Vertical Velocity and Vertical Heat Flux Observed within Loop Current Eddies in the Central Gulf of Mexico

David Rivas Departamento de Oceanografía Física, CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

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Antoine Badan Departamento de Oceanografía Física, CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

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Julio Sheinbaum Departamento de Oceanografía Física, CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

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José Ochoa Departamento de Oceanografía Física, CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

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Julio Candela Departamento de Oceanografía Física, CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

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Sixteen months of observations from a surface-to-bottom mooring in the central Gulf of Mexico show that acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) are useful for directly measuring the vertical velocity within mesoscale anticyclonic eddies, such as those shed from the Loop Current; and combining simultaneous temperature measurements, vertical heat flux can also be estimated (as a covariance of both variables). There is evidence of significant and coherent signals of vertical velocity ∼2–3 mm s−1 and vertical heat (temperature) transport ∼10−3 °C m s−1 during the presence of three anticyclones. A simple analysis shows downward flow near the eddies’ centers above 350 m and essentially upward flow in the peripheries, but below 700-m depth the pattern is indeed the opposite; however, further study is necessary to determine the eddies’ interior structures. The observations also suggest the existence of a vertical convergence of heat somewhere around 600-m depth, and estimations of adiabatic heat flux suggest that part of the converged heat, which is not recirculated within the eddy, must escape from the eddy and flow upward along the isopycnals up to the surface layers. This is in good agreement with previous results that have suggested that an excess heat gained by the Gulf in the intermediate levels through exchanges with the Caribbean Sea must be exported to the upper layers by an upward mean heat flux.

* Current affiliation: College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.

Corresponding author address: David Rivas, 104 COAS Administration Building, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331–5503. Email:


Sixteen months of observations from a surface-to-bottom mooring in the central Gulf of Mexico show that acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) are useful for directly measuring the vertical velocity within mesoscale anticyclonic eddies, such as those shed from the Loop Current; and combining simultaneous temperature measurements, vertical heat flux can also be estimated (as a covariance of both variables). There is evidence of significant and coherent signals of vertical velocity ∼2–3 mm s−1 and vertical heat (temperature) transport ∼10−3 °C m s−1 during the presence of three anticyclones. A simple analysis shows downward flow near the eddies’ centers above 350 m and essentially upward flow in the peripheries, but below 700-m depth the pattern is indeed the opposite; however, further study is necessary to determine the eddies’ interior structures. The observations also suggest the existence of a vertical convergence of heat somewhere around 600-m depth, and estimations of adiabatic heat flux suggest that part of the converged heat, which is not recirculated within the eddy, must escape from the eddy and flow upward along the isopycnals up to the surface layers. This is in good agreement with previous results that have suggested that an excess heat gained by the Gulf in the intermediate levels through exchanges with the Caribbean Sea must be exported to the upper layers by an upward mean heat flux.

* Current affiliation: College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.

Corresponding author address: David Rivas, 104 COAS Administration Building, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331–5503. Email:

1. Introduction

The direct evaluation of buoyancy fluxes is a difficult issue in many oceanographic situations (e.g., in frontal eddies and currents), because it requires knowing the vertical currents, which are generally small (except, e.g., in convection phenomena, where these can be 2–8 cm s−1; Lilly et al. 1999), often of a few millimeters per second, and hence unresolved by most measurements. Nonetheless, observational studies like that of Schott and Johns (1987) in the Somali Current have shown that vertical current measurement from acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) can be potentially useful for the study of phenomena whose vertical velocities barely exceed a few millimeters per second. Indeed, ADCPs have been successfully used in other oceanographic applications involving vertical current measurements, such as studies of turbulence (Lu and Lueck 1999a, b; Stacey et al. 1999a, b; Stacey 2003), internal wave band eddy fluxes (van Haren et al. 1994; Gemmrich and van Haren 2002; van Haren et al. 2005), tidally induced vertical velocity (Marsden et al. 1994), convection and deep mixing (Schott et al. 1993), dense shelf water formation (Shcherbina et al. 2004), and others. The purpose of this paper is to show observational evidence of the vertical velocity and its associated vertical eddy heat flux in the central Gulf of Mexico, which is somehow associated with the activity of the anticyclonic eddies, shed from the Loop Current, prevalent in the upper levels. Apparently, the only study that reports direct ADCP measurements of vertical velocity within mesoscale (anticyclonic) eddies is that of van Haren et al. (2006), who show vertical velocities measured between 1900- and 2400-m depths in the Algerian Basin in the Mediterranean Sea, with values as large as ∼−3 cm s−1 during the passage of anticyclones that are O(100 km) in diameter.

As will be discussed in the following sections, our vertical velocity measurements show high-frequency (periods <2 days) signals attributable to the presence of tides, internal waves, and even biological activity. And as will also be discussed below, given the difficulty of removing this latter (nonphysical) signal in the high-frequency band and because this band contributes only about 15% to the mean heat flux, we focus more on the lower-frequency (periods >2 days) processes, which are mainly associated with the activity of the anticyclonic eddies prevalent in the surface layer of the Gulf of Mexico. This eddy activity is recorded in the low-passed time series of velocity and temperature fluctuations as vertically coherent events related to the passage of mesoscale anticyclonic eddies shed from the Loop Current.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 describes the data and their preprocessing, as well as the quality control of the data useful for flux estimates. Section 3 describes the methods used for the analysis of the series of velocity and temperature, and the altimetry maps. Section 4 shows the results on estimating the vertical heat flux and its relation with the activity of anticyclonic eddies (shed from the Loop Current) at upper levels of the water column. In section 5, the implications of the vertical eddy fluxes are discussed. Section 6 summarizes the main results.

2. Data

a. Setup and ancillary data

Two upward-looking 75-kHz Teledyne RDI Long Ranger ADCPs at 361- and 1227-m depths (hereafter LR1 and LR2; see Table 1 for instrumental specifications) and four Aanderaa RCM11 current meters distributed along the water column (538-, 741-, 1449-, and 1955-m depths) were deployed on one mooring at 25°05.2′N, 90°30.0′W (Fig. 1) from May 2003 to August 2004, providing 16 months of velocity (3D in the ADCPs, and 2D in the current meters) and temperature measurements across the first 2000 m of the water column in the central Gulf of Mexico. The current meters provided hourly records, whereas the ADCPs provided records every 30 min, whence the ADCP data were averaged into hourly data.

Instrument depth variations (evidenced by pressure variations in the instrument’s records) were also available from the ADCPs, which, as will be explained below, were useful for normalizing the temperature data (recorded in the ADCPs and the current meters) to nominal depths. In addition to the mooring data, two hydrographic casts made in the vicinity of the mooring location, just before the deployment and just after the recovery of the mooring, provided temperature profiles with depth by lowering a Sea-Bird SBE911plus CTD (Fig. 2). The mean profile, resulting from averaging the temperature profiles from the two hydrographic casts, was used as an estimation of a “climatological” reference profile for the central Gulf of Mexico. This mean profile is consistent with that obtained by interpolating from the high-resolution (¼°) temperature analysis of the world’s oceans, version 2, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) ( to the mooring position.

Maps of sea level anomalies for the Gulf of Mexico were useful for detection and tracking of anticyclonic eddies shed from the Loop Current, whose influence over our measurements is the focus of this study. These maps were obtained from the multiple-satellite [Jason-1, Envisat, Geosat follow-on (GFO), and Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon] merged data available in the Archiving, Validation, and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic data (AVISO) Web site (see, for the period from May 2003 to August 2004. These data have a spatial resolution of ⅓° and a temporal resolution of 3.5 days.

b. Data processing

The vertical excursions recorded by the ADCP pressure sensors allowed the correction of the vertical velocity records (measured at the ADCPs only) by adding the time rate of change of the instruments’ vertical displacements. This correction was done for completeness in the data correction but was not indeed necessary, because it was about two orders of magnitude smaller than the typical observed vertical velocity of the flow, so that it does not change the results in any significant way.

Both the initial and final data points of the mooring’s temperature series were adjusted to the values taken from the hydrographic temperature profiles (mentioned above) at the same nominal depth and the intermediate values corrected by a linear trend fitted to these hydrographic values. In addition, to correct the temperature data by the depth variations of each instrument, we used a simple scheme in which the corrected temperature is
where Tobs is the temperature taken directly from the instrument, whereas Tclim is the climatological temperature (mean profile of Fig. 2) that is interpolated at the reference depth zref (nominal depth of the instrument) and at the instantaneous depths zi (taken directly from the instrument; recorded in the ADCPs, and from these interpolated for the current meters), providing the temperature records at nominal depths. The differences between the original and the corrected series are minor (Fig. 3).
The temperature at the six observational levels is vertically coherent, varying essentially in linear fashion with depth (Fig. 3), so that it is reasonable to interpolate the temperature for intermediate levels, within the LR2’s domain, and thus to have series of all the variables at each bin level. The method proposed by Johns et al. (1995) was used for this interpolation, which considers the mean vertical stratification at the location where the interpolation is carried out. According to this method, at each time, the temperature interpolated at the ith level (zi), which is between two levels (z1, z2) where temperature measurements exist (or coincide with any of these two levels), is given by
where ∂T/∂z is the derivative of the mean temperature profile of Fig. 2. As an inspection of the skill of the interpolation method, we interpolated the temperature series at 741-m depth by using those series at 538- and 1209-m depths (Figs. 3b,d) and compare it with that observed in similar level in Fig. 3c, resulting in a good agreement between them (correlation r = 0.97 and rms = 0.08°C). For interpolation of the temperatures in the LR2’s domain, we used those series at 538-, 741-, and 1209-m depths (Figs. 3b–d); the interpolation method works adequately, as can be observed in the mean profile of the interpolated temperatures (Fig. 2). Then, once the interpolation is carried out, it is possible to evaluate the velocity–temperature covariant products in this domain, from which the analysis here is focused on the depths between 700 and 1200 m. Needless to say, this interpolation procedure cannot be applied to the LR1’s domain because no other temperature series is available above this instrument.

The hourly data series were low-pass filtered with a Lanczos filter of 48-h cutoff and decimated to 6-hourly values. The series were filtered because the vertical velocity records showed corruption (unrealistic magnitudes) by a nonphysical diurnal signal resulting possibly from zooplanktonic vertical migration. This motion has a magnitude of a few centimeters per second and occurs primarily at diurnal periods, as reported in several studies in which vertical currents were contaminated by this biological signal (see, e.g., Schott and Johns 1987) or, conversely, in which ADCPs were successfully used to measure zooplanktonic abundance and vertical migration (e.g., Flagg and Smith 1989; Tarling et al. 1998; Zhu et al. 2000; van Haren 2007). It is then uncertain how much of the variability within the spectral band <2 days is really caused by the physical signal of the flow, and this band contributes only about 15% to the mean values of heat flux discussed in section 4b.

Finally, all the series were smoothed with a 7-day running mean for better visualization. All the averages, covariances, and confidence intervals shown in the following sections were calculated before this smoothing, but only smoothed series will be shown hereafter.

c. Data quality

ADCPs perform four tests on velocity data, which are based on the comparison of the quality indicators of the records (correlation, echo intensity, error velocity, and percentage of good data) to the internal thresholds, defined during the instrument’s programming. Records with less than 64 correlation counts, 50 echo intensity counts, 25% good, or those whose vertical velocities exceed 2000 mm s−1 are excluded. Details on the data quality tests and the internal thresholds can be found in RD Instruments (1998), and further technical documentation is available on the Teledyne RDI Web site (

The correlation, echo intensity, and percentage of good data in our ADCP records were well above, and the vertical velocity well below, the excluding thresholds mentioned above (Fig. 4). Indeed, their percentage of good velocity estimates (PG4), that is, the percentage of the velocity estimates per ensemble calculated by using the four ADCP’s beams (see RD Instruments 1998), is high in both instruments, with PG4 > 90%. Also, both the echo intensity and the correlation are above 80 in LR1 and above 95 in LR2. Nonetheless, only those data from bins 2 to 31 (from 333- to 43-m depth) in LR1 and from bins 7 to 48 (from 1148- to 738-m depth) in LR2 were retained to estimate eddy heat flux; the discarded bins showed either unrealistic data or poor correlation (r < 0.5) among the vertical velocity signals. In the uppermost LR1 records, the lack of coherence is probably a consequence of a sidelobe contamination from surface reflection (Schott 1986; Schott and Johns 1987; Flagg and Smith 1989). In old-fashioned narrow-band ADCPs, in the records close to the instruments’ heads (usually the first 1–3 bins), poor coherence has been reported as a result of a “residual transducer ringing” (Flagg and Smith 1989) or of a bias that the signal-processing filter is not centered on the spectrum of the Doppler-shifted signal (Chereskin et al. 1989). Also in narrow-band ADCPs, Schott (1988) discarded any significant interference by the mooring’s cable. A thorough analysis is required to determine the causes of this kind of bias in modern broadband ADCP Long Rangers (which do not even use any tracking signal-processing filter), such as those used in this study.

Another possible limitation in ADCP measurements can be large instrument tilts, because they can change the accuracy of both the compass and the tilt sensor, thus causing biased velocity records. Teledyne RDI recommends that the tilt not exceed ±15°. Fortunately, the tilt of both LR1 and LR2 never exceeded 5°; indeed, the tilt was generally small: 1.7 ± 0.1° in LR1 and 1.2 ± 0.6° in LR2. Moreover, no correlation was found between records of tilt and vertical velocity.

The left-hand side in Fig. 5 shows the time series of vertical velocity w at both LR1 and LR2, and the right-hand side shows the so-called error velocity e. The latter e is a standard output of the ADCPs, but the recorded values have to be divided by a factor of 4 cos θ (where θ = 20° is the beam inclination with respect to the vertical axis) to be comparable with w and thus to match the definition of the true velocity components (van Haren et al. 1994; van Haren 2000; Gemmrich and van Haren 2002; van Haren et al. 2005), because it is normalized so that its rms is the same as that for the horizontal velocity components (RD Instruments 1998; see also section 3.1 of Ott 2005). This error velocity e is the difference in beam vertical currents between beam pairs and is indicative of the current inhomogeneity across the beam spread (and/or a failure of one or more beams), so that its data can be used to verify the level of significance of w with respect to instrumental noise (van Haren et al. 2005). In the series shown in Fig. 5, w is larger than e and is also rather vertically coherent; indeed, the correlation coefficient r between the series of a bin and the series of the next bin (rejecting the corrupted data mentioned above) is significant throughout: 0.87 ± 0.05 in LR1 and 0.82 ± 0.05 in LR2. Nonetheless, the magnitude of w (∼2–3 mm s−1) is about one order of magnitude greater than that typically predicted by theoretical models of mesoscale vertical motion (e.g., Shearman et al. 1999; Viúdez and Dritschel 2003), even though Pallàs Sanz and Viúdez (2005) report in one of their maps a maximum value ∼−0.7 mm s−1, of the same order of magnitude as our measurements. The values of w are, however, smaller than those close to −30 mm s−1 observed by van Haren et al. (2006) at 1900–2400-m depth in the Algerian Basin during the passage of mesoscale anticyclonic eddies.

Although the accuracy of the 30-min ensemble data is ∼5 mm s−1 (see Table 1), here we use the 48-h-averaged (filtered) data, which are ∼factor 10 (N, with N = 96 30-min records) more accurate, so the signals of w ∼ 2–3 mm s−1 shown in Fig. 5 are well above the accuracy level of the 48-h-averaged data. Also, the vertical coherence of the w series reinforces our confidence in the goodness of the data.

Finally, according to Ott (2005), the vertical velocity can be greatly biased by errors in the measured tilt angles of the instruments (as large as ∼5 mm s−1 for tilt errors varying from −2.5° to +1.5°). This can be inspected by plotting the change in angle δϕ (independently at each depth; pitch and roll separately) needed to minimize rms w (i.e., putting most of the energy into the horizontal velocity components) and the magnitude of this minimization. In our series, the minimized rms w does not change significantly (∼10−2 mm s−1) with respect to δϕ (with minimization-optimal values of |δϕ| < 0.6°), so we can be fairly confident in our results (M. Ott 2006, personal communication).

3. Methods

a. Estimations of vertical heat flux

In this paper we analyze the vertical heat flux observed in the central Gulf of Mexico, which is estimated as follows: based on a Reynolds decomposition, the velocity vector u = (u, υ, w) and the temperature T can be written as u = u + u′ and T = T + T ′, where the overbars represent an average over the 16-month data series and the primes represent fluctuations about this time average. Then, the vertical eddy heat (actually temperature) flux can be estimated by a direct covariance method:
This estimated flux, often referred to as “heat flux,” can be diapycnal or isopycnal.
On the other hand, here we also compare the heat flux estimated by Eq. (5) with the vertical component of a heat flux occurring only along, and not across, isopycnal surfaces; this adiabatic heat (temperature) flux is estimated as follows: assuming the density is a linear function of temperature only, for each time, the heat transport perpendicular to the thermal gradient [T = (∂T/∂x, ∂T/∂y, ∂T/∂z)] must satisfy
from which an expression can be obtained for the vertical heat flux along the isopycnals (isotherms) by solving for the term involving w′ and averaging, namely,
being the isotherm slope, under the thermal wind approach; f0 = 6.2 × 10−5 s−1 is the Coriolis parameter, g is the gravity, and α is a (constant) thermal expansion coefficient. Notice that in Eq. (6) the thermal gradient involves the total temperature (mean plus fluctuations), so that it is assumed in such an expression that the tridimensional eddy heat transport uT ′ never crosses the isopycnals. As mentioned in section 2b, only low-passed series are considered, whose variability has periods ≥2 days, so the thermal wind approach in Eq. (8) is supported.

When averages are calculated in Eqs. (5) and (7), it is important to establish a criterion of significance of such averages. As our observations are dominated by low-frequency motions lasting more than one month (see Fig. 3), our 16-month-long observation series are too short for a proper covariance analysis. Alternatively, here we use a simple bootstrap method for the estimation of the significance limits (for further information, see, e.g., Gentle 2002). We define the 96% confidence interval, whose limits are the 2nd and 98th percentiles of a sorted set of 1000 bootstrapped means (because these estimated means show a normal distribution and 96% of these are contained between these two percentiles). Function bootstrp of Matlab 6.5 was used for these calculations.

Then, once the mean heat flux is available, it is possible to estimate an eddy heat diapycnal diffusivity as
where the mean vertical thermal gradient ∂T/∂z is ∼1.9 × 10−2 °C m−1 around 340-m depth (the shallowest level where temperature series are available; see Fig. 3) and ∼4.1 × 10−3 °C m−1 in the intermediate levels (700–1200 m). This illustrative calculation of κ is useful for comparison with the estimated diffusivities reported in the literature.

b. An eddy-centered coordinate system

As will be discussed in the following sections, significant signals of vertical velocity and temperature, and the corresponding covariances, in our observations are associated with the presence of mesoscale anticyclonic eddies over our mooring (identified by means of altimetry maps). And interestingly, there is an apparent horizontal dependence of the magnitude and sign of the vertical velocity (and its associated heat transport) within the eddies.

To explore this notion, we change the point of view from the three eddies passing over the observation point to an eddy with observation points in its interior, in an eddy-centered coordinate system. For such a purpose, we chose the altimetry maps coincident with the periods in which, as will be discussed in section 4c, three anticyclonic eddies shed from the Loop Current were over or near the mooring. Maps were then interpolated to coincide with the mooring-observation times (6-hourly). The next step was locating the centroid of the corresponding eddy and then plotting the variables observed by the mooring as functions of the distance between the eddy’s centroid and the mooring (r) in an eddy-centered coordinate system. This method can be helpful to elucidate the horizontal property distribution within the eddies.

The method is very sensitive to the location of the centroid. We explored different options for the definition of the eddy’s centroid (e.g., the position of the maximum sea level anomaly within the eddy), but an option showing better results is to find the centroid of the area within a closed contour that nearly defines the eddy’s shape, namely,
where xi and yi are the positions of the ith area-element δAi within the chosen contour. Such a contour depends on the magnitude and shape of the eddy. After several attempts, we chose η/ηmax = 0.8 (where η is the sea level anomaly and ηmax is its maximum) for the two first analyzed eddies and η/ηmax = 0.3 for the third one. Nonetheless, this method is not efficient during stages of strong deformation of the eddies, when Eqs. (10)(11) are not apparently good approximations of the eddy’s centroid. This will be shown in section 4c.

Figure 6 shows the observation points in the eddy-centered system. Evidently, our sampling is not extensive enough to properly resolve the interior structures of the eddies. Only a few regions of the eddy are sampled: about five points are within the 50 km closest to the eddy’s center, and the southwest quadrant is not sampled. Nonetheless, this method is helpful to elucidate the eddies’ interior distribution of vertical velocity and temperature transport.

4. Results

a. Events of enhanced vertical heat transport

Here we analyze the vertical heat flux and show that it is related to the mesoscale eddies shed from the Loop Current, present in the upper levels. Figure 7 shows the time series of wT ′ at different levels; these series correspond to Eq. (5) without averaging the covariant products of velocity and temperature. Three significant peaks are highlighted in the series, which are rather vertically coherent and last about one and a half months. Below 700 m, the events during the periods September and November–December 2003 are observed as upward heat transports (positive values), in contrast with the event during February–March 2004, which is essentially downward (negative values). These peaks coincide with features visible in the altimetry series (Fig. 8), as three consecutive events of negative vorticity and significant values of the second invariant of the surface velocity gradient, which is indicative of mesoscale eddies (see Isern-Fontanet et al. 2003). These eddies were shed from the Loop Current.

Figures 9 –11 show the time sequence of altimetry maps corresponding to the eddies that affected our observations. During the observation period, three eddies formed from the Loop Current and a fourth one was nearly detached by the end of this period. The first one was a small anticyclone formed in early August 2003 in the southeastern edge of a large anticyclone nearly detached from the Loop Current, east-southeast of the mooring location. These small anticlonic eddies are typically observed to be shed from the Loop Current, as well as from the larger warm-core rings, through their interactions with peripheral cyclones (Schmitz 2005; Leben 2005). As will be shown below, this minor eddy (hereafter MEd) had significant effects on our observations. The other eddy-formation events correspond to two of the so-called Loop Current eddies, “Sargassum” and “Titanic” (hereafter SEd and TEd), as they are named by the Eddy Watch program led by Horizon Marine, Inc. (see SEd is a larger anticyclone from which MEd detached. The fourth eddy (that nearly detached by the end of the observation period), called “Ulysses,” shed from the Loop Current in mid-September 2004, about 3 weeks after the series ended, but it had little effect on the observation series, causing a peak toward the end of the series in Fig. 7. The details of the shedding of these eddies can be seen in eddies 15–17 in Plate 4 and Table 3 of Leben (2005).

The signals attributed to the eddies are observable as deep as 2000 m, as shown in the velocity series in Fig. 12. The velocities recorded by the ADCPs and those calculated from the altimetry are in good agreement, especially those of the first 333-m depths. The anticyclonic veerings of the vectors, associated with the eddies mentioned above, are common features in the series. Below 400-m depth, however, the velocity signals are associated with those near the surface, but there are significant differences among them.

Figures 13 –14 show the sections of depth versus time of the velocity and temperature during the influence of the eddies on the mooring. Above 400 m, the horizontal velocity is coherent, but below that depth, there are sign reversals of the velocity (Figs. 13a,b). This might be indicative of vorticity anomalies of opposite sign to the eddies’ vorticity in the fluid beneath them, or of an inclination of the fluid columns, or both. Also, during the presence of an eddy, coherent signals in the vertical velocity are observed, especially below 700-m depth (Fig. 13c).

b. Diapycnal flux versus adiabatic flux

It is now important to estimate the net contribution of the eddy-induced heat flux events on the mean state. Figure 15 shows the vertical profiles of the mean heat flux and its corresponding 96% confidence interval (see section 3a). Throughout the intermediate domain (between 738- and 1148-m depths), the vertical flux is positive (upward) and significantly different from zero at the 96% level. At 333 m, on the other hand, the flux events average in the opposite direction, a negative (downward) mean flux. This suggests the presence of a vertical convergence of heat somewhere between 333- and 738-m depth.

Given the mean heat flux , it is possible to estimate a diapycnal eddy diffusivity by using Eq. (9). Applying this method to the observed values in 333-m depth and the intermediate levels yields κupper ∼8.1 × 10−3 m2 s−1 and κinterm ∼−1.4 × 10−2 m2 s−1. Notice the negative values in the intermediate levels. The diffusivity estimated for the upper levels (333-m depth) is consistent with values reported for other regions persistently influenced by mesoscale eddies, such as the Southern Ocean (Naveira Garabato et al. 2004; Thompson et al. 2007), but those values are estimated from hydrography and not from direct measurements of vertical velocity and temperature. On the other hand, the negative diffusivity for the intermediate levels implies a diapycnal upward flux, directed opposite to the conventional molecular diffusion, such as that shown to exist elsewhere in geophysical systems (Starr 1968). Indeed, previous results have suggested a negative eddy diffusivity ∼−10−4 m2 s−1 for the intermediate levels in the Gulf of Mexico (Rivas et al. 2005), but the difference of two orders of magnitude of κinterm is evidently excessive.

Several authors (e.g., Gent and McWilliams 1990; Gent et al. 1995; Cessi and Fantini 2004; Henning and Vallis 2004; Cessi et al. 2006) have stated that below the surface mixed layer in the ocean, the flow is essentially adiabatic and consequently the mixing of material properties by mesoscale eddies occurs mostly along surfaces of constant density or isopycnal surfaces. On the other hand, the numerical results of Canuto and Dubovikov (2006) show that the mesoscale diapycnal flux must be of the same order of magnitude as the remaining terms of the mesoscale energy budgets, including the isopycnal flux, so that the diapycnal flux cannot be neglected. However, in all these studies the eddy-induced net exchanges result from averaging in time (the series length) and space (the whole basin), in contrast with our results from observations in a single point at the middle of the Gulf Basin. Then, our single-point observations should not be compared with the works mentioned above, but they must be thought of as observations of single eddy events like the basin-averaged ones in those works.

The diapycnal or isopycnal character of our observed fluxes remains to be clarified. It may seem reasonable to suppose that the observed vertical flux (Fig. 7) is essentially the vertical component of a flux occurring only along, and not across, isopycnal surfaces. Figure 7 shows the series of the adiabatic flux from Eq. (7), superimposed to the series of the direct estimation from Eq. (5). It can be observed that below 700 m both estimations show an important qualitative similarity and that both the events associated with the Loop Current Eddies, and their averages (Fig. 15), have the same sign. This similarity between the flux estimates suggests that part of the observed flux must be directed along the isopycnals. The heat flux induced by the mesoscale eddies must carry heat from the intermediate levels to the surface diabatic layer, whose thickness is changed by mixing, thus also changing the depth of the thermocline (e.g., Cessi and Fantini 2004; Henning and Vallis 2004; Cessi et al. 2006). However, at 333 m the two estimates are anticorrelated, which suggests that within the upper layer the vertical circulation differs from the isopycnal flux. With respect to this, it is important to keep in mind that only one data point is available in the upper 600 m; nonetheless, given the coherence of the vertical velocity signals recorded by LR1 and the fact that the temperature above 300 m should be similar (but greater) to that recorded at 333 m, it is expected that the heat flux pattern observed at 333 m continues toward the surface. In addition, the estimated adiabatic flux is an order of magnitude smaller than the observed flux (Fig. 15), which is in apparent disagreement with the adiabatic character of the mesoscale eddies.

c. Spatial variation of vertical velocity and heat transport

As shown in section 4a, the main qualitative difference among the signals caused by each eddy on the mooring is that the first two eddies induce signals of vertical velocity and heat transport of a certain sign, whereas the third eddy induces signals of the opposite sign (Figs. 7, 13 –14). From an altimetry perspective, the difference among the events is apparently that the MEd and SEd centroids were closer to the mooring (see Figs. 9, 10), whereas in the case of TEd only its periphery passed by the mooring (see Fig. 11). This suggests that the direction of the observed vertical heat transport depends on where within the eddy we are measuring: above 400 m, in the eddy’s centroid, the heat transport is negative (downward), whereas in the eddy periphery, it is positive (upward); below 700 m, the situation is reversed.

To explore the possible horizontal dependence of the vertical velocity (and its associated heat transport) within the eddies, we apply the method described in section 3b. Thus, in Figs. 16 –18 the values of w′, T ′, and wT ′ at two different depths are plotted as functions of the radial distance r. These data correspond to values measured during the periods in which the eddies were over or near the mooring, that is, the periods shown in Figs. 13 –14.

Despite the large data scatter, the plots suggest some structural characteristics. SEd is the best example of this (Fig. 17), showing a fairly clear structure: T ′ decreases as r increases, as expected, and close to the eddy’s center (r < 75 km), the values of w′ and wT ′ are essentially negative at 333 m and positive at 738 m, and switch sign around r = 75 km at both levels; these patterns remain above 333 m and below 738 m (not shown). TEd, on the other hand, was not sampled close enough to the center to better compare it with the other eddies (Fig. 18), but the points suggest that the structure is similar to that shown by SEd, at least beyond r = 50 km. Even if these characteristic structures exist in MEd, the data scatter makes it difficult to observe (Fig. 16).

Then, the method works reasonably well for SEd, but it presents important deficiencies for MEd and TEd. This can be observed also in Fig. 19, where η and |(ug, υg)| show the expected patterns for SEd but important deviations from these for MEd and TEd. As mentioned in section 3b, the method presents deficiencies during the periods of strong deformations of the eddies, and both MEd and TEd presented important elongation and weakening/strengthening periods (see Figs. 16, 18).

The data scatter can be caused not only by noise in the data or by failures of the method but also by irregularities or perturbations within the eddies, most of them with spatial scales <⅓°, the resolution of the altimetry maps. In the eddies’ periphery there may be disturbances that introduce variations in the vertical velocity. Indeed, in other anticyclones with characteristics similar to those of the Loop Current, such as the Algerian Eddies, chlorophyll data and particulate matter distributions reported by Taupier-Letage et al. (2003) suggest different regimes of vertical motion associated with instability along the eddies’ peripheries.

Thus, the property distributions within the eddies are not axially symmetric (see Fig. 17), but they present significant differences between one quadrant and another, especially the velocity. So the eddies must possess more complicated interior structures. Our sampling coverage within the eddies is too small (in space and time) for properly resolving them (see Fig. 6). Nonetheless, our result is consistent with indirect results present in the literature; this will be discussed in the following section.

5. Discussion

We have addressed, from ADCP measurements, the existence of significant vertical velocities and enhanced vertical heat transport in the intermediate levels of the central Gulf of Mexico, which is driven by the mesoscale anticyclonic eddies, shed from the Loop Current, prevalent in the upper layers. During the passage of these eddies over the observation point, vertically coherent signals are observed in the series of vertical velocity, which results in significant covariant products with the temperature.

From the existent literature, what it is known about the distribution of vertical velocity in mesoscale eddies is mainly provided by theoretical studies, such as that of Viúdez and Dritschel (2003), who focus on a surface baroclinic eddy. Their results show vertical and horizontal quadrupolar structures with vertical symmetry and symmetry with respect to the eddy’s center (see Figs. 7, 8 of these authors). Nonetheless, apparently such a structure is not observed in our Fig. 13c, except perhaps toward the end of the series, in late February and early March 2004. In addition, the Viúdez and Dritschel’s (2003) results show that the w lobes are closely related with filaments present around the eddies. This notion is in agreement with Lapeyre and Klein (2006), whose results from their surface quasigeostrophic model show that the submesoscale filaments produce significant vertical velocities, by stirring processes outside the eddies; however, these filament-induced vertical motions have a significant impact on the net vertical flux of tracers into the surface layer, but they have a weak effect on the flux of density. In addition, results from an ocean adaptation of the generalized Q-vector ω equation by Giordani et al. (2006), which are focused on submesoscale dynamics (fronts and eddies), show that the strongest vertical currents are frequently associated with strong horizontal currents.

On the other hand, in contrast with the theoretical results mentioned above, indirect results from the analyses of biological and biochemical tracers, like that of McGillicuddy et al. (1998), have suggested that anticyclonic eddies are associated with downwelling in their cores. This notion is supported by the biochemical analysis for the Sargasso Sea by Sweeney et al. (2003) and the chlorophyll-image analysis for the Southern Ocean by Kahru et al. (2007), and these studies also suggest the presence of upwelling in the anticyclonic eddies’ peripheries. Similarly, observations (hydrography, chlorophyll, and nutrient sections) across three mesoscale eddies in the Algerian Basin suggest that mesoscale anticyclones possess a toroidal circulation (Isern-Fontanet et al. 2004; Taupier-Letage et al. 2003); as shown in section 4c, given our limited sampling, we cannot surely determine the interior structures of the eddies, but our results are somewhat in agreement with these authors. Downwelling is observed near the eddies’ centers at the upper levels, and opposite flows toward the peripheries. The variability in the eddies’ peripheries, on the other hand, can be due to the interactions of filaments with the ambient field, as suggested by the theoretical works mentioned above. Also interesting, and not addressed in the works mentioned above, is the reversed pattern in the intermediate levels. Further analysis is necessary to determine the tridimensional structures of the eddies.

It is important to note that as discussed by Sweeney et al. (2003), these vertical motions can depend on the temporal evolution of the eddies, that is, their life cycle. During the eddies’ formation and intensification phases, the density surfaces depress and upwelling establishes; on the other hand, as the eddies spin down, the density surfaces relax back to their mean positions and the upwelling decays. Also, eddies can increase and decrease intensity multiple times during their life cycle (as observed in Figs. 9 –11) due to interactions with the ambient eddy field. Interestingly, a good example of an interaction of a Loop Current Eddy with a smaller eddy is that which occurred between MEd and SEd in late October and early November 2003: once shed, SEd drifted westward roughly following the 1500-m isobath up to where it apparently “felt” the presence of MEd and started drifting southward to eventually interact (merger) with Med; both eddies merged into a single eddy (SEd absorbing MEd). This process probably favored a spinup of SEd, and hence of its vertical currents.

In terms of vertical heat transport within an anticyclonic eddy and according to what was observed in Figs. 16 –18, the heat transported in the eddy’s core may be essentially compensated by the heat transported in its periphery, by means of a vertical circulation cell. The result would be that the net vertical heat transport is barely a small fraction of the peaks ∼10−3°C m s−1 shown in Fig. 7, perhaps comparable to the magnitude of the adiabatic flux. This may suggest that a residual heat, not recirculated within the eddy, should escape from it and flow outward, mainly along the sloping isopycnals. Perhaps, from the vertical convergence of heat that occurs around 500–600-m depth, a small fraction of adiabatically transported heat may reach the upper levels and also the surface diabatic layer, where mixing dominates, feeding a diapycnal exchange at those levels. This may result in a net upward heat transport.

Nonetheless, the contribution of the internal waves (not present in our low-passed series) to the heat budget should not be discarded; the distribution of chemical tracers across a mesoscale anticyclone (with a horizontal scale of ∼150 km) in the South China Sea (Li and Pohlmann 2002) reveals strong vertical disturbances of the isolines at the eddy’s edge, which suggests enhanced vertical mixing and upwelling, probably associated with internal wave activity generated at the eddy’s wall. This is consistent with the theoretical results of Zhai et al. (2005), who showed that the vertical propagation of near-inertial energy is somewhat enhanced by the presence of mesoscale eddies, emphasizing the important role played by anticyclones that drain this energy quickly to the deep ocean.

The origin of the vertical velocity signals present in our observations remains to be clarified. Numerical results for a subtropical warm-core eddy by Lee and Niiler (1998) show that the vertical velocity generated by the wind–eddy interaction depends on the relative angle between the wind stress and the existing surface current. They found that under the current flowing against the wind, downwelling develops, while upwelling forms under a current in the same direction as the wind; and the depth of this secondary circulation cell is over 300 m. This is supported by results from the interaction of a uniform-assumed surface wind over observed eddies (with altimetry and shipboard observations), which tend to sustain anticyclones and dampen cyclones (McGillicuddy et al. 2007). However, in our data we do not find enough evidence that this mechanism might be responsible of the radial distributions shown in Fig. 16.

On the other hand, an intriguing fact is the existence of such an opposite behavior of the heat flux during the presence of the eddies. Curiously, this is consistent with the mean heat budget proposed by Rivas et al. (2005) for the deep Gulf of Mexico, which requires an upward heat flux from the intermediate levels (700–1300 m) to the upper levels (above 700 m) to balance the excess heat gained in the intermediate levels by exchanges with the Caribbean Sea through the Yucatan Channel. Interestingly, near the sign reversal of (between the 333- and 738-m depths) lies the 6.85°C isotherm, close to 615-m depth (Fig. 15), which is the interface between the intermediate and upper layers defined by Rivas et al. (2005), on the basis of the exchange with the Caribbean, and through which diffusive along-gradient exchanges are supposed to take place. That the reversal of occurs close to the 6.85°C isotherm depth, around 600 m, indicates a transition between different dynamical regimes (as suggested also by Rivas et al. 2005). This can also be observed in the velocity series plotted in Fig. 12, which shows differences between those above 500 m and those below. For example, the event that occurred on February–March 2004, caused by the passage of TEd, is observed in the upper levels as a clear anticyclonic veering of the stick vectors, but in the lower levels this is not observed (the zonal component is even of opposite sign). The series above 300 m are vertically coherent, as are those below 700 m, but these two groups are not so coherent between them, and the series at 538-m depth is moderately coherent with both groups. Unfortunately, there were no ADCP measurements across the transitional levels mentioned above, so that a description of the velocity can only be inferred. Then, the origin of this vertical variation remains to be clarified. Lee and Mellor (2003) conclude that fluctuations in the upper layers, associated with the Loop Current and its eddies, induce cyclonic circulation in the lower layers that develops into cyclonic eddies, which eventually are detached from the upper layer and move to the west. These authors attribute this decoupling between the layers to a difference of beta effect, because both layers are affected by a planetary effect, but the lower layer is also affected by a topographic beta (which prevails over the planetary one). Therefore, the difference in the direction of w′ between the upper and the intermediate levels (observed in our series) might be related to a difference of sign of the vorticity in both layers, but further analysis is necessary for elucidate this notion.

Then, an upward mean heat flux like that required by Rivas et al. (2005) may be given by an along-isopycnal flux as described above, but it also might be induced by baroclinic instability of the eddies. Such a process requires an extraction of mean potential energy to drive the kinetic energy of the disturbances (e.g., Kundu and Cohen 2002), by means of a buoyancy flux, which, given a linear dependence between the density and the temperature, is directly proportional to the temperature flux . Theoretical studies on quasigeostrophic vortices in a two-layer ocean (e.g., Helfrich and Send 1988; Carton and McWilliams 1996) show that this type of eddy is baroclinically unstable. Benilov (2005), however, questions these theoretical results by arguing that oceanic vortices are observed to be very stable and even exist for years. This author attributes the eddies’ stability to the uniformity of the potential vorticity field below them (which eliminates the disturbances crucial to baroclinic instability), a situation expected for an eddy shed from an unstable frontal current and displaced to a new location. Nonetheless, oceanic vortices show asymmetry with respect to their centroids (Figs. 9 –11), which can be a signature of instability.

As already mentioned, there were no ADCP measurements along the “transitional” levels close to the 6.85°C isotherm depth, so that a revised experimental setup is necessary. It should include another ADCP measuring across the space between the LR1 and LR2 coverages, working with a frequency different to that of LR1 and LR2, to avoid any sound interference with them. Also, it would be suitable to use more thermistors at the depth levels of the vertical currents (within the ADCPs’ ranges), especially near the surface. Naturally, having more than one mooring would be useful to better resolve the eddies’ velocity structure and would also allow to estimate time-dependent horizontal derivatives, instead of using the thermal wind approach to estimate horizontal derivatives of the temperature. It would be important for the separation between moorings to be adequate to resolve the mesoscales—an intramooring separation of ∼30–50 km may be a proper choice.

A topic deserving of further research is the comparison between the observed vertical velocity field and that resulting from some method that combines a theoretical model and observations. A good example is the study by Pallàs Sanz and Viúdez (2005), who diagnose the mesoscale vertical velocity by solving a generalized omega equation using observed density and horizontal velocity data from three consecutive surveys in the Alboran Sea. Measurements of a Loop Current Eddy by an adequate experimental setup including ADCPs and current meters (like that suggested above), complemented by several hydrographic crossings of CTD/lowered ADCP (with an adequate resolution to resolve the eddy’s interior structure), would diagnose confidently the threedimensional structure of these mesoscale eddies.

6. Conclusions

Our observational results show evidence of significant vertical velocity and vertical heat transport in the upper and intermediate levels of the central Gulf of Mexico, associated with the presence of mesoscale anticyclonic eddies shed from the Loop Current, over the observation point. A simple analysis shows negative vertical current and vertical heat transport near the eddies’ centers and essentially positive ones in the peripheries; below 700 m, the pattern is indeed the opposite. Although further analysis is necessary, this is somewhat consistent with indirect results from distributions of biochemical tracers reported in the literature. Also, the variability observed in the eddies’ peripheries could be associated with stirring processes due to interaction of filaments with the ambient eddy field, as suggested by theoretical studies.

Somewhere around 600 m there is a vertical convergence of heat, and estimations of adiabatic heat flux suggest that part of this converged heat must escape outward from the eddy and flow along the sloping isopycnals up to the surface layers. This is in good agreement with previous results, which have shown that the Gulf of Mexico must export heat from the intermediate levels (700–1300 m) to the upper levels (above 700 m) to compensate for the excess heat gained by exchange through the Yucatan Channel. However, further observations are required to determine whether these hypotheses are valid.


We thank the reviewers for their critical comments and suggestions to an earlier version of this manuscript. This study was funded by MMS Contract 1435–01–02-CT-85309 and by CONACyT through its block funding of CICESE as well as through a postgraduate scholarship to DR. DR has also been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Science and Technology Center for Coastal Margin Observation and Prediction (CMOP), NFS award 0424602, during the last stages of the preparation of this manuscript. We gratefully acknowledge the encouragement of Alexis Lugo-Fernández, and the fruitful discussion with Prof. William Young. The altimeter products were produced by Ssalto/Duacs and distributed by AVISO, with support from Cnes.


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Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

(left) Location of the mooring in the central Gulf of Mexico (25°05.2′N, 90°30.0′W). (right) The vertical distribution of the sensors includes two 75-kHz Long Ranger ADCPs (LR1 and LR2) and four Aanderaa RCM11 current meters (Aa’s); the thick lines represent measurement coverage of the ADCPs. The bottom at the mooring position is 3590 m from the surface.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

Temperature profiles from two hydrographic casts made in the vicinity of the mooring location (see Fig. 1), just before the deployment (11 May 2003) and just after the recovery (27 Aug 2004) of the mooring. The thick line corresponds to the average of both profiles. Asterisks correspond to the averages of the observed temperature series. LR2’s domain is indicated; within this domain’s depth range and superimposed to the hydrographic profiles is the mean profile of the interpolated temperatures [see section 2b, below Eqs. (3)(4)], barely distinguishable.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

Temporal evolution of the temperature (°C) at the six instruments from the central mooring, corrected for instrument depth variations. The superimposed thin line corresponds to uncorrected series. (c) The dotted line corresponds to the test applied to the interpolation method mentioned in section 2b, which presents a correlation coefficient r = 0.97 and rms = 0.08°C. Tick marks in the time axis denote the start of the month.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

Mean values of some data quality indicators for (a) LR1 and (b) LR2. (left scale) White circles correspond to echo intensity; triangles correspond to four-beam averaged correlation; error bars in both series indicate their std dev. (right scale) Black circles correspond to the percentage of good data per ensemble for velocity components estimated from four beams (PG4); the dotted lines correspond to the percentage of data estimated from either three or four beams.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

(left series) Temporal evolution of vertical velocity w and (right series) error velocity e at LR1 and LR2 (separated by the horizontal dashed line). The vertical axis scale is located in the top left corner (mm s−1). The first number at the end of each series indicates the bin number; the second number indicates the corresponding depth (m). Tick marks in the time axis denote the start of the month.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

Observation points in an eddy-centered system. The data points correspond to the period of the eddies’ influence on the mooring. The three different marker types correspond to the three anticyclonic eddies described in section 4c: triangles correspond to MEd, crosses to SEd, and circles to TEd. Contours correspond to radial distance r ranging from 25 to 150 km (contour interval of 25 km).

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.

Temporal evolution of the vertical eddy temperature transport (in 10−5 m °C s−1) at eight different levels. Thick lines correspond to wT ′ [see Eq. (5)]; thin lines correspond to (wT ′)adiab [see Eq. (7)]. This latter series has been set ×10 for a better qualitative comparison between both series. Numbers on the left-hand side in each panel indicate the nominal depth of the series, those on the right-hand side indicate the mean over the period: the first ones correspond to wT ′; the second ones (in parentheses) correspond to (wT ′)adiab. Records with no ordinate axis are scaled to the upper next plot with an ordinate axis. Tick marks in the time axis denote the start of the month.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.

Temporal evolution of (a) relative vorticity ω = (∂υg/∂x − ∂ug/∂y), (b) the second invariant of the surface velocity gradient Q = −(∂ug/∂x)2 − (∂υg/∂x) (∂ug/∂y) (see Isern-Fontanet et al. 2003), and (c) eddy kinetic energy Ke = (u2g + υ2g)/2, where (ug, υg) are the geostrophic velocity components calculated from altimetry data in the Gulf of Mexico, interpolated to the mooring location. According to Isern-Fontanet et al. (2003), eddy cores are characterized by Q > Q0, where Q0 is a “high,” positive arbitrary value; here, we choose the value Q0 = 0.54 σQ (with σQ = 2.98 × 10−11 s−2 the std dev of the series of Q maps), denoted by the horizontal thin line in (b). Tick marks in the time axis denote the start of the month.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.

Time sequence of sea level anomaly maps (cm), at 3.5-day intervals, corresponding to MEd over the mooring location, denoted by a circle when the vertical velocity is positive at 333-m depth or by a cross when it is negative. The white line shows the Q0 = 0.54σQ (σQ = 2.98 × 10−11 s−2) contour, the same value of Fig. 8b. Notice that north-northeast of the mooring is SEd, which eventually affects it, as shown in Fig. 10.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.

Same as in Fig. 9, but for SEd.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 11.
Fig. 11.

Same as is Fig. 10, but for TEd at 7-day intervals.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 12.
Fig. 12.

Temporal evolution of the stick vectors of the velocity anomaly (m s−1) at different levels in the central Gulf of Mexico. The series labeled by “surface” corresponds to geostrophic velocity calculated from altimetry, whose values were interpolated to the times of the mooring’s series. Records with no ordinate axis are scaled to the upper-next plot with an ordinate axis. Tick marks in the time axis denote the start of the month.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 13.
Fig. 13.

Sections of depth vs time of the velocity anomaly components, during the period of influence of three mesoscale eddies on the mooring position. Tick 40 marks in the time axis denote the start of the month.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 14.
Fig. 14.

Same as in Fig. 13, but for the temperature anomaly T ′ and temperature transports wT ′ and (wT ′)adiab [see Eqs. (5) and (7)].

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 15.
Fig. 15.

Profiles of vertical eddy temperature flux of the direct estimation from Eq. (5) and the adiabatic estimation from Eq. (7); notice that this latter series is set ×10 to fit the plot. Error bars correspond to the 96% confidence interval (see section 3a). The dashed horizontal line indicates the depth of the 6.85°C isotherm, obtained from the hydrographic casts described in section 2a.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 16.
Fig. 16.

Values of w′ (mm s−1), T ′ (°C), wT ′ (10−4 m °C s−1), and |(u′, υ′)| (cm s−1) for MEd as functions of the radial distance r, at two different depths. The data points are same as those plotted in Fig. 6.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 17.
Fig. 17.

Same as in Fig. 16, but for SEd.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 18.
Fig. 18.

Same as in Fig. 17, but for TEd.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Fig. 19.
Fig. 19.

Sea level anomaly η (in cm) and geostrophic speed |(ug, υg)| (cm s−1) as functions of the radial distance rfor MEd, SEd, and TEd. These variables were interpolated from the altimetry maps to the mooring position.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 38, 11; 10.1175/2008JPO3755.1

Table 1.

Some specifications of the ADCPs used in this study.

Table 1.
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