1. Introduction
In the Atlantic Ocean, the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formed at high latitudes spreads southward within the lower limb (z > 1000 m) of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (e.g., Talley et al. 2011). The NADW circulation consists of the deep western boundary current (DWBC) flowing southward along the Americas’ continental slope, interior pathways, and multiple recirculation gyres (e.g., Schmitz and McCartney 1993; Lozier 1997; Garzoli et al. 2015; Biló and Johns 2019). The latter promote connectivity between the ocean’s western boundary and interior, and significantly modify the DWBC’s transport at certain locations (e.g., Johns et al. 2008; Toole et al. 2017). Observations and numerical experiments show that, between 15° and 30°N, the interior NADW circulation is characterized by multiple localized (i.e., few degrees wide) cyclonic recirculation cells along the western boundary embedded in a larger-scale recirculation (e.g., Fig. 1). Although the dynamical mechanisms that force deep ocean recirculation has been an active research area since the late 1970s [see compilation in Hogg and Johns (1995)], efforts to understand these particular cyclonic features are lacking thus far. Therefore, in this study, we use numerical eddy-resolving simulations to investigate the dynamics and forcing mechanisms responsible for the northward recirculation adjacent to the western boundary at 15°–30°N.
Several studies have reported that the dynamics of deep recirculation gyres—and their interactions with the DWBC—are usually associated with the upper-ocean eddy activity. Offshore of the Grand Banks (~42°–50°N), part of the DWBC gets entrained in the deep portion of the northward North Atlantic Current and recirculates anticyclonically in the interior (Lozier 1997). Using numerical eddy-permitting and eddy-resolving global simulations, Gary et al. (2011) showed that this deep anticyclonic gyre seems to be eddy driven. Since this circulation feature is located in the vicinity of the highly variable surface intensified North Atlantic Current, the authors reasonably speculated its associated mesoscale activity forces the deep recirculation. Farther south and west (~35°–42°N, ~50°–75°W), the unstable Gulf Stream forces a nearly barotropic cyclonic gyre referred as to the Northern Recirculation Gyre (e.g., Hogg 1983; Hogg et al. 1986). The idealized numerical experiments performed by Le Bras et al. (2018) revealed that the proximity of its northern limit to the western boundary not only affects the DWBC transport but that interactions with the DWBC and bottom topography result in significant changes in the gyre mean structure. Near Cape Hatteras (~35°N), the southward DWBC is forced to cross under the northeastward Gulf Stream. Cruise-based observations and numerical simulations suggest that Gulf Stream meandering helps to trigger the upper DWBC to entrain under the Gulf Stream, flow offshore, and recirculate back to the western boundary (Pickart and Smethie 1993; Spall 1996; Bower and Hunt 2000).
Between 15° and 30°N, the interior mean deep circulation is complex and consists of multiple localized cyclonic cells along the western boundary embedded in a basinwide recirculation (e.g., Xu et al. 2012; Biló and Johns 2019). The Argo-based deep circulation obtained by Biló and Johns (2019) shows that the potential vorticity (PV) is not conserved along mean geostrophic streamlines within these cells (Fig. 1), therefore an active forcing mechanism is required for maintaining them (Rhines and Holland 1979; Holland and Rhines 1980). Thus far, the most studied gyre in Fig. 1 is the northern cell, referred as to Abaco Gyre (25°–30°N), mostly in the context of monitoring the DWBC and adjacent meridional circulation at 26.5°N (e.g., Lee et al. 1990, 1996; Bryden et al. 2005; Johns et al. 2008; Meinen et al. 2013). Analyzing nearly two decades of velocity and hydrographic observations, Biló and Johns (2020) concluded that 20%–50% of the mean DWBC’s transport (~30 Sv; 1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) is recirculating northward at 26.5°N in the Abaco Gyre.
Based on highly variable 1.5-yr-long current records, Lee et al. (1990) were the first to speculate that the Abaco Gyre could be eddy driven. However, Leaman and Vertes (1996) was the first and only study to directly address the possible dynamics behind the recirculation in the region. Analyzing deep Lagrangian floats trajectories released in the DWBC domain, the authors found that the trajectories were dominated by eddy motions, which helped to export the floats to the interior. Their analysis also suggested that the San Salvador Spur (see Fig. 1) plays a major role in forcing the flow to recirculate cyclonically.
In the present study, we test the hypothesis that mesoscale eddies drive the deep localized cyclonic cells along the DWBC path between 15° and 30°N. Using two different numerical models, we assess the DWBC recirculation forcing in terms of PV dynamics (Rhines and Holland 1979; Holland and Rhines 1980; Hogg 1983; Hogg and Johns 1995; Pickart and Smethie 1993; Spall 1996), and show that local eddy PV fluxes are mainly responsible for driving these deep recirculation gyres. We also show that the perturbations responsible for modifying the PV of the mean flow likely originate within the western boundary layer.
2. Models and methods
To reduce the likelihood that our analysis and dynamical interpretations are model dependent, we use two eddy-resolving simulations that are similarly forced (i.e., wind forcing and surfaces fluxes), but that use different architectures (i.e., z-grid and hybrid vertical coordinates), initialization procedures, integration periods, spatial coverage, and horizontal resolution.
a. Model 1: HYCOM
The first numerical simulation used in this study was performed by Zhao et al. (2018a). The authors used the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) with a horizontal resolution of 1/12°, 32 vertical layers—i.e., isopycnal layers far from model boundaries—in a domain spanning 28°S–80°N. The model was configured following Xu et al. (2010) and initialized using the 25-yr spun-up climatological experiment E026 from Xu et al. (2012). The simulation was then spun up for an additional 25 years by repeatedly using the daily 1992 atmospheric forcing from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Reanalysis data. After the spinup procedure, the model was integrated between 1992 and 2016, forced by the NCEP Reanalysis daily data. We chose this particular HYCOM simulation because its configuration successfully reproduced several important features of the large-scale circulation and mesoscale variability in the North Atlantic ocean (e.g., Xu et al. 2010, 2012, 2013; Zhao et al. 2018a,b). Model outputs consist of snapshots every 10 days from January 2000 to December 2016. HYCOM’s source code is freely available at https://www.hycom.org/hycom/source-code.
b. Model 2: OFES
The second set of numerical outputs is from the eddy-resolving Ocean Model for the Earth Simulator (OFES) run by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology. OFES is a z-grid coordinate model based on the Modular Ocean Model version 3, with 54 vertical levels, a horizontal resolution of 0.1°, and global coverage (Masumoto et al. 2004; Sasai et al. 2004; Sasaki et al. 2008). This simulation was initialized using the World Ocean Atlas 1998 climatology and forced by the NCEP Reanalysis data. OFES snapshots are available every 3 days from January 1980 to December 2013. Similar to HYCOM, these OFES predictions have been successfully used in Atlantic circulation studies (e.g., van Sebille et al. 2011, 2012; Meinen and Garzoli 2014). More recently, Biló and Johns (2020) found that the long-term mean and variability of the DWBC transport and deep velocities (z > 1000 m) predicted by OFES are in good agreement with observations at 26.5°N. For further details on OFES and data access see http://www.jamstec.go.jp/esc/research/AtmOcn/product/ofes.html.
c. The mean potential vorticity PV budget
Similar to several studies that investigated the dynamics of deep recirculation in other regions (e.g., Holland and Rhines 1980; Spall 1994, 1996; Qiu et al. 2008; van Sebille et al. 2012), we validate the turbulent Sverdrup balance [Eq. (2)] and diagnose the eddy PV fluxes from numerical simulations within the localized DWBC recirculation cells.
d. The layer approach
To learn how different HYCOM and OFES are in terms of vertical structure, Fig. 2 shows the mean PV distribution and stratification along 26.5°N from both numerical models. Although the water masses below 3000-m depth are noticeably lighter in HYCOM (see areas σ2 > 37.06 kg m−3), the stratification—and consequently PV—is generally consistent between 1000- and 3000-m depth. Note that Eq. (3) defines Ertel’s PV for a continually stratified ocean. Therefore, we modified Eq. (3) so that HYCOM’s PV could be expressed in terms of an equivalent Ertel PV by −[(f + ζi)/ρi](Δσi/hi), where i is the layer index, Δσi = σi+1 − σi is the density jump within the layer, and h is the layer thickness.
To keep our analysis consistent, we averaged the OFES outputs over the isopycnal layers defined in HYCOM. We focus our investigation on the layers constrained between 1000 and 3000 m in the study region (i.e., 36.77 ≤ σ2 ≤ 37.06 kg m−3). Vertical layers between 1000- and 3000-m depth mainly correspond to the upper NADW layer, which contains at least 60% of the total transport near the western boundary (e.g., Johns et al. 2008; Biló and Johns 2020). Throughout this paper, we describe the mean circulation within each layer in terms of streamfunction ψ. We estimated ψ (i.e., υ = ∂ψ/∂x and u = −∂ψ/∂y) by decomposing the velocity vectors into their nondivergent and nonrotational components following Li et al. (2006). The same methodology was used to decompose the eddy PV fluxes
3. Results and discussion
a. The mean DWBC recirculation
Before proceeding with the PV analysis, it is necessary to establish if the numerical simulations reproduce key aspects of the observed long-term mean circulation in the study region. Figure 3 shows the simulated time-averaged streamfunction and PV within each layer. As suggested by Biló and Johns’s (2019) observational analysis (e.g., Fig. 1), both models predict three main cyclonic recirculation areas along the western boundary and offshore of the DWBC. The northern cell, known as the Abaco Gyre, is constrained mainly between 25° and 30°N, with an indication in HYCOM of two semi-enclosed circulation centers near 26° and 28°N. Farther south (19°–24°N) along the western boundary, two additional cyclonic circulation cells are identified just offshore of the DWBC. A common characteristic in these cells is that the PV is not conserved along the recirculation gyres streamlines (i.e.,
Both models show that the velocity structure and streamfunction patterns are vertically coherent over the upper NADW layer, but the lateral PV gradients significantly change their orientation with depth. Near the base of the thermocline the PV lines are mostly oriented southwest–northeast (Figs. 3a,b), while at 36.89 ≤ σ2 ≤ 37.02 kg m−3 the orientation is southeast–northwest (Figs. 3c–f). Below σ2 = 37.02 kg m−3, the PV lines become oriented southwest–northeast again (Figs. 3g,h). Note that in the vicinity of the closed cyclonic circulation cells, PV gradients tend to be weaker, especially in HYCOM (Fig. 3, left panels). In the theoretical discussions carried out by Rhines and Young (1982), the authors show that, because eddies tend to flux PV downgradient, PV is often homogenized within closed circulation contours in the steady state.
These two particular numerical simulations do not perfectly agree, and noticeable differences in the circulation are present. For example, HYCOM’s higher PV content (Fig. 2) and significantly larger horizontal PV gradient between 36.77 ≤ σ2 ≤ 36.89 kg m−3 (Figs. 3a,b) indicate the pycnocline is deeper than the one in OFES. In addition, the interior anticyclonic circulation between 23° and 29°N and 58° and 72°W (e.g., ψ > 0.2 × 104 m2 s−1 in Figs. 3a,c,e,g) is only apparent in OFES below σ2 = 37.02 kg m−3 (Fig. 3h).
The details of the velocity structure of the recirculation along the western boundary are also different. For example, like the Argo-based circulation (Fig. 1), HYCOM shows an Abaco Gyre with two closed cyclonic cells while OFES presents only a single cell. The recirculation gyre between 21° and 24°N consists of a single cell in HYCOM but two partially connected cells in OFES. These differences will be reflected in the mean PV budget analysis described later in the paper. One can argue that the reason for this “disagreement” among models is due to the periods in which the outputs were averaged (i.e., HYCOM 2000–16 and OFES 1980–2013). Although OFES’s long-term average includes more than 30 years, 17-yr averages of its outputs (not shown) do not significantly change the overall circulation patterns presented in Fig. 3 (right panels). Such differences are probably related to the setup of each model and their respective initialization procedures. Further, Xu et al. (2010) originally designed this HYCOM configuration to study the subpolar North Atlantic, whereas OFES is a global simulation. Despite these differences, both models show recirculation features that qualitatively resemble those found in the observations, and so are suitable for investigating the underlying dynamics of these features.
b. The turbulent Sverdrup balance
Using the PV definition from Eq. (3) in Eq. (2), it is possible to evaluate how much of the mean PV advection can be explained by the eddy forcing term. To take into account the differences in the models, we focus the PV budget analysis on the layer containing the DWBC velocity core and strongest recirculation signal in each model (i.e., 36.97 ≤ σ2 ≤ 37.02 kg m−3 in HYCOM, and 36.89 ≤ σ2 ≤ 36.97 kg m−3 in OFES).
Figures 4 and 5 show that the eddy flux convergence qualitatively explains the spatial distribution of mean PV advection in both models (see panels a and b). Although the details differ, there is a clear tendency for the eddy PV fluxes to force the mean flow to lose PV along the path of the DWBC (
When extending the analysis to layers deeper than 3000 m the PV budget terms become noisier with no clear spatial correlation, suggesting other mechanisms in the
The eddy fluxes and their respective convergence patterns are most intense near and along the western boundary (Figs. 4b,c and 5b,c), especially south of 25°N. The exception is the relatively large southward fluxes between 70° and 72°W and between 27° and 30°N in HYCOM. These eddy fluxes generate an enhanced positive convergence corridor, which is not obvious in OFES. Figure 3 shows that the HYCOM’s PV gradient over this area is noticeably larger than in OFES, generating larger PV perturbations. This corridor, however, is present in deeper OFES layers σ2 > 37.02 kg m−3 (not shown). The OFES mean circulation analysis of the Abaco Gyre performed by Biló and Johns (2020) indicated that the velocity becomes more topographically constrained at depths larger than 3000 m. The region 70°–72°W and 27°–30°N is immediately east of a meridionally oriented topographic ridge known as the Bahama Ridge (e.g., Johns et al. 1997). This large flux convergence corridor is meridionally aligned along with this prominent topographic feature, suggesting that the ridge is significantly impacting HYCOM’s circulation even above 3000-m depth.
To quantitatively assess how well the turbulent Sverdrup balance holds within the area depicted in Figs. 3–5, we calculated the three-dimensional linear spatial correlation coefficient of the two mean PV budget terms. Taking into account the entire study area for the density layers comprising 36.77 ≤ σ2 ≤ 37.02 kg m−3, the correlation coefficient is approximately 0.23 and 0.65 for HYCOM (Fig. 6a) and OFES (Fig. 6d), respectively. A more detailed analysis in each layer reveals that the largest differences between the terms are confined near the western boundary, similar to the findings of other studies that have assessed the mean PV budget from numerical simulations (e.g., Lozier and Riser 1989; Spall 1996). Therefore, repeating the correlation calculation excluding areas within 50 (Figs. 6b,e) and 150 km (Figs. 6c,f) from the western boundary, the correlation between the terms increases substantially. Much larger correlation values for HYCOM (0.81) and OFES (0.93) are found when considering areas at least 150 km from the boundary, indicating that the eddy forcing is the primary dynamical mechanism responsible for forcing mean flow across PV contours in the DWBC recirculation regions. It is worth mentioning that 150 km is the approximate average width of the DWBC southward jet (Lee et al. 1996; Bryden et al. 2005; Johns et al. 2008). If layers below 3000 m are included, the correlation also decreases in both models.
The PV imbalance near the boundary can be explained mainly by diffusive and frictional forcing contained in
Taking into account the magnitude of the residual relative to mean PV advection term (Fig. 7b), it becomes clearer why the linear correlations shown in Fig. 6 are low when we include regions near the western boundary. Within 150 km from the boundary, the residual can be several times the mean PV advection term. In HYCOM, the residual around 130 km away from the boundary is still of the order of magnitude of the mean PV advection, explaining the abrupt change in the correlations in Figs. 6b and 6c. OFES presents a gradual offshore decrease of this relative imbalance.
c. The eddy-driven mean circulation
It is worth mentioning that PV is a tracer estimated offline (i.e., not directly solved during model integration) and
d. Evaluation of eddy fluxes in terms of the effective Austausch coefficient
Marshall and Shutts (1981) explored the concept of Aq and concluded that Aq < 0 does not necessarily imply that eddies are decaying and sharpening the mean PV horizontal gradients. The authors argue that upgradient eddy fluxes can result from the rotational (i.e., nondivergent), and mostly dynamically inert, component of the eddy PV fluxes. To test if Aq distributions are being affected by the rotational component of the eddy fluxes, we estimated its divergent component using the Li et al. (2006) algorithm and recalculated Aq (Figs. 9c,d). The new coefficient (Aq)div, based on only the divergent component of the eddy PV fluxes, is mainly positive over the entire domain; however, there are certain regions in OFES—offshore the San Salvador Spur (~24°N) and south of 19°N (Fig. 9d)—where it remains negative. Therefore, the dynamically active divergent component of the eddy PV fluxes (Fig. 10) is acting to homogenize the PV gradients within the recirculation gyres. Additionally, the perturbations responsible for these fluxes draw energy from and provide enstrophy to the mean flow along the western boundary and its vicinity (Holland and Rhines 1980).
e. Eddy sources and time scales
Analysis of the mean PV budget suggests that the DWBC localized cyclonic recirculation cells (Fig. 3) are being forced by the local convergence of eddy PV fluxes (Figs. 4 and 5). In contrast to other regions where deep recirculations are under the direct influence of major eddy-rich upper-ocean currents (e.g., Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current), the study area between 15° and 30°N is in a region of relatively weak upper-ocean currents. The most prominent upper-ocean circulation feature in the area is the Antilles Current, which flows northward in the upper 1000 m of the water column with maximum mean velocities and transports of approximately 0.3–0.5 m s−1 and 5 Sv, respectively (Meinen et al. 2019). Additionally, its velocity/transport fluctuations are significantly less intense than the Gulf Stream’s—or North Atlantic Current’s—fluctuations (e.g., Johns et al. 1995, 2008; Mertens et al. 2014).
Similar to the eddy-resolving simulation presented by Lüschow et al. (2019), the eddy kinetic energy (
The current meter records and OFES outputs analyzed by Biló and Johns (2020) reveal that the DWBC’s eddy variability at 26.5°N is strongest near its velocity core and seems to be intrinsic to the deep ocean (e.g., see their Fig. 8). Moreover, the authors show that the DWBC is likely to be baroclinically unstable, which could lead to the production of meanders and eddies that propagate southward along its path. Instability processes are known to generate downgradient fluxes that act to erode potential vorticity gradients (e.g., Pedlosky 1987; Vallis 2017). From idealized numerical simulations, Spall (1994) showed that instabilities of abyssal boundary currents could force local and basinwide mean recirculations. The (Aq)div coefficient presented in Figs. 9c and 9d indicates that the eddy fluxes are consistently downgradient along the DWBC path, reinforcing the hypothesis that the eddy fluxes within the DWBC likely result from active instability processes.
To shed some light on what type of phenomena are involved in producing the convergence of the eddy PV fluxes, it is useful to investigate what time scales account for the covariance between the eddy potential vorticity and velocity perturbations. It is worth mentioning that mean eddy PV fluxes—or the PV covariance—can be dominated by the rotational fluxes components (e.g., Figs. 5b and 10b; Marshall and Shutts 1981; Wilson and Williams 2004), therefore an analysis of the PV/velocity cospectra or coherence (e.g., Emery and Thomson 2001) might highlight time scales that do not affect the PV budget. To focus our analysis on the time scales that contribute to convergence of the mean PV fluxes, we study the −∇ ⋅ (u′q′) evolution in certain critical regions. Figure 12 presents six key locations from each model where the −∇ ⋅ (u′q′) time series were analyzed. We chose two points within each cyclonic circulation cell north of 19°N that correspond to areas where the mean flow is significantly crossing PV gradients (i.e., large
In Figs. 13a and 13b we plot the cumulative time integral of −∇ ⋅ (u′q′) normalized by the number of time steps. The last data point, therefore, represents the time-mean eddy PV flux convergences
To understand what time scales are involved in this accumulation of
We repeated the same analysis for locations 1–6 in OFES (Fig. 14). To make the time scales analysis comparable to HYCOM’s, we used the last 17 years from the simulation (i.e., 1997–2013). Similar to HYCOM, all series presented in Figs. 14a and 14b show a steady convergence accumulation interrupted by energetic events, except at location 4. Time scales between 200 and 300 days correspond to the frequency band that contains most of the DWBC transport variability at 26.5°N. Biló and Johns (2020) show that these time scales are related to southward propagating meanders/eddies that seem to be triggered by instability of the DWBC.
Note that HYCOM’s location 5 and OFES’s location 4 are just to the north of the San Salvador Spur (see Fig. 12), and both show a more “irregular” accumulation that is shown to involve longer time scales in OFES (similar conclusion applies to HYCOM location 5, but not shown). Biló and Johns (2020) showed that, in OFES, the low-frequency variability in the region is dominated by large anticyclonic eddies that slowly propagate northwestward along the western boundary and perturb the Abaco Gyre for several months. Although the low-frequency variability in HYCOM has not been investigated in detail, low-frequency events are found to be similarly important in controlling the eddy PV flux convergences in HYCOM’s location 5. Leaman and Vertes (1996) found that the DWBC’s position near the San Salvador Spur is crucial for trapping particles within the Abaco Gyre. The authors showed that RAFOS floats released within DWBC remain in (are exported from) the western boundary if the DWBC jet is near (displaced northward of) the San Salvador island. This movement is referred to as the “San Salvador gate” by the authors and might be controlling eddy fluxes convergence in the region.
In OFES, the sudden sharp
4. Summary and conclusions
Using two numerical eddy-resolving simulations with different architectures, we tested if mesoscale eddies drive the deep localized cyclonic cells along the DWBC path between 15° and 30°N. Despite some differences in the recirculation cells in each model, our assessment of the modeled deep isopycnal circulation patterns, mean PV budget [Eq. (2)], and time scales of the perturbations provide compelling evidence that mesoscale eddies are driving these deep recirculations within the σ2 = 36.77–37.06 kg m−3 isopycnals, or the upper North Atlantic Deep Water layer (1000–3000 m).
Our circulation analysis reveals that both simulations reproduce key characteristics of the observed deep circulation. Below 1000 m depth, the DWBC flows southward along the continental slope, and multiple localized cyclonic recirculation cells recirculate waters northward in the interior. Between 15° and 30°N, there are mainly three recirculation areas where PV is not conserved along the mean recirculation streamlines (i.e.,
The analysis of the mean PV budget reveals that these PV changes (i.e.,
The lack of a major upper-ocean boundary current within the study region, and the fact that the largest EKE and
To conclude, we believe this study represents the first step toward a quantitative understanding of the mean DWBC recirculation dynamics between 15° and 30°N. Here, we focused on investigating the general mechanism responsible for the recirculation cells. Although we found that eddies near the western boundary likely force these cells, a number of questions remain unanswered about the nature and energy sources for these eddies. First, while the regular 100–300-day period fluctuations that largely control the eddy PV fluxes along the western boundary are believed to be associated with instability of the DWBC, the exact nature of the instability processes affecting the DWBC remains unresolved. Second, the connection between the energetic northwestward propagating anticyclones and the low-frequency time scales controlling the eddy PV fluxes near the San Salvador Spur is unclear in both models. Additionally, the dynamics of such eddies are still not fully understood, despite Biló and Johns’s (2020) speculation on their possible formation mechanisms. Therefore, further research on the DWBC instability processes and eddy dynamics in the region will be necessary to achieve a complete understanding of the energy sources for the eddies that drive these deep recirculations.
The authors thank the two anonymous reviewers, as well as Dr. Christopher Meinen, Dr. Igor Kamenkovich, and Dr. Mohamed Iskandarani for thoughtful comments and suggestions on the manuscript. The first two authors thank the National Science Foundation (NSF) for funding this research under Grants OCE1332978, OCE1259398, and OCE1756231. The third author wants to acknowledge the funding support from the NOAA CPO Climate Variability and Predictability Program (NA20OAR4310399) and the NSF Physical Oceanography Program (OCE1634886). The OFES simulation was conducted on the Earth Simulator under the support of JAMSTEC. All data used in this study are freely available, and data access is described in section 2.
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