1. Introduction
Measurements of ocean turbulence using neutrally buoyant floats have produced empirical forms for the spectra of velocity (Lien et al. 1998) and density (Lien et al. 2002) following a Lagrangian trajectory in stratified or unstratified turbulence. These spectra predict the dispersion of particles and thus imply mixing rates. In this paper, we compare these mixing rates to those derived by other methods and thus attempt to clarify the relationship between Lagrangian and Eulerian turbulence measurements.
The turbulent transport of a scalar c—for example, temperature or density—is often parameterized by an eddy diffusivity defined as the ratio of the flux Fc to its mean gradient ∂z
This paper will 1) revisit the dispersion coefficient Kz using up-to-date Lagrangian velocity spectra in unstratified turbulence (section 2), internal waves (section 3), and stratified turbulence (sections 4 and 5); 2) investigate diapycnal dispersion by defining a diapycnal dispersion coefficient K∗ based on Lagrangian scalar spectra (section 5); and 3) reconcile the dispersion coefficients Kz and K∗ with the diapycnal eddy diffusivity coefficients Kh and Kρ.
2. Unstratified turbulence
The three spectral forms are plotted in Fig. 1a. In each, the spectrum transitions from a flat slope at low frequencies to an inertial subrange with a −2 slope. The transition occurs at a large-eddy frequency
Correlation and structure functions are computed from the spectrum and plotted in Figs. 1b and 1c, respectively. For these plots, the inertial subrange has been extended to a Nyquist frequency 106ωo; our results are insensitive to this factor as long as the inertial subrange is sufficiently wide. The three correlation functions have a similar exponential form. The three structure functions normalized by ετ have a plateau at τωo ≪ O(1). The level of the plateaus gives C0(=πβ), yielding 3.8 for ΦTL and 5.7 for ΦM and ΦL, consistent with the results of previous work (Yeung 2002). Figure 2 shows the particle dispersion coefficients Kz(t) computed from the three Lagrangian spectra using (4). The curves are consistent with Taylor's results. Kz(τ) increases linearly as
The model of Mellor and Yamada (1974) will be used as a summary of the rates of mixing in unstratified turbulence. They parameterized the vertical eddy diffusivity KM = 0.4ql, where q2 = 3
3. Oceanic internal waves—Vertical dispersion
4. Stratified turbulence—Vertical dispersion
D'Asaro and Lien (2000a) argue that in stratified turbulence the large-eddy frequency ωo should be approximately N. They support this by oceanic observations in which Lagrangian vertical velocity spectra exhibit a form nearly indistinguishable from (7) and N = 2(±0.3)ωo. The spectra are isotropic for ω ≫ N, supporting the idea that these are turbulent motions. The spectra are highly anisotropic in the same sense as internal waves for ω ≪ N, supporting the idea that these motions are due to internal waves. These results should apply for flows with gradient Richardson numbers of order 1; for sufficiently larger Richardson numbers the spectral form near N changes (D'Asaro and Lien 2000b); for sufficiently smaller Richardson numbers the flow geometry determines ωo.
The large value of Kz(∞) is explained by adiabatic internal waves being responsible for most of the vertical excursions. As shown in Fig. 3 internal waves produce a large apparent vertical dispersion for 1 < Nt < N/f. However, if the vertical motions of stratified turbulence are dominated by internal waves for ω < N, then the spectrum must also reflect the low frequency limit of internal waves. In the open ocean, this is due to f. In a confined sea or a laboratory vessel it might be set by the lowest mode of oscillation. In either case, the vertical velocity spectrum cannot remain white at low frequency as in (5), (6), and (7); instead, it must decrease by a factor Γ/Γd so as to bring Kz(∞) into agreement with Kρ.
An example of a Lagrangian spectrum with a low frequency cutoff is shown in Fig. 4. The dispersion function Kz(t) is similar to those in Fig. 2 for Nt ≤ 10 but decreases as in Fig. 3 for large Nt, ultimately reaching a value of Γε/N2 at long times. The initial large apparent dispersion is due to the wave part of the flow; the final smaller value is the true dispersion due to diapycnal mixing.
5. Stratified turbulence—Diapycnal dispersion
To evaluate (12), Lagrangian spectra of density change are needed. There is only scant theoretical or measurement guidance available. Kolmogorov scaling suggests Φ
The true diapycnal dispersion rate is given by K∗(∞), which depends on the spectral level of Φ
Expression (13) is identical to (2), except for the numerical factor. Equating K∗ and Kh implies βρ = 1/π. This is similar to the previous estimates of Yeung (2001) (βρ ≈ 0.5) and Lien et al. (2002) (βρ ≈ 1).
6. Discussion
Figure 7 helps to illustrate the above ideas. Consider the motion of an isopycnal surface within a given volume in a turbulent stratified fluid. The volume is chosen to be somewhat larger than the overturning scale of the turbulence. The average position of the surface (black) moves vertically in response to internal waves. If there is no mixing, the internal waves move dye vertically from its initial position, causing apparent vertical dispersion at short times. The motion is bounded by the wave amplitude so that the dispersion decreases to zero for long times (Fig. 3).
Suppose dye is placed on the surface at time t = 0 and spreads away from the isopycnal by mixing. The gray shading indicates the spread of the dye. At short times, waves are still the dominant cause of vertical motion of the dye. At longer times, the spread of the dye exceeds the amplitude of the waves, resulting in a finite dispersion that is smaller than the initial wave- induced apparent dispersion. This sequence is described by Fig. 4. The transition time between these two regimes depends on the amplitude and frequency of the internal waves, even if these play no role in the mixing.
The Lagrangian vertical velocity spectrum, or equivalently the dispersion function Kz(t), contains information on both diabatic and adiabatic motions. The diabatic processes can be isolated by taking a sufficiently long time average, that is, finding Kz(∞). In some systems this may not be possible. For example, we have several measurements of Φw in stratified fluids, but none extend to low enough frequency to see the expected decrease in level. This issue is not unique to Lagrangian spectra, but is common to many mixing diagnoses that use an Eulerian coordinate system (Winters and D'Asaro 1996).
These problems can be mostly overcome by working in an isopycnal coordinate system. Obviously, the mixing rate is more easily determined by measuring the diapycnal spreading of the dye around the isopycnal than by measuring its vertical spreading. Thus it is not surprising that the Lagrangian spectrum of density, which measures the motion of particles across isopycnals, gives a measurement of diapycnal diffusivity (13) that is completely insensitive to adiabatic motions of the isopycnal and therefore does not need to be averaged over long time scales to provide useful information.
Measurements of Φw and Φ
7. Conclusions
This study has examined the relationship between diapycnal mixing and Lagrangian spectra of vertical velocity and temperature change through the concept of single particle dispersion [(1)]. This is motivated by recent measurements that define empirical forms for these spectra in turbulent flows.
In unstratified homogeneous turbulence, Lagrangian velocity spectra predict dispersion coefficients that closely match known diffusion coefficients.
Adiabatic internal gravity waves in density stratified flows produce large apparent dispersions at time lags somewhat larger than 1/N, but no average dispersion at long times.
In density stratified turbulence with Richardson numbers of O(1), the existing empirical Lagrangian velocity spectra predict vertical dispersion coefficients with the Osborn (1980) [(3)] form but with a mixing efficiency Γd much larger than observed. This is explained by the presence of a large adiabatic gravity wave component in these flows that leads to a large apparent dispersion at short times. If gravity waves and other adiabatic vertical motions become sufficiently weak at low frequency, then the Lagrangian velocity spectrum can be used to measure diapycnal mixing. The existing spectral forms must be modified to represent these low frequency changes. Similarly, measurements of the Lagrangian velocity spectrum must extend to sufficiently low frequency to be useful for the estimation of diapycnal mixing.
Inertial subrange theory and limited observations predict a white Lagrangian inertial subrange spectrum for density change with a level βρχ, where χ is the dissipation rate for density. This form gives a diapycnal dispersion coefficient with the Osborn and Cox (1972) [(2)] form and thus predicts a value βρ = 1/π for the Kolomogorov constant. This formulation is insensitive to adiabatic motions such as gravity waves and is thus a promising approach for estimation of diapycnal mixing from neutrally buoyant floats.
This work was supported by NSF Grants OCE9617671 and OCE0117411.
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(a) Lagrangian spectra, (b) correlation functions, and (c) structure functions for three model spectra: gray, L for Lien et. al (1998); black, TL for Tennekes and Lumley (1972); and dashed, M for Mordant et al. (2001)
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 34, 4; 10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034<0978:LSADMI>2.0.CO;2
Dispersion coefficients computed using Lagrangian spectra shown in Fig. 1
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 34, 4; 10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034<0978:LSADMI>2.0.CO;2
(a) Spectrum and (b) dispersion coefficient computed for an internal wave spectrum similar to that of Garrett and Munk (1979)
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 34, 4; 10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034<0978:LSADMI>2.0.CO;2
(a) Spectrum and (b) dispersion coefficient for ΦL(ω) modified with low-frequency wave cutoff at ω = f with N/f = 100
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 34, 4; 10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034<0978:LSADMI>2.0.CO;2
(a) Lagrangian spectra and (b) Lagrangian correlation function of the time rate change of density
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 34, 4; 10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034<0978:LSADMI>2.0.CO;2
Diapycnal dispersion coefficient for the spectrum in Fig. 5
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 34, 4; 10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034<0978:LSADMI>2.0.CO;2
Cartoon of dye (gray) spreading from an isopycnal surface (black line). Initially, vertical displacements of dye are due to the adiabatic motion of the density surface. Later, as the diapycnal spreading becomes larger, it becomes the dominant cause of net dye motion
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 34, 4; 10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034<0978:LSADMI>2.0.CO;2