1. Introduction
In the World Ocean several places exist where large-scale ocean currents retroflect (i.e., make an anticyclonic turn of more than 90°) after separation. Examples are the Agulhas Current, the North Brazil Current, the Brazil Current, and the East Australian Current. A common observed feature of all these systems is that they are unsteady and shed rings. In a series of papers (e.g., Nof and Pichevin 1996, hereafter NP) state that under a rather restricting set of conditions, this is a necessity arising from a momentum imbalance for a steady frictionless retroflecting current (NP; Pichevin and Nof 1996, 1997; Nof and Pichevin 1999; Pichevin et al. 1999; see also Nof et al. 2004 for an interesting review). By integrating the zonal momentum equation over an area that contains a steady retroflecting current and making some assumptions on the in- and outflow, they derive a momentum imbalance. The imbalance itself is a remarkable result because the details of the retroflecting current do not matter.
Direct numerical simulations of retroflecting currents show that they are unsteady (e.g., T. Pichevin 2001, personal communication). However, such studies cannot be used to prove that steady retroflections cannot exist because forward integrations can never probe the state space in enough detail: the regions of attraction of possible steady states might be rather small. In fact, the steady state might be unstable, as Dijkstra and de Ruijter (2001) showed by using a continuation technique that follows steady states in parameter space. By forward numerical integration, such unstable steady states are impossible to find. On the other hand, Moore and Niiler (1974) and, in a more idealized setting, Ou and de Ruijter (1986) present steady solutions for retroflecting currents. So, although the idea of NP is appealing, it seems to be contradicted by other studies.
In the present paper (section 2), it is shown that a momentum imbalance theorem can be formulated for retroflecting flows. We show that the derivation as proposed by NP is valid only for currents that satisfy very specific outflow conditions, as detailed in the appendix. The difference with NP is that we treat all possible configurations that retroflecting currents can have and that we extend the theorem to currents with friction.
Following this, we extend the present analysis to nonretroflecting separating and meandering currents, like the Gulf Stream, in section 3. It is shown that by integrating the steady zonal momentum equation over a zonal line crossing the separating current system, a relation between the inertial coastal current and meandering current exists that does not depend on the details of the separation. On the other hand, several studies show that the meandering current momentum flux does depend on the details of separation, leading to an “information paradox.” To investigate this further, the analytical solution provided by Moore and Niiler (1974) is studied and is shown to suffer from a momentum imbalance. From a basin-wide point of view, a steady state is only possible when the vorticity input by the wind in the basin interior on a streamline is dissipated on the same streamline. So each streamline has to move through a dissipative region (see e.g., Pedlosky 1996, and references therein). By simple scale arguments, it is shown that these dissipative regions have to be of basin size for realistic dissipation coefficients.
We thus conclude in section 4 that inertial, steady, separating currents connected to a nondissipative (e.g., linear Sverdrup) interior flow are impossible.
2. Retroflecting currents
Consider a steady current with a poleward momentum flux that flows along a north–south-oriented wall that curves westward. The current follows the coast until it separates and retroflects into the ocean interior. By retroflection we mean that the just-separated current makes an anticyclonic loop of more than 90°. To be more precise, we restrict retroflecting currents to currents where the cross-current-integrated momentum transport makes an anticyclonic loop of more than 90°.
Assume a reduced gravity, or 1.5-layer, configuration, with density difference Δρ and layer depth h. The results can be generalized by assuming that the upper layer has a finite depth h0 outside the current, or to a barotropic description of the fluid. We assume the flow to be steady and show that this leads to a contradiction, by integrating the steady zonal momentum equation over a well-chosen area.
a. The frictionless current
One might expect that the occurrence of such a contradiction depends on the direction of the momentum flux out of the area, because that direction determines the sign of the zonal momentum flux out of the area in the momentum budget. In Fig. 1 three directions for the momentum flux out of the area are indicated, which cover all possible configurations. The outward momentum flux can be eastward, southeastward, southward, or southwestward, but the analysis is the same for southward and southeastward momentum flux. In Figs. 2 –4 three possible realizations of the momentum flux directions corresponding to the three situations in Fig. 1 are given, together with three contours ϕ that define the areas over which the momentum equation is integrated. (Note that we do not have to assume that mass and momentum transport are in the same direction.) In the following, these three cases are treated separately. For clarity, we treat the frictionless case first in the next section and discuss the role of friction later. Also, we put h0 = 0, but, as the reader can easily verify, the analysis below holds also when h0 ≠ 0 and for the barotropic case.
1) Southward and southeastward outflow
We first deal with currents that make a strong turn southeastward and meander relatively mildly further on, as depicted in Fig. 2. Or rather, the cross-current-integrated momentum flow has this configuration as explained earlier. The integration contour ϕ runs straight east through the current, bends northward, and closes back on itself near the separation point.
2) Eastward outflow
This result can easily be understood by realizing that the advective terms act the same as in the previous case. The β term is related to the tilted coordinate system. The mass transport in the positive τ direction leads to a Coriolis force directed to positive s (in the Northern Hemisphere). The mass transport in the negative τ direction induces a Coriolis force in the negative s direction. Now, from continuity, these two mass transports are equal, but due to the meridional variation of the Coriolis parameter (β effect), the latter force is larger. The resulting force thus implies a momentum flux in the negative s direction. Clearly, also this term needs to be compensated by a source of momentum in the positive s direction (“eastward”), but such a source is absent. So, the contradiction is also present in this case. This result does not contradict the steady numerical solution obtained by Arruda et al. (2004), because these authors treat the case in which the momentum transport makes a turn of only 90°, such that the zonal momentum balance connects to the coast.
3) Southwestward outflow
Now we treat the case shown in Fig. 4. For this case the imbalance is related to the connection of the flow to the coast. We choose the contour to run southward along the coast from the separation point, cross the current twice running eastward, and close the loop via a northward curve outside the current.
Hence, this flow configuration cannot be steady. A possible way out might be to impose a recirculation cell within the first meander. This would have two direct effects: the maximum value of ψ would increase, but the average value of ψ over the integration area would grow much less because the area over which ψ is maximal decreases. A second effect is that the width of the meander M increases. However, even a factor of 2 increase in transport in the recirculation cell and a factor 2 increase in the width of the meander cannot negate our conclusion that the flow configuration cannot be steady.
A flow closer to the equator needs extra attention because the ratio between the two integrals becomes one when f0 ≈ Mβ, so at a distance of about 0.6M ≈ 250 km from the equator (using the equatorial β plane). At this distance from the equator, however, the separated current would reach the equator in a southward meander, which is unrealistic. Thus the imbalance remains.
b. The role of friction in retroflecting separating currents
The foregoing discussion of all three cases can be summarized as follows: a steady retroflecting current in which the cross-current-integrated momentum flux turns anticyclonically more than 90° in a frictionless reduced gravity (or barotropic) context cannot exist. Friction does not resolve the momentum imbalance because the momentum fluxes now comprise both advective and diffusive terms, and the reasoning used above can be used on these total fluxes, too. This can be understood by realizing that we do not solve the equations of motion including friction but impose a (quite general) geometry on the flow and then derive a contradiction. Friction can change the direction of the outflow, but all possible outflow directions have been treated in the three cases above. Friction might prevent the current from retroflecting, but that falls outside the scope of this section.
3. Nonretroflecting separating currents
This argument is based on a local view of the separation process, and in a basin-wide view one can argue that the flow is forced to fulfill the steady zonal momentum balance, and we cannot choose the momentum structure of the coastal current at will. We present a discussion of the local viewpoint first, and then add a short discussion on this basin-wide viewpoint.
a. The local viewpoint
To illustrate the local viewpoint, we consider the situation in which the meandering jet is approximated by a thin jet. In the thin-jet approximation, variations along the jet axis are assumed small in comparison with variations normal to the jet axis. It has been used extensively to study the stability and evolution of meandering currents because it decouples the along-track and the cross-track problems (e.g., Warren 1963; Robinson and Niiler 1967; Robinson et al. 1975; Flierl and Robinson 1984; Pratt 1988; Cushman-Roisin et al. 1993).
b. The basin-wide view
One can take the stance that the arguments presented above are open for discussion because when a steady flow is imposed on a separating current, the momentum structure in the coastal current and meanders have to adjust such that the zonal momentum balance is fulfilled. Numerical simulations of (statistical) steady circulations suggest that a steady separation can be achieved by either a strong recirculation cell in the northwest corner of the domain or by an overshoot of the current, forming a long loop current in which both inertia and dissipation are of order one (see, e.g., Cessi et al. 1990; Pedlosky 1996, and references therein). The analysis of both situations has been done mostly using Stewart’s constraint, which says that vorticity input on a latitude circle by the wind over the interior of the basin has to be balanced by vorticity dissipation at the same latitude (Stewart 1964). This constraint rests on the assumption that the relative vorticity in the western boundary current can be approximated by the zonal derivative of the meridional flow (i.e., ζ ≈ υx). However, in an inertial recirculation cell, this is questionable, and we will not use this constraint below.
In the following scaling analysis we show that a steady solution to the separation problem is not possible when a linear Sverdrup-like interior flow exists over the majority of the basin and inertia dominates in the western boundary current. [Numerical steady solutions show that the interior circulation becomes nonlinear, too, in the inertial case (Sheremet et al. 1997; V. Palastanga et al. 2007, personal communication), but that seems to contradict current observations.]
We have to conclude, then, that even from a basin-wide viewpoint, steady separation is unlikely because it seems to be impossible to close the global vorticity balance in steady state, while keeping both a realistic inertial western boundary current and a realistic interior circulation.
4. Conclusions and discussion
In this paper we have confirmed that a steady separating and retroflecting current in a reduced gravity or a barotropic model suffers from a momentum imbalance paradox. It can be proven directly that such a current cannot fulfill the zonal momentum equation integrated over a suitably chosen area. We have shown that even friction cannot prevent this momentum imbalance. The apparent contradiction between previous work on separating currents, and the more recent work by NP is solved.
We also showed that nonretroflecting separating currents are likely to suffer from a similar momentum imbalance because the zonal momentum flux in the coastal flow is directly related to that in the meandering jet, while the former is not dependent on the details of the separation process, but the latter is to a great extend. This information paradox can give rise to a momentum imbalance in that given a coastal current, the separation process is unlikely to be steady. This point was illustrated by studying the case in which the free meandering jet is approximated by a so-called thin jet. Moore and Niiler (1974) use this approximation in their analytical solution for a subtropic gyre. We found that a momentum imbalance is present in their solution, related to the matching of the just-separated flow with the free meandering thin jet.
This local viewpoint of the separation process is complemented with a basin-wide view, in which a scaling argument is used to show that the size of the area of vorticity dissipation has to be larger than the whole basin, which is inconsistent with observations that do show a Sverdrup-like interior flow.
These points lead to the important conjecture that a considerable part of the variability in the World Ocean might be due to the impossibility of a steady separation, not to an instability of a free jet.
A point in favor of the analysis presented here on retroflecting currents is the work by Dijkstra and de Ruijter (2001) and W. M. Schouten (2003, personal communication), who use continuation techniques to follow steady states of the Agulhas through parameter space. By decreasing the friction parameter by continuation, they find that the current at some point overshoots the African continent and flows all the way to South America, retroflects there, and connects back to the wind-driven gyre in the Indian Ocean: the flow never fully retroflects in the open ocean, in accordance with our conclusions.
NP point to the possibility of ring shedding to solve the momentum imbalance, but one could also imagine that the retroflection itself starts moving westward, to absorb the excess westward momentum. This is the only solution in a linear model. The Agulhas Current, for instance, does show these westward intrusions into the South Atlantic Ocean (see, e.g., Lutjeharms and Van Ballegooyen 1988; Schouten et al. 2002).
In a multilayer ocean, the excess momentum in the retroflecting layer(s) may be transported to deeper layers. A countercurrent in deeper layers might solve the imbalance via the pressure-gradient term. Boudra and de Ruijter (1986) reported in their simulations a momentum transfer from the upper to lower layer, but their flow field is time varying. From a local point of view, there seems to be no direct reason for the countercurrent to balance the momentum exactly. The basin-wide argument is based on vorticity dissipation arguments, which do not depend directly on lower layers, again pointing to the impossibility of steady, separating, inertial currents in ocean basins with a Sverdrup interior.
The authors thank M. W. Schouten and H. A. Dijkstra for stimulating discussions on this subject, and one of the anonymous reviewers who pointed us to the generality of the results in section 2a. Both anonymous reviewers are thanked for their constructive comments that helped sharpen the wording.
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The Momentum Imbalance Theorem of Nof and Pichevin
When all zonal derivatives of u, υ, and h are zero, a Taylor series expansion of each of these variables from any point in the domain with respect to the outflow position where υ = 0 and υx = 0 shows that all variables are independent of the x coordinate, which is inconsistent with a retroflecting current and any downstream meander of the current.
Hence, the outflow condition as used by NP leads to u2 = g′h at outflow. Combining this condition with geostrophy leads to a relative vorticity of ζ = ½f everywhere along the meridional and to unrealistically high velocities for reasonable current widths L. For example, L = 100 km gives u = 5 m s−1 at midlatitudes. Such a current might be possible when the retroflected current flows parallel to a wall. Nof (1978) found solutions of this shape but assumes small Froude numbers, so u2 + υ2 ≪ g′h. Garvine (1987) treated the supercritical case by integrating the solution along the characteristics. He found the formation of fronts and a current that has a variable thickness along the wall, violating the assumptions in the derivation by NP.
We conclude that the seemingly weak condition of geostrophy at outflow results in a rather extreme condition on the outflow structure, so the proof by NP is not complete.