1. Introduction
One of the primary goals of ensemble NWP systems is to provide information about the evolution of possible errors over the forecast period. The sources of these errors are the uncertainties inherent in the system, whose origins include incomplete observations, assimilation hypotheses, discretization approximations and deficiencies in the forecast model. Accurately representing these uncertainties is essential for generating a reliable depiction of guidance quality. Sources of uncertainty within the forecast model are the focus of this two-part study, which investigates the utility of a recently proposed form of stochastic model error representation in the context of an operational global ensemble prediction system.
Two broad classes of strategies to represent model uncertainties have been adopted in operational ensembles: multiformulation and stochastic (Berner et al. 2017). Multiformulation approaches employ different algorithms for different ensemble members to generate a diversity of possible solutions, and include multimodel ensembles (Krishnamurti et al. 1999, 2016; Hagedorn et al. 2005) and multiphysics ensembles (Houtekamer et al. 1996; Stensrud et al. 2000; Berner et al. 2011, 2015). Stochastic strategies depend on distinct perturbations to individual members that promote the divergence of the ensemble in sensitive regions. Stochastically perturbed parameterization tendencies (Buizza et al. 1999; Palmer et al. 2009; Christensen et al. 2015) are an example of such a strategy that has been widely adopted in operational systems around the world (Palmer et al. 2009; Charron et al. 2010; Sanchez et al. 2016; Leutbecher et al. 2017). Stochastic uncertainty representation can also be implemented at the level of individual physical processes including deep convection (Lin and Neelin 2000; Teixeira and Reynolds 2008; Plant and Craig 2008), shallow convection (Sakradzija et al. 2015) and boundary layer turbulence (Rasp et al. 2018; Hirt et al. 2019; Clark et al. 2021). Such schemes depict only the sampling component of uncertainty (Plant et al. 2011); however, they benefit from the conceptual advantage of seeding ensemble diversity in close proximity to potential error sources and can improve ensemble predictions (Keane et al. 2014; Sakradzija et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2021).
This study focuses on a form of model uncertainty representation that has received increased recent attention: stochastically perturbed parameterizations (SPP). The distinguishing feature of this approach is that perturbations are made to uncertain internal model parameters rather than being applied in a post hoc manner to computed physics tendencies (Leutbecher et al. 2017). This incremental step toward process-level stochasticity allows the SPP scheme to depict uncertainty sources in a comprehensive way that ensures internal consistency and conservation (Lang et al. 2021). Unlike multiformulation approaches, the SPP technique also preserves the exchangeability of members, an attribute that promotes Gaussianity and is a prerequisite for fair evaluation techniques (Ferro 2014). Building on the work of Li et al. (2008) and Bowler et al. (2008), Ollinaho et al. (2017) describe the development of an SPP scheme in an experimental version of the ECMWF global ensemble. They conclude that despite improvements in short-range and precipitation predictions, the SPP scheme is unable to produce forecasts that are as skillful as those of the operational ensemble. Jankov et al. (2017) suggest that the SPP scheme is unable to generate sufficient ensemble spread because its sampling of potential error sources is incomplete, a finding that is consistent with the demonstration by Jankov et al. (2019) that combining SPP with other stochastic methods currently yields optimal ensemble performance. However, Lang et al. (2021) note that care must be taken in selecting these techniques to retain the conceptual benefits that the SPP scheme affords.
Spurred by the roadmap for stochastic algorithm development proposed by Leutbecher et al. (2017), refinement of the SPP scheme in the ECMWF ensemble has resulted in a configuration that yields medium-range forecasts that are generally as skillful as those generated by the operational system (Lang et al. 2021). Despite this rapid progress, important questions remain about the effects of model resolution and cycling within the ensemble data assimilation system. Similarly, Kalina et al. (2021) show that the SPP technique yields physically realistic solutions that improve the reliability of a convection-permitting ensemble; however, the perturbations worsen a dry bias in the system so that the resulting forecasts lack the sharpness required for severe-weather forecasting. These results suggest that continued development of the SPP approach has the potential to lead to a scheme that is capable of serving as the primary representation of model uncertainty in an operational context.
This study documents the development of an extended SPP scheme in the Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS; Houtekamer et al. 2014). In addition to free-parameter perturbations (Ollinaho et al. 2017), uncertainties in the model’s dynamical core and in the formulation of physical closures are sampled in this implementation. The resulting scheme attempts to represent a broader range of potential error sources than did its predecessors; however, there is a commensurate increase in the computational cost and the complexity of the system. As a result, careful examination of the impact of each individual perturbation (referred to as SPP “elements” hereinafter) is required to ensure an optimal balance between these competing imperatives. This element-level investigation builds on the findings of studies such as Reynolds et al. (2011) and Frogner et al. (2022) to provide insight into the physics and dynamics of model error growth that affects guidance quality. At the same time, it expands the catalog of well-documented sensitivities that will inform the development of future model uncertainty schemes.
The GEPS is introduced in section 2, with the implementation of the SPP scheme described in section 3. Section 4 contains a summary of results from both the full SPP scheme and a series of sensitivity tests in which individual elements are activated. For some of the leading elements, further investigations of processes underlying the observed sensitivities are presented in section 5. The first part of the study concludes with a discussion in section 6, which sets the stage for comparison between results from the SPP scheme and those obtained with the existing operational model uncertainty representations in McTaggart-Cowan et al. [2022, hereinafter Part II (of this investigation)].
2. Data and methods
The Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model is employed for all simulations discussed in this study. Its dynamical core uses implicit two-time-level temporal discretization and semi-Lagrangian advection to solve the Euler equations (Côté et al. 1998; Yeh et al. 2002; Girard et al. 2014). The global domain is represented using a pair of overlapping limited-area Arakawa C grids (Arakawa 1988) in a so-called yin–yang configuration (Qaddouri and Lee 2011) with 0.35° grid spacing. The model employs 84 terrain-following log-hydrostatic-pressure-based vertical levels (Girard et al. 2014) with a top at 0.1 hPa.
Diabatic and unresolved processes are represented using a physical parameterization suite that recently underwent a major update (McTaggart-Cowan et al. 2019b). The SPP-based GEPS ensemble employs a single physics configuration that is summarized in Table 1. Although operational GEPS forecasts include coupling to the NEMO ocean model (Gurvan et al. 2017; Smith et al. 2018), the simulations here are atmosphere only, with sea surface temperatures fixed to their analyzed values as in the GEPS data assimilation cycle (Houtekamer et al. 2014).
Configuration of the GEM physical parameterization suite used in all GEPS experiments.
The ensemble system employed in this study is a simplified form of the forecast component of the GEPS. It is initialized by subsampling analyses from the 256-member data assimilation ensemble over a 2-month boreal winter period (January–February 2020) using two different strategies. The system’s response to the full set of SPP elements is assessed in section 4 using a 20-member ensemble initialized at 36-h intervals. Forecasts for the 40 dates extend to 360-h lead times to duplicate the behavior of the operational system. To assess the isolated impacts of the individual SPP ingredients at a reasonable computational cost, a minimized system is employed in sections 4b and 5. Ensembles consisting of 10 perturbed members are initiated every 108 h (4.5 days) to promote independence (Hamill et al. 2004). This yields 15 initializations for each sensitivity test, with each forecast extending to only 120 h given the limited sample size (150 individual integrations). The leading-order signals obtained from the two ensemble configurations are qualitatively similar (section 4b), confirmation that the minimized system is sufficiently robust for SPP sensitivity analysis.
Guidance quality is assessed through comparisons with analyses produced by the Canadian Global Deterministic Prediction System (Buehner et al. 2015), interpolated onto a common 0.35° latitude–longitude grid. To minimize the volume of presented data and to improve the stability of the evaluation statistics, diagnostic results are pentad averaged for most assessments: pentad 1 (24–120-h forecasts), pentad 2 (144–240-h forecasts), and pentad 3 (264–360-h forecasts).
3. Stochastically perturbed parameterizations
The sources of error within numerical models are widespread, including problems with truncation, convergence, free parameter estimates, closures, and the depiction of physical processes. The SPP technique injects perturbations in close proximity to these underlying error sources, thereby representing the resulting uncertainty in a natural way. The conceptual framework for SPP is described by Ollinaho et al. (2017); however, each SPP implementation is unique because of the highly model-specific nature of the perturbed elements. This section begins with an introduction of the stochastic field generator used to create pseudorandom perturbation patterns (section 3a), followed by a description of the SPP scheme’s implementation in the GEPS (section 3b).
a. The stochastic field generator
An important ingredient in stochastic representations of model error is the structure of the perturbations. Although white noise (without temporal or spatial correlations) could be considered as a possible method for representing the seeds of uncertainty in a chaotic system (Lorenz 1969), Žagar (2017) and Christensen (2020) document the prevalence of large-scale errors in NWP forecasts. As a result, temporally and spatially correlated perturbations are needed to inject variability on scales that accurately reflect the uncertainties in the system.
The GEM model supports the representation of stochastic processes by creating a set of independent pseudorandom patterns using first-order autoregressive [AR(1)] processes. These fields [
The construction of
(a) Sample spatial pattern of
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Summary of primary configuration parameters for the stochastic field generator. Complete definitions can be found in the appendix.
The demands of SPP for a large number of independent perturbation fields prompted an optimization effort within the stochastic field generator. As a result, addition of the full set of perturbation fields incurs a negligible computational cost. However, the use of a coarse-resolution global grid in the inverse transform of the spherical harmonics reduces the variance of
b. SPP implementation in GEM
The stochastic fields
Description of parameters and algorithms perturbed with the SPP scheme, split into subsections by grouping of physical processes. The elements that are employed in the full SPP configuration (section 4a) are identified with boldface type. The “Applications” column describes the role of
Candidate elements to be perturbed by the SPP scheme were identified by subject matter experts as those that were both uncertain and likely to have a significant impact on the model solution. The parameters for each
The use of 36-h relaxation τ for the majority of perturbations (Table 3) is consistent with the long time scales employed in other SPP implementations (Lang et al. 2021) and in the stochastic tendency perturbations used by the GEPS until December 2021 (Houtekamer et al. 2009). The SPP scheme’s impact depends on τ and other leading parameters that define
c. SPP error models
Using either Eq. (3) or Eq. (4), the error model amplifies perturbations under conditions in which differing closures yield divergent estimates of χ. The distributions of the perturbations are centered on the unperturbed value, a prerequisite for the development of an ensemble whose perturbed-member climates resemble that of the control. The SPP elements that employ error models are shown below to have significant impacts on the forecast skill of the ensemble.
4. Ensemble predictions with SPP
The success of the SPP scheme as a representation of model uncertainty will ultimately be determined by its ability to improve ensemble forecast skill. This implies that the spread generated by SPP should accurately reflect flow-dependent forecast error. The impact of the full SPP scheme on GEPS guidance is introduced in section 4a. The large number of perturbed parameters, however, makes it difficult to identify the sources of forecast improvements. This task is undertaken in section 4b, where the sensitivity to individual SPP elements is assessed.
a. Model uncertainty representation by SPP
The SPP scheme yields global spread growth that closely mirrors RMSEu in the middle and upper troposphere (Figs. 2a,b). Temperatures at the top of the boundary layer remain under-dispersed throughout the 15-day forecast as a result of insufficient spread in the initializations and a suppressed spread growth rate over the first 48 h of integration (Fig. 2c). The SPP scheme does not contribute to an increase in the error of the ensemble mean, a result that is consistent with the scheme’s objective to represent random errors within regions of enhanced uncertainty.
Evolution of global spread and error of (a),(d) 250-hPa zonal wind; (b),(e) 500-hPa geopotential height; and (c),(f) 850-hPa temperature in control and SPP-based ensembles, showing (left) the spread (dashed lines) and RMSEu [solid lines; Eq. (5)] for the control (black) and SPP-based (red) integrations and (right) the fractional contribution of the SPP scheme to ensemble spread computed using Eq. (2), expressed as a percentage (100 × Cf). Also shown in (d)–(f) are color-shaded backgrounds for the forecast pentads.
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The SPP scheme’s fractional contribution Cf to ensemble spread [J = σe(x) in Eq. (2)] reaches a maximum of ∼18% in pentad-1 forecasts (Fig. 2, second column). A comparison of model uncertainty representations in section 3 of Part II shows that this is comparable to the contributions of schemes used in the operational GEPS. The peak Cf for upper-level winds (Fig. 2d) is delayed because few SPP elements directly affect this quantity; instead, spread appears to develop through balance adjustments to mass-field perturbations. The decay of SPP’s relative contribution at longer lead times is the result of saturation as the ensemble approaches its climatological dispersion.
A more complete overview of the ensemble’s response to the full SPP scheme is shown in Fig. 3. The first column suggests that the spread increases noted in Fig. 2 are largest in the tropics (Fig. 3b), although the scheme also contributes to diversity in the northern (winter) midlatitudes and to near-surface spread in pentad-1 forecasts in the southern (summer) midlatitudes. The greater longevity of significant SPP contributions in the tropics (Fig. 3b) is a reflection of the slower approach to climatological spread in areas where moist baroclinic growth is not a primary driver of variability (Judt 2020). These process-level distinctions in the GEPS response imply that all sensitivities must be assessed in the tropical and midlatitude regions independently.
Summary of fractional contributions of the full SPP scheme (left) to ensemble standard deviation and (right) to fCRPS in the (a),(d) northern midlatitudes (25°–70°N); (b),(e) tropics (25°N–25°S); and (c)–(f) southern midlatitudes (25°–70°S). Each panel shows contributions, expressed as a percentage (100 × Cf), to the 250-hPa zonal wind (U250; first panel row), 500-hPa geopotential height (Z500; second panel row), 850-hPa temperature (T850; third panel row), 850-hPa specific humidity (Q850; fourth panel row), screen-level temperature (T2m; fifth panel row), and sea level pressure (SLP; sixth panel row). Contributions are averaged over pentads as indicated on the abscissa, with color filling following the color bar. The values of contributions that exceed 0.1% and are assessed to be significant at the 99% level using a 1000-member bootstrap test (increased from the 95% used elsewhere in this study to reduce the prevalence of type-I errors associated with multiple comparisons) are shown explicitly on the plot.
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The full SPP scheme reduces the fCRPS in all regions, indicative of forecast skill improvements (second column of Fig. 3). The largest impact of SPP is in the tropics, where significant forecast improvements are observed for all variables and lead times. In the midlatitudes, significant fCRPS reductions are generally restricted to lower-tropospheric temperatures and are most apparent in pentad 1.
Although these summary evaluations suggest that the SPP scheme improves ensemble behavior in the aggregate, a more refined assessment of the relationship between spread and error is possible using spread-reliability diagrams (Leutbecher et al. 2007). A well-balanced ensemble that reliably discriminates between high- and low-predictability conditions will have a distribution that falls along the diagonal of these plots; however, the limited GEPS ensemble size will tend to flatten this slope. An analysis of 72-h forecasts of 850-hPa temperature and 250-hPa zonal wind illustrates the impact of SPP on the ensemble from the spread-reliability perspective (Fig. 4). The control ensemble is underdispersed in all regions because it does not sufficiently account for uncertainties within the model. The slope of the distribution suggests that spread and error are well coupled in the midlatitudes (Figs. 4a,c); however, steepness in the tropics implies that large errors can develop in regions without increased spread (Fig. 4b). The SPP scheme shifts all distributions toward the diagonal, a result that is consistent across variables and lead times (not shown). This suggests that the SPP scheme implemented in GEPS improves the ensemble’s ability to depict the flow-dependent nature of spread and error growth.
Spread-reliability diagrams (Leutbecher et al. 2007) for 72-h forecasts of (left) 850-hPa temperature and (right)250-hPa zonal winds in the control (black) and SPP-based (red) ensembles in (a),(d) the northern midlatitudes; (b),(e) the tropics; and (c),(f) the southern midlatitudes. Filled circles indicate means for 5-percentile bins, and filled squares indicate the overall means for the ensembles. The ideal 1:1 reference is shown with a dashed gray line. Note that the ranges of the tropical [in (b)] and midlatitude [in (a) and (c)] diagrams differ to reflect regional differences in spread and error. Both spread and error are normalized by the climatological standard deviation, computed using the ERA-Interim reanalysis (Dee et al. 2011) for the period 1989–2016.
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b. Sensitivity to individual SPPs
The full SPP scheme comprises independent perturbations to numerous model components (Table 3), making it difficult to identify direct relationships between specific perturbations and the ensemble results described above. Such information, however, is extremely valuable to ensemble system designers, model developers and researchers interested in understanding how model uncertainties affect forecast error growth. Only candidate SPP elements that have a neutral or positive impact on GEPS performance from the spread or fCRPS perspective are considered for adoption in the full SPP configuration. Those with neutral impacts are included if they possess strong physical justification, often in the form of well-documented uncertainties, or if they are known to affect particular forms of high impact weather that are not well described by summary statistics.
In this section, sensitivity tests based on a minimized ensemble configuration (section 2; M = 10) are used to assess the impact of each SPP element in isolation. This framework reproduces the summary statistics of the full GEPS (Table 4), at a nearly 20-fold decrease in computational cost. Because of the potential for interactions between perturbations, the sensitivities identified by activating each SPP element in isolation will not sum to the total sensitivity shown in Fig. 3 (Posselt and Vukicevic 2010). However, this set of tests will make it possible to characterize the direct impact of each SPP element and to identify the most important perturbations so that they can be examined in more detail in section 5. The SPP elements are grouped by process as in Table 3 for this discussion to divide the large volume of information into physically relevant subsets.
Globally averaged pentad-1 contribution [Eq. (2); percentage computed as 100 × Cf] to the fCRPS by the SPP scheme using the full 20-member, 44-case GEPS ensemble (“Full Ensemble” column) and the minimized 10-member, 14-case experimental design (“Minimized Ensemble” column). Differences between the SPP-based experiments and the control that are statistically significant at the 99% level according to a 1000-member bootstrap test are shown in boldface type. A similar level of similarity is found for the tropics and midlatitudes individually (not shown).
1) SPP element sensitivity: Surface and boundary layer
Perturbations to elements related to turbulent transport in the planetary boundary layer are highly effective at generating spread and improving forecast skill (Fig. 5). The ensemble is particularly sensitive to the perturbation of surface exchange coefficients (fh_mult and fm_mult) and to the representation of the mixing length (ml_emod and longmel). Because of the large impact that these SPP elements have on the solution, they will be analyzed in more detail in sections 5a and 5b, respectively. In addition to their large amplitudes, these sensitivities are unique in their geographical scope, which extends through the midlatitudes in both hemispheres.
Summary of sensitivities to SPP elements related to turbulent transport in the surface and boundary layer. Fractional contributions to (a)–(c) ensemble spread and (d)–(f) fCRPS are plotted as in Fig. 3, except that the temporal abscissa is replaced by individual SPP elements (Table 3) such that each column in the panels represents pentad-1 sensitivity diagnosed from an independent test. The names of elements that are included in the full SPP configuration (section 4a) are shown in black, and those that were rejected are shown in gray. The range of the color bars has been reduced from the values used in Fig. 3 because of the limited amplitude of individual SPP element contributions.
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Other SPP elements related to the boundary layer have a limited impact on the ensemble metrics shown here; however, their intent is to sample uncertainties associated with specific conditions that are not well represented by summary statistics. The perturbations in ricmin sample uncertainty in the value of the critical Richardson number for turbulence transitions, a quantity that influences the model’s representation of freezing rain profiles (McTaggart-Cowan and Zadra 2015). Similarly, uncertainty in the transport of turbulence kinetic energy affects surface temperatures under very stable conditions but does not have a significant impact on hemispheric-scale statistics. Such elements are retained in the SPP configuration because their flow-dependent sensitivities may be particularly relevant to predictions of high impact weather events.
2) SPP element sensitivity: Moist convection
Despite the known limitations of convection parameterizations (Molinari and Dudek 1992; Arakawa 2004) and their impacts on forecast skill (Rodwell et al. 2013; Lillo and Parsons 2017), sensitivity to SPP elements related to moist convection is relatively small, particularly in the midlatitudes over the period of interest [Fig. 6; (Reynolds et al. 2011)]. Perturbation of the cloud updraft radius (crad_mult) yields significant improvements in the tropics, likely because this element samples uncertainties in the entrainment and detrainment rates that affect cloud depth and transport profiles (de Rooy et al. 2013). Perturbing the formulation of the trigger function for deep convection (deeptrig) introduces significant variability (Suhas and Zhang 2014); however, the worsening of a warm bias at 850 hPa (not shown) increases the fCRPS and precludes the use of this element in the full SPP configuration. Despite this problem, the limited sensitivity to perturbations within the existing trigger (kfctrig4, kfctrigwl and kfctrigwh) suggests that sampling formulation uncertainty has the potential to contribute to forecast skill improvements in the future (Li et al. 2008).
Summary of sensitivities to SPP elements related to moist convection, plotted as in Fig. 5.
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The other convective element not adopted in the proposed SPP configuration (bkf_evaps) also has a primarily positive impact on the fCRPS. Allowing a variable fraction of detrained shallow convective condensate to be evaporated within the scheme, as opposed to being handled by gridscale condensation, favorably cools the lower troposphere but worsens the 500-hPa tropical height bias to increase the fCRPS (Figs. 6e and 7). This outcome highlights the impact of both a tropical surface pressure bias (negative 1000-hPa height bias in Fig. 7b) and an indirect perturbation response, here in the form of reduced deep convective heating in the upper troposphere (Fig. 7a). These sensitivities also illustrate a problem with perturbations to quantities whose limiting values are employed in the control configuration. Assuming a linear response, centering the ensemble mean on the control member requires symmetric perturbations. In this case, all detrained condensate in the control member is passed to the gridscale scheme, such that perturbations can only act to reduce the transfer. This creates a conceptual problem for such SPP elements, which in this case manifests as an increased bias and fCRPS degradation.
Ensemble mean pentad-1 profiles of (a) temperature and (b) geopotential height biases over the tropical oceans (25°S–25°N) in the control (black) and bkf_evaps (red) ensembles. Differences between the ensembles that are determined to be significant at the 95% level based on a 1000-member bootstrap are identified with solid circles on the profile with the smallest absolute bias value.
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3) SPP element sensitivity: Gridscale clouds and radiation
Perturbations to parameters within the gridscale condensation scheme and affecting cloud–radiation interactions generally have relatively little impact on the summary metrics shown in Fig. 8, although sampling uncertainty in the relative humidity threshold required for cloud formation in the lower troposphere [hu0max; (Li et al. 2008)] yields modest fCRPS improvements. Other SPP elements in this group are adopted for the full SPP configuration because of known uncertainties. For example, the concept of effective ice particle radius is ill-defined for current microphysical schemes given the range of cloud–radiation interactions possible for different crystal habits (McFarquhar and Heymsfield 1998). Sampling this uncertainty with the rei_mult element is physically justified and has a direct effect on high-cloud albedo estimates (Fig. 9a). Despite minimal sensitivity in the summary statistics (Fig. 8), this change in reflection can have a large impact on the local surface energy budget (±20%; Fig. 9b) and is known to affect both tropospheric stability and tropical cyclogenesis (Caron et al. 2012).
Summary of sensitivities to SPP elements related to gridscale clouds, cloud–radiation interactions, and radiative transfer, plotted as in Fig. 5.
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Sensitivity of (a) the visible (solar) albedo at the top of the atmosphere and (b) incoming visible radiation at the surface to the rei_mult SPP element for grid cells with overcast high cloud (7–8 octas) between 70°S and 70°N over the first 24 h of integration. Pairwise differences are computed at 6-h intervals between rei_mult and the control ensemble members using a 25-gridpoint subsampling to promote independence. The percentage change in (b) is computed by dividing such a difference by the value in the control ensemble. A kernel density estimate of the scatterplot is shown in solid black lines for reference. The best-fit linear model is shown with the dashed red line, with R2 values annotated on the panels. The perturbation origin (
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Perturbation of the highly parameterized subgrid-scale cloud variability estimate [hetero_mult; (Oreopoulos and Barker 1999)] induces systematic upper-level cooling that increases the fCRPS, rendering this element unsuitable for the full SPP configuration. Further efforts will be required to determine the optimal approach for sampling this uncertainty.
4) SPP element sensitivity: Momentum and dynamics
Sensitivities to SPP elements related to momentum transport and dry dynamics are shown in Fig. 10. Those affecting parameterized drag processes (sgo_phic and rmscon) have minimal impacts on the summary statistics; however, perturbing the velocity spectrum of nonorographic gravity waves promotes diversity in the wave-breaking layers of the upper stratosphere. Evaluations using satellite data show that the additional spread is beneficial for the assimilation component of the GEPS (these improvements will be documented in a forthcoming paper).
Summary of sensitivities to SPP elements related to momentum transport and dry dynamics, plotted as in Fig. 5.
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The two SPP elements that perturb quantities outside the physical-parameterizations suite are adv_rhsint and phycpl (Fig. 10). The former uses an error model to estimate uncertainty within the advection scheme and will be discussed in more detail in section 5c. The latter shows that the choice of dynamics-physics coupling strategy has a significant impact on forecast quality (Gross et al. 2018). Activating the phycpl SPP element replaces the split-explicit treatment of the model components with the implicit handling of a portion of the total physics tendencies. This decreases ensemble spread because the implicit tendency treatment damps variance over a broad range of wavenumbers (Fig. 11). Although arguably occurring at scales that are unpredictable by the end of pentad-1 forecasts, this spread reduction increases the fCRPS through the second term on the rhs of Eq. (6). This degradation precludes the adoption of the phycpl element in the full SPP configuration. Further investigation will be required to determine whether this sensitivity is indicative of true uncertainty in the system that should be sampled as a potential source of model error, or whether the current approach is simply optimal for the adopted model configuration.
Contribution by the phycpl SPP element to (a) the mean global kinetic energy spectrum for 250-hPa zonal wind and (b) the mean global 850-hPa temperature variance spectrum after 120 h of integration. This contribution is computed using Eq. (2) and is expressed as a percentage (100 × Cf) such that negative values are associated with a decrease in spectral variance. The 95% confidence interval for the sensitivity is shown in light gray shading, with intervals that do not reach 0 (horizontal gray dashed line) indicative of significant departures based on a 1000-member bootstrap.
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5. Leading SPP parameters
The preceding analysis of individual SPP element sensitivities reveals a broad range of responses to the stochastic perturbations. Even if the level of uncertainty in two parameters is of the same order, perturbations may have significantly different impacts on the solution as a result of differing and possibly flow-dependent sensitivities within the model. In this section, the SPP elements that were found to have the largest impacts on the GEPS are analyzed in more detail to provide physical explanations for the behavior of the SPP-based ensemble.
a. Surface exchange coefficient perturbations
The multiplicative scaling used in Eq. (8) means that the direct impacts of these perturbations are maximized in regions where turbulent surface exchanges are typically large (Fig. 12; results shown only for fh_mult because of the large sensitivity shown in Fig. 5). Differences therefore peak along the western boundary currents (Munk 1950) and cold outbreak regions in the Northern Hemisphere winter (Fletcher et al. 2016; Smith and Sheridan 2020), and over landmasses in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere (summer). The enhanced spread in continental regions is accompanied by a significant decrease in the fCRPS, indicating that the broad perturbations range reflects underlying uncertainty in the forecasts.
Sensitivity of (a) screen-level temperature spread (°C) and (b) fCRPS (°C) to the fh_mult SPP element, computed as differences with respect to the control ensemble averaged over pentad 1. Differences that are determined to be statistically significant for a false discovery rate (Wilks 2016) of 5% based on a 1000-member bootstrap are dark-shaded following the bottom color bar on each panel, and those that fail to meet this level of significance are light-shaded following the top color bar.
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In the North Atlantic Ocean, northerly flow in the wake of oceanic cyclones (Tilinina et al. 2018) and high winds associated with the Greenland tip jet (Doyle and Shapiro 1999) draw Arctic air across the extensive ice edge to create an environment conducive to frequent large-flux events (Papritz and Spengler 2017; Geerts et al. 2022). Despite symmetric perturbations to
(a) Ensemble mean screen-level temperature (T2m; °C) and (c) surface turbulent sensible heat flux (SHF; W m−2) averaged over pentad 1 in the control. (b),(d) The difference of means computed as fh_mult minus control are shown using the same units. Differences that are found to be significant for a false discovery rate of 5% based on a 1000-member bootstrap are dark-shaded following the lower color bar, and those that fail to reach this level of significance are light-shaded following the upper color bar of each panel. The North Atlantic region used for further investigation of perturbation-induced changes is outlined in black in (b) and (d).
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Oceanic (a) screen-level temperature and (b) sensible heat flux responses to exchange coefficient perturbations in the fh_mult ensemble averaged over the North Atlantic region (Figs. 13b,d). Pairwise differences are computed at 6-h intervals between the fh_mult and control ensemble members and plotted using dots that are color coded with the value of the quantity in the fh_mult ensemble as shown on the color bars. The sensible heat flux shown in (b) is computed from Eq. (7) before perturbations are applied. A kernel density estimate of the scatterplot is shown in solid black lines for reference. The best-fit linear model for perturbations over the range [0.8–1.2] (bounds highlighted with vertical green dashed lines) is shown with the dashed red line, and the average temperature departure for 10 perturbation percentile bins is shown with the blue line and blue points at the bin centroids. The perturbation origin (
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b. Uncertainties in the boundary layer mixing length
The longmel SPP element makes direct use of the multiple λ estimates to sample uncertainty by adopting different closures through discrete perturbations (section 3b). Despite this introduction of spatiotemporal algorithmic variability, the longmel SPP element has limited impact on ensemble spread within the boundary layer (Fig. 15a) and leads to a bias-induced deterioration in the fCRPS at higher latitudes (Fig. 15b). Improved fCRPS values in the stratocumulus regions also originate from bias changes (not shown), suggesting that the Bougeault and Lacarrère (1989) λ introduced in this configuration may yield locally improved basic states. Overall, however, the longmel SPP element leads to significant deteriorations that preclude its adoption in the GEPS configuration (Fig. 5).
Sensitivity of (a),(c) 850-hPa temperature spread (°C) and (b),(d) fCRPS (°C) for the (left) longmel and (right) ml_emod ensembles. Plotting follows the conventions employed in Fig. 12, except that regions in which surface pressure is less than 850 hPa are masked with light-green shading.
Citation: Monthly Weather Review 150, 11; 10.1175/MWR-D-21-0315.1
The mixing-length error model employed by the ml_emod SPP element proves to be more successful in sampling uncertainty in λ without introducing systematic errors (Figs. 15c,d). The Blackadar (1962) and Bougeault and Lacarrère (1989) estimates are used in Eq. (4) as χ° and χalt, respectively, for
Mixing-length properties (m) at model hybrid level ∼0.92 (∼500 m above the surface) averaged over pentad 1. Shown are (a) the mean mixing length in the control ensemble, (b) the mean difference between the ml_emod and control ensemble (computed as ml_emod minus control), and (c) the difference in ensemble standard deviation [computed as for (b)]. Values are color coded according to the color bars at the bottom of each panel, with dark shading in (b) and (c) indicative of difference that are statistically significant for a false discovery rate of 5% based on a 1000-member bootstrap. The North Pacific domain used in Fig. 17 is outlined in black in (b) and (c).
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Properties of mixing-length estimates at hybrid level ∼0.92 (∼500 m above the surface) over the North Pacific basin (outlined in black in Figs. 16b,c) for a control simulation initialized at 0000 UTC 19 Jan 2020 with perturbed mixing-length diagnostics obtained by piggyback calculations (Grabowski 2014): (a) the cumulative frequency distributions of the Blackadar (1962) (black), Bougeault and Lacarrère (1989) (blue), and perturbed (red) mixing lengths, with the unphysical region λ < 0 gray shaded, and (b) the relationship between the two estimates, with green dots for individual points and a kernel density estimate in solid black lines (powers of 2 used for contour intervals; “e−0X” indicates multiplication by 10 raised to the −X power). The 1:1 line appears in gray dashes for reference. The regions in which large absolute values of
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The use of multiple λ estimates has the disadvantage of incurring additional computational cost, with model run time increased by 28%. However, restricting the Bougeault and Lacarrère (1989) calculations to lower levels (
Globally averaged pentad-1 fractional contribution [Eq. (2), in percentage as 100 × Cf] to the ensemble spread and fCRPS by the ml_emod SPP element and a sensitivity test using the “height restricted” form of the error model described in the text. Differences between the SPP-based experiments and the control that are statistically significant at the 99% level according to a 1000-member bootstrap test are shown in boldface type.
c. Advection error model
Although the large majority of SPP elements focus on components of the physical parameterization suite, uncertainties that exist within the dynamical core can have significant impacts on ensemble statistics (Fig. 10). The net effect of these potential error sources is represented in this implementation by the adv_rhsint SPP element, which uses an error model to sample uncertainty in the advection scheme. The semi-Lagrangian formulation begins by determining the departure point of the trajectory that arrives at each grid point over a time step. The advected quantities must then be interpolated to the departure point to give the upstream value: cubic polynomials are typically used for this operation in GEM (Fig. 18). The adv_rhsint error model samples uncertainties in these calculations by using cubic and linear interpolation estimates as χ° and χalt in Eq. (4) with
Schematic description of upstream-point interpolation in a 1D semi-Lagrangian advection scheme for fields with (a) large and (b) small local curvature. The advecting wind is blowing in the negative x direction at a speed sufficient to transport parcels 0.4 grid lengths in a time step (Courant number of 0.4) as shown with a black arrow between the gray dashed vertical lines that represent the trajectory bounds. The abscissa depicts grid points relative to the destination (0), and the ordinate displays values of the advected variable. Gridpoint values of the advected variable are shown with green dots. The cubic interpolating polynomial is shown in black, and the linear interpolating polynomial is shown in blue. At the upstream location, the advected-field value is shown with a red square for cubic interpolation and a red triangle for linear interpolation. Red dashed lines connect the interpolation positions to field values on the ordinate.
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This error model generates perturbations where local gradients are highly spatially variable, such that the first- and third-order interpolation estimates are likely to differ (Fig. 18a). In such regions, the effects of discretization combine with uncertainties associated with the interpolants themselves to yield a potentially important error source. Conversely, the range of values computed using the different polynomials will be relatively small where the advected quantities vary smoothly in space (Fig. 18b). Unlike the mixing length estimates described above, this error model incurs no additional computational cost because the linearly interpolated value is precomputed within the advection scheme.
Sensitivity of (a),(c) 500-hPa height spread (m) and (b),(d) fCRPS (m) for the (left) adv_rhsint and (right) uniform ensembles. The latter configuration does not use the modulation defined in Eq. (11). Plotting follows the conventions employed in Fig. 12. The climatological position of the East Asian subtropical jet (Luo and Zhang 2015) is identified with an arrow on each panel for reference in Fig. 20 below and is labeled as EASJ in (a).
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Despite the restriction of adv_rhsint perturbations to tropical regions [Eq. (11)], 500-hPa height forecasts improve at high latitudes in the North Pacific basin (Fig. 19b). This sensitivity originates primarily within the East Asian subtropical jet (Yang et al. 2002; Luo and Zhang 2015) in the form of enhanced ensemble spread (Figs. 19a and 20a). The perturbations appear to promote diversity in the initiation of Rossby wave packets (Röthlisberger et al. 2018), which propagate downstream at rates that fall between the expected phase speed (cp ≈ 10 m s−1) and group velocity (cg ≈ 20 m s−1; Fragkoulidis and Wirth 2020). The associated fCRPS improvements (Fig. 20b) suggest that the perturbations are effectively identifying uncertainty in this tropical–extratropical interaction and the resulting Rossby wave evolution (Wirth et al. 2018). Although perturbations deeper within the tropics are sometimes associated with Rossby wave initiation (Stan et al. 2017), an experiment in which ϕo = 30 [Eq. (11)] shows that this indirect mode of communication is relatively inefficient (Figs. 20c,d). The ability of adv_rhsint to represent the remote impact of tropical uncertainties, thereby reducing the fCRPS in all domains (Fig. 10), makes it an important component of the SPP configuration for the GEPS.
Hovmöller diagrams (Persson 2017) of the fractional contribution [Eq. (2), in percentage as 100 × Cf] of the adv_rhsint SPP element to (a),(c) 500-hPa height ensemble spread and (b),(d) fCRPS for (left) standard latitude modulation [Eq. (11)] with ϕo = 45° and (right) an ensemble with ϕo = 30°. Dashed black lines indicate the phase speed (cp ≈ 10 m s−1) and group velocity (cg ≈ 20 m s−1) for Rossby waves initiated at the western and eastern ends of the east Asian subtropical jet, respectively [the climatological jet position is indicated with a heavy green line at the top of each panel (Luo and Zhang 2015), consistent with Fig. 19].
Citation: Monthly Weather Review 150, 11; 10.1175/MWR-D-21-0315.1
6. Discussion
The SPP scheme implemented in GEM employs spatiotemporally correlated random fields as the basis for perturbations to free parameters, physical closures and the dynamical core. These perturbations represent inherent uncertainties in the model in an internally consistent way, yielding a diversity of solutions under conditions in which the associated errors adversely affect practical predictability.
The impacts of 27 SPP elements have been evaluated for potential inclusion in the GEPS. Together, the proposed configuration generates sufficient ensemble spread without increasing RMSEu. Individually, they trigger a broad range of responses in terms of contributions to ensemble spread and forecast skill. The spatial distributions of these sensitivities are closely related to the processes represented by the SPP elements themselves.
The perturbation-process connection is a conceptual strength of SPP; however, it introduces a high level of complexity into the system. The large number of degrees of freedom associated with the SPP technique makes identifying the optimal ensemble configuration a computationally intensive task. The extensive set of perturbations discussed here represents a small fraction of the potential error sources in the model. As more SPP elements are introduced, the amplitudes of existing perturbations will need to be revised to represent better the underlying uncertainty. Additional efforts are also needed to characterize sensitivity to different spatiotemporal scales in the perturbation patterns (Lin and Neelin 2000). Preliminary results suggest that the ensemble is highly sensitive to shortening these scales toward those associated with the processes themselves (Jankov et al. 2019; Kalina et al. 2021); however, Bessac et al. (2019) show that spatial error correlation scales can approach those employed here. The results of these analyses will be presented in a future study.
The formulation of SPP elements introduces an additional dimension to the problem of accurate model error representation. Parameter ranges and multiplicative scalings are simple descriptions of uncertainty that compose the majority of implemented SPP elements (Table 3). However, nonlinear responses can lead to systematic changes in perturbed members. Reducing perturbation ranges can mitigate associated biases; however, this also limits the SPP element’s overall effectiveness. The error models designed for select SPP elements appears to be able to represent uncertainty effectively when multiple estimates of a quantity are available. Further efforts are needed to assess the applicability of error models to other elements and to determine whether sampling from a larger range of computationally inexpensive estimates provides a more robust representation of uncertainty [Eq. (3)] than the limited approach currently adopted [Eq. (4)].
As the number of SPP elements increases, so too does the range of possible sensitivities. While some of these might be well represented by traditional summary statistics, others will not. Perturbations to the critical Richardson number and to the rms of gravity wave spectrum have negligible impacts on tropospheric fCRPS, but they, respectively, affect high impact freezing rain forecasts and assimilation-relevant stratospheric wind spread. Future assessments of the utility of SPP elements will therefore need to account for the full range of potentially useful sensitivities within the ensemble.
Extensions to the proposed SPP technique may lead to further improvements to the system. The atmosphere-only configuration of the GEPS used here permitted only a rudimentary representation of uncertainties at the surface interface through perturbed exchange coefficients in the boundary layer scheme. While this provides useful guidance about the magnitude of surface flux uncertainties, work within the fully coupled system is needed to make consistent perturbations across model components. Within the atmosphere itself, the current use of 2D perturbing fields implies perfect vertical uncertainty correlation, a simplification that is unlikely to be valid for processes such as boundary layer turbulence that are marked by sharp vertical transitions. The efficiency of the field generator makes it possible to create 3D perturbations; however, the impact of this generalization has not yet been assessed.
Although the specific SPP elements described here are unique to GEM, the SPP technique itself is applicable to any model. Moreover, the scheme’s ability to generate a physically realistic range of ensemble member solutions suggests that it may represent a viable alternative to existing estimates of model uncertainty. Part II of this investigation will therefore focus on an intercomparison between differing model uncertainty representations (multiphysics, stochastic tendency perturbation and SPP), an assessment that led to the autumn-2021 implementation of the SPP scheme in the operational GEPS.
Throughout this study the term “unbiased” refers to the standard statistical correction of an estimator to account for finite ensemble size. The ensemble data themselves have not been postprocessed for any of the analyses shown here.
Limiting the range of
The authors thank Dr. Carolyn Reynolds for productive discussions and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper and Dr. Justin McLay for his advice on the ensemble sensitivity formalism. We also acknowledge the contribution of Dr. Xingxiu Deng in the form of help with GEPS configuration. Doctor Hannah Christensen and two anonymous reviewers provided excellent suggestions that improved the paper, as did Dr. Tommaso Benacchio as the handling editor.
Data availability statement.
Given the large volume of model outputs analyzed in this study, transfer to an independent repository is impractical; however, all data used in this study will be made freely available upon request. The full ERA Interim reanalysis dataset is archived by Copernicus Climate Services (https://climate.copernicus.eu/). The GEM model, including the implementation of SPP described here, is available online (https://github.com/ECCC-ASTD-MRD/gem).
The Stochastic Field Generator
All stochastic representations of model uncertainty in GEM use a common stochastic field generator. The factory described here flexibly and efficiently produces a large number of independent fields
a. Double Markov chains for smooth temporal evolution
The statistical properties of f are homogeneous and isotropic, implying that S(l) is independent of m. In this implementation, the Rl,m functions are Gaussian processes. The choice S(l) = constant therefore generates a white-noise signal in space between Lmin and Lmax.
The use of two Markovian processes in the construction of the spectral coefficients [Eqs. (A3) and (A4)] renders the temporal evolution of f smooth in the first derivative. However, correlation between al,m and bl,m extends the decorrelation time scale to τ = 2.146τ° (Δt ≪ τ°) and leads to a reddening of the f power spectrum in the double Markov chain formulation.
Distributions from which
Citation: Monthly Weather Review 150, 11; 10.1175/MWR-D-21-0315.1
b. Stochastic fields on the native model grid
The stochastic pattern generator used to produce
Global variance of stochastic fields
The application of
Variance spectra of
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Representative stochastic fields
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The use of a low-resolution intermediate grid does not create any conceptual problems for the analysis of the SPP scheme in this study or Part II. It does, however, change the sampling distribution of F, which peaks at μ despite the use of γ = 1 (Fig. A4). Although this structure could be interpreted as a move toward the adoption of informed priors for all SPP elements (empirically γ = 1.45 for the distributions shown in Fig. A4), the implicit nature of the PDF transformation makes it difficult to control. Instead, the stochastic field generator’s configuration will be updated as part of ongoing GEPS development to use a higher resolution intermediate grid, and γ > 1 will be employed for leading SPP elements to maintain or improve guidance quality.
Sampling distributions of
Citation: Monthly Weather Review 150, 11; 10.1175/MWR-D-21-0315.1
c. Initializing the spectral coefficients
Note that Rl,m(0) takes a different random complex value for each spectral element. Note also that
To ensure the smooth evolution of perturbations, Markov chains persist within the data assimilation cycle. For all simulations discussed here, spectral coefficients from the appropriate trial integration are therefore re-ingested by the model instead of being initialized at the beginning of the integration.
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