1. Introduction
a. Focus
Ocean mixing in double-diffusively stable regions of the thermocline is thought to be accomplished through dynamic instability of finescale motions. Gravitationally unstable regions (“overturns”) are produced, which subsequently collapse, dissipating mechanical energy and diffusing scalar quantities. The vertical fluxes produced by this mixing are of importance in maintaining global balances. Proper parameterization of dissipation rate in general oceanic environments requires an understanding of the governing factors. With this as a goal, we present simultaneous observations of overturns and the finescale conditions that accompany them. The issue of flow context is central.
Overturns can result from Kelvin–Helmholtz (K–H) or shear instability (Miles 1961; Howard 1961), the convective instability of internal waves (Orlanski and Bryan 1969), and several other mechanisms. The objective of this study is to identify the processes that lead to instability. We focus on the phenomenon of (meter scale) overturning rather than the measurement of (centimeter scale) microstructure. Observations of overturning and of microstructure offer complementary views of the mixing process. To oversimplify, we view the overturns as an early phase of the instability and the microstructure as the aftermath. (Microconductivity data from this experiment are analyzed in a companion paper.)
Overturns are monitored over a 300-m vertical extent for nine days in March 1995 in a strongly sheared, coastal environment. Depth–time fields of 6.4-m Ri, 2-m strain γ, and a quantity termed the 2-m “effective strain rate” ∂ŵ/∂z are also measured with the overall aim of determining the relationship between these finescale quantities and overturning.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of conditions and observations made during the experiment, as well as a description of the methods and definitions used. Section 3 focuses on depth–time maps of Ri, γ, and ∂ŵ/∂z for a representative 12-h period. Locations and times of overturns are overplotted, allowing visual determination of the finescale conditions that accompany them. In section 4, probability density functions of these quantities are produced, using the complete dataset as well as subsets of the data where overturning is observed. In addition, related PDFs are computed using data sampled just before, and just after, overturns. This statistical approach corroborates the qualitative conclusions drawn from section 3. Section 5 examines time series of several indirect estimates of depth-averaged dissipation rate. Section 6 discusses the dependence of overturning, and resulting mixing, upon instantaneous and mean stratification. The relative contributions to total mixing from overturns of varying size and background stratification are presented in section 7. Section 8 is a summary. Conclusions are presented in section 9.
b. Background
A pioneering study of mixing and its finescale context was conducted by Gregg et al. (1986), who tracked a persistent mixing patch, 5–10 m thick, for several days. It appeared to be associated with a near-inertial feature. The patch was centered, during most of its lifetime, on the velocity maximum of the feature, not the shear maximum. Gregg et al. (1986) suggested that the near-inertial wave provided a preferential site for instability of smaller-scale internal waves.
Marmorino et al. (1987), using Doppler sonar and towed thermistor chains, monitored meter-scale temperature fluctuations as well as larger-scale variations (7–50 m) in shear and Richardson number. They observed a number of regions of intense temperature fluctuation similar to the one observed by Gregg et al. (1986). These also had 5–10 m thickness and existed within a near-inertial wave packet. Within the patches 1–3 m overturns were observed. The patches were associated with high shear and with values of 7-m Ri lower than one.
In addition to the near-inertial groups, Marmorino et al. (1987) observed small-scale internal wave groups (e.g., their Fig. 6a). The groups had vertical extent 5–8 m and horizontal wavelength 20–30 m. One-meter temperature inversions observed within the groups were interpreted as evidence of wave breaking. Observed 7-m Ri in this region was greater than unity.
In parallel with these observations, theoretical studies by Henyey et al. (1986) and Broutman and Young (1986) have explored the processes that transfer energy from the larger-scale flows to breaking scales. The vertical scale of internal waves can be reduced through refraction by the “background” flows of larger-scale waves (Henyey et al. 1986; Broutman and Young 1986). Their Eikonal approach involves injecting “test waves” into a Garrett and Munk (1975) background wavefield (Henyey et al. 1986) or into a near-inertial wavefield (Broutman and Young 1986), and tracking the resulting changes in wavenumber and frequency.
It has thus far been difficult to resolve small-scale internal waves in the ocean and to verify whether this mechanism is the dominant cascade process. However, the Eikonal approach provides an important intellectual context for this work. Observations are here presented of small-scale propagating disturbances with some of the same characteristics as these “test waves.”
2. Observations and methods
a. Experiment
An eight-beam Doppler sonar system and a repeat-profiling CTD (Fig. 1) were operated from the Research Platform FLIP during the first leg of the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (MBL I, Feb–Mar 1995). The experiment was sited approximately 30 km west of Point Argüello, California, in 1.5 km of water (Fig. 2). FLIP was secured with a one-point mooring during the first part of the experiment (Fig. 2). Five days before the end of the experiment, on 6 March (yearday 66), the mooring was released and FLIP drifted freely toward the northwest.
The 9-day mean buoyancy frequency profile (Fig. 3, heavy line) peaks at 7 cph at 30 m, dropping approximately exponentially to 2 cph at 400 m.
Mean velocities relative to FLIP are computed over the moored portion (yearday 59–66) of the experiment (Fig. 4, heavy solid line), the drifting portion (yearday 66–68, heavy dashed line), and the 12-h period from yearday 67.5–68 (light black line). The moored averages reflect the presence of a persistent westward “jetlike” flow: at times, observed surface currents during the experiment exceed 1 m s−1. While drifting, FLIP approximately follows the depth-mean current from 0 to 90 m (Smith 1998). During this period, currents relative to FLIP from 100 to 400 m are smaller than during the moored period, but still appreciable (10 cm s−1).
MBL I is an energetic, coastal site. Strong shears, large baroclinic tidal displacements, and frequent overturns are observed, making it an ideal location for a mixing study. An awareness of the differences between MBL I and more typical conditions is, however, essential. To illustrate, the depth dependence of shear squared and the tidal displacements are discussed here briefly.
Garrett and Munk (1972, 1975; henceforth GM75) synthesized numerous observations to provide a characterization of “typical” open ocean conditions. To compare MBL I shears with GM75 conditions, 6.4-m
Doppler sonar records often suffer from increased noise at great range as the strength of the returned signal falls. If the observed deep elevated shear were due to instrument noise with a white frequency spectrum, the shear variance should decrease by a factor of 6 and 30 as the time-averaging is increased from 4 min (right) to 24 min (middle) to 2 h (left). The decrease is, in fact, much less, indicating that the frequency spectrum of the observed shear is red, not typical of noise. Visual examination of individual velocity profiles (Fig. 9) provides additional confidence that noise is not dominant. Increasing
In addition, baroclinic tidal activity is much stronger in MBL I than typically seen in the open ocean. During the spring tide of early March (yearday 59–62, Fig. 6), 40-m vertical displacement of isopycnals is observed at depths of 100–200 m. Heightened potential energy due to the displacements (black contours) is associated with a discrete tidal ray emanating from nearby topography.
b. CTD observations
The CTD, a modified Sea-Bird Instruments SBE-9, profiles the upper 415 m of the water column every 4 minutes. The fall rate of the instruments is approximately 3.6 m s−1. At this rate it is not necessary to pump the conductivity cell to assure adequate flushing. Data are sampled at 24 Hz, providing a measurement every 15 cm. Only the downcast of each drop is used for analysis; during the upcast the sensors are in the wake of the package. A Macintosh computer controls the CTD winch, reads and stores the data, and displays them in real time. An external clock ensures that the profiles are synchronized to the sonar, as well as to other onboard sensors.
To reduce the effects of salinity spiking, the cross-spectrum between conductivity and temperature is estimated, using data from a region of near-uniform salinity. The magnitude and phase of conductivity are then altered to match those of temperature. The data are corrected for effects of the thermal inertia of the conductivity cell, as described in Lueck and Picklo (1990) and Morison et al. (1994). Temperature and conductivity are then low-pass filtered with a 2-m cutoff, and salinity and density are computed. The matching technique is described in more detail in Anderson (1993) and Sherman (1989).
c. Overturns
The CTD data are used to form time–depth series of density, buoyancy frequency, isopycnal depth, strain, and effective strain rate as described below. They also determine the locations of overturning events.
The Thorpe scale LT (Thorpe 1977) is a useful indicator of both the location and vertical extent of overturning regions. Within observed density inversions, data are sorted to reestablish a monotonically increasing profile. The Thorpe displacement Th(z) is the vertical distance each parcel of water must be moved to restore it to a stable position in the water column (Fig. 7). Thus Th is zero except in the vicinity of density inversions. There, it is an objective measure of vertical excursions within the overturn. Other useful overturn statistics include the maximum displacement Lmax and the patch size LP, defined as the region over which Σ (Th) = 0 (Seim and Gregg 1994).
In practice, it is often difficult to determine whether observed density inversions are in fact statically unstable overturns. There are two main challenges. First, random noise in the temperature and conductivity sensors can introduce unphysical inversions. These might appear in low-temperature-gradient regions, where small sensor-induced fluctuations are comparable in magnitude to the true background gradient. Second, salinity spiking can create spurious inversions in density. Spiking can be detected either by examining water-mass characteristics in the immediate vicinity of the inversion, and insisting on a tight T–S relation (Galbraith and Kelley 1996), or by requiring that Thorpe displacements be nonzero in both temperature and density (Peters et al. 1995).
To maximize confidence in our determination of overturning, temperature, conductivity, and density profiles are independently sorted and Thorpe displacements computed for each. Only regions for which the conductivity- and density-based Thorpe displacements are comparable to the temperature-based Thorpe displacement are classified “overturns.” These regions are characterized using the temperature-based Thorpe displacement, rather than the density-based one, to exclude noise introduced in the density calculation. By requiring that inversions be present in both temperature and conductivity records, we minimize the influence of random noise in the sensors. In fact, nearly every observed inversion in temperature is accompanied by one in conductivity. Insisting that both temperature and density invert ensures neither lateral intrusions nor salinity spiking contaminates the overturn record. Given this cautious approach, we may not have caught all of the overturns but are confident that we have not introduced spurious ones.
A sample (large) overturn, which passed these tests, is shown in Fig. 7. Unfiltered (15 cm) conductivity and temperature are converted to equivalent densities and plotted on the same axis as density. The sorted density profile is overplotted. Calculated Thorpe displacements are shown to the right. Despite the higher resolution of the unsmoothed temperature and conductivity relative to density, all three profiles show similar Thorpe signatures.
Stable (salinity compensated) temperature inversions are common at the MBL site, particularly above 200 m. We restrict quantitative studies to the range 200–350 m to minimize concerns of intrusive contamination.
To produce depth–time maps of overturning, profiles of Th are initially formed. A list of time–depth pairs is then created, documenting each region in which the maximum Thorpe displacement Lmax exceeds 2 m. In all, 2227 overturns with Lmax ≥ 2 m were detected over the 9-day period (yearday 59–68), between 200 and 350 m. These occupy 3.06% of the sampled water column (Table 1). During the 12-h period (yearday 67.5–68.0) highlighted in this work, 330 overturns with Lmax ≥ 2 m were found (Table 2). They occupy 2.96% of the water column.
The probability density of LT for the 2227 overturns is presented in Fig. 8. The PDF falls off for LT ⩽ 1.5 m, reflecting our minimum size cutoff. For LT ≥ 1.5 m, the distribution is consistent with the tail of a lognormal distribution (dashed line), with
d. Sonar observations
The Doppler sonar, designed and constructed at the Marine Physical Laboratory of Scripps, was mounted on the stern of FLIP at approximately 87-m depth (Fig. 1). It consists of four upward-looking (170 kHz) and four downward-looking (140 kHz) beams directed 30° from vertical. Only the downward-looking portion of the sonar data is used here. A repeat sequence code (Pinkel and Smith 1992) consisting of four repeats of a 7-bit Barker code is transmitted. The bandwidth of the transmitted code is 16.6 kHz. Vertical resolution is 3.2 m (however, data are sampled every 1.6 m). Transmissions are made every 1 s, and estimates recorded every minute. To improve precision and to enable integration with CTD data, 4-min averages are subsequently formed. These are aligned in time with the downward section of each CTD profile. The rms precision of these 4-min averages, estimated from frequency spectra, is 1.1 cm s−1. The usable range of depths sampled by the downward-looking sonar is 100–500 m. Horizontal velocity estimates are computed by averaging back-to-back beam velocities. Shear magnitude, S, is computed by differencing velocities over 6.4 m and then smoothing with a 6.4-m convolution filter.
A sample of full (3.2 m)-resolution velocity data is displayed in Fig. 9. Twenty profiles of zonal velocity spanning 80 min near yearday 67.9 are plotted, offset by 5 cm s−1. Note the reproducibility of small-scale velocity features from profile to profile.
The high quality of the MBL sonar enables the present examination of finescale Ri. Still, two aspects of the sonar affect S2 (and therefore Ri) estimates. The horizontal separation of the beams biases S2 low since shear on horizontal scales comparable to the beam separation is underrepresented: Instrument noise biases S2 high. These competing effects are discussed in appendix A.
e. Finescale quantities
Estimates of the 6.4-m Richardson number are formed from the combined CTD and sonar data. Profiles of buoyancy frequency N are formed by differencing the sorted density profiles, then smoothing with a 6.4-m Butterworth filter. This procedure ensures that the two constituents of Ri have similar bandwidth. Variations in N are comparable to those in S in producing 6.4-m Ri fluctuations.
It is also instructive to examine time variability in a semi-Lagrangian (isopycnal following, s-L) reference frame. The s-L frame is established by a set of reference isopycnals, {ρi}, whose mean depths are separated by 1 m. The depth z(t, ρi), and displacement η(t, ρi) ≡ z(t, ρi) −
To estimate this quantity, strain observations are differenced in time and divided by the normalized separation. Precision of γ and ∂ŵ/∂z estimates is discussed in appendix B.
3. Depth–time maps
a. Eulerian maps
Representative 12-h depth–time series of Eulerian 2-m strain γEul, 6.4-m shear squared anomaly
Two-meter Eulerian γEul (Fig. 10a) represents the distortion of the water column by passing waves. (It is also affected to a smaller degree by lateral intrusions—see appendix C.) By and large, strain features advect vertically with the displacement field. However, some cross-isopycnal migration is seen (this aspect of the strain field will be seen more clearly in the s-L view). Notice the tendency of overturns (yellow–green dots) to lie in regions of high strain, low N.
The 6.4-m
Contributions to Ri may be examined separately in Figs. 10a and 10b; jointly in Fig. 10c. Layers of low Ri advect vertically with time with an apparent (advection affected) timescale of a few hours. By and large, these layers follow isopycnal surfaces. However, there are notable exceptions, which will be more apparent in the close-ups and s-L maps, which follow.
Many overturns (black dots) lie in regions of low 6.4-m Ri (e.g., yearday 67.93, 350 m, yearday 67.93, 350 m and yearday 67.94, 300 m). Larger-scale internal waves vertically advect the latter region and associated overturns. The large overturning region beginning at yearday 67.75, 375 m is centered on a low Ri, high shear layer but moves relative to it.
Some layers of 6.4-m Ri remain low for hours without any observed 2-m overturning (e.g., yearday 67.8–67.9, 350 m). The Richardson number Ri must remain subcritical long enough for instability to develop, a time of order 4/(|S| − 2N) (Hazel 1972). Therefore a one-to-one relationship between low Ri and overturning is not expected. For example, Kunze et al. (1990) noted a lack of 1-m overturns in unstable 1-m Ri regions. But the lack of 2-m overturns in low 6.4-m Ri regions is surprising. Assuming that there is active overturning, which we do not resolve, a significant separation between the scale of the unstable Ri and that of the resulting instability is implied. Alternately, Ri ⩽ Ric (where Ric is a critical Richardson number) may be necessary, but not sufficient, for instability, as suggested by linear theory (Miles 1961; Howard 1961).
Seventy-four percent of overturns lie in regions of 6.4-m Ri ≥ 1, 50% where 6.4-m Ri ≥ 2. Regions at (yearday 67.75, 150 m), (yearday 67.95, 160 m), and (yearday 67.73, 340 m) are examples. Many such overturns lie in regions of either high strain or high effective strain rate magnitude (described below).
Recall that shear variance estimates (on which 6.4-m Ri is based) are increased by instrument noise and decreased by the finite beam separation of the sonar (appendix A). Our 6.4-m Ri estimates might be large by as much as a factor of 1/(0.6) relative to a “true” 6.4-m Ri estimate.
In addition, vertical resolution is a concern: Ri decreases with decreasing vertical scale (e.g., Kunze et al. 1990). Assuming a “canonical” shear spectrum white out to vertical wavenumber m = 0.1 cpm and falling off as m−1 thereafter (Gargett et al. 1981), 6.4-m S2 is only 55% of 2-m S2. Nevertheless, the observed large-scale patterns are intriguing. Is (unresolved) shear between 6.4 m and 2 m sufficient to trigger 2-m overturns? The observations of extended regions of low 6.4-m Ri with no 2-m overturning, by contrast, are robust with respect to instrument concerns.
Apparent time variability in Fig. 10 and subsequent figures is due to true temporal modulation, mixing, and the advection of features past FLIP. Relative currents are 20 cm s−1 toward the south-southwest during this period (Fig. 4). In the absense of intrinsic temporal changes, an observed hour-long feature would correspond to a 720-m-long structure drifting past at 20 cm s−1. Attempts in later sections (3d and 4b) to assess the relative contributions of intrinsic and advective variability suggest that neither can be ignored.
b. Case studies of instabilities
It is of value to examine individual overturning events in detail. In Fig. 11, we present close-ups in depth (⩽50 m) and time (⩽3 h) centered around three different overturning events seen in Fig. 10.
Figure 11a shows a series of overturning events associated with low 6.4-m Ri. Shear is high in this region, as evident from Fig. 10b. In addition, the buoyancy frequency is low, as indicated by a larger than average spacing between isopycnals. The region is sandwiched between higher gradient regions above and below. The feature crosses five isopycnals (moving toward less dense water) over the 3-h period. It is also advected vertically with the background flow. Intermittent overturning is approximately centered on the shear maximum. We interpret Fig. 11a as a “classic” shear instability, caught in the act.
Figure 11b depicts a second event, where 6.4-m Ri is not uniformly low (the color scale has been extended so that white indicates Ri ≥ 2, instead of Ri ≥ 1 as in Figs. 11a and 11c). Scale differences (6.4 m for Ri, 2 m for overturns) and/or beam separation effects (section a of appendix A) may be responsible for the poor correspondence. However, the event is also associated with the passage of a strain feature across these isopycnals, as seen by the large isopycnal separation. High-wavenumber, high-frequency motions make the isopycnals appear “jittery” in this region. These motions will be explored in detail in section 3d. Overturning ceases when the feature propagates (or is advected) away.
A third example of an instability event is presented in Fig. 11c. It is associated with low 6.4-m Ri, as in Fig. 11a, and with the passage of a small-scale disturbance, as in Fig. 11b. Very large overturns are colocated with a high strain feature, which “peels off” isopycnals from above as it migrates vertically. Reminiscent of a spilling surface wave, overturning follows the wave feature as it migrates upward.
c. Semi-Lagrangian maps
In Fig. 12, semi-Lagrangian maps of strain, shear squared anomaly, and Ri are presented from the same time and depth range as the Eulerian fields of Fig. 10. Each map has been averaged over 24 min (six profiles) in time prior to plotting (longer time averaging is possible in the s-L frame since smearing of features by vertical advection is avoided). The ordinate is not depth, but rather the isopycnal whose mean depth is indicated. Vertical excursions on a s-L plot imply cross-isopycnal migration, while horizontal variations indicate change at fixed density.
Contours surrounding regions of 6.4-m Ri ⩽ 1 have been plotted in Figs. 12a and 12b. Low-Ri regions are formed by both high shear and low strain; ignoring variations in either constituent is not justifiable.
The 2-m γs-L features (Fig. 12a) slowly migrate across isopycnal surfaces; e.g., at (yearday 67.77, 330 m) and (yearday 67.52, 250 m). They persist for several hours on average. Lateral advection affects the perceived cross-iospycnal migration: observed vertical excursions can represent true propagation or the sampling of spatially tilted features as they drift past.
Overturns, marked with yellow–green spots, demonstrate a clear tendency to lie in regions of high strain. Persistent, high strain features that exhibit overturning are reminiscent of the low-gradient, high-dissipation “patches” observed by Gregg et al. (1986) and by Marmorino et al. (1987). Relative to 6.4-m shear (Fig. 10b) and 6.4-m Ri (Fig. 10c), changing (propagating) strain is often the best indicator of overturn locations.
d. Effective strain rate
The effective strain rate, ∂ŵ/∂z (Fig. 13a), involves both the depth and time derivatives of isopycnal displacement, emphasizing higher-frequency, higher-wavenumber constituents in the resolved field. In the absence of horizontal advection, it is equivalent to the “vertical divergence” ∂w/∂z [Eq. (8)], which appears in the ray-tracing equation governing the time rate of change of the vertical wavenumber of a Henyey/Broutman “test wave” (Sun and Kunze 1999).
Imprecision in density estimates introduces rms |∂ŵ/∂z|noise = 3.2 × 10−4 s−1 in our estimates (appendix B). The color scale of Fig. 13 is such that strong features are well above the noise level.
Wavelike motions are seen in the ∂ŵ/∂z field. Anticipated horizontal phase speeds (0.5–5 cm s−1, appendix D) are lower than typical advective velocities (Fig. 4, 20 cm s−1). Sloping features may therefore represent the advection of spatially slanted wave crests, in addition to true vertical propagation.
To focus on the wavelike aspects of the ∂ŵ/∂z field, components of downward-propagating (Fig. 13b) and upward-propagating phase (Fig. 13c) are separated. These are formed by two-dimensional Fourier transform filtering of the depth–time series in Fig. 13a.
Clear “groups,” localized regions of large amplitude, may be seen in both upward and downward fields. Notice the presence of upward-traveling groups, with downward-traveling phases (consistent with linear internal wave propagation): for example, Fig. 13b (yearday 67.73, 300 m), (yearday 67.53, 240 m), and (yearday 67.57, 170 m). Also common, however, are regions where group and phase are both up (e.g., yearday 67.72, 200 m) or both down (e.g., yearday 67.73, 250 m). These apparent nonpropagating features are consistent with the lateral advection of internal wave groups.
Other interpretations are of course possible. However, if the observed ∂ŵ/∂z features result, for example, from the advection of quasi-permanent density structure, it is hard to account for the regular crest/trough patterns, groupiness and presence of up/down features in the same region. If the signals do indeed represent waves, what can be conjectured about their intrinsic frequency and magnitude?
The intrinsic frequency ωint is difficult to determine, given the Doppler shifting of the waves by background currents and larger waves (Doppler shifting due to vertical motions is absent in a s-L frame). Still, simple estimates of ωint and horizontal wavenumber k may be made assuming a linear internal wave dispersion relation and advection by observed horizontal currents (appendix D). In a current of 20 cm s−1, a typical wave of vertical wavenumber 0.08 cpm (12 m) and observed frequency 4 cph (like the feature at yearday 67.73, 300 m) would have ωint near 0.14 cph (7 h timescale) and k near 5.7 × 10−3 cpm (180-m wavelength), for a variety of propagation directions relative to the current. Advection can shift such waves from intrinsic timescales of hours to observed frequencies near N and higher. Uncertainties in velocity and encounter angle strongly affect these estimates.
It is also instructive to consider the magnitude of fluctuations that results from a single internal wave with displacement η = a sin(kx + mz − ωintt); k and m are horizontal and vertical wavenumbers, and ωint is the intrinsic frequency. Then, |∂ŵ/∂z| = amωint. To prevent isopycnals from crossing, am =
Based on these simplistic considerations, the observed ∂ŵ/∂z features appear consistent with Doppler-shifted internal waves of intermediate frequencies. Still, their short duration and limited vertical propagation range suggest that they are significantly nonlinear, violating the assumptions of the intrinsic frequency calculation. A more detailed study of the dynamics of these waves is clearly called for and will be the subject of a future paper.
Whatever their nature, overturns are much more likely to occur in regions of high |∂ŵ/∂z| (Fig. 14). Here the envelopes of the small-scale wave packets are highlighted. For example, the instability event given in close-up (Fig. 11c) appears on this plot as a feature that begins at (yearday 67.5, isopycnal number 250) and migrates upward. Most overturns lie inside the packet envelopes (yellow regions): 80% of observed overturns occur where |∂ŵ/∂z| ≥ 1.73 × 10−6 s−2, the 9-day mean value from 200 to 350 m. Regions with 6.4-m Ri ⩽ 1 are also contoured in blue in each panel. Almost every overturn is encircled by either a blue or a yellow contour. Based on these observations, two types of phenomena appear to result in 2-m overturns: high 6.4-m shear layers, which are well resolved by the sonar, and internal wave groups, which are better indexed by CTD-inferred |∂ŵ/∂z|.
4. A statistical summary of overturning
Due to the size of the MBL dataset, it is not possible to publish depth–time maps of the entire cruise with the necessary detail. The analyses in this section center around formation of probability density functions (PDFs) of the finescale quantities, using all observations from the 9-day, 200–350 m domain. These are then compared to corresponding PDFs computed using only observations at observed overturns (section 4a), as well as before/after them (section 4b). In section 4c an analogous procedure is applied to joint (rather than 1D) PDFs, computed between pairs of the finescale quantities.
a. Finescale statistics: Overturns
To quantify the relationship between the various finescale fields and the overturns, probability density functions (PDFs) of Richardson number, strain, and effective strain rate are estimated. Separate PDFs of the total field (259 856 Eulerian data; 339 599 s-L data) and the subset of observed overturns (10 422 Eulerian data;5522 s-L data) are created. The overturning totals are greater than the number of observed overturning events (2227) since the events can span multiple isopycnals and depth bins.
PDFs of inverse Richardson number in the s-L frame (Fig. 15a) and the Eulerian frame (Fig. 15b) are in qualitative agreement with results of Pinkel and Anderson (1997a). In both reference frames, high values of Ri−1 are more likely when overturns are present (light black lines): 37% of overturns, compared with 30% of all observations, have
PDFs of inverse 2-m strain for all data (Fig. 15c, heavy line) are consistent with the gamma distribution of Pinkel and Anderson (1992). When only overturning data are sampled (light line), the distribution is shifted toward lower values of inverse strain: overturns are much more likely to lie in regions that are less stratified than average. This is consistent with the conclusion drawn visually from the depth–time maps (Figs. 10a and 12a).
The PDF of log10[(∂ŵ/∂z)2] (Fig. 15d) is indistinguishable from lognormal (dashed line, obscured by heavy line). The PDF of (∂ŵ/∂z)2, considering overturning data only, is also roughly lognormal, but peaks at a higher value, demonstrating the tendency of overturns to occur where the effective strain rate magnitude is large.
The probability density of ∂ŵ/∂z, computed using all data, is symmetric about ∂ŵ/∂z = 0 (Fig. 16). Extreme values of ∂ŵ/∂z are more common than in Gaussian distributions (dashed and light lines).
b. Finescale statistics: Before and after overturns
The previous section examined differences in statistics of finescale variables under all conditions and under “unstable” conditions. That analysis is here extended to include not only overturns but periods just before and just after overturns as well. The goal is to use statistics of many overturns to construct a schematic picture of finescale conditions before and after a representative “event.” Can differences be detected between “leadup” and “aftermath” of overturns? Relevant issues are the degree to which observed before/after data represent the time history of events (rather than just upstream/downstream samples of drifting features), and the amount by which the existing flow is altered by the overturning process.
Before/after PDFs of Ri−1 and γ−1 and (∂ŵ/∂z)2 are presented in Figs. 17 and 18. “Leadup” PDFs of Ri−1 (Fig. 17a), γ−1 (Fig. 17c), and ∂ŵ/∂z (Fig. 18a) are computed from data sampled 4 min (magenta line), 8 min (blue line), and 24 min (approximately one buoyancy period 1/N, green line) before observed overturning events. PDFs of all data and overturning data (last section) are replotted in black and red, respectively. Figures 17b,d and Fig. 18b are the corresponding “aftermath” PDFs, computed using data sampled after overturning events. The number of observations used in forming the various PDFs (noted in the legends of fig. 17a,b) differs slightly since overturns at the very beginning/end of the record cannot be used to form before/after PDFs, respectively.
Ri−1 and γ−1 PDFs (Fig. 17) each constitute a family of curves leading smoothly from “normal” to “unstable” conditions (before: Fig. 17a,c), and back again (after: Fig. 17b,d). Conditions one buoyancy period before overturns (magenta line) are already distinguishable from “normal” conditions (black line): the probability of higher Ri−1 and lower γ−1 values is elevated. Here γ−1 PDFs continue a steady progress toward “unstable” conditions. By contrast, the 4-min and 8-min before Ri−1 PDFs are similar to the overturning PDF. Apparently, Ri−1 reaches the overturning value 4–8 min before a 2-m overturn is detectable.
No asymmetry is distinguishable between “before” and “after” in the Ri−1 and γ−1 curves. Two interpretations are possible. If intrinsic time dependence is not being observed, “before” and “after” represent spatially offset “upstream” and “downstream” samples. In an isotropic ocean, no asymmetry would be seen. Alternately, the similarity between the curves can mean that overturns affect the larger-scale flow only slightly, as in spilling surface waves. Overturns occur without drastically affecting the surrounding Ri−1 and γ−1 fields.
Effective strain rate, in contrast, exhibits differences between before (Fig. 18a) and after (Fig. 18b) periods. Relative to the curve representing normal conditions, the 24-min before curve is shifted to the right. The 4, 8-min before curves overlie the overturning curve, indicating that “overturning” conditions are present 8 min before overturns actually occur, as in the Ri−1 curves. After overturns, however, the behavior is different. A more rapid transition back to normal conditions is seen:the PDFs 4 min and 8 min after are shifted slightly relative to the overturning curve. That is, |∂ŵ/∂z| drops immediately after overturning occurs. The difference between before and after effective strain rate PDFs suggests that perceived variability in ∂ŵ/∂z is due to true temporal evolution, in addition to horizontal advection. Evidently, the ∂ŵ/∂z field is affected by overturning. Does instability in the small-scale waves result in their destruction, leaving the larger-scale flow relatively unaffected?
c. Joint statistics
We observe correspondence between overturns and low Ri, high γ and high |∂ŵ/∂z|. The codependence of these quantities is thus of interest. To investigate, joint PDFs of (log10γ, ∂ŵ/∂z) and (Ri−1, ∂ŵ/∂z) (Figs. 19 and 20) are formed. As in the one-dimensional study (section 4a), probability density is computed for all data over 9 days and 200–350 m, as well as for overturning observations only.
The γ and ∂ŵ/∂z are not independent quantities (Fig. 19a). Isopycnals that are far apart (large γ) are more likely to be converging (negative ∂ŵ/∂z). Conversely, isopycnals closer together than average display a slight tendency to diverge. However, at extreme (large or small) values of γ, large values (positive or negative) of ∂ŵ/∂z are unlikely.
Considering only overturns (Fig. 19b), the PDF is shifted toward higher values of γ and exhibits more spread in ∂ŵ/∂z than the PDF computed from all data. These features are consistent with the one-dimensional PDFs (Fig. 15) and the depth–time maps (Figs. 10a, 12a, and 14). The probability density is again asymmetric in the sense that low gradient regions are associated with converging isopycnals.
The log of the ratio of the two PDFs is presented in Fig. 19c. Values greater than zero indicate higher probability density for overturning conditions than for the entire population. Regions where both the numerator and the denominator are small are left white. From 19c, overturning is much more likely for large values of γ. However, if it is to occur at smaller values of γ, then |∂ŵ/∂z| must be high. It is much less likely for overturns to be associated with low γ and low |∂ŵ/∂z| than for the general population.
Joint probability density functions of 6.4-m Ri−1 and ∂ŵ/∂z are presented in Fig. 20. Simultaneous large values of general population Ri−1 and ∂ŵ/∂z are unlikely (20a). This may be due to the small implied horizontal wavelength of the ∂ŵ/∂z waves (appendix D), which causes their shear to be underestimated due to the separation of the sonar beams (section a in appendix A). PDFoverturns (Fig. 20b) extends to higher values of Ri−1 and |∂ŵ/∂z| than PDFall.
The log of the ratio of the two PDFs (Fig. 20c) suggests two distinct conditions that accompany overturning: high Ri−1 (associated with shear instability) and high |∂ŵ/∂z| (associated with the presence of wave groups). As noted, however, the ∂ŵ/∂z waves likely contain shear unresolved by the sonar. The probability of overturning is increased for either low Ri−1 and high |∂ŵ/∂z| (K–H stable, waves present) or high Ri−1 and low |∂ŵ/∂z| (K–H unstable, no waves present). A ridge connects the two regimes.
5. Dissipation rate estimates
Though no direct dissipation rate measurements are obtained during MBL, it is of value to compare several indirect estimates of mixing (appendix E). Dissipation rate parameterizations (Fig. 21) in terms of shear [εIW, Gregg (1989), gray line] and Thorpe scales [εT, Thorpe (1977), Dillon (1982), black line] are evaluated.1 In addition, an ad hoc parameterization in terms of observed (∂ŵ/∂z)2 [εAP = 500〈(∂ŵ/∂z)2〉2, dotted line] is computed.
The Gregg estimate involves shear squared, which is biased low by an estimated factor of 1/(0.6) due to the horizontal separation of the sonar beams (appendix A). Since εIW involves the fourth moment of shear, the time series has been multiplied by 1/(0.6)2 = 2.78 to account for this bias.
Here εIW and εT are similar in magnitude, usually remaining within a factor of 3 of each other. Short-term correlation between εIW and εT is weak, but discernible during portions of the record (e.g., rising from yearday 59.5–60, the hump from yearday 63.5–65, the increase between yearday 66–67). In general, variability is greater in εT than in εIW. Of course, both estimates are expected to equal true dissipation rate only in a highly averaged sense Gregg et al. (1993).
Fluctuations in the ad hoc strain rate estimate of dissipation rate, εAP, appear quite correlated with εT. The general features of decreasing ε over the 9-day period, as well as variation on shorter timescales (e.g., yearday 60.5–62.5, 63–64), are reproduced. The strong correspondence is not surprising given our finding that a large percentage of overturns are accompanied by high |∂ŵ/∂z| (Figs. 14 and 15d). High effective strain rates are closely tied to mixing in a depth-averaged sense as well as event-by-event.
Some correspondence is also seen between εIW and εAP. From yearday 63–68, the same general trends are seen. Apparently, depth-averaged (∂ŵ/∂z)2 and 10-m shear levels (S10) are related. This may be a clue to the generation mechanism of the observed small-scale waves. Do they arise from instability in larger-scale waves (indexed by S10) so that S10 and (∂ŵ/∂z)2 levels rise and fall in tandem? Perhaps the Gregg (1989) parameterization is robust because it indexes not only large-scale shear (and, indirectly, Ri), but also (more relevantly) the presence of instability-triggering waves.
Dissipation rate can also be inferred from centimeter-scale conductivity fluctuations, which were measured by a high-frequency microconductivity probe mounted below the CTD package. These are the subject of a companion paper. Here we note that dissipation rates obtained from this method are highly correlated with and similar in magnitude to εT. This confirms that εT, though approximate, is a reasonable estimate of the true mixing rate.
6. Overturning: Stability and mixing
The dependence of overturn size and rate of occurrence on stratification is central to the broader issue of ocean mixing. The relationship between mean mixing rates and low-frequency (subinertial) fields must be determined before such fields can be adequately modeled. However, overturns occur in an environment characterized by the instantaneous, local buoyancy frequency, shear, and fluid acceleration. These can assume values that differ greatly from their low-frequency averages.
The dissipation accomplished by an overturning event, where vertical gradients dominate and lateral fluxes are small, is a function of the overturn size and stratification εT = 0.64
By way of introduction, we discuss statistics of εT from all 2227 overturning events. Though εT is an inference (Dillon 1982) rather than a “ground truth” dissipation rate, its distribution is lognormal (Fig. 22), as often observed (e.g., Gregg et al. 1993). The distribution of εT = 0.64
Here LT, ε, and
a. Variability as a function of instantaneous stratification
We first investigate statistical relationships between LT, εT and the instantaneous bouyancy frequency N(t, z). Considering only the overturns, LT and εT from discrete events are averaged with corresponding values from other events at like N. Forty averaging bins, evenly spaced in log10N, are established between 0.1 and 10 cph.
b. Variability as a function of mean stratification
Typically, the N dependence of ε is investigated in terms of long-term Eulerian averages, where average dissipation rate estimates are compared with mean stratification,
Iterating through each of the 2227 overturns, a value of unity is stored in all bins spanned by that overturn. Averaging in time then produces the fraction po(z) of the water column sampled (at depth z), which is occupied by overturns. (The depth mean of po from 200 to 350 m yields the overall overturning fraction, 3.06%.)
The overturning fraction po is then plotted versus the 9-day mean
A similar procedure can be used to compute the Eulerian average dissipation, εmean(z). Instead of storing unity in the overturn index matrix, εT = 0.64
Under both parameterizations, strong diapycnal diffusivities are implied by these results (Fig. 25b). Estimates of Kρ increase with depth for
7. Mixing, overturn size, and background strain
In a simple statistical mixing model based on K–H instability, Pinkel and Anderson (1997b) suggest that 3-m overturns are the dominant contributors to ocean mixing at the Garrett–Munk energy (shear variance) level. Interestingly, as energy levels advance above GM, the (modeled) contribution from larger overturns increases rapidly. These model results are generally consistent with the MBL observations.
8. Summary
MBL is an energetic coastal site. Strong frontal activity and offshore jets characterize the region. Baroclinic tidal activity is confined in both depth and time, exhibiting a pronounced raylike character. In contrast with the open ocean,
Density overturns are identified as inversions of 2-m vertical extent or greater that are detected simultaneously in density, temperature, and conductivity profiles. Overturning is most likely to occur in regions of high strain (lower-than-average stratification) and low 6.4-m Ri. Strongest correspondence, however, is seen between overturning and occurrences of high effective strain rate magnitude. Intense strain rates appear to be associated with groups of small-scale internal waves. Also seen are regions in which the 6.4-m Ri remains critical for hours, with no overturning observed. Although overturns smaller than 2 m might be present, the long-term stability of these regions is surprising.
Probability density functions of γ−1, Ri−1, and (∂ŵ/∂z)2 are computed for all data, as well as for data sampled at, before, and after observed 2-m overturns. Typically, γ−1 and Ri begin to differ from background conditions approximately one buoyancy period before overturning. Here γ−1 steadily decreases to its minimum value at the overturn, then gradually returns, approaching normal values after another buoyancy period. The Ri drops to its minimum value 4–8 min before the overturn, remaining there until 4–8 min afterward. It then gradually returns to normal. For γ−1 and Ri−1, “leadup” and “aftermath” are indistinguishable.
By contrast, (∂ŵ/∂z)2 increases to a maximum value 4–8 min before the overturn, but drops quickly afterward, before continuing its return to normal values. One possible interpretation is that overturning results when small-scale internal waves, propagating through a slowly varying background flow, become unstable. The larger-scale flow (indexed by γ−1, Ri−1) is relatively unaffected by overturning, while the waves themselves [indexed by (∂ŵ/∂z)2] are altered significantly.
Estimates of depth-mean dissipation rate employing overturning scales (Thorpe 1977; Dillon 1982), and 10-m shear (Gregg 1989) are correlated in time. Short-term (∼1 day) differences are seen since each method requires extensive averaging in order to be accurate. However, long-term mean values agree to within 20%, and both quantities exhibit the same scaling with mean stratification (εmean ∼
9. Conclusions
The goal of this study has been to document the finescale conditions that accompany overturning. While 6.4-m Ri is a factor in determining overturn locations, the presence of small-scale waves associated with high |∂ŵ/∂z| appears to be even more important. The Gregg (1989) dissipation rate parameterization (which involves only finescale shear S10) is consistent in level and
The observed waves must contain shear at scales unresolved by the sonar. Indeed, the waves are clearly evident in s-L records of “slant shear” obtained from individual sonar beams (which suffer from limited vertical, but not horizontal, resolution). In spite of the measurement challenge presented by the waves, these records show correspondence with the CTD-based observations. A detailed CTD/sonar study of the waves is the subject of a future paper. For the present discussion, we have considered a canonical wave with observed |∂ŵ/∂z| = 1 × 10−3 s−1, m = 0.08 cpm, and k = 5.7 × 10−3 cpm (appendix D). From linear theory, such a wave has a peak shear of order 1.4 × 10−2 s−1. In a region where N = 3 cph (i.e., neglecting the wave’s strain), this shear corresponds to Ri = 0.14. While the assumption of linearity is dubious and the influence of horizontal advection is significant, the waves are clearly capable of producing Ri low enough for K–H instability.
It is tempting to associate the “high |∂ŵ/∂z|, high Ri” overturns of Fig. 20 with convective instability and the “low |∂ŵ/∂z|, low Ri” overturns with K–H instability. However, the intrinsic shears of the small-scale breaking waves are poorly resolved by our sonar. We thus cannot claim a definitve determination of the breaking mechanism.
Regardless, the association of overturning events with the presence of small-scale internal wave groups (which, in turn, are closely tied to larger-scale shear) represents a step forward in our understanding of ocean mixing. An improved description of the dynamics, as well as the climatology, of these waves is called for.
This work was funded by the Office of Naval Research under the Marine Boundary Layer Program. The authors are indebted to Eric Slater, Lloyd Green, Mike Goldin, and Chris Neely for the design, construction, deployment, and at-sea operation of the sonar and CTD systems. The support of the captain and crew of R/P FLIP is appreciated. The comments of Eric Kunze and Steve Thorpe on an early draft of this work were helpful.
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Velocity and Shear Measurement Errors
Horizontal beam separation and sonar noise affect shear estimates. The former biases 6.4-m squared shear S2 low, while the latter biases S2 high. An understanding of these effects is of use in interpreting the observations. Here, “worst case” estimates of the magnitude of the biases are presented.
Finite beam separation
Here u1 and u3 are the slant velocities at each beam, normalized as if they were purely horizontal velocities;that is, u1 = b1/sinθ, u3 = b3/sinθ. Given that (A7) selects the maximum of the individual beam values, r̂ ⩽ 1. The angle brackets denote averaging over a specific depth–time interval. The individual beam shears do not suffer the effects of spatial aliasing. However, they include the vertical strain rate along with horizontal motions (see below). Thus, r̂ is a worst case metric of spatial aliasing.
Here r̂(z, t) is computed for back-to-back beam pairs 1, 3 (Fig. A1a) and 2, 4 (Fig. A1b) for yeardays 67.5–68; r̂ varies between about 0.4 and 1. Values near 1 presumably represent the local dominance of larger-horizontal-wavelength features. Using r̂(z, t), a lower bound on 6.4-m Ri may be determined for any desired depth–time region. For example, yearday 67.75, 150 m (Fig. 10c) shows overturning in a region where Ri ≥ 2. In this region, r̂ ≥ 0.6; therefore, it is possible to say with confidence that 6.4-m Ri ≥ 1.2. From the probability density function of r̂ (Fig. A2, heavy lines), it is seen that r̂ ⩽ 0.5 less than 4% of the time. From this pessimistic analysis, we conclude that 6.4-m S2 and Ri−1 estimates are rarely biased as low as a factor of 2, but are frequently about 60% of their true values.
PDFs of r̂′ are plotted on the same axes as PDFs of r̂ (Fig. A2). For simplicity, the mean value
Velocity imprecision
We present an estimate of RSN, computed from 100 to 400 m, over yearday 67.5–68 (Fig. A3). At low wavenumbers and frequencies, RSN exceeds 10, falling as frequency and wavenumber increase. As the vertical scale of interest decreases, the required averaging time increases. Given our finding that overturns often occur where Ri is higher than expected, rather than lower, we have erred on the side of including some noise, rather than averaging out real fluctuations at these timescales.
Strain and Effective Strain Rate Measurement Errors
Random fluctuations in density estimates introduce uncertainty in isopycnal depth determinations. To what extent does noise influence γ and ∂ŵ/∂z?
Substituting Δz = 2 m, Δt = 240 s, Δη = 0.15 m yields
Lateral Intrusions
Lateral intrusions can displace isopycnal surfaces, thereby introducing strainlike features. Intrusive activity is anticipated at the MBL site. Can it be distinguished from internal wave straining? To detect intrusions, we form time–depth series of temperature variation at fixed density ρ (Fig. C1a). Here, the temperature anomaly along each isopycnal surface, defined relative to the time-averaged temperature along the isopycnal, is presented.
Much advective activity is seen. One distinct water mass is replaced by another, warmer, one at around yearday 67.7. Some vertical “interleaving” is seen at the interface between the two water masses and elsewhere. Both the time and depth scales of this intrusive activity contrast with those of the strain field of Fig. 12a.
To emphasize the finescale intrusive variability, the derivative ∂T/∂ρ is formed, and again plotted in a s-L reference frame (Fig. C1b). The dominant signal is seen in the upper portion of the record, in contrast to the strain record (Fig. 12a). Linear internal waves are incapable of altering temperature along isopycnals, except by horizontally displacing water of different characteristics. The strain field is affected by the advection of lateral features shown in Fig. C1, and by internal waves as well. Comparison of Fig. C1 and Fig. 12a shows that though both fields are active and complex, there is little correspondence. We conclude that the variability in the strain field is not primarily due to lateral intrusions.
Estimating Intrinsic Frequency
Here f is the Coriolis frequency, N the buoyancy frequency, and m the vertical wavenumber; θ is the angle between current and wave propagation directions, and N, f, m, and ωobs are observed quantities. Consider a representative, well-defined wave packet (Fig. 13b, 300 m and yearday 67.72), with m = 0.08 cpm, ωobs = 4 cph. Typical values of |U| are 20 cm s−1. Using N = 2 cph, f ≈ 1/24 cph, and these values of m, ωobs, and |U|, curves D1 and D2 are plotted on the same axes, for different values of θ(Fig. D1). All frequencies and wavenumbers are expressed in cyclic units. The intersections of the colored curves with the gray one yield values of ωint and k, consistent with linear theory for the indicated value of θ. Some Doppler shifting must have occurred, for the observed frequency ωobs = 4 cph is higher than local N = 2 cph. The minimum value of ωint (assuming maximum Doppler shifting) is 0.14 cph (7-h period). A lower bound on k is 5.7 × 10−3 cpm (180-m wavelength), implying a horizontal phase velocity cp = ω/k = 0.7 cm s−1. If angles of incidence were uniformly distributed, half of all values would lie between the 0° and 45° curves (less than a factor of 2 difference). Higher assumed values of θ result in lower estimates of ωint. Assuming |U| = 30 cm s−1, for example, places maximally Doppler shifted waves of the dimensions above at near-tidal frequencies, with horizontal wavelength around 270 m.
Dissipation Rate Parameterizations
Experiment overturn summary. Properties of the 2227 overturns with Lmax ≥ 2 m found during the entire experiment (yeardays 59–68), between 200 and 350 m. The Thorpe scale LT is the rms Thorpe displacement in the overturning region; Lmax is the maximum Thorpe displacement and LP is the vertical extent of the region, defined as the distance over which Σ (Th) ≠ 0.
Twelve-hour overturn summary. Properties of the 330 overturns (a subset of those in Table 1) with Lmax ≥ 2 from yearday 67.5 to yearday 68.0, between 200 and 350 m.
Mixing estimates of mean kinetic energy dissipation rate
The Ri-based parameterization εKWB of Kunze et al. (1990) appears to track εIW quite well. Its magnitude is ad hoc due to uncertainties in which differencing scale and critical Ri value are appropriate (Polzin et al. 1995).