1. Introduction
Circulation in the oceans is characterized by the presence of intense boundary currents. These vary from large-scale currents such as the Gulf Stream, deep western boundary currents, and the buoyancy-driven Leeuwin Current to smaller coastal flows driven by river outflow plumes under the influence of the Coriolis force. In many cases the boundaries along which these currents flow are not perfect barriers but instead are perforated by a series of gaps and straits. Many of the world’s oceans and marginal seas are connected through such narrow passages. Examples include numerous island arcs in the ocean, including the Indonesian Archipelago connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Lesser Antilles, which forms a common boundary between the Caribbean and the tropical Atlantic. Additionally, the abyssal ocean can be thought of as a series of subbasins separated by steep midocean ridges, which are “leaky” in the sense that some interbasin flow is permitted through narrow fracture zones.
Gaps and straits between ocean basins play an important role in regulating interbasin volume transports and fluxes of quantities such as heat and salt. Oceanographers have long recognized the importance of gap zone regions and have conducted theoretical and observational studies of various dynamical processes associated with such regions. For example, Pedlosky (2001) has studied the behavior of incident Rossby waves on an idealized meridional barrier with gaps, demonstrating their transparency. A gap in the Lomonosov Ridge, connecting two main basins of the Arctic Ocean, controls deep water renewal in the region and has been the subject of a field study by Timmermans et al. (2005). Sheremet (2001), using numerical methods, has quantified the penetration of a viscous western boundary current through a gap in a meridional barrier and, subsequently, has performed related laboratory experiments (Sheremet and Kuehl 2007). Herbaut et al. (1998) showed that the bifurcation of the coastal current near the Strait of Sicily is consistent with linear Kelvin wave dynamics. Pratt and Spall (2003) have modeled linear barotropic wind-driven flow between basins separated by a “porous” ridge (i.e., one with many gaps) and obtained a differential equation whose solution determines the magnitude of the zonal flow through the ridge. Nof and Im (1985) constructed a model for the nonlinear flow of a buoyant current through a gap and applied it to the passage of the coastal current along the Alaskan coast through Unimak Pass.
Johnson and McDonald (2004a, 2005) have studied the motion of barotropic vortices in the presence of an infinite barrier perforated by either a single gap or two gaps. They obtained exact analytical expressions for the trajectories of point vortices and compared these to numerical computations of finite area patches of constant vorticity. In the case of point vortices, Crowdy and Marshall (2006) subsequently extended the results of Johnson and McDonald to barriers having an arbitrary number of gaps. Recently, Crowdy and Surana (2007) have detailed a method for implementing contour dynamics in domains with arbitrary connectivity, and this method could be used to study the motion of vortices near barriers with multiple gaps.
In this work, coastal currents are modeled as thin, two-dimensional, layers of inviscid fluid with anomalous (constant) vorticity surrounded by a larger ocean having zero vorticity. The anomalous vorticity of the current means that the layer of fluid will propagate parallel to the coastal barrier owing to the image effect (e.g., Stern and Pratt 1985; An and McDonald 2004, 2005). In this two-dimensional framework, the vorticity ω has the usual fluid dynamic definition ω = υx − uy, where (u, υ) is the two-dimensional velocity field. This is equivalent to the potential vorticity for a homogeneous fluid of constant depth on the f plane. While many coastal currents owe their origin to a balance between buoyancy and Coriolis forces, it is also the case that many do have anomalous vorticity and that this vorticity plays a role in their evolution (e.g., Kubokawa 1991). The assumption of constant vorticity means that the vorticity advection equation is satisfied trivially in the interior of the fluid, but the boundary separating regions of constant vorticity evolves in a complicated, nonlinear way and defines a difficult free boundary problem. It is, however, the assumption of constant vorticity that enables the use of powerful complex variable methods to find exact solutions for the structure of bifurcating currents near a gap (section 2) and allows the accurate computation of the evolution of such flows using a numerical (or semianalytical) method of contour dynamics (section 3). An important objective of the computations is to determine whether the exact steady solutions are realizable from an initial value problem in which a source of vortical fluid is initiated at t = 0.
2. Steady bifurcating vortical currents near a gap: Exact solutions
a. Problem formulation
Given L and β, the aim is to find the shape of the boundary of the vortical current. Mathematically, this is a free boundary problem similar to those previously tackled by the authors (Johnson and McDonald 2006, 2007). Exact solutions can be found for the case when u = υ = 0 (or, equivalently, ∇ψ = 0) on the free boundary so that the fluid is everywhere stagnant outside the vortical current.
b. Potential plane analysis
In summary, (1), (4), (5), and (7) define a one-parameter family of solutions for the free boundary shape. That is, choosing 0 < β < 1, (1) gives α, then (7) gives L and (5) gives C, finally determining z as a function of u and υ through (4).
Since the length scale used to nondimensionalize the problem is the upstream current width (2q*/ω0)1/2 where q* is the (dimensional) upstream flux and ω0 is the vorticity, the ratio of the gap width to upstream current width is 2L/(2q*/ω0)1/2. In the limit ω0 → 0 the effective gap width vanishes and all of the current leaps across the gap.
3. Computation of time-dependent flows
It is of interest to determine if a time-dependent flow in which a coastal current encounters a gap evolves toward a member of the family of exact steady solutions derived above. The numerical method of contour dynamics provides an accurate method for studying the evolution of flows with piecewise-constant vorticity. It has been previously used to study the evolution and stability of coastal currents (e.g., Stern and Pratt 1985; Pratt and Stern 1986) and their interaction with topographic features such as shelves, canyons, and headlands (e.g., Cherubin et al. 1996; An and McDonald 2004, 2005). As in Johnson and McDonald (2006), the time-dependent current is generated by a source in the wall, here located upstream of the gap at z = −4. Given that a steady-state current reaches its maximum width of unity exponentially quickly with distance downstream of the source (Johnson and McDonald 2006), locating the source at z = −4 is sufficiently far from the gap to be considered at “infinity.” Equally, it is sufficiently close to the gap to enable the interaction of the current with the gap to be studied numerically in a reasonable time. As a check, numerical experiments for other choices of upstream source location were performed and little dependence on the source location was evident. The contour dynamics algorithm used previously by the authors (Johnson and McDonald 2004a) for vortex motion near a single gap in an infinite wall is also used here. A further modification to the algorithm is necessary in this work since the current passes around the tip of the plate where the unsteady velocity field becomes singular. To preclude this singularity, a circular “exclusion zone” of small radius is centered on the plate tips z = ±L. During the advection process, if a node on the contour enters the exclusion zone, it is projected onto the rim of the small circle, thus avoiding the singular regions near z = ±L. The contour is then renoded to ensure its smoothness. Various radii for the exclusion zone were tested, leading to the conclusion that using a radius of 0.1 seems to have little qualitative effect on the dynamics. This “exclusion” procedure is tested explicitly in the next subsection for the special case of a semi-infinite plate with a circular tip: a boundary shape which can be constructed “exactly” using contour dynamics.
a. Semi-infinite plate
Before tackling the case of a finite width gap, the evolution of a coastal current around a single semi-infinite barrier stretching from z = 0 to ℜz = −∞ is studied. The steady solution is given by (9). This case is relevant to the flow of a coastal current about a sharp cape.
Figure 6 shows the evolution of the current about the plate. All vortical fluid emitted by the source eventually propagates around the tip and propagates toward ℜz → −∞ on the opposite side to the barrier to the source. For large times it is evident that the shape of the current approaches the exact steady state (9). It is noteworthy that no distinct eddies are detached from the current during its evolution.
b. Gap-leaping currents
Figure 7 shows the evolution of a coastal current starting at z = −4 for across-gap flux β = 0.5 and a gap of width L = 0.19 [this being, from (7), the corresponding gap width for a steady solution]. The large eddy forming ahead of the current is typical for vortical currents (see, e.g., Stern and Pratt 1985; An and McDonald 2004; Johnson and McDonald 2006) and is observed here for both currents that leap across and those that pass through the gap. Behind these eddies, the current widths approach the equivalent steady solution (the dashed line) as time increases. This suggests that the steady solutions of the previous section are physically realizable and are also stable in this region of parameter space.
Figure 8 shows the evolution of a coastal current starting at z = −4 for across-gap flux β = 0.25 and a gap of width L = 0.26 [this being, from (7), the corresponding gap width for a steady solution]. In comparison to the previous example, the flux across the gap is smaller and the notable difference is that the across-gap current is manifested as a chain of eddies, with the lead eddy becoming completely detached and, owing to its relatively large size and hence circulation, propagating away from the chain of smaller eddies. In contrast, the current that forms from fluid passing through the gap matches well with the steady solution. There is some complicated folding of the contour, partly owing to the fact that velocity on the edge of the current vanishes and perturbations on the contour are therefore slow to propagate away.
c. Zero flux through the gap
In the previous examples a nonzero net flux though the gap was specified. In many situations, however, it is more natural to impose zero net flux through the gap, this being the situation when the basin in the lower half plane is finite. In this case the theory of section 2 is no longer applicable because the velocity outside the vortical current (i.e., the irrotational velocity field) does not necessarily vanish since there must be a return flow of nonvortical fluid from the lower to upper sides of the barrier. However, it is still possible to perform numerical experiments, and in the following examples the net flux is set to zero and the gap width is chosen.
Figure 9 shows the evolution of the current for a gap of width L = 0.2. In this case a small amount of vortical fluid is able to penetrate the gap, but the majority leaps across the gap and evolves in a similar way to a current flowing along an infinite unbroken barrier (e.g., Stern and Pratt 1985; Johnson and McDonald 2006). Note that there is a thin layer of irrotational fluid separating the downstream coastal current from the barrier. This represents a nonzero flux of irrotational fluid through the gap from the lower half plane to the upper half plane and is required to reduce the net flux to zero.
Figure 10 shows the evolution of the current for a gap of larger width L = 0.8. In this case a significant portion of the vortical fluid passes through the gap forming a well-defined coastal current on the opposite side of the barrier to the source. In order for the net flux to vanish there must be an equal and opposite flux of irrotational fluid. This return flux causes the vortical fluid leaping across the gap to be displaced upward—this fluid taking the form of a large eddy shedding event. Such eddy shedding as fluid crosses the gap is typical in these zero-net flux experiments for L ≳ 0.4; the amount of fluid going into forming the eddies depends on the across-gap flux. In contrast, the through-gap fluid forms a well-defined uniform current whose flux becomes steady as time increases. This is illustrated in Fig. 11, which shows the through-gap flux of vortical fluid for various gap widths L as a function of time. In a typical experiment the flux of vortical fluid through the gap is zero until the current reaches the gap at about t = 8. The flux then increases rapidly, reaching a peak at about t = 18. This peak corresponds to the formation of the large eddy at the head of the current on the opposite side of the barrier to the source. After some further transient behavior, the flux then settles down to an almost constant value. As L increases, so does the flux of vortical fluid passing through the gap. Recall that the flux from the source is 0.5 so that for L = 1.0 most of the vortical fluid passes through the gap.
4. Discussion
A family of exact solutions describing the bifurcation of a boundary current with constant vorticity near a gap has been found. It is shown numerically that time-dependent flows initialized from a source of constant strength upstream of the gap approach the exact steady solutions in the large time limit. This suggests that the properties of the exact steady solutions are robust and may well be observable in the ocean. Some physical processes that are important in oceanic flows through gaps (e.g., baroclinicity, mixing, local bottom topography) have been neglected. Nevertheless, the simplified dynamics has enabled identification of generic behavior in the behavior of boundary currents near a gap separating two ocean basins. For instance, specifying the gap width or flux through the gap completely determines the structure of a steady current bifurcating at the gap. When the flux across the gap is sufficiently small, the across-gap transport is manifested as a chain of propagating eddies rather than a steady current.
The exact solution derived here, in addition to being useful for checking results of large-scale numerical models, can be used to predict the flux of the coastal current that approaches and flows through Unimak Pass. This region was also considered by Nof and Im (1985), who used an equivalent barotropic model of a buoyancy-driven coastal current and predicted that all of the current should pass through the gap. They cited observational evidence supporting their prediction.
The width of the pass at its narrowest point is 20 km and the upstream breadth of the current is 40 km (i.e., twice the gap width; Nof and Im 1985). The present theory immediately gives, using Fig. 4, a nondimensional flux across-gap flux of 0.124 or 25% of the upstream flux, implying that 75% of mass flux of the current passes through the gap in comparison to the 100% predicted by Nof and Im (1985). This prediction made by the theory in this paper seems reasonable, bearing in mind that observations show that the current is unsteady and has a baroclinic structure with prominent outcropping of isopycnals (e.g., Schumacher et al. 1982; Stabeno et al. 2002); such effects are not included in this work.
For the situation in which there is no net flux through the gap, numerical experiments show that, as the gap width increases, so does the proportion of the vortical current passing through the gap. At large times the transport in this current approaches a steady value, whereas the current that leaps across the gap remains unsteady, reflecting the generation of eddies at the gap for the range of L tested. For L ≥ 1, at large times, virtually all the vortical fluid passes through the gap. A current propagating around the tip of a semi-infinite wall (i.e., a cape) is able to do so without forming eddies. This behavior differs from the eddying found by (Pichevin and Nof 1996) for the dynamically different equivalent-barotropic flow around a semi-infinite barrier.
The authors are grateful for the useful comments made by the reviewers.
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