1. Introduction
The surface boundary layer is the gateway for heat, momentum, and gas transfer between the atmosphere and interior ocean. Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) injected into the upper-ocean boundary layer, together with the surface buoyancy flux, directly affects the depth of mixing, controls water mass transformation, and mixes water to increase potential energy of the upper-ocean structure (at the expense of TKE). As the only sector of the global ocean that connects all three major ocean basins through the meridional overturning circulation (MOC), the Southern Ocean is an especially important site of water mass transformation. Buoyancy forcing through air–sea exchange and interior mixing driven by internal waves transforms North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) first into Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) and eventually into Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) (Abernathey et al. 2016). The Scotia Sea east of the Drake Passage is believed to be a critical site of SAMW and AAIW modification and subduction (Talley 1996; Sallée et al. 2010), but little is known about the formation of these water masses. Despite its importance, mixing processes in the Southern Ocean have been undersampled, largely due to its remote location and severe conditions.
An autonomous profiling glider program called Autonomous Sampling of Southern Ocean Mixing (AUSSOM) was conducted in the Drake Passage region between the end of austral winter and the beginning of austral spring in 2017/18. AUSSOM represents the first extended glider deployment in the Drake Passage region of the ACC (Fig. 1) and is the longest continuous glider microstructure record ever collected. Unlike shipboard methods, gliders remain deployed for months at a time sampling though all sea states; thus, it is a first opportunity to understand turbulent dissipation rate and mixing variations in the Polar Front (PF) of the Southern Ocean though a full range of atmospheric forcing conditions. The high spatial resolution and temporal extent of this dataset is also an opportunity to understand the performance of boundary layer similarity scaling (BLS) through the full range of meteorological forcing.
In the presence of convection induced by buoyancy flux, Eq. (3) is adapted to include the effects of buoyancy flux (Jb). One such adaptation (Lombardo and Gregg 1989) based on similarity scaling of the atmospheric boundary layer is given in Table 1, where buoyancy production is represented as a constant function of surface flux cJb = −g〈ρ′w〉, where c is a constant between 0 and 1. It is defined using the ratio of the Monin–Obukhov length scale LMO = −u*3/(kJb) (the depth at which the effects of wind-driven shear are equivalent to convection in turbulent flows) and the actively mixing layer (AML, the vertical extent of active turbulence, given in negative meters). Here LMO, which is negative in destabilizing conditions, describes the scale inside of which turbulence generated by wind-driven shear dominates that generated by convection. If the AML is much less than LMO or LMO > 0, it is a wind-dominated regime and convection is neglected. If the AML is significantly smaller than the LMO, it is a convection-dominated regime and wind is neglected. Lombardo and Gregg (1989) tested BLS during mild-to-moderate winds, focusing on times with when the ocean steadily lost buoyancy to the atmosphere such that convection significantly contributed to dissipation.
Boundary layer similarity scaling (Lombardo and Gregg 1989). Showing piecewise equation used to estimate TKE dissipation rate (ϵ) from water friction velocity (u*) and buoyancy flux (Jb), with number of microstructure profiles described by each regime.
Observations of turbulent dissipation are globally sparse (Waterhouse et al. 2014). The Southern Ocean has been noted as a location believed to exhibit large biases in mixed layer depth in climate models (e.g., CESM, CCSM; Danabasoglu et al. 2012). Here, we describe direct observation of boundary layer turbulence from AUSSOM using a framework of boundary layer scalings derived from wind and buoyancy forcing. This study focuses on the surface AML and its parameterization across the full range of wind forcing (up 20 m s−1 or ∼40 kt), and it is the first step in a larger effort to combine BLS with satellite data products to provide a time-varying estimate of upper-ocean mixing in the Southern Ocean. Understanding the physical processes and associated parameterizations for turbulent mixing in the surface mixed layer is critical for 1) understanding energy transfer into the mixed layer, 2) improving OSBL flux schemes embedded in circulation models, and 3) expanding turbulence estimations to satellite remote sensing platforms.
2. Methods
a. Glider observations
A Teledyne Webb Research Slocum glider equipped with a Rockland Scientific MicroRider was used to collect a 6-week record of upper-ocean turbulence spanning 800 km from the Shackleton Fracture Zone to the Falkland Plateau (Fig. 1). This glider-based methodology of measuring turbulence is well documented in published literature (Fer et al. 2014; St Laurent and Merrifield 2017; Zippel et al. 2021). The glider was deployed at 58°S, 64°W at the southern edge of the PF on 16 November 2017 from the R/V Laurence M. Gould, sampled for 60 days until 12 January 2018 when sensing was disabled to preserve the battery, and was recovered near Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, on 5 February 2018. The dataset is one of the largest microstructure datasets ever collected, totaling over 3028 CTD profiles and 932 microstructure profiles from 0 to 350 m (totaling approximately 300 000 m of microstructure profiles in 60 days). For context, DIMES (Diapycnal and Isopycnal Mixing Experiment in the Southern Ocean) collected 800 000 m of profiles over 5 years, 8 cruises, and 1 year of ship time. It is likely the most ever microstructure collected by a single instrument system.
b. Boundary layer similarity scaling
The determination of AML depth and mixed layer depth (MLD) are demonstrated by Fig. 2. Whereas the AML is defined by elevated turbulent dissipation, the MLD is defined by homogenous density. AML identification is completed for 932 microstructure profiles using a simple algorithm. The steps for each microstructure profile are to 1) find the depth at which a log-linear fit of surface (upper 100 m) ϵ falls to an empirically determined background ϵ = 10−8 W kg−1 (Fig. 2d); 2) discard obviously wrong fits (∼0.75% of profiles) using automatic checks, and 3) interpolate good AML depths. A critical step in the process is excluding enhanced turbulence at depth that is unrelated to direct surface (wind or buoyancy) forcing; restricting polynomial fitting to the upper 100 m—empirically selected to focus on surface-forced turbulence—avoids mixing events that are unrelated to surface boundary layer physics (e.g., internal wave and forward cascade). While the polynomial coefficients are determined from ϵ data in the upper 100 m, the resulting fit is allowed to extend below this depth. The result is a working AML depth dataset that avoids deep (e.g., internal wave related) mixing (Fig. 2a). MLD is from glider CTD using a surface-density difference criterion of Δρ = 0.03 kg m−3 and ΔT = 0.2°C, where the two estimates of MLD are compared for sensitivity and shallower estimate is generally used (Dong et al. 2008). AML depth can change on a faster (∼20 m h−1) time scale than the MLD; turbulence of the AML works to homogenize the water column, producing a mixed layer.
Upon inspection (Fig. 3) it is clear that our study is wind dominated (with less than 1% of cases invoking buoyancy flux into BLS) such that we can neglect convection. Two versions of boundary layer similarity scaling (BLS) are implemented (Fig. 4). The standard version (using COARE variables) applies the full wind and buoyancy flux scaling (Table 1) using u* and Jb. We also implemented a simplified version of BLS using solely u* interpolated from CCMPv2, the easily accessible wind product available from Remote Sensing Systems (http://www.remss.com/). With close agreement relative to the biases, the reader may consider for themself (Figs. 4b,d) when it might be appropriate to just use the simplified version of BLS in wind-dominated situations. However, the rest of our paper uses the standard version of BLS.
Turbulence observations and estimates were temporally averaged prior to calculating the observed bias in BLS, log10(ϵBLS/ϵ). Because the time scale of mixing events is shorter than the temporal resolution (6 h) of the CCMPv2 wind data, individual microstructure profiles must be averaged over some time scale (long enough that the wind product adequately represents mean turbulent dissipation but short enough to capture changing conditions) to produce useful comparison to wind-based BLS profiles. A 14.5-h (inertial period) averaging interval is used. Surface boundary layer turbulence is normalized by the AML depth and temporally averaged with adjacent profiles using 30 vertical bins. Finally, polynomial fits are used to document the structure of the observed bias.
3. Results
a. Comparison to turbulence estimates of standard shear-convective BLS
Overall, glider survey revealed interesting subsurface physics, observing elevated turbulent dissipation rates (ϵ = 10−7 W kg−1) for the entire duration for which the glider sampled the core of the Polar Front (Fig. 1b). Glider CTD observed some salt fingering and double diffusive staircases north of the PF (consistent with Merrifield et al. 2016) and sporadic diffusive/oscillatory convection (Ferris et al. 2020). Subsurface phenomena are examined in Ferris (2022). Convection forced by buoyancy flux played a minimal role in forcing the AML during the study (Fig. 3), with buoyancy rarely removed from the upper ocean and energy for near-surface mixing predominately supplied by wind stress. An analysis of time-averaged microstructure and turbulence profiles estimated using boundary layer scaling (Lombardo and Gregg 1989) demonstrates that the BLS turbulent dissipation in the shallowest depths is higher than predicted by the BLS paradigm and turbulent dissipation deeper within the AML is lower than predicted by BLS (see Fig. 5 for an example profile), consistent with Merrifield’s (2016) bulk analysis of tow-yo VMP transects from DIMES US5.
A section of this bias is shown in Fig. 6c, with blue hues (red hues) indicating underprediction (overprediction) of turbulence in the surface boundary layer, with underprediction of near-surface TKE dissipation rates by up to four orders of magnitude. The vertical extent of this underprediction varies in depth, with three strong events lagging 2–3 days after intense storms; these will be revisited in section 4. Several cases do not have the characteristic bias profile (Fig. 6b, bright red hues at the surface), which are associated with either instances in which there are fewer than five microstructure profiles available within the 14.5-h interval for averaging (21 and 30 November), or profiles overlying the continental rise or shelf (after 22 December). Few profiles available for averaging is an obvious factor in inconsistent BLS bias due to higher statistical uncertainty [see Moum (2021) for a recent review]. The similarity of observed turbulence to BLS does not depend on whether wind inflection (wind speed increasing or decreasing), nor proximity to Polar Front.
b. Controls on bias in two depth regimes
Next, we examine controls on the normalized bias (Figs. 8–10) including friction velocity (u*), wind-sea significant wave height (Hs), and turbulent Langmuir number (Lat). Parameters u* and Hs mirror each other such that they are a reasonable proxy for one another. We separate turbulence estimates into a near-surface regime and a deeper regime as in Fig. 7a. We observe that wind speed (Fig. 8) has an inverse effect on the magnitude of near-surface underestimation (μ = −0.574 low wind versus μ = 0.099 high wind), with larger biases in low-wind conditions, but a direct effect on the magnitude of deep overestimation (μ = 0.345 low wind versus μ = 0.491 high wind). Wave breaking (Fig. 9) has a direct effect on the magnitude of near-surface underestimation (μ = −0.091 nonbreaking versus μ = −0.563 breaking waves), with larger biases in breaking wave conditions, but an inverse effect on the magnitude of deep overestimation (μ = 0.451 nonbreaking versus μ = 0.354 breaking waves). Conditions conducive to Langmuir circulation (Fig. 10) have a direct effect on the magnitude and sign of near-surface underestimation (μ = 0.146 Langmuir inactive versus μ = −0.396 Langmuir active) and an inverse effect on the deep overestimation (μ = 0.517 Langmuir inactive versus μ = 0.377 Langmuir active). Langmuir circulation is unlikely the principle physical process at work (out of those unrepresented by BLS) because Langmuir circulation would be expected redistribute turbulence from the near-surface to the deeper AML, causing a tendency toward overestimation in the near-surface and underestimation at depth (the opposite of what we observed).
c. Relationship of mixed layer development and the Polar Front
We observe an interesting relationship between frontal hydrography and shallow mixing (Fig. 11). The glider crossed into the PF on 28 November, marking a sharp reduction in salinity (Fig. 1b) and mixed layer depth (Fig. 2b). This is associated with a transition in the relationship between MLD and AML (Fig. 11d). Before the PF the AML rarely develops beyond the mixed layer; TKE erodes the base of MLD, mixing away this interface. But beyond the PF in the cold, fresh Southern Ocean waters, the AML routinely develops beyond the MLD; there is with little compliance from the mixed layer itself (Fig. 2). This could be due to greater stratification resisting mixed layer deepening (despite churning by TKE), or intense lateral density gradients within the PF core creating stability and preventing convection. The relationship between water masses and the AML:MLD ratio is complicated by seasonal transition from winter to summer, increasing stratification of the upper Southern Ocean, similar to that observed by du Plessis et al. (2019). A deepening of isopycnals occurs during the 6 and 12 December storm events (Fig. 11), as well as following Langmuir-circulation-favorable conditions on 17 December. The influence of both the Polar Front and seasonal transition on mixing dynamics are worthy of future investigation.
4. Discussion
a. Influence of waves
Throughout AUSSOM buoyancy flux played a minimal role in deepening the AML in the Drake Passage and Scotia Sea region (usually extracting energy and reducing its development), with energy for near-surface mixing supplied almost solely by wind stress. Focusing our discussion on shear production, BLS likely underpredicts energy input into the near-surface ocean because it does include surface gravity wave breaking and/or TKE from alternative sources in the observed Southern Ocean environment. Our observations suggest BLS (Lombardo and Gregg 1989) of shear turbulence in the Southern Ocean exhibit a systematic bias, underestimating (overestimating) turbulent dissipation rates in the shallower (deeper) parts of the surface boundary layer. The magnitude of the near-surface underestimate is greatest when wind is mild (Fig. 8) and waves are breaking (Fig. 9). This is not surprising; the Lombardo and Gregg (1989) form of BLS is a rigid-boundary theory and assumes a TKE budget dominated by shear production, buoyancy production, and dissipation [Eq. (1)]. Contrary to the rigid-boundary paradigm, surface gravity waves are known to alter boundary layer structure within several significant wave heights of the surface (Agrawal et al. 1992), and our observations are not the first for which waves cause a departure from BLS theory. Gerbi et al. (2009) used a model and observations from the Coupled Boundary Layers and Air–Sea Transfer (CBLAST) low-winds experiment to find production alone was unable to balance dissipation [as in Eq. (1)] in the wave-affected surface layer, which lies above the logarithmic layer (Terray et al. 1996).
Numerical modeling literature has aimed to understand the implications of breaking surface waves and Langmuir turbulence, which are not included in wall-bounded (standard shear-convective BLS) turbulence parameterizations and subgrid mixing schemes unless explicitly added (e.g., Kantha and Clayson 2004). Belcher et al. (2012) concluded surface wave-forced Langmuir turbulence should be a dominant TKE source in the Southern Ocean, and several observational studies (D’Asaro et al. 2014; Sutherland et al. 2014) corroborate the importance of Langmuir circulation in turbulence generation. While the inclusion of Langmuir turbulence parameterization schemes in ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) produces mixed layers of 2%–25% deeper in extratropical, weak-convection regions such as the austral summer Southern Ocean (Li et al. 2019), it is unclear to what extent Langmuir turbulence is mechanistically responsible for deeper mixed layers in the real ocean (D’Asaro 2014). Sullivan et al. (2007) used large eddy simulation to find that the wave age cp/u*a (where cp is phase speed of the spectral peak and u*a is air friction velocity) impacted the near-surface mixing, with younger wave groups and higher wind speeds exhibiting a larger positive feedback with Langmuir turbulence and increasing near-surface dissipation. To explore scalings leveraging these wave characteristics, we tested two alternative scalings in comparison to depth-integrated TKE (Fig. 13) including ones based on wave age (
Surface gravity wave breaking in the high-wind Southern Ocean environment violates a key assumption of BLS (that shear stress in the logarithmic layer is constant function of wind-imparted stress). However, this physical explanation alone is insufficient because near-surface bias is more severe during the mildest winds. While presence of nonlocally generated swell could be a factor, it is also possible that contributions from surface gravity waves are persistent but only noticeable in low-wind cases due to lower levels of TKE dissipation. The near-surface underestimation and deeper-AML overestimation is inherently coupled; energy lost in the near-surface will not reach the deeper AML, resulting in lower levels of turbulent dissipation than predicted. Near-surface underestimation by BLS is worse when there are breaking wave conditions and low wind-driven shear (Figs. 8 and 9), but the opposite effect is not seen in the deeper histograms suggesting there must be other physical processes at work.
b. Influence of sources other than breaking waves
A second physical explanation is that sources of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) other than wind-driven shear significantly contribute to observed turbulent dissipation. Lombardo and Gregg (1989) assume energy injection into the dissipative scale is accomplished by direct meteorological forcing (wind-driven shear and convection) in the surface boundary layer, but other processes such as Langmuir driven turbulence (discussed in section 4a), shear instabilities, and submesoscale instabilities could be active in an intense wind-sheared frontal zone. As stated in section 4a, our dataset does not support a dominant role of Langmuir-driven turbulence; generation and redistribution of TKE by Langmuir circulation cannot be the only additional source of TKE because the presence or absence of this mechanism does not explain deep underestimation events. Rather, it favors alternative (other than wind-driven) mechanisms such in Sutherland et al. (2016), who observed a wind-driven jet in the subtropical Atlantic during the SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study) to find that diurnal increase in stratification restricts vertical diffusion of wind stress and depth of momentum flux, increasing near-surface shear instability (an additional source of near-surface TKE). Mixing in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) might be further complicated by the numerous other processes turbulently transforming the upper ocean, such as internal wave driven mixing (St. Laurent et al. 2012) and double diffusion (Merrifield et al. 2016). It should be emphasized that this second explanation is not a complete explanation by itself because it does not account for the lack of observed turbulence at depth in Figs. 7–10.
c. Impact of storms
We revisit the cause of the deeper underestimation events (Fig. 6c); restated, patches of elevated observed turbulence (blue hues) extending deeper into the AML which were not captured by BLS. There is some second-order dynamical effect; the time scale of this effect is much longer than the inertial period (∼14.5 h), and time scale for a storm system to pass the glider is less than one day. Glider depth-averaged current is comparable to ACC velocity (from Operational Mercator, Fig. 1) extracted along the track of the glider such that the platform is effectively Lagrangian; it is not the case that ACC velocity is advecting/distorting patches of turbulence (associated with wave breaking) faster than the glider such that they appear lagged in the turbulence record. A plausible physical mechanism explaining these deeper underestimation events is described in Dohan and Davis (2011); who observed a storm to excite near-inertial oscillations and currents (with their own additional shear), causing elevated mixing for 3 days after the storm itself. Wind direction turned with the direction of inertial rotation such that it resonantly excited the oscillations, and we similarly see a wind direction turn in the direction of inertial rotation (Fig. 6e) during storm events. An important question is why the TKE contribution shear instability in inertial currents would appear in BLS bias log10(ϵBLS/ϵ) as a delayed underestimation event and not immediately. During the storm itself, the calculation of bias would be heavily buffered by the wind-forced shear turbulence, such that the secondary component would perhaps not become noticeable until the wind relented and only the current shear remained. As wind subsides, the contribution of mixing due to current shear would subside, both ϵ and ϵBLS become smaller, and this additional contribution becomes more noticeable. We speculate that this mechanism could similarly create a delayed TKE contribution from the storms, though this cannot be confirmed with the available data.
5. Conclusions
We tested boundary layer scalings (BLS) from satellite data against direct measurements of TKE dissipation rate from a glider. We found that BLS underestimates turbulent dissipation in the near-surface and overestimates turbulent dissipation below the near-surface, consistent with Merrifield (2016). The structure of this bias is consistent across wind speeds in the lower 90% of the AML, but strongly contingent on wind speed in the upper 10% of the AML. In the near-surface AML, underestimation by BLS is larger in low-wind conditions, breaking wave conditions, or when Langmuir circulation is active; however, in the deep AML, differences across-wind and wave conditions are much less statistically significant. Explanations for this systematic bias are that 1) the rigid-boundary paradigm does not account for surface gravity wave breaking and momentum loss in the high-wind Southern Ocean environment; 2) sources of TKE other than wind-driven shear and buoyancy flux are contributing to dissipation, and furthermore, Langmuir circulation alone cannot explain deep underestimation events; and 3) deep underestimation events are due to additional shear caused by storm-forced inertial currents (see Dohan and Davis 2011). Despite these shortcomings, we found that BLS still outperforms alternative scalings (Craig and Banner 1994; Gemmrich et al. 1994) based on wave age or wave-range effective speed, motivating its further development. We built on the observational work of Lombardo and Gregg (1989) by showing a wind-dominated regime is characterized by significant momentum loss, alternative TKE sources, and significantly greater turbulent dissipation in the near-surface than predicted by BLS. Representing the physical processes responsible for this near-surface TKE dissipation is critical for understanding mixed layer dynamics and water mass transformation when wind-driven shear dominates convection in the global ocean. AUSSOM tested boundary layer scaling in high-wind, nonconvective conditions, but future investigations covering the full wind and buoyancy forcing parameter space are needed; especially involving cases where both wind-driven shear and buoyancy loss are significant.
In reality, this “logarithmic layer” is logarithmic only when shear production exactly balances dissipation.
In the presence of penetrating radiation and Stokes shear production, similarity structure functions are no longer governed by the same systems of equations as in Monin–Obukhov theory. An excellent review of this topic is provided by Fox-Kemper et al. (2022).
This paper is VIMS Contribution 4103. Computational resources were provided by the VIMS Ocean-Atmosphere and Climate Change Research Fund. AUSSOM was supported by the OCE Division of the National Science Foundation (1558639). We thank the captain and crew of the R/V Gould for their excellent support during the field program, and Justin Shapiro for the recovery mission. We also thank the editor and two anonymous reviewers whose invaluable feedback greatly improved the paper. This study has been conducted using E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information. CCMP Version-2.0 vector wind analyses are produced by Remote Sensing Systems.
Data availability statement.
All glider data used in the paper will be shared at microstructure.ucsd.edu, the NSF-funded Microstructure Database. The COARE 3.5 algorithm and its associated data products are publicly available. This includes surface radiation data from the CERES project (https://ceres.larc.nasa.gov/products-info.php?product=SYN1deg), CCMPv2 winds (www.remss.com; Wentz et al. 2015), near-surface temperature and humidity from SeaFlux CDR (https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdr/atmospheric/ocean-near-surface-atmospheric-properties; Clayson et al. 2016b), sea surface temperature from SeaFlux Ocean CDR (https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdr/oceanic/sea-surface-temperature-whoi; Clayson et al. 2016a), GPCP V1.3 daily rainfall product (https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdr/atmospheric/precipitation-gpcp-daily; Adler et al. 2017), and the aforementioned CMEMS products.
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