1. Introduction
In his seminal study of the ventilation of the subtropical gyre, Stommel (1979) discussed how the seasonally varying properties of the surface mixed layer affect the ocean interior, and showed that only water subducting in early spring could penetrate the permanent thermocline and avoid being reentrained in the mixed layer during the following fall and winter. This selection process, known as Stommel’s demon, was shown to operate in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre in the observations (Marshall et al. 1993) and numerical models (Williams et al. 1995), with an effective subduction period of about one month. Year-to-year variations of mixed layer properties at the end of winter are thus likely to produce changes in the ventilated interior. Deser et al. (1996), indeed, suggested that the decade-long cooling and deepening of the mixed layer that was observed in the 1980s in the central North Pacific would penetrate to greater depth trough ventilation, while Miller et al. (1994) had shown that, if surface heat flux and wind anomalies were responsible for the surface cooling, the subduction of the thermal anomalies would be consistent with the mean currents. In a similar way, New and Bleck (1995) proposed that a large part of the low-frequency variability observed in the first 1000 m of the North Atlantic by Levitus (1989) could result from the subduction of water from a colder mixed layer without requiring changes in Ekman pumping.
From a theoretical point of view, little attention has been given to the buoyancy forcing of the thermocline. Using a normal mode approach, Frankignoul and Müller (1979) suggested that stochastic forcing by buoyancy flux was much smaller than by Ekman pumping in the wavenumber–frequency range of geostrophic eddies, while Liu and Pedlosky (1994, hereafter LP), using a two-layer planetary geostrophic model, argued that, at decadal frequencies, buoyancy forcing would dominate wind forcing in the ventilated area. However, the large range of amplitude given to the prescribed displacement of the first layer outcrop line was not related to the sea surface density or surface buoyancy flux variations, so the relevance of their predictions to the observations was unclear. Moreover, since the seasonal cycle of the mixed layer was not represented, the physics of the interannual fluctuations of the mixed layer depth, which is representative of the year-to-year changes of the mixed layer depth at the end of winter, according to Stommel’s demon, needs to be clarified. The aim of this paper is to estimate more quantitatively the thermocline response to low-frequency buoyancy forcing, using a crude but more realistic representation of the mixed layer that takes into account its seasonal cycle, which will be shown to reduce the interior variability by a factor of 2. The model is otherwise a straightforward extension of that of LP, and it is also forced by the fluctuations in the surface density rather than the buoyancy flux. However, the latter is diagnosed with a simple thermodynamic subduction model.
The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 2 presents the governing equations and the mixed layer model. Section 3 is devoted to the diagnostic of the surface buoyancy flux. The model response to a decadal modulation of the annual migration of the outcrop line is presented in section 4, and a stochastic forcing experiment in section 5. The main results are discussed in section 6.
2. A model of the ventilated subtropical gyre
a. The gyre model
b. The mixed layer model
The seasonal cycle is presented in Fig. 4, for the parameters listed in Table 1. It takes a few years for the mixed layer depth at the outcrop line to reach its end-of-winter equilibrium value of 125 m (not shown). Figure 4a shows the annual march of the outcrop line given by (16), which is associated with a moderate annual cycle of the surface density with 0.9σθ peak to peak amplitude. From March to June, the mixed layer shoals by 40 m at the outcrop line (Fig. 4b), which corresponds to a shoaling of more than 70 m at a fixed latitude by (2). Since (19) only applies to the detrainment period, the surface buoyancy flux is only plotted for that period (Fig. 4c). During the effective subduction period (from the beginning of March to mid April), the outcrop line moves about 2 degrees northward and d shoals by 30 m. The shoaling is responsible for the initial decrease of the lower-layer PV at the outcrop line (Fig. 4c, dashed line) but, by the end of March, the vorticity gain induced by the surface buoyancy input dominates the PV evolution. Columns with high PV are reentrained in the mixed layer from September to February.
It should be emphasized that the mixed layer model does not require knowing the interface depth h, which can then be computed from (14) and (15). This is due to the assumption of a flat thermocline bottom and a zonal outcrop line. A tilted outcrop line would couple the ventilated interior to the mixed layer.
3. Diagnostic of the surface buoyancy flux
In section 2b, the surface buoyancy flux at the outcrop line was calculated by (19) during the detrainment period. Entrainment needs to be added in entrainment periods, but this is beyond the scope of our study. Nevertheless, the surface buoyancy flux can be diagnosed by considering the buoyancy content of a fluid column that extends below the mixed layer, in order for entrainment to merely redistribute buoyancy.
Consider a water column in the ventilated zone, extending throughout the mixed layer of depth −h0 at t = t0 (the first March) of a given year. For simplicity, we first assume that the column behaves barotropically during a one-year trajectory determined by the Sverdrup flow (uB, υB). From t0 to t0 + 1, the column moves to the south by Δf (about two degrees of latitude) and accordingly, its mixed layer depth shoals by μ2Δf (∼10 m) and its density decreases by μ1Δf (∼0.1σθ) (Fig. 5a). Along the course of the year, mixed layer water is added by Ekman pumping and injected into the interior by vertical advection. For simplicity, the vertical velocity is set to we throughout the column. Following Stommel (1979), the tracking of the water parcels provides a mean to compute the density profile in the interior. Consider a water parcel at depth z and time t. It has previously left the mixed layer at time ti(z, t) and latitude fi(ti), which are easily determined by υB. Since the mixed layer density was ρm(ti, fi), we have ρ(z, t) = ρm(ti, fi). The calculation is illustrated in Fig. 5b. From t0 to t0 + ½, the seasonal pycnocline has formed and the mixed layer shoaled by ∼100 m. From one winter to the next, however, the former is eroded and only a small volume of stratified water escapes to be reentrained in the mixed layer.
It should be emphasized that the rhs of (23) is taken following the column so that its averaging corresponds to a Lagrangian average over the few degrees of latitude covered by the column during the corresponding time interval. In periods of anomalous annual buoyancy loss, it may occur that the mixed layer depth at the end of the integration is larger than the initial column depth. In this case, the latter is set to the second winter mixed layer depth. The initial density profile of the column below the mixed layer is then simply assumed to be linear with a prescribed vertical gradient Γ.
4. Decadal buoyancy flux forcing
a. Decadal modulation of the outcrop line annual march
In this section, we present the equilibrium response of our model for ω = 2π/10 yr in (24). To estimate the amplitudes, we use SST observations since surface salinity fluctuations are poorly documented at low frequency. At the decadal timescale, peak to peak SST variations are O(1 K), about five times smaller than in the seasonal cycle, which yields b ∼ a/5 = 0.04. The mean position of the end-of-winter outcrop line is taken at 35°N so that it may penetrate in the subpolar gyre in summer, but without influencing the permanent thermocline. The mean mixed layer depth d at the end of winter is taken as d0 = 160 m and, correspondingly, in (20) one chooses k = 0.15 m/W m−2. Otherwise, all parameters are as before. For simplicity, we discuss from now on the model forcing in terms of SST, and we prescrible the SST modulation to have an amplitude of 0.45°C. The heat flux is estimated diagnostically as in section 3.
The variability of the interface depth is related to the surface heat flux as follows. The anomalous surface heat loss in the entrainment period of a given year determines the SST and mixed-layer depth anomalies, hence the PV anomalies of the columns leaving the mixed layer in late winter (the PV and SST anomalies have the same sign). As the latter are advected, they propagate the anomalous interface depth in the permanent thermocline, lower than normal h being associated with a previous surface heat gain. Figure 10 reveals an asymmetry between sharp rising and slow deepening of the interface, which, as discussed by LP, is linked to the nonlinearity of the thermocline response. Here we can relate this asymmetry to the annual surface heat flux anomalies. For instance at 31.3°N where the advective timescale is 2 years, a sharp rise of the interface is found between years 2 and 6 because of an anomalous annual surface heat loss two years earlier (Fig. 7). Since the annual heating anomalies decrease as the period of the forcing increases [see (25)], however, the thermocline response is expected to become linear at low frequency.
b. Comparison with LP
5. Stochastic buoyancy flux forcing
The solution is computed by only following one subducted column per year, instead of tracking all the subducted columns of the effective subduction cycle of that year. Depending on the anomalous position of the outcrop line during the following years, this column may be subsequently reentrained in the mixed layer. Hence the PV spectrum in the permanent thermocline is not given by (31), but it can be computed numerically from the PV time series generated by the columns having avoided to be reentrained. Eight thousand years of integration were necessary to achieve a statistical stationary state. During the experiment, the latitude of the outcrop line at the end of winter ranges between 32°N to the subpolar gyre, for a mean position of 38°N, so for simplicity the solution is presented for latitudes lower than 32°N.
Figure 12 is a variance conserving plot of the PV in the permanent thermocline, south of 32°N. It is latitude independent since the same PV time series is obtained at each latitude, time shifted by the appropriate advective time. The variance is concentrated near the decadal frequency, and the PV anomalies have a decorrelation time of about 2 yr. The power is white at low frequencies and decays approximatively as ω−2 at high frequencies (≫2π/10 yr). For comparison, the PV spectrum deduced from (31) is also plotted in Fig. 12 (dotted line). At low frequencies where the anomalous outcrop line velocity is small, subducting columns escape to be subsequently reentrained in the mixed layer (nonentrainment solution of LP) so that the two spectra are very close. This result extends to broadband forcing the frequency independence and linearity of the interior response to heat flux forcing at low frequency. Because of the assumption of a flat thermocline bottom, the interface depth is a solely function of PV, h(f, t) = H − f/q(f, t), and its spectrum is very similar, except for a quadratic dependence of the power on the Coriolis parameter (note the different representation in Fig. 13). Note that the 2-yr decorrelation time of the thermocline anomalies results from two timescales. The first is associated with that of the SST anomalies, which sets the memory for qn from one winter to the next. The second is an advective timescale set by the barotropic meridional velocity υB and the standard deviation of the outcrop line displacement. For the standard model parameters, the two timescales are of about 1 yr and both contribute to the decorrelation time. Neglecting the SST anomaly recurrence from one winter to the next would have halved it. In corresponding simulations (not shown), the maximum variance was found indeed near the 5-yr period, as the decorrelation time would then be set by advection alone.
Since the anomalous PV at the outcrop line is correlated with the SST anomaly by (31), there is a lagged correlation between local PV or interface depth anomalies (advected downstream) and SST anomaly (latitude and longitude independent). This signature of the heat flux forcing is illustrated in Fig. 14, which shows the cross-covariance function between SST and interface depth anomalies at 30 and 20°N. A positive SST anomaly is associated downstream to a positive interface depth anomaly (positive PV anomaly) so that there is a positive peak in the cross-covariance function when SST leads the interface depth by the appropriate advective timescale (9 yr at 20°N and 3 yr at 30°N). The amplitude of the peak is smaller at 20°N because the variance of the interface depth is smaller at low latitudes.
6. Conclusions
As a simple dynamical framework to study the decadal buoyancy forcing of the subtropical gyre, we have used a two-layer planetary geostrophic model with a seasonally varying surface mixed layer. The model was forced by prescribing the displacement of the first layer outcrop line, or equivalently the sea surface density, while the surface buoyancy flux was diagnosed. The depth of the mixed layer was calculated from the prescribed outcrop line displacement, albeit in a simplified manner. Attention was restricted to the ventilated interior, where the dynamics are governed by a balance between local Ekman pumping, local thermocline response, and southward advection by the Sverdrup flow. As in LP, the mixed layer and the ventilated interior were decoupled by assuming a flat thermocline bottom and no x dependence for the mixed layer depth and density.
The model has been applied to a decadal modulation of the seasonal cycle of the mixed layer, using SST data to quantify the buoyancy forcing. The thermocline response was found to be of moderate amplitude (15 m) but nonlinear, with a sharp rise and a slow decrease under harmonic modulation, which were related to periods of anomalous annual surface heat loss and gain. However, as the latter tend to zero as the period of the forcing increases, the thermocline response becomes linear at very low frequency. In the model, the decadal mixed-layer depth variations play an important role in modulating the PV of the ventilated interior because the variations of the planetary vorticity acquired by the subducting columns are of the same order as the PV anomalies induced by the mixed-layer depth fluctuations. Since they are of opposite sign, they limit the amplitude of the interior PV fluctuations, which explains why we find a thermocline variability twice smaller than in LP, who neglected the seasonal cycle and used a constant mixed layer depth.
Stochastic buoyancy forcing has also been simulated, using SST anomaly observations to specify the outcrop line displacement spectrum. Although the latter was assumed to be white for periods greater than a few years, the interior PV and interface displacement had a red spectrum, with maximum variance at decadal frequency. The cross-covariance function between interface depth and SST anomalies was furthermore predicted to peak when the latter leads the former, the time lag being simply determined by the advection of the subducted columns. These statistical signatures could be tested with sufficiently long observations or model simulations.
Unfortunately, the observations are limited. Levitus (1989) found an important rising of isopycnals in the North Atlantic between 1955–59 and 1970–74. The σθ = 26.5 surface, which can be compared with the interface in the two-layer model, showed the largest signal, ranging between 150 m at the western side and 20 to 40 m at the eastern side. The latter figure is in good agreement with our prediction for a comparable SST cooling (0.5°–1°C), but there is no western intensification in our simple model. However, using a general circulation model, New and Bleck (1995) suggested that buoyancy forcing could be responsible for the larger western signal found by Levitus. Deser et al. (1996) reported that the decade-long cooling of the central Pacific between 1970 and 1991 was associated with out of phase SST and mixed-layer depth fluctuations. The ratio was typically 0.75°C/20 m, in reasonable agreement with our mixed-layer model predictions, but the subsequent isotherm displacement in the upper thermocline was about 50% larger than calculated here. However, these subducting thermal anomalies were analyzed in more details by Schneider et al. (1999), who showed that they were amplified by local forcing southward and baroclinic wave propagation associated with La Niña events. The observations may thus conform more nearly to our predictions.
A major limitation of this study is the assumption of a flat thermocline bottom, which in effect filters out the first baroclinic mode, even though Huang and Pedlosky (1999) have shown by comparing the steady-state response of more realistic models to different buoyancy forcings that the changes in the first baroclinic mode were small. A related limitation is that only barotropic meridional advection can propagate the thermocline anomalies in the ventilated zone since there can be no zonal gradient of potential vorticity, hence no Rossby waves, with a zonal outcrop line and a flat thermocline bottom. The influence of baroclinic advection should be studied by relaxing these two assumptions; the mixed layer would then be coupled with the interior circulation since anomalous geostrophic currents may alter in return the outcrop line displacement. Finally, the atmospheric forcing needs to be better represented. The assumption of a steady wind is not realistic since in reality buoyancy and mechanical forcing are coupled. Studying their joined influence on the thermocline would require a more refined mixed layer model that responds to wind mixing and a varying thermocline bottom since the first baroclinic mode is efficiently excited by Ekman pumping (Frankignoul et al. 1997).
We would like to thank Jérôme Sirven for fruitful discussions and Arthur Miller for stimulating comments. Support from the European community (ENV4-CT95-0101) is also acknowledged.
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Interface Depth Equation in the Ventilated Zone
Standard model parameters.
Various mean buoyancy fluxes deduced from the integration of (23) over time (ΔBC =