1. Introduction
In the coastal ocean the momentum and energy balances are influenced by several parameters, among which the bottom shear stress and the dissipation rate are of particular significance. The bottom shear stress affects the circulation directly and also generates turbulence that diffuses into the flow. The dissipation rate is a controlling mechanism for the entire turbulent energy budget. Thus, understanding and modeling of ocean flows, sediment transport, pollutant dispersal, and biological processes rely on knowledge of the turbulence characteristics near the ocean bottom.
Several means to measure the turbulence and flow characteristics near the ocean floor have been developed: some involving direct measurements, and others relying on an assumed velocity profile or turbulence characteristics. For example, a least squares fit to a measured mean velocity profile can be used to estimate the friction velocity and the bottom roughness length scale, assuming that a logarithmic, constant stress layer exists. This method is sensitive to errors in the height of the sensors (Grant et al. 1984) and in zero offset (Huntley and Hazen 1988). It also requires several velocity sensors with good calibration and stability.
Assuming a balance between turbulent kinetic energy production and dissipation, one can estimate the dissipation from a fit of the Kolmogorov −5/3 spectral slope in the inertial range of the vertical velocity spectrum. Using the dissipation and a measured velocity shear, one can then solve for the bottom stress (Grant et al. 1984; Johnson et al. 1994). These approaches depend on the validity of the production–dissipation balance, on estimating spatial spectral levels from temporal spectra, and on the accuracy of estimates of dissipation from the −5/3 spectral slope. Alternatively, if data is available at sufficiently small scales, one may estimate the dissipation from a fit of the universal spectrum in the dissipation range (Dewey and Crawford 1988). This method still relies on assumed isotropy.
Turbulent stress measurements can be performed using acoustic methods. Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) are the most popular and have been used extensively. For example, Lohrmann et al. (1990) and Lu and Lueck (1999) use four-beam instruments to measure three velocity components. Lhermitte and Lemmin (1994) measure two velocity components with a three-beam ADCP and fit velocity profiles with logarithmic curves to estimate the shear stress. This technique assumes horizontal homogeneity of the horizontal velocity and the second-order moments of the turbulent velocities. Estimates of Reynolds stresses are susceptible to contamination by tilt of the instrument in anisotropic turbulence. Van Haren et al. (1994) use the variance technique on ADCP data to estimate the Reynolds stress, and combine vertical velocity fluctuation measurements with temperature data to estimate the buoyancy flux. They measure the momentum flux, estimate the eddy viscosity, and form an approximate energy balance. Lu and Lueck (1999) discuss the errors and uncertainties of ADCP measurements of turbulence using the variance technique. The Doppler shift of acoustic signal reflection is also employed in the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) for point measurements of 3D velocity components (Kraus et al. 1994; George 1996; Voulgaris and Trowbridge 1998).
The Benthic Acoustic Stress Sensor system, which is based on acoustic travel time measurements, has been developed to measure the velocity from bottom-mounted tripods (Williams et al. 1987; Gross et al. 1994; Williams et al. 1996). Fitting logarithmic profiles to data collected at different elevations can yield estimates of stress (e.g., Johnson et al. 1994; Trowbridge and Agrawal 1995; Trowbridge et al. 1996). The finite sensor volume of this instrument affects the spatial resolution of the measurement.
Sanford et al. (1999) utilize an advanced electromagnetic velocity and vorticity sensor for measuring finescale fluctuations. Sanford and Lien (1999) use this instrument to measure downstream and vertical velocity components as well as fluctuations in a tidal channel, from which Reynolds stress is calculated in 1-m vertical bins. The spatial response of this sensor could suffice for resolving the turbulence structure a few meters above the boundary, but very near the bottom the stress would likely be underestimated. An electromagnetic current meter is also used by Winkel et al. (1996) to provide a reference for acoustic current meter readings.
Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) has been used extensively for measurements of turbulence in laboratories. Oceanic field applications have been infrequent, the primary contributions originating from Agrawal and colleagues (Agrawal and Aubrey 1992; Trowbridge and Agrawal 1995; Agrawal 1996). This point measurement technique can have excellent spatial resolution, but to achieve a small sample volume, one needs to perform the measurements close to the probe. Measurements at longer distances require complex optics or compromises in sample volume size. The LDV data quality also depends on the water transmissivity and on the size of the particles crossing the sample volume.
In a previous paper (Bertuccioli et al. 1999), we have introduced the application of particle image velocimetry (PIV) to oceanic measurements. Unlike all other techniques, PIV provides the instantaneous distribution of two velocity components over a sample area. Combination of PIV with stereo photography that has become quite popular in laboratory experiments can be used for measuring all three velocity components in the sample area. Consequently, PIV enables measurements of spatial spectra without assumption involving Taylor's hypothesis or homogeneity (Liu et al. 1994). PIV has already been implemented in a variety of forms (e.g., Adrian 1991; Grant 1997), but in most laboratory applications the fluid is seeded with microscopic tracer particles, and a selected sample area is illuminated with a laser light sheet. We have found that in the ocean natural seeding is sufficient for obtaining high quality PIV data. To obtain a single dataset (i.e., one realization of the spatial velocity distribution within the sample area) the light sheet is pulsed twice, and the particle images are recorded on a single frame or on separate frames. During typical analysis, the images are divided into small subwindows and peaks of the correlation function of the intensity distribution yield the mean displacement of all the particles within each window. A sequence of PIV data provides a time series of the spatial distribution in the sample area. Such data can produce information on the entire flow structure, such as velocity profiles, turbulence intensity and shear stress, vorticity distributions, and dissipation and turbulent spectra.
In the present paper we present data acquired with the submersible PIV system in the bottom boundary layer off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, in June 1998. We first describe the instrument and the analysis procedures in section 2. Basic characterization of the flow is presented in section 3. Velocity spectra are presented in section 4, followed by a discussion of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation in section 5. The effects of interpolating velocity distributions and of the interaction of surface waves and turbulence are examined in sections 6 and 7.
2. Instrumentation and analysis procedures
a. Apparatus
A detailed description of the oceanic PIV system can be found in Bertuccioli et al. (1999), and only a brief summary is provided here for completeness. A schematic overview of the surface-mounted light source, data acquisition, and control subsystems is shown in Fig. 1a, and the submersible PIV system is shown in Fig. 1b. The light source is a dual-head, pulsed dye laser, which provides 2-μs pulses of light at 594 nm, with energy of up to 350 mJ/pulse. The light is delivered through an optical fiber to a submerged optical probe, where the beam is expanded to a sheet that illuminates the sample area. Based on tests in the lab the maximum energy output at the end of the fiber is 120 mJ/pulse. Images are acquired using a 1024 × 1024 pixel (1008 × 1018 active pixels) Kodak Megaplus-XHF CCD camera, which can acquire up to 15 pairs of frames per second, with essentially unlimited in-pair delay.
The submersible system also contains a Sea-Bird Electronics SeaCat 19-03 CTD, optical transmission and dissolved oxygen content sensors, a ParoScientific Digiquartz Model 6100A precision pressure transducer, an Applied Geomechanics Model 900 biaxial clinometer, and a KVH C100 digital compass. The platform is mounted on a hydraulic scissor-jack to enable acquisition of data at various elevations above the seafloor (the current maximum range is 1.8 m). The platform can also be rotated to align the sample area with the mean flow direction. The flow direction is found by monitoring the orientation of a vane mounted on the platform with a submersible video camera.
b. Data acquisition and analysis
As noted before, PIV involves illumination of a sample plane with a light sheet and recording of multiple images of the particles within this area. Typically the image is divided into small windows and correlation analysis is used to determine the mean displacement within each window. To obtain a high signal-to-noise ratio we have opted to acquire pairs of images (each exposure on a separate frame) and use cross-correlation for analysis (Keane and Adrian 1992). Details of the image analysis procedures can be found in Dong et al. (1992), Roth et al. (1995, 1999), Sridhar and Katz (1995), and Bertuccioli et al. (1999). Laboratory studies have shown that an absolute subpixel accuracy of about 0.4 pixels can be obtained using a conservative estimate equal to twice the standard deviation between exact and measured displacements. Such a level can be achieved when there is a sufficient number of particles per window (5–10), and other requirements involving particle image size and local velocity gradients are also satisfied. This uncertainty corresponds to a relative accuracy of better than 2% if the typical displacement is more than 20 pixels.
With a nominal image size of 1024 × 1024 pixels (active size 1008 × 1018 pixels), an interrogation window size of 64 × 64 pixels and 50% overlap between adjacent windows, each image pair produces a velocity map of 29 × 29 vectors. The magnification is measured directly during each deployment at the test site. For the tests reported here, the measured magnification is 50.9 pixels/cm, yielding a field of view of 20.1 cm × 20.1 cm. Each interrogation window then covers an area of 12.6 mm × 12.6 mm, with a spacing of 6.3 mm between vectors (Fig. 3). Our first generation of the data acquisition systems enables acquisition of 130 image pairs, that is, a data series of a little more than two minutes long. As discussed in section 5a, for some of the analysis we combine this data series to obtain spectra at scales larger than the image size. A recently acquired massive data acquisition system that is replacing the current setup has a storage capacity of 240 GB.
c. Deployment
The submersible PIV system was deployed in the New York Bight near the Mud Dump Site, 7 miles east of Sandy Hook, New Jersey, in June 1998 (Fig. 2). The data was taken at station EPA05 (40.42°N, 73.86°W), within the Expanded Mud Dump area. This region was used until 1977 for dumping dredged material brought from New York by barges, and was later covered with sand to prevent dispersal of pollutants. The station is close to the summit of an approximately 6 km × 3 km elevated area, whose long axis is in the north–south direction. The depth near the summit is about 15 m, with the surrounding area being about 25 m deep. The bottom slope at the test site is approximately 3 m km−1 (SAIC 1995; Schwab et al. 1997).
The bottom composition surveyed in October 1995, is mostly sandy with no mud or silt. The grain size is ϕ 1–3 (0.125–0.5 mm), with a major mode of ϕ 1–2 (SAIC 1995). Since no dredged material was added to the site since the date of the survey, we assume that this data is still adequate. The sandy environment is favorable for PIV measurements, since the coarse sand settles quickly, leaving relatively clear water. Visibility measurements done during the experiment indicate light transmission of more than 80% (measured with the SeaCat, 25-cm pathlength transmissometer). Note that in another deployment, off Cape May, New Jersey, we acquired data successfully also when the transmission was less than 50%.
The instrument was submerged from the deck of the R/V Walford, set on a three-point anchor (with the anchors laid 50–100 m from the boat). After it hit the bottom, the platform was raised to the topmost elevation and rotated until the vane indicated proper alignment with the mean flow. The same platform orientation was maintained for the entire experiment at all elevations. Series of 130 image pairs were obtained at six different elevations (z), with the sample areas centered at z = 20 (i.e., 10–30 cm from the floor), 44, 62, 82, 106, and 128 cm above the bottom. This data spans elevations from 10 cm up to 138 cm above the bottom, covering the range of 0.9–1.3 m reported by Huntley (1988) for the thickness of the bottom log layer. Data was first acquired at the highest position (118 < z < 138), then at the lowermost (10 < z < 30), and then at gradually increasing elevations. A time delay between elevations of approximately 15 min was required for downloading the data, changing the elevation, and taking pressure readings for determination of the depth of the sample area.
3. Mean flow structure and sample vector maps
Prior to analysis, we first use the clinometer readings to determine the tilt at each elevation. The differences for the upper five stations are at most 0.2° (0.5° downwards at z = 62, 82, 106 cm, and 0.7° downwards at z = 44, 128 cm), which is the resolution limit of the tilt meter. Only at the bottom position the tilt is 0° (a difference of 0.58° relative to the average of the other stations—most likely because the tilt of the scissor-jack plate is slightly different when it is fully collapsed). Consequently, the vector maps of the bottom station are rotated to align the whole dataset in the same frame of reference.
We do not attempt here to minimize the vertical velocity, w, or its variance, separately for each measurement station, as suggested by Agrawal and Aubrey (1992). The normal velocity in a boundary layer should be exactly zero only at the seabed and different than zero at other elevations. In addition, large-scale bottom slope changes, bottom ripples, and external forcing (horizontal pressure gradients) also affect the vertical velocity. Our data indicates that the vertical velocity diminishes near the bottom (see Fig. 4), but does not vanish. Since the entire dataset is collected over a period of less than 90 minutes, we opt to maintain the same frame of reference for all the data.
The U(z) distributions at the various stations do not form a continuous profile, although their slopes seem continuous. This behavior is most likely caused by time-dependent phenomena with timescales longer than the duration of the data series (130 sec). To illustrate this effect, each dataset is divided into five subsets, and calculating the mean velocity for each subset. As Fig. 5 shows, the mean velocity profile changes within each set, and the characteristics of the variations differ between measurement stations. For example, at 72 < z < 92 cm, the mean flow accelerates nearly uniformly, whereas at 96 < z < 116 cm, 15 minutes later, the flow first accelerates and then decelerates. Clearly, longer time series are necessary in order to obtain converged data. Near the bottom the vertical distribution of the horizontal velocity is nearly linear (Fig. 4). The gradient of U(z) decreases but does not vanish with increasing elevation, as one would expect to find in a boundary layer over a flat surface. This trend indicates that the flow has mean shear at scales larger than the present measurement region. This shear persists for the whole duration of the test, that is, for more than an hour. The causes for this trend can only be resolved with measurements spanning a larger range of elevations, possibly the entire water column.
The time evolution of U(z) and W(z) is also demonstrated in Fig. 6, where each point represents an average velocity at a given elevation in one vector map. Each value is obtained by averaging over three rows of vectors (i.e., a “strip” 1.3 cm wide with the center at the indicated elevation). It is evident that the fluctuations in the time series consist of both the effects of (large scale) turbulence and wave-induced motion. As expected, the wave-induced orbital motion has more impact on the horizontal velocity (see also section 6). The irregularity of the fluctuations indicates the presence of large-scale turbulent structures, as well as nonlinearity of the waves and possibly the effect of multidirectional waves with different frequencies. In some cases, for example the mean hor-izontal velocity at z = 62 cm, there are clear temporal variations at scales much longer than the duration of the present tests.
To demonstrate the characteristic structure of the turbulence and that structures can be identified as they are convected between successive realizations, we present in Figs. 7a–d sample sequence of four vector maps with distributions of u(x, z, t) − U(z) and w(x, z, t) − W(z). For example, the structures denoted 1 and 2 are convected by about half a frame between realizations, consistent with the mean velocity of about 9 cm s−1 at z = 20 cm. In Figs. 7e and 7f, taken from the highest measurement station, one can identify small eddies embedded within larger structures.
4. Spatial energy and dissipation spectra of turbulence
We calculate the spectral density of the instantaneous velocity from individual vector maps both in the horizontal and vertical directions. The procedures include prewhitening (i.e., creating a series of first differences, whose spectra are converted back to the spectra of the original data), subtraction of mean value, and zero padding symmetrically on both sides of the 28 data points to extend the series to 32 points. A Hanning windowing function and scaling to compensate for energy loss due to Hanning, that is, maintaining the variance assuming a uniform distribution, are used for alleviating end effects. Comments on the effect of these processing procedures on the results are introduced in section 5b. Results from 130 vector maps at the same elevation are averaged. In addition, to increase the number of points being averaged in the horizontal spectra [Eii(k1, zj)], results of three adjacent rows are also averaged. Similarly, data for Eii(k3, xj) are averaged over three columns. For brevity, we omit xj and zj in the following discussions.
Sample spatial spectra are presented in Figs. 8a and 8b, the former containing horizontal spectra, that is, E11(k1) and E33(k1), and the latter containing vertical spectra, E11(k3) and E33(k3). The error bars indicate the 95% confidence level range. Note that these results represent true spatial spectra and do not involve use of the Taylor hypothesis. The results are compared to the Nasmyth universal spectrum for isotropic turbulence using data provided in Oakly (1982). The dissipation rates of the universal curves are chosen to match E11(k1) at low wavenumbers. The spectra are then multiplied by k2 and replotted to show dissipation spectra (Tennekes and Lumley 1972). Sample representative distributions for the six elevations of
Several trends are clearly evident from the results in Figs. 8 and 9. First, for all the cases shown the data cover part of the inertial range of turbulence (slope ∼−5/3) but extend well into the dissipation range. Second, the turbulence is anisotropic over the entire range covered by these spectra. Starting with Fig. 8a, at low wavenumbers (k1 < 150 rad s−1) E33(k1) is clearly larger than the universal isotropic turbulence values. The energy at low wavenumbers in Fig. 8b is different from the results in Fig. 8a, but still E33(k3) > 0.75E11(k3), unlike isotropic turbulence spectra. At high wavenumbers both longitudinal spectra [E11(k1), E33(k3)] display peculiar trends that, to the best of our knowledge, have never been reported before. In the range 150 < ki < 250 (all wavenumbers are in rad s−1) both have “humps” after which E11(k1) matches the values of E33(k1), and E33(k3) matches the values of E11(k3). In other words, the spectra of the velocity component parallel to the wavenumber have very similar humps, whereas the spectra of the component normal to the wavenumber do not. This trend is independent of the direction relative to the mean flow.
In searching for a plausible explanation for this phenomenon, the option of noise/error in the data is rejected since data for the same velocity component and from the same vector map are used for calculating both E11(k1) and E11(k3) and for both E33(k1) and E33(k3). The humps, on the other hand, exist only in the longitudinal spectra and not in spectra of the velocity component normal to the wavenumber (irrespective of its direction). This trend is also not an artifact of the detrending or windowing procedures, since it is observed even when no windowing or detrending is applied. At this stage we do not have an explanation for this trend. One possibility may be the “bottleneck effect” (e.g., Falkovich 1994; Lohse and Muller-Groeling 1995), which is also observed experimentally in high Reynolds number boundary layer flow (Saddoughi and Veeravalli 1994). Another could be narrowband noise caused by an as yet unidentified source. Note that Voulgaris and Trowbridge (1998) report similar trends with ADV data, which they attribute to effects of viscous dissipation, production, attenuation due to spectral averaging over the ADV sample volume, and measurement noise.
The dissipation spectra in Fig. 9 accentuate the systematic difference between spectra of velocity components that are parallel and those that are perpendicular to the wavenumber. At five of the six elevations, the dissipation spectra of the normal velocity components have peaks at 100 < ki < 250 (Figs. 9d,c). Although one may detect a change of slope at the same wavenumber range in the spectra of the parallel component, which indicates the presence of a local maximum, the dominant peaks are located in the 250 < ki < 350 range. Thus, for five of the six elevations, trends are consistent. We'll later use integration of the dissipation spectra as one of the methods for estimating the rate of dissipation.
The only exception is the data for 96 < z < 116 (all dimensions are in cm), the last dataset recorded and one station below the highest elevation. For this case the dissipation spectra have substantially higher magnitudes and both parallel and normal components have peaks at 250 < ki < 350. There is also either a clear peak or a small change of slope (kink) at ki ≈ 200. Since the measurements at different elevations are performed at different times, it is possible that the difference is caused by changes in the flow conditions at the time of the measurements. Since no measured tide data is available for the test site (40.42°N, 73.86°W) at the time of the experiment, we use Nautical Software, Inc. (1998) to estimate the variations of the tidal current at the nearest available locations. Most notably, the tide reverses direction between 1233 and 1246 UTC. Our measurements at this elevation took place between 1302 and 1304 UTC (the previous five sets were recorded between 1145 and 1248 UTC). Thus, the change is consistent with tidal changes.
5. Extended data series using the Taylor hypothesis
a. Interpolation of vector maps
Up to the scale of a vector map we have calculated the spectra based on the measured instantaneous spatial velocity distributions. In order to resolve longer scales, the time series of vector maps is converted into a spatial series using Taylor's hypothesis. The procedure is introduced in Bertuccioli et al. (1999), but due to its significance this paper repeats the method used to combine the discrete vector maps into an extended composite map.
For each individual vector map we estimate the average horizontal velocity in a “strip” 1.3 cm wide (three rows of vectors) around the desired elevation. This average advective velocity is used to evaluate the displacement between successive vector maps. At the lowest elevation (z = 12 cm) the displacement between vector maps is 2.6–13.9 cm (132–709 pixels) with an average of 7.3 cm (373 pixels), and there is considerable overlap between maps, as the samples in Fig. 7 show. At the highest elevations the overlap is very small. At z = 106 cm (the elevation with the largest mean current) only 55% of the vector maps overlap at all, and the displacements range between 14.2 and 26.4 cm (725–1346 pixels), with an average of 20.3 cm (1035 pixels). In cases where there is a gap between successive vector maps, we need to fill in the missing data using linear interpolation. The typical gap is 1–3 vector spacings, with a maximum of 10 vector spacings. Such gaps occur only for the two highest measurement stations. The effect of the interpolation on the spectra is discussed and demonstrated in section 5b.
b. Evaluation of interpolated spectra
Spectral densities for u′ and w′ [E11(k1) and E33(k1), respectively] are calculated using the regularly spaced interpolated arrays. To take advantage of an entire dataset with NTOT points, without zero padding and still obtain a number of points equal to 2n, each uint(X) and wint(X) distribution is divided into two subsets of NFFT points (values are provided in Table 1). The first subset contains the data at Xi, where 0 ≤ i ≤ NFFT − 1, and the second contains the data at Xi, where NTOT − NFFT ≤ i ≤ NTOT − 1.
Three methods have been tested for detrending the data series (Emery and Thomson 1997): Subtraction of the series average, linear detrending (removing a best-fitted linear curve), and prewhitening (using a series of first differences and conversion to spectra of the original data). Two windowing functions have been used: a Hanning window and a cosine tapered windowing function (applied to the first and last 10% of the data series, while keeping the rest of the data unchanged). The windowed data series is scaled to compensate for energy “loss” due to application of the windowing function. For a continuous form of the windowing function, the scaling coefficient is
Using the present data and comparing the results we have found that the spectra obtained using different windowing functions and detrending procedures are very similar except for the lowest wavenumbers. In this range the spectra are determined from very few points and the associated level of confidence is small. Consequently, we opt to use prewhitening and cosine tapered windowing for the patched–interpolated data series. As noted before, a Hanning window is used for computing the spectra of individual vector maps.
Using the two subsets of data, spectra of u′ and w′ are evaluated at each elevation. These spectra are then averaged to yield E11(k1, z) and E33(k1, z). In order to increase the amount of data used for each spectrum, we also average data from three successive vector rows, that is, a 1.3-cm vertical band. The results are then band averaged onto a grid of 20 bins per decade. Thus, at the low wavenumbers the actual data points are plotted, whereas at the highest wavenumbers each point on the plot is an average of 50–200 calculated points. This binning does not affect the trends of the spectra, but it decreases the fluctuations of the curves. To the best of our knowledge this method of patching PIV data using the Taylor hypothesis to obtain extended spectra has been introduced for the first time in our previous paper (Bertuccioli et al. 1999). Thus, before presenting the results, the extended spectra are compared to the true spatial spectra obtained from instantaneous maps in the wavenumber range that they overlap.
c. Impact of vector map interpolation on spectra
True spatial spectra averaged over 130 vector maps and three adjacent rows (denoted TS in the following) are compared to the spectra obtained with the extended and interpolated data (denoted EI) in Figs. 11 and 12. The TS spectra are not band averaged, as each individual spectrum contains only 16 points. Their smooth curves are a result of being averages of 130 individual spectra. As is evident, the energy spectra are similar in the low wavenumber part of the overlapping range, whereas at large wavenumbers the extended series contains less energy. This trend is also observed in the data of Bertuccioli et al. (1999). The humps in E11(k1) at high wavenumbers (k1 ≈ 200 rad m−1), which are evident in the TS spectra and discussed in section 4, also exist in the EI spectra but to a lesser extent.
Two effects contribute to these trends: First, at low elevations, there is considerable overlap between vector maps, resulting in some filtering of the high wavenumber energy due to the interpolation scheme. The overlap (and hence the interpolation-induced smoothing) is reduced away from the bottom. Second, as discussed in sections 5d and 7, surface-wave-induced motion has substantial effect on the extended data series and spectra. The characteristic timescales of the waves and of the energy containing turbulent eddies are similar (but not the wavelength). Hence, in the extended series, constructed using the Taylor hypothesis, the wave-induced motion appears at equivalent wavenumbers (see section 7) of 2–10 rad m−1 and leaks to higher harmonics, that is, to the range where we compare the TS and the EI spectra (k1 = 31–500 rad m−1). The TS spectra, on the other hand, are based on measured spatial distributions within individual vector maps. There is a significant difference between the length scale of the measurement area (20 cm) and the wavelength of the surface waves (e.g., in water 15 m deep, a wave with a 7.5 s period has a wavelength of 75 m). Due to this more than two orders of magnitude separation of length scales, the TS spectra are affected very little by wave-induced motion. The wave effect on the horizontal velocity is more significant than on the vertical velocity (see section 7), especially as the bottom is approached. Consequently, the E33 spectra are influenced mostly by the interpolation, which is most significant near the bottom. Also, the wave-induced motion introduces more energy into the EI spectra of E11 at high elevations. The largest difference between the EI and TS horizontal spectra occurs at z = 82 cm, where the wave spectral peak is most pronounced.
The increasing difference between the TS and EI spectra with increasing wavenumbers are accentuated in the dissipation spectra, especially when plotted in linear scales (Fig. 12). Due to the interpolation, the difference is particularly high near the bottom. When compared to the universal spectrum, it appears that the EI spectra match the universal spectral shape more closely than the TS spectra, which exhibit a roll-off at k1 = 200–300 rad m−1. This trend is most likely a result of higher noise contamination in the TS spectra at high wavenumbers (Bertuccioli et al. 1999). This noise is partially filtered out by the interpolation. Figure 12 indicates that dissipation rate estimates based on integration of TS and EI dissipation spectra (see section 6) will give different results. However, since most of the deviations occur in the high wavenumber region, dissipation estimates calculated with a line fit of a k−5/3 curve to the inertial range are in closer agreement than those evaluated from an integral of the dissipation spectrum. A comparison between dissipation estimates for the two datasets using various prediction methods is discussed in section 6.
d. Interpolated velocity spectra
Sample extended and interpolated spectra for several elevations are shown in Fig. 13. The Nasmyth universal spectrum, based on the numerical values given by Oakey (1982) is also included. The range of resolved wavenumbers spans about three decades, except near the floor, where it is slightly smaller. The spectra contain only small regions with horizontal tails (that are characteristic of high-frequency white noise), at k1 > 400 rad m−1, corresponding to wavelengths of less than 1.6 cm. At the large scales (k1 < 8), E11 is greater than E33 at all elevations. These scales contribute most of the velocity variance, which has a typical ratio of u′2/w′2 ∼ 4 (section 8). The substantially larger energy content of the horizontal velocity fluctuations is due to both the anisotropy of the turbulence and the effect of wave-induced motion. The latter is discussed and compared to spectra of surface waves in section 7. The effect of the anisotropy extends to low wavenumbers that are beyond the range contaminated by the surface wave spectral peaks.
The difference between E11 and E33 is most significant near the seafloor, at z = 12 cm and decreases as the distance from the bottom increases to 44 cm and then to 62 cm. At higher elevations the difference remains at about the same level. Although E11 changes shape considerably at low wavenumbers (due to the wave effect), the characteristic peak magnitudes remain at similar levels at all of the measurement stations. The levels at low wavenumbers are all in the 10−5–10−4 (m2 s−2)/(rad m−1) range and the wave-induced peaks exceed 10−4, except for the lowest elevation. On the other hand, the characteristic peak magnitude of E33 decreases by more than an order of magnitude between z = 128 cm and z = 12 cm. Thus, the energy content of the vertical velocity fluctuations is reduced when approaching the bottom, whereas the energy content of the horizontal velocity fluctuations is not affected substantially by the elevation. This trend most likely indicates the presence of large-scale horizontal eddies (with vertical axes), whose sizes do not depend on elevation (as well as the wave contamination). In contrast, the characteristic size of vortices with horizontal axes decreases as the floor is approached. This trend has been observed in laboratory turbulent boundary layer measurements, and has traditionally led to the use of the distance from the wall as an estimate for the integral length scale, l, for boundary layer flow. This integral length scale can be estimated from the measured vertical spectra using the wavenumber in which transition away from the inertial range (−5/3) slope occurs. For example, at z = 12 cm the vertical velocity spectrum flattens at about k1 ≈ 40 rad m−1, that is, l = 16 cm (Fig. 13), and at z = 82 cm the flattening occurs at a wavenumber of about 8, corresponding to l ≈ 80 cm. Unfortunately, the flattening is partially obscured by the spectral peak induced by the surface wave.
For small scales the differences between E11 and E33 decrease (but do not disappear). Least squares fits to the data in the range where it seems to be parallel to a −5/3 slope yield the coefficients Aii shown in Table 3, where Eii = Aii
6. Rate of kinetic energy dissipation
Sample “dissipation spectra” (Tennekes and Lumley 1972), that is, plots of
a. “Direct” estimate of the dissipation
b. Line fit in the inertial range
c. Integral of the dissipation spectrum
For the present extended data, dissipation estimates obtained for two cutoff wavenumbers, k1 = 300 and 470 rad m−1, yield similar values that are within 10% of each other. The only exception is the data at the bottom station, where the difference is about 30%. This larger discrepancy can be attributed to the increasing impact of wave-induced motion in the wavenumber range containing the dissipation peak (only in the extended spectra). To explain this trend note that the location of wave-induced peaks in the extended spectra is shifted to a higher wavenumber with decreasing local convection velocity (the wavenumber is the frequency divided by the convection velocity). This problem not only moves the wave-induced spectral peak closer to the peak dissipation wavenumber, but also increases the contribution of wave contamination since dissipation scales with
d. Locally axisymmetric turbulence
e. Energy flux across equilibrium range
We need to ensure that the spatial filtering is done at a scale within the inertial range. At the same time, we need to minimize this scale in order to have as many data points on the filtered grid as possible. We set the filter size Δ to eight vector spacings (corresponding to a wavenumber of k1 = 124 rad m−1). While this value may be somewhat too low, it is the largest one that allows us to have a filtered array of 3 × 3 vectors from each instantaneous vector map. The local filtered strain rates are evaluated by offsetting the filtered grids by one vector spacing and finding the difference between offset filtered velocities.
f. Results and discussion in dissipation estimates
The most straightforward dissipation rate estimate is provided by the “direct” method (εD). As expected, the locally axisymmetric turbulence dissipation estimates, εAS, are very close to εD, with differences varying between 5% and 11% (εAS is systematically smaller). Estimation of dissipation using a third-order moment (εSG) requires a large number of data points to converge. For example, more than 40 000 points are required for convergence in the jet data of Liu et al. (1994). In the present case we only have a total of 1170 points, which affects the statistical confidence. Therefore, the εSG values show the largest fluctuations in trend relative to the other estimates.
The line-fit and dissipation-integral methods, εLF and εDS, respectively, determined either from the extended or from the true spatial spectra, yield results that are generally higher than εD. This trend agrees with the results of Fincham et al. (1996), who find that the assumption of isotropy leads to an overprediction of the dissipation rate by as much as 375% for stratified grid turbulence. In our case the characteristic differences are smaller and, except for one case (εDS using the TS spectra at the lowest elevation), they are significantly less than 100%. Using the extended and interpolated data, the estimates from the integral of the dissipation spectra (εDS) are closer to εD, probably since they are based on the whole range of available data, whereas the (−5/3) line-fit estimates are only based on a portion of the available spectrum. Also, the relative effect of contamination by wave-induced motion is probably larger for εLF since it is based on a range of wavenumbers that is closer to the equivalent scale of the waves (see section 7). Even though the dissipation is also contaminated by the waves, the major contribution to its value comes from much smaller scales.
The line-fit dissipation estimates obtained from the true spatial spectra are typically within 20% of the estimates based on the extended data. Only at the lowest station, at z = 12 cm, is the discrepancy considerably larger (37%). At this elevation the wavenumber range with a −5/3 slope is quite small, and the accuracy of the slope-based estimates is low. Consistent with the comparisons shown in Fig. 12, the dissipation estimates based on integrating the true spatial dissipation spectra are 29%–122% higher than the corresponding estimates based on the interpolated data. Once again, the largest discrepancy is near the bottom. All the dissipation estimates using TS data yield larger values than the corresponding values of εD.
It is reassuring that despite the numerous assumptions involved in some of the estimation methods, all of them reproduce the trends of the dissipation rates at the various stations. Note that the profile shown in Fig. 16 actually represents both spatial and temporal variations due to the time delay between measurements. The vertical distribution of dissipation rate is nearly uniform (within 33% for each of the methods) at all elevations, except for z = 106 cm where it is significantly higher, irrespective of the method used for estimating ε. At this station, the dissipation is nearly twice as large. As noted before, this data series was the last one to be recorded and it occurred after a tidal change. At this elevation both the mean velocity (Fig. 4) and turbulence level (Fig. 9) reach maximum levels.
7. Effects of wave–turbulence interaction
In this section we address the effect of waves on the turbulence spectra. The surface waves induce unsteady velocity components at temporal scales that are comparable to the characteristic turbulence timescales, although the spatial scales of the waves are much larger than those of the turbulence. The unsteady pressure, which is mostly a result of surface waves, is recorded simultaneously with the PIV data, at a rate of 7 Hz. The frequency-domain power spectrum of the pressure is computed using FFT and then translated to “equivalent wavenumbers” using the mean convection velocity at each elevation; that is, k = 2πfW/U, where fW is the frequency of the wave.
Figure 17 shows three sample pressure spectra together with the EI velocity spectra. It is evident that there are several surface wave peaks that coincide with energy peaks. The highest peak in the pressure spectrum, which exists in all the data (including results not shown here), appears to have a period of about 7.5 s. Since the convection velocity increases with elevation, the spectral peaks are shifted to lower wavenumbers with increasing elevation. At z = 12 cm the peak is at k1 = 10.3 rad m−1, whereas at z = 1.2 m the peak is at k1 = 3.9 rad m−1. Some of the peaks of the pressure spectra coincide with peaks in the horizontal velocity spectra. This agreement indicates that the shape of the velocity spectra in that range is affected significantly by the wave motion, in addition to the large-scale turbulence.
The wave effect on the vertical velocity depends on sinhkW(h + z) and is therefore significantly weaker, especially near the bottom (z → −h), as demonstrated in all the spectra of the vertical velocity and also in the distributions shown in Fig. 6. Similar trends for both u and w are reported by Agrawal and Aubrey (1992). Consequently, in the past researchers (Grant et al. 1984; Dewey and Crawford 1988; Huntley and Hazen 1988; Agrawal et al. 1992; Gargett 1994; Gross et al. 1994) have used the vertical velocity spectra to calculate the turbulence parameters. The expected increase in wave contamination of the w spectra with increasing distance from the bottom is also evident in Fig. 17.
In the data analysis presented in this paper we do not attempt to separate wave-induced unsteadiness and turbulence. The procedure proposed by Trowbridge (1998) to remove the wave contamination from the turbulence data cannot be applied to the present data since it requires data from points separated by more than the characteristic turbulence length scale. The present data provides measured velocities at locations separated by no more than 20 cm, which does not satisfy this requirement. To resolve this problem, in a recent deployment, we have recorded data that enables us to measure the true spatial spectra directly using structure functions up to a scale of 1.5 m (k = 4.2 rad m−1). The data was obtained using two cameras simultaneously, each with a sample area of 50 cm × 50 cm, that are located 1 m apart. In a sense, such use of two PIV images performs a similar function to the procedure proposed by Trowbridge (1998). However, in another sense this approach goes back to the original Kolmogorov structure functions.
We do not apply the pressure–velocity cross-correlation filtering method proposed by Agrawal and Aubrey (1992) since the present time series includes only 130 data points. Filtration of the wave effect will be attempted with longer data series, which will contain significantly more data points and thus can allow the velocity–pressure cross-correlation to converge. Rather than attempt a crude approach to isolating turbulence from wave-induced motion, we prefer to defer this analysis to datasets collected specifically to address this issue.
8. Velocity fluctuations and Reynolds stresses
Unfortunately, the integral scale of u′ is much larger than the vector map and, as a result, values of
The magnitudes of the fluctuations are higher than those measured in laboratory flows over flat plates (e.g., Hinze 1975), mostly due to the wave contamination. At the lowest elevation w′ is noticeably lower with characteristic values of 1.0 cm s, that is, slightly higher than
9. Concluding remarks
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) provides two-dimensional velocity distributions within a prescribed sample area. While the technique is well established in laboratory studies, the present apparatus constitutes, to the best of our knowledge, the first implementation in an oceanic environment. Various tests, and in particular the latest deployment of the system in the New York Bight, have proved its feasibility and its ability to provide high quality data.
The two-dimensional velocity distributions obtained using PIV enable evaluation of turbulence spectra, which are based on true spatial distributions. The data also enables direct measurements of spatial velocity gradients, and consequently we can test some of the commonly used assumptions regarding the flow structure. In particular, in this paper we evaluate the accuracy of dissipation rate estimates obtained from spatial spectra that rely on assumptions of isotropy, Taylor's hypothesis, and the existence of an equilibrium inertial range. We also use the Taylor hypothesis to “patch” datasets together in order to extend the spectral range beyond the scale of an individual velocity distribution. Unfortunately, in doing so we also introduce wave contamination that does not exist in the true spatial spectra. Consequently, in recent experiments we have recorded instantaneous data with a sufficiently large range of scales (using multiple cameras) that will provide true spatial data for the entire domain susceptible to wave contamination.
While the large-scale turbulence in a boundary layer is necessarily anisotropic, it is common to regard the small-scale turbulence as locally isotropic and employ various forms of the Kolmogorov model. The present data clearly show departures from isotropy at all scales, including the viscous dissipation range. Furthermore, clear systematic differences exist between spectra of velocity components that are parallel and those that are perpendicular to the direction of the wavenumber. At five of the six elevations, the dissipation spectra of the perpendicular velocity components have peaks at 100 < ki < 250. Although one may detect traces of a local maximum at the same wavenumber range in the parallel velocity spectra, the dominant peaks are located in the 250 < ki < 350 range.
In comparing the present trends to previously published data, there is evidence that local isotropy may be approached away from walls (e.g., Gargett et al. 1984), but it is not observed close to boundaries (Antonia et al. 1991). In fact, Durbin and Speziale (1991) show that exact local isotropy cannot exist in the presence of mean shear. Anisotropy at the dissipation and inertial scales is demonstrated experimentally by Garg and Warhaft (1998) for a homogeneous shear flow in a wind tunnel. Saddoughi and Veeravalli (1994), for high Reynolds number flow, and Antonia and Kim (1994), for low Reynolds number flow, present criteria for a maximum strain rate that allows viewing the local turbulence as nearly isotropic. The magnitudes of the strain rate in the present data are near this limit or slightly above it. The dynamics of the small scales can also be affected by nonlocal interactions, where large-scale anisotropy directly affects the smallest scales (Brasseur and Wei 1994; Zhou et al. 1996). This effect becomes more significant as the scale separation increases. Thus, it is not surprising that the present data does not fulfill requirements for isotropy even at dissipation scales.
The integral length scale associated with the vertical velocity fluctuations (but not the horizontal velocity fluctuations) should scale with distance from the bottom, a trend that is clearly demonstrated in the present data. Consequently, the anisotropy at large scales increases as the bottom is approached. However, differences clearly exist even at the highest elevation, 128 cm above the bottom.
In spite of the measured departure from the simplifying assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy, some general trends derived from these assumptions are supported by the present data. For example, dissipation rate estimates obtained using curve fits in the inertial range, integration of the dissipation spectrum and subgrid energy flux are 30%–100% higher than “direct” measurements that are based on the terms that can be obtained with the 2D data.
This project was funded by the ONR, Dr. L. Goodman, Project Manager, under Grant N00014-95-1-0215. Some of the instrumentation was purchased with DARPA funding.
The authors would like to thank G. Roth for developing the image-analysis codes and for his work on building the image acquisition system; S. King of Kingdom Electronics, Inc. for his invaluable work on the design and construction of the electronic systems and for his assistance in the field; K. Russell for his design of many of the mechanical components; Y. Ronzhes for mechanical design and for his assistance during the deployment; C. Meneveau for helpful discussions; S. McDowell and R. Valente of SAIC for their assistance in selecting the test site; and W. Corso, J. Hughes, and E. Reskow of the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium for their highly skilled support and flexibility during the deployment.
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The number of interpolated points in the extended data series and the corresponding series lengths
Energy content in the range of wavenumbers where the averaged true spatial spectra (TS) and the extended vector maps (EI) overlap
Results of least squares best fit to (−5/3) slopes at intermediate wavelength for the sample spectra in Fig. 13
Estimates of kinetic energy dissipation rates using the methods discussed in section 6a–e