Deep Convection in the Labrador Sea as Observed by Lagrangian Floats

Elizabeth L. Steffen Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

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Eric A. D'Asaro Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

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During the winters of 1997 and 1998, a total of 24 Lagrangian floats were deployed in the Labrador Sea. These floats were designed to match the buoyancy and compressibility of seawater. They measured temperature and three-dimensional position (pressure for vertical position and RAFOS acoustic tracking for latitude and longitude) as they followed water motions three-dimensionally. This data provides direct observation of mixed layer depth and excellent estimates of vertical velocity. Floats were repeatedly carried across the convecting layer by vertical velocities averaging several centimeters per second with vertical excursions of up to one kilometer. In the horizontal, several scales of eddy motion were resolved, as was a possible float predilection toward remaining in water preconditioned for convection. Heat flux estimates from this data reveal entrainment and surface heat fluxes similar in magnitude. The mixed layer acts as a vertical conveyor belt of temperature, transporting heat from depth to the surface without requiring a net change in mixed layer temperature, since incorporation of salt from below allows an increase in density without a net change in temperature. Comparison with NCEP reanalysis meteorological heat flux and wind magnitude data shows that the vertical velocity variance can be modeled with 80% skill as a linear function of lagged buoyancy flux (with the atmosphere leading the ocean by ∼1/2 day) without using the wind estimates. Mixed layer motions are clearly driven by the surface buoyancy flux, Bo. A nonrotating scaling of vertical velocity variance, (BoH)1/3, provides a marginally better fit than a rotating scaling, (Bo/f)1/2. Horizontal effects appear to play only a weak role during strong convection but result in rapid restratification when convective forcing weakens.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Elizabeth L. Steffen, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, 1013 N.E. 40th St., Seattle, WA 98105. Email:


During the winters of 1997 and 1998, a total of 24 Lagrangian floats were deployed in the Labrador Sea. These floats were designed to match the buoyancy and compressibility of seawater. They measured temperature and three-dimensional position (pressure for vertical position and RAFOS acoustic tracking for latitude and longitude) as they followed water motions three-dimensionally. This data provides direct observation of mixed layer depth and excellent estimates of vertical velocity. Floats were repeatedly carried across the convecting layer by vertical velocities averaging several centimeters per second with vertical excursions of up to one kilometer. In the horizontal, several scales of eddy motion were resolved, as was a possible float predilection toward remaining in water preconditioned for convection. Heat flux estimates from this data reveal entrainment and surface heat fluxes similar in magnitude. The mixed layer acts as a vertical conveyor belt of temperature, transporting heat from depth to the surface without requiring a net change in mixed layer temperature, since incorporation of salt from below allows an increase in density without a net change in temperature. Comparison with NCEP reanalysis meteorological heat flux and wind magnitude data shows that the vertical velocity variance can be modeled with 80% skill as a linear function of lagged buoyancy flux (with the atmosphere leading the ocean by ∼1/2 day) without using the wind estimates. Mixed layer motions are clearly driven by the surface buoyancy flux, Bo. A nonrotating scaling of vertical velocity variance, (BoH)1/3, provides a marginally better fit than a rotating scaling, (Bo/f)1/2. Horizontal effects appear to play only a weak role during strong convection but result in rapid restratification when convective forcing weakens.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Elizabeth L. Steffen, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, 1013 N.E. 40th St., Seattle, WA 98105. Email:

1. Background

Gascard and Clarke (1983) and Clarke and Gascard (1983) divided processes that drive deep convection into a hierarchy of scales, each of which is needed for deep convection to occur. These include the gyre scale of order 100 km, the mesoscale of order 10 km, and the plume scale of order 1 km. Each of these levels of organization will be discussed separately here.

a. Driving deep convection: Gyre scale

Killworth (1983) [followed by Gascard (1991) and Marshall and Schott (1999)] compared deep convection in a variety of environments—the Mediterranean, Greenland, Labrador, and Weddell Seas—and found several commonalities that seem to be prerequisites for deep convection on the large or gyre scale. First a cyclonic circulation is required. Associated with a doming of the isopycnals, this cyclonic circulation brings denser water into closer contact with the surface. Second, a low underlying stratification allows easier penetration of water motions to large depths. Third, a high heat flux is necessary to drive the vigorous motions that will allow water parcels to punch through remaining stratification and reach large depths.

The Labrador Sea satisfies these criteria. It is dominated by a cyclonic circulation. The Labrador Sea's stratification shows low frequency (decadal) variability strongly correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (Dickson et al. 1996). During the 1990s (and this experiment) low underlying stratification was observed. Labrador Sea wintertime heat fluxes of up to 1500 W m−2 (Moore et al. 2001) are produced as cold, dry air sweeps off the continent and over the relatively warm water. Smith and Dobson (1984) found winter heat fluxes to average 200 W m−2 over a 30-yr record at Ocean Weather Station (OWS) Bravo. Renfrew et al. (2002) report fluxes during the winter of 1997 at times exceeding 650 W m−2.

b. Driving deep convection: Mesoscale

Gascard and Clarke (1983) noticed that homogeneous areas of water of order 10-km extent were associated with deep convection. Schott et al. (1993) postulated that homogenized patches of water can be preconditioned for deep convection to occur, again by having a cyclonic shear circulation and its associated doming isopycnals (bringing denser water into contact with the atmosphere) that, coupled with a high heat flux, allows the mixed layer to become more dense and penetrate into the layer below, resulting in a homogeneous “chimney” of water reaching down from the surface, with much deeper mixed layer depths inside this feature than outside.

Gascard and Clarke (1983) seem to have observed such a structure in the Labrador Sea during the winter of 1975/76. They found a cool area of water of about 20-km radius, defined by a tenth of a degree temperature gradient at its boundary. Inside this cool patch, mixed layer depths were found to be 2200 db, while outside they were only 1500 db.

The localization of convection inside these cold mesoscale features may lead to some compensation for the large surface heat flux through lateral exchange with the surrounding warmer water. Many laboratory studies (Coates et al. 1996) and numerical simulations (Visbeck et al. 1996; Legg et al. 1996) suggest that this horizontal effect can become so important as to entirely balance surface heat loss and prevent further deepening of the mixed layer. This mechanism also predicts the rapid breakdown and restratification of these localized patches through baroclinic instability once forcing has been reduced. More realistic simulations initialized with a preconditioned ocean and using homogeneous forcing (Straneo and Kawase 1999; Legg et al. 1998) find that, although a balance between lateral exchange and surface flux does not establish itself, lateral processes can become important, especially during restratification.

c. Driving deep convection: Plume scale

Direct observations of deep convection on the plume scale (kilometer and smaller) are very limited. Theoretically (Maxworthy and Narimousa 1994; Jones and Marshall 1993), high surface heat flux causes the formation of a thin surface thermal boundary layer that feeds rapidly descending “plumes” of dense water. The upward return flow consists of broader regions of slowly ascending water. The aspect ratio of the horizontal and vertical extent of these plumes of downwelling water is believed to be about 1. Predictions of the magnitude of vertical velocity can then be made by scaling arguments. With a depth scale H [which can be taken to be a deepening mixed layer depth Fernando et al. (1991)] and a surface buoyancy forcing Bo a velocity scale can be created on dimensional grounds:
where a is a coefficient of proportionality.
If the timescale, H/w, exceeds the Coriolis timescale, 1/f, then the above parameterization breaks down as vertical motions are impeded by the effects of rotation. We can rewrite this equation to show that this transition occurs when
where Ro* is the natural Rossby number, B1/2o/(f3/2H). When Ro* is very small, timescales to transit the mixed layer are large enough to force a rotating scaling for the vertical velocity to become more appropriate:
where b is a coefficient of proportionality.

Both numerical and lab studies (Maxworthy and Narimousa 1994; Jones and Marshall 1993; Coates and Ivey 1997; Fernando et al. 1991; Coates et al. 1996) have attempted to determine these coefficients and at what natural Rossby number the transition to full rotational control occurs. Coates and Ivey (1997) point out that the transition is smooth and asymptotic, but rotational control is complete when Ro* is less than 0.1, and Fernando et al. (1991) report that rotational effects become important for Ro* less than 1.5.

Few values of the coefficients exist in the literature. For their smallest rotation Fernando et al. (1991) report a value for a of 0.45, Coates and Ivey (1997) report an a of about 0.5, and Coates et al. (1996) report 0.3. We will estimate a value of 0.52 from oceanic data.

A few direct observations of the magnitude and extent of plumes exist. Gascard and Clarke (1983) report float observations in the Labrador Sea during the winter of 1975/76 that reveal floats with 1–2-km separation to have vastly different vertical velocities: one 0.09 m s−1 and the other negligible.

Lilly et al. (1999) report Labrador Sea vertical plume velocities observed at a mooring location in the range of 0.04–0.08 m s−1 and estimate horizontal extents of 200–1000 m. Since the noise threshold on these measurements is 0.02 m s−1 (Lilly et al. 1999), only the highest-velocity events can be seen.

As on the mesoscale, interaction with horizontal gradients on the plume scale have been postulated to effect the evolution and behavior of convection. Horizontal gradients drive the upright plumes to slanting paths (Haine and Marshall 1998) that encourage lateral exchange.

d. Setting

The central Labrador Sea is characterized by a layer of cold, fresh surface water overlying warm, salty water of Irminger Sea origin. As seen in Fig. 1, an initial profile taken on 12 February 1997 reveals that this layer of cold, fresh water had been mixed down to about 530 db. A repeat CTD cast on 10 March 1997 at the same location recorded a relatively cold, fresh mixed layer, but it extended to more than 1300 db at this later time. During the intervening 26 days substantial mixed layer deepening occurred. While the heat content of the layer dropped considerably (implying an average heat flux of about 400 W m−2), the salinity content in the upper 1300 db remained nearly unchanged.

This paper will explore the mechanisms of water transformation that occurred between these two CTD casts. Fully Lagrangian floats recorded the substantial, nearly continuous vertical motions that accompanied the mixing and cooling evidenced in these CTD casts. These float records reveal that the nature of the Labrador Sea stratification (with cold, fresh water overlying warm, salty water) allows the mixed layer to function as a vertical conveyor belt of heat, transporting warmth from below to the cold atmosphere above, while simultaneously increasing density through the incorporation of salt (thus requiring no net mixed layer temperature change to increase density and mixed layer depth). Simple heat flux calculations will be made and the results will be found to disagree with magnitudes predicted by the atmospheric data used. However, a one-dimensional prediction of vertical velocity from atmospheric forcing will be found to be quite effective. On the mesoscale, it appears that floats remained within relatively homogeneous patches of water preconditioned for deep convection; therefore, it should be noted that, while one-dimensional models did work well, advective effects are automatically minimized in this data since the floats are fully Lagrangian.

2. Instrumentation and data processing

Deep Lagrangian floats (DLFs) are designed to follow water motions in three dimensions and thus be close to fully Lagrangian (see D'Asaro et al. 1996). This is accomplished by having the same buoyancy as the surrounding water and by having a high drag. The floats (see Fig. 2) have a specially designed aluminum hull that survives pressures up to 2000 db and has almost the thermal expansion rate of seawater and nearly the same compressibility. Final adjustments to the compressibility are made using a motor-driven piston capable of up to a 25 cm3 change in volume (∼1.6 kg m−3 change in density). A 1 m2 cloth drogue provides drag, keeping the float in phase with the surrounding water. The drogue is initially folded, in a low drag configuration and is opened after an autoballasting routine is completed. The floats sample temperature and pressure at 5-min intervals, measuring temperature with millidegree accuracy and pressure to about a decibar. A RAFOS (Rossby et al. 1986) receiver allows determination of horizontal position at 4-h intervals. The mission length is approximately 2 months, after which time the floats surface by dropping a weight and transmit their data via the ARGOS satellite system.

The float buoyancy is determined by the difference between its density and that of the surrounding water. Density changes within the convective layer are 0.1 kg m−3 at most. This is partially compensated by the thermal expansion of the float, which is close to that of seawater, resulting in no more than 1 g of float buoyancy change. The compressibility of the float is actively adjusted using the piston to give a 1 g/1000 db stabilizing buoyancy change, that is, upward at depth, downward at the surface. This avoids the undesirable possibility of a destabilizing buoyancy gradient resulting from errors in our measurement of the hull compressibility. In addition, chemical reactions between the anodized aluminum of the hull and the seawater result in a slow increase of the float's weight. The hull is partially painted to minimize these. In the 1997 deployments, software schemes were used to compensate for this weight increase using the piston. These were improperly implemented, resulting in a slow increase in the float's upward buoyancy over time. Our best guess is that the 1997 floats were a few grams light on average, resulting in perhaps 5 mm s−1 upward drift relative to the water. Harcourt et al. (2002) explores the consequences of this drift for the computation of turbulence statistics. The 1998 floats did not suffer from this error.

RAFOS position determination hinged on a multipart estimate of clock errors. Float clocks were found to drift in a nearly linear manner at a rate of up to 2 seconds per day. The sound sources, deployed over several years, accumulated offsets of several seconds by the time of the 1998 float deployment. These offsets were estimated by utilizing expected signal delay based on the DLF's known deployment position and the first 30 delays observed by the float. These differences were calculated for each float/source pair. Intercomparisons between floats yielded estimates of sound source offsets that agreed to within the digitization error (±0.3 seconds). Float RAFOS records were edited by first excluding data points for each sound source that were 4 s or more off a running five-point linear fit, then excluding those points more than 1.5 s off a new running five-point linear fit. These edited data were then interpolated to constant 4-h intervals. One of the four sound sources (positioned behind the Eirik Ridge relative to the central Labrador Sea) was found to have very unreliable reception and was not used in the analysis. Horizontal positions and float clock offsets were determined using the remaining three sound sources and explicit solution of the following equation:
where the subscript i indicates each of the three sources, R is range of the float to sound source, c the speed of sound, δt the float clock offset, t the measured delay from that sound source, x and y the float position, and Sx and Sy the sound source position. The float clocks were found to drift basically linearly in time, with slopes nearly identical to those obtained from ARGOS postmission records. Position is estimated to be accurate to within 1 km. In 1997, RAFOS data was received from 4 of the 13 returning floats, and from 6 of the 8 returning floats in 1998.

Meteorological data, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis product, were obtained for the winters of 1996/97 and 1997/98. These data have been shown (Renfrew et al. 2002) to overestimate heat flux magnitudes, perhaps due to bulk formulae constants not designed for use in high latitudes. A “corrected” dataset, in good agreement with measurements made aboard the R/V Knorr during the winter of 1996/97, was provided by G. W. K. Moore (1999, personal communication). The NCEP data falls on a 1.875° longitude grid and 1.9° latitude grid with 6-h sampling. Float positions were interpolated to this 6-h temporal grid, and NCEP parameters were then interpolated to the float positions. These meteorological float values were averaged over all floats at each time step in the dataset. An rms vertical velocity for each point in the dataset during convection was calculated, binned into the same 6-h time steps as the meteorology, and averaged to allow comparison with the meteorology.

All error bars reported in this paper follow the “bootstrap” method for 95% confidence level presented in Efron and Tibshirani (1993).

3. Data

a. Horizontal trajectories

A total of 25 DLFs (13 during the winter of 1996/97 and 12 during the winter of 1997/98) were deployed northwest of former OWS Bravo. This area was selected because it seemed to best fulfill the criteria for experiencing deep convection (Lab Sea Group 1998). It is within the gyre and thus has doming isopycnals. In addition, heat flux is high and stratification low, so this region is preconditioned to experience deep convection. As the horizontal patterns reveal, the floats seemed to remain within mesoscale features further preconditioned for deep convection.

Figure 3 shows the float tracks at various scales. The 1997 floats saw very little eddy motion, with all floats moving rapidly to the northeast. In their 30-day missions the floats traveled almost 200 km from their deployment location at an average speed of 0.097 ± 0.006 m s−1. The slight arc near the beginning of their missions seems to have been associated with an eddy of approximately 30-km radius. This eddy was also observed by several RAFOS floats deployed nearby (Prater et al. 1999). In contrast, the 1998 floats seem to have captured rich eddy field, tracing loops as small as the 1-km accuracy of the tracking and as large as 20 km. The 1998 floats recorded much slower average horizontal motions, an average speed of 0.046 ± 0.002 m s−1, and traveled only 100 km from their deployment position in 60 days. Lilly et al. (2001, manuscript submitted to J. Phys. Oceanogr.) find a transition between 1997 and 1998 in the speed and temperature structures of eddies captured by 6-yr mooring records in the central Labrador Sea. The substantial difference between the 1997 and 1998 horizontal float tracks may reflect this larger and longer timescale phenomenon, or may simply be the product of limited sample size.

Analysis not presented here reveals an anticyclonic eddy (centered at 57°10′N, 54°12′W and of approximately 10-km diameter) that drifted slowly to the west during the course of the 1998 float missions. The floats encountered this feature, with several getting incorporated into it and then ejected. Float 33 (in dark blue in Fig. 3c) made a 3-km diameter circuit of the core of the eddy, then another of 5-km diameter, then was ejected from the feature. Simultaneously, float 22 (shown as red in Fig. 3c) made a circuit of 8-km diameter. Each of these trips took about 5 days to complete. This eddy will be analyzed further in the future.

The 1998 deployment of an intensive array of Profiling Autonomous Lagrangian Circulation Explorer (PALACE) and RAFOS floats around the DLF deployment position caused the R/V Knorr to trace a hexagon centered on the initial DLF location. This track provides a record of surrounding sea surface temperatures at the time of DLF deployment in 1998. This record (Fig. 4) reveals a cool patch of water defined by a 0.1°C temperature jump along its boundary.

This feature is remarkably similar to a cold patch Gascard and Clarke (1983) observed at almost the same location in 1976. Like the feature observed in 1998, their cool eddy had an approximately 20-km radius and was defined by a 0.1°C boundary. However, 1976 was a winter with very deep convection. They found mixed layer depths inside the eddy extended to 2200 db, while outside the patch mixed layers went to only 1500 db. This patch of well mixed water had doming isopycnals preconditioned for deep convection. Floats deployed into this cold patch recorded high velocities (0.24 m s−1 in the horizontal and 0.08 m s−1 in the vertical) and remained inside the cold patch.

All floats in 1997 seem to have also remained in a large cold patch. However, the ship track in 1997 and the patch's large size did not allow for such a detailed illustration of its boundary. The 1997 patch seems to have been oblong and defined on its boundary by a stronger temperature boundary (0.2°C) than that observed in 1998.

b. Vertical trajectories

1) 1997

Figure 5 contains the time records of pressure, temperature, and meteorological forcing for the 1997 float missions. After deployment, all floats sank to 1000 db (thought to be below the level of convection early in the winter), adjusted their volume for a week (the autoballasting cycle), then lightened themselves, entered the mixed layer, and opened their drogues. Figure 5a includes a rough representation of mixed layer depth, H (dashed), constructed by hand selection of an envelope of the deepest points in the trajectories. The mixed layer deepened throughout the record, eventually extending to 1000 db. Floats experienced near-continuous motion (rms vertical velocity was 0.022 ± 0.001 m s−1) including periods of strong downward motion with velocities exceeding 0.1 m s−1 during several transits. Up and down legs of mixed layer transits were defined by low-pass filtering of the pressure record and a requirement for at least 200 db to have been traversed to be classified as a leg. Rms average velocities for each of these classifications were calculated and revealed that downward velocities exceeded upward velocities, with wrmsdown = 0.025 ± 0.001 m s−1 and wrmsup = 0.019 ± 0.001 m s−1. Round trips from the surface took 1–2 days. An overturning time, defined as wrms/H, the average time to transit the depth of the mixed layer, averaged 0.6 days. At these timescales rotation is likely to be important. This record shows relatively continuous convection throughout the mission and clearly demonstrates that the mixed layer was deepening over this time.

On February day 39 (8 Mar), the deepest convection occurred, as shown by the penetration of float 12 to 1000 db. This float appears to have reached the bottom of the convective layer since it experienced a slight warming indicative of encountering the warmer underlying water. Shortly thereafter, the meteorological heat flux decreased dramatically and heavy precipitation occurred, causing the surface buoyancy flux to become stabilizing for the first time in the record. The float rose slowly to the surface, probably due to a combination of some residual convective motions and its own buoyancy. When it reached the surface, it and the other two remaining floats cycled to only 250 db, indicating the formation of a new, shallower, and lighter mixed layer. This new layer was presumably formed by the horizontal advection of lighter water, that is, horizontal restratification. A mooring near OWS Bravo [for a description of the mooring and its 1994–95 record, see Lilly et al. (1999)] recorded a similar restratification almost simultaneously. The mooring record shows convection resumed after all the DLFs had ended their missions. (P. Rhines and J. Lilly 1999, personal communication).

During the period before restratification, the potential temperature within the mixed layer shows very little variability between the floats and within individual transits of the mixed layer. This record shows that the layer cooled from 2.83° to 2.75°C (Fig. 5).

2) 1998

In 1998 (Figs. 6 and 7) the floats were deployed earlier in the season when the mixed layer was still very shallow (under 400 db). All floats initially remained below the convective layer and recorded internal wave variability. Eventually the mixed layer deepened to the point that all floats were entrained. At the end of their records, the floats were programmed to make a profile of temperature (days 48–51).

After autoballasting was complete, the floats observed a deepening convecting layer, eventually extending to nearly 900 db. This relatively continuous motion was less vigorous than in 1997, with rms velocities during convection averaging only 0.012 ± 0.001 m s−1. Again periods of downward velocity exceeding 0.1 m s−1 were observed as well as an asymmetry in up/down velocities (wrmsdown ∼ 0.016 ± 0.001 m s−1 and wrmsup ∼ 0.011 ± 0.001 m s−1). Overturning time was somewhat longer with this lower velocity, about 0.8 days. Again, meteorological forcing can be seen to be highly correlated with float behavior: on 7 March (Feb day 38) strong rainfall was associated with all floats falling out of the mixed layer. After the heat flux increased in magnitude (day 42 or so) all floats were again entrained into the convecting layer. The convecting layer warmed during 1998, in contrast to the cooling recorded in 1997. Although the layer lost heat to the atmosphere, the amount of entrainment of warm water from below was substantial enough to compensate for the heat lost.

4. Estimating heat flux

One can estimate the net atmospheric heat flux by calculating the change in oceanic heat content and assuming that this heat content change has resulted from a heat flux to the atmosphere, a one-dimensional model. Such a one-dimensional approximation will be especially accurate when constructed using float data, since Lagrangian data minimizes the effects of horizontal advection.

Using two profiles of temperature, the heat content change (and thus heat flux) can be approximated by integrating the difference between the temperatures, θ1 and θ2, dividing by the time elapsed between the two profiles, Δt, and multiplying by the density and heat capacity of seawater:
This is illustrated schematically in Fig. 8a as the area between the two profiles of temperature.

By plotting all DLF data in temperature–pressure pairs (Fig. 9), this method can be applied. In 1997 the floats sank to 1000 db for their autoballast cycle and thus recorded a profile of vertical temperature. When they entered the mixed layer 7 days later, it is clear from the temperature record that the bottom of the mixed layer (defined by a 0.2°C jump in temperature) had deepened from about 500 db to about 700 db, and that a significant amount of cooling occurred while the floats were below the mixed layer. Once the floats entered the mixed layer, only millidegree variations in temperature were revealed. The warming associated with the restratification at the end of the records is also clearly visible. Due to their buoyancy, the 1997 floats only sampled within the mixed layer and not the transition zone at its base, making it unclear below what depth the temperature remained unchanged between the autoballast cycle and the end of the float missions. This uncertainty in how to close off the temperature curves introduces a large range of heat flux estimates. Filling in with values from the deepest data (drawing straight vertical profiles deeper than the actual data) and assuming that the temperature deeper than 1100 db remained the same between 18 February and 10 March yields an estimated heat flux of 490 W m−2; carrying the same approximation to 1500 db [the deepest mixed layers observed by March 1997 Pickart et al. (1997)] yields an estimate of 585 W m−2. A different deep extrapolation, extending the temperature/depth trend from 750–950 db deeper, will close the temperature curves at about 1200 db. This method yields a heat content change estimate of 450 W m−2. This large uncertainty led to a programming change for the 1998 deployment: all floats performed a non-Lagrangian profile at the end of their missions to close off the heat content change. Repeat CTDs made at the beginning and ends of the float missions (as seen in Fig. 1) yield estimates of heat content change to be about 400 W m−2 over this same period, in good agreement with the low end of the range of estimates here.

The 1998 floats (Fig. 9b) were deployed earlier in the year and found on their first downward trip (toward autoballasting) that the mixed layer base was at only about 200 db. When the floats returned from the autoballast cycle, they were too heavy to enter the mixed layer and thus did not resample the mixed layer base. Eventually entrained, the floats observed millidegree variability of temperature along individual mixed layer transits as in 1997. Because of the programmed (non-Lagrangian) profiles at the end of the float missions, the heat content estimate is closed off and a firmer estimate can be made: 140 ± 50 W m−2 assumed lost to the atmosphere.

A second way to estimate heat content change is to separate the records into layers and then estimate slopes of temperature change with time within each layer, ∂θi/∂t. Combined with the depth of the layer, Hi, an estimate of heat content change within the layer (and thus net heat flux from the layer) can be made:
This is illustrated schematically in Fig. 8b as the temperature trend with time within two layers. In order to obtain the total flux, the net fluxes from each bin must be summed.
Assuming that the heat content change within a layer is the result of a net heat flux and assuming all net heat fluxes are effects of transfers to the atmosphere, a total heat flux to the atmosphere may be estimated by summing over the layers:
We use two layers: the initial mixed layer (layer1) and water initially below the mixed layer but incorporated into the mixed layer during the records (layer2). This separation allows estimation of the heat flux from entrained water and heat flux from cooling of the “original” mixed layer to be made. The temperature time series in Figs. 10 and 11 show approximate fit slopes to the temperature records for both layers. In 1997, layer1 was defined as the surface to 650 db and layer2 was defined as 650–1100 db. As with the profile heat flux estimate, the total heat flux from this temperature trend estimate is quite sensitive to which depth is chosen as the depth of no net heat flux. Choosing 1100 db for the limit in 1997 will yield a conservative total heat flux estimate. In 1998, as seen in Fig. 9, the temperature of water below 950 db remained unchanged, so layer2 was defined as the range from 400 to 950 db, with layer1 extending from the surface to 400 db.

In 1997 the majority of the heat content change occurred in water entrained into the mixed layer, with the net heat flux to the atmosphere from layer1 (the “original” mixed layer) estimated at 175 W m−2 and from the entrained water in layer2 estimated to be 225 W m−2, and a total heat flux of 400 W m−2. Using 1500 db as a cutoff yields a total heat flux estimate of 590 W m−2. Overall heat flux in 1998 was much lower. Heat flux from the entraining water in layer2 was ∼160 W m−2, again a larger magnitude than the flux from layer1, estimated at 40 W m−2. Surprisingly, the upper water actually warmed during this period; however, the total heat flux was still to the atmosphere. This somewhat counterintuitive result—that a warming mixed layer could still effect a heat flux to the atmosphere—inspires more detailed exploration.

a. The vertical conveyor belt

A convecting mixed layer can be thought of as a vertical conveyor belt of heat, transferring heat from the warm water below to the atmosphere above. This movement of heat can be visualized by looking at the trajectory of a float through one round-trip circuit of the mixed layer in temperature–pressure space (Fig. 12). Water cools at the surface in a thin thermal boundary layer (Jones and Marshall 1993). A more detailed analysis of the DLF data not presented here reveals this cooling, on average, to be confined to the upper 20 db. The cool water descends rapidly until it encounters the warm, salty water below. Mixing occurs and the now warmer, saltier parcel rises slowly toward the surface, and again gives up heat to the atmosphere. Thus, with no net change in temperature, a water parcel can increase its density and consequently deepen the mixed layer, acting as a vertical conveyor belt transporting temperature variations without necessarily changing mean temperature itself. This behavior explains how the mixed layer could actually warm in 1998 and still effect a net heat flux to the atmosphere.

Figure 13 shows the hypothetical evolution of mixed layer salinity, constructed by mixing the initial CTD shown in Fig. 1 down to the depth of the mixed layer (shown in Fig. 5) at each point in time. While the heat absorbed into the mixed layer from the warm waters below can be transferred to the atmosphere (and thus require no change in mixed layer temperature), the additional salinity accumulates as the mixed layer continues to deepen.

5. Convective scaling

The predominant driver for mixed layer vertical motion is the atmosphere. Wind introduces energy mechanically, and buoyancy loss to the atmosphere can drive overturning. The relationship between vertical velocity observed by the floats and these atmospheric parameters will be explored in this section. Specifically, the buoyancy scalings, wrms = a(BoH)1/3 (nonrotating) and wrms = b(Bo/f)1/2 (rotating) and their dependence on the natural Rossby number, Ro*, will be evaluated.

Average values for the NCEP atmospheric parameters, float-based observations of wrms, mixed layer depth H, and the two types of float-based heat flux estimates are summarized in Table 1. These values emphasize the difference between the winters of 1996/97 and 1997/98, with much higher wind velocity and heat flux during the period of the float missions in 1997 than those occurring in 1998.

Average NCEP heat flux from the winter of 1997/98, 150 ± 30 W m−2, agrees well with both types of float heat flux estimates, 140 ± 50 W m−2 from the profile estimate and 130 ± 25 W m−2 from the temperature trend estimate. This agreement does not hold for 1997. The NCEP heat flux for 1997 is estimated to be 270 ± 40 W m−2. Float estimates for that year vary widely due to the uncertainty in what depth to close off the 1997 heat flux estimates. However, even the minimum value of heat flux (choosing the maximum depth the floats reached to be the deepest depth to witness a net heat flux), 400 W m−2, is consistent with the 400 W m−2 estimate from the repeat CTDs, and greatly exceeds the NCEP value for that year.

The ratios wrms/(BoH)1/3 and wrms/(Bo/f)1/2 estimate the coefficients from the rotating and nonrotating scaling relations. These ratios reveal b = 1 within the error bars for both years for the rotationally controlled scaling of wrms = b(Bo/f)1/2. Marshall and Schott (1999) found velocity to more closely follow the nonrotating scaling with the coefficients set to 1; however, they used a maximum plume velocity instead of rms velocity. Coates and Ivey (1997) found a = 0.5 for the nonrotationally controlled scaling, wrms = a(BoH)1/3 at oceanically relevant scales, in good agreement with the results here. Since the natural Rossby number for both years is equivalent within the error bars and since there are only two years as data points, attempting any sort of declaration about which scaling may be superior is unrealistic.

In order to utilize the entire range of meteorological forcing that occurred during the float missions and thus obtain more than two data points for evaluation of scaling superiority, the time series of the NCEP parameters and vertical velocity were compared. A lagged correlation (Fig. 14) analysis using 1-day running means of the NCEP and float values reveals a very strong peak in correlation between wrms and heat flux at a 0.5-day lag in 1997 and 0.75 days in 1998 (atmosphere leading the ocean). Less prominent peaks at the same lags occur with the wind velocities. These values agree very well with estimates of overturning times for the two years, 0.6 and 0.8 days for 1997 and 1998, respectively. In the following analysis, lagged atmospheric values are compared with oceanic vertical velocity, each with a 1-day running mean applied.

Figure 15 shows scatterplots of vertical velocity, with (a) heat flux and (b) wind speed. There is more scatter in the wind data, which is to be expected with the higher noise in the wind data (Renfrew et al. 2002), but both show a linear relationship between the meteorological parameters and observed oceanic vertical velocity. Some differences between 1997 and 1998 could easily be due to systematic NCEP flux errors.

Least squared linear fits were made to evaluate the relative importance of two possible meteorological forcing terms. The NCEP surface buoyancy flux, Bo, and the wind speed, W, were used to obtain fits to
where α has dimensions. These fits were then evaluated (see Table 2) for the skill of each fit [the percentage of observed variance modeled by the fit (see Davis 1977)]. The combination that includes wind speed has no more skill at modeling the observed variations in vertical velocity than a fit using buoyancy alone. Fits made that included the mixed layer depth, H (not shown here), improved model skill slightly, with deeper mixed layers leading to larger vertical velocities. Wind alone was found to be a poor predictor of vertical velocity.

Buoyancy flux is seen to be the dominant driver of mixed layer vertical motions, overshadowing contributions made by the wind. This result may be due, at least in part, to the larger scatter in the NCEP wind data.

The following analysis addresses whether wrms ∼ (BoH)1/3 or wrms ∼ (Bo/f)1/2 best models the observations. Several experimental results have found that for a range of values of Ro* both the nonrotational and rotational scalings are important, with the rotational becoming gradually more important as the Rossby number becomes smaller. Coates and Ivey (1997) cite a range of 0.2–0.44, with convection being completely rotationally controlled for natural Rossby numbers smaller than 0.1. The observed Ro* in this experiment, 0.2, falls within their transition zone. A fit allowing a combination of the two scalings for vertical velocity was performed, using the form:

Figure 16 shows the time series of the NCEP meteorological terms and the rms vertical velocity with its error bars. In addition, scaled buoyancy flux and wind magnitude are shown, as well as the fit vertical velocity obtained with a linear combination of buoyancy flux (as in Table 3, line 3). General characteristics of vertical velocity for both years are reproduced with these linear parameters.

Results for combinations of this form are found in Table 3. The skill of the nonrotating forms (lines 3 and 4) are marginally better than the rotating forms (lines 5 and 6). As further evidence, in the two cases with both the rotational and nonrotational scalings (lines 1 and 2), the coefficient for the rotational scaling was essentially indistinguishable from zero and there was no additional skill through inclusion of a rotational term (lines 1 and 2 have no more skill than 3 and 4). There did seem to be a significant and nonzero value for wo, the intercept allowed in the linear fit. This term could indicate a sink of energy out of the system, perhaps to lateral transfers. The magnitude, 0.005 m s−1 (lines 1 and 3), would be consistent with approximately a 10% loss of energy for the overall average wrms of 0.016 m s−1. While the term appears significantly nonzero, models forcing its value to zero (lines 2 and 4) have indistinguishable levels of skill at reproducing the observations.

This analysis finds a nonrotational scaling of vertical velocity, (BoH)1/3, to be marginally superior to the rotational scaling, (Bo/f)1/2, because there is a weak dependence of wrms on H. Coefficients for fits with (BoH)1/3 alone and low rotation agree well with laboratory predictions.

The high level of skill attainable with these simple linear fits is similar to the correlation (0.89) reported by Renfrew et al. (2002) in their comparison of the NCEP model to actual heat flux observations made on the R/V Knorr during the winter of 1996/97. Simple models of vertical velocity constructed using only buoyancy fluxes without wind do a remarkably good job of matching observed vertical velocity, almost to the accuracy of the meteorological flux estimates themselves.

6. Conclusions

Lagrangian measurements of deep convection in the Labrador Sea revealed energetic vertical motions forced by surface cooling. Despite the different meteorological conditions of the two years, convection and a rapidly deepening mixed layer were observed in both 1997 and 1998. Round-trip transits of the mixed layer took two-days, timescales long enough to suggest that rotation may be important to the dynamics of convection. When the surface cooling ceased, the water column rapidly restratified, indicating the importance of horizontal processes.

In the Labrador Sea, where cold, fresh water overlies warm, salty water the convecting layer can be visualized as a vertical conveyor belt of heat carrying heat from the warm waters below to the cool atmosphere above without requiring a net change in the convecting layer's temperature. Salinity plays a key role in this transfer. Without the incorporation of additional salt from below, the layer would only deepen with a net temperature loss. Simple heat flux calculations confirm that the majority of the heat content change occurred in water entrained into the convecting layer from below, rather than through a change in the heat content of the convecting layer itself.

Average horizontal velocities in 1997 were almost double those recorded in 1998; however, floats in both years seem to have remained in cold patches of water, water perhaps preconditioned for deep convection, thus biasing the floats toward sampling convective activity. The additional eddy activity noted in 1998 may have been part of a larger time- and space scale phenomenon.

Comparison between ocean heat content changes and NCEP heat fluxes finds good agreement in 1998, but finds NCEP values to be at least 100 W m−2 low during 1997. NCEP buoyancy flux can predict rms vertical velocity with 83% skill. A linear fit using the nonrotational scaling of (BoH)1/3 was found marginally statistically superior to a linear fit with the rotational scaling, (Bo/f)1/2. Inclusion of both terms did not increase the skill of the model, and the coefficient of the rotational term was indistinguishable from zero.

We conclude that the observations are consistent with vertical nonrotating convection driven by a surface buoyancy flux with a slight influence of other, probably horizontal, effects.


This work would not have been possible without the technical expertise of James Carlson, James Osse, Russ Light, Michael Kenney, and Michael Ohmart; the NCEP data fields and helpful meteorological interpretation of Ian Renfrew and Kent Moore; horizontal tracking guidance from Mark Prater; the dedicated officers and crew of the R/V Knorr; and the support of ONR Contract N00014-94-1-0025. We thank two anonymous reviewers for significantly improving the manuscript.


  • Clarke, R. A., and J-C. Gascard, 1983: The formation of Labrador Sea Water: Part I: Large-scale processes. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 13 , 17641778.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Coates, M., and G. Ivey, 1997: On convective turbulence and the influence of rotation. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 25 , 217232.

  • Coates, M., G. Ivey, and J. Taylor, 1996: Unsteady, turbulent convection into a rotating, linearly stratified fluid: Modeling deep ocean convection. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26 , 30323051.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • D'Asaro, E., D. Farmer, J. Osse, and G. Dairiki, 1996: A Lagrangian float. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 13 , 12301246.

  • Davis, R. E., 1977: Techniques for statistical analysis and prediction of geophysical fluid systems. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 8 , 245277.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Dickson, R., J. Lazier, J. Meinke, P. Rhines, and J. Swift, 1996: Long-term coordinated changes in the convective activity of the North Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, Vol. 38, Pergamon, 241–295.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Efron, B., and R. Tibshirani, 1993: An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman and Hall, 436 pp.

  • Fernando, H., R. Chen, and D. Boyer, 1991: Effects of rotation on convective turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 228 , 513546.

  • Gascard, J., 1991: Open ocean convection and deep water formation revisited in the Mediterranean, Labrador, Greenland, and Weddell Seas. Deep Convection and Deep Water Formation in the Oceans, P. Chu and J. Gascard, Eds., Elsivier, 157–182.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Gascard, J., and R. A. Clarke, 1983: The formation of Labrador Sea water. Part II: Mesoscale and smaller-scale processes. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 13 , 17791797.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Haine, T., and J. Marshall, 1998: Gravitational, symmetric, and baroclinic instability of the ocean mixed layer. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28 , 634658.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Harcourt, R. R., E. L. Steffen, R. W. Garwood, and E. A. D'Asaro, 2002: Fully Lagrangian floats in Labrador Sea deep convection: Comparison of numerical and experimental results. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32 , 493510.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Jones, H., and J. Marshall, 1993: Convection with rotation in neutral ocean: A study of open-ocean deep convection. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 23 , 10091039.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Killworth, P., 1983: Deep convection in the world ocean. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 21 , 126.

  • Lab Sea Group, 1998: The Labrador Sea Deep Convection Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79 , 20332058.

  • Legg, S., H. Jones, and M. Visbeck, 1996: A heton perspective of baroclinic eddy transfer in localized open ocean convection. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26 , 22512266.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Legg, S., J. McWilliams, and J. Gao, . 1998: Localization of deep convection by a mesoscale eddy. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28 , 944970.

  • Lilly, J. M., P. B. Rhines, M. Visbeck, R. Davis, J. R. N. Lazier, F. Schott, and D. Farmer, 1999: Observing deep convection in the Labrador Sea during winter 1994/95. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29 , 20652098.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Lilly, J. M., P. B. Rhines, M. Visbeck, R. Davis, J. R. N. Lazier, F. Schott, F. Schott, J. Lazier, C. Martens, and E. D'Asaro, . 2001: The structure and variability of the Labrador Sea eddy field, 1994–99. Part I: The mooring perspective. J. Phys. Oceanogr., submitted.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Marshall, J., and F. Schott, 1999: Open-ocean convection: Observations, theory and models. Rev. Geophys., 37 , 164.

  • Maxworthy, T., and S. Narimousa, 1994: Unsteady, turbulent convection into a homogeneous, rotating fluid, with oceanographic application. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24 , 865887.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Moore, G., K. Alverson, and Z. Hui, 2001: Spatial and temporal variability in the heat and freshwater fluxes associated with the passage of a cyclone over the Labrador Sea. J. Geophys. Res., in press.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Pickart, R., P. Guest, F. Dobson, R. Anderson, K. Bumke, K. Uhlig, U. Karger, and H. Berndt, 1997: Knorr 147 Leg V cruise summary: Labrador Sea convection experiment. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Rep., 27 pp.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Prater, M., J. Fontaine, and T. Rossby, 1999: Profiling RAFOS floats in the Labrador Sea: A data report. University of Rhode Island School of Oceanography Tech. Rep. 99-2, 36 pp.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Renfrew, I. A., G. W. K. Moore, P. S. Guest, and K. Bumke, 2002: A comparison of surface layer and surface turbulent flux observations over the Labrador Sea with ECMWF analyses and NCEP reanalyses. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32 , 383400.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Rossby, T., D. Dorson, and J. Fontaine, 1986: The RAFOS system. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 3 , 672679.

  • Schott, F., M. Visbeck, and U. Send, 1993: Open ocean deep convection, Mediterranean, and Greenland Seas. Ocean Processes on Climate Dynamics: Global and Mediterranean Examples, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and A. Robinson, Eds., Kluwer Academic, 203–225.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Smith, S., and F. Dobson, 1984: The heat budget at ocean weather ship BRAVO. Atmos.–Ocean, 22 , 115.

  • Straneo, F., and M. Kawase, 1999: Comparisons of localized convection due to localized forcing and preconditioning. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29 , 5568.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Visbeck, M., J. Marshall, and H. Jones, 1996: Dynamics of isolated convective regions in the oceans. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26 , 17211734.

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Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

Two CTD casts from R/V Knorr Cruise 147 (data courtesy of R. Pickart): from station 9 (solid lines), 12 Feb 1997 (at DLF deployment time and location), and station 119 (dashed lines), 10 Mar 1997 (at DLF deployment location and mission end time). The characteristic stratification for this region is visible in both stations: the relatively cold, fresh mixed layer overlies warmer, saltier water. During the month between these two casts, the mixed layer deepened from about 530 to 1320 db. During this deepening the salt has been mixed, but overall salt content has remained essentially constant in the upper 1300 db

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

Deep Lagrangian float; hull diameter is 19 cm

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

Float trajectories for 1997 and 1998 at three nested scales. Trajectories in (c) marked at 1-day intervals with tick marks open for θ > 3.1°C and closed for θ < 3.1°C, a proxy for nonentrained and entrained, respectively

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

R/V Knorr intake temperature and 1998 float trajectories. Boundary of “cool pool” (dashed) follows the 2.95°C isotherm. Float trajectories (thin solid). Ship track (thick) shaded with intake temperature

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

1997 records: (a) Pressure. All 13 floats shown solid, float 12 shown bold. Although 13 floats begin the record, only 3 remain at the end due to gradual failures throughout. Dashed curve is a rough representation of the mixed layer depth. (b) Temperature. (c) NCEP meteorological data. Dashed line indicates the equivalent heat flux of evaporation minus precipitation—the amount of heat flux necessary to produce the same change in buoyancy produced by the haline flux. Total heat flux (thin solid) has had a 1-day running mean applied. Wind speed (thick solid) corresponds to y axis at right

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

1998 records, part I: as in Fig. 5

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.

1998 records, part II: as in Fig. 5

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.

Schematic illustration of two methods of heat flux estimation using heat content change: (a) Estimation of heat content change as the integrated difference between subsequent temperature profiles. The upper portion of (b) shows a schematic pressure record from a float. Dividing the record into Layer 1 (defined here as 0 db to p1 db) and Layer 2 (p1 db to p2 db) defines each data point as being part of Layer 1 or Layer 2. Using this division, the lower portion of (b) the temperature trend can then be estimated for each of these layers

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.

Temperature profiles for (a) 1997 and (b) 1998 with the area of heat content change shaded

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.

1997 two-layer heat trend calculation: (a) pressure records binned into two layers and (b) corresponding temperatures; trends shown solid

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 11.
Fig. 11.

1998 layer heat trend calculation: (a) pressure records binned into three layers and (b) corresponding temperatures; trends shown solid

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 12.
Fig. 12.

(a) A trajectory in temperature, pressure space graphically illustrates the behavior of the mixed layer to be that of a vertical conveyor belt of heat. (b) The hypothetical accompanying change in salt

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 13.
Fig. 13.

The inferred evolution of mixed layer salinity with time for the 1997 float missions, constructed using DLF observed mixed layer depths and the CTD record from the time of DLF deployment and by assuming negligible salinity flux to the atmosphere. This estimation method yields a final salinity of 34.815 psu, which agrees reasonably well with the CTD from the reoccupation of the deployment locale on 10 Mar, which found a mixed layer salinity of about 34.825 psu

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 14.
Fig. 14.

Lagged correlations for (left) 1997 and (right) 1998 using several averaging window lengths (1,2, and 4 days)

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 15.
Fig. 15.

Scatterplots of lagged meteorological data paired with observed rms vertical velocity; linear fits shown solid

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Fig. 16.
Fig. 16.

Comparison of observed and fit rms vertical velocity. Rms vertical velocity (shaded) with 95% confidence limits with fit (solid) from the nonrotating scaling, (BoH)1/3, shown in line 3 of Table 3. Total buoyancy flux (dotted) and wind (dashed) are each scaled by best linear coefficients; small bars show scaling for meteorological variables

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 32, 2; 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0475:DCITLS>2.0.CO;2

Table 1. Average parameters from two winters


Table 2. Skill of models to predict wrms from NCEP surface buoyancy flux (Bo) and wind speed (W)


Table 3. Skills and coefficients of models to predict wrms from NCEP buoyancy flux

  • Clarke, R. A., and J-C. Gascard, 1983: The formation of Labrador Sea Water: Part I: Large-scale processes. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 13 , 17641778.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Coates, M., and G. Ivey, 1997: On convective turbulence and the influence of rotation. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 25 , 217232.

  • Coates, M., G. Ivey, and J. Taylor, 1996: Unsteady, turbulent convection into a rotating, linearly stratified fluid: Modeling deep ocean convection. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26 , 30323051.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • D'Asaro, E., D. Farmer, J. Osse, and G. Dairiki, 1996: A Lagrangian float. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 13 , 12301246.

  • Davis, R. E., 1977: Techniques for statistical analysis and prediction of geophysical fluid systems. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 8 , 245277.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Dickson, R., J. Lazier, J. Meinke, P. Rhines, and J. Swift, 1996: Long-term coordinated changes in the convective activity of the North Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, Vol. 38, Pergamon, 241–295.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Efron, B., and R. Tibshirani, 1993: An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman and Hall, 436 pp.

  • Fernando, H., R. Chen, and D. Boyer, 1991: Effects of rotation on convective turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 228 , 513546.

  • Gascard, J., 1991: Open ocean convection and deep water formation revisited in the Mediterranean, Labrador, Greenland, and Weddell Seas. Deep Convection and Deep Water Formation in the Oceans, P. Chu and J. Gascard, Eds., Elsivier, 157–182.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Gascard, J., and R. A. Clarke, 1983: The formation of Labrador Sea water. Part II: Mesoscale and smaller-scale processes. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 13 , 17791797.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Haine, T., and J. Marshall, 1998: Gravitational, symmetric, and baroclinic instability of the ocean mixed layer. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28 , 634658.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Harcourt, R. R., E. L. Steffen, R. W. Garwood, and E. A. D'Asaro, 2002: Fully Lagrangian floats in Labrador Sea deep convection: Comparison of numerical and experimental results. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32 , 493510.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Jones, H., and J. Marshall, 1993: Convection with rotation in neutral ocean: A study of open-ocean deep convection. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 23 , 10091039.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Killworth, P., 1983: Deep convection in the world ocean. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 21 , 126.

  • Lab Sea Group, 1998: The Labrador Sea Deep Convection Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79 , 20332058.

  • Legg, S., H. Jones, and M. Visbeck, 1996: A heton perspective of baroclinic eddy transfer in localized open ocean convection. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26 , 22512266.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Legg, S., J. McWilliams, and J. Gao, . 1998: Localization of deep convection by a mesoscale eddy. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28 , 944970.

  • Lilly, J. M., P. B. Rhines, M. Visbeck, R. Davis, J. R. N. Lazier, F. Schott, and D. Farmer, 1999: Observing deep convection in the Labrador Sea during winter 1994/95. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29 , 20652098.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Lilly, J. M., P. B. Rhines, M. Visbeck, R. Davis, J. R. N. Lazier, F. Schott, F. Schott, J. Lazier, C. Martens, and E. D'Asaro, . 2001: The structure and variability of the Labrador Sea eddy field, 1994–99. Part I: The mooring perspective. J. Phys. Oceanogr., submitted.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Marshall, J., and F. Schott, 1999: Open-ocean convection: Observations, theory and models. Rev. Geophys., 37 , 164.

  • Maxworthy, T., and S. Narimousa, 1994: Unsteady, turbulent convection into a homogeneous, rotating fluid, with oceanographic application. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24 , 865887.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Moore, G., K. Alverson, and Z. Hui, 2001: Spatial and temporal variability in the heat and freshwater fluxes associated with the passage of a cyclone over the Labrador Sea. J. Geophys. Res., in press.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Pickart, R., P. Guest, F. Dobson, R. Anderson, K. Bumke, K. Uhlig, U. Karger, and H. Berndt, 1997: Knorr 147 Leg V cruise summary: Labrador Sea convection experiment. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Rep., 27 pp.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Prater, M., J. Fontaine, and T. Rossby, 1999: Profiling RAFOS floats in the Labrador Sea: A data report. University of Rhode Island School of Oceanography Tech. Rep. 99-2, 36 pp.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Renfrew, I. A., G. W. K. Moore, P. S. Guest, and K. Bumke, 2002: A comparison of surface layer and surface turbulent flux observations over the Labrador Sea with ECMWF analyses and NCEP reanalyses. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32 , 383400.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Rossby, T., D. Dorson, and J. Fontaine, 1986: The RAFOS system. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 3 , 672679.

  • Schott, F., M. Visbeck, and U. Send, 1993: Open ocean deep convection, Mediterranean, and Greenland Seas. Ocean Processes on Climate Dynamics: Global and Mediterranean Examples, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and A. Robinson, Eds., Kluwer Academic, 203–225.

    • Search Google Scholar
    • Export Citation
  • Smith, S., and F. Dobson, 1984: The heat budget at ocean weather ship BRAVO. Atmos.–Ocean, 22 , 115.

  • Straneo, F., and M. Kawase, 1999: Comparisons of localized convection due to localized forcing and preconditioning. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29 , 5568.

    • Search Google Scholar
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  • Visbeck, M., J. Marshall, and H. Jones, 1996: Dynamics of isolated convective regions in the oceans. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26 , 17211734.

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  • Fig. 1.

    Two CTD casts from R/V Knorr Cruise 147 (data courtesy of R. Pickart): from station 9 (solid lines), 12 Feb 1997 (at DLF deployment time and location), and station 119 (dashed lines), 10 Mar 1997 (at DLF deployment location and mission end time). The characteristic stratification for this region is visible in both stations: the relatively cold, fresh mixed layer overlies warmer, saltier water. During the month between these two casts, the mixed layer deepened from about 530 to 1320 db. During this deepening the salt has been mixed, but overall salt content has remained essentially constant in the upper 1300 db

  • Fig. 2.

    Deep Lagrangian float; hull diameter is 19 cm

  • Fig. 3.

    Float trajectories for 1997 and 1998 at three nested scales. Trajectories in (c) marked at 1-day intervals with tick marks open for θ > 3.1°C and closed for θ < 3.1°C, a proxy for nonentrained and entrained, respectively

  • Fig. 4.

    R/V Knorr intake temperature and 1998 float trajectories. Boundary of “cool pool” (dashed) follows the 2.95°C isotherm. Float trajectories (thin solid). Ship track (thick) shaded with intake temperature

  • Fig. 5.

    1997 records: (a) Pressure. All 13 floats shown solid, float 12 shown bold. Although 13 floats begin the record, only 3 remain at the end due to gradual failures throughout. Dashed curve is a rough representation of the mixed layer depth. (b) Temperature. (c) NCEP meteorological data. Dashed line indicates the equivalent heat flux of evaporation minus precipitation—the amount of heat flux necessary to produce the same change in buoyancy produced by the haline flux. Total heat flux (thin solid) has had a 1-day running mean applied. Wind speed (thick solid) corresponds to y axis at right

  • Fig. 6.

    1998 records, part I: as in Fig. 5

  • Fig. 7.

    1998 records, part II: as in Fig. 5

  • Fig. 8.

    Schematic illustration of two methods of heat flux estimation using heat content change: (a) Estimation of heat content change as the integrated difference between subsequent temperature profiles. The upper portion of (b) shows a schematic pressure record from a float. Dividing the record into Layer 1 (defined here as 0 db to p1 db) and Layer 2 (p1 db to p2 db) defines each data point as being part of Layer 1 or Layer 2. Using this division, the lower portion of (b) the temperature trend can then be estimated for each of these layers

  • Fig. 9.

    Temperature profiles for (a) 1997 and (b) 1998 with the area of heat content change shaded

  • Fig. 10.

    1997 two-layer heat trend calculation: (a) pressure records binned into two layers and (b) corresponding temperatures; trends shown solid

  • Fig. 11.

    1998 layer heat trend calculation: (a) pressure records binned into three layers and (b) corresponding temperatures; trends shown solid

  • Fig. 12.

    (a) A trajectory in temperature, pressure space graphically illustrates the behavior of the mixed layer to be that of a vertical conveyor belt of heat. (b) The hypothetical accompanying change in salt

  • Fig. 13.

    The inferred evolution of mixed layer salinity with time for the 1997 float missions, constructed using DLF observed mixed layer depths and the CTD record from the time of DLF deployment and by assuming negligible salinity flux to the atmosphere. This estimation method yields a final salinity of 34.815 psu, which agrees reasonably well with the CTD from the reoccupation of the deployment locale on 10 Mar, which found a mixed layer salinity of about 34.825 psu

  • Fig. 14.

    Lagged correlations for (left) 1997 and (right) 1998 using several averaging window lengths (1,2, and 4 days)

  • Fig. 15.

    Scatterplots of lagged meteorological data paired with observed rms vertical velocity; linear fits shown solid

  • Fig. 16.

    Comparison of observed and fit rms vertical velocity. Rms vertical velocity (shaded) with 95% confidence limits with fit (solid) from the nonrotating scaling, (BoH)1/3, shown in line 3 of Table 3. Total buoyancy flux (dotted) and wind (dashed) are each scaled by best linear coefficients; small bars show scaling for meteorological variables

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