1. Introduction
When short (2–20 s) ocean surface waves travel to shore, their shape transforms from (nearly) sinusoidal into skewed with peaked crests and flat troughs. In shallow water the wave shape becomes asymmetric with increasingly pitched forward crests that ultimately break in the surf zone. These shape transformations take place because of energy transfers between three wave components, often referred to as nonlinear triad interactions (Elgar and Guza 1985). Through such interactions energy is initially transferred from pairs of wave components (frequencies
Studies on nonlinear interactions have thus far concentrated mostly on the short-wave frequency band of the energy spectrum. The offshore wave conditions, such as wave height, peak period, and directional spread, together with the local water depth and beach shape have been observed to influence the strength, direction, and involved frequency range of energy transfers within a wave field (e.g., Hasselmann et al. 1963; Elgar and Guza 1985; Herbers et al. 1994; Herbers and Burton 1997; Norheim et al. 1998). Although these variables are known to influence interactions including infragravity wave frequencies as well (e.g., Elgar and Guza 1985; Herbers et al. 1995; Norheim et al. 1998), overall interactions involving infragravity wave frequencies have received considerably less attention than interactions involving short-wave frequencies.
In recent years, a number of studies including field (e.g., Ruessink 1998; Sheremet et al. 2002; Henderson et al. 2006; Sénéchal et al. 2011; Guedes et al. 2013; De Bakker et al. 2014) and laboratory experiments (e.g., Battjes et al. 2004; Van Dongeren et al. 2007) as well as numerical modeling (Van Dongeren et al. 2007; Ruju et al. 2012) have shown that incoming infragravity waves can lose a considerable fraction of their energy close to shore. Henderson et al. (2006) and Thomson et al. (2006) attributed this energy loss to nonlinear energy transfers from infragravity frequencies back to short-wave frequencies and/or their higher harmonics. At their field sites, the beaches were steep to mild sloping (≈1:15 and 1:50, respectively), and infragravity energy levels were small compared to short-wave energy levels. Nonlinear interactions including infragravity frequencies were stronger during low tide when the beach shape was convex than during high tide when the beach shape was concave. These stronger interactions were probably because of the relatively longer time that the waves are in shallow water while propagating over a convex profile, compared to a concave profile (Thomson et al. 2006). Guedes et al. (2013) also observed nonlinear energy transfers from infragravity waves to higher frequencies (f ≈ 0.15–0.5 Hz) on a gently sloping beach (≈1:70), where infragravity energy was much stronger. However, these transfers were too small to explain the large energy loss observed at infragravity frequencies in the near shore. Several other laboratory and field studies (Battjes et al. 2004; Van Dongeren et al. 2007; Lin and Hwung 2012; De Bakker et al. 2014) observed particularly large infragravity energy losses very close to the shoreline and ascribed it to the breaking of the infragravity waves themselves. This breaking was seen to be the consequence of infragravity–infragravity interactions that lead to the steepening of the infragravity waves and the development of “borelike” infragravity wave fronts, which become unstable and break. Ruju et al. (2012) suggested that both nonlinear energy transfers back to short waves and the breaking of the infragravity wave might each play a part in the observed infragravity wave energy dissipation. In the outer short-wave surf zone, where short-wave frequencies still dominate the water motion, the infragravity waves were predicted to transfer energy back to short waves through triad interactions. Close to the shoreline, the infragravity wave energy was predicted to dominate and be dissipated because of the steepening up of the infragravity wave by infragravity–infragravity interactions, causing the wave to become unstable and break. Despite all these research efforts, energy transfers and energy dissipation involving infragravity waves in the surf zone remain poorly understood.
In the present work, we analyze a high-resolution (both in space and time) dataset of irregular wave conditions collected on a small-scale, fixed, 1:80 laboratory beach and focus on nonlinear energy transfers involving infragravity frequencies. In section 2, we introduce our dataset and describe the bispectral analysis and nonlinear energy transfer equations. In section 3, we use bispectral analysis to demonstrate typical trends in the nonlinear interactions. More specifically, we investigate the dominant energy flows within the spectra by dividing the transfers into four different types of triad interactions, with triads including one, two, or three infragravity–frequency components and triad interactions solely between short-wave frequency components. In section 4, we compare the nonlinear energy fluxes with the gradients in total energy flux, discuss infragravity wave dissipation, and explore the similarities of our laboratory findings with recent field data from a gently sloping beach. We summarize the main findings in section 5.
2. Methods
a. Laboratory experiments
The laboratory dataset analyzed in this study was obtained during the Gently Sloping Beach Experiment (GLOBEX) project (Ruessink et al. 2013). The experiments were performed in the Scheldegoot in Delft, the Netherlands, in April 2012. The flume is 110 m long, 1 m wide, and 1.2 m high and has a piston-type wave maker equipped with an active reflection compensation (ARC) to absorb waves coming from the flume and hence prevent their rereflection from the wave maker. A fixed, low-sloping (1:80) concrete beach was constructed over almost the entire length of the flume, except for the first 16.6 m that were horizontal and where the mean water level was 0.85 m (Fig. 1). At the cross-shore position x = 16.6 m (x = 0 m is the wave maker position at rest), the sloping bed started and intersected with the mean water level at x ≈ 84.6 m. As detailed in Ruessink et al. (2013), the experimental program was composed of eight wave conditions. Here, we will focus on the three irregular wave cases: an intermediate energy sea wave condition (
b. Dataset description
Figures 2a–c show the cross-shore evolution of the significant short-wave (Fig. 2a) and infragravity wave (Fig. 2b) heights for the three cases, together with the bottom profile (Fig. 2c). The separation frequencies
c. Bispectral analysis
d. Nonlinear energy transfers
The estimate of the nonlinear source term as given by Eq. (9) includes the energy transfers by all possible interactions. To obtain better insight into the relative importance of interactions between infragravity waves and short waves, or between infragravity waves alone, we separated the interactions into four different categories with triads including either one, two, or three infragravity frequencies or triads including only interactions between short-wave frequencies. In the bispectrum, this separation can be visualized as four different zones (Fig. 4). The three involved frequencies
e. Implementation
For the present bispectral analysis, the time series were resampled to 10 Hz and divided into blocks of 15 min (the total record length per simulation excluding the spinup at the start of the simulation was 69 min). Averaging of the bispectral estimates over 15 frequencies resulted in a frequency resolution of 0.0167 Hz and 240 degrees of freedom. The
To determine the cross-shore energy flux gradient
3. Results
Figure 5 shows the power spectra for six cross-shore positions for case
The imaginary part of the bispectra at those same six locations is shown in Fig. 6. Colors indicate the direction of the energy transfers, and color intensity is a proxy of the magnitude of the energy transfers (for absolute transfers the bispectral values need to be multiplied with the interaction coefficient). Positive values at
The integrated short-wave biphases
The nonlinear energy transfers
Figure 9 compares the nonlinear source term contributions of the three types of interactions including infragravity frequencies (
4. Discussion
Our results have offered detailed insight into the nonlinear interactions within an irregular wave field as it propagates over a plane-sloping laboratory beach. In this section, we will examine what part of the total energy flux gradient can be explained by nonlinear energy transfers and what part might otherwise be because of dissipation by breaking or frictional losses. In this context, we also address infragravity wave dissipation. Furthermore, we will discuss similarities of the present laboratory findings with field data recently obtained on a gently sloping beach (De Bakker et al. 2014).
a. Energy transport equation
Figure 10 displays the energy flux gradient (Fig. 10a) and the nonlinear source term (Fig. 10b) versus the frequency and cross-shore position and compares the estimates at three locations close to and in the short-wave surf zone (Figs. 10c–e). As can be seen, a large part of the variation in
Figure 11a shows the comparison of
Intriguingly, neither the observed bispectra (Fig. 6) nor the deduced energy exchanges (Figs. 8 and 9) indicate a considerable transfer from infragravity to short-wave frequencies. This contrasts with the findings of Henderson et al. (2006) who identified energy gain at the peak frequency through interactions with infragravity frequencies. It is important to note that we observe the dominant reduction in infragravity wave height to take place shoreward of our most landward used sensor (Figs. 2d–f), where we have seen infragravity waves dominate the power spectrum and infragravity–infragravity interactions dominate the bispectrum. Infragravity frequencies dominate the swash energy spectrum as well in the present data (Ruju et al. 2014). The infragravity–infragravity interactions induce higher harmonics that allow for the shape transformation of the infragravity waves. This then leads to the steepening and asymmetric shape of the infragravity wave (see Fig. 7a) and eventually to breaking. These findings might indicate the presence of an infragravity wave surf zone inshore of the short-wave surf zone.
b. Field data
With the absence of directional spread in the laboratory data, the ratio of infragravity to short-wave energy is likely to be considerably larger than in the field (e.g., Herbers et al. 1995). To investigate whether the relatively large importance of infragravity energy in the laboratory data alters bispectral trends, we compare our one-directional laboratory observations with the field observations of De Bakker et al. (2014). Bispectra were calculated for an intermediate energy condition (offshore
Figure 12 shows power spectra of two locations in the surf zone, with one location that is dominated by short-wave frequencies (local spectral peak at f = 0.09 Hz, h = 1.64 m) and one location in shallower water, where infragravity waves dominate (f < 0.05 Hz, h = 0.97 m). Figure 13 shows the accompanying bispectra. From Fig. 13a, we infer that the spectral peak transfers energy to the first harmonic, judging from positive interaction at B(0.09, 0.09). The negative interactions at, for example, B(0.09, 0.03) and B(0.045, 0.04) show energy transfers from the short-wave frequencies to infragravity frequencies. Figure 13b shows that interactions at infragravity frequencies dominate close to shore (h < 0.97 m), and interactions involving short-wave frequencies have disappeared, consistent with our laboratory observations.
Overall, our laboratory results for three irregular wave fields progressing over a gently sloping laboratory beach, and the Ameland field observations, all show that dominant wave interactions close to shore are among infragravity frequencies, and the infragravity motions are largely dissipated near the shoreline with very little reflection. These results differ from the infragravity wave evolution observed on steeper beaches (Elgar et al. 1994; Henderson et al. 2006; Thomson et al. 2006) that is characterized by strong shoreline reflection and energy transfers back to the incident short waves. Additional data collection and numerical modeling are necessary to investigate the effect of the beach slope and beach shape on the strength of nonlinear interactions involving infragravity waves. The presence of a sandbar might, as suggested by Norheim et al. (1998), for instance force a different trend in the exchange of energy.
5. Conclusions
Using a high-resolution laboratory dataset, we explored nonlinear energy transfers within an irregular wave field as it progresses over a gently sloping (1:80) beach. In the shoaling zone, the nonlinear interactions are dominated by sum interactions transferring energy from the spectral peak to its higher harmonics and by difference interactions creating infragravity energy. While receiving net energy, infragravity waves simultaneously participate in sum and difference interactions that spread energy of the short-wave peaks to adjacent frequencies, thereby creating a broader energy spectrum. In the short-wave surf zone, infragravity–infragravity interactions develop that transfer energy from low infragravity frequencies to high infragravity frequencies. Close to shore, where almost no short-wave energy remains, the interactions are dominated by these infragravity frequencies. Overall, the nonlinear energy transfers balance with the gradient in the energy flux, although a mismatch exists in the outer short-wave surf zone, probably because of the Boussinesq approximation that does not take higher-order interactions into account, while the wave field is highly nonlinear. Instead of dissipation at the infragravity and short-wave frequencies directly, the energy cascades to higher frequencies (f > 1.5 Hz) where it presumably dissipates. The largest decrease in infragravity wave height close to the shoreline, where infragravity–infragravity interactions dominate and force the transformation of the infragravity wave shape to asymmetric, suggest infragravity wave breaking to be the dominant mechanism of infragravity wave dissipation.
The GLOBEX project was coordinated by Hervé Michallet (LEGI, Université de Grenoble) and Gerben Ruessink (Utrecht University) and supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme through the Hydralab IV project, EC Contract 261520. The authors thank all fellow researchers and Deltares employees involved in the project. T. H. C. Herbers is supported by the Office of Naval Research Littoral Geosciences and Optics Program. This work was funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) under Contract 821.01.012.
Total versus Incoming Wave Signal
Although the bulk infragravity wave reflection from the shoreline is low for all three irregular wave cases (
Figure A1 shows bicoherence values for the total wave signals of cases
As bispectral values for infragravity frequencies are very small in deep water, bicoherence levels are not that informative in this region. A comparison of the imaginary part of the bispectrum for
Separated Terms
Definition of the set of
Definition of the set of
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