1. Introduction
Lagrangian drift at the ocean surface plays a fundamental role in the kinematics and dynamics of the surface layers of the ocean. In the case of Langmuir circulations, their generation and evolution comes about primarily from Kelvin’s circulation theorem and the vorticity of the wind-driven current. Furthermore, there are significant practical applications in predicting the transport of flotsam, jetsam, and pollution at the surface. The standard approach to this problem is to combine the classical Stokes drift due to linear irrotational surface waves (Kenyon 1969) with estimates of the wind drift, often based on laboratory experiments correlated with the wind friction velocity
Using direct numerical simulations (DNS) of focusing wave packets and a scaling argument based on John’s equation (John 1953; Pizzo 2017), Deike et al. (2017b) showed that prior to breaking the wave-induced Lagrangian drift was consistent with the classical theory, being proportional to a measure of the wave slope squared; however, with the onset of breaking the horizontal Lagrangian drift averaged over a wavelength around the breaking region was proportional to a measure of the slope of the packet. This is shown in Fig. 1a, where a particle that is transported by a nonbreaking wave is shown in the top panel, while a particle that is transported due to breaking is shown in the bottom panel. Note, the mass transport for nonbreaking wave packets have been studied recently by van den Bremer and Taylor (2016) and van den Bremer and Breivik (2018). The particle transported due to breaking travels nearly an order of magnitude further than the particle in the nonbreaking case. This increase is quantified in Fig. 1b, where drift speeds up to an order of magnitude larger than the classical predictions are observed for strong breaking waves.
In this paper we take these new results based on the DNS and theoretical scaling and apply similar techniques to those that we have used in the past to extend results from DNS, theory and the laboratory to the ocean using field measurements of Phillips’s (1985) breaking statistic
The environmental conditions considered here have wind speeds ranging from 1.6 to 16 m s−1, significant wave heights in the range of 0.7–4.7 m and wave ages [defined as
Typically, water waves enter the larger scale (averaged over the fast time scales of the surface waves) equations of motion through the Stokes drift, and specifically in the vortex force term (see, e.g., McWilliams and Restrepo 1999; Suzuki and Fox-Kemper 2016). This has been used to provide a rational model for Langmuir circulation (Craik and Leibovich 1976). Breaking represents a transition from the largely irrotational surface wave field to vortical flow (Pizzo and Melville 2013; Pizzo et al. 2016), which has dynamical significance for the resulting kinematics and dynamics of the flow. This is illustrated in the LES simulations of Sullivan et al. (2007; see also Sullivan et al. 2004), where a body force model for breaking is used to examine its effects on the dynamics and statistics of the upper-ocean boundary layer. Significant differences between scenarios with and without wave breaking are found. In terms of the mechanics of the upper-ocean boundary layer, wave breaking greatly enhances energy dissipation (and leads to large departures from law of the wall scaling; Melville 1994; Sutherland and Melville 2015), seeds the so-called CL2 mechanism (Leibovich 1983; Sullivan et al. 2004) by introducing vorticity into the water column, and modulates the transfer of mass, momentum, and energy between the water column, the wave field, and the atmosphere. Therefore, it is believed that properly resolving dynamical and integral properties of the breaking-induced flow will serve to better constrain budgets of mass, momentum, and energy in LES models of the air–sea boundary layer.
2. Wave-induced Lagrangian drift
In this section we review and derive models for the drift induced by nonbreaking and breaking deep water surface waves. Integrals of these quantities are presented, as are the values of integrands associated with these measures. Scaling arguments for these quantities are then discussed.
a. Classical Stokes drift
b. Lagrangian drift due to breaking
The scaling model described by Eq. (5) was derived based on the high-resolution DNS in Deike et al. (2017b). The fit of this model, at the surface
Thus, according to this model, the Lagrangian drift due to breaking at the surface is given by the third moment of
c. Scale-dependent drift
The bulk-scale integrals considered above do not yield information about the scale-dependent drift, or dispersion about the mean. Therefore, we consider the integrands of
d. Scaling laws for the Stokes drift and breaking drift at the surface
It is of interest to determine the dependence of
Finally, we can rewrite this dependence in terms of the phase velocity of the peak component of the spectrum
3. Ocean estimate of drift due to nonbreaking and breaking waves using field measurements
We now examine the predictions of these models using archived field data. Romero et al. (2012), followed by Sutherland and Melville (2013, 2015), showed that to properly close the wave breaking energy budget in the ocean, we need to consider spectral properties of the wave field and compute a spectral breaking parameter
Next, as done for air entrainment and gas transfer in Deike and Melville (2018), following Romero et al. (2012), the spatially integrated omnidirectional wave spectrum,
We next investigate the scaling models presented in section two, beginning with the scale-dependent drift, to determine the scales at which the Stokes and breaking drift are important. In Fig. 4a we show the integrand of the Stokes drift
Next, we turn to the integrated quantities, that is, the total surface drift. In Fig. 5, the Stokes drift [i.e., Eq. (9)], normalized by the wind friction velocity, is plotted against the reciprocal of the wave age. From the scaling found in section 2, in particular Eq. (13), we expect a weak dependence of the normalized Stokes drift on the wave age, with increasing wave age leading to increasing drift, which is observed in the data presented here.
In Fig. 6,
Finally, in Fig. 7, we display the ratio
4. Conclusions
The Lagrangian drift induced by wave breaking was studied by extending the model of Deike et al. (2017b) to field data, where the environmental conditions considered have 10 m wind speeds ranging from 1.6 to 16 m s−1, significant wave heights in the range of 0.7–4.7 m and wave ages, here defined as the ratio of the spectrally weighted phase velocity to the wind friction velocity, ranging from 16 to 150. It is found that the drift induced by breaking can be as much as 30% of the classical Stokes drift, and becomes increasingly more important with increasing wind friction velocity and significant wave height.
Note, the turbulent Langmuir number (McWilliams et al. 1997) is defined as
Next, this paper considers only the mass transport induced at the surface. The depth dependence of this transport is of considerable interest. The laboratory studies of Rapp and Melville (1990), as well as the DNS from Deike et al. (2017b), of deep water breaking waves implies the depth scale of the breaking scales with the height of the wave at breaking. This value may be considerably less than, say, the peak wavenumber used to represent the scale of the depth dependence of the Stokes drift. Further analysis of this depth dependence is in order to better understand the total mass transport due to breaking.
Wave breaking represents an important transfer of momentum flux from the wave field to the water column and must be taken into account for enhanced coupled ocean–atmosphere models. Furthermore, as breaking introduces vorticity into the water column, the dynamics of models including the breaking-induced drift will be markedly different than those without it (Sullivan et al. 2004, 2007). The results presented here should provide bulk scale measures to constrain budgets in coupled ocean–atmosphere models. For example, the breaking statistics of Sutherland and Melville (2013), together with the scaling relationships for the mass transport induced by breaking and nonbreaking waves found here, may be used to close mass, momentum, and energy budgets in coupled LES models of the ocean and atmospheric boundary layers (Sullivan et al. 2007).
This research was conducted under grants to W.K.M. from the Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-17-1-2171) and the National Science Foundation (Physical Oceanography) (Grants NSF 1434198 and OCE-1634289). We thank the referees for comments that have improved the manuscript. N.P. thanks the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at UC Santa Barbara, supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant NSF PHY17-48958, where a portion of this research was conducted. L.D. acknowledges support from the Princeton Environmental Institute at Princeton University and the Cooperative Institute for Climate Sciences between NOAA and Princeton University.
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