1. Introduction
Potential vorticity (PV) is a dynamical tracer whose large-scale spatial structure is important for understanding the ocean circulation (Holland et al. 1984; Rhines 1986). When isopycnals outcrop at the ocean’s surface (e.g., Luyten et al. 1983) or intersect topography (e.g., Rhines 1998), boundary layer processes play a key role in determining the circulation’s PV field. In the surface boundary layer, PV sources and sinks are determined by atmospheric forcing (Czaja and Hausmann 2009). In the bottom boundary layer (BBL), PV can be modified by mixing associated with internal wave breaking (e.g., Naveira Garabato et al. 2004; Saenko and Merryfield 2005), as well as frictional and diabatic processes that depend on the balanced flow and density fields. This coupling between the flow and nonconservative processes means that PV generation and extraction adjacent to topography is a complex problem. This work examines analytically and numerically the modification of PV in the BBL, which has not been fully explored with theory.
Previous theoretical studies have demonstrated how frictional and diabatic processes couple in setting the stratification over the slope. Bottom-enhanced diapycnal mixing weakens the stratification and also drives an upslope frictional flow (e.g., Phillips 1970; Wunsch 1970; Thorpe 1987). This flow tends to restratify the BBL by advecting denser water to shallower depths. Similarly, the frictional deceleration of a geostrophic current can drive a cross-isobath Ekman transport that modifies the stratification. In the latter case, horizontal density gradients develop and thermal wind shear weakens the near-bottom velocity, bottom stress, and Ekman transport (e.g., MacCready and Rhines 1991; Trowbridge and Lentz 1991).
Observations of the BBL in the abyssal ocean and on continental slopes indicate that diapycnal mixing and Ekman advection of buoyancy affect flows near topography. Near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Brazil Basin, bottom-enhanced levels of turbulence mix the buoyancy field, tilting isopycnals downward toward the slope and driving diapycnal flows (St. Laurent et al. 2001). Observations off the northern California shelf show that upslope and downslope Ekman advection of buoyancy can lead to BBLs that are thin or thick, respectively (Lentz and Trowbridge 1991). Downslope Ekman advection of buoyancy advects lighter water under denser water, inducing convective mixing and isopycnal steepening within a bottom mixed layer (e.g., Moum et al. 2004). This frictional process has been used to explain the order 100-m-thick bottom mixed layers within deep western boundary currents of the Brazil Basin (Durrieu De Madron and Weatherly 1994).
Numerical studies have also revealed the potential importance of these boundary layer processes to the large-scale circulation. In wind-driven gyre simulations, Hallberg and Rhines (2000) and Williams and Roussenov (2003) examined how the inclusion of a sloping boundary modifies the PV of the circulation. Bottom frictional torques are more effective in changing PV at the boundary for a finite slope than for a wall with infinite slope (Hallberg and Rhines 2000; Williams and Roussenov 2003). Williams and Roussenov (2003) identify PV sinks from diapycnal mixing and downslope Ekman advection of buoyancy and a PV source from upslope Ekman advection of buoyancy. Diapycnal mixing tends to counteract local PV injection from an upslope Ekman transport and can dominate upslope Ekman transport in setting the buoyancy field (Williams and Roussenov 2003). These studies show that frictional and diabatic modification of PV is not confined to the boundaries. As the boundary currents separate from the coast, boundary-modified PV is transported into the gyre interior, creating PV gradients that tend to counteract eddy PV homogenization. These studies indicate that a metric is needed to evaluate the relative importance of diapycnal mixing and Ekman advection of buoyancy in the boundary modification of PV.
This work aims to quantify the PV sources and sinks that result from the coupling between diabatic and frictional processes at a slope. To this end, an analytical model is constructed to examine the time-dependent adjustment of a flow over a slope and the boundary processes that modify the PV field. In contrast to previous numerical studies, this analytical approach offers a more general means of quantifying the relative roles of these processes in controlling the PV field. In section 2, the model formulation, solution, and implications for PV dynamics are described. In section 3, the analytical solutions and scalings are tested using a numerical model with different turbulent closure schemes. The article is concluded in section 4.
2. Analytical model
a. Formulation
Numerical model parameters. The background diffusivity κ∞ is equal to the background viscosity. All parameters below are calculated assuming constant mixing coefficients. The time scale
Although the approximate time-dependent solution (MacCready and Rhines 1991) and steady-state solution (Thorpe 1987) yield insight into a current’s frictional evolution at a slope, a full time-dependent solution is needed to quantify frictional and diabatic PV fluxes. In the following section, complete solutions are derived for the current’s subinertial adjustment. These solutions show that, if the far-field flow is not equal to UThorpe, Thorpe’s (1987) steady-state solution does not extend throughout the domain but is embedded within a boundary layer that is thicker than the Ekman layer. The solutions are used to study PV dynamics at a slope, in which this thicker boundary layer is necessary to estimate the total PV input or extraction.
b. Time-dependent solution
The time-dependent solutions to (1)–(3) are solved with initial and boundary conditions (4)–(9) following Thomas and Rhines (2002). The water column is split into the following three regions: an interior where viscous and diffusive effects are negligible, an Ekman layer of thickness δe where friction is of leading-order importance, and a diffusively growing boundary layer of thickness (2κt)1/2, which is referred to as a thermal boundary layer. Figure 1 illustrates the boundary layer decomposition for buoyancy generation (Fig. 1a) and buoyancy shutdown (Figs. 1b,c) of the Ekman transport. The adjustment is examined under the assumptions that slope Burger numbers are small, S ≪ 1, and Prandtl numbers are order one, σ = O(1). For subinertial dynamics the Ekman layer is embedded within a thermal boundary layer of depth δT, where δe/δT ≪ 1. Variables are decomposed into contributions from three regions: that is, u = ui + uT + ue, υ = υi + υT + υe, and b = bi + bT + be, where subscripts denote interior, thermal boundary layer, and Ekman layer components, respectively. In the interior, ui = U and υt = bi = 0 for all times, where the geostrophic, along-isobath flow is associated with a tilt in the free surface.
The flow in the thermal and Ekman boundary layers are coupled by boundary conditions (34) and (36). The key parameter controlling the flow’s evolution is U/|UThorpe|. When the geostrophic flow near the bottom is nonzero, an Ekman flow is required to satisfy the no-slip condition (34). This Ekman flow produces a buoyancy anomaly be and forces the buoyancy field in the thermal boundary layer by (36). In the thermal boundary layer, buoyancy diffuses away from the boundary. By thermal wind balance, buoyancy diffusion adjusts uT, which then feeds back onto the Ekman flow by (34). Closed form solutions to this coupled problem are obtained below.
Solutions for the buoyancy anomaly, bT + be, and the total along-isobath flow, u = ui + uT + ue, are plotted in Fig. 2. When U = 0, diffusion of the stratification induces a positive buoyancy anomaly near the bottom and balances a negative along-isobath flow. When U > 0, buoyancy shutdown of an initial downslope Ekman transport increases this positive buoyancy anomaly through downslope advection of buoyancy. In time, the along-isobath flow reverses sign and tends to UThorpe. When U < 0, the upslope Ekman transport generates a negative buoyancy anomaly, which tends to counteract the positive buoyancy anomaly caused by diffusion of the stratification. In the special case U/|UThorpe| = −1, the two anomalies exactly cancel, thus yielding a buoyancy profile that does not change with time. In all cases, the along-isobath flow above the Ekman layer tends to UThorpe. This negative along-isobath flow extends into the interior as buoyancy diffuses away from the boundary.
The solutions to the flow and buoyancy field are controlled by coupling between frictional and vertical mixing processes. Their evolution corresponds to changes in the PV field. In the next section, the analytical solution is used to quantify the contributions of these processes to the PV dynamics.
c. Potential vorticity dynamics
From (33), diffusion of buoyancy in the Ekman layer [the second term in (57)] is O(σ−1 S−1) larger than diffusion of buoyancy in the thermal boundary layer. Diffusion is enhanced in the Ekman layer relative to the thermal boundary layer because δe is smaller than δT by a factor of σS. However, terms involving the Ekman flow in (56) and (57) cancel in the sum of the frictional and diabatic PV fluxes.
3. Numerical experiments
A series of numerical experiments are run to test (i) the buoyancy generation time scale (16), (ii) the solution for ΔQ and its asymmetric dependence on the current’s direction, and (iii) the sensitivity of the results to how mixing is parameterized.
The numerical model (used in Brink and Lentz 2010) solves the system of equations (1)–(3). No-buoyancy-flux and no-slip conditions are applied at the bottom. No-momentum-flux and no-buoyancy-flux conditions are applied at the top of the domain. The vertical domain is 350 m high with a vertical grid spacing of 20 cm. An implicit time stepping scheme is used with a time step of 8 s and the model is run at least 12 buoyancy generation or shutdown times.
The model parameters are motivated by midlatitude flows over continental slopes. Three configurations are considered and the parameters are summarized in Table 1. For all configurations, a slope angle of θ = 0.01 and a Coriolis parameter of f = 10−4 s−1 are assumed. In configuration 1, the parameters include N2 = 0.5 × 10−5 s−2 and constant background mixing coefficients of κ∞ = ν∞ = 5 × 10−5 m2 s−1. In configuration 2, the diffusivity and viscosity are reduced by half to test the buoyancy generation time scale’s independence on the mixing coefficient. Reducing the mixing coefficient also increases the control parameter U/|UThorpe| for a fixed U. Hence, this configuration also allows examination of the asymmetry in PV input versus PV extraction. In configuration 3, the initial stratification N2 is doubled to examine
a. Time-dependent evolution
The time evolution of the Ekman transport is shown in Fig. 4 for the buoyancy generation scenario, U = 0, and in Fig. 5 for buoyancy shutdown, U ≠ 0. For U = 0 and constant mixing coefficients, the Ekman transport’s time evolution is well predicted by the analytical solution. However, for the Richardson number–dependent mixing scheme, buoyancy generation tends to occur at a shorter time scale than
This faster adjustment occurs for two reasons, a thickened Ekman layer and stronger initial buoyancy diffusion. First, for the vertically varying diffusivity, the Ekman layer is thicker relative to the simulations with constant diffusivity. Figure 6 shows an example of this thickening for U = 0, where profiles for U ≠ 0 have a similar structure. For both mixing schemes, the steady-state Ekman transport is Me = (ν∂u/∂z)|z=0/f = −κ∞/θ. With bottom-enhanced mixing, the steady-state along-isobath speed is reduced in magnitude to maintain the same Ekman transport. From the thermal wind balance in (29), this weaker along-isobath speed corresponds to a weaker buoyancy anomaly compared to the constant diffusivity case. Thus, a smaller buoyancy anomaly is needed for the Ekman transport to reach steady state. Second, this buoyancy anomaly is generated through buoyancy diffusion. Because diffusion is bottom enhanced, a shorter time is needed to generate the buoyancy anomaly because mixing is more efficient.
For U ≠ 0, the evolution of the Ekman transport with constant mixing coefficients is well predicted by the analytical solution. With the Richardson number–dependent mixing scheme, the initial Ekman transport is significantly increased by bottom-enhanced mixing because of the thicker Ekman layers. Rapid buoyancy shutdown can occur because cross-isobath buoyancy advection is enhanced by stronger Ekman transport. After approximately a shutdown time, the Ekman transport evolves more slowly to steady state.
b. Structure of the flow and buoyancy fields
The differences between the buoyancy and along-isobath flow for runs with vertically varying and constant mixing coefficients are illustrated in Fig. 7. Above the Ekman layer, the along-isobath flow approaches UThorpe, (15), for constant mixing. However, for bottom-enhanced mixing, the along-isobath speed is weaker than this scaling, which is consistent with the arguments presented above. For bottom-enhanced mixing, the buoyancy anomalies are always less than the anomalies with constant diffusivity. The differences are more significant for simulations with upwelling, U < 0, versus downwelling, U > 0. This modification of the buoyancy field has implications for the PV field.
c. Potential vorticity field
The analytical solution in (61) predicts that PV is removed from the fluid even if there is no initial along-isobath current. PV is extracted by diffusion of buoyancy, which tilts the isopycnals to satisfy the no-buoyancy-flux boundary condition. For U = 0, time series for the change in the vertically integrated PV (Fig. 8) show that PV is indeed removed. However, the amount of PV extracted differs depending on the mixing scheme. With constant mixing coefficients, the numerical solutions tend to follow the analytical curve. The analytical solution tends to underestimate the amount of PV extracted because of an O(S) correction to the buoyancy field that is not accounted for in (61). With Ri-dependent mixing, however, the amount of PV extracted is significantly less than predicted by analytical theory. This is a result of weaker buoyancy anomalies that arise when the mixing coefficients are bottom enhanced. For this mixing scheme, the difference between the analytical and numerical solutions is more sensitive to changes in stratification than background diffusivity κ∞.
For U ≠ 0, time series of the change in the vertically integrated PV (Fig. 9) show that there is again a good agreement between the analytical solution and the numerical simulations with constant mixing coefficients. For the Richardson number–dependent mixing scheme, there is a more rapid initial change in PV. This is because with this mixing scheme thicker Ekman layers and an intensified Ekman transport ~Uδe result, which leads to stronger buoyancy advection and a more rapid generation of PV anomalies. In time, buoyancy shutdown alone produces a steady-state PV anomaly −f2U/θ that is independent of diapycnal mixing. Thus, the vertical variations in the diapycnal mixing modify the steady-state PV anomaly only through the buoyancy generation component −f2|UThorpe|/θ.
The vertically integrated PV anomalies evaluated at 800 inertial periods for all of the simulations are summarized in Fig. 10. These PV anomalies are compared to the analytical prediction for ΔQ evaluated at this time and at steady state, (61). A key finding from these predictions is that the amount of PV extracted or input is asymmetric for a change in the sign of U. The model solutions for constant mixing coefficients capture this asymmetry and closely follow the analytical solution evaluated at 800 inertial periods. The deviation from the analytical solution at steady state in (61) is mainly due to the finite duration of the simulations.
4. Conclusions
This study provides a theoretical framework for understanding the mechanisms that control the modification of PV in the deep ocean along sloping boundaries. The PV can only be changed by diabatic processes and frictional or nonconservative forces. In the bottom boundary layer, diabatic processes are primarily responsible for the change in PV yet are strongly influenced by friction through density advection by Ekman flows. Ekman flows generated by frictional deceleration of a current along a slope can result in the injection of PV into or removal of PV from the abyssal ocean depending on the direction and magnitude of the current.
Currents that flow in the direction of Kelvin wave propagation induce a downslope Ekman transport that advects lighter waters under denser waters, driving diapycnal mixing and extracting PV. Even in the absence of an imposed current, PV is extracted from the fluid as diapycnal mixing destratifies the boundary layer to satisfy the insulated slope boundary condition. Reversing the current direction results in an upslope Ekman transport that tends to restratify the boundary layer. However, this upslope Ekman transport only leads to a PV input if the current speed exceeds its steady-state value |UThorpe|, which is dependent on diapycnal mixing.
Only a finite amount of PV is extracted or input by this mechanism because a steady-state balance is reached. A time-dependent analytical theory valid for small-slope Burger numbers, S ≪ 1, is developed to quantify the net PV change resulting from this process. For times much longer than a buoyancy generation or shutdown time, the depth-integrated PV anomaly asymptotes to
This work shows that the deep ocean PV can be modified by processes in the bottom boundary layer. Some of the waters in the deep ocean originate in the surface mixed layer, where atmospheric forcing can drive a change in PV. The following question therefore arises: What are the relative roles of the two boundary layers in setting the PV of the abyss? To address this question, the PV fluxes are estimated and compared for surface and bottom boundary layers where deep waters outcrop. In regions of deep-water formation, buoyancy loss leads to a vertical diabatic PV flux that extracts PV from the fluid. Czaja and Hausmann (2009) estimate that, for an annual average, given the outcrop area in the North Atlantic of isopycnals spanning the range 26.5 < σθ < 28 kg m−3, the diabatic PV flux associated with buoyancy loss is ~10−14 m s−4. The PV fluxes in the bottom boundary layer scale as
We thank Ken Brink, who generously provided the original numerical model for the bottom boundary layer experiments. J. Benthuysen was supported by the MIT/WHOI Joint Program and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Funding from Stanford University is also gratefully acknowledged. L. N. Thomas was supported by National Science Foundation Grant OCE-05-49699. The numerical experiments were run on the high performance computer of the Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing at University of Tasmania.
Thermal Boundary Layer Solution by Inverse Laplace Transform
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