1. Introduction
Ensembles of numerical weather forecasts are commonly synthesized to provide users with state-dependent estimates of the weather forecast uncertainty (Palmer 2006; Warner 2011; Buizza 2018). These facilitate improved decisions relative to making them based on deterministic forecast guidance (Richardson 2000; Zhu et al. 2002). Great strides have been made in generating more skillful and reliable ensemble predictions in recent years; for example, see Buizza (2019) and Palmer (2019a). Still, sensible weather elements such as precipitation and 2-m temperature (T2m) over land are still very challenging to simulate with skill and reliability in deterministic and ensemble forecasts (Sutton et al. 2006; Hamill and Whitaker 2007; Lavaysse et al. 2013; Tennant and Beare 2014; Gehne et al. 2019).
Suppose a developer has generated common diagnostics such as rank histograms on T2m. These exhibit a U shape, which are typically interpreted as indicating a lack of spread in the ensemble. As discussed in Hamill (2001), there are other possible interpretations that include combinations of ensembles with warm biases in some samples and cold biases in others. The rank histogram alone does not provide enough information to indicate which aspects of an ensemble prediction system should be improved, and we consider other diagnostics to help determine whether deficiencies were related to systematic errors in the underlying deterministic predictions or deficiencies in the ensemble construction.
Ideally, for an ensemble prediction system we desire the individual members’ predictions to be unbiased, with no systematic differences from the truth. This is meant both in a univariate sense, such as no bias in the verification of a member against an unbiased point observation, and in a multivariate sense, such as providing unbiased forecasts of the propagation speed and amplitudes of low-frequency phenomena such as the Madden–Julian oscillation (Zhang 2013 and references therein). To approach this goal, prediction centers like ECMWF use numerical weather prediction systems with advanced data assimilation, numerical methods, physical parameterizations, and land–atmosphere–ocean–sea ice couplings (e.g., Bonavita et al. 2016; Juricke et al. 2018; Ahlgrimm et al. 2018; Beljaars et al. 2018; Haiden et al. 2018a). Additionally, its ensemble prediction system should also forecast the state-dependent uncertainty as accurately as possible, with maximal sharpness subject to calibration (Gneiting et al. 2007). For this, the initial ensemble-state estimates should represent draws from the distribution of plausible analysis states (e.g., Houtekamer and Mitchell 1998, 2001, 2005; Buehner et al. 2010a,b; Bonavita et al. 2011). The ensemble prediction system must also realistically simulate the growth of random errors during the forecast due to chaos (Lorenz 1963; Molteni et al. 1996; Palmer 2006) and the growth of forecast uncertainty due to model simplifications (Buizza et al. 1999).
A challenge with developing model diagnostics to isolate error sources is that modifications to address deterministic systematic error can affect ensemble spread, and vice versa. For example, the introduction of stochastic physics to address the model uncertainty may also improve the prediction system’s systematic errors (Weisheimer et al. 2014; Christensen et al. 2017; Palmer 2001, 2019b). Further, an improved forecast model used in the ensemble will result in a better fit of the background to the observations, reducing the spread of the estimated initial conditions and the spread in the subsequent short- to medium-range ensembles. Numerical weather prediction system developers thus need an expanded set of diagnostic tools that will indicate which model development pathway will lead to rapid progress.
Let us consider a specific scientific challenge, diagnosing the sources of errors that are reflected in the ensemble initialization of T2m. Consideration of this variable is of practical interest, for accurate T2m forecasts directly help users (what will be tomorrow’s high temperature?) and indirectly help them, for whether a thunderstorm develops often depends on T2m. This variable is also commonly observed at surface weather stations. Unfortunately, 2 m above ground is commonly not a model level (~10 m is the lowest level in the ECMWF system), and so T2m is instead an interpolated quantity. The fidelity of the interpolation often depends on stability and surface characteristics and their delicate interactions (ECMWF 2019a, section 3b). Thus, the diagnostics of interpolated T2m provide indirect evidence about the character of the directly forecast model variables such as surface skin temperatures or the atmospheric model’s first vertical level above ground.
Suppose then that we have found U-shaped rank histograms (Hamill 2001) of the initialized ensemble of T2m. Were a high-quality, unbiased reference analysis of T2m available with errors independent from those of the prediction system, it could potentially be compared against the ensemble’s initial T2m state estimates. Figure 1 illustrates how a reference T2m analysis and error decomposition could help inform the categorization of errors and the model development process. If the differences between the operational initial states and the reference analysis were nonzero and consistent over time (systematic), changes to the underlying model may be warranted; the analysis bias was probably originating in part from biases in the underlying background state used in the data assimilation. Assuming that the remaining errors, the residual, were random in character and could be quantified, as many have proposed, the time-averaged spread of initial ensemble of analyses should be consistent with the time-averaged spread of the residual error after an incorporation of the effects of analysis uncertainty (Hamill 2001, Fig. 6., Saetra et al. 2004; Candille and Talagrand 2008; Weijs and van de Giesen 2011; Yamaguchi et al. 2016; Ben Bouallègue et al. 2020). If the time-averaged spread in the initial ensemble with analysis uncertainty was smaller than this residual component, then methodological changes to the ensemble initialization or stochastic physics procedures may be necessary to increase spread. The decomposition of error leveraging an independent analysis thus assists in determining which aspect of the prediction system should be improved, the underlying model or the ensemble methods. Performing the analysis with gridded data and not just observations permits an examination of spatial patterns of the errors. While only applied to initial conditions in this study and not to forecasts, the procedure is general and could be so applied.
This error decomposition was applied to T2m initialization in the ECMWF system in 2018 in this study. ECMWF has a somewhat complicated initialization procedure. ECMWF produces a T2m analysis using optimal interpolation (ECMWF 2019b, chapter 9) and surface observations. However, this is not used directly in the atmospheric model initialization, but only indirectly to make increments to the soil moisture state. ECMWF’s 2018 initial ensemble-state estimates of T2m were not directly analyzed but were a vertically interpolated output of the atmospheric 4D-Var procedure. The 4D-Var procedure assimilated a wide variety of observations, but not surface T2m. An independently produced T2m analysis from surface observations not leveraging ECMWF background forecasts is thus proposed as a useful and independent dataset for evaluation of the ECMWF T2m state ensemble estimates, with the acknowledged complication that T2m is an interpolated quantity.
While we illustrate a particular error decomposition that leverages the independently generated T2m analyses, we note that there is a rich literature of error decompositions and diagnostics related to weather prediction. Recent examples include Leutbecher (2010), Christensen (2015), Magnusson (2017), Rodwell et al. (2018), and many more as discussed in Wilks (2011, chapter 8). Still, the relatively simple approach here assuming a commonplace variance decomposition and Gaussianity will be demonstrated to provide some valuable insights into the characteristics of initialization of the ECMWF ensemble.
To apply the chosen diagnostic technique, we require high-quality, unbiased reference analyses of T2m. Hamill and Scheuerer (2020) described an optimal interpolation (OI; Gandin 1965; Daley 1991) procedure for creating a very high-resolution, accurate, unbiased, gridded statistical 1-h forecast of surface temperature over the contiguous United States (CONUS). With slight modification, this procedure was adapted to provide accurate analyses of 2-m temperature and its uncertainty, leveraging the OI procedure and a high-resolution, spatially detailed climatological background. A time series of these T2m analyses and their uncertainty will be used in the diagnosis of ECMWF control T2m initial-state estimate and the ensemble initialization of T2m. Our hypothesis is that the diagnostic procedure will demonstrate issues both related to systematic error in the underlying prediction system and problems with adequate spread in the ensemble initialization.
Section 2 will provide details on the observation, climatology, and forecast data used in the study. The procedure used to generate the reference OI analyses is briefly described, with more complete detail in the online supplemental material (https://doi.org/10.1175/mwr-d-20-0119.s1). Section 2 will also describe the diagnostic procedure used to partition the initial ensemble errors into systematic and random components. Section 3 provides results, and section 4 discusses these and concludes. An appendix describes the procedure for estimating statistical significance of the analysis bias.
2. Data and methods
a. Control initial state and ECMWF ensemble initial conditions
ECMWF T2m initial-condition data were downloaded from ECMWF’s THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE; Bougeault et al. 2010; Swinbank et al. 2016) data portal on a 1/2° grid surrounding the contiguous United States (CONUS). A control state and 50-member ensemble initial conditions centered around the control were downloaded for every day in 2018. The ensemble initial conditions were created with perturbations generated from an ensemble of data assimilations (EDA; Bonavita et al. 2011) using a lower-resolution, perturbed-observation version of 4D-Var combined with singular-vector perturbations (Molteni et al. 1996). The EDA conducts parallel 4D-Var cycles, using different background forecasts for every member and perturbing the observations with independent random noise for each ensemble member. The added observation perturbations are random draws consistent with the observation-error covariance matrix.
The ECMWF prediction system changed during the year; prior to 5 June 2018, cycle 43r3 of the prediction system was used. At and after that date, cycle 45r1 was used. Documentation on the ECMWF prediction system versions can be found at https://www.ecmwf.int/en/publications/ifs-documentation. We did not examine the characteristics of the T2m analysis time series to see if there were any discontinuities resulting from the change in model versions.
b. Data and procedure used to generate reference OI analyses
The observation dataset used in the generation of the OI analyses of T2m was the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) dataset 472.0, an archive of quality-controlled hourly surface observations over North America. Data were originally synthesized and quality controlled at the U.S. National Weather Service Meteorological Development Laboratory. These data are available at https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds472.0/. Surface temperatures were used at 0000 UTC for every day in 2018. The authors chose to further limit use of surface temperatures in this dataset to only those observation sites where data was available at 97% or more of the hours, days, and years in the analysis period. With this availability criterion, 1118 station locations were available in the area of study, the CONUS.
The procedure used to generate the high-resolution reference OI analyses of T2m and used to estimate their uncertainty is described in the online supplemental material, along with an example (https://doi.org/10.1175/mwr-d-20-0119.s1). The procedure was inspired by and partially described in Hamill and Scheuerer (2020). The climatologies that provide the data assimilation background forecasts were derived from the Parameter-elevation Relationships on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM; Daly et al. 2008 and references therein). Observations were then used to produce a gridded set of analysis increments, the analyzed deviations from climatology. These were then added back to the 0000 UTC climatology to generate 0000 UTC analyzed fields, one for each day in 2018. The procedure for development of the 1/2° analysis uncertainty estimates are also described in the online supplemental material (https://doi.org/10.1175/mwr-d-20-0119.s1). This procedure is somewhat more complex, involving a determination of the high-resolution grid analysis-error covariances and an estimation of how much these are reduced in the upscaling to the 1/2° grid.
Comparison against ECMWF ensemble initial states in this study required upscaling of the high-resolution OI analyses to 1/2°, the grid spacing of ECMWF data in the TIGGE archive. Figure 2a shows an example of the “budget” upscaling (Accadia et al. 2003) of a sample OI analysis to the 1/2° grid of the ECMWF data. Figure 2b presents the control ECMWF initial state at the same time masked to the CONUS, and Fig. 2c shows the difference between the two. The ECMWF analysis for this date was colder over more grid points than it was warmer. Whether these differences were systematic will be evaluated through the use of an error decomposition applied at each grid point.
c. The proposed error decomposition and diagnostics
An illustrative sample of the underlying data used to generate the terms in Eq. (6) are presented for a grid point in the central United States along the Nebraska–Kansas state border in Fig. 3. Time series of both the 4D-Var (red dots) and the OI (blue dots and lines) are shown in Fig. 3a. The solid blue lines in this panel illustrate the day-to-day weather variability. In Fig. 3b, the red dots illustrate the 4D-Var minus OI analysis differences, removing the common day-to-day weather-related variability. The thick red line in this panel provides the time-varying estimate of
A primary question of importance to the ensemble prediction system developer is whether the initial spread in the ensemble is of an appropriate magnitude. The ith member of a 50-member T2m ensemble initial condition at time t and at a grid point will be referred to as
Our error decomposition bears similarity to others in the literature such as Rodwell et al. (2018; R18). But there are differences. In this study, analysis uncertainty replaces the observation uncertainty of R18, and the residuals of R18 are implicitly estimated through the comparison of spread ratios.
3. Results
First we consider the magnitude of systematic error and bias. Figure 4 shows gridded estimates of systematic-error spread
Perhaps numerical issues with the vertical interpolation to the 2-m level were partially responsible for the systematic cold bias of 2-m temperatures, not accounting for the variety of possible behaviors in different atmospheric conditions. Another possible source was that differences in grid elevation may increase the systematic analysis-error variance in the western United States. This possibility is examined in Fig. 6, which compared terrain elevations of the 4-km OI computational grid upscaled to the ECMWF grid, and their differences. While there were small-scale differences when the ECMWF data were interpolated to the OI analysis grid spacing, when the OI analysis terrain were budget upscaled to the 1/2° spacing at which the ECMWF data was saved in the TIGGE database, the differences were small and apparently random in character; there did not appear to be any systematic elevation difference. The larger systematic differences in the cool-season that were especially prominent in mountainous regions suggests another possible hypothesis: perhaps the fractional snow cover or snow depth were misestimated, causing systematic biases in the background T2m used in the 4D-Var system. These were not evaluated here but may be a subject of further research at ECMWF.
Now consider whether the initial-condition spread of T2m was accurately estimated. Figure 7 presents the time-averaged, random (residual) spread
The construction of
To facilitate interpretation where analysis uncertainty was lower, the ratios of the data in Fig. 9 (numerator) versus Fig. 7 (denominator) are plotted in Fig. 10. This helps interpret where the initial ensemble may have been under or overspread (blue versus red color). In the central and eastern United States, the initial spread estimate appeared more reasonable in magnitude with ratios near 1.0, though the diagnostic suggested underspread ensembles in April–June and overspread in October–December. Again, interpretation in the western United States was complicated by the large analysis uncertainty. The small signal (ensemble initial spread) was overwhelmed by the larger noise (analysis uncertainty). This could be ameliorated through assimilation of a denser network of observations. This analysis procedure used O(103) observations; the PRISM procedure used O(104). Suppose the OI analysis-error variances were uniformly decreased everywhere by a factor of 3 through assimilation of a more dense network of T2m observations, changing the sum in Fig. 9.1 Since these T2m observations were not assimilated in the 2018 version of ECMWF’s 4D-Var with its significant bias, the denominator was assumed to remain relatively unchanged. The revised ratio is plotted in Fig. 11, which shows that the ensemble with the assimilation of more dense observations was diagnosed as being underspread in most regions. It should be noted that this diagnostic does not account for the possibility of smaller residual errors in Fig. 7 resulting from a more accurate analysis. Hence the assertion that the ECMWF T2m ensemble might be underspread would need to be checked through the actual OI assimilation of a denser network of observations; this was not performed here.
Were this diagnostic applied to longer-lead forecasts rather than initial conditions, then the ensemble spread would be larger, providing proportionately more signal to the noise (analysis uncertainty). Hence, the existing T2m analyses may be better suited to diagnosis of medium-range forecast errors than initial-condition errors.
4. Discussion and conclusions
The purpose of this article was to demonstrate application of a simple error decomposition to initial conditions for ensemble weather–climate prediction, enabling some quantification of how much of the errors were systematic and how much were random. The decomposition was applied to the (interpolated) 2-m temperature (T2m) initialization of the ECMWF ensemble in 2018, leveraging an independently generated optimal interpolation (OI) procedure of T2m to provide the verification analyses and the estimates of analysis uncertainty. Given that the OI procedure draws closely to the observations, a direct comparison against the observations at these sites would produce similar results. The error decomposition showed that there were statistically significant systematic errors in T2m initialization across the CONUS. Interpretation of initial-condition spread character was less definite, in that the substantial OI analysis uncertainty made interpretation of the initial spread characteristic ambiguous. Overall, the initial hypothesis of biased initial ensemble T2m states was confirmed, but the hypothesized underspread characteristic could not be successfully determined using the OI analyses and their comparatively large analysis uncertainty. In future work, this diagnosis could be improved by assimilating more observations to reduce that uncertainty, and the diagnostic could still be applied to medium-range ensemble forecasts, where forecast spread is larger than the analysis uncertainty.
The systematic errors for 0000 UTC showed up as a cold bias, one that was larger in the western and central United States during winter and spring. The systematic errors may necessitate changes to the underlying deterministic prediction system, and a deficiency in the initial spread may necessitate changes to the method of construction of the initial ensemble. A necessary next step is further exploratory data analysis combined with the insight of prediction system developers to identify the key underlying deficiencies. This is a challenging endeavor, for “there is hardly any component of the atmospheric and land-surface modeling system that does not have an influence on T2m errors” (M. Bonavita 2020, ECMWF, personal communication). A subsequent exploratory data analysis to determine the ultimate sources of these errors was not possible in this article. Still, we suggest some possible directions, many of which are already being actively explored at ECMWF. A comparatively simple explanation may be the procedure for vertical interpolation to the T2m level. For the 137-level version of the data assimilation system used during 2018 (https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/documentation-and-support/137-model-levels), again the lowest model level was at approximately 10 m above ground. The temperature analysis at the 2-m level is computed as an interpolation between the ground surface temperature and this lowest model level. Lapse rates between these two levels can vary greatly in space and time, with superadiabatic lapse rates in calm, clear daytime conditions to extreme inversions at night. The ECMWF procedure for interpolation to the 2-m level is discussed in ECMWF (2019a, section 3.10.3) and could be examined as a candidate for improvement.
Beyond possible issues with vertical interpolation between model levels, the land T2m is strongly sensitive to the land surface energy partitioning. Incoming fluxes of net downward longwave and shortwave energy are balanced by surface sensible and latent heat fluxes and a ground heat flux. Improvement of initialization and modeling of the land surface energy balance is an active area of research at ECMWF (e.g., Haiden and Trentmann 2016; Hogan et al. 2017; Orth et al. 2017; Haiden et al. 2018b,c; Fairbairn et al. 2019; Munoz-Sabater et al. 2019). There are many opportunities for model systematic errors to deleteriously affect the surface energy balance and consequently the estimation of T2m. These may include a misestimation of downward shortwave radiative fluxes through misestimation of cloud fraction and optical depth, which in turn can be strongly sensitive to the methods used to parameterize deep and shallow convection and cloud microphysics. Misestimation of boundary and surface-layer mixing also affects the surface sensible and latent heat fluxes. In the daytime, unduly calm winds and drier soils will result in larger ground heat storage and warmer T2m. There are also many challenges associated with correctly modeling evaporative fluxes from the soil and canopy, including misspecification of model and physiographic parameters such as those related to soil hydraulic conductivity, stomatal resistance, leaf area index, the parameterization of fractionally snow-covered soil, albedo, roughness lengths, urban fraction, vegetative fraction, and more.
Systematic forecast errors of T2m may in turn be related to errors in the land surface initial state, including its soil moisture and temperature and snow cover. If initial snow depth and fractional snow cover are overestimated, it is likely that the forecast temperatures used as background for the next data assimilation cycle will be biased too low and remain low in the absence of adjustment to new observations. As temperatures had a cold bias in the mountainous western United States during winter and spring, the accuracy of initial snow estimates (ECMWF 2019b, section 9.3) could be investigated further.
The diagnostics also indicated that even with the large OI analysis uncertainty, sometimes the initial T2m ensemble spread was somewhat too small. Changes that may result in greater spread in the ECMWF system might include: (i) inducing a greater variety in background soil temperatures and soil moistures, perhaps through application of stochastic physics in the soil state. These affect the surface-energy balance among ensembles and thus T2m variety. (ii) Increasing the variety of snow amount and fractional snow cover in initial state, be it through stochastic physics that create a greater variety of ensemble precipitation and surface-temperature forcings, or perturbations to their initial state. (iii) Applying techniques that introduce a greater variety of downward solar radiation to the surface; perhaps parameters in the SPPT stochastic physics (Leutbecher et al. 2017) can be changed, or more physically based stochastic parameterizations of deep convection and/or microphysics developed. These drive variety in energy partitions at the surface. (iv) Update the methodology of perturbing the observations in the ensembles of data assimilations procedure. If correlations of errors are not correctly specified in the observation-error covariance matrix
In this application, the diagnostics leveraged surface-temperature analyses that were generated independently through a procedure with low bias but with higher-than-desirable analysis uncertainty in the western United States. Assimilation of more observations would reduce the analysis uncertainty, making this OI procedure possibly more relevant for diagnosing initial-condition uncertainty characteristics. The procedure is general, though, and its limitations would be less severe when applied to, say, medium-range forecasts where the forecast spread is larger and the OI analysis uncertainty is comparatively smaller.
Could the OI analysis be replaced with one generated internally at ECMWF? It is possible that another validation dataset such as the T2m analysis produced as part of the global ERA5 dataset (Hersbach et al. 2019) could be used. However, this and other similar products leverage a background forecast created by a numerical model, one which may have biases that are nontrivial and related to the biases in the operational model initialization. Further research is needed to determine the suitability of internally generated ECMWF reanalyses as the reference for the error decomposition.
Maria Gehne (PSL and U. Colorado/CIRES) is acknowledged for her research (Gehne et al. 2019) that stimulated the development of this error decomposition. Matt Switanek (U. Colorado/CIRES and PSD) provided the python code that implements the spatial statistical significance testing of bias, following Wilks (2016). Thomas Haiden and Martin Leutbecher (ECMWF) are gratefully acknowledged for their constructive criticism during the research process. Massimo Bonavita (ECMWF) and two anonymous reviewers are thanked for their constructive suggestions for improving the manuscript. Funding for this project was provided through ESRL/PSL base funds and through an Office of Weather and Air Quality grant to CIRES (NA17OAR4320101).
Statistical Significance Testing of Bias
The procedure then directly follows Wilks (2016) for computation of statistically significant grid points when controlling the false discovery rate at 10%.
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The uniform factor-of-3 reduction is a simplification of what may happen in practice, where analysis-error variances will commonly decrease by a greater amount through the introduction of new observations in data-sparse regions compared to data-rich regions. See Morss et al. (2001, their Fig. 4).