1. Introduction
The problem of how best to construct a quasi-neutral density variable suitably corrected for pressure is a longstanding fundamental issue in oceanography whose answer is vital for many key applications ranging from the study of mixing to ocean climate studies. These include but are not limited to the separation of mixing into “isopycnal” and “diapycnal” components necessary for the construction of rotated diffusion tensors in numerical ocean models (Redi 1982; Griffies 2004), the construction of climatological datasets for temperature and salinity devoid of spurious water masses (Lozier et al. 1994), the construction of inverse models of the ocean circulation (Wunsch 1996), the tracking and analysis of water masses (Montgomery 1938; Walin 1982), the construction of isopycnal models of the ocean based on generalized coordinate systems (Griffies et al. 2000; de Szoeke 2000), the study of the residual circulation (Wolfe 2014), and the parameterization of mesoscale eddy-induced mass fluxes (Gent et al. 1995).
The aforementioned mathematical difficulty has so far prevented the discovery of the “right” way of integrating the density equation [(4)], with standard potential density, patched potential density (PPD), and orthobaric density representing the most well-known attempts. None of these density variables, however, is regarded as fully satisfactory. In absence of any clear theoretical argument on how best to approach (4), McDougall’s (1987) postulate that the best quasi-neutral density variable should be one constrained to be as neutral as feasible, which in practice can be constructed by means of the Jackett and McDougall (1997, hereinafter JMD97) neutral density software, has been widely accepted as the most appealing alternative.1
Nevertheless, γn has a number of shortcomings that tend to restrict its use primarily to observational studies of the present-day ocean outside such regions as the Arctic Ocean or Mediterranean Sea, where it is currently not defined. Indeed, its relatively high computational cost makes its use prohibitive in numerical ocean modeling studies; its lack of mathematically explicit form forbids its use in theoretical studies of the ocean circulation, and its nonmateriality makes its use in inverse studies of ocean mixing or in the analysis of water masses using Walin’s (1982) approach conceptually problematic, owing to the difficulty of evaluating thermobaric dianeutral dispersion rigorously. Moreover, the physical basis for γn remains arguably quite unclear. Indeed, density variables—such as potential density or orthobaric density, for instance—tend to be defined as purely thermodynamic concepts having (or not) desirable dynamical properties when used for recasting the equations of motion in thermodynamic coordinates, for example, de Szoeke (2000). Thus, de Szoeke and Springer’s (2000) orthobaric density is defined as purely thermodynamic variable function of in situ density and pressure only, which dynamically defines an exact geostrophic streamfunction. In contrast, JMD97’s construction of γn tends to emphasize (approximate) dynamics over thermodynamics by defining it primarily in terms of the equation
Although JMD97 chose not to enforce materiality as a way to maximize the neutrality of their variable γn, both McDougall and Jackett (2005b) and de Szoeke and Springer (2009) seem to agree that nonmateriality is an undesirable feature of a quasi-neutral density variable, since it may confound the determination of diapycnal mixing in inverse ocean modeling studies for instance. So far, however, while it is generally agreed that a purely material function of S and θ can be constructed to be quite neutral over a limited region of the ocean, as showed by Eden and Willebrand (1999) for the North Atlantic Ocean, McDougall and Jackett (2005b) have speculated that this is fundamentally impossible to achieve for the global ocean, after failing to construct a quasi-material rational polynomial approximation γa of γn, whose neutrality appeared to be no better than that of σ2, while being neither a good approximation of γn, nor of its gradient.
The main novelty of the present paper is to show that JMD97 empirical neutral density γn, despite being primarily based on heuristic considerations, actually contains useful information about how best to integrate (4). This is shown here by showing that γn is very close to a physically based quasi-neutral density variable that outperforms all known density variables in terms of neutrality. This variable is also materially conserved and naturally approximates γn significantly better than γa. Such a variable is called thermodynamic neutral density and is a function of the Lorenz neutral density that enters the theory of available potential energy, whose construction for a realistic ocean with a fully nonlinear equation of state was recently discussed by Saenz et al. (2015). To that end, our paper proceeds in two steps: The first step, detailed in section 2, provides a new look at the concept of patched potential density, which is the concept that historically prompted the construction of neutral density and orthobaric density. This section argues that the classical expression for patched potential density is not a useful one for lacking any information about the actual patching process whereby density surfaces in different depth ranges are joined up at discontinuity points. An improved PPD, called generalized patched potential density (GPPD), which is significantly less discontinuous than the original PPD and which explicitly accounts for the patching process, is constructed. The advantage of GPPD is to make immediately clear what its continuous limit should be. Thermodynamic neutral density is one particular example of continuously differentiable analog of GPPD, whose construction, comparison with other density variables, and neutral properties are discussed in section 3. Section 4 discusses the results and their implications.
2. A generalized patched potential density explicitly accounting for the patching process
a. Statement of the problem
b. Description of the patching process as the successive removal of discontinuities
c. Validation
The above description of the patching process is arguably only qualitative. In practice, a full implementation of the method would require writing down explicit equations for the horizontal and vertical density jumps as well as providing an explicit procedure for constraining the number of discrete elements and the values of the piecewise constant pijk and σijk in (6). This is not further pursued here, however, as our primary aim is to use the concept of GPPD as a stepping stone for clarifying the continuous limit of PPD and introducing the concept of thermodynamic neutral density discussed in the next section. Before we do that, however, we first seek to validate the concept of GPPD. Specifically, if our hypothesis that (6) represents the true or revealed form of PPD, it should be possible to construct the piecewise constant fields pijk and σijk to obtain an accurate approximation of JMD97 empirical neutral density γn; indeed, as shown by the latter authors, γn is known to behave as PPD; if so, γn should also behave like GPPD. The following aims to show that this is indeed the case and that a good agreement can, in fact, be achieved by choosing pijk and σijk to vary with latitude and depth only.
To that end, using the γn field supplied as part of the Gouretski and Koltermann (2004) WOCE dataset, we computed the 2D fields pijk and σijk, minimizing the misfit between γn and γGPPD using all possible data points for which γn is defined for an a priori–given partition Vjk. Through trial and error, we settled on the particular two-dimensional partition of the ocean volume depicted in the top-left panel of Fig. 2 (shown below), with Δz = 500 m and Δy ≈ 20°, using a least squares approach to find the optimal values of pjk and σjk in each subdomain. The main intent here is only to illustrate the feasibility of GPPD, not to explore systematically the sensitivity of the results to the different possible choices of volume partition or constraints on pijk and σijk.
The results are illustrated in Fig. 2. Interestingly, the top-left and bottom-left panels strongly suggest that σjk is primarily controlled by pjk at leading order, which is confirmed by the regression analysis depicted in the bottom-right panel. Although it would be in principle possible to modify our optimization procedure to constrain the piecewise pressure values pijk to be close to actual pressures, this was not done here, in order to see whether the procedure would do it on its own or not. Rather, pijk was just imposed to lie within the range of pressures encountered in the ocean. It is therefore interesting to see that rather than choosing a piecewise pressure field close to the reference pressure field pr(zk) used in PPDprior and a density offset a function of both horizontal position and pr, the optimization procedure naturally chooses a pressure field that can depart occasionally strongly from pr(zk), with a density offset function that is simply a one-dimensional function of the latter. The associated plot for γGPPD is given in the top-left panel of Fig. 1 for the 30°W latitude–depth section in the Atlantic Ocean, which can be compared with the corresponding section for γn in the top-right panel. The strong similarity between the two figures is striking, given that the ability of γGPPD to reproduce the main features of γn is achieved with only 7 × 11 = 77 discrete reference pressures pjk; the visual agreement is further confirmed by the scatterplot of γn against γGPPD depicted in the bottom panel of Fig. 4 (see below), which shows a near-perfect correlation between the two quantities [the outliers seemingly originating from somewhat strange values of WOCE γn in enclosed seas, for which the use of JMD97 neutral density software is a priori not valid]. A histogram of the differences γGPPD − γn (blue bars in top panel of Fig. 4) shows that γGPPD approximates γn to better than 0.01 kg m−3 in most of the ocean, which is remarkable, as this is much better than what is achieved by McDougall and Jackett’s (2005b) variable γa (red bars in top panel), which was specifically constructed to best approximate γn.
Intriguingly, the structure of the pjk’s is in fact much more reminiscent of that of the reference pressures that fluid parcels would have in their reference state of minimum potential energy that have been recently described in some recent advances in APE theory by Tailleux (2013b) and Saenz et al. (2015). The possibility to use APE theory to provide a physical basis for pr is confirmed in the next section and suggests that part of the structure of neutral density can be explained in terms of Lorenz reference density.
3. Continuous limit of PPD and connection with Lorenz theory of available potential energy
a. Implications for the continuous limit of PPD
b. Comparison between γT and γn
Another way to compare γT and γn is directly in (θ, S) space. Although γn is not materially conserved, it is nevertheless possible to write it as a sum of a materially conserved part
c. How neutral is relative to other density variables?
Since JMD97’s construction of neutral density focuses on ∇γn and its closeness to neutrality rather than on γn itself, it is of interest to examine to what extent the good agreement between the values of γT and γn demonstrated in the previous section also extends to the gradients. That this should be so is not mathematically guaranteed because it is easy to find counterexamples of two continuously differentiable functions, f(x) and g(x) being approximately equal to each other without this being true of their derivatives.2 Moreover, as mentioned before, the process of defining the continuous limit of ∇(GPPD) is not as well defined as it is for GPPD itself. As a result, scatterplots of ||∇γT|| versus ||∇γn|| or of angle(∇γT, d) versus angle(∇γn, d) are expected to exhibit significantly more scatter than plots of γT versus γn, which was indeed verified. These are not shown as they are deemed to not be very informative, even though they tend to suggest that γT performs better than γa at approximating ∇γn.
d. A posteriori rationalization of the relevance of Lorenz reference state to the theory of quasi-neutral density variables
The strong agreement found between γn and γT confirms our hypothesis that the empirical neutral density procedure designed by McDougall (1987) contains important information about the physics of quasi-neutral density variables, which the present results suggest point to Lorenz APE theory. Can this be rationalized a posteriori? To see this, let us imagine that we have been able to find a solution γ(S, θ) to the neutral density equation constrained to be materially conserved, and let us show that it must necessarily be a function of Lorenz reference density. To that end, let us consider the set of all possible surfaces γ(S, θ) = constant; each of these surfaces can be plotted individually as depicted in the left panel of Fig. 7 and will in general have a complicated shape in the actual state of the ocean. Because all the surfaces γ(S, θ) = constant are materially conserved, each of the parcels making up such surfaces will remain on such surfaces in any adiabatic and isohaline rearrangements of the actual state, including the notional state of rest entering the Lorenz theory of available potential energy. We know, however, that in a state of rest, the isosurfaces of any solution to the neutral density equation must coincide with constant geopotential surfaces, as otherwise they would not be neutral. This implies therefore that γ(S, θ) must be a function of Lorenz reference density and hence that Lorenz APE theory is the natural way to think about quasi-neutral density variables if constrained to be materially conserved, thus confirming that the differences between in γn and γT must represent a measure of the nonmaterial conservation of γn.
An important caveat, however, is that the above proof is probably only valid as far as the natural vertical ordering of fluid parcels remains the same in the Lorenz reference state and the actual state. Because of thermobaricity, this vertical ordering of fluid parcels may occasionally undergo significant modifications in regions where the actual state becomes too far away from Lorenz reference state, causing γT to develop inversions, as is the case in the polar regions. Our hypothesized link between γn and γT, therefore, is likely to exist only in those regions of the ocean where the vertical gradients of the two quantities have both the same sign and both correctly predict ocean stability as measured by N2.
4. Discussion
The variable γT is the first physically based globally defined density variable that significantly outperforms all other density variables, apart from γn, in terms of neutrality; in particular, it passes the McDougall and Jackett (2005b) σ2 neutrality kiss of death test.
The ACC region poses similar problems to both γT and γn. Thus, the ACC region is associated with the possibility of multiple neutral paths for γn (JMD97), whereas it is associated with multiple levels of neutral buoyancy for γT (Saenz et al. 2015). Moreover, it is where γT displays inversions not seen in γn, whereas it is where the Levitus dataset used by JMD97 needs to be modified in order for their neutral density software to function correctly.
Like γn, γT possesses interhemispheric differences in water mass properties, so that it is not affected by what McDougall and Jackett (2005a) consider to be a challenge for quasi-neutral density variables.
Like γn, γT is affected by both cabbeling and thermobaricity, in contrast to standard potential density, as discussed in Iudicone et al. (2008).
As is well known, γn is a function of thermodynamic variables θ, S, and p as well as horizontal position, whereas if the time dependence of Lorenz reference state is retained, γT(S, θ, t) is also dependent on time, although not on space. Moreover, because of thermobaricity and the existence of multiple levels of neutral buoyancy in some parts of θ/S space, it is in principle possible for the Lorenz reference state to change with time purely as the result of adiabatic changes, which could potentially cause adiabatic vertical dispersion with no signature in microstructure measurements, as is believed to be the case for γn (but for physically quite different reasons).
The fact that the physically based γT is naturally capable of approximating γn significantly more accurately than McDougall and Jackett’s (2005b) rational polynomial approximation γa, while also sharing most of γn’s key attributes, strongly suggests that Lorenz reference state should play a more important role in the theory of neutral density than previously realized, at least in those regions of the ocean where the vertical gradients of the two quantities both have the same sign and both correctly predict ocean stability. This view appears to be supported, at least partly, by the fact that whereas neutral density has so far represented the main basis for thinking about how to define isopycnal and diapycnal directions in the ocean, it is the theory of available potential energy that has formed the main basis for the rigorous study of diapycnal mixing in the stratified turbulent mixing community, following the pioneering work of Winters et al. (1995). Moreover, while mesoscale eddy parameterizations generally rely on isopycnal directions based on the local neutral tangent plane, Gent et al.’s (1995) view that mesoscale eddies should act as a sink of APE suggests that such parameterizations might be more naturally formulated based on γT. On the other hand, it is important to point out that Winters et al.’s (1995) APE framework has been so far validated only for a linear equation of state, for which the concept of density is unambiguously and uniquely defined; in contrast, the number of quasi-neutral pressure-corrected material density variables of the form γ(S, θ) in a thermobaric ocean in the presence of density-compensated θ/S anomalies is potentially infinite. Moreover, it can also be argued that it is the probability density function (PDF) attribute of the Lorenz reference state that is really the property that matters for diagnosing mixing rigorously rather than its connection to available potential energy. Thus, one could argue in the oceanic case that diagnosing mixing rigorously could equally well be achieved by analyzing the temporal behavior of the PDF of σ0, σ2, or σ4 [although how to relate the effective diffusivity in PDF space, e.g., Winters et al. (1995), to observed values of diapycnal mixing in physical space is a priori not straightforward]. Moreover, while the vertical gradient of Lorenz reference density is in general an exact predictor of the stability of a stratified fluid (as measured by the sign of N2) both for a linear equation of state and nonlinear equations of state function of temperature and pressure alone, this is not the case in the ocean, as evidenced by the presence of inversions exhibited by γT in the ACC region. On this basis, it would appear that even though γT appears to represent an important development in the theory of neutral density, it is unlikely to be the last word on the matter. Tailleux (2016) recently developed a new thermodynamic approach to quasi-neutral density variables and conjectured that a purely quasi-neutral density variable potentially significantly more neutral than γT might exist. Future work should therefore be aimed at testing Tailleux’s (2016) conjecture, which, if valid, would have important implications for the whole field.
From a practical viewpoint, γT has the advantage over γn of being significantly easier to compute, following recent progress in our understanding of how to construct the Lorenz reference state in a cheap and computationally efficient way as discussed by Saenz et al. (2015), which physically amounts to mapping water masses’ volume in thermohaline (θ/S) space onto physical space, a much simpler and cleaner approach than that based on sorting fluid parcels previously proposed by Huang (2005). Importantly, the construction of the Lorenz reference state does not rely on any integration along characteristics that still form the basis for constructing quasi-neutral surfaces, for example, Klocker et al. (2009), which is arguably not very well suited to the construction of a density variable owing to the complicated geometry of the ocean. In contrast, the computation of neutral density still relies on using the pre–International Thermodynamic Equation Of Seawater—2010 (TEOS-10) JMD97 γn software, which is only capable of computing neutral density of the second kind for present-day climatologies, whereas the holy grail for γn software would be being able to compute neutral density of the first kind (NDFK) for arbitrary climatologies of temperature and salinity by adhering to the most recent TEOS-10 standards. We conjecture that the present results should be useful to devise new ways to make progress toward that holy grail.
The present results suggest that it would be advantageous to use γT for the kind of isentropic analyses pioneered by Montgomery (1938) or for water mass analyses following Walin (1982), as recently extended by Iudicone et al. (2008), as well as the natural vertical density coordinate for use in Young’s (2012) thickness-weighted average formalism or for studying the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in density coordinates, which we hope to demonstrate in future studies.
This work was supported by NERC Grant NE/K016083/1: “Improving simple climate models through a traceable and process-based analysis of ocean heat uptake (INSPECT).” Extensive discussions with Trevor McDougall significantly contributed to clarify many of the issues discussed here. Comments by Magnus Hieronymus, David Marshall, Geoff Stanley, Juan Saenz, Stephan Riha, and Paul Barker significantly improved clarity and presentation. Data and software needed to reproduce the results presented here are made freely available by the author upon request.
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One can distinguish between the NDFK, which is associated with the reference dataset used by JMD97’s software, and NDSK, which is obtained by constructing neutral paths to parcels already labeled in the reference dataset. The distinction is not important for the present purposes.
For instance, the L2 norm of the difference between f(x) = 1 and g(x) = 1 + ε sin(x/ε) is bounded by the arbitrarily small parameter ε, whereas the L2 norm of f′(x) − g′(x) = −cos(x/ε) is only bounded at best by 1 regardless of ε.