A Closure for Lee Wave Drag on the Large-Scale Ocean Circulation

Carsten Eden aInstitut für Meereskunde, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

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Dirk Olbers bAlfred Wegener Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany
cMARUM, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany

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Thomas Eriksen aInstitut für Meereskunde, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

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A new, energetically, and dynamically consistent closure for the lee wave drag on the large-scale circulation is developed and tested in idealized and realistic ocean model simulations. The closure is based on the radiative transfer equation for internal gravity waves, integrated over wavenumber space, and consists of two lee wave energy compartments for up- and downward propagating waves, which can be cointegrated in an ocean model. Mean parameters for vertical propagation, mean–flow interaction, and the vertical wave momentum flux are calculated assuming that the lee waves stay close to the spectral shape given by linear theory of their generation. Idealized model simulations demonstrate how lee waves are generated and interact with the mean flow and contribute to mixing, and document parameter sensitivities. A realistic eddy-permitting global model at 1/10° resolution coupled to the new closure yields a globally integrated energy flux of 0.27 TW into the lee wave field. The bottom lee wave stress on the mean flow can be locally as large as the surface wind stress and can reach into the surface layer. The interior energy transfers by the stress are directed from the mean flow to the waves, but this often reverses, for example, in the Southern Ocean in case of shear reversal close to the bottom. The global integral of the interior energy transfers from mean flow to waves is 0.14 TW, while 0.04 TW is driving the mean flow, but this share depends on parameter choices for nonlinear effects.

© 2021 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (www.ametsoc.org/PUBSReuseLicenses).

Corresponding author: Carsten Eden, carsten.eden@uni-hamburg.de


A new, energetically, and dynamically consistent closure for the lee wave drag on the large-scale circulation is developed and tested in idealized and realistic ocean model simulations. The closure is based on the radiative transfer equation for internal gravity waves, integrated over wavenumber space, and consists of two lee wave energy compartments for up- and downward propagating waves, which can be cointegrated in an ocean model. Mean parameters for vertical propagation, mean–flow interaction, and the vertical wave momentum flux are calculated assuming that the lee waves stay close to the spectral shape given by linear theory of their generation. Idealized model simulations demonstrate how lee waves are generated and interact with the mean flow and contribute to mixing, and document parameter sensitivities. A realistic eddy-permitting global model at 1/10° resolution coupled to the new closure yields a globally integrated energy flux of 0.27 TW into the lee wave field. The bottom lee wave stress on the mean flow can be locally as large as the surface wind stress and can reach into the surface layer. The interior energy transfers by the stress are directed from the mean flow to the waves, but this often reverses, for example, in the Southern Ocean in case of shear reversal close to the bottom. The global integral of the interior energy transfers from mean flow to waves is 0.14 TW, while 0.04 TW is driving the mean flow, but this share depends on parameter choices for nonlinear effects.

© 2021 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (www.ametsoc.org/PUBSReuseLicenses).

Corresponding author: Carsten Eden, carsten.eden@uni-hamburg.de

1. Introduction

Lee waves are stationary internal gravity waves generated by a horizontal flow over topographic obstacles. The energy extraction from the mean flow and the implied drag on the mean flow by lee waves at the bottom of the ocean has been studied by several authors (e.g., Scott et al. 2011; Nikurashin and Ferrari 2011; Naveira Garabato et al. 2013; Wright et al. 2014) using linear theory pioneered by Bell (1975). Estimates of the globally integrated energy transfer from the geostrophically balanced flow to the lee waves range between 0.1 and 0.75 TW, which is a substantial share of the mechanical energy cycle of the ocean. Naveira Garabato et al. (2013) find the bottom wave drag to be a significant player in the momentum dynamics of extensive areas of the ocean, most notably the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

However, it is as yet mostly unknown how the lee waves propagate in the vertical and, in particular, how the momentum flux by the lee waves is vertically distributed, which forms the issue this study is devoted to. The divergence of the wave-induced vertical momentum flux is called wave drag and enters the mean momentum equation. In the meteorological community, there is a large body of literature of the effect of topographically generated gravity waves on the mean flow, since in the upper-atmosphere wave drag can be an important dynamical process governing the large-scale mean flow. In the ocean, however, gravity wave drag and its effect on the large-scale flow has received much less attention so far.

In numerical models of the large-scale ocean circulation, most of the generated lee waves cannot be resolved; furthermore, short gravity waves dynamics are incorrectly represented in such models because of the hydrostatic approximation. The effect of gravity wave drag on the mean flow is often totally ignored or not correctly accounted for in such ocean models. Trossman et al. (2016), for instance, calculate the lee wave momentum flux at the bottom from Bell’s linear theory (modified to account for nonlinear effects), distribute the wave momentum flux over a fixed vertical scale, and apply the wave-induced momentum flux divergence in an eddy-resolving model simulation. They find large effects in the abyss but no large changes in the surface ocean due to the fixed (small) vertical distribution scale. Our study aims to develop a closure which can predict the vertical scale and the associated wave drag.

In Olbers and Eden (2017) and Eden and Olbers (2017), a closure of the drag effect of internal gravity waves on the mean flow is developed and tested in a comprehensive ocean circulation model. The closure is based on simplified prognostic wave energy equations including effects of wave propagation and mean-flow energy exchange, and predicts the three-dimensional wave-induced momentum fluxes (and vertical mixing by breaking gravity waves). That closure, however, does not include the lee wave forcing but is restricted to the effect of waves generated by tidal and wind energy input into the wave field. Here, we apply the concept to the lee wave case and test the resulting closure in idealized models and a global eddy-resolving ocean model.

The outline of the study is the following: the second section describes the development of the closure and the underlying assumptions for simplification. In the third section the resulting closure is tested in a direct simulation of the radiative transfer equation, two idealized model configurations of the new closure, and in the global mesoscale eddy-permitting model. The last section provides a summary of the results. Two appendixes detail analytical simplifications and the computation of the bottom energy and momentum flux by the lee waves as used in practical applications.

2. Model development

a. The radiative energy balance

We consider internal gravity waves propagating in a stratified ocean with stability frequency N under the influence of a vertically sheared mean flow U. For simplicity, we ignore any horizontal and time dependency of U(z) and N(z). The spectrum of the waves is described by the wave energy spectral density E(x,z,t,k,ϕ,m), which is a function of time t and horizontal and vertical coordinates x and z, respectively, but also of wavenumber coordinates, m, k, and ϕ. The vertical wavenumber is denoted by m and the horizontal wavenumber k is expressed here as k = kn, with the horizontal unit vector n = (cosϕ, sinϕ), horizontal wave angle ϕ, and amplitude k = |k|. The dispersion relation of the gravity waves is given by ωenc = ω + kU, where ωenc denotes the frequency of encounter which is measured at a fixed point and where ω denotes the intrinsic internal gravity wave frequency ω=±(f2m2+N2k2)/(m2+k2).

The wave energy spectrum E is determined by the radiative transfer equation (e.g., Olbers et al. 2012)
with the vertical group velocity z˙=ωenc/m and refraction m˙=zωenc. Since U = U(z) and N = N(z) are assumed to depend only on the vertical coordinate there is no refraction in horizontal direction in Eq. (1), i.e., k˙=ωenc/x=0. For simplicity, we assume horizontal homogeneity such that the effect of the horizontal group velocity x˙=ωenc/k also vanishes in Eq. (1). The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) describes the energy transfer because of mean flow–wave interaction (or wave drag), and the term S contains all other forcing, dissipation, and nonlinear energy transfer terms.
Following the concept for a closure of the effects of gravity waves by Olbers and Eden (2017) and Eden and Olbers (2017), we integrate the wave energy equation over k and m, and later also over ϕ. To parameterize the dissipation and the effect of wave–wave interaction contained in S, it is found to be important to differentiate between waves with up- or downward vertical group velocity z˙. The integration of Eq. (1) over all k and m (but not ϕ) yields
with σ=sign(z˙). The integral over the term m(m˙E) in Eq. (1) vanishes assuming vanishing boundary fluxes m˙E|m=0,±dk. This excludes effects of turning points and critical layers which will be taken up later in a separate study. The maximum function in the last term restricts the integration of S only over upward or downward propagating waves, respectively. This rather complicated form is necessary since σ of lee waves depends not only on sign(m) but also on the direction of the mean flow relative to ϕ.
Using the same formalism as for S, the integrated energy content ϵ± of the up- and downward propagating waves (differentiated by the superscript ±) and the mean propagation c± and mean flow exchange parameter Λ± in Eq. (2) are given by
The mean parameter c± and Λ± are calculated in Olbers and Eden (2017) and Eden and Olbers (2017) by assuming that the energy spectrum stays close to the so-called Garrett–Munk (GM) spectrum with fixed shape E=ϵ±A(|m|)B(k), where A and B are empirically determined analytical functions (e.g., Garrett and Munk 1975; Munk 1981) yielding power laws E~m2,k2 for large wavenumbers (and constant ω). In this case, σ = −sign(m) and ϵ±, c±, and Λ± follow simply by integration over negative and positive m, respectively, and c+ = −c and Λ+ = −Λ since the GM spectrum is symmetric in m. For the lee wave problem, however, a different spectral form will be used and the split of up- and downward propagating waves becomes different.

b. Lee wave spectrum

The flow U0 = U|z=−h over topography with a spectrum Ftop(k, ϕ) will generate stationary lee waves with vanishing frequency of encounter ωenc = 0 and so with intrinsic frequency ωlee = −kUn with Un = nU0, and vertical wavenumber |mlee|=kN2ωlee2/ωlee2f2 (Bell 1975). To calculate the mean wave parameter c± and Λ± in Eq. (2), we assume that the shape of the lee wave energy spectrum in the interior stays close to the spectrum generated at the bottom and use the energy balance Eq. (2) to simulate the balance between forcing and dissipation of the lee waves. This assumption will be assessed below with a direct simulation of Eq. (1).

At the surface (and the bottom), the generated lee waves will be reflected and change sign of their m and thus the vertical group velocity. The direction of the mean flow in relation to the lee wave propagation direction is also important, as seen using the expression for the vertical group velocity z˙ (e.g., Olbers et al. 2012)
with σ = sign(m)σU and σU = sign(Un) using ωlee = −kUn. The up- or downward energy propagation direction σ thus depends for lee waves not only on sign(m) but also on the direction of the flow at the bottom U0 with respect to the horizontal wave propagation direction under consideration given by n.
As said before, the spectral density Elee of the lee waves in (k, ϕ, m) space in the water column over the generation site is assumed to be close to the spectral shape of the lee waves at the bottom,
with the spectral shape function Alee(k, ϕ) which results from the lee wave generation at the bottom. The shape function Alee is normalized such that 0Aleedk=1. Using Eq. (7), the wave energy Elee integrated in m and k then exactly matches the definition of ϵ± in Eq. (3).

Note that Eq. (7) is an assumption since the lee waves might change their frequency and wavenumbers while propagating through the water column, they might also exchange energy with other waves by nonlinear effects, and/or they might dissipate by convective or shear instability. It is assumed that all such processes remain small in the sense that they do not affect much the values of the mean group velocity c± and mean flow exchange parameter Λ± in Eq. (2). All these processes will be included in Eq. (2), only their effect on c± and Λ± is neglected. Note also that by using Eq. (7) we do not exclude other wave energy besides the lee waves. In fact, below we will include a coexisting wave field described by the closure of Olbers and Eden (2013), which interacts with the lee wave part of the spectrum and thereby leads to the dissipation of the lee wave energy. Using Eq. (7) in Eq. (3) acts as a bandwidth filter to isolate the lee wave energy compartment and in Eqs. (4) and (5) to obtain their bulk vertical propagation and mean flow interaction properties.

Using Eq. (6), the mean group velocity and mean flow exchange parameter of up- and downward propagating lee waves defined in Eqs. (4) and (5) are given by
Using the spectrum Eq. (7) for Elee yields
It is thus sufficient to specify the integral 0Alee|z˙|dk to determine the mean parameters to integrate the mean energy balance Eq. (2) for lee waves.

c. Choosing the lee wave spectral form

The bottom energy flux Fbell of the lee waves is given by Bell (1975) from linear theory as
for f2<k2Un2<N2, where we again use Un = nU0. As in Scott et al. (2011), the factor L(Fr) is a function of the Froude number Fr = NH/|U0| and limits Bell’s linear solution for small mean flow U0 or large topographic height H. The lee wave spectrum Ebell follows then from Fbell=z˙Ebell and Eq. (6) as
A small parameter r, with r2f2, related to Rayleigh friction in the momentum balance, was introduced in Eq. (11) to prevent a singularity at ωlee = ±f. Note that while the spectrum Ebell is not integrable for r = 0 because of this singularity, the flux Fbell stays finite for r = 0. Using linear theory without damping, it is therefore not possible to determine the total energy content of the wave field, and we need to include this small damping to choose the lee wave spectral shape. However, it turns out below that c± and Λ± in Eq. (2) are only weakly dependent on the friction parameter r.
Following Eq. (11), the spectral shape function Alee in Eq. (7) is defined by
To calculate Alee and further the mean parameter Λ± and c± from Eq. (9), it is necessary to specify the topographic spectrum Ftop. Goff (2010) and Goff and Arbic (2010) provide a statistical description of Ftop, given by
with the Hurst parameter ν and the root-mean-square topographic height hrms2=Ftopdkdϕ. In Eq. (13), ks and kn are characteristic wavenumbers in strike and normal direction, respectively, with kskn, and θs = π/2 − ϕs is the angle of the wavenumber vector measured clockwise with respect to the true northward direction. An isotropic form of Eq. (13) is obtained setting kn = ks,
Goff (2010) and Goff and Arbic (2010) provide global maps of ks, kn, θs, and hrms for fixed Hurst parameter ν = 0.8. It turns out, however, that the numerical integration of Fbell (and the related bottom stress) in k and ϕ for a comprehensive ocean model experiment is numerically very expensive and a further simplification is still necessary which allows for a semianalytical treatment. We follow Nikurashin and Ferrari (2011) and simplify the isotropic topography spectrum Eq. (14) for kks as
The shape function Alee(k, ϕ) then becomes
with a dimensionless integral J independent of Un (and ϕ). The integral 0Alee|z˙|dk, relevant to compute Λ± and c±, then becomes
With the transformation t = |Un|k/N the last integral on the right-hand side can be converted to one that is independent of Un (and ϕ),
such that
where the latter assumption is for N2f2. The integrals I and J are monotonically increasing with N/f and can be expressed in terms of the hypergeometric function 2F1 as shown in appendix A. This is, however, of little practical value because an evaluation of I and J would be by a numerical integration for 2F1 anyhow. It is shown in appendix A that reasonable approximations for I and J are
for 10 < N/|f| < 100 and N2f2r2. Given the uncertainty in the spectral shape, we believe that such approximations are sufficient, and also set ν = 1 for simplicity to calculate Λ± and c± in the practical applications below. We then find
In any case, even without these approximations, the parameter Λ0 is independent of wave angle ϕ and the parameters Λ± and c± become
Both Λ± and c± are then weakly dependent on the frictional parameter r. Figure 1 shows the approximated Λ0 as function of N/f and r/f and the approximated form of Λ0 is compared to the exact one in Fig. 12. We will determine the appropriate choice of r for the closure using a direct numerical simulation of Eq. (1) below.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

The (approximated) dimensionless parameter log10Λ0 is shown from Eq. (21) as function of N/f and r/f.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

d. Pseudomomentum fluxes

The effect of the waves on the mean flow is given by the divergence of the wave induced vertical momentum flux uw¯ in the mean momentum equation and the buoyancy flux bw¯ in the mean buoyancy equation. It turns out that interpreting the mean momentum as the residual momentum instead of the Eulerian mean momentum, one can combine both effects into the pseudomomentum flux1 uw¯+fu¬b¯/N2, which then figures only in the mean (residual) momentum equation. It was shown in Eden and Olbers (2017) how these wave-driven fluxes can be calculated from the wave polarization relations and the wave energy density E, and that the resulting energy transfer terms in the mean residual energy equation U2/2 match exactly (but of opposite sign) the corresponding energy transfer in Eq. (1) (first term on the right-hand side).

The pseudomomentum flux τ^ by the lee waves in the water column is given in wavenumber space by (Eden and Olbers 2017)
where the variables u^, w^, and b^ denote (complex) horizontal velocity, vertical velocity, and buoyancy amplitudes of the wave, respectively. The pseudomomentum flux has the property U0τ^=(E/ω)z˙kU0=z˙E, which is special to lee waves; other waves do not share this property in general. The integral of the pseudomomentum flux τ^ over k and m (but not ϕ) for positive and negative vertical group velocity is given
with the property t±U0=nU0ϵ±Λ±=c±ϵ±, which is again special to lee waves.

e. Unidirectional model

We assume in this section for simplicity a unidirectional flow U = [U(z), 0]—the general case is discussed in the following section—and integrate the wave energy and the wave energy equation Eq. (2) now also over the wave angle ϕ, which defines the total lee wave energy
The terms in the wave energy equation Eq. (2) also need to be integrated which is not possible in closed form without further approximation. We see from Eq. (22), however, how Λ±(ϕ) and c±(ϕ) depend on ϕ. The terms in the wave energy equation Eq. (2) integrated over the wave angle ϕ become
Using the approximation
Eqs. (26) and (27) become
The quality of these approximations will be assessed in section 3a. This yields the balance equation for the total lee wave energy
with clee = (2/π)|U00, and where the source term S is ignored for the moment. The pseudomomentum flux τ enters the mean (residual) momentum equation (cut short here to focus only on the relevant terms) as tU=zτ+ and is given by
with the property τU0=clee(Elee+Elee), which is again special to lee waves.

The role of the vertical dependency of N and U for the parameters Λ0 and clee may need some clarification. In the radiative transfer equation Eq. (1), the local mean flow velocity U determines the energy exchange with the mean flow and the wave drag on the mean flow, and thus the term ∂zU in Eq. (30) is taken from the local mean flow also. However, the bottom flow U0 determines the lee wave bottom energy flux, and thus also the spectral shape Alee of the lee waves, which we therefore use to determine the parameter clee. For the parameter Λ0 = I/J from Eq. (21) we use the local N for both integrals I and J, which we find to fit reasonably well a direct simulation of Eq. (1) as shown below, where we also show the impact of varying U on the parameters.

f. Multidirectional model and sink terms

The case of flow with a general direction of the mean flow, U = [U(z), V(z)], is slightly more complicated than the unidirectional case, but we can use the same approximations as in Eq. (28) with similar result. This leads to
Since τU0=clee(Elee+Elee) and ±nzUΛ±ϵ±dϕ=τzU it follows that
Nonlinear interactions, dissipation, and interior forcing are contained in the term S in Eq. (2). These processes need additional closures. We add the following terms
with the interior wave drag time scale τlee1=eleezU.

The terms with τs1 introduce linear damping with a time scale τs of the energy of the difference of up- and downward propagating wave, ΔElee=Elee+Elee, but has no effect on total energy Elee=Elee++Elee. The decay of a generic GM spectrum but with vertically asymmetric distribution is attributed by McComas (1977) to elastic scattering and τs is estimated as a few days. The same may be expected to occur in a vertically asymmetric lee wave spectrum but the determination of the exact value needs further investigation. Here we use as in Olbers and Eden (2013) τs = 3 days.

The lee waves are assumed to be embedded in a background internal wave field with total energy Egm, which is governed by the closure described in Olbers and Eden (2013). The terms with αww remove total lee wave energy Elee, but drop for the asymmetry spectrum ΔElee. The energy sink αwwEgmElee is added as a source in the corresponding equation for Egm of the background waves. It is quadratic in energy akin to the scattering integral of wave–wave interaction. The closure and the parameter αww are taken from Olbers and Eden (2013). The quadratic form of the closure is also the basis of the so-called finestructure parameterization (e.g., Gregg 1989) and was recently confirmed by direct numerical calculations of the scattering integral of wave–wave interactions by Eden et al. (2019). Here, we use the same value for αww as in Eden et al. (2019) [with revised parameter according to the findings of Pollmann et al. (2017)], but it is clear that further investigation for the dissipation of a lee wave spectrum in the presence of a background GM field is necessary.

3. Numerical model simulations

a. Model validation

To validate some of the assumptions necessary to develop the model given by Eq. (30), we first directly integrate the radiative transfer equation Eq. (1) numerically for a given lee wave generation, stratification N, and mean flow U. Different to the model given by Eq. (30), this model is fully resolved in wavenumber (k, m) space, and also in vertical dimension z and time t, while we assume horizontal homogeneity as before. The term S on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) contains wave–wave interactions among the lee wave field, but also with the generic background wave field, and scattering at mesoscale flow and the bottom. All these effects need subsequent investigation, however, here we specify S simply as Rayleigh damping with S=2rE as in the assumed lee wave spectral shape Eq. (12).

All flux divergences in Eq. (1) are calculated using a second-order advection scheme with superbee flux limiter, which introduces a certain but necessary amount of numerical diffusion, and ensures positive definite energies. Boundary conditions in z and m are reflection boundary conditions, i.e., at the surface z = 0, the upward energy flux at m = −|m*| is directed as a downward energy flux at m = +|m*| for all k, and similar for the bottom z = −h. At all other boundaries, energy can flow out of the domain if the corresponding velocity k˙ and m˙ is directed accordingly, while there is no inflow of energy into the domain. The bottom energy flux Fbot by the lee waves entering the model domain is given by
The flux Fbell can be calculated from Eq. (10) under appropriate coordinate transformation to k space and given topography spectrum, for which we use the isotropic form Eq. (14) with hrms = 10 m, ν = 0.8, and ks = 1/10 km−1. The mean flow U is kept constant in time.
The radiative energy equation can be formulated for wave energy of positive or negative intrinsic frequencies, corresponding to the two possible solutions of the dispersion relation (without mean flow), and the two different (orthogonal) eigenvectors of the gravity wave modes in the linear system. These two possibilities are essentially identical but of opposite symmetry in the wavenumber components. They can both be integrated (but without new information) and correspond to the two different mlee±
for positive (mlee+) or negative (mlee) intrinsic frequency ωlee. We show and discuss the solution for ωlee > 0 if not otherwise noted to avoid confusion. We use the approximate form for δ in Eq. (35) with a finite meps equal to 2 times the grid spacing in m. The model grid is equidistant from z = −2000 m to the surface with 50 grid points, and also equidistant in k = (kx, ky) and m, with extents −6 km−1 < kx, ky < 6 km−1, −80 km−1 < m < 80 km−1, resolved by 96, 96, and 208 grid points, respectively. The model is integrated for 75 days after which an approximate equilibrium between the lee wave energy flux forcing and the Rayleigh damping (and the other sink terms) is reached.

Figures 2a–c show the wave energy E using f = 10−4 s−1, an exponentially increasing N(z) with maximal amplitude of 30f and a decay scale of 800 m (shown in Fig. 5b), r = 0.01f, and vertically constant U = (0.1, 0) m s−1. Due to the Rayleigh damping, there is an asymmetry between up- and downward propagating waves, with more energy in the upward propagating waves at negative m. Since m˙=k2/(k2+m2)(N/ω)dN/dz, the increase in N toward the surface leads to an increase (decrease) of the vertical wavenumber magnitude of the upward (downward) propagating waves. Since the magnitude of z˙ decreases with larger vertical wavenumber magnitude, wave energy E accumulates toward the surface, such that the total wave energy Edkdm (not shown) also increases toward the surface. The corresponding integration for negative intrinsic frequency looks identical but mirrored in each wavenumber axis.

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

(a)–(c) Wave energy E in a direct simulation of Eq. (1) for the case of vanishing mean flow shear, shown as a function of depth and integrated over different wavenumber vector components. (d),(e) Spectral shapes A(kx) from the theoretically predicted [Ebell(kx, ky = 0); solid] and of the simulation of Eq. (1) [E(kx,ky=0)dm; dashed] at two different depths. The spectra are normalized by the area under the curves. (f) The parameter A|z˙|dk (times 1000) calculated from the spectral shapes (dashed for the simulated spectrum) at all depth levels. (g) The parameter A|z˙|dk (times 1000) for different wave angles at the bottom. The simulated spectrum (dashed) is shown for −π/2 < ϕ < π/2 for a model with negative intrinsic frequencies, otherwise for positive ones. The dotted line denotes the approximation Eq. (21), i.e., |Un0.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

For the quality of the approximations made to derive the lee wave closure Eq. (30), the assumed lee wave spectral shape A and in particular the parameter A|z˙|dk are important. We compare the theoretically predicted spectrum Ebell with the simulated spectrum at ky = 0 m−1 in Figs. 2d and 2e. Both spectra are normalized, i.e., are shown as shape functions A. Close to the bottom, the simulated spectral shape is indeed very similar to the theoretically predicted one, although the resonance peak where ωleef is smaller in the simulated spectral shape, and higher up in the water column the resonance peak gets smaller and broader in the simulated spectral shape. Figure 2f shows the resulting parameter A|z˙|dk calculated from both spectral shapes. Since the simulated spectral shape A is in general larger for larger k than the theoretically predicted one, and since z˙ gets larger for larger k, the parameter A|z˙|dk from the simulated spectral shapes is larger than the theoretically predicted one. The value of the parameter also depends on the resonant peak close to ωleef. Although we use a rather large number of grid points in the spectral domain, this peak is still not particularly well resolved in the numerical model, such that the simulated parameter is larger than the theoretically predicted one. However, the depth dependency of the parameter is very similar.

Since the dependency on wave angle of both spectra are nearly identical (not shown), the wave angle dependency of the parameter calculated from both spectra is also very similar, as shown in Fig. 2g. The approximated parameter |Un0 from Eq. (21) is slightly smaller than the theoretically predicted one (as expected from Fig. 12, but the dependency on wave angle is also very similar to the others.

Figure 3 shows corresponding results including vertical shear: a jet centered at z = −750 m of double exponential profile with a decay scale of 200 m superimposed on the eastward velocity of 0.1 m s−1 (also shown in Fig. 5a). Total wave energy (not shown) is still maximum at the surface, but has now also a secondary local maximum around 1000 m depth at the lower flank of the jet. Figure 3 shows that close to the bottom and at the surface, the simulated spectral shape is again close to the theoretically predicted one, only at the depth range of the mean flow interaction there is a slight distortion.

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

As in Fig. 2, but for a case with mean flow shear.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

The other important approximation necessary for our new lee wave closure is Eq. (28), which is needed to account for the unknown wave angle dependency of the energy compartment. For the wave energy E from the simulation of Eq. (1), the difference between left- and right-hand side of Eq. (28) stays within 10%–15% both for the case with and without mean flow shear (not shown), and between 5% and 10% for the theoretically predicted spectrum. While this justifies the use of Eq. (28) for the unidirectional model, we made no comparisons with more complicated mean flow configuration.

Overall, we find reasonable agreement between the assumed spectral shape in the new closure and the simulation of the radiative transfer equation, although the model does not simulate the pronounced resonance peak close to ωleef, which may be due to numerical reasons. A vertically varying N changes the parameter A|z˙|dk significantly, but its vertical dependency is fitted well by the approximation. Mean flow interaction does not effect the parameter much. The effect on the parameter A|z˙|dk is overall an increase by a factor of 2, thus we believe that choosing r/f = 0.1—which generates this factor of 2 in the resulting parameter A|z˙|dk—is currently optimal to calculate the parameter in the following model experiments.

b. Idealized model simulations

The model variables of the unidirectional model Eq. (30) are discretised on an equidistant vertical grid and Eq. (30) is integrated in time. The discretization uses a second-order advection with superbee limiter for the flux terms. A simplified mean flow equation ∂tU = −∂zτ is also integrated in time to demonstrate the effect of the wave drag. We use 200 grid points in the vertical, 2000 m depth, and a time step of 360 s. Energy is conserved to numerical precision between the kinetic energy of the mean flow and the total lee wave energy Elee++Elee. The vertical boundary conditions for the closure are detailed in appendix B. They include the lee wave bottom energy and momentum flux, for which the calculation follows closely the previous studies (e.g., Scott et al. 2011; Nikurashin and Ferrari 2011; Naveira Garabato et al. 2013).

Figure 4 shows a simulation with initially zero wave energy, U = (0.1, 0) m s−1, f = 10−4 s−1, and constant N = 30 f as environmental conditions, hrms = 10 m, ks = 1/10 km−1, ν = 0.8, and L = 1 for the bottom boundary conditions (see appendix B), and r = 0.1 f, τs1=0s1 and αww = 0 s m−2 for the model parameter. During the first 50 days of the integration a lee wave energy flux into Elee+ of about 10−3 W m−2 constantly force upward propagating waves of the same magnitude. Since there is initially a vanishing compartment Elee, the magnitude of the stress τ=(2/π)sign(U0)Λ0(Elee+Elee) is largest where the upward propagating waves have reached, and zero above that vertical location. That divergent momentum flux generates a strong wave drag leading to decreasing mean flow amplitudes at those vertical locations. After about 50 days, the Elee+ compartment is reflected at the surface into the Elee compartment with identical magnitude, which leads to a vanishing momentum flux τ and a large wave drag where the downward propagating waves have reached. This again generates decreasing mean flow amplitudes. After bottom reflection the cycle is repeated, but with decreasing wave drag amplitudes since the energy flux into the wave field ceases. This also generates a smaller propagation speed clee. After 200 days most of the energy of the mean flow is taken up by the waves.

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

(a) Energy compartment of upward propagating lee waves ρElee+ in an idealized model simulation with initially U = const and N = const. (b) same as (a) but for the energy compartment of downward propagating lee waves ρElee. (c) Wave-induced vertical momentum flux ρτ. (d) Zonal mean flow U.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

Figure 5 shows a simulation after 120 days including the closures for nonlinear interaction and wave dissipation in Eq. (34), with τs = 3d and αww set as in Olbers and Eden (2013) [their Eq. (14), but with μ = 4/3 in accordance with the findings of Pollmann et al. (2017)]. However, since there is no Egm compartment we replace the last terms in Eq. (34) by αwwElee2/2. We use an exponentially decaying N profile as also shown in Fig. 5b, f = 10−4 s−1, r =0.1 f, and the same settings for the topography spectrum as before. Since there is now wave dissipation, we also add a source term in the momentum equation which becomes tU=zτ+τu1(U*U) with τu = 50 days and target velocity U* shown in Fig. 5a. The U* features a zonal jet-like maximum at 500 m depth on top of a barotropic zonal flow of 0.1 m s−1 and is also used as initial condition for U. After 120 days the model is in a steady state and the wave drag has shifted the zonal mean flow from its target value U* toward smaller values over the entire water column since the pseudomomentum flux τ distributes over the whole water column. The jet-like feature, however, leads to a deviation in τ and to a small downward shift of the jet maximum in the mean flow U.

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

(a) Zonal mean flow U (solid) and target velocity U* (dashed), (b) N/f, (c) wave energy ρElee+ (solid) and ρElee (dashed), (d) zonal pseudomomentum flux ρτ, and (e) vertical diffusivity κ.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

The energy flux into the lee wave field at the bottom is 2.0 × 10−4 W m−2 and the vertically integrated energy flux from the mean flow to the waves by the interior wave drag amounts to 0.4 × 10−4 W m−2, very similar to the corresponding values in the simulation of Eq. (1). Both values sum up in the steady state to the vertically integrated wave energy dissipation Fdiss=αwwElee2, some of which is available for mixing. The Fdiss can be related to a vertical turbulent diffusivity κ = δ(1 + δ) −1FdissN−2 by the Osborn relation (Osborn 1980), where δ = 0.2 represents the mixing efficiency. This vertical diffusivity κ is also shown in Fig. 5. It has a maximum at the bottom but reaches far up into the water column and also features the jet-like maximum.

The first row of Fig. 6 shows the sensitivity of the solution to the Rayleigh damping parameter r, which is needed to determine the spectral shape function A(k). Note that some nonzero value of r appears necessary—which shows the resonant catastrophy for the spectrum in the linear theory for r = 0—but its exact value remains unknown. A smaller value of r by factor 10 (100) generates a smaller parameter Λ0 and thus clee by a factor 2 (4), which leads to an accumulation of wave energy close to the bottom, i.e., an increase of wave energy by about 25% (about 50%) close to the bottom and a substantial decrease higher up. A larger value r = 0.2f instead of r = 0.1f leads to the opposite effect of slightly smaller magnitude. The momentum flux is proportional to the difference Elee+Elee but also to Λ0 and increases (decreases) for larger (smaller) r. The near-bottom diffusivity increases by about a factor of 2 for 10 times smaller r, while the interior values reduce.

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

(first column) Zonal mean flow U; (second column) wave energy ρElee+ (solid) and ρElee (dashed); (third column) zonal pseudomomentum flux ρτ; and (fourth column) vertical diffusivity κ for model parameters as in Fig. 5 (black lines) and changed parameters (colored lines). Shown are (a)–(d) r/f = 0.2 (green), r/f = 0.1 (black), r/f = 0.01 (red), r/f = 0.001 (blue); (e)–(h) τs = 6 days (green), τs = 3 days (black), and τs = 1.5 days (red); (i)–(l) μ = 2/3 (green), μ = 4/3 (black), and μ = 8/3 (red); (m)–(p) hrms=2×10m (green), hrms = 10 m (black), and hrms=0.5×10m (red).

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

The second row of Fig. 6 shows the effect of increasing or decreasing the time scale τs for vertical symmetrization by a factor of 2. The difference Elee+Elee decreases for decreased τs and thus the momentum flux magnitude as well, while the near bottom dissipation and diffusivity increases with decreased τs because of the larger amplitudes near the bottom of the sum Elee+Elee. The third row of Fig. 6 shows the effect of varying μ, which is a factor in the damping parameter αww. Doubling μ and thus αww yields a decrease of Elee±, while a factor 2 smaller αww yields larger Elee±, but the effect is smaller than for r and τs and also does not effect much the vertical structure of Elee±. We also show in the last row of Fig. 6 the effect of the bottom flux magnitude. Increasing or reducing the bottom flux (which is proportional to hrms2) by a factor of 2 also very roughly increases or reduces the momentum flux and diffusivity by the same factor, while the vertical structure remains similar.

c. Realistic model simulations

We implemented the multidirectional lee wave model version Eq. (34) in the numerical model by Eden (2016) in a realistic mesoscale eddy-permitting configuration with horizontal resolution of 1/10° × 1/10°cosϕ, where ϕ denotes latitude, and with 42 vertical levels. The vertical grid and topographic mask in the Southern Hemisphere of the model domain are identical to the model by Griesel et al. (2015), while the topography of the Northern Hemisphere was reinterpolated on a regular latitude–longitude grid mirrored from the Southern Hemisphere and is restricted to 70°N [the model by Griesel et al. (2015) has a tripolar grid to avoid the singularity at the North Pole; here we cut out the Arctic Ocean for simplicity]. A monthly climatology of realistic forcing datasets from Barnier et al. (1995) for momentum and heat fluxes is used and a restoring boundary condition for surface salinity with a restoring time scale of 90 days for the 10-m-thick surface grid box using data from the World Ocean Atlas 2018 (Zweng et al. 2018). There is no explicit sea ice model. In the case of surface temperatures below the freezing point, surface heat fluxes out of the ocean and salinity restoring (but not the momentum fluxes) are set to zero. Initial conditions are a state of rest and temperature and salinity taken from the combined WOCE/ARGO dataset by Gouretski (2018). We use biharmonic lateral friction with diffusivity of 2.7 × 1010(cosϕ)3/2 m4 s−1, where ϕ denotes latitude, and a second-order central difference advection scheme with superbee flux limiter for temperature and salinity without additional lateral diffusion. Small-scale turbulence in the surface boundary layer and interior ocean is parameterized using the scheme by Gaspar et al. (1990), and the background internal wave field and its breaking is parameterized by the scheme from Olbers and Eden (2013), which predicts Egm in Eq. (34), using the same tidal forcing at the bottom and inertial pumping forcing at the surface as in Pollmann et al. (2017), and parameters for the scheme from Olbers and Eden (2013) as optimized in Pollmann et al. (2017). The flux into the background internal wave field amounts to 1.82 TW at the bottom and 0.13 TW at the surface.

We integrate the realistic global eddying ocean model from the initial conditions for 10 years as described above, after which we also cointegrate the lee wave closure Eq. (34) for four years. We use Eq. (B3) of appendix B to calculate the bottom energy flux into the lee wave energy compartment and the bottom stress acting on the mean flow. In Eq. (B3) we set ν = 0.8 and a = 4/3, while hrms(x) and hs(x) are taken as maps from Goff (2010) interpolated on the model grid as shown in Fig. 7. The totally dissipated lee wave energy αwwEgm(Elee++Elee) from Eq. (34) enters the corresponding energy equation for Egm, given by the scheme from Olbers and Eden (2013). A few adjustments with respect to the idealized model experiments have been necessary to allow for a stable integration in the realistic ocean model: We added horizontal diffusion terms with a small diffusivity of 10 m2 s−1 to Eq. (34) to allow for smooth fields. The time scale τlee is limited to 5.5 h by setting a threshold to Λ0 which is also used to calculate clee and the pseudomomentum stress τ. In the same way Λ0 is limited in case of weak stratification N → |f| and for |f| → 0 s−1 at the equator. The time integration of Eq. (34) uses a smaller time step than that for the other model variables such that Eq. (34) is subcycled four times during one model time step of 216 s. The model is run on 36 nodes with 24 processors each and the additional computing time due to the lee wave closure amounts to about 25%. The energy exchange between mean flow and the lee waves is not exactly energy conserving in the numerical model because of effects of the staggered Arakawa-C grid which have not been accounted for. However, the globally integrated error due to this effect is monitored to stay two orders of magnitude smaller than the energy exchange between mean flow and lee waves.

Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.

(a) hrms and (b) λs=22(ν+1/2)/ks from Goff (2010). Gray color denotes land.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

Figure 8a shows the lee wave bottom energy flux in the realistic ocean model. Its magnitude and spatial pattern is comparable to other estimates by, e.g., Scott et al. (2011) and Nikurashin and Ferrari (2011). The global integral of the flux averaged over the last year is 0.27 TW, which is also similar to the previous studies. The flux is large in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Southern Ocean since topographic roughness hrms and bottom velocity are also large there, but there are also regional maxima in the bottom flux in the other ocean basins. In extended regions including the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean close to the continental margins but also in the interior, the flux totally vanishes because of vanishing topographic roughness hrms, which is related to the cover of the sea floor by sediments.

Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.

(a) Bottom lee wave energy flux Fbell in the 1/10° realistic global model. (b) Interior exchange G|int|=dz|(Elee+Elee)/τlee|dz. Both quantities are averages over one year. Gray color denotes land and white colors values smaller than 10−6.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

The magnitude of the interior energy transfers from or to the mean flow given by is comparable to the bottom flux, but of fluctuating sign. Figure 8b shows the vertical integral of the absolute value |(Elee+Elee)/τlee| which has a similar horizontal structure as the bottom flux. The global integral of |(Elee+Elee)/τlee| averaged over the last year of the integration is 0.19 TW, while the global integral of (Elee+Elee)/τlee is only 0.10 TW and transferred from the mean flow to the waves, i.e., acting as a net wave drag decelerating the mean flow. Locally, however, the energy transfer can also be directed from the waves to the mean flow, i.e., accelerating the mean flow. This is in particular the case close to the bottom in the Southern Ocean, as shown below. The global integral of the accelerating energy transfers from waves to the mean flow amounts to 0.04 TW, from mean flow to waves to 0.14 TW. We noted, however, in sensitivity experiments that this share of the interior energy transfers can change by parameter variations in the lee wave scheme itself, but also in other model modification like parameter variations in the scheme by Olbers and Eden (2013) for the background internal wave field, while the global integral of the bottom flux appears to be more stable.

Figure 9a shows the magnitude of lee wave bottom stress |τ (z = −h)|. It is in general smaller than the surface wind stress |τatm|, but in regions with large hrms in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean, |τ(z = −h)| can become much larger than |τatm|. The global integral of the zonal wind stress averaged over the last year of the integration is 5.5 TN and 0.34 TN for the zonal lee wave stress, and the integral over the Southern Ocean from 65° to 40°S is 8.6 TN for the zonal wind stress and 0.2 TN for the zonal lee wave stress. The lee wave bottom stress thus contributes to 6% in the global angular momentum balance of the ocean, and in the Southern Ocean less.

Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.

(a) Lee wave bottom stress |τ| and (b) surface wind stress |τatm|. Gray color denotes land.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

Typical instantaneous vertical profiles of the interior stress magnitude |τ| are shown in Fig. 10 for the Drake Passage and across the Southern Ocean at 90°E. The magnitude of the stress and the vertical decay scale from the bottom into the interior strongly vary, such that the stress can even reach to the surface ocean at some places with larger amplitudes than the wind stress. The energy transfer to the mean flow is given by 2/π(Elee+Elee)Λ0U0/|U0|zU. Because of the damping terms we have (Elee+Elee)>0 at most places such that the sign of U0 ⋅ ∂zU determines the sign of the energy transfer to the mean flow. For eastward flow and positive shear as, e.g., in general for the Southern Ocean, this implies energy transfer from the mean flow to the waves, or the normal wave drag, which can also be readily reproduced with idealized models (not shown). However, we see in the Southern Ocean that the shear may eventually change sign close to the bottom, i.e., the eastward flow becomes bottom intensified at some places. Then strong energy transfer from the waves to the mean flow can be generated close to the bottom as shown in Fig. 11, i.e., the waves drive the mean flow here. The transfer to the mean flow takes place in general close to the bottom by the shear reversal close the bottom, while higher up in the water column, the energy transfer from the mean flow to the waves, i.e., the normal wave drag, dominates.

Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.

Zonal sections of snapshots of interior wave-induced vertical momentum flux |τ| at 65°W at Drake Passage and 90°E in the Southern Ocean. Gray color denotes land.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

Fig. 11.
Fig. 11.

Same sections as in Fig. 10, but for the energy transfer from or to the mean flow. Dark gray color denotes values smaller than 10−4, light gray land.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1

4. Summary and conclusions

The concept of a gravity wave closure by Olbers and Eden (2017) and Eden and Olbers (2017) is applied in this study to the case of lee waves, to predict wave energy levels and in particular wave-induced vertical momentum fluxes. Starting point is the radiative transfer equation2 Eq. (1) for internal gravity waves, which predicts the wave energy density changes in space, time, and wavenumber space due to wave propagation, refraction, wave–wave interaction, dissipation, and forcing. Since it is six-dimensional, Eq. (1) appears too complex to be used directly as a wave closure in a comprehensive ocean model [although this has been recently proposed by Bölöni et al. (2021) for atmosphere models]. We follow here the concept by Olbers and Eden (2013), where the complexity is reduced by integrating Eq. (1) in wavenumber space, and where mean propagation and mean-flow interaction parameter (here c± and Λ±) are calculated assuming a certain spectral shape. The spectral shape of lee waves follows here from the energy flux into the wave field (Bell 1975), and it is assumed that this shape does not change as much as to influence c± and Λ± significantly in the integrated version of Eq. (1), which is Eq. (2), while the wave field evolves in the interior of the ocean.

The result are two prognostic equations for the energy content of up- and downward propagating lee waves, which can be cointegrated in an ocean model, and from which the vertical wave-induced momentum flux and thus the wave drag on the large-scale circulation can be calculated. In addition, the dissipation of wave energy generates the power for density mixing in the ocean interior. The lee wave energy compartment is thought to interact with the background (GM) wave field of the closure by Olbers and Eden (2013), and thereby transfers energy to the GM wave field and from there to mixing.

An important parameter of the closure, Λ0, which determines both c± and Λ± in Eq. (2), weakly depends on an unknown frictional parameter r. This parameter is necessary since it is not possible to infer from the energy flux z˙E into the wave field—calculated from linear theory—the energy spectrum E of the generated lee waves for a vanishing parameter r, and is necessary to calculate Λ0. However, as long as r stays much smaller than f (but finite) the effect on Λ0 remains small, although changes of orders of magnitude in r can affect the solution significantly.

Several assumptions of the closure are validated with a direct simulation of the radiative transfer equation for a given lee wave flux, stratification, and mean flow, in which the choice of the unknown parameter r was also specified. However, several aspects of the closure remained untested in this study. In particular, all nonlinear effects need further investigation, such as wave–wave interactions among the lee wave field, interaction with the generic background wave field, and scattering at mesoscale balanced flow and the bottom topography. Using idealized simulations, the effect on the new scheme of different choices for the damping parameter r and the parameter describing the effect of nonlinear effects have been documented and shown to be important. Future work could include analysis of direct numerical simulations of the wave field, but also observational analysis, to optimize the values of these model parameter.

The lee wave model has first been tested in an idealized setup with constant zonal mean flow, constant stability frequency and without wave dissipation. Figure 4 shows the interaction between the up- and downward propagating lee waves and the mean flow, and particularly how the lee waves remove energy from the mean flow. Adding a wave dissipation term relates the wave energy to the vertical diffusivity via the Osborn relation. Results from such a forced-dissipated simulation can be seen in Fig. 5, where it is also shown how the lee waves act to remove energy from the mean flow over the entire water column in steady state.

Finally the model has been tested in a realistic mesoscale eddy-permitting ocean model with 1/10° resolution. The reason we use here an eddying model is because we found a much smaller—and less realistic—lee wave energy flux in noneddying model simulations. The bottom lee wave energy flux can be seen in Fig. 8. The globally integrated bottom lee wave energy flux is 0.27 TW, which is comparable to previous studies (Nikurashin and Ferrari 2011; Scott et al. 2011). The magnitude of the lee wave bottom stress in the realistic model is locally comparable to that of the surface wind stress, and in these regions of rough topography the vertical momentum flux induced by the lee waves act on large vertical extend of the water column. The vertical scale of the momentum flux is rather variable and can extent into the surface layers with magnitudes larger than the wind stress. The global integral of the interior energy transfers related to the flux from mean flow to waves is 0.14 TW, while 0.04 TW is driving the mean flow in our simulation. We note that this share is sensitive to parameter choices not only in the new closure but also in other model parameterizations, since large terms of fluctuating sign tends to cancel each other.


This paper is a contribution to the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 181 “Energy Transfer in Atmosphere and Ocean” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) Projektnummer 274762653.


Analytical Simplifications

The integral I from Eq. (18) is shown for ν = 1 in Fig. A1a. It can be expressed with the hypergeometric function 2F1 as
A reasonable approximation is I = 0.65(N/f)ν, in particular for ν = 1 and large N/f as shown in Fig. A1a. The integral J from Eq. (16) is shown in Fig. A1b. It can be expressed as
This expression is difficult to evaluate because the last argument of 2F1 is close to one for the lower boundary and is thus of little help. Figure A1b shows for ν = 1 a numerical integration for the transformed form of J
A good approximation is J ≈ (N/f)2ν log(f/r) as shown in Fig. A1b. The resulting fit to Λ0 = I/J is shown in Fig. A1c.
Fig. A1.
Fig. A1.

(a) Integral I from Eq. (18) as a function of N/|f| (solid) and the approximation to I (dashed). (b) As in (a), but for J from Eq. (16). (c) As in (a), but for the parameter Λ0 = I/J. All expressions are evaluated for ν = 1.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 51, 12; 10.1175/JPO-D-20-0230.1


Vertical Boundary Conditions

Vertical boundary conditions for the energy flux terms clee±Elee± are reflection conditions at the surface, i.e., cleeElee|z=0=clee+Elee+|z=0, while at the bottom the lee wave energy flux Fbell, integrated over k and ϕ, is added to the corresponding bottom reflection condition of the upward minus downward energy compartments. The pseudomomentum flux τ vanishes at the surface and becomes the integrated lee wave drag τ^bell at the bottom. For any given topographic spectrum Ftop, the lee wave bottom energy flux Fbell=z˙Ebell and the bottom stress τ^bell=σUnFbell/|nU0| can be calculated from Eq. (10) (for r = 0) and the total energy and momentum flux follow by numerical integration over k and ϕ.

As in section 2c we follow Nikurashin and Ferrari (2011) and take the simplified isotropic topography spectrum Eq. (15). The energy flux Fbell from Eq. (10) can then be written as
with Un=U0n and t = |Un|k/N. Note that the dependency on ϕ is by |Un| only, the dependency on k only by the function 1t2t2f2/N2t2ν1. Integrated over k this becomes
with I from Eq. (18). Integration over wave angle ϕ yields the total lee wave energy flux
where the integral a=π/2π/2cos2ν+1ϕdϕ takes values π/2 ≤ a ≤ 4/3 for 1/2ν1. We choose a = 4/3, but keep ν ≤ 0.8 otherwise as in Goff (2010). The integral I is approximated as I = (N/|f| − 1)ν−0.15, which yields a slightly smaller error as Eq. (20) for ν = 0.8 (given the uncertainty in the topography spectrum and the limiter function L we regard this, however, as a minor issue). The integrated bottom stress follows from the relation τbellU0=Fbell as
The limiter function L is chosen as in Scott et al. (2011) as L(Fr) = min[1, (0.75/Fr−1)] with the inverse Froude number Fr−1 = NH/|U0|. The topographic height scale H is defined following also Scott et al. (2011) as
Using the approximated topographic spectrum Eq. (15) we find
The integral takes values between 4 and π for 0.5 ≤ ν ≤ 1, and we approximate it simply with π.


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  • Zweng, M., and Coauthors, 2018: Salinity. Vol. 2, World Ocean Atlas 2018, NOAA Atlas NESDIS 82, 50 pp.


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  • Pollmann, F., C. Eden, and D. Olbers, 2017: Evaluating the global internal wave model IDEMIX using finestructure methods. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47, 22672289, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-16-0204.1.

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  • Scott, R., J. Goff, A. Naveira Garabato, and A. Nurser, 2011: Global rate and spectral characteristics of internal gravity wave generation by geostrophic flow over topography. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C09029, https://doi.org/10.1029/2011JC007005.

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  • Trossman, D. S., B. K. Arbic, J. G. Richman, S. T. Garner, S. R. Jayne, and A. J. Wallcraft, 2016: Impact of topographic internal lee wave drag on an eddying global ocean model. Ocean Modell., 97, 109128, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.10.013.

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  • Wright, C. J., R. B. Scott, P. Ailliot, and D. Furnival, 2014: Lee wave generation rates in the deep ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 24342440, https://doi.org/10.1002/2013GL059087.

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  • Zweng, M., and Coauthors, 2018: Salinity. Vol. 2, World Ocean Atlas 2018, NOAA Atlas NESDIS 82, 50 pp.

  • Fig. 1.

    The (approximated) dimensionless parameter log10Λ0 is shown from Eq. (21) as function of N/f and r/f.

  • Fig. 2.

    (a)–(c) Wave energy E in a direct simulation of Eq. (1) for the case of vanishing mean flow shear, shown as a function of depth and integrated over different wavenumber vector components. (d),(e) Spectral shapes A(kx) from the theoretically predicted [Ebell(kx, ky = 0); solid] and of the simulation of Eq. (1) [E(kx,ky=0)dm; dashed] at two different depths. The spectra are normalized by the area under the curves. (f) The parameter A|z˙|dk (times 1000) calculated from the spectral shapes (dashed for the simulated spectrum) at all depth levels. (g) The parameter A|z˙|dk (times 1000) for different wave angles at the bottom. The simulated spectrum (dashed) is shown for −π/2 < ϕ < π/2 for a model with negative intrinsic frequencies, otherwise for positive ones. The dotted line denotes the approximation Eq. (21), i.e., |Un0.

  • Fig. 3.

    As in Fig. 2, but for a case with mean flow shear.

  • Fig. 4.

    (a) Energy compartment of upward propagating lee waves ρElee+ in an idealized model simulation with initially U = const and N = const. (b) same as (a) but for the energy compartment of downward propagating lee waves ρElee. (c) Wave-induced vertical momentum flux ρτ. (d) Zonal mean flow U.

  • Fig. 5.

    (a) Zonal mean flow U (solid) and target velocity U* (dashed), (b) N/f, (c) wave energy ρElee+ (solid) and ρElee (dashed), (d) zonal pseudomomentum flux ρτ, and (e) vertical diffusivity κ.

  • Fig. 6.

    (first column) Zonal mean flow U; (second column) wave energy ρElee+ (solid) and ρElee (dashed); (third column) zonal pseudomomentum flux ρτ; and (fourth column) vertical diffusivity κ for model parameters as in Fig. 5 (black lines) and changed parameters (colored lines). Shown are (a)–(d) r/f = 0.2 (green), r/f = 0.1 (black), r/f = 0.01 (red), r/f = 0.001 (blue); (e)–(h) τs = 6 days (green), τs = 3 days (black), and τs = 1.5 days (red); (i)–(l) μ = 2/3 (green), μ = 4/3 (black), and μ = 8/3 (red); (m)–(p) hrms=2×10m (green), hrms = 10 m (black), and hrms=0.5×10m (red).

  • Fig. 7.

    (a) hrms and (b) λs=22(ν+1/2)/ks from Goff (2010). Gray color denotes land.

  • Fig. 8.

    (a) Bottom lee wave energy flux Fbell in the 1/10° realistic global model. (b) Interior exchange G|int|=dz|(Elee+Elee)/τlee|dz. Both quantities are averages over one year. Gray color denotes land and white colors values smaller than 10−6.

  • Fig. 9.

    (a) Lee wave bottom stress |τ| and (b) surface wind stress |τatm|. Gray color denotes land.

  • Fig. 10.

    Zonal sections of snapshots of interior wave-induced vertical momentum flux |τ| at 65°W at Drake Passage and 90°E in the Southern Ocean. Gray color denotes land.

  • Fig. 11.

    Same sections as in Fig. 10, but for the energy transfer from or to the mean flow. Dark gray color denotes values smaller than 10−4, light gray land.

  • Fig. A1.

    (a) Integral I from Eq. (18) as a function of N/|f| (solid) and the approximation to I (dashed). (b) As in (a), but for J from Eq. (16). (c) As in (a), but for the parameter Λ0 = I/J. All expressions are evaluated for ν = 1.

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