1. Introduction
The sea surface thermal forcing, which acts in the direction of the present thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic, is opposite to the haline forcing from the freshwater flux. The strong negative feedback between the sea surface temperature and the surface heat flux removes changes in the sea surface temperature rapidly. However, the freshwater flux, which arises from the local imbalance between precipitation and evaporation, is independent of the sea surface salinity. The difference in the boundary conditions for temperature and salinity may give rise to multiple equilibria of the thermohaline circulation under identical boundary conditions (see Weaver and Hughes 1992; Marotzke 1994;Whitehead 1995 for reviews). Therefore, the thermohaline circulation can switch from one equilibrium to another rapidly (thermohaline catastrophe) if the thermal or haline forcing is perturbed. Studies ranging from simple box models to fully developed primitive-equation numerical models have demonstrated the thermohaline catastrophe.
This scaling law does not add any real complexity to Stommel’s classical two-box thermohaline circulation model, but it does change some of the model prediction in an interesting way. In order to compare the effect of mass transport on the stability with that of salinity boundary conditions, both a restoring condition and an interactive condition by Nakamura et al. (1994) are considered in the freshwater flux parameterization. In the interactive case, evaporation (
The configuration of a two-box model and the scaling law due to Bryan and Cox (1967) are described in section 2. In section 3, the results of the box model are compared to those of a box model using Stommel’s linear mass transport relation. Discussions and summaries are given in section 4.
2. A two-box model
a. A scaling law
Bryan (1987) and Colin de Verdière (1988) studied the dependence of the scaling law on the vertical diffusivity κ, using three-dimensional numerical models. They found that the meridional heat transports follow the scaling law reasonably well, but the maximum of the meridional mass transport (Bryan 1987) or velocity scale from total kinetic energy over the entire basin (Colin de Verdière 1988) does not. Through a series of numerical experiments, Park and Bryan (2000) found that there is a significant amount of recirculation occurring on slanted isopycnal surfaces in the northern region of weak stratification. The meridional overturning circulation defined along depth level surfaces [Ψ(z) ≡
Using two numerical models Park and Bryan (2000) show that meridional overturning circulation defined along isopycnal surfaces [Ψ(ρ) =
In Fig. 3, the two mass transport laws are compared. Both scaling laws give the same mass transport, by definition, when Δρ = Δρp. When the haline forcing becomes larger than the present value so that Δρ < Δρp, we find that ΨG/ΨF > 1. Thus, the meridional heat and salt transports become relatively greater in a model with the nonlinear mass transport law. The main result is that the nonlinear relation makes the model less sensitive to the forcing than the classical model except at very low values of Δρ < Δρc.
3. Results
a. Restoring salinity boundary condition
In Fig. 4, hysteresis diagrams from models with the restoring salinity boundary condition are presented. In the linear model, the present thermal-model circulation (point P) becomes unstable and switches to a haline model circulation if the haline forcing increases by 20%. This is similar to earlier box models using the linear mass transport relation such as Huang et al. (1992), in which HS is from (
Joyce (1991) used a two-hemisphere model with the linear mass transport law. When an asymmetric sinusoidal perturbation was applied to the haline forcing, oscillation between a thermal mode and a haline mode with a frequency different from that of the perturbation occurred. He suggested that this oscillation might be related to the glacial oscillation. Thual and McWilliams (1992) showed that, when ξ ≪ 1, the circulation in a complicated box model can be treated as a linear superposition of a two-box model, so Joyce’s (1991) calculation can be compared to that of the present study. The oscillations suggest that the amplitude of the perturbation in the boundary condition is comparable to the width of the multiple equilibria region of his model. Since a nonlinear model shows a significantly wider multiple equilibria region than that of a linear model, a version of Joyce’s model with the nonlinear scaling law is less likely to show oscillations between a thermal mode and a haline mode under the same perturbation.
b. Interactive salinity boundary condition
In Fig. 5, hysteresis diagrams from models with the interactive boundary condition are presented with n = 1 as in Marotzke and Stone (1995) and considering F1 to be an external parameter. The results are qualitatively similar to those with the restoring salinity boundary condition. The former apparently, however, shows much wider multiple equilibria regions because the lower bound of the multiple equilibria regions is at the vanishing haline forcing. When τS → ∞ so ξ → 0, the lower bound of the multiple equilibria region η0 = ξζ in Fig. 4 approaches η = 0 (where haline forcing vanishes). If the salinity restoring boundary condition is used properly as suggested by Welander (1986), salinity boundary conditions do not affect the lower catastrophic transition point.
The effect of the positive feedback due to the interactive condition is prominent in the linear model, so a 5% increase in haline forcing makes the present thermal mode circulation (point P in Fig. 5) unstable. In the nonlinear model the positive feedback is less important so that the present state is still quite far away from the transition point. We can clearly see that the mass transport relation has a stronger effect on the stability of a thermal mode circulation than the parameterization of the air–sea freshwater exchange. This comparison is, however, qualitative, so a linear stability analysis is performed in the next section. Since we are more interested in the transition from a thermal mode to a haline mode, the stability analysis was done with a thermal mode circulation.
c. Linear stability analysis
In all models considered here, the sum of the two eigenvalues of a model satisfies trace(
It is easy, in fact, to find R that satisfies det(
The models with the nonlinear mass transport law show greater stability than those with the linear law when the same salinity boundary conditions are used. The largest contribution to det(
The RC with the restoring salinity boundary condition (f4 and g4) is larger than that with (
In the models with the restoring condition, the RC decline as the effect of salinity restoring becomes weaker, in other words, τS (or τ since ξ = τT/τS is fixed) increases. In this study τS = 500τT so it is about two orders of magnitude larger than commonly used values in other studies, but the effect is still significant. If the artificial stability due to the restoring condition is excluded, the freshwater flux parameterization does not have a significant effect on RC, as evident in Eq. (12) and Fig. 6; the curves g1, g2, and g3 (or f1, f2, and f3) are not significantly different from each other within a parameter range comparable to that of the present ocean.
4. Discussion and conclusions
Using a two-box model, the effect of mass transport on the stability of a thermal mode (high latitude sinking) circulation has been studied. The equilibrium circulation tries to remove temperature and salinity (or density) anomalies and stabilize the circulation. On the other hand, salinity anomalies try to weaken the circulation and intensify the meridional salinity gradient; this is the strongest destabilizing process. In a model with nonlinear transport, the circulation becomes relatively stronger than that in the linear model as density anomalies intensify. The stronger circulation in the nonlinear model reduces the meridional salinity gradient and removes the anomalies effectively. Thus, nonlinear models show significantly greater stability, irrespective of the freshwater flux parameterization.
During the last glacial period, thermohaline forcing was weaker than that of the present interglacial period. The chemical properties of Greenland ice cores, however, suggest that the climate of the glacial time could be more variable than that of the present interglacial period. (See Fig. 4 of Dansgaard et al. 1982.) The nonlinear mass transport relation (Fig. 3) becomes more sensitive to forcing as the forcing weakens. When Δρ < Δρc, a small change in Δρ would cause relatively larger and more rapid variation in the circulation and climate than that would do the present circulation as the ice cores suggest.
The thermal mode circulation with a restoring salinity boundary condition is significantly more stable than that with other salinity boundary conditions considered. The effect, which cannot exist in the real world, disappears as τS → ∞ so that the boundary condition for salinity becomes independent of the surface salinity. In this study, τS = τT/0.002 so it is about two orders of magnitude smaller than those in similar studies but the effect is still significant. Excluding the artificial stability, salinity boundary conditions and freshwater flux parameterization do not have a significant effect on the stability of the thermal mode circulation.
In many two- and three-dimensional numerical studies (for example Marotzke et al. 1988; Rahmstorf 1995), the model flow is initialized using a restoring salinity boundary condition with 1 < ξ < 0.1. After the circulation reaches an equilibrium state, virtual salt fluxes at the sea surface are estimated. When the restoring boundary condition is replaced by the virtual salt flux diagnosed, the circulation in some cases shows rapid transition to a different state. It has been argued that such a transition indicates that the thermohaline circulation is unstable under mixed boundary conditions (a restoring boundary condition for temperature and a flux boundary condition for salinity). In those studies, the salinity boundary condition supplies an artificial stability during spinup, which is removed when the salinity boundary condition is changed. In Tziperman et al. (1994), a spinup state with longer τS does not become unstable while one with shorter τS does become unstable upon switching to mixed boundary conditions. It is not clear whether the transition in the thermohaline circulation is caused by the external removal of the artificial stability or by an intrinsic instability in the circulation.
In Rahmstorf (1995), hysteresis from a global general circulation model compares closely to that of Stommel’s two-box model, which uses a linear mass transport relation. Therefore, Rahmstorf’s thermohaline circulation is significantly less stable than that in the nonlinear model. He used the common method of switching the salinity boundary condition; so it is unclear how much of his hysteresis is related to the stability of the thermohaline circulation.
The models and the real oceans are so different that one can ask what is the proper choice of the tuning parameters (e.g., Δρp and Ψp) and how do the stability and the bifurcation structure depend on it. Although the choice made in this study is just one realization of the real ocean, it is well within the correct order of magnitude. Furthermore, ΨG/ΨF > 1 if Δρ < Δρp, irrespective of the choice of the tuning parameters. The thermal mode of a model with nonlinear mass transport is always significantly more stable than that of a model with linear mass transport.
Although we cannot apply the model to the oceans directly, we can roughly estimate the stability parameter of the oceans. The surface temperature and salinity distribution of the North Atlantic give
The author thanks Drs. J. A. Whitehead, K. Helfrich, G. Flierl, R. X. Huang, J. Marotzke, N. Hogg, A. Rogerson, K. Bryan, and S. Griffies for their valuable comments and suggestions. This study has been funded by NSF Grant OCE92-01464 and Korean Government Overseas Scholarship Grant. A part of the manuscript was prepared while the author was at the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program, GFDL/Princeton University.
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Freshwater Flux Parameterization
Stability Matrices
In Nakamura et al. (1994), it is called the “eddy moisture transport–thermohaline circulation” feedback. Since the condition includes the interaction between the sea surface temperature and the freshwater flux, it can be called an “interactive” salinity boundary condition (J. Marotzke 1996, personal communication).