1. Introduction
Numerical prediction models that run on a daily basis at global and regional scales, commonly referred to as operational models, are limited to coarse spectral and spatial grids and with parameterizations or approximations of the nonlinear energy fluxes resulting from wave–wave interactions constrained by the computational time available. Thus, present operational wind-wave models can only predict the standard integral parameters, which are the significant wave height and the period and direction of the dominant waves. Because of the large number of operations required, models with good spatial and spectral resolution that use the complete computations of nonlinear energy transfer have been limited to academic investigations (Komen et al. 1984; Banner and Young 1994; AB03; Badulin et al. 2005; Ardhuin et al. 2007). The first study of this kind was by Komen et al. (1984), who focused on the dynamical balance of the spectrum for fully developed seas, using a variant of the dissipation function by Hasselmann (1974). A subsequent study by Banner and Young (1994) showed that the model by Komen et al. (1984) could not reproduce the observations when applied to developing waves under idealized fetch-limited conditions. They concluded that a new dissipation function was needed to improve the model performance. A recent investigation by AB03 proposed a dissipation parameterization that can accommodate several wind input functions with the full computations of Snl. The simulations by AB03 reproduce the integral parameters from field observations over a wide range of fetches, including the asymptotic behavior near full development. However, as shown by Alves et al. (2002), in realistic applications the AB03 dissipation function gave a poor performance when compared to observations, which was mainly attributed to the use of the discrete interaction approximation as a parameterization of the nonlinear energy transfer (Hasselmann and Hasselmann 1985). Moreover, van der Westhuysen et al. (2007) have shown that the AB03 model cannot handle mixed wind-sea and swell conditions. More recently, Ardhuin et al. (2008) have described the problems that arise within the tail of the spectrum when using dissipation models similar to AB03. Recent advances in field measurements of wave-breaking statistics have reported a threshold behavior with respect to the spectral saturation normalized by the directional spreading of the spectrum (Banner et al. 2002), which have been incorporated in a parameterization of spectral dissipation as a modification to the AB03 dissipation function (Banner and Morrison 2006). Because Banner and Morrison (2006) did not provide the necessary information to reproduce their results and it appeared to be a work in progress, their modifications to the AB03 dissipation function (and the wind input) were not considered in this study.
Here, we use an improved dissipation function with two regimes. For low to intermediate wavenumbers, the dissipation parameterization corresponds to the AB03 function. At high wavenumbers, within the saturation range, the dissipation function dynamically forces the spectrum to match the observed degree of saturation and explicitly balances the sum of the wind input and nonlinear transfers. The model was forced with two empirical wind input parameterizations, Snyder et al. (1981) and Yan (1987), and employed the full computations of the nonlinear resonant interactions (Tracy and Resio 1982; van Vledder 2006).
We present a comparison between two-dimensional simulations of spectra and the fetch-limited wind-wave observations collected during the Gulf of Tehuantepec Experiment (GOTEX) in February 2004. The wave observations represent the largest available dataset of wavenumber spectra, with supporting winds and turbulent fluxes, and good directional resolutions over a wide range of fetches, and they are described in detail in Romero and Melville (2010, hereafter RM10). Thus, the GOTEX measurements provide an opportunity to test the AB03 model, with full computations of the nonlinear energy transfer resulting from resonant interactions, under strong wind forcing, beyond comparisons with just the usual integral parameters. All the simulations were carried out using the computational framework of WaveWatch III (WW3), version 2.22 (Tolman 2002).
The structure of the paper is as follows: In section 2, we present an overview of numerical wind-wave models. In section 3, we describe the wind-wave model used for the simulations. In section 4, the two-dimensional simulations over the Gulf of Tehuantepec are compared to the GOTEX observations. The results are summarized and discussed in section 5.
2. Background
State-of-the-art wind-wave models do a very good job of predicting the total energy and peak frequency of the dominant waves under idealized conditions, which include spatially homogeneous and stationary winds blowing over an infinite area or off an infinite straight coastline.
One of the first effective theories of wind-wave generation was developed by Miles (1957), based on a shear flow instability mechanism through critical-layer interaction of the surface waves and the wave-induced pressure. Following the theoretical framework of Miles, Snyder et al. (1981) examined field measurements of the pressure above the surface waves and reported growth rates much larger than the predictions by the Miles theory. Plant (1982) showed that the available measurements on the wave forcing by wind, from wind-wave tanks and field observations, could be explained with a quadratic dependence on the ratio u*/c, where u* is the friction velocity and c is wave speed according to the linear dispersion relation. Yan (1987) proposed a parameterization of the wind input consistent with Snyder et al. (1981) for weakly forced waves, or low values of u*/c, and approaching the parameterization by Plant (1982), for strongly forced waves. Donelan (1982) showed that the drag coefficient is sea-state dependent. The effects of the wave-induced stress on the wind input were incorporated in the parameterization by Janssen (1989, 1991) as an extension to the Miles theory. Tolman and Chalikov (1996) introduced a wind input function consistent with Janssen’s growth rates but also gave negative input rates for waves traveling faster than the wind or at large angles from the mean wind direction. This parameterization of Sin was obtained from numerical simulations of the wave boundary layer over monochromatic waves (Chalikov 1986; Chalikov and Belevich 1993; Burgers and Makin 1993).
The dissipation function Sds is the least understood source function. The first widely used form of Sds was proposed by Hasselmann (1974). It assumes that the loss resulting from wave breaking is linearly related to the spectral density. In contrast, the equilibrium model by Phillips (1985) required a nonlinear form of Sds to balance the other source terms (Sin and Snl). The numerical experiments by Komen et al. (1984) showed that a variant of Hasselmann’s Sds could balance the source terms for fully developed conditions, producing frequency spectra consistent with the empirical Pierson–Moskowitz spectrum (Pierson and Moskowitz 1964) for fully developed seas. According to Komen et al. (1984), this wind-wave model included a parametric tail, proportional to ω−5 at frequencies greater than 2.5 times that at the peak of the spectrum ωp to give faster computation speeds with no significant effects near the peak of the spectrum. Banner and Young (1994) extended the numerical work of Komen et al. (1984) to test the sensitivity to modifications of the adjustable parameters of Sds and the effect of the prognostic tail on the energy-containing region of the spectrum. They performed fetch-limited numerical experiments using as diagnostics the Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) fetch relations (Hasselmann et al. 1973), the high-frequency spectral slope and energy level of Banner (1990), and the directional spreading of Donelan et al. (1985). Their results showed that the evolution of the spectrum was sensitive to the prognostic tail and that the model was not able to reproduce the JONSWAP observations regardless of the modifications made to the free parameters of Sds. The conclusion was that an alternate form of Sds is required to reproduce the observations. A recent study by AB03 proposed a saturation-based nonlinear form of Sds. Their numerical experiments showed an improvement, reproducing the integral parameters and the high-wavenumber spectral shape and energy density of the spectrum. However, they could not accurately reproduce the empirical bimodal distribution for fully developed seas reported by Hwang et al. (2000).
3. Wind-wave model
In this study, WW3, version 2.22, is used as the numerical framework to carry out the numerical wind-wave simulations. WW3 was developed at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP; Tolman 2002) and is used operationally to produce global and regional forecasts on a daily basis at NCEP and at the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC). The source code is written in Fortran 90, and is fully parallelized to work across multiple processors with the Message Passing Interface (MPI).
The model has several explicit propagation schemes available. Following AB03, we used the first-order upwind scheme with fine spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions. For the time step integration, the default semi-implicit scheme without limiters was used for all the simulations presented here. Integration limiters are commonly used in wind-wave model simulations to ensure numerical stability by limiting the maximum change in energy or action density at each spectral component. To avoid any artificial effects on the shape of the spectrum, the integration limiters were turned off, but the solutions were free of integration instabilities at all times.
a. Source functions
All simulations were carried out with exact computations of the nonlinear energy transfer resulting from four-wave resonant interactions using the Webb–Resio–Tracy algorithm (Webb 1978; Tracy and Resio 1982) adapted by van Vledder (2006; version 5). The computations of Snl use a parametric tail of the form φ(ω, θ) ∼ ω−5, or F(k, θ) ∼ k−4, for frequencies larger than 0.75 times the maximum resolved frequency.
b. One-dimensional implementation
The main goal of this study is to compare the fetch-limited wind-wave observations against two-dimensional numerical simulations with good spectral resolution. For fetch-limited simulations, the limitation imposed by the computations of Snl requires the use of nested grids. The dissipation model was tuned in a one-way nested configuration of one-dimensional fetch-limited runs (see grid details in Table 1), with a spatial resolution that gradually decreased with increasing fetch. The total energy and dominant frequency were adjusted against the fetch relationships by Kahma and Calkoen (1992) for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. This is justified, because the stability of the boundary layer during GOTEX was typically stable at short to intermediate fetches and unstable at long fetches. For more details on the nesting procedure, see Romero (2008). The simulations were initialized with a JONSWAP spectrum with the bimodal directional distribution by Ewans (1998). Following Lewis and Allos (1990), the nondimensional energy and peak frequency were adjusted to match the composite growth curves by Kahma and Calkoen (1992) for a stable atmospheric stratification, at short to intermediate fetches, and the Pierson–Moskowitz limits (Komen et al. 1984), at long fetches.
Figure 1 shows the nondimensional energy and peak frequency versus the nondimensional fetch from one-dimensional simulations carried out with
4. Two-dimensional simulations
In this section, we present a direct comparison between the Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) wind-wave observations of fetch-limited wavenumber spectra, collected by RM10 during GOTEX, and two-dimensional simulations with good spectral resolution (for details, see Table 3). The two research flights (RFs) considered for this comparison are RF 05 and 10, when the environmental conditions were closest to idealized fetch-limited seas.
The two-dimensional simulations were carried out with a procedure similar to the one used for the one-dimensional simulations, in section 3, using a one-way nested configuration with high spatial resolution near shore, gradually decreasing with increasing fetch (see also Table 3). All model runs where initialized with a JONSWAP spectrum and Ewans (1998) bimodal directional distribution. The simulation for RF 05 forced with the wind input by Snyder et al. (1981) was initialized with energy densities and peak frequencies of the simulation for RF 05 with wind input by Snyder et al. (1981) set longitudinally homogenous, varying only with latitude approximately matching the ATM observations along the flight path. All other simulations were initialized with the fetch relations from RM10, using the local winds and the fetch estimated as the latitudinal distance between a given point and the shoreline at (16°11′7″N). The latter initialization resulted in a faster convergence toward a steady solution. Additional experiments demonstrated that the different initial conditions give negligible differences on the results.
a. Winds
The two-dimensional simulations for RFs 05 and 10 were forced with friction velocity fields calculated from an objective analysis (Bretherton et al. 1976) that combines the low-level measurements, collected onboard the National Science Foundation/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NSF/NCAR) C-130 aircraft, and the available Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) winds or model winds from the NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR). The QuikSCAT data are available from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (available online at http://poet.jpl.nasa.gov/). The measured friction velocities from low-level flights (30–50-m altitude) were assumed to be in a constant momentum flux layer. As discussed by RM10, the analysis of the GOTEX measurements reported by Friehe et al. (2006) showed stress divergence near the shore, which was in balance with the pressure gradient; however, the scatter of the stress profiles was greater than the expected change resulting from extrapolation of the stress to the surface. NCEP/NARR winds have a relatively coarse resolution in space and time of 32 km and 3 h, respectively. The QuikSCAT product used has a spatial resolution of 25 km, and over the Gulf of Tehuantepec the satellite can have from zero to two passes per day. Following Perlin et al. (2004), the scatterometer neutral 10-m wind velocities were inverted back to friction velocities using the drag coefficient given by Large and Pond (1982), as were the NCEP/NARR 10-m winds. The objective maps were calculated assuming an isotropic decorrelation length of 50 km, which is comparable to the downwind spatial resolution of the measured wind stress and is also reasonable given the coarseness of the scatterometer and model winds as well as the fact that the mountain gap, at the Tehuantepec isthmus, is only 30 km wide. Each simulation was forced with the mapped friction velocity assuming steady wind conditions. Figure 2 shows the time history of the wind at (15°N, 95°W). For geographical reference, see Fig. 3.
For the calculations of the objective map of friction velocities for RF 05, there are two QuikSCAT passes over the Gulf of Tehuantepec, one at 0600 LT and the other at 1800 LT, corresponding to 1 h prior to and 4 h after the ATM data acquisition period. Both scatterometer passes were averaged together, weighted toward 0900 LT, corresponding to the average time of the ATM data acquisition. The scatterometer data and the measured friction velocities from low-altitude flights (at about 50 m above mean sea level) were used to produce an objective map (see Fig. 3a), which was used as input for the two-dimensional simulations.
For RF 10, the QuikSCAT data available are limited to a single pass and miss most of the area of interest. However, the friction velocity measurements collected on board the NSF/NCAR C-130 aircraft had a good spatial coverage of the wind jet. For the objective analysis, the measured friction velocity was combined with NCEP/NARR model data to produce an average wind map for the simulations. The NCEP/NARR model data were averaged between 0400 and 1600 LT, then converted to friction velocities using the Large and Pond (1982) drag coefficient, and combined with the friction velocity measurements to estimate an objective map. During the mapping procedure, the friction velocity measurements were weighted more heavily, by a factor of 4, than the model winds. Figures 3a,b show the friction velocity maps used for the two-dimensional simulations of RFs 05 and 10.
b. Directional spectra
Figure 4 shows a sample comparison between various measured and simulated two-dimensional wavenumber spectra for RF 05 using
c. Integral parameters
d. One-dimensional spectra
Figure 6 shows the development of the compensated azimuth-integrated spectra
e. Other moments of the spectrum
f. The bimodal distribution
g. Transition between equilibrium and saturation range
As shown in appendix A, the function used to enable the dissipation function at high wavenumbers was designed to approach unity at koz = 2kzu, where kzu corresponds to the zero-up crossing of Snl(k). Figure 13 shows koz/kp plotted against the wave age and is compared to the empirically determined transitional wavenumber component (ko/kp), between the equilibrium and the saturation ranges of the spectrum (RM10). The simulations show an increase of koz/kp with increasing wave age. The computations using
5. Discussion and conclusions
This study is concerned with the performance of a modified AB03 dissipation function with a two-regime behavior. At low to intermediate wavenumbers the dissipation corresponds to the model of AB03, at high wavenumbers the dissipation is designed to force the solution to match the observations with an explicit source term balance. The model is compared to field observations of fetch-limited waves under strong wind forcing in the Gulf of Tehuantepec. This study used the wind-wave model WaveWatch III as the numerical framework for the simulations. All model runs were carried out with exact computations of the nonlinear energy transfer resulting from wave–wave interactions, as described by Tracy and Resio (1982) and van Vledder (2006). The wind input functions considered are Snyder et al. (1981) or Yan (1987). The model was tuned and tested in one-dimensional runs against the empirical fetch relationships for stable atmospheric stratification (Kahma and Calkoen 1992). Finally, the model was used for two-dimensional simulations over the Gulf of Tehuantepec. The friction velocities used as input for the model were calculated from measurements at low altitudes (30–50 m above mean sea level) and QuikSCAT winds or NCEP/NARR model winds. The resulting two-dimensional average friction velocity maps show a two-dimensional wind-jet pattern, which was assumed to be in steady state throughout the model computations.
The simulated wave height and dominant wave period are in good agreement with the ATM observations, with rms errors ranging between 5% and 12%. In contrast, the comparison between the observations and the simulations for higher moments of the spectrum is encouraging but not completely satisfactory. The numerical simulations maintain power-law behaviors within the tail of the omnidirectional and k1 spectra, which are consistent with the observations. The computed omnidirectional spectra exhibits two power laws, an equilibrium range, with ϕ ∝ k−5/2, and a saturation range, with ϕ ∝ k−3. As shown in appendix B, the magnitude of nonlinear energy fluxes is significantly reduced between the equilibrium and saturation ranges when compared to the wind input. The dominant balance within the saturation range is between Sin and Sds, which is consistent with the common assumption used in several investigations (Kudryavtsev et al. 1999; Donelan 1987; Phillips 1984). It is also found that the transition to saturation of the simulated spectra forced with
Another shortcoming of the model is the directional spreading of the simulated spectra being narrower than the observations by about 10°. This is consistent in all simulations, regardless of the parameterization of the wind input used. Similarly, the spectral width in the direction orthogonal to the dominant wave direction (σ2) from computed spectra is always narrower than the field observations. The wind input parameterization by Janssen (1991), which gives similar growth rates to
An interesting result is the characterization of the bimodal distribution with increasing wave age. Although the measurements show wider lobe separations and larger lobe amplitudes when compared to the simulations, the empirical scaling found in the measurements (RM10), where θlobe collapses when scaled with (cp/u*)1/2, was also found to apply for the computed spectra, regardless of the wind input parameterization used.
Some of the problems associated with the AB03 dissipation function have been associated with missing physics, as described by van der Westhuysen et al. (2007). It is argued that the formulation does not account for the breaking probability threshold reported by Banner et al. (2002) nor the cumulative effect of the dissipation at high frequencies resulting from modulations induced by the straining by the longer dominant waves (Donelan 2001; Young and Babanin 2006). Other possible reasons for the discrepancies between the observations and the numerical simulations are the effects of currents, the uncertainties in the wind input and the stationarity of the winds, including wind gustiness. However, as pointed out by an anonymous reviewer, the only available model for gustiness (Abdalla and Cavaleri 2002) gives negligible effects for developing waves. Additionally, as shown in appendix C, the wind input functions considered would not satisfy the momentum budget suggested by the laboratory measurements by Banner and Pierson (1998).
We thank Bruce Cournuelle and Caroline Papadopoulos for allowing us to carry out the simulations on the computer cluster at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. LR is thankful to Jose Henrique Alves for useful suggestions on the choice of numerical framework for the simulations. LR is thankful to Jessica M. Kleiss for her comments on this manuscript. We thank the anonymous reviewers whose comments and questions have led to significant improvements in this paper. This work was supported by grants to WKM from the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, and BP.
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Implementation of Dissipation Function
Dissipation regimes
Stability of the saturation range with explicit source term balance
Source Term Balance in Equilibrium and Saturation Ranges
Figures A3a–c show the maximum value of each term in Eq. (B1) within the equilibrium range relative to the maximum of the wind input. The terms
Momentum Balance
Energy partition
Momentum balance
One-way nested grid configuration for one-dimensional simulations, where Xo corresponds to the initial location of each grid; Δx is the spatial resolution; Δtp and Δts are time step increments for the spatial propagation and source term integration, respectively; Nx is the number of spatial grid points; and CFL is the Courant–Friedrichs–Levy number. The spectral grid had a directional resolution of 4.5° between 0° and 360° and a constant bandwidth dω/ω = 0.078, or dk/k = 0.156 according to the linear dispersion relationship, with a range of resolved frequencies between 0.443 and 12.064 rad s−1 (or between 0.02 and 14.85 rad m−1) having a total of 45 components in ω and 80 in direction.
Spectral dissipation parameters used for the numerical simulations. (Parameters are dimensionless)
One-way nested grid configuration for two-dimensional simulations over the Gulf of Tehuantepec. The terms Lato and Lono correspond to the initial location of each grid; Δx and Δy correspond to the spatial resolution; Δtp and Δts are time step increments for the spatial propagation and source term integration, respectively; Nx and Ny are the number of spatial grid points in each direction; and CFL is the Courant–Friedrichs–Levy number. The spectral grid had a directional resolution of 4.5° between 0° and 360° and a constant bandwidth dω/ω = 0.078, or dk/k = 0.156 according to the linear dispersion relationship, with a range of resolved frequencies between 0.263 and 14.066 rad s−1 (or between 0.007 and 20.188 rad m−1) having a total of 54 components in ω and 80 in direction.
The rms errors of simulated spectra against the ATM observations for the significant wave height (Hs = 4