1. Introduction
In large-eddy simulation (LES), the large, energy-containing scales are resolved while smaller scales are parameterized. A turbulence closure is used to model the subfilter-scale (SFS) motions that are smaller than a selected spatial filter width. With LES, the overbar in Eq. (1) indicates a spatial filter and
Given the fine mesh spacing required to resolve turbulence, LES has historically been limited to idealized atmospheric studies and small-scale engineering applications where domain sizes are small enough to be manageable with the available computing power. As computational resources expand, users are now pushing mesoscale models to much higher resolutions, allowing for a more accurate representation of many properties (e.g., terrain, land-use, urban effects) as well as atmospheric features such as microfronts and terrain-induced flows, for example. As such, many NWP models have adopted options for LES, enabling microscale simulations. There are many recent examples in the literature of forecasting research reaching kilometer and finer scales for varying applications, such as wind energy (Liu et al. 2011), scalar dispersion (Klose and Shao 2013; Taylor et al. 2016), cloud modeling (Zhu et al. 2010) and use of high-resolution surface data (Garcia et al. 2014). Longer-term or operational simulations are also moving to higher resolution. This is problematic from a boundary layer turbulence perspective, however, because kilometer-scale grids can be on the same order as the size of the largest turbulent eddies in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) [e.g., organized thermals in the convective boundary layer (CBL)]. This leaves forecasters with a range of resolutions that are too coarse for LES and too fine for mesoscale turbulence modeling. This gap in turbulence parameterizations is often referred to as the gray zone or the terra incognita (Wyngaard 2004). In the atmospheric boundary layer of depth
The gray zone has been the subject of many recent studies from multiple perspectives. Honnert et al. (2011) conducted an extensive study on the balance between resolved and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) at different resolutions. Grid-dependent dynamics, in the form of unphysically large convective cells, have been documented using multiple numerical models and turbulence closures (Lean et al. 2008; Piotrowski et al. 2009; Ching et al. 2014; Zhou et al. 2014; Shi et al. 2018).
Beare (2014) conducted an LES study on the gray zone for the CBL and proposed a gray zone criterion based on a dissipation length scale diagnosed from the second moment of the TKE. Efstathiou and Beare (2015) explored the gray zone of the Smagorinsky turbulence model for a variety of shear and surface heating combinations, observing a delay in the onset of resolved TKE in the gray zone and that profiles of resolved TKE become unrealistic when
Here, we use the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model to examine the role of the turbulence closure model in LES on the behavior of CBL simulations in the gray zone. Four LES closure models are tested: the Smagorinsky model, the TKE-1.5 model, and the dynamic reconstruction model (DRM) with level-0 and level-2 reconstruction (see section 1c). Specifically, we study the performance of the DRM (Chow et al. 2005) as implemented in WRF (Kirkil et al. 2012). The DRM is built from an explicit filtering and reconstruction framework, which improves the representation of turbulent motions. Simulations of the CBL are performed at varying resolutions, in a process similar to Zhou et al. (2014) but using LES and at finer resolutions.
Our goal here is to examine the role of the turbulence closure model in the gray zone by examining mean profiles, the onset of convection, turbulence statistics, and velocity fields. In particular, it is hypothesized that the DRM can be helpful in reducing grid dependence in the gray zone by increasing the accuracy of the resolved scales and allowing for backscatter. The DRM has been shown to improve mean and turbulent profiles in multiple ABL regimes, including the neutral, stable, and stratocumulus-topped boundary layer when compared to eddy-viscosity models (Chow et al. 2005; Zhou and Chow 2011; Shi et al. 2018). In addition to exploring the performance of the DRM in detail, we proceed with the hypothesis that each closure model will behave differently in the gray zone. This means that the resolution at which the model transitions from well-resolved LES to the gray zone will be different depending on the closure model used.
2. Turbulence closure models
Eddy-viscosity models are purely dissipative models and do not allow for any upscale transfer of energy from the SFS to the resolved scale. This may be acceptable behavior in the inertial subrange, but becomes less realistic as the grid’s Nyquist limit approaches and passes the dominant energetic length scale of the CBL eddies. For an eddy-viscosity model,
The DRM presented here uses explicit filtering and includes a scale-similarity component which allows for backscatter of energy from the SFS to the resolved scale (Zhou and Chow 2012). The DRM uses a dynamically calculated eddy viscosity to represent the effects of the SGS motions a la Germano et al. (1991).
a. The Smagorinsky model
b. The prognostic TKE (TKE-1.5) model
c. The dynamic reconstruction model (DRM)
The dynamic reconstruction model considers both the explicit and implicit filters involved in LES. The DRM allows for backscatter of energy from small to large scales, exhibits excellent correlation with turbulent stresses obtained from a priori tests, and reduces numerical errors in the solution (Chow et al. 2005; Zhou and Chow 2011, 2012).
The LES filter is the operator represented by the overbar in Eq. (1). In most LES implementations, this filter is implicitly represented by the grid discretization and the discrete differentiation operation. Thus this implicit filter sets the effective minimum resolution, below which the cumulative effect of numerical truncation errors so strongly impairs motions that they are essentially absent. The DRM uses an explicit filter (larger than the grid cell width) combined with velocity reconstruction, previously described by Chow et al. (2005) and Gullbrand and Chow (2003). Specifically, explicit filtering separates the role of the LES filter from the implicit grid discretization effects. This means there is a range of eddy motions between the grid’s Nyquist limit and the LES filter. These motions are, by definition, resolvable, because they are larger than the minimum resolvable wavelength on the grid, and are referred to as RSFS motions.
3. Case description
This study considers the development of the CBL, a key aspect of NWP, in an idealized model setup featuring a quiescent initial state with no forced mean wind, a flat bottom boundary with uniform roughness, and periodic lateral boundary conditions. The simulations are run for 9 h with a constant sensible surface heat flux of 270 W m−2, the default value for idealized convective cases in WRF-LES. This case was chosen primarily to isolate free convection, but also because it does not require any changes to the WRF code. The Wangara Day 33 case (Clarke et al. 1971) was also considered and yielded very similar results to those presented here (not shown).
A third-order Runge–Kutta time-integration scheme, a fifth-order horizontal advection scheme and a third-order vertical advection scheme are used (WRF default values). All cases use a time step of 0.1 s, a domain height of 3.5 km, and 65 vertical levels. The lowest vertical level is at
Simulations are performed with horizontal resolutions ranging from
Domain sizes for each horizontal resolution considered for all turbulence models unless stated otherwise (as noted in sections 4a and 4d).
The focus of this study is the grid dependence of large-eddy simulations, rather than the specific accuracy relative to field data. Therefore, the highest-resolution grid for a given turbulence model is considered to be the “true” solution for this idealized setup. A well-resolved solution for this convection-dominated case should show a shallow superadiabatic layer at the surface, a well-mixed neutral layer above and resolved entrainment of the free atmosphere at the top of the CBL (Stull 1988). The finest grid spacing should put the filter-width well within the inertial subrange, and the next-finest grid should show a nearly identical solution to confirm that our study begins in a region of grid-independent dynamics.
4. Results
a. Mean CBL development
The evolution of the CBL is first evaluated by considering hourly mean potential temperature profiles for the Smagorinsky, TKE-1.5, DRM0, and DRM2 models at the finest resolution (
Now considering the
Simulations using the Smagorinsky model that are coarser than 50-m resolution are all associated with a deeper superadiabatic layer at the surface, even in the later hours when the profiles appear to be somewhat well mixed. The observed delay in resolved mixing for the Smagorinsky model can be seen more clearly by considering the evolution of the mean resolved vertical heat flux,
The TKE-1.5 model, using the WRF default value
Using smaller coefficient values of
In an attempt to improve the performance of the Smagorinsky and TKE-1.5 cases, isotropic length scales [
Examining the DRM, we see that for DRM0 the potential-temperature profiles show a well-mixed structure throughout the simulation even at 1-km resolution. The superadiabatic surface layer and inversion layer are much closer to the 25-m case compared to equivalent resolutions using either Smagorinsky or TKE-1.5, even when using decreased values for
Considering the time series of
The time series for
b. Turbulent vertical momentum stress profiles
Profiles of vertical turbulent momentum stresses (
Only the resolved profiles are presented for the Smagorinsky model because it does not store the isotropic portion of
The planar-averaged SFS stress profiles for the TKE-1.5 model are found as
The SFS stress profiles for the DRM0 and DRM2 cases contain both the eddy-viscosity and the RSFS terms. The DRM0 has a much more significant SFS contribution than the TKE-1.5 model at both resolutions, leading to a total flux profile that is much closer to the TKE-1.5 and DRM2 high-resolution cases both in magnitude and shape, though still smaller than either high-resolution case in magnitude. The DRM2 has the largest SFS contribution of all the models due to the presence of the additional reconstruction terms representing the RSFS, resulting in the closest match to both high-resolution cases when considering the total flux profile. The DRM2 is especially accurate for the
Considering the total flux profiles, it is clear that the DRM2 is the closest match to the reference high-resolution cases of all four models at both resolutions, followed closely by the DRM0. The TKE-1.5 model performs much better than the Smagorinsky model, but both perform poorly when compared to the DRM simulations.
Interestingly, filtering of the high-resolution TKE-1.5 case reveals a double-peak structure in the profile of
c. Vertical velocity fields
We next examine the vertical velocity field,
At high resolutions all four models appear very similar and demonstrate the thermal cells that are expected for a convectively forced ABL with no mean wind. The TKE-1.5 model using 25-m horizontal resolution is shown in Fig. 10; the other three models are omitted because they are similar. As the horizontal resolution is coarsened, the size of the convective cells should not change and the resolved motions should be similar to those of the spectrally filtered high-resolution case.
Examining the resolved w fields of the coarser cases using the Smagorinsky model (
The resolved fields for the coarser cases using the TKE-1.5 model (
When using the DRM0 at fine resolutions (
For comparison to the coarser cases, the 25-m TKE-1.5 case is filtered in the same manner as in section 4b (Fig. 17). The spectral filter selects the resolved large-scale motions present in the high-resolution cases, which should ideally be reproduced by the coarse-resolution LES simulations. Filtering the high-resolution case using different filter cutoffs shows a resolved field which loses its cellular nature after a horizontal resolution of approximately 200 m. The DRM0 and DRM2 are the only models which qualitatively agree with the filtered case at coarser resolutions, implying that the turbulent structures resolved by the two DRM models are more accurately represented than those from the eddy-viscosity models.
d. Turbulent energy spectra
The one-dimensional spectral energy densities of
It was seen in section 4b that the DRM0 resolves more turbulent stress than the DRM2 due to the expected increase in the SFS term of the DRM2 from its RSFS terms. This relationship is seen again in the spectra, where the DRM0 and DRM2 agree closely at large scales but the DRM0 has more energy than the DRM2 at finer scales. This again is attributed to the DRM2 RSFS contribution, which is larger due to the higher level of velocity reconstruction (Chow et al. 2005). In section 4b, the TKE-1.5 and DRM0 models had very similar profiles of resolved variance,
In Fig. 19, all four models have a consistent dominant wavelength
The DRM0 and DRM2 show a more consistent value for
Beare (2014) found that the gray zone begins when
Generally we agree with Beare (2014) that
e. Backscatter in the DRM
PDFs of
That the DRM creates backscatter is one reason that it performs well at coarse resolutions. Specifically, the DRM allows backscatter of energy from the SFS to the resolved scales, introducing resolved energy near the grid’s Nyquist limit that is not seen in the eddy-viscosity models. The positive effects of backscatter are especially pronounced at the coarse resolutions considered here due to the important role of energy near the grid’s Nyquist limit.
f. Other considerations
Given the sensitivity of the CBL evolution to the closure models, changes to several other aspects of the numerical configuration were also explored. Changing from third- to fifth-order advection has little influence on the dynamics (not shown). Changing the vertical advection to an even, fourth-order scheme, which does not contain any numerical diffusion, does tend to reduce the delay of resolved mixing by a few minutes in both the 500-m and 1-km cases (not shown). While the eddy-viscosity model is primarily responsible for the grid-dependent effects seen, the numerical diffusion present in the default third-order vertical advection term exacerbates the issue of overly damping the high wavenumbers. Changing the horizontal advection scheme between odd and even ordered does not have a noticeable effect on the dynamics for the convectively driven case considered here.
Increasing the vertical resolution has little effect on the size of the resolved thermal cells or the delay in resolved turbulence. Coarser vertical-resolution cases were also tested, in accordance with Mirocha et al. (2010), who advise an aspect ratio (
Alternative surface-stress implementations [as in Mirocha and Lundquist (2017)] were used for the Smagorinsky model but had minimal impact on its performance and are not shown here. The Dynamic Wong–Lilly eddy-viscosity model alone, without any scale-similarity or velocity reconstruction, outperforms the Smagorinsky and TKE-1.5 models based on all of the criteria considered here, however it is inferior to the DRM0 and DRM2 and is thus not presented.
The current DRM implementation in WRF has not been optimized and requires approximately twice as long to run compared to the eddy-viscosity closure models. In other codes, the DRM has been found to increase computational cost by only 25%–60% depending on the level of reconstruction (Chow et al. 2005; Kirkil et al. 2012; Shi et al. 2018).
5. Summary and conclusions
The gray zone refers to a range of resolutions where there exists no fundamentally appropriate turbulence model. The gray zone for a CBL simulation includes resolutions that lie between the traditional application of mesoscale PBL parameterizations and LES closure models, and is often generally defined to be the range when horizontal resolutions are
Based on the dependence of the critical wavelength
The DRM is a mixed model which allows backscatter of energy from small to large scales. In the DRM the scale-similarity component is designed to reconstruct structures that are large enough to be resolved on the grid but are removed due to the implicit filter of the LES. Because the filter width is explicitly included in the DRM, it provides a potential solution for turbulence modeling at both LES resolutions and in the gray zone. Because of the DRM’s explicit filtering, numerical errors are overall reduced (see Gullbrand and Chow (2003)). Then, reconstruction allows better representation of grid-scale turbulent motions (near the grid cutoff). Other dynamic model implementations have considered the choice of the test filter relative to the grid cutoff as a way to improve this further (Schaefer-Rolffs 2017). For example, using either the DRM0 or DRM2 at resolutions coarser than 200 m shows a much better qualitative and quantitative agreement with the high-resolution simulation results than the standard Smagorinsky or TKE-1.5 closures. The DRM2 especially excels at producing accurate total stress profiles at coarse resolutions when compared to high-resolution cases. By using the DRM turbulence closure, the extent of the gray zone is greatly reduced for this convective case. Explicit filtering and reconstruction using the DRM produces realistic dynamics using a horizontal resolution as coarse as 1 km without any tuning to account for either the coarseness of the grid or the physics of the case being considered. The ability of the DRM to produce realistic turbulence on a coarse grid by reconstructing RSFS motions is very encouraging and will be the subject of future work where more complex cases will be considered.
We are grateful for support from a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and from National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant ATM-0645784 (Physical and Dynamic Meteorology Program). JDM’s contribution was supported by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344 and by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office. BZ’s contribution was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant 2018YFC1506802. Acknowledgement is also made to the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), which is sponsored by NSF, and to the Savio computational cluster provided by the Berkeley Research Computing program at the University of California, Berkeley (supported by the UC Berkeley Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Research, and Chief Information Officer) for computing time used in this research. We also thank James Neher for updating DRM for WRF 3.8.1. Finally, a sincere thank you to the reviewers for their careful reading and thoughtful review of the first submission of this manuscript.
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