1. Introduction
Understanding what maintains the large-scale ocean circulation involves detailed knowledge of the energy sources and sinks and the pathways and mechanisms involved in the source-to-sink energy fluxes over the global ocean. Over the years, a detailed picture of the energy sources has emerged, with wind and gravitational tidal forcing supplying most of the mechanical energy to the ocean (Munk and Wunsch 1998). Quoting typical time-mean, globally integrated values, wind energy input into surface waves can be quite large at ∼6 × 1013 W, or 60 TW (Wang and Huang 2004a), and total input into the Ekman layer is ∼3 TW (Wang and Huang 2004b). Such input is, however, thought to be mostly dissipated by turbulent processes very near the surface, and thus its importance to the energetics of the large-scale circulation remains unclear (Wang and Huang 2004a). More relevant in this regard is the rate of work done by the winds on the large-scale geostrophic circulation, estimated at ∼1 TW by Wunsch (1998). The power input by the gravitational potential is ∼3.5 TW (Munk and Wunsch 1998), but only up to 1 TW is believed to be involved in large-scale mixing over the deep ocean (Egbert and Ray 2000), again with the rest being dissipated over shallow shelves.
As the dominant wind and gravity terms become better known, for a quantitative analysis of the energetics one needs to consider other contributions, such as the work done by atmospheric pressure pa on the general circulation. Our unpublished preliminary estimates of ∼10 GW, quoted in the review by Wunsch and Ferrari (2004), were based on short test runs of both barotropic and baroclinic models forced by realistic atmospheric fields including pa, but excluding the effects of barometric air tides. More recently, Wang et al. (2006) used altimeter measurements from Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon at crossover points and daily mean pa values from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) reanalysis to arrive at a value of ∼40 GW, with most of the power input occurring at mid- and high latitudes.
As acknowledged by Wang et al. (2006), one difficulty in using altimeter data is the relatively sparse sampling in time. In addition, the work done by pa on the ocean tides, in particular the semidiurnal S2 tide, which has a nonnegligible contribution forced by the corresponding barometric air tide (Cartwright and Ray 1994), has not been discussed in the literature (R. Ray 2007, personal communication). In this note, we revisit the calculation of the work rates associated with pa, using the model results of Ponte and Vinogradov (2007) and the near-global ocean-state estimates produced as part of the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean–Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (ECCO–GODAE) project (Wunsch and Heimbach 2007).
2. Calculating pa work rates
Power in pa series is characterized by red spectra with marked periodicity at 12 and 24 h, associated with the barometric expression of the S2 and S1 air tides (Ray and Ponte 2003; Ponte and Vinogradov 2007). The peaks at 12- and 24-h periods dominate variability at daily time scales and give rise, respectively, to the so-called radiational S2r and S1r tides in the ocean (Cartwright and Ray 1994; Ray and Egbert 2004). Ponte and Vinogradov (2007) have calculated the radiational tides associated with forcing by the mean climatological barometric tides S1,2, with results very similar to other studies (Ray and Egbert 2004; Arbic 2005). The barometric tides used by Ponte and Vinogradov (2007) are the well-resolved interpolated solutions from Ray and Ponte (2003) derived from the 6-hourly operational analyses of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. Their estimates of the amplitudes and phases of pa, and the respective ζ solutions in Fig. 2 of Ponte and Vinogradov (2007), are used in (3) to calculate
Another tidal issue to consider is the presence of gravitationally forced ocean tides S1,2g at the same exact periods of the radiational tides. For the case of S1, the barometric tide is the primary driver, and thus the effects of gravity on ζ can be neglected (Ray and Egbert 2004). For S2, however, forcing by the S2 air tide is much weaker than that by gravity, and the gravitational ocean tide is not only considerably larger but also quite similar to and correlated with the radiational component (Cartwright and Ray 1994; Arbic 2005). Thus, the work done by the S2 air pressure tide on S2g is likely to be important and is also considered here. For an estimate of amplitudes and phases of ζ associated with S2g, we take the radiational tide calculated by Ponte and Vinogradov (2007), and, using the conversion factors derived by Arbic (2005), simply scale the amplitudes by 6.81 and subtract 109.4° from the phase values.
The power input by the pa variability continuum is calculated using pa fields from the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis and ζ fields from the optimized ECCO–GODAE solutions. The latter are produced in an iterative optimization procedure, described in Heimbach et al. (2006) and Wunsch and Heimbach (2007), that fits, in a least squares sense, a general circulation model to most available datasets, including all altimetric and hydrographic observations, within expected model and data uncertainties. The basic solution used here is from version 2, iteration 216 (v2.216), analyzed in detail by Wunsch et al. (2007) in the context of decadal sea level trends. The model configuration (grids, topography, and frictional parameters) is the same as in the air tide experiments of Ponte and Vinogradov (2007). To the nominal forcing by surface fluxes of momentum, heat, and freshwater, we have added pa, for comparison with results that do not include pa driving. The solution with pa forcing will be denoted as v2.216 + pa. The analysis is focused on the 12-yr period from 1993 to 2004. In addition, because the 6-hourly NCEP–NCAR pa fields give only a crude representation of the air tides and other near-daily variability (e.g., Ray and Ponte 2003), the pa continuum analysis is based for the most part on daily mean pa and ζ fields. Effects from variability at periods ≤ 2 days are thus not included in the main results, but are briefly discussed in the final section of the paper.
Full ζ variability includes a large inverted barometer component, but it is easily shown that this term yields w ∼ −(2gρ)−1 (pa2)t, which can be neglected in a time-mean sense. For our calculations, the relevant parameter is dynamic ζ (i.e., full ζ minus the inverted barometer signal). The standard deviation of the daily averaged dynamic ζ values (Fig. 1) ranges from a few centimeters over most of the deep ocean to more than 10 cm in some western boundary regions and more than 20 cm in shallow coastal areas. Note that our ζ estimates attempt to represent only the large-scale variability. Contributions by the eddy field to ζ, which can be quite large near strong currents (western boundaries and the Southern Ocean), are not considered, but given the mismatch in oceanic eddy scales compared to those of synoptic atmospheric weather systems, their effects on
An estimate of the effects of pa driving on dynamic ζ, evaluated by differencing solutions with and without pressure forcing, also shown in Fig. 1, reveals patterns and amplitudes very similar to earlier calculations by Ponte (1993) and Ponte and Vinogradov (2007). Standard deviations range from < 1 cm over most of the ocean, 1–3 cm in several Southern Ocean regions, and considerably larger values in shallow or semienclosed areas. Most of this variability is at submonthly periods (e.g., Ponte and Vinogradov 2007). Although weak compared to the full ζ variability, the pa-driven signals are expected to be well correlated with pa and thus important in the energetics.
3. Results
a. Work by mean air tides
Values of
The rate of work done by the S2 air tide on the much more vigorous gravitational ocean tide S2g is also shown in Fig. 2. Results are not a simple linear scaling of
Globally integrated values of
Superposed on the climatological air tides, there is stochastic variability at both diurnal and semidiurnal periods, but the associated variance is about an order of magnitude smaller than that of the mean air tides (Ponte and Vinogradov 2007, cf. their Fig. 5). Thus, assuming an approximately linear oceanic response, such stochastic variability is expected to introduce small perturbations on the estimates of
b. Work by pa continuum
As explained in section 2, here we use daily mean pa and ζ fields, excluding poorly resolved near-daily variability from the analysis. Values of
Spatially integrated values of w yield the time series shown in Fig. 4. The detailed behavior of this time series is likely sensitive to many uncertain factors, like the land–ocean mask used in our calculations. Thus, these estimates are only shown to give an idea of the range of temporal variability in W. Daily variability (±40 GW) is quite large compared to the
The impact of the ECCO–GODAE data fitting and optimization procedures in determining our nontidal estimates of
4. Summary and discussion
Local and global estimates of the rate of work done by pa on the ocean tides and general circulation have been derived from the radiational tides of Ponte and Vinogradov (2007) and the ECCO–GODAE state estimates (Wunsch and Heimbach 2007). From the globally integrated, time-mean results summarized in Table 1, the largest values of
When globally averaged, the mean power input by pa is ∼10% of the gravitational effects on the S2 tide (Cartwright and Ray 1991) and less than 1% of the wind effects on the general circulation (Wunsch 1998). Because the work done by winds is dominated by contributions from the time-mean circulation in the Southern Ocean, pa effects can be relatively larger for local nontidal energetics away from the latitudes of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (cf. Fig. 3 and Fig. 2 in Wunsch 1998). In addition, day-to-day fluctuations in Fig. 4 can be an order of magnitude larger than the value of
Although based on our current best estimates of ζ and pa, the results in Table 1 should be taken as tentative. Estimates are not truly global, because much of the Arctic region is missing, and the resolution of coastal shallow areas is very coarse. Apart from these domain issues, if one is interested in the energetics of the deep ocean and the topic of oceanic mixing, one nontidal missing contribution to
In addition, we have not considered the work done by pa on the full ocean tides at diurnal and semidiurnal periods here. In addition to the largest M2 tide, there are several other ocean tides at these periods with energy comparable to S2g, but the power in pa fields across these other tidal lines is much weaker than at 12- and 24-h periods. Poor spatial and temporal coherence between pa variability and ocean tides other than for S1,2 is also expected, which should lead to comparatively weak contributions to
As a final point, we recall that changes in global-mean ζ are not explicitly treated in the current ECCO–GODAE solutions (Wunsch et al. 2007). Thus, those effects have not been included in our calculations. Although locally a 1 mm yr−1 of sea level rise yields
This work was motivated by inquiries from Carl Wunsch (MIT) about the role of pa in ocean energetics. The author is much indebted to Patrick Heimbach (MIT) for providing the various ECCO–GODAE output. Financial support from the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NASA, NOAA) and from the NASA Jason-1 Project (Contract 1206432 with JPL) is gratefully acknowledged. Most ECCO-GODAE estimates were calculated using the computer resources of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA.
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Globally integrated work rates for various different terms;
In fact, using a backward (instead of centered) differencing scheme, which introduces a small half-day lag, leads to spatial patterns and values of