1. Introduction
As ocean waves propagate from deep water, onto the continental shelves, and toward coastal areas, their propagation is affected increasingly by interaction with bathymetry and currents, the transition from dominant resonant four-wave interactions to near-resonant three-wave (or triad) interactions and the transformation of organized wave motion into turbulence, heat, and sound in the breaking process close to shore. The ability to model these processes and their effects on wave statistics both in deep and shallow water is important to, for example, the modeling of mixing and circulation processes in the upper ocean (e.g., Craik and Leibovich 1976; McWilliams and Restrepo 1999), marine weather predictions and safety (e.g., Cavaleri et al. 2007), and the driving of coastal circulation and transport processes (e.g., Komar 1998; Dean and Dalrymple 2002).
The RTE is based on the premise that the wave field is statistically quasi-homogeneous and Gaussian (e.g., Komen et al. 1994). These assumptions are reasonable for open-ocean wave generation and propagation, where the wave field evolves principally because of the effects of wind, whitecapping (dissipation), and resonant four-wave nonlinearity. However, in shallow water, inhomogeneous effects (due to interaction with currents and topography and localized dissipation) can be important (e.g., Smit and Janssen 2013, hereinafter SJ13; Smit et al. 2015a,b, hereinafter SJH15a,b, respectively). Further, because of the transition to weakly dispersive wave motion, triad wave–wave interactions approach resonance, which can result in considerable deviations from Gaussian statistics (e.g., Herbers et al. 2003). For instance, strong nonlinear effects are seen in the development of the characteristic saw-tooth wave shapes at the onset of breaking (e.g., Elgar and Guza 1985), resulting in enhanced values of the skewness and asymmetry of the waves. These nonlinear interactions are important since they result in rapid energy transfers away from the spectral peak toward both higher and lower frequencies, where the wave energy either continues as much longer time-scale (infragravity) motions, partially reflected and radiated back into ocean basins (e.g., Aucan and Ardhuin 2013), or is shifted to higher frequencies (harmonics) and dissipated in the breaking process (e.g., Herbers et al. 2000; Smit et al. 2014).
To incorporate statistical inhomogeneity in a stochastic wave model, SJ13 derived a generalized form of the RTE using an approach inspired by methods developed in optics and quantum mechanics (e.g., Wigner 1932; Bremmer 1973; Bastiaans 1979; Cohen 2010). The generalized RTE in SJ13 accounts for the generation and propagation of cross correlations in the wave field, thus allowing the modeling of statistical wave interference associated with strong refraction and diffraction in coastal areas (see SJ13; SJH15a,b). Although the derivation by SJ13 is quite general, and can in principle be used to develop transport equations for any correlator (including higher-order correlators), the model in SJ13 assumes linear wave dynamics, and consequently—while allowing for the development of the heterogeneous statistics—the wave field remains strictly Gaussian.
Statistical models for shallow-water nonlinearity require a transport equation for the bispectrum, which—for arbitrary wave fields and two-dimensional medium variations—is not available and difficult to derive. As a consequence, existing models consider special cases such as the evolution of nonlinear statistics of forward-propagating waves over one-dimensional topography (e.g., Agnon and Sheremet 1997; Herbers and Burton 1997; Eldeberky and Madsen 1999; Herbers et al. 2003; Janssen et al. 2008) or a forward-scattering approximation over weakly two-dimensional topography (Janssen et al. 2008). Such models can provide considerable insight in the nature of shallow-water nonlinearity in statistical models and are useful in studying various aspects of nonlinear wave propagation. However, because of their additional constraints on the spectral bandwidth of the wave field and/or the dimensionality of the medium variations, they are not compatible with operational models based on the RTE. As a consequence, and in part also because of constraints on computational capabilities, shallow-water nonlinearity in operational models has generally at best been crudely parameterized (e.g., Eldeberky 1996; Becq-Girard et al. 1999; Booij et al. 1999). A principal difficulty that has hampered the development of a general transport equation for higher-order correlations (or cross correlations for that matter) that is compatible with the RTE framework is that it is not clear how to identify a conserved property for which to derive a conservation equation (see, e.g., Salmon 1998).
The objective of this work is to incorporate shallow-water nonlinearity in quasi-homogeneous theory by developing a transport equation for the three-wave correlator (or bispectrum), which is both consistent and compatible with the RTE. The focus in this paper is on the development of the general theory, presentation of the main theoretical results, and discussion on how it includes earlier models as special cases. To do this, and to be consistent with the RTE, we assume from the outset that the wave field is quasi homogeneous (thus omitting statistical inhomogeneity; see SJ13). Also, in this paper we do not consider numerical implementation and do not go into various aspects that are important for a numerical evaluation of such a model, such as the closure approximation (e.g., Herbers et al. 2003; Janssen 2006), dissipation (e.g., Smit et al. 2014), or other source terms (e.g., Cavaleri et al. 2007). To keep the discussion focused; these aspects will be considered separately in a following publication. Rather, in what follows, we present the main theoretical development and validate the deterministic and statistical evolution equations by comparing them to known theoretical expressions in appropriate limits. We start in section 2 with the nonlinear deterministic framework (based on Zakharov 1968; Krasitskii 1994), derive statistical moments for the spectrum (RTE with nonlinear forcing term) and bispectrum (biradiative transfer equation) in section 3, discuss various limits and special cases in section 4, and sum up our main findings (section 5).
2. Deterministic evolution of weakly nonlinear waves over topography
The transformation we use here is in some ways similar (but not equivalent) to the “canonical transformation” introduced by Zakharov (1968) to eliminate nonresonant bound waves. In our case, we are interested in shallow-water regions where triad interactions approach resonance, and as a consequence the transformation cannot be applied to eliminate the first two terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (2), which can contribute near-resonant interactions (in which case the transformation would be singular). However, the last term on the right of Eq. (2) contributes strictly nonresonant components and can be effectively eliminated using the transformation, which does not affect the wave evolution to the order considered but considerably simplifies the algebraic complexity of the stochastic description of the wave field, as discussed in the following.
In the linear approximation, Eq. (4) reproduces the usual WKB approximation (geometric optics) for waves in a slowly varying medium (see SJ13, their appendix B). In the shallow-water limit, Eq. (4) can be shown to reduce to the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (KP) equation (Kadomtsev and Petviashvili 1970) for variable depth (Liu et al. 1985; see appendix C). Equation (4), with the operators defined as in Eqs. (5) and (6), is the deterministic starting point of this paper.
3. Transport of statistical moments
a. A nonlinear radiative transfer equation
b. A biradiative transfer equation for the bispectrum
Through the forcing term on right-hand side of Eq. (17), the evolution of the spectrum
4. Discussion
The set of Eqs. (25) and (26) is not formally closed, and to numerically evaluate the evolution of the statistics we would need to introduce some sort of closure approximation for the fourth cumulant contribution
a. Deep-water asymptote: Forced bound waves
b. Shallow-water asymptote: Near-resonant interactions
5. Conclusions
In this work, we used an approach inspired by methods developed in optics and quantum mechanics (e.g., Wigner 1932; Bremmer 1973; Bastiaans 1979; Cohen 2010) to derive a new transport equation for three-wave correlators in a random surface gravity wave field propagating through a variable medium. From a general second-order wave equation, valid for broadbanded wave propagation in a variable medium, we formulated evolution equations for the second- and third-order correlators and demonstrated by means of a multiple-scale argument that for quasi-homogeneous wave statistics, the resulting set can be written in terms of transport equations for the spectrum (the second-order correlator) and the bispectrum (the third-order correlator). These evolution equations take the form of the conventional radiative transport equation (RTE), forced by a nonlinear term that depends on the bispectrum, and a newly derived bispectral evolution equation, which we refer to as the biradiative transfer equation (bRTE). We discuss the bRTE equation and show that, when taking the appropriate limits, it includes known deep- and shallow-water asymptotes as special cases. The bRTE, which is the principal result of this work, is completely consistent with the quasi-homogeneous limit implied by the RTE, without introducing additional constraints on bandwidth, aperture, or medium variability. Consequently, the bRTE can be readily incorporated in existing stochastic wave models to account for non-Gaussian wave statistics in shallow water, which is expected to improve shallow-water predictive capability of non-Gaussian statistics, and further understanding of nearshore nonlinear effects.
This research is supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (Littoral Geosciences and Optics Program and Physical Oceanography Program), the National Oceanographic Partnership Program, and the National Science Foundation (Physical Oceanography Program).
Interaction Coefficients
Operator Definition
Reduction to a KP-Like Equation over Topography
Determination of α1 and α2
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