1. Introduction
The Southern Ocean and its dynamics are unique to the world’s oceans, dominated by the zonally unbounded Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) system. Quantifying the strongly inhomogeneous flow of the ACC, with along- and across-stream variability on many scales, is an observational challenge. Global ocean and climate models require parameterization of processes crucial for setting the stratification of the ACC, that is, eddy fluxes (of buoyancy, heat, momentum) and eddy–mean flow interactions, that in turn set the deep (≥500 m) isopycnal structure of the world’s oceans (e.g., Toggweiler and Samuels 1995; Nikurashin and Vallis 2012). The zonally inhomogeneous nature of the eddy fluxes implies that the global influence of the ACC plays out in localized regions where the flow interacts with bathymetry (Rintoul 2018). Predicting and preparing for future climates rely on properly parameterizing these processes in climate models that require validation with direct observations.
The large-scale dynamics of the ACC are analogous to those of the midlatitude atmosphere, with storm tracks of increased eddy activity downstream of localized forcing (e.g., Williams et al. 2007; Bischoff and Thompson 2014; Chapman et al. 2015). While storm tracks do not have a consistent definition, they are associated with elevated likelihood of weather-generating storms in the atmosphere and of oceanic mesoscale eddies that are regions of increased eddy kinetic energy (EKE) and eddy heat flux (EHF). In the ACC, the forcing is orographic, that is, due to the mean flow’s encounter with large bathymetric features, such as Macquarie Ridge, Pacific Antarctic Rise, Kerguelen Plateau, Southwest Indian Ridge, and Shackleton Fracture Zone (SFZ). The existence of oceanic storm tracks, where cross-frontal particle exchange (Thompson and Sallée 2012) and EHF (Foppert et al. 2017) are locally enhanced, complicates extrapolation of local observations to the rest of the ACC. Thus, application and interpretation of results of studies framed in a zonal-mean sense essentially neglect the existence and unique dynamics of these localized oceanic storm tracks.
The dynamics of a localized storm track, be it in the atmosphere or ocean, are fundamentally rooted in the interaction between the eddying and the mean flow (Williams et al. 2007). For example, studies of atmospheric storm tracks find they exist where baroclinic eddies initially grow by gaining energy from the mean flow and eddy-induced fluxes often cause the storm track to self-maintain (Hoskins and Valdes 1990) and eventually self-destruct downstream (Kaspi and Schneider 2011). The storm tracks are initiated in regions of high baroclinicity with elevated values of EKE persisting downstream of the initial perturbation. In the ACC, episodic baroclinic instability events have been observed as the main mechanism for EHF (Watts et al. 2016) and hotspots of EHF are often found in the lee of large bathymetric features (Foppert et al. 2017). Each baroclinic instability event is associated with a conversion from mean available potential energy (APE) to eddy potential energy (EPE) through a horizontal flux of heat/buoyancy across the mean upper baroclinic front by the eddying flow (Pedlosky 1987). The baroclinic production of EKE follows through a vertical eddy buoyancy flux. EKE can also be produced directly from the mean kinetic energy pool through a lateral eddy momentum flux during barotropic instability. While baroclinic and barotropic instabilities can be thought of as separate processes, a recent idealized ocean modeling study, with a standing meander forced by a submarine ridge, illustrates the presence of mixed barotropic–baroclinic instability in the ACC (Youngs et al. 2017).
Elevated EKE values observed in the atmosphere downstream of a localized forcing and region of highest baroclinicity have been explained, through numerical model simulations, by the idea of “downstream baroclinic development” (Orlanski and Sheldon 1993). In this process, an individual eddy depends on its neighboring upstream eddy for energy through geopotential flux convergence (Orlanski and Katzfey 1991; Orlanski and Sheldon 1993). The transfer of energy in this way allows the wave packet to move much faster than individual eddies propagate. Downstream baroclinic development has been observed in the atmosphere to be associated with eddy events that manifest as large storms, including a major winter blizzard (Danielson et al. 2006). The signature of downstream baroclinic development has been suggested in the ocean, where observations from Drake Passage show a spatial offset between EHF (i.e., high baroclinicity) and EKE (Foppert et al. 2017).
Transfers of energy between eddies and the mean flow in the ocean are typically investigated through eddy energy budgets based on time-mean eddy energy equations and are often presented as Lorenz diagrams (Lorenz 1955). When interpreted appropriately, this framework for eddy–mean flow interactions can provide useful insights into the dynamics of major ocean currents (e.g., Cronin 1996; Phillips and Rintoul 2000; Bishop et al. 2013). However, without knowledge of the physical process responsible for the different conversion terms, the interpretation of these eddy energy budgets is ambiguous (Plumb 1983). These ambiguities can be avoided by diagnosing a “wave activity flux.” One major benefit of diagnosing eddy–mean flow interactions in a wave activity flux framework is that wave activity and its flux satisfy a conservation equation. Thus, in the absence of forcing or friction, the convergence of the flux is directly proportional to an increase in the wave activity. In other words, a convergence of wave activity flux is directly associated with eddy growth by gaining wave activity (energy and/or enstrophy) from the mean flow. Additionally, the vertical wave activity flux vector is associated with baroclinic processes and the horizontal flux vectors with barotropic processes (Takaya and Nakamura 2001). This makes it possible to diagnose the relative contributions of specific physical mechanisms to the dynamics of a storm track.
Eliassen and Palm (1961) first formulated a wave activity flux for a zonally averaged mean flow, with eddies defined as any deviation from the zonal mean. The Eliassen–Palm (EP) flux, as it has come to be known, provides insight into the relative importance of eddy heat and momentum fluxes, that is, of baroclinic and barotropic instabilities. While the EP flux, and the transformed Eulerian mean framework that often accompanies it, is a powerful tool for diagnosing eddy–mean flow interactions, the requisite zonally averaged background state makes it difficult to diagnose with observations and difficult to interpret in the zonally inhomogeneous ACC. Plumb (1985) formulated a wave activity flux in three dimensions for a propagating wave on a time-mean flow. Because of the zonal and temporal averaging in the formulation of the EP flux and Plumb’s wave activity flux, respectively, neither has any phase dependence. Yet, by the same reasoning, the EP flux cannot represent eddy propagation and Plumb’s flux cannot provide information about the time evolution of the eddy field. Wave activity flux can be further generalized to include the temporal dimension, such that no averaging is necessary to obtain phase dependence, so that the time evolution of stationary (Takaya and Nakamura 1997) and propagating (Takaya and Nakamura 2001) eddies are fully represented. Therefore, investigating the spatial and temporal evolution of interactions between waves propagating in three dimensions and a zonally asymmetric background mean flow is possible under specific assumptions (explicitly stated in section 2).
In this study, eddy–mean flow interactions in Drake Passage are diagnosed in a wave activity flux framework using in situ measurements from an array of current- and pressure-recording inverted echo sounders in the eddy rich Polar Frontal Zone downstream of a major bathymetric feature, the SFZ. The next section details the properties of an oceanic wave activity and its flux based on that of Takaya and Nakamura (2001). Section 3 describes the observational dataset and analysis thereof, as well as complementary satellite altimetry data. Section 4 presents the major results: 4-yr time-mean fields of wave activity, its flux, and eddy terms; composite-mean fields of Polar Front (PF) and Subantarctic Front (SAF) meander intrusions; and a case study highlighting the temporal evolution of a single eddy event. Section 5 discusses the dynamics and physical mechanisms at play in an oceanic storm track in Drake Passage and section 6 summarizes the study.
2. A primer on wave activity flux

Written this way, wave activity and its 3D flux have the important property of phase independence, that is, the quantities do not depend on location along the linear wave. Therefore, M and W can be diagnosed locally and any spatial structure is dynamic rather than a consequence of the location along the wave. Takaya and Nakamura (2001) make three major assumptions to arrive at this formulation: 1) the steady basic flow is nearly unforced, 2) the waves/eddies are slowly changing in a Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) sense, and 3) the phase speed of the eddies in the direction of the background mean flow is nearly constant. These assumptions impose limitations on the diagnostic that may break down in the ACC, yet the following results and accompanying interpretations appear useful in understanding eddy–mean flow interactions in Drake Passage.
Equation (1) illuminates several important characteristics of wave activity, M, and its flux W in the absence of diabatic forcing and friction (i.e., for conservative waves where

For a linear plane wave, Weddy dominates between the troughs and ridges where
3. Data
a. Local dynamics array of CPIES
A local dynamics array (LDA) of bottom-moored current- and pressure-recording inverted echo sounders (CPIES) was deployed from November 2007 through November 2011, as part of the cDrake project (www.cdrake.org; Chereskin et al. 2012). Figure 1 shows the LDA located in the interfrontal zone between the mean position of the PF and SAF, along with the other CPIES deployed during the experiment. The 40-km spacing of the CPIES in the LDA allows for mapping of the mesoscale features in this eddy-rich region downstream of the Shackleton Fracture Zone (Firing et al. 2014). Each CPIES records hourly round-trip acoustic travel time τ, bottom pressure
Map of Drake Passage. Bathymetry (color shading; m) and mean SSH over the 4 years coincident with the cDrake experiment (black contours; interval = 0.1 m). CPIES sites are shown as triangles and the five CPIES deployed for the last year of the experiment (not used in this study) are shown as circles. The LDA is the 3 × 7 array of CPIES located in the Polar Frontal Zone between the mean locations of the SAF and PF, with SSH contours representative of nominal SAF and PF shown in boldface.
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, 3; 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0150.1
A gravest empirical mode analysis based on regional hydrography provides a profile of temperature and salinity, and thus geopotential anomaly ϕ, for every value of τ measured by the CPIES (Chidichimo et al. 2014). The total geostrophic streamfunction is composed of a reference and a bottom-referenced baroclinic streamfunction:
For this work, the phase speed of the eddies, and thus the propagating component of W, is assumed to be zero. This assumption, while consistent with the assumption that the stationary flux is much larger than the propagating flux made by Chapman et al. (2015), may not be completely valid. However, there is no clear observed eddy phase speed in the ACC: propagation speeds of SSH anomalies in the Southern Ocean are small and can even change sign depending on latitude (Klocker et al. 2012); Radon transforms of altimetry measurements show mainly positive (eastward) zonal phase speeds within the ACC (Naveira Garabato et al. 2011); and another analysis of SSH anomalies find downstream propagation speeds of about 2 cm s−1 (Smith and Marshall 2009). Moreover, a plot of CPIES-derived

As the LDA is located in the interfrontal zone where episodic intrusions of the PF and SAF occur, the “time mean” is defined to be a slowly varying mean, as has been employed in atmospheric studies (e.g., Nakamura et al. 2010; Wolf and Wirth 2017) and idealized modeling of oceanic storm tracks (Chapman et al. 2015). That is, anomalies (denoted by primes) are considered any deviation from the 90-day low-pass-filtered “mean” field such that, for example,
b. Satellite altimetry
The cDrake CPIES data are complemented with contemporaneous satellite altimetry to give a broader picture of the regional sea surface height (SSH) from November 2007 to November 2011. Total SSH is a combination of CNES–CLS13 mean dynamic topography and SSALTO/DUACS gridded daily mean sea level anomaly with a consistent reference period from 1993 to 2012. The mean dynamic topography was produced by CLS Space Oceanography Division and the sea level anomalies by the Copernicus Marine and Environment Monitoring Service; both are available online through AVISO at http://www.aviso.altimetry.fr. Both mapped products are provided on a 1/4° horizontal resolution grid.
4. Results
a. 4-yr-mean fields
The 4-yr-mean stationary wave activity flux
The 4-yr-mean wave activity flux vectors
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, 3; 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0150.1
In the western part of the LDA, averaged between 400- and 1000-m depth,
The 4-yr-mean wave activity,
The 4-yr-mean (a) wave activity
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, 3; 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0150.1
The 4-yr-mean (a) EPE and (b) EKE (m2 s−2) calculated relative to slowly varying, 90-day low-passed, mean quantities derived from the cDrake array of CPIES and averaged from 400- to 1000-m depth. As in Fig. 2, the 4-yr-mean
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, 3; 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0150.1
Figure 5 presents the downstream evolution of
(top left) Wave activity flux W (J m−3) and (top right) eddy energies, EPE and EKE (m2 s−2), in the western storm track. (right) Map showing four sectors where the values are averaged, with increasing sector number (x axis of left panels) increasing to the northeast, such that 1 represents the beginning of the storm track in the southwest sector and 4 represents the sector farthest downstream along the storm track observed in the LDA. The right panel is modified from Fig. 2, with added dark gray lines to distinguish the four sectors over which the values are averaged.
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, 3; 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0150.1
b. Composite-mean fields
As the LDA is located in a region between the mean position of the SAF and PF, where both jets actively meander into and out of the array, a composite mean of episodic eddy events helps to further elucidate the dynamics. To capture regional eddy events, the left column of Fig. 6 shows composites for time periods of elevated
Composite-mean values of (a)–(c) W (J m−3), (d)–(f) EPE (m2 s−2), (g)–(i) EKE (m2 s−2), and (j)–(l)
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, 3; 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0150.1
The spatial patterns during eddy events in the western LDA in Figs. 6a, 6d, and 6g are similar to those in Figs. 2 and 4, but the magnitudes are much larger. Composite-mean
The composite-mean fields are further decomposed, approximately evenly, into PF trough intrusions and SAF crest intrusions into the western LDA (Fig. 6, center and right columns, respectively). As
Divergence of the horizontal wave activity flux
Figure 7 shows the partitioning between eddy and ageostrophic components of the composite-mean W during eddy events, Weddy and Wageo. The left column shows the total W, such that Fig. 7a is identical to Fig. 6a, and Fig. 7d has color-contoured the magnitude of the horizontal flux
Composite-mean values of the components of W (J m−3): (left) total, (center) eddy flux terms, and (right) ageostrophic flux terms. The colors represent the (top) vertical flux and (bottom) horizontal flux magnitude. The horizontal wave activity flux vectors of each component are plotted at every other grid point in both rows for orientation. The composite-mean fields are composed from the subset of 4-yr time series when there was elevated vertical wave activity flux (regional-mean Wz > 0.6 J m−3) in the western LDA (sectors 1 and 2 in Fig. 5). Composite-mean
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, 3; 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0150.1
c. Case study: 15–23 July 2010
Figure 8 illustrates the temporal evolution of the storm track during a single eddy event included in the composite-mean fields presented above. During this time, a PF trough intrudes into the western LDA and W and eddy energy locally increase for several days. The daily position of a nominal PF (SSH = −0.3 m) is shown in each panel as a reference, yet exact correspondence between satellite SSH and CPIES-derived ψ fields is not expected. Recall that while SSH data are mapped at daily resolution, the sampling rate of the altimeter is 10 days, and that there has been no additional filtering performed on SSH. During this eddy event, shown in Fig. 8 from 15 to 23 July 2010, a positive ψ anomaly is present in the western part of the LDA, an adjacent negative ψ anomaly is more centrally located, and a weaker positive ψ anomaly exists in the eastern LDA. This train of ψ anomalies, corresponding to a large meander—trough, crest, trough—in the SSH field, is the manifestation of an oceanic Rossby wave with a wavelength of about 200 km.
Case study of the temporal evolution of an eddy event from (left) 15 to (right) 23 July 2010: (top) wave activity flux (J m−3) and (bottom) its horizontal divergence (J m−3 km−1), and (second row),(third row) eddy energies (m2 s−2), EPE and EKE, respectively. The ψ anomaly field (deviation from 90-day low-passed mean field) is contoured every 5000 m2 s−1, with
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, 3; 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0150.1
This same event was documented in Fig. 7 of Watts et al. (2016) as an example of episodic divergent EHF event in the LDA, characterized by strong poleward EHF in the western part of the LDA and slightly weaker flux in the central LDA. In particular, those authors find baroclinic instability due to the joint intensification of upper and deep eddies (i.e.,
In this case study, the vertical
As before, strong
5. Discussion
a. Dynamics of a storm track
Wave activity flux W is a powerful diagnostic for examining interactions between eddies and the mean flow and is used here to investigate the dynamics of an oceanic storm track in Drake Passage. In the absence of diabatic forcing or friction, wave activity—a combination of total eddy energy and eddy enstrophy—is conserved [Eq. (1)]. In this framework, described in section 2, a convergence of W is directly linked to a local increase in wave activity M and eddy growth at the expense of the mean flow. Additionally, W vectors illustrate wave packet propagation and illuminate the dynamics of storm tracks, regions of active jet meandering, eddy growth and instability. This study uses patterns of W to illuminate key dynamics that drive the eddy energetics in an oceanic storm track in Drake Passage, rather than close the local wave activity budget, as the uncertainties on W may be large and the assumptions made in the formulation may not be appropriate for evaluating an exact local budget (Takaya and Nakamura 2001). Yet, the patterns of W presented here illustrate the physical mechanisms governing this storm track’s dynamics.
A striking feature of both the full 4-yr-mean and composite-mean fields (Figs. 2, 6) is the consistency of the spatial patterns of the main oceanic storm track in Drake Passage. In all cases, an enhanced upward flux of wave activity is concentrated in the western LDA and large horizontal flux vectors emanate northeast from there. Here, it is shown that horizontal flux vectors in main storm track point to the northeast, that is, the Rossby wave packet propagates roughly perpendicularly away from the Shackleton Fracture Zone. The location of elevated W —horizontal and vertical—is likely set by the SFZ, with the strongest fluxes where the fronts become unstable in the lee of the ridge. That the patterns remain similar between PF trough and SAF crest events (Fig. 6) suggests the sign of the eddy is a relatively inconsequential driver of storm track dynamics. Thus, it is inferred that the interaction between the fronts and the SFZ drive the location and dynamics of the oceanic storm track.
Stationary meanders associated with large-scale bathymetry in the ACC effectively prime the flow for baroclinic instability in the lee of large ridges. Under a certain configuration between the deep pressure field and the upper meander, that is, when the deep pressure field leads the upper geopotential anomaly field by a quarter wavelength, the anomalies of the upper and deep fields intensify together during baroclinic instability and cross-frontal EHF ensues (Pedlosky 1987). With CPIES observations in Drake Passage, Watts et al. (2016) illustrate that this upper–deep joint intensification and its associated divergent EHF is highest in the Polar Frontal Zone, where warm-core SAF and cold-core PF eddies actively grow, and is concentrated immediately downstream of the SFZ. However, observed wave activity fluxes presented in this work show the regional energetics in this oceanic storm track cannot be explained by baroclinic processes Wz alone (Figs. 5, 6, and 8).
To further complicate the picture, a jet’s geostrophic streamlines are pinched together in the meander trough formed on the ridge, increasing the horizontal shear of the flow and the slope of the isopycnals. Therefore, the jet’s barotropicity and baroclinicity, respectively, increase as it navigates the ridge. As the jet flow away from the stabilizing ridge, it may become susceptible to both mesoscale instabilities. A recent idealized modeling study finds mixed barotropic–baroclinic instability of a jet immediately in the lee of a simple ridge and changes in the instability properties downstream (Youngs et al. 2017). Here, CPIES observations in Drake Passage show both barotropic and baroclinic processes, represented respectively by elevated values of horizontal and vertical components W, are important just in the lee of the SFZ where the SAF and PF meander (Figs. 2, 6). The coexistence of enhanced horizontal and vertical components of W suggests mixed barotropic–baroclinic instability occurs in this region.
Chapman et al. (2015) describe the time-mean dynamics of an oceanic storm in two regimes: baroclinic growth followed by downstream development. In their idealized model, vertical W dominates in the baroclinic growth regime and horizontal W dominates in the downstream development regime, with the horizontal fluxes transporting EKE away from the initial perturbation. Chapman et al. (2015) find the split between the growth regime and development regime occurs after at least one full wavelength of the standing Rossby wave and more than one local Wz maximum within the growth regime. However, the observations presented here show enhanced values of vertical and horizontal W collocated in space and time (Figs. 5, 8). The time-mean and composite-mean fluxes are highest within the first half-wavelength of the meander immediately in the lee of the SFZ (Figs. 2, 6). The presence of mixed barotropic–baroclinic instability in the first half-wavelength of the meander inferred here is supported by the geometric framework for eddy–mean flow interactions in the idealized modeling work of Youngs et al. (2017).
Orlanski and Sheldon (1995) describe three stages of downstream baroclinic development in the atmosphere. At first, energy from a preexisting mature eddy is carried downstream (through geopotential fluxes by the ageostrophic flow) to supply the growth of an adjacent eddy. As the initial eddy decays and this downstream eddy matures, energy is carried farther downstream to supply a third eddy. As the second begins to decay, the third eddy matures, and so on until the energy eventually dissipates downstream of the initial perturbation. Unlike the atmosphere or many modeling studies with a single idealized ridge in a reentrant channel (e.g., Chapman et al. 2015; Bischoff and Thompson 2014; Youngs et al. 2017), the ACC is often punctuated by bathymetry. That is, soon after its interaction with the SFZ, the PF must navigate the Scotia Arc and the SAF turns sharply northward along the South American continental slope. Upstream of the SFZ, the ACC encounters the Phoenix Ridge near 66°W. Thus, the bathymetric complexity of the real ocean may interrupt the downstream development process seen in the atmosphere and idealized ocean models.
Figure 2 shows a secondary region of elevated
The divergence of
Cyclonic (clockwise) horizontal
b. Physical mechanisms of a storm track
One advantage of a wave activity flux framework is that each set of terms in W, Weddy and Wageo, is associated with specific physical processes (section 2). The complementary phase-dependent terms combine together to form a phase-independent flux, making the interpretation of W consistent throughout the entire storm track. Additionally, considering each set of terms individually allows for their relative contributions to the storm track dynamics to be determined. That is, the relative influence of eddy-driven fluxes Weddy [Eq. (3)] and ageostrophically induced fluxes Wageo [Eq. (4)] on the storm track dynamics can be quantified. Figure 7 shows the composite-mean Wz is split roughly evenly between eddy and ageostrophic fluxes, while the ageostrophic fluxes dominate WH. While much focus is often paid to eddy fluxes (e.g., Watts et al. 2016; Phillips and Rintoul 2000), Firing et al. (2016) note that the ageostrophic gradient wind flow is crucial for calculating the vorticity budget in Drake Passage, particularly for the vortex-stretching term.
Another advantage of diagnosing W is that both eddy energy and enstrophy are inherently included in the analysis. Since W transports wave activity, it transports a combination of eddy energy and enstrophy together. In this way, eddy energy and enstrophy are entangled in the analysis, and cannot be diagnosed individually. However, since the scaled eddy energy term is much greater than the scaled eddy enstrophy term (
There are two instability processes for energy to transfer from the mean flow to eddies: the baroclinic and the barotropic pathways. The baroclinic pathway initially converts APE to EPE through a horizontal eddy buoyancy flux, or an equivalent downward eddy momentum flux. This process is clearly at play here, as evidenced by the collocation of enhanced Wz (Fig. 2) and enhanced divergent EHF (Watts et al. 2016). To complete the baroclinic pathway to EKE, conversion from EPE to EKE occurs through vertical eddy buoyancy fluxes. Alternatively, eddies can gain energy through the barotropic pathway, converting mean kinetic energy directly to EKE. The consistent alignment of the EKE maximum with WH convergence suggests the barotropic pathway is nonnegligible, and perhaps even stronger than the baroclinic pathway for EKE production (Figs. 5, 6g,j). Further, during the event presented in Fig. 8, the largest values of EKE on 17 July are found prior to the strongest Wz and prior to the strongest EPE and Wz, as well as prior to the strongest horizontal EHF found in Watts et al. (2016). This also implies the barotropic pathway of energy from the mean flow to eddies in this oceanic storm track.
The physical mechanisms responsible for the dynamics of the oceanic storm track in Drake Passage are illustrated schematically in Fig. 9. Following linear instability theory, it begins with a small perturbation to a mean ACC jet. If, by circumstance, the configuration of the upper and deep pressure fields is such that the deep anomaly offsets the upper anomaly by roughly a quarter wavelength, the two strengthen simultaneously. The strengthening of the anomalies and growth of the meander, that is, growth of the perturbation, is associated with a horizontal EHF (vertical eddy momentum flux), baroclinic instability, and EPE production. As the meander grows and increases its curvature, the sub- (super-) geostrophic flow in the trough (crest) intensifies and there is an increase in Wageo. By changing the horizontal distribution of PV around the jet core, increased horizontal velocity shear associated with the meander growth also allows for horizontal eddy momentum flux, barotropic instability, and EKE production. In the atmosphere, where the flow does not have as complex bathymetry to navigate as the ACC does in Drake Passage, it appears that the EKE could subsequently provide energy to grow the adjacent downstream eddy. However, the work presented here suggests the downstream baroclinic development process of this oceanic storm track is truncated in Drake Passage. Moreover, the relative magnitude of EKE produced through the baroclinic pathway compared to barotropic pathway remains unknown, yet it is clear from this work that the barotropic pathway is nonnegligible.
Simplified illustration of the dynamics and physical mechanisms for an oceanic storm track. The arrows represent WH, and dots represent Wz, with the strength of the fluxes indicated by the size of the symbols; solid and dashed contours represent geostrophic streamfunction anomalies; curved line represents an ACC front; gray lines represent the ridge axis; and uppercase P and K represent eddy potential and kinetic energy maxima, respectively. The strengthening of the anomalies and growth of the initial perturbation due to the configuration of the upper and deep pressure anomalies generates a horizontal eddy heat flux, baroclinic instability, and EPE production (upstream-most gray arrow and uppercase P). As the meander grows and increases its curvature, the sub- (super-) geostrophic flow in the trough (crest) intensifies, and there is an increase in the ageostrophic component of W (middle black arrow). By changing the horizontal distribution of PV around the jet core, increased horizontal velocity shear associated with the meander growth also allows for horizontal eddy momentum flux, barotropic instability, and EKE production (uppercase K).
Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 49, 3; 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0150.1
While the physical processes driving the storm track’s dynamics are described above in several steps, they appear to happen all, or nearly all, together. In particular, there is a strong correlation (R2 = 0.6) between horizontal and vertical W time series, averaged in the western LDA (west of 64°W), when WH lags Wz by 0.5 days. Similarly, but with weaker correlation coefficients, the regional-mean Weddy components are most correlated when the horizontal terms lag the vertical terms by 0.5 days, while the horizontal and vertical terms of Wageo are most correlated at zero lag. Horizontal eddy and ageostrophic flux terms are strongly correlated (R2 = 0.88) at zero lag, indicating the barotropic eddy and ageostrophic fluxes occur together. The interpretation of these lags is that the dynamics of the storm track are all intimately linked. That is, only half a day after the joint intensification of the upper and deep pressure anomalies where baroclinic instability drives the initial meander growth, the shear has increased enough to initiate barotropic instability through horizontal eddy momentum fluxes and the curvature has increased enough to generate strong ageostrophic fluxes of wave activity.
There is much interest in how the ACC equilibrates to changes in wind forcing. Thompson and Naveira Garabato (2014) suggest, through vorticity dynamics in an eddy-resolving global circulation model, a rapid barotropic response to wind stress changes, where changes to the barotropic vorticity balance manifest as changes in meander characteristics. These changes to the meander’s curvature and/or wavelength have implications for W. For example, an increase in meander curvature will increase the ageostrophic gradient wind flow and, thus, increase the ageostrophic flux terms of W. Thompson and Naveira Garabato (2014) also show that increases in curvature are associated with increases in EKE. The increased curvature increases the horizontal velocity shear, thus making the front more susceptible to barotropic instability and further opens the barotropic pathway to EKE directly from the mean flow.
6. Conclusions
In this study, observation-based wave activity M and its flux W and eddy energy (EKE and EPE) are presented in the eddy-rich interfrontal zone between the SAF and PF downstream of the Shackleton Fracture Zone in Drake Passage. These quantities are calculated from direct observations made by CPIES during the 4 years of the cDrake experiment, from November 2007 through November 2011, and averaged in the upper to midwater column (400–100-m depth). Presented in three ways—4-yr time mean, composite-mean of eddy events that make up about 15% of the 4-yr time series, and a case study of an eddy event during which a PF trough intrudes into the western LDA—the dynamics of the oceanic storm track are consistently tied to both the horizontal and vertical components of W. The horizontal and vertical fluxes highlight the importance of barotropic and baroclinic processes, respectively, in transferring M through an oceanic storm track. Further, the total eddy energy dominates over eddy enstrophy in terms of wave activity; that is,
The main storm track in the Drake Passage array of CPIES is in the western part of the LDA, immediately downstream of the SFZ, where a standing meander (SAF crest) can be seen in the satellite SSH data (Figs. 1, 2). Horizontal and vertical components of wave activity flux W are elevated in this region, with heightened values in a composite-mean of eddy events and during both PF trough and SAF crest intrusions (Fig. 6). In general, WH vectors point across
This work illustrates the role of WH in setting the downstream offset of EKE and maintaining the structure of eddy energetics in the oceanic storm track. This indicates the importance of barotropic processes and suggests the presence of mixed barotropic–baroclinic instability. Finally, in order to properly parameterize global circulation and climate models to accurately simulate the transfers of energy and enstrophy, that is, wave activity, through the ACC system, all the processes responsible for those transfers must first be understood. The observed importance of barotropic processes in this work presents a challenge to the modeling community. The wave activity flux framework presented here will help identify and quantify the relative importance of physical mechanisms controlling transfers of energy and enstrophy between eddies and the mean flow in the ocean. A future study analyzing a high-resolution ocean model with realistic bathymetry will be especially useful.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant OCE1141802 and the Centre for Southern Hemisphere Oceans Research (CSHOR), a collaborative research partnership between Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM) and CSIRO, along with CSHOR’s partners University of Tasmania and University of New South Wales. cDrake data are available at the National Centers for Environmental Information, online at http://www.nodc.noaa.gov. Many thanks to Kathy Donohue, Randy Watts, and Karen Tracey for the helpful discussions and guidance throughout this work; thanks also to Steve Rintoul for constructive comments and feedback on the manuscript. Comments from two anonymous reviewers that helped to significantly improve this work are much appreciated.
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