Internal Wave Spectra at the Buoyant and Inertial Frequencies

Walter H. Munk Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla 92093

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Spectra of the vertical displacement (potential energy) have been observed to be only slightly enhanced at the buoyancy frequency ω = N, whereas spectra of horizontal velocity u, v (kinetic energy) are greatly enhanced at the inertial frequency ω = f (except at equatorial latitudes). Consequently. the former are ignored in certain model spectra, whereas the latter are allowed for explicitly (e.g., by a term (ω2f2)−1/2). I have attempted to interpret these observations in terms of the behavior of free wave packets at the turning points. Local resonant generation may also be a factor (Fu, 1980) but is not considered here.

In this tutorial N′ = dN/dz and f′ = df/dy ≡ β are taken as constant in order to make the derivation of the solutions near N and f as simple and as parallel as possible; these turning point solutions (in terms of Airy functions) fail in narrow waveguides, e.g., near a sharp buoyancy peak and at equatorial latitudes. The β-plane approximation fails at polar latitudes. Limit functions are evaluated numerically for a super-position of wave modes with relative energy (j2 + j*2)−1, j = 3, assuming horizontal isotropy. The computed cutoffs are smooth functions of frequency, with a peak just below N and just above f, respectively. The N amplification in the vertical displacement spectrum is by less than 2 (but equals 5 for the spectrum of vertical strain rate). The f amplification in the horizontal velocity spectrum is by a factor of 8 at latitude θ = 30°, and diminishes With latitude as (sinθ tanθ)1/3. In general, the amplification varies with the width of the waveguide (vertical and latitudinal) expressed in units of a characteristic wavelength. Thus the inertial peak is a consequence of linear wave theory and should not be independently imposed on model spectra.


Spectra of the vertical displacement (potential energy) have been observed to be only slightly enhanced at the buoyancy frequency ω = N, whereas spectra of horizontal velocity u, v (kinetic energy) are greatly enhanced at the inertial frequency ω = f (except at equatorial latitudes). Consequently. the former are ignored in certain model spectra, whereas the latter are allowed for explicitly (e.g., by a term (ω2f2)−1/2). I have attempted to interpret these observations in terms of the behavior of free wave packets at the turning points. Local resonant generation may also be a factor (Fu, 1980) but is not considered here.

In this tutorial N′ = dN/dz and f′ = df/dy ≡ β are taken as constant in order to make the derivation of the solutions near N and f as simple and as parallel as possible; these turning point solutions (in terms of Airy functions) fail in narrow waveguides, e.g., near a sharp buoyancy peak and at equatorial latitudes. The β-plane approximation fails at polar latitudes. Limit functions are evaluated numerically for a super-position of wave modes with relative energy (j2 + j*2)−1, j = 3, assuming horizontal isotropy. The computed cutoffs are smooth functions of frequency, with a peak just below N and just above f, respectively. The N amplification in the vertical displacement spectrum is by less than 2 (but equals 5 for the spectrum of vertical strain rate). The f amplification in the horizontal velocity spectrum is by a factor of 8 at latitude θ = 30°, and diminishes With latitude as (sinθ tanθ)1/3. In general, the amplification varies with the width of the waveguide (vertical and latitudinal) expressed in units of a characteristic wavelength. Thus the inertial peak is a consequence of linear wave theory and should not be independently imposed on model spectra.
