthermore, retrievals of the boundary layer state from satellites is currently, and will remain in the near future, insufficient to capture details of the CBL (e.g., profiles of the vertical wind shear and moisture depth) that also can be important for convective weather forecasting.
The analysis and forecast system used here was based on and initialized from the real-time NCAR ensemble. For this study, the analysis was then partially cycled with hourly to 15-min updates on both a meso- and convective-scale domain. Assimilation was performed using the EAKF within WRF-DART and included multiple sources of observations that are routinely assimilated in current operational systems, as well as WSR-88D reflectivity and radial velocity observations, in order to provide a baseline analysis with errors akin to what can be produced operationally. Experiments were performed with assimilating the AERI and DL retrievals together to emulate an observing system that can capture both thermodynamic and kinematic properties of the boundary layer simultaneously (which, in the opinion of the authors, is how such a ground-based profiling system should be proposed as an operational system). The duration of the AERI and DL assimilation varied from 1.5 to 5 h and both analyses and forecasts were produced on a 3-km grid.
The forecast impacts are compared through neighborhood ensemble probabilities (NEPs) of simulated reflectivity ≥35 dBZ in ~25 km by 25 km neighborhoods to analyses of observed reflectivity. Comparisons of the fractions skill score (FSS), an objective metric that uses the NEPs, indicate relatively few instances of high statistical confidence in the changes made to the FSS by assimilating the AERI and DL retrievals. However, there are far more times when the FSS increases than when the FSS decreases in the 1–6-h forecast period by assimilating the AERI and DL retrievals. The time of maximum forecast impact and the durations of the positive impacts are variable across the forecast period. However, the potential to impact forecasts is best seen around 3 h, at which time 10 out of the 12 forecasts show an increase in FSS. These results are not sensitive to the reflectivity threshold or the neighborhood size.
Targeting locations for CLAMPS were guided by real-time ensemble sensitivity analysis, similar to how it was applied in MPEX (Weisman et al. 2015) but on much shorter time scales. The hope was that this guidance would increase the likelihood that CLAMPS would sample in an area in which the later forecasts were sensitive to the state of the CBL, which is especially important when evaluating impacts from observations taken at only one location. However, this approach also served as a means to evaluate the ability of ESA fields to explain actual impacts made to forecasts for convective weather applications. To that end, it is difficult to find any consistent relationships between the actual differences in ensemble spread and skill that result from assimilating the observations to both the observation impact values and the forecast sensitivity to individual state variables in the CBL. Many possible reasons for this lack of consistent relationships are discussed above. One possible exception is the forecast sensitivity to the potential temperature averaged in the lowest 1 km AGL. The change in ensemble mean reflectivity that resulted from the assimilation of the AERI and DL retrievals was predicted correctly by the potential temperature sensitivity fields in 11 out of 12 cases.
This study provides evidence that forecasts can be impacted positively by AERI and DL retrievals, even when the retrievals are assimilated through limited cycles (as few as six 15-min cycles) and from only one system at one location. This result is encouraging because the experiments tackled the particularly challenging problem of convective initiation and early convective evolution. An operational system of ground-based profilers would likely not be mobile like the one used here, and would not be limited to one system, but rather would likely be composed of a network of fixed systems, similar to that deployed at the ARM-SGP site. The impacts of retrievals from this site (and from the temporary network of research AERIs and DLs used for PECAN; Geerts et al. 2017) on forecasts of convection are currently being investigated at NSSL and other institutions to help determine if the skill improvements, and the confidence in the skill improvements, would increase if retrievals from this network of profilers are assimilated versus from one targeted AERI/DL system. Furthermore, an operational analysis and forecast system would likely be introducing the AERI and DL retrievals through continuous or partial cycles, in which data is assimilated throughout the morning rather than being introduced at 1800–2000 UTC as in the experiments performed here (tests did show that a longer assimilation period did translate into improvements in skill). Despite these rather large impediments, the results still provided evidence that the AERI and DL retrievals can positively impact forecasts and warrants continued exploration of the AERI and DL as a means to more frequently observe the above-ground conditions in the lowest few kilometers of the atmosphere.
We would like to acknowledge high-performance computing support from Cheyenne (https://doi.org/10.5065/D6RX99HX) provided by NCAR’s Computational and Information Systems Laboratory, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. We also thank Craig Schwartz and Kate Fossell of NCAR for aiding in the real-time execution of forecasts used for targeting. Financial support for this work was provided by NSSL Director’s Discretionary Research Funding and from funds within the NSSL Forecast Research and Development Division. The efforts of Doug Kennedy, Sherman Fredrickson, and Sean Waugh from NSSL to skillfully assemble CLAMPS, and their continued support of CLAMPS, allowed this work to happen. We thank Brandon Smith of NSSL and Manda Chasteen, Josh Gebauer, Elizabeth Smith, and Mohammed Osman—graduate students at the University of Oklahoma at the time—for their efforts in the field with CLAMPS. Graphics were created using the NCAR Command Language software.
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Since real observation targeting takes time to deploy instruments, and there is always a latency in producing NWP model forecasts, model state variables (x) need to be evaluated from forecasts rather than initial conditions. In MPEX, given practical limitations of observation targeting with an aircraft, 24–30-h forecasts were used to define the state variables for 36-h forecast metrics. In this study, 6–9-h forecasts are used to define the state variables for 11–13-h forecast metrics.
This example illustrates a trade-off that was often made in deploying CLAMPS. While the maximum in sensitivity was located to the north and west of the CLAMPS deployment location, it was desirable to obtain as long of a time series of observations as possible prior to convective initiation that was also within the 6–9-h period in which state variables were used to compute the sensitivity fields. In this case, CLAMPS had a long ferry time that morning and a longer time series of observations prior to convective initiation was preferred over locating CLAMPS in the area with the highest sensitivity, which would have taken too much time.
FSS values ≥~0.5 may represent forecasts with ”useful” skill (Roberts and Lean 2008), but the absolute values of FSS are less important here than changes in FSS between experiments.
To examine the influence of bias on the results, tests were performed using the percentile method to define the reflectivity thresholds (Mittermaier and Roberts 2010). The FSS and FBS comparisons were found to be nearly identical when using this bias-adjustment technique versus using a constant 35-dBZ threshold.
NEPs are simply the ensemble mean of the neighborhood probabilities as described in Schwartz et al. (2010).
Root-mean-square innovations that are comparable to the total ensemble spread (the sum of the assumed standard deviation of the observation error and the ensemble standard deviation) indicate a well-calibrated ensemble.