1. Introduction
It is interesting that if one tries to solve the circulation problem for the western boundary ignoring tout court what happens on the eastern, then one is not able to assign to the Sverdrup solution a definite boundary condition on the western coast and the whole procedure becomes problematic. However, a general physical explanation for the preference for westward intensification is given by Pedlosky (1965) on the basis of the anisotropy of the group velocity in the Rossby waves propagation. In this paper we put forward another argument, based on the energetics of the flow field, to show that the vanishing of the Sverdrup solution on the western boundary is not consistent with the steady energy balance of the ocean. In this way, we can assign the correct boundary condition to the Sverdrup solution in the ambit of the whole class of quasigeostrophic models of wind- driven circulation without resorting to the total solution near the eastern boundary.“. . . it is a classical problem . . . that shows that it is not possible to add a boundary layer on the eastern boundary of the oceans so that the Sverdrup solution itself must satisfy the boundary condition there. Whether a boundary layer is then possible on the western boundary is less clear.” (Pedlosky 1994).
2. Basic equations
3. The energy source
For the moment, xB is left indeterminate between the two possible longitudes xW and xE. We do not consider the eventuality that xB may be some interior longitude since it would imply uI(xB,y) = 0 for the zonal component of the interior current, but this kind of constraint has no physical basis. If xB= xW, then ϕB̃ = ϕE, that is, the boundary layer correction is on the eastern side of the basin; on the contrary, if xB = xE, then ϕB̃ is the correction relative to the western side.
4. Concluding remarks
In general, use of energetics in the investigation of rotating fluids is not a powerful tool mainly because the Coriolis force is purely deflecting and its effect can be hardly isolated by resorting to the energy balance of the system. However, in the present paper, due to the assumption of a Sverdrup regime in the interior, we have bypassed this difficulty by introducing into the streamfunction appearing in the energy source the Sverdrup solution that has a typical rotating character; in this way, we have preserved the memory of rotation also in the energetics. The peculiarity of the employed method is based on the direct correlation between the sign of the energy source and the unique correct integration extreme appearing in the Sverdrup solution.
From this viewpoint, the east–west asymmetry of the large-scale circulation patterns can be ascribed to two complementary inequalities: the first (13) implied by the wavelike mesoscale dynamics and the second (6) coming from the basin-scale energetics.
We underline that the followed method is not only independent from the explicit form of the wind stress curl, but it is also largely independent from the details of the parameterization of turbulence.
The fluid domain D, defined in section 2, has not necessarily a rectangular shape. In fact, we can easily see that the same conclusions hold if we allow xW and xE to vary with y, provided that xW < xE. Therefore, the correct boundary condition of the Sverdrup solution is quite independent from the details of the meridional shorelines.
We thank Dr. George Carnevale for useful discussions in preparing the revised version of the manuscript. Partial support for this study by the Physics Committee of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) is acknowledged by the authors.
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