1. Introduction
Hydraulic criticality and control are concepts that date back to work by Reynolds (1886) and Hugoniot (1886) in the area of gas dynamics. The same ideas hold for steady, shallow flow over a dam and have more recently been applied to deep ocean overflows. In these applications, “critical flow” refers to a steady state that supports stationary nondispersive waves of small amplitude. In most cases the nondispersive waves are “long” waves, but there are exceptions (e.g., Baines and Leonard 1989). Changes in topography at a section of hydraulically critical flow lead to changes in the overflow transport and other properties. “Critical sections” often occur at points of constriction such as the crest of a dam or the narrowest section of a wind tunnel. It is also normal for the flow upstream of the constriction to be “subcritical,” meaning that long-wave propagation in both up- and downstream directions is permitted, and for the downstream flow to be supercritical, meaning that propagation only in the downstream direction is permitted. The transition between subcritical and supercritical states occurs at or near the most constricted section and the flow there is said to be critical. Generalizations have been made to situations where the flow is bidirectional and “upstream” and “downstream” are less clearly defined (e.g., Armi 1986).
Hydraulic transitions and the occurrence of critical flow have profound implications for the physics of the flow. A hydraulic transition implies a downstream region of supercritical flow subject to enhanced mixing and entrainment and the formation of hydraulic jumps. Upstream effects are also important and include partial blocking of the transport and regulation of the stratification in the upstream basin. The critical condition can be used in principle to write down a “weir” formula relating the transport to hydrographic properties of the upstream flow (e.g., Whitehead 1989; Borenäs and Nikolopoulos 2000). Such formulas potentially serve as a basis for long-term monitoring of the transport (e.g., Hansen et al. 2001). Weir formulas traditionally assume that critical flow occurs at the sill, but nonconservative processes such as bottom drag and entrainment can cause the critical section to lie elsewhere (Pratt 1986; Gerdes et al. 2002) with consequences for the weir formula. All of these factors make the diagnosis of flow criticality and the location of the critical section important in the analysis of deep ocean overflows and of other hydraulically driven flows of geophysical relevance.
For nonrotating, homogeneous, shallow, free-surface flows, the standard indicator of the hydraulic state at a given cross section is the Froude number υ/(gd)1/2, with υ denoting the depth-independent horizontal velocity, d the fluid depth, and g the gravitational acceleration. This result can be generalized to a deep layer flowing underneath an inactive upper layer, and the appropriate Froude number is obtained by reducing g in proportion to the relative density difference between the two layers. The flow is subcritical, critical, or supercritical depending on whether υ/(gd)1/2 is <1, =1, or >1, an interpretation valid where the variation of υ and d across the flow is weak. Although this assumption may be valid for certain streams and open channels there are other applications where such variations are large and where the appropriate Froude number is not known. Examples include the deep ocean overflows such as those of the Denmark Strait, the Faroe–Bank Channel, the Jungfern Passage, and the Vema Channel. The combination of rotation and complicated cross-sectional geometry lead to significant variations in υ and d across the passage in question.
The belief that subcritical-to-supercritical transitions take place is founded on the observed “overflow” character itself: the spilling of dense water from one ocean basin into another. The upstream/downstream asymmetry and resemblance to flow over a dam has led to the presumption that hydraulic transitions are taking place, but this conjecture has almost never been verified by direct measurement in settings where rotation is strong. Theories for homogeneous, rotating-channel flow (i.e., Whitehead et al. 1974; Stern 1974; Gill 1977; Borenäs and Lundberg 1986) have resulted in the formulation of generalized Froude numbers, but application is often limited by inherent idealizations such as restriction to a rectangular cross section or to uniform potential vorticity. Here we will present two new measures of criticality that are less restricted. Both are based on a multiple streamtube representation of an overflow, constructed by dividing observed flow at a particular section into transport and energy conserving subsections. The first measure is obtained by asking whether a stationary wave can exist at the section in question. Development of the formal criterion requires that one generalize the Gill (1977) approach (reviewed in section 2) to a system with an arbitrary number of degrees of freedom (section 3). The general form of the critical condition and associated compatibility condition for such a system are derived and applied to the streamtube model (section 4). As an aside, it is shown by example that Gill’s original critical condition can fail to capture all possible critical states, but that this problem is fixed when the multivariable approach is used. As it turns out, the criterion is well suited in application to an analytically or numerically modeled flow, but requires more data than are typically available in field studies. A second condition based on direct calculation of long-wave speeds is then developed (section 5) and shown to be better suited to oceanic data. The wave speed calculation is based on a time-dependent version of the multiple streamtube model and the result is directly tied in to the extended Gill formulation for steady flow.
This work also addresses several issues closely connected to the concept of hydraulic criticality. One concerns the significance of the local Froude number F in cases where this quantity varies across the flow (section 6). We discuss the differences between local propagation of free disturbances and hydraulic control with respect to a normal mode. A result of this discussion will be the conjecture that F must equal unity at some point across the section in order for the flow to be hydraulically critical with respect to a long normal mode. We also discuss the conditions for hydraulically criticality in certain cases in which traditional hydraulic approximations are invalid (appendix A).
2. Hydraulics in a single variable: The Gill (1977) approach
The flow at a critical section is particularly vulnerable to external forcing. In the case of the 1D flow governed by (2.4) the stationary wave is a long (and therefore nondispersive) gravity wave. At a critical section, the long wave will be resonantly excited by stationary forcing. Since the group velocity of the stationary wave is zero, disturbance energy is unable to escape and will increase with time, presumably leading to a dramatic change in the background flow. This behavior distinguishes stationary long waves from lee waves, which are stationary waves of finite length. The latter are dispersive and allow energy to propagate away even though the phase speed is zero.
Their nondispersive nature is just one of the properties that makes long waves (as opposed to other stationary disturbances) centrally important in hydraulics. Another is that long waves project exactly on the steady flows that they modify. In the case of the shallow flow governed by (2.4) both the steady flow and the long waves have depth-independent horizontal velocity, whereas surface gravity waves of finite length have depth-decaying horizontal velocity. A second reason is that the long-wave resonance described above makes steady flow particularly vulnerable to changes the conduit constriction. Imagine a steady flow over a dam and consider the consequences of raising the crest of the dam slightly. If the depth and velocity of the crest flow is initially d0 and υ0, then υ0 − (gd0)1/2 is initially zero at the crest. The change in crest elevation excites a stationary long waves and its energy builds until the disturbance acquires finite amplitude. Its speed can now exceed the linear value υ0 − (gd0)1/2 and it can break free and propagate upstream, altering the upstream flow. Numerous demonstrations of this and similar processes can be found in the literature, beginning with Long’s (1954) towing experiments and including many numerical extensions Baines (1995) and Pratt et al. (2000).
In most applications, critical flow occurs at a section (or sections) y = yc marking the transition between states supporting wave propagation in different directions. Strictly speaking, the flow is able to support stationary disturbances only at yc and not at points immediately upstream and downstream as suggested in Fig. 1. The stationary disturbances are therefore possible in theory but are difficult to visualize in most applications. They should not be confused with stationary lee waves, which involve waves of finite length.
The form (2.1) of the functional G used by Gill is based on the presumption that the flow state at a given y depends only on the characteristics of the conduit at that y (and on the values of the parameters Q, B, etc.). Nonlocal dependence on y can occur in systems that exhibit hydraulic behavior, either as a result of dissipation or of variations in geometry that are nongradual. In appendix A, we give two examples of such systems and show how the Gill approach can be extended and used to find a critical condition. One involves a system in which the short, rather than long, waves are nondispersive.
3. Extending the Gill approach to systems with multiple variables
Dalziel (1991) showed that two-layer hydraulics with no rotation can be formulated using two functionals of the forms (3.1) and (3.2). He derives the well-known critical condition (e.g., Armi 1986) equivalent to setting a composite Froude number to unity (e.g., Armi 1986); however, (3.5), (3.6), or (3.9) are never explicitly written down. The stationary disturbance in this case is an internal wave and the relationship (3.6) linking dγ1 and dγ2 determines the ratio of the amplitudes of the wave in the two layers.1 In Smeed’s (2000) treatment of three-layer exchange flow, the hydraulics problem is again reduced to two functional relations of the required form and (3.5) and (3.9) are derived.
When hydraulic models are formulated directly from the differential form of the equations of motion, as is sometimes done with two-dimensional, multilayer flow, a constraint of the form (3.15) is obtained directly (e.g., Engqvist 1996). The critical condition is then identified as the vanishing of the denominator of the right-hand side, implying (3.16). This provides a link with the Gill formulation. One must be prepared to explain why the vanishing of the denominator implies critical flow; here an insightful person might cite the resonance condition described earlier.
An unusual feature of (3.18) is that it appears to satisfy all the requirements for a Gill functional (2.1) in a single the variable (υe). It would appear that one could solve the hydraulic problem using (3.18) alone. However, if one defines G(υe; h) = (½)υ2e + h and applies the Gill critical condition ∂G/∂υe = 0, the solution υe = 0 misses the most pertinent condition, we = υe. If instead (3.17) and (3.18) are treated as a two-by-two system and (3.5) is applied, both critical conditions follow. The physical explanation behind the apparent failure of Gill’s original approach is that the stationary wave in question is manifested by an offshore excursion dwe in the position of the free edge (Fig. 2) with no corresponding variation in the free edge velocity, (i.e., dυe = 0). A search for this stationary wave using the requirement ∂G/∂υe = 0 comes up empty.
As discussed in appendix B, the above formalism can be adapted to a continuous system. The index j is replaced by a continuous variable such as the streamfunction ψ. A functional expressing conservation of a property such as energy exists for each ψ. We show that the critical condition for such a system is that a nontrivial solution to a particular homogeneous equation exists. The equations contain coefficients that depend on the flow state, that these coefficients must be specialized in order for a nontrivial solution to exist. The result is analogous to the solvability condition for (3.7) and examples pertaining to continuously stratified, nonrotating, and rotating flow have been documented by Killworth (1992, 1995). Unless the homogeneous equation is quite simple, however, there is no established analytical procedure for specializing the coefficients. Progress then requires one to consider a discrete approximation to the continuous system and to find a solvability condition for the resulting finite set of equations, an exercise tantamount to solving (3.12).
4. Assessing hydraulic criticality using a steady, multiple streamtube model
Density stratification is the most commonly measured physical property of such flows and we will assume that several such measurements have been taken at discrete positions x1, x2, . . . across the section in question (Fig. 3b). By identifying the density interface at each position the values η(xn) are found. We will also assume that the topographic height h(x) and the positions x = x1 and x = xN+1 of the left and right edges of the lower layer are known. Then it is convenient to divide the observed flow into N segments (Fig. 3b), with the nth element extending from xn to xn+1.
To evaluate the critical condition (4.4), the flow at each section is partitioned into three segments of equal width (N = 3), leading to a 6 × 6 matrix 𝗯. The value of det[𝗯] is evaluated at a number of sections extending from upstream to downstream of the sill. In principle det[𝗯] should change sign where the Froude number Fp [from (C.1)] crosses through unity, and Fig. 5a shows that this is very nearly the case. [The actual crossing is at F ≅ 0.93.] Similar results hold for solutions calculated with α = 1 and α = 4, with the zero crossings at F ≅ 0.98 and F ≅ 0.99, respectively; N = 3 therefore appears to provide reasonably good resolution.
A slightly more ambitious example of application of (4.4) or (4.8) involves a numerical simulation of an overflow in a parabolic channel (Fig. 6). Details of the numerical model and its use in studies of similar hydraulic flows in rectangular channels can be found in Helfrich et al. (1999) and Pratt et al. (2000). In short, the model solves the single-layer, shallow-water equations using a finite volume flux-limiting scheme that is designed to handle the complexities of rotating hydraulic flows (e.g., shocks, jumps, and layer outcropping). For the run in Fig. 6 the model is initialized in a uniform parabolic channel with α = 4 and h0 = 0 [see (4.6)] with a flow with uniform potential vorticity (q = 1) and semigeostrophic Froude number Fp = 1.5 [see (C.1)]. Between t = 0 and 2 a bump with amplitude h0 = 0.5, centered at y = 0, is introduced into the flow. Figure 6a shows the free surface elevation at t = 60 after the introduction of the bump. Disturbances have propagated both upstream and downstream leaving a new hydraulically controlled flow in the vicinity of the bump. Figure 6b shows Fp calculated from (C.1) for the numerical solution at t = 60 assuming uniform q = 1. The jagged quality of Fp (and of the curves in Fig. 7) is a numerical artifact caused by the discrete representation of the edges of the flow on the numerical grid. While the numerically computed flow does not have uniform q in the wake of the upstream and downstream propagating disturbances, the Froude number based on uniform q indicates a hydraulic transition from sub to supercritical flow just downstream of the sill crest. The upstream/downstream asymmetry of the flow also indicates the presence of a hydraulic transition over the bump.
A direct determination of the critical section can be made by introducing a small disturbance at some section y in the Fig. 6a flow and integrating the model forward in time. Upstream and downstream propagation of the disturbance indicates locally subcritical flow while downstream-only propagation indicates supercritical flow. For this example, the critical section was found to lie between 0 ≤ y ≤1, which is in good agreement with the uniform q prediction.
The value of det[𝗯] based on N = 3 is calculated over a range of sections upstream and downstream of the sill (Fig. 7a). As before, this value crosses from positive to negative values slightly downstream of the sill with relatively small magnitudes over the upstream range. On the other hand, the zero crossing of the associated eigenvalue (Fig. 7b) is less ambiguous. However, both calculations agree quite well with the estimates of the position of the critical section using Fp and by observation of wave propagation.
5. Direct calculation of the wave speed
The critical condition (4.4) will be most useful in analytical models, whereas (4.8) will be better suited to the evaluation of output from a numerical simulation. Application of (4.8) to the ocean, where data are typically collected at a moderate number of sections, is likely to be more problematic. The value of a particular eigenvalue χj at a section determines only whether the flow is critical or possibly not critical. The critical section (where one of the χj values crosses through zero) will almost certainly fall between two of the observed sections. One would therefore have to calculate the value of χj from one observed section to the next, making sure that the same eigenfunction (the same j) is followed. The bookkeeping is straightforward when the sections can be spaced closely enough so that χj varies gradually from one to the next, as in a numerical model. It is more difficult when the sections are widely spaced and the eigenfunctions undergo large changes. A procedure that is less elegant but better suited to observational data is direct calculation of the linear long-wave speeds cj of the system. The result allows one to judge the flow at a particular section as subcritical or supercritical depending on whether the wave in question has positive or negative phase speed. Moreover, the eigenfunctions have a physical basis as wave modes that make them more identifiable from one section to the next. The following discussion assumes that the wave speed is real for the hydraulically relevant wave mode.
The calculation of cj based on the streamtube model should be equivalent to a calculation based on the discrete representation of the continuous equations for a linear normal mode. Our approach has a direct tie-in with Gill’s approach. It also has built in variable cross-stream resolution, should one portion of the flow require higher resolution.
6. The significance of the local Froude number
In traditional, one-dimensional (u = 0, ∂/∂x = 0) models, hydraulic criticality corresponds to F = 1. The significance of F for hydraulic control in a flow with transverse variations (∂/∂x ≠ 0) is less clear, but this has not prevented its appearance in discussions of models and data. For example, Rydberg (1980) based his theory of deep-water, rotating channel flow on the assumption that the F = 1 all across the critical section. In their report on a numerical simulation of the Strait of Gibraltar exchange flow, Izquierdo et al. (2001) present two-dimensional maps of the composite Froude number (the two-layer version of F) based on time-averaged fields. They show that this quantity falls above and below unity across certain sections; the Tarifa Narrows being one. They refer to such sections as “fragmentary” controls and write
the term “control” is not appropriate to that situation because such a fragmentary control cannot provide efficient blocking (of) interfacial disturbances within a subcritical flow region and, hence, cannot completely determine the exchange rate in this region.
By “subcritical” they mean regions where the local composite Froude number falls below unity.
The example of Fig. 8b may seem paradoxical. The long wave, which has a normal mode structure extending all across the channel, clearly propagates upstream even though localized disturbances must propagate downstream in the F > 1 band along the left wall. In addition, the wave is nondispersive and its energy must propagate upstream at the phase speed. The situation may be rendered less mysterious by noting that only the net (width integrated) disturbance energy is required to propagate upstream for the long wave. Positive energy flux in the F > 1 region can be offset by a larger negative energy flux in the F < 1 region. Figure 8c shows the local, along-channel, disturbance energy flux S(y) = gD〈υ′η〉 + ½V(D〈υ′2〉 + g〈η2〉) (appendix E) plotted across the channel; S(y) is positive where F > 1, as expected from our prior discussion. However, S(y) is negative over the whole right-hand portion of the channel, where F < 1.
Further insight into the role of localized disturbances, their ability to affect the upstream flow and their relationship to normal modes can be gained from two numerical simulations (Figs. 9 and 10). In the first example, we pose an initially steady flow of the form (6.3), with
Figure 10 shows a similar example in which the initial flow is supercritical c− > 0. Regions with F > 1 and F < 1 still exist on the left and right sides of the channel, but the F > 1 is expanded slightly from the previous case. The localized disturbance initially develops as before and a hint of upstream penetration of disturbance energy is observed along the right wall at t = 20. This is not surprising; after all it is this region where F < 1. However, as the normal mode structure emerges this trend is reversed and the entire disturbance moves downstream. Localized upstream propagation of information is possible within the F < 1 region, but only over the time scale required for a normal mode to form. This scale is the time required for a free disturbance to traverse the channel width, reflecting off the channel walls several times, and therefore should equal 3 or 4 times w/(gd0)1/2. This scale equals 12–16 dimensionless time units of the simulation, about the time it takes for the normal mode structure to emerge. Thereafter upstream propagation is controlled by the speed c− of the long normal mode, which in this case is >0.
These ideas also apply to a flow that is hydraulically critical. The implied nondispersive stationary wave must have zero group velocity and therefore zero net energy flux. If the fluid depth goes to zero at the edges (Fig. 11), and the velocity remains nonzero there, then F formally approaches ∞ at the edges. We would therefore expect to find bands of flow on either side of the channel in which F > 1. Since the characteristic curves of flow in these bands require downstream propagation of disturbance energy, there must exist a region with F < 1 in which upstream propagation of disturbance energy is permissible. The upstream flux of disturbance energy in this region must exactly cancel the downstream flux in the F > 1 regions, else the nondispersive wave cannot be stationary. These considerations suggest that for the situation shown in Fig. 11, the local Froude number F must pass through unity at some interior point in order that the flow be hydraulically critical. It also follows that the flow must be hydraulically supercritical if F ≥ 1 all across the section, for then not even local upstream propagation is possible.
The remarks made in this section may not apply if the flow is unstable.
7. Discussion
We can now recommend procedures by which an investigator can establish a critical condition or assess the criticality of a given flow. If the flow is specified by an analytical model, (3.12) can be used to formulate a critical condition in terms of the dependent variables. Equation (3.16) then establishes a regularity (smoothness) condition that restricts the location of the critical section. If the model is question is numerical and the flow is subject to the usual hydraulic approximations (gradual variations along the channel and conservative) then (4.4) or its less noise-sensitive sibling (4.8) can be used to isolate the critical section(s). These formulas are based on a description in which the cross section of the flow is divided into N sections (streamtubes). The optimal value of N based on our numerical simulations and on the Faroe–Bank Channel flow (J. Girton 2005, personal communication) appears to lie in the range 3–5. Application requires that a 2N × 2N matrix 𝗯 [see (4.5)] be calculated at a series of closely spaced sections. All results to this point have been derived by generalizing Gill’s method of treating hydraulically driven flows.
If the flow is observed and the observations have been made at a moderate number of sections, then there are two practical choices. A crude estimate of the criticality may be made by fitting the actual bottom topography to a parabola and calculating the parabolic Froude number Fp (Borenäs and Lundberg 1986; written out in our appendix C). The most problematic aspect of this approach is the estimation of the potential vorticity q of the flow (assumed constant in the theory), particularly if the observations are limited to hydrographic data. A more general approach is to calculate the phase speeds of the long, normal modes of the flow directly. We have laid out a procedure based on the streamtube description of the flow. The phase speeds are the eigenvalues of the matrix 𝗮−1(γb)𝗯(γb) as defined in section 5. The type of wave is indicated by its cross-channel structure as reflected in the appropriate eigenfunction.
Of course, no observed flow is going to conform perfectly to usual hydraulic approximations. Perhaps the most serious departure for deep-ocean overflows is the presence of turbulence and dissipation. As suggested by the examples of appendix A, the extended Gill approach [as highlighted by (4.4)] continues to be valid in the presence of certain types of dissipation and forcing, provided that these effects enter the mathematical problem algebraically (and not as derivatives of the dependent variables). Turbulence and the closure problem present more formidable difficulties, but Stern (2004) has recently suggested a variational criterion for a hydraulically controlled state in the underdetermined system.
This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant OCE-0132903 and the Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-01-1-0167. We are grateful to Ulrike Riemenschneider, Mary-Louise Timmermans, James Girton, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments.
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APPENDIX A Functionals with Nonlocal Dependence in y
APPENDIX B The Gill Approach Applied to a Continuous System of Conservation Laws
Equation (B.5) is a linear, homogeneous integral-differential equation for ψ̃(z), subject to the homogeneous, linear boundary conditions (B.6). Homogeneity follows from the fact that ψ̃ = 0 is clearly a solution, and this property is related to the requirement that the disturbances are free [w(y), etc., are held fixed]. In general, the homogeneity of (B.8) and (B.6) implies that nontrivial solutions exist only for special values of the coefficients, which depend on ψc(z). Any ψc(z) that allows nontrivial solutions is a critical state and thus the critical condition is essentially a solvability condition. Examples are presented by Killworth (1992 and 1995).
APPENDIX C Parabolic Channel Solutions
APPENDIX D Long-Wave Speeds for Homogeneous Deep Overflow
The matrix 𝗯 is just a nondimensional version of the 𝗯 defined in section 6 and has a similarly sparse form: b1,1 = {2[η2 − h(x1)]2/(x2 − x1)3} + 〈1 − {2[η2 − h(x1)]/(x2 − x1)2}〉(dh/dx1), b1,2 = −{2[η2 − h(x1)]2/(x2 − x1)3}, b1,N+2 = 1 + {2[η2 − h(x1)]/(x2 − x1)2}, bN,N = {2[h(xN+1) − ηN]2/(xN+1 − xN)3}, bN,N+1 = −{2[h(xN+1) − ηN]2/(xN+1 − xN)3} + 〈1 + {2[h(xN+1) − ηN]/(xN+1 − xN)2}〉(dh/dxN+1), bN,2N = 1 − {2[h(xN+1) − ηN]/(xN+1 − xN)2}, bN+1,1 = −2[η2 − h(x2)](dh/dx1), bN+1,2 = −2[η2 − h(x1)](dh/dx2), bN+1,N+2 = 2[2η2 − h(x2) − h(x1)], b2N,N = 2[ηN − h(xN+1)](dh/dxN), b2N,N+1 = 2[ηN − h(xN)](dh/dxN+1), and b2N,2N = −2[2ηN − h(xN+1) − h(xN)]. In addition, bn,n = [2(ηn+1 − ηn)2/(xn+1 − xn)3], bn,n+1 = −[2(ηn+1 − ηn)2/(xn+1 − xn)3], bn,N+n = 1 − [2(ηn+1 − ηn)/(xn+1 − xn)2], bn,N+n+1 = 1 + [2(ηn+1 − ηn)/(xn+1 − xn)2], bN+n,n = −2(ηn+1 − ηn)(dh/dxn), bN+n,n+1 = −2(ηn+1 − ηn)(dh/dxn+1), bN+n,N+n = −2[2ηn − h(xn) − h(xn+1)], and bN+n,N+n+1 = 2[2ηn+1 − h(xn) − h(xn+1)], all for n = 2, 3, . . . , N − 1. Also an,m = 0 for combinations of n and m other than those indicated.
APPENDIX E Energy Flux Vector
When d1 and d2 are used as dependent variables, the relationship (3.6) between the displacements in the two layers is made trivial by the geometric constraint (3.8). However, if the layer velocities were used as dependent variables, (3.6) would yield a nontrivial relation between the velocity perturbations in each layer because of the stationary internal wave.