1. Introduction
The goal of this paper is, therefore, to evaluate the statistical and samplewise relationship between LT and LO and thus the appropriateness of Eq. (1) in flows where the turbulence is predominately driven by the convective collapse of earlier stage overturns that are large compared to the turbulent motions they generate. Henceforth, we will refer to this kind of turbulence as “convectively driven”1 in order to draw a contrast with classical “shear-driven” turbulence in which turbulence production is via homogeneous background shear (see, e.g., Rohr et al. 1988). This distinction is also made in the companion paper (Scotti 2015) that investigates this subject using direct numerical simulation (DNS). It is recognized in both papers that the two kinds of turbulence represent conceptual limits in a continuum. In the current work, we draw heavily on an analogy between the convective instabilities expected to drive turbulence in regions such as the Luzon Strait and the commonly studied Kelvin–Helmholtz (K–H) instability mechanism. Insights from the DNS work on K–H turbulence by Smyth et al. (2001) will be of particular focus. Our hypothesis is that K–H turbulence and large convective instabilities in the ocean share a common mechanism despite acting at different scales and at different Reynolds numbers. That is, both processes involve the roll up of an overturn, or “billow”, that subsequently collapses into smaller-scale turbulence. Smyth et al. (2001) show the ratio LO/LT (LT/LO) to increase (decrease) monotonically with time as a K–H billow collapses. In their experiments, “young” turbulence is characterized by high available potential energy (APE) contained in large overturns, while “old” turbulence is characterized by a complex structure of smaller overturns and decreased stratification resulting from conversion of the initial APE to turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) that, in turn, increases the background potential energy through diapycnal mixing. Observations tracking billows over their life cycle in geophysical flows are rare. However, the K–H billow-following observations of Seim and Gregg (1994) loosely support the shift from LT > LO to LT < LO as billows evolve, with LT/LO ≈ 1 on average.
In the regions of the ocean where convective instabilities are likely, we expect that the temporal dependency of LT/LO shown by Smyth et al. (2001) becomes increasingly relevant as the range of overturning length scales (and presumably time scales) increases. To investigate our hypothesis, the present paper focuses on three oceanic datasets from which both direct and inferred estimates of dissipation rate can be made (i.e., LO and LT can be independently determined). Of particular interest are observations from the Luzon Strait collected as part of the Internal Waves in Straits Experiment (IWISE). Also considered are observations from the southern Atlantic Ocean collected as part of the Brazil Basin Tracer Release Experiment (BBTRE) where turbulence and overturning are bottom enhanced because of the rough topography as well as data collected as part of the North Atlantic Tracer Release Experiment (NATRE) where dissipation rates are more representative of the relatively quiescent ocean interior and the range of overturning scales is smaller. Details of the datasets are described in section 2. The fundamental assumptions supporting LT ~ LO are highlighted in section 3 to set the stage for a discussion of results. Methods for calculating the relevant quantities are discussed in section 4. Results are presented in sections 5a–c that progress from global averaging of samples (section 5a), to averaging as a function of depth (section 5b), to time integration of a dissipation rates from a series of profiles (section 5c). Conclusions are presented in section 6.
2. Oceanographic datasets
The IWISE study site at the Luzon Strait is one with very strong baroclinic generation of internal tides (Simmons et al. 2011; Buijsman et al. 2014). The interaction of strong tides with steep topography along two nearly parallel north–south ridges leads to one of the most energetic internal wave environments in the World Ocean (St. Laurent et al. 2011). The acting processes range from strong shear in well-stratified middepth waters to hydraulically controlled turbulence in the bottommost 500 m related to lee waves (Alford et al. 2011). Data used in the current analysis were collected from a 2011 cruise deploying deep microstructure profiles at two sites over the eastern Lan-Yu Ridge and the western Heng-Chun Ridge between moorings deployed on an earlier IWISE pilot study. Over the Lan-Yu Ridge, approximately 70 profiles (58 of which are considered in the current analysis) were collected at a site along the 1000-m isobath along a crest just south of the Batan Islands. These profiles typically extend to within O(100) m of the seafloor and were collected on a quasi-continuous basis (every 3–5 h) for 12 days spanning both phases of a single spring–neap tidal cycle. The Lan-Yu site, henceforth referred to as IWISE L, was characterized by both strong stratification and strong currents, apparently because of the significant influence of the Kuroshio in the upper 400 m. Outbreaks of elevated dissipation clearly occurred during instability events of the density field throughout the water column with LT reaching O(100) m in the largest cases. These overturns are extraordinary, given the highly stratified nature of the region.
Over the Heng-Chun Ridge, a total of 10 profiles (all of which are considered in the current analysis) were collected at a site along the 1800-m isobath near the center of the mooring array featured in Alford et al. (2011). This site, referred to as IWISE N2, was sampled in a quasi-continuous fashion for a single 36-h period 3–4 days after the new moon. In contrast to IWISE L, the IWISE N2 site demonstrated a relatively quiet thermocline but intense turbulence and large overturns below 1200 m, in line with the measurements of Alford et al. (2011). The dominant processes acting at IWISE N2 seem to be associated with very strong vertical velocities, suggestive of hydraulic/convective instabilities. At both IWISE sites, turbulence levels were observed to be significantly enhanced over typical oceanic levels for all phases of the tide. Further details of the cruise are contained in the technical report by St. Laurent (2012).
Turbulence at the BBTRE site ranges from rather weak internal wave-driven mixing in the thermocline waters, to stronger internal tide-driven mixing in the deep water (Polzin et al. 1997; St. Laurent et al. 2001), to hydraulically driven mixing at the bottom of fracture zone canyons (Thurnherr et al. 2005). The current study will analyze a subset of deep microstructure profiles collected in 1997 as part of the BBTRE and featured in St. Laurent et al. (2001). A total of 89 profiles extending to within O(20) m of the seafloor will be considered. These profiles were taken from approximately 20° to 25°S and from 13° to 23°W and collectively integrate both spring and neap tidal periods. For the interested reader, additional details of the BBTRE survey may be found in Polzin et al. (1997) and Ledwell et al. (2000).
Unlike the IWISE and BBTRE sites, the NATRE site is one with no locally enhanced turbulent processes because of the interaction of the flow with the topography. Also unlike the IWISE and BBTRE sites, the NATRE site is favorable to double diffusion, particularly the salt-finger form of convection in the upper 1000 m (St. Laurent and Schmitt 1999). Double-diffusive convection can lead to gravitationally stable steplike temperature structures that can be easily misinterpreted as overturns (Schmitt 1994). True overturns occurring at the NATRE site are likely due to canonical internal wave activity where shear instability leads to turbulence (St. Laurent and Schmitt 1999). Thus, for turbulence properties, the NATRE site is generally representative of the open-ocean interior where the Garrett and Munk internal wave continuum is applicable and turbulent instabilities are intermittent (Munk 1981). The 136 microstructure profiles from NATRE are used here that feature data from the uppermost 2000 m. The 14 deeper profiles are also considered that extend to 3000 (10 profiles) and 4000 m (4 profiles). All profiles were collected from approximately 24° to 28°N and from 26° to 31°W and collectively integrate many tidal cycles. Additional details for the NATRE site may be found in Toole et al. (1994).
3. Fundamentals of the Thorpe–Ozmidov relation
First, consider the assumptions 1 and 2 in the case of shear-driven turbulence where the APE is sourced directly from the TKE reservoir of the turbulent motions. That is, in the limit where the overturns are a product of the turbulence. In an investigation of homogeneous shear-driven turbulence of classic laboratory and DNS experiments, Mater and Venayagamoorthy (2014) show that assumption 1 is valid in a buoyancy-dominated regime for which the gradient Richardson number Ri ≡ N2/S2 is equal to or greater than some critical value Ric ≈ 0.25 and
Next, consider the case of convectively driven turbulence where TKE is being sourced from a larger reservoir of APE. That is, in the limit where the turbulence is a product of the overturns. It is clearly doubtful that either assumption would hold for the early stages of convectively driven turbulence when APE > TKE (see Scotti 2015) and an inertial subrange has yet to develop. Breakdown in the assumptions is an explanation for LT > LO in the young K–H turbulence of Smyth et al. (2001). In old turbulence, adherence to the assumptions likely depends on how well the event has locally mixed the fluid. Well-mixed conditions would tend to support assumption 2, while less thorough mixing would support assumption 1. Smyth et al. (2001) find LT < LO in support of well-mixed conditions for the old turbulence in their simulations. Unfortunately, their study did not explicitly indicate whether time averaging would result in LT ≈ LO for their class of convective instability.
4. Methods
In the current study, we consider hydrographic and turbulence measurements collected concurrently from a single platform so that temporal or spatial mismatches in overturn characteristics can be avoided. For all datasets, the platform consisted of some form of free-falling vertical microstructure profiler (VMP). Instrumentation aboard the VMPs provides direct estimates of ϵ and corresponding measurements of conductivity and temperature for the calculation of density profiles. Vertical resolution of the data considered here provides a minimum reliable Thorpe scale of LT,min ≈ 1 m.
a. Thorpe-scale calculations for turbulent patches
b. Temperature–salinity relationships
Because of concern over the reliability of salinity measurements, we use potential temperature θ as a surrogate for potential density in determining Thorpe scales. This was done for two primary reasons: First, the conductivity cell on the VMP used at the IWISE site was unpumped and, therefore, provided estimates of salinity that were unreliable for estimating potential density at the accuracy level needed for determining LT. Second, problems associated with determination of salinity from conductivity, temperature, and pressure can propagate into estimates of density, resulting in σ profiles with higher random and systematic noise levels than profiles of potential temperature θ (Gargett and Garner 2008). This issue is a concern for all three datasets and is especially problematic in the relatively weak stratification of near-bottom water at the BBTRE site. An obvious disadvantage of our method is the potential for wrongly counting salinity-compensated temperature inversions as density overturns. To confront this source of error, the temperature–salinity (T–S) relationships for the datasets were examined so that depths for which density was strongly a function of salinity could be omitted. Examination of T–S relationships also allowed for omission of depths characterized by considerable spread along lines of constant σ—a condition typically referred to as “spice” that is indicative of possible double-diffusive, nonturbulent salt fingering rather than turbulent mixing (Schmitt 1994, 1999; St. Laurent and Schmitt 1999). Figure 2 shows the T–S relationships for the data considered here. Data omitted from the current analysis are shaded in light gray. Omitted data include measurements from approximately 1027.25 ≲ σ ≲ 1027.75 kg m−3 in both BBTRE and NATRE that correspond to water from approximately 750–2000 m in BBTRE and from 600–2000 m in NATRE. Also excluded were data from the uppermost 200 m in IWISE and BBTRE and the uppermost 300 m NATRE that are susceptible to atmospheric influences leading to spice. For IWISE, salinity values were derived indirectly using the temperature measurements of the VMP and a fit to the T–S relationship provided by nearby and quasi-simultaneous CTD casts. It is also worth noting that our delineation of poorly behaved depth horizons is somewhat subjectively applied by visual inspection using the aggregate T–S data for a given dataset. As such, it is possible that some temperature inversions considered in the following analysis are compensated partially or fully by salinity. This issue is discussed further in appendix A wherein the method is shown to be robust enough for the purposes of this analysis. Instrument noise in the potential temperature measurements was filtered using the smoothing algorithm of Gargett and Garner (2008) with threshold values of 0.001°C for IWISE and 0.0005°C for BBTRE and NATRE.
c. Calculation of buoyancy frequency
Equation (5) is used in the current study because the method is relatively insensitive to the delineation of patch boundaries and, therefore, provides an appropriate estimate of N when a turbulent patch contains more than one overturn (Smyth et al. 2001). Given the novelty of the method, a comparison with more common methods is provided in appendix B.
d. Patch estimates of dissipation and Ozmidov length scale
To allow a straightforward comparison between datasets, we assume a = 1 in calculating the inferred dissipation rate ϵT from Eq. (1). The actual value of a (in a statistical sense) for each dataset is given separately in section 5a. The dissipation rate used in calculation of LO for a given patch is an arithmetic mean of the VMP measurements over the vertical extent of the patch (see Fig. 1). This patch-averaged dissipation will be denoted as ϵO, while the unaveraged VMP measurements will simply be denoted as ϵ.
5. Results
a. Patchwise comparisons
First, consider the direct comparison of LT and LO and the distribution of LT/LO for all turbulent patches (Fig. 3). As in Wesson and Gregg (1994), we find the data cluster near LT ≈ LO but with considerably more scatter than reported by Dillon (1982). Nonetheless, we find that LT/LO is lognormally distributed for all three datasets with a geometric mean that is O(1). This lognormal behavior is also reported by Wijesekera et al. (1993) and Stansfield et al. (2001). The positive skewness in the NATRE data is possibly due to salinity-compensated temperature inversions resulting from the double-diffusive processes known to occur there. The bias persists in NATRE despite our elimination of depths characterized by obvious spice in the T–S relationship—a finding that highlights an important consideration for sorting temperature alone when turbulence is weak. Statistics of the LT/LO distributions for each dataset are reported in respective figures, while estimates of the coefficient a are shown in Table 1. We find that, with the exception of NATRE, the statistics compare well across datasets and that the statistical range in a is comparable to that found by Ferron et al. (1998). Statistical variability of Eq. (1) is explicitly shown in Fig. 4 and compares inferred and microstructure dissipation estimates. The distribution in ϵT/ϵO demonstrates greater spread around the geometric mean than the distribution of LT/LO mostly because estimates of ϵT involve squared values of LT. Nonetheless, the distributions shown here suggest that use of Eq. (1) in a geometrically averaged sense is appropriate despite the presence of convectively generated turbulence. The particular application should, however, consider the spread and lognormal behavior of the data.
Patchwise statistics for a(=LO/LT) in Eq. (1). The geometric mean and standard deviations are denoted as 〈 〉g and sg( ), respectively. Values are shown for interest; all calculations use a = 1 except where noted.
In the current work, we have hypothesized that LT/LO is dependent on the age of the convectively generated turbulence in a fashion similar to K–H billows. We therefore plot the ratio against LT in Fig. 5 under the expectation that LT diminishes as turbulence ages. Indeed, in apparent agreement with K–H turbulence (cf. Smyth et al. 2001), LT/LO and LT demonstrate a positive correlation spanning LT/LO ≈ 1 that is most obvious in the IWISE data that perhaps best represents convectively generated turbulence. The geometric mean of LT/LO increases nearly monotonically with LT for both IWISE and BBTRE, while the trend in NATRE is less convincing because of the scarcity of overturns and the bias toward large LT/LO potentially caused by the double-diffusive effects discussed previously. Bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals around the means for IWISE and BBTRE indicate that the trends are statistically significant. Distributions of LT/LO are shown as histograms in the right panels of Fig. 5 for quartiles of the data delineated by LT. Two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) testing indicates that no two quartile distributions are statistically the same for the IWISE data at the α = 5% level (i.e., the observed differences in the quartile distributions have a less than 5% chance of occurring if it is assumed that the quartiles come from the same population). K–S testing of BBTRE and NATRE data indicates that only the first and second quartiles are statistically indistinguishable.
The ratio LT/LO also increases as a function of the nondimensional Thorpe scale
Now consider the three regimes loosely labeled A–C in Fig. 6. The labels are positioned to aid in a qualitative discussion of data and are not intended to quantitatively delineate regimes. In regime A, forcing is strong with respect to the background stratification (large
IWISE and BBTRE data extend from regime A into regime C where overturns are presumably due to older, developed turbulence that has mixed the flow and reduced the stratification such that LT < LO. Regime C likely corresponds with either the shear-dominated or inertia-dominated (quasi isotropic) regimes of Mater and Venayagamoorthy (2014) discussed in section 3. The discussion in section 3 suggests possible adherence to assumption 2 in regime C but a breakdown in assumption 1 as stratification becomes weak. The overturns in Fig. 7 represent the transition from A to C, with the smaller overturns being representative of older turbulence. The intermediately sized overturn centered at 800 m is exemplary of middle-aged turbulence where LT ≈ LO, while the smallest overturn near 850 m is exemplary of the old, well-mixed turbulence occupying regime C. Specific patchwise parameter values are included in the figure’s caption.
Regime B is populated with the weakly forced, small overturns of NATRE and BBTRE data that are occurring in the presence of stronger stratification. This regime is perhaps analogous to the buoyancy-dominated regime of Mater and Venayagamoorthy (2014), where assumption 1 may hold but assumption 2 is likely violated because of buoyancy-induced anisotropy at the outer scales that effectively truncates the inertial subrange to smaller scales. Taken together, however, weakly forced data of regimes B and C indicate a central tendency of LT ≈ LO in agreement with classic thermocline observations.
It is important to reiterate that the regime labels in Fig. 6 are not meant to quantitatively delineate the regimes. Their placement is loosely based on the range of scales expressed by the current datasets. The K–H turbulence within the thermocline—in part convectively driven—would also be expected to evolve between these regimes, likely from A to B or C, but over a smaller range of scales than that suggested by the label placement in Fig. 6. At the resolution of Fig. 6, the signature of small-scale K–H events is likely obscured by other marginally stable shear-driven processes (e.g., turbulence driven by uniform shear).
A summary of the mean trends in LT/LO as a function of
The results above suggest that while
b. Mean profiles
Comparisons of the previous section indicate that there is a central tendency for LT/LO ≈ 1 when all datasets are considered despite an obvious dependence on the nondimensional Thorpe scale
For all datasets, patchwise length scales, buoyancy frequency, and dissipation rates were averaged in 100-m vertical bins across profile ensembles. These ensemble-averaged values are denoted with angled brackets 〈 〉 and are shown as a function of depth in Figs. 10–14 for IWISE L profiles taken during the spring tidal period (34 profiles), IWISE N2 (all 10 profiles, also taken during the spring tidal period), near-bottom BBTRE, upper-ocean NATRE, and deep-ocean NATRE, respectively. Because topographic relief at the BBTRE site varies from station to station by O(103) m, average values from BBTRE are shown as a function of distance above the local bottom (Fig. 12).
In qualitative agreement with Ferron et al. (1998), the average inferred dissipation rate 〈ϵT〉 is generally greater than, but within an order of magnitude of, the average measured dissipation rate within the overturns 〈ϵO〉. First, consider the IWISE stations where large overturns drive convective turbulence. Profiles from the L site (see Fig. 10) indicate a subtle bias toward 〈ϵT〉 > 〈ϵO〉 that is marginally significant throughout the water column according to bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals around the means. Profiles for the N2 site (see Fig. 11) show a similar bias from about 600 to 1000 m but excellent agreement below 1200 m. Given the relatively quiet microstructure signal in the thermocline of N2, it is possible that the bias there is influenced by salinity-compensated temperature inversions. Considering only the near-bottom N2 data, the difference between the excellent agreement at N2 and the high bias at L may be due to a relatively strong contribution of bottom-enhanced shear at N2. Additional boundary layer shear would act to increase the number of small overturns and mitigate any potential bias induced by large convective instabilities. Interestingly, the high bias at IWISE L exists despite the fact that the 34 profiles collectively average over roughly six diurnal cycles of the tide. This indicates that the bias is physically based and suggests a dependence on the convectively driven turbulence that characterizes the site. It is important to note, however, that nonlocal dissipation due to tidal advection (a sampling-based bias) cannot be ruled out conclusively and could also drive the high bias at IWISE L if the profiles disproportionately favor young turbulence.
Next, consider the BBTRE site where topographic roughness promotes bottom-enhanced turbulence driven by a range of processes that likely include upward-propagating internal waves, shear due to bottom drag, and larger-scale processes that lead to convective instability such as the lee waves and hydraulic jumps suggested by Thurnherr et al. (2005). Measured dissipation (see dashed–dotted line in Fig. 12b) and the number of overturns (Fig. 12d) increase with depth as a result of these processes. Interestingly, and in contrast with IWISE, the processes of BBTRE result in a bias toward 〈ϵT〉 < 〈ϵO〉 over the bottommost 1000 m (Fig. 12b). This low bias is directly attributable to the relatively high concentration of data in regime C of Fig. 6 in which LT < LO. Recall that regime C is characterized by small overturns in weak stratification and may represent shear-dominated or late-stage convectively generated turbulence. A possible physical explanation for the bias is that boundary-related shear and smaller-scale processes are important in the near-bottom waters of BBTRE and/or that large overturns caused by hydraulic processes quickly lose coherency in the weak stratification so that they are less frequently observed. The relatively weak stratification of BBTRE also gives rise to a potential technical source of bias in the choice of instrument noise level for filtering the potential temperature signal. As discussed in Gargett and Garner (2008), we find that increasing the level of assumed instrument noise preferentially filters out small overturns; increasing the noise level above that used here would, therefore, effectively reduce the low bias.
Finally, consider the mean profiles from NATRE for the upper and deep ocean in Figs. 13 and 14, respectively. The depth range considered in our analysis for the upper ocean (300–600 m; bracketed by gray lines in Fig. 13) shows a marginally significant bias toward 〈ϵT〉 > 〈ϵO〉 that is potentially influenced by salinity compensation. Outside this range, the influence of salinity compensation is stronger and the bias is much more pronounced. Data from the deep ocean indicate better agreement; however, the relative scarcity of overturns inhibits a great deal of physical interpretation of the NATRE profiles. Compared to IWISE and BBTRE, the number of overturns seen in this dataset is relatively low for the relatively large number of profiles taken. As such, the average of the dissipation measured within overturns 〈ϵO〉 (red lines in Figs. 13b and 14b) is significantly higher than the average of the total measured dissipation 〈ϵ〉 (dashed–dotted lines) for most depths; the quiescent background flow is significantly less energetic than the few infrequent overturns. We mention in passing that this condition presents an additional concern in praxis if Eq. (1) is to be used to infer ambient dissipation levels in relatively quiet flows.
c. Time integration: Energy budgets
Of particular importance to ocean circulation models is the correct budgeting of kinetic energy between various sources and sinks so that models are energetically consistent. The two important sinks are, of course, viscous dissipation and conversion to mean potential energy via diapycnal buoyancy flux. Commonly, the latter is related to the former using a prescribed mixing efficiency via the Osborn parameterization (Osborn 1980). As such, time integration of ϵ in turbulent regions of the ocean provides a means for estimating the total energy consumed by the turbulence during a given period of time. Therefore, time-integrated values (rather than the mean profiles discussed above) provide valuable information for the calibration and validation of numerical models. In this section, we consider the possibility of using ϵT for this purpose and thereby indirectly evaluate the effectiveness of time integration in smoothing over the phase difference between APE of the large overturns and TKE of the subsequent turbulence. Moreover, the analysis is a preliminary test on the validity of applying Eq. (1) to instantaneous realizations of the density field. Data from IWISE L sites during the spring tidal period are considered because of the quasi-continuous nature of the profiles and their close proximity to one another.
Depth- and time-integrated values of ϵO and ϵT are shown in Fig. 15. Measured unit power (shown as green bars in Fig. 15a) demonstrates high temporal variability and is extremely high by open-ocean standards with some values approaching or exceeding 0.5 W m−2. While roughly in phase with measured values, the Thorpe scale–inferred unit power (shown as blue bars) exceeds direct measurements by over an order of magnitude for several of the profiles and is greater than the measured power for all but one profile (Fig. 15b). Bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals around the depth-integrated value in Fig. 15a were developed based on the assumption that the patchwise dissipation rates captured by a given profile represent a subsample of a larger population occurring in the vicinity of the VMP cast (note that depth-integrated dissipation is simply the patch thickness–weighted mean for a given profile multiplied by the sum of patch thicknesses; therefore, bootstrapping can be done on the weighted mean and confidence intervals transferred to the depth-integrated value). The confidence intervals then represent the variability expected if several simultaneous VMP casts had been made.
The dramatic overestimation occurs partly because of the lognormal nature of LT/LO that allows for rare but large overturns (for which ϵT ≫ ϵO) to heavily weight estimates of power for an individual profile. In other words, the bias in the Thorpe scale–based method can be very large on a patchwise basis for large events from the right tail of the distribution of LT/LO (i.e., from regime A of Fig. 6). Such an overturn was recorded in the profile taken at 1820 UTC on 3 July and is responsible for a large jump in the time series of inferred dissipation (blue line in Fig. 15c). The bias is further magnified as a result of effectively weighting ϵT by patch size; since Δzpatch correlates with LT (not shown), the bias toward ϵT > ϵO that occurs at large LT is magnified in the estimates of power from
Consistent overestimation of unit power by the Thorpe scale–based method results in a time-increasing overestimation of the dissipated energy shown in Fig. 15c. Over the course of the spring tidal period, the energy inferred to have dissipated (336 kJ m−2 using the bulk method for N) is nearly 9 times greater than that which was directly measured within turbulent patches (38 kJ m−2) and nearly 6 times greater than that which was measured over the total depth (57 kJ m−2; not plotted). The confidence bands around the inferred and measured energy curves in Fig. 15c were developed from the bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals in Fig. 15a and the cases of either consistent overestimation or underestimation.
As in the preceding analyses, all calculations of ϵT use a = 1 in Eq. (1). To examine the sensitivity to a, the inferred time-integrated dissipation was calculated using the value found by Dillon (1982), a = 0.8, and the value suggested by the geometric mean of the data a = 1.09 listed in Table 1 (results not plotted). The lower value still gives an inferred dissipation (215 kJ m−2) that is roughly 4 times greater than the total depth direct estimate, while the higher value results in a sevenfold overestimation (399 kJ m−2).
Inferred values of time-integrated dissipation were also calculated using the alternative estimates of N discussed in section 4c. The sensitivity is shown in the Fig. 15c. Both alternative methods of obtaining N magnify the bias because they generally predict higher patchwise density gradients [i.e., higher values of N used in Eq. (1)]. Sudden amplification of the bias by the endpoint method near the end of the time series (large jump in the dashed red line in Fig. 15c just before 4 July) is due to a single large turbulent patch (mentioned above) that extended below the maximum depth of the profile so that the deep end point of the sorted temperature profile is not accurately represented for that patch. Prior to this anomaly, the methods are reasonably close to one another, with the endpoint and least squares methods being approximately 20% and 3% larger than the bulk method, respectively.
Results of the time integration indicate that large overestimation by the Thorpe scale–based method seen in some profiles is not balanced by underestimation in others. A possible physical explanation for the high bias is that temporal integration smooths over the lag between APE and TKE (i.e., assumption 1 is satisfied), but assumption 2 remains invalid in the mean. That is, while LT quite possibly indicates the TKE present in the flow on average—as suggested by the results of Moum (1996) and Mater and Venayagamoorthy (2014)—it remains unclear whether it is also representative of the dissipation of TKE, even in a time-integrated sense. As discussed in section 5b regarding the bias in Fig. 10b, lateral advection leading to nonlocal dissipation may also be contributing to the bias seen here.
6. Conclusions
Using datasets from three different oceanic settings, we have shown that LT increases with respect to LO as a function of overturn size in a fashion analogous to Kelvin–Helmholtz turbulence. We suspect that this trend is a fundamental characteristic of convectively driven turbulence common to both K–H billows and the much larger-scale instabilities observed at the Luzon Strait and, to a lesser extent, the deep Brazil basin. The trend therefore presents a source of positive bias in Thorpe scale–inferred dissipation rates when sampling favors the largest overturns of such flows. Perhaps more concerning is that the ability of averaging techniques to smooth over this trend has thus far received minimal attention for these kinds of flows.
To assess the potential for bias, the current work has compared the Thorpe and Ozmidov scales as well as inferred and direct estimates of dissipation in various ways reflecting the various applications of the Thorpe scale–based method. In support of the earliest works that focused on all-inclusive ensembles, bias is not apparent when all samples are geometrically averaged irrespective of overturn size or depth. These bulk averages indicate the geometric mean of LT/LO is close to unity. A clear exception may be in the weakly turbulent flows of NATRE where double-diffusive structure can be misinterpreted as overturns—an additional condition leading to positive bias in Thorpe scale–inferred dissipation.
The agreement suggested by bulk geometric averaging generally transfers to depthwise averages of inferred and directly measured dissipation rate, although, the mean profiles at IWISE L suggest a marginally significant positive bias in Thorpe scale–inferred dissipation that is likely related to the large convective instabilities occurring there. The bias exists despite representation of all phases of the tidal cycle—a finding that suggests the physical conditions supporting LT ~ LO are not met in convectively generated turbulence even when both young and old turbulence are represented in the observations. Alternatively, the IWISE L profiles may have been collected close to the generation site of the instabilities and, thus, disproportionately favored young turbulence, regardless of tidal phase. Unfortunately, neither the violation of physical conditions nor sampling error can be verified with the current measurements. The billow-tracking observations of Seim and Gregg (1994) support the latter explanation in the context of K–H instabilities, albeit with “wide scatter” and fewer observed overturns than reported here. Additional campaigns tracking billows like those generated at IWISE L are needed to separate sampling biases from physically based biases that may exist. Such campaigns should also consider the influence that boundary length scales have on the scaling—an important physical bias in topographically influenced overturning not explicitly investigated here (see, e.g., Chalamalla and Sarkar 2015).
Interestingly, and despite fewer profiles, the bias is not as apparent at the IWISE N2 site that shows excellent agreement in the lower 500 m—a finding we suggest may be related to strong bottom shear and local dissipation. In the case of BBTRE, the trend in LT/LO as a function of overturn size is less pronounced than in IWISE, and, accordingly, the positive bias does not appear in the mean profiles. Instead, inferred dissipation is biased low because of a large number of small overturns in the relatively weak stratification. We have proposed that the abundance of small overturns is due to an array of smaller-scale, boundary-related processes that may be overwhelming any bias because of short-lived convective instabilities.
The overestimation of dissipation by the Thorpe scale–based method seen in the mean profiles at IWISE L is especially apparent upon time integration. Such an application of the method is potentially dangerous because of the emphasis placed on instantaneous realizations of the temperature (density) field rather than statistical averages and may lead to field-based inferences and numerical models that are too dissipative and diffusive; the positive bias in the integration method is exacerbated by the presence of rare, large events with LT/LO ≫ 1.
While it may be tempting to employ Eq. (1) when overturns are an obvious feature of the turbulence, the results shown here suggest that patchwise use of the method is significantly biased by the state and/or age of the observed overturns. Hence, incomplete sampling (a particularly vexing problem encountered when observing naturally occurring geophysical flows) will lead to biases in dissipation estimates from Thorpe scales. Therefore, use of Eq. (1) in regions characterized by large overturns that convectively drive the turbulence should be approached with caution, especially when overturns span a large range in scales, sample sizes are small, or when individual events are integrated. Furthermore, the appropriate question regarding the Thorpe–Ozmidov relation when dealing with convectively generated turbulence may not be “how many samples are needed?” but rather “are the physical conditions appropriate?” This question is addressed by a companion paper in the context of direct numerical simulations (see Scotti 2015).
B.D.M. and S.K.V. gratefully acknowledge the support of the Office of Naval Research under Grants N00014-12-1-0279, N00014-12-1-0282, and N00014-12-1-0938 (Program Manager: Dr. Terri Paluszkiewicz). S.K.V. also acknowledges support of the National Science Foundation under Grant OCE-1151838. L.S.L. acknowledges support for BBTRE by the National Science Foundation by Contract OCE94-15589 and NATRE and IWISE by the Office of Naval Research by Contracts N00014-92-1323 and N00014-10-10315. J.N.M. was supported through Grant 1256620 from the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research (IWISE Project). The authors also wish to thank A. Scotti for discussions on the subject and the three anonymous reviewers for their constructive criticisms.
Temperature versus Density Sorting
Our analysis uses potential temperature as a surrogate for potential density in the Thorpe-scale calculations out of concerns over the noise and reliability of salinity measurements. To check on the sensitivity of our analysis to salinity-compensated temperature inversions, the analysis was rerun for all datasets using potential density (with indirectly estimated salinity for the IWISE data; see below) and plotted here in Fig. A1. The data generally shift to higher values of LT/LO—most likely due to added salinity noise. However, the general trend of increasing LT/LO with increasing
Two additional tests were performed on the IWISE data that have been most prominently featured in this work. To circumvent problematic issues with VMP conductivity measurements, the first of these tests uses indirect salinity values derived from temperature measurements of the VMP and a fit to the T–S relationship provided by nearby and quasi-simultaneous CTD casts. The largest temperature-sorted Thorpe-scale value LT,θ is then compared to the largest density-sorted value LT,σ on a profile-by-profile basis in Fig. A2 for all casts of the VMP. The correlation is quite good and does not discourage the use of potential temperature as a surrogate for density.
The second, and perhaps more convincing, test focuses solely on the CTD measurements and thus avoids problems associated with indirectly estimating salinity. Inferred values of dissipation using temperature and density sorting are shown in Fig. A3 for the locations and time period corresponding to the VMP measurements of Fig. 15. The two methods give consistent results for all but the third cast in which a single density inversion biases ϵT,σ high. It is also worth noting that the inferred energy consumed (≈400 kJ m−2) is in close agreement with the inferred value based on VMP measurements (Fig. 15c).
Comparison of N Estimates
We use the method of Smyth et al. (2001) to calculate N because it gives a bulk density gradient that is relatively insensitive to patch boundaries. In Fig. B1, estimates of N determined from the bulk method are compared to those obtained from an average gradient that uses the highest and lowest
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Our reference to convectively driven turbulence is restricted to that which follows collapse of an overturn in an otherwise stably stratified flow and not that due to a surface buoyancy flux.