1. Introduction
Surface waves affect ocean remote sensing, air–sea exchange processes, and the generation of microseisms. Details of the directional distribution of the energy spectrum of wind-generated gravity waves and the processes that control the directional distribution are poorly understood. The wave energy spectrum becomes azimuthally bimodal away from the spectral peak toward both longer and shorter wavelengths, or wave periods (Young et al. 1995; Ewans 1998; Hwang et al. 2000; Long and Resio 2007). Our study focuses on the latter and its impacts on different metrics of the spectrum.
The first observations of bimodal directional distributions were reported by Young et al. (1995) using a wave gauge array. Later, Ewans (1998) systematically investigated the bimodality of the spectrum of short gravity waves based on extensive buoy measurements. The airborne lidar measurements by Hwang et al. (2000) allowed for a careful analysis of the bimodality of the short waves near full development. Romero and Melville (2010a) collected airborne lidar measurements of fetch-limited waves in the Gulf of Tehuantepec (GOTEX) providing a detailed characterization of the wavenumber spectrum including the bimodality of the waves shorter than the dominant waves, but the analysis was limited to relatively long waves (18 m and longer). Lenain and Melville (2017) reported airborne lidar measurements of the directional wavenumber spectrum extended into the short gravity range down to 50-cm wavelengths. Their measurements gave bimodal distributions with lobe separations approaching ±90° for the shortest waves resolved. Subsequently, Peureux et al. (2018) also reported extreme bimodal lobe separations approaching ±80° from visible stereo observations.
The directional distribution of the wind-wave spectrum is controlled, to leading order, by nonlinear four-wave resonant interactions (Longuet-Higgins 1976; Young and Van Vledder 1993; Banner and Young 1994; Komen et al. 1984; Toffoli et al. 2010). However, realistic numerical simulations of the wind-wave spectrum with “exact” computations of the nonlinear energy fluxes, specifically the Webb–Resio–Tracy (WRT) algorithm (Tracy and Resio 1982; van Vledder 2006) were shown to give azimuthally bimodal distributions systematically narrower than the observations (Romero and Melville 2010b; Liu et al. 2019). Guimaraes (2018) and Peureux et al. (2018) hypothesized that the bimodality is in part enhanced due to long-wave–short-wave interactions where short gravity waves preferably break on the crests of long waves in the direction of long-wave propagation. The hypothesis was further supported theoretically with a stability analysis of short-wave modulation by longer waves based on the wave action conservation equation (Peureux et al. 2021).
Building on these ideas and the work by Donelan (2001), Romero (2019) parameterized the spectral energy dissipation due to breaking accounting for short-wave modulation by longer waves where the breaking dissipation for the short waves is preferentially distributed in the direction of the longer dominant waves. This effectively reduces the directional spreading of the spectral dissipation due to breaking while increasing the directional spreading and bimodal lobe separation of the waves shorter than the dominant scale. The wave-breaking model of Romero (2019, hereafter R2019), was implemented in the spectral model WAVEWATCH III (WW3; WW3DG 2019) and tuned against field observations with the wind input of Ardhuin et al. (2010) and both approximate and exact computations of the nonlinear resonant wave–wave interactions (Hasselmann and Hasselmann 1985b; Tracy and Resio 1982; van Vledder 2006). In this study, the model performance with the breaking dissipation R2019 is further analyzed and compared against the two widely used packages: 1) ST4 (Ardhuin et al. 2010) and 2) ST6 (Rogers et al. 2012; Zieger et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2019).
Idealized WW3 solutions of developing waves in deep-water are analyzed focusing on the bimodality of the spectrum for wavenumbers larger than the peak wavenumber, and its impacts on the anisotropy of the resolved mean square slopes, and the azimuthal overlap integral, which is an important metric for the prediction of microseisms (Longuet-Higgins 1950; Hasselmann 1963; Hughes 1976). The work by Alday et al. (2021) shows the impact of the R2019 dissipation on the cross- to downwind mean square slopes. This is further investigated here over a wide range of wind speeds. The manuscript is organized as follows: section 2 describes the model configuration and analysis, section 3 presents the results, which are discussed and summarized in section 4.
2. Methods
The wind input is modeled according to Ardhuin et al. (2010) based on the quasilinear theory of Janssen (1989, 1991) including sheltering at high wavenumbers (Chen and Belcher 2000) due to longer dominant waves and swell dissipation for waves traveling faster than the wind. The nonlinear energy fluxes Snl are computed with the exact algorithm of Tracy and Resio (1982–WRT) implemented in WW3 by van Vledder (2006) and with the standard Direct Interaction Approximation (DIA) of Hasselmann and Hasselmann (1985a,b), which is widely used for applications and operational models. This allows the assessment of Snl impacts on the spectral shape. The wave-breaking dissipation Sds is modeled according to R2019 (Romero 2019; Romero et al. 2012), within the statistical wave breaking framework introduced by Phillips (1985) based on a scaling for Gaussian statistics of the lengths of crest exceeding wave slope criteria (Romero and Melville 2011) while accounting for long-wave–short-wave modulation following the work by Donelan (2001). The wave-breaking statistics model of R2019 was validated against the field measurements of Sutherland and Melville (2013).
The two widely used wind input/dissipation source terms packages in WW3, specifically ST4 (Ardhuin et al. 2010) and ST6 (Rogers et al. 2012; Zieger et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2019), were also considered with both the DIA and WRT nonlinear energy fluxes and the same spectral grid. In other words, all solutions are identical except for the different wind input and dissipation combinations. The ST6 parameterizations were recalibrated recently by Liu et al. (2019) improving the model performance in terms of the integrated parameters and spectral levels within the tail. ST4 is the default wind input/dissipation used operationally at NOAA (Alves et al. 2014). In contrast to ST4, both R2019 and ST6 integrate the resolved spectrum allowing it to evolve freely without a prognostic tail. All ST6 runs were carried out with WW3 v7.14 with the free tail option enabled (SINFC = −1). Both ST4 and R2019 runs were performed with WW3 v5.16.
3. Results
The results are presented in three subsections comparing the model solutions among themselves and field observations, starting with a characterization of the directional distribution and bimodality, followed by an analysis of the anisotropy of the mean square slopes and the azimuthal overlap integral.
a. Directional distribution
Examples of directional distributions from wave model solutions forced with the different wind input/dissipation packages and both approximate (DIA) and exact (WRT) computations of the nonlinear energy fluxes for 15 m s−1 winds and a wave age
The lobe separation and amplitude dependence on the wavenumber relative to the spectral peak and wave age
The lobe amplitudes rlobe(k/kp) in Fig. 5 show patterns that are qualitatively similar to those in Fig. 4 with larger values for the WRT solutions compared to the DIA. The lobe amplitudes for R2019 show a decreasing trend with wave age, nearly independent of k/kp for the DIA and on average monotonically increasing with k/kp for WRT. The R2019 lobe amplitudes reach values of up to 2.5 and 2 for WRT and DIA, respectively. The lobe amplitudes are smallest for ST4, nearly independent of wave age, and relatively larger for WRT compared to DIA. The ST6 solutions forced with exact nonlinear energy fluxes (WRT) give the largest lobe amplitudes reaching values of up to 4.5 for the lowest wave age. Both DIA and WRT ST6 solutions show a decreasing trend with increasing wave age for
Romero and Melville (2010a) reported an empirical scaling that collapsed the observed wave age dependence of the bimodal separation and amplitude. The scaling consisted of a factor proportional to
The relatively good agreement between the R2019 WRT solutions and the GOTEX empirical scaling is a significant improvement over the previous modeling efforts (Romero and Melville 2010b; Liu et al. 2019) where θ′ was shown to collapse but with consistently smaller lobe separations. The agreement between the R2019 solutions and the GOTEX bimodality scaling is in part because the dissipation was tuned against the GOTEX scaling. However, the model performance was not shown in R2019 and is demonstrated here. In the next subsections, the model performance is further analyzed with other metrics that are directly related to the directional distribution, specifically the mean square slopes and overlap integral.
b. Mean square slopes
A metric directly related to the directional distribution is the anisotropy of the mean square slopes, specifically the ratio of the down- to crosswind mean square slope (Munk 2009). Cox and Munk (1954a,b) reported novel measurements of the sea surface slope statistics using airborne aerial images of sun glint proving empirical relationships of the mean square slopes as functions of wind speed. The Cox and Munk (1954a) mean square slope measurements were further confirmed by Bréon and Henriot (2006) and Lenain et al. (2019) using satellite visible imagery and lidar observations, respectively. Although the total mean square slope is dominated by the gravity-capillary part of the spectrum, the contribution due to gravity waves is significant (Cox and Munk 1954a). Here the mean square slopes of the resolved gravity wave spectrum are analyzed and compared to the measurements by Cox and Munk (1954a) for slick conditions, hereafter referred to as CM54sl. The comparison is qualitative because it is not exactly known the exact cutoff wavenumber for slick conditions, while the upper limit of the solutions is 10 rad m−1 or 60 cm.
The resolved mss color-coded according to wave age is plotted as a function of wind speed compared to CM54sl for WRT and DIA solutions in Figs. 6a–c and 6d–f, respectively. All datasets show substantial variability due to wave age, qualitatively within the uncertainty bounds of CM54sl except for ST4 at low wave ages, with small differences due to the different computations of the nonlinear energy fluxes (WRT versus DIA). R2019 gives the largest mss values for older waves. Both R2019 and ST6 show an increase in mss with wave age. In contrast, ST4 shows two patterns with mss increasing with increasing wave age at low winds and reversing at high winds where mss decreases with wave age.
The mss slope components (mss1, mss2) are plotted individually versus wind speed in Figs. 7a–f and 7g–l, corresponding to the downwind (mss1) and crosswind component (mss2), respectively. The DIA (Figs. 7a–c,g–i) and WRT (Figs. 7d–f,j–l) solutions are shown for the different wind input/dissipation packages. The exact computation of the nonlinear energy fluxes (WRT) generally gives larger downwind and smaller crosswind mean square slopes for all the cases considered. R2019 shows good agreement with CM54sl for both components. ST4 overestimates mss1 and approximately matches the observed mss2. In contrast, ST6 approximately matches mss1 for young waves but also significantly underestimates mss2 compared to CM54sl. This shows that the relatively narrower bimodal lobe separations give smaller mss2 relative to mss1. This is better shown plotting ratio mss2/mss1 versus wind speed in Figs. 8a–c and 8d–f for the WRT and DIA solutions, respectively. The R2019 WRT solutions show good agreement against CM54sl generally within error bars, while the R2019 DIA solutions are biased high significantly exceeding CM54sl at higher winds (U10 >7 m s−1). In contrast, both ST4 and ST6 largely underestimate the ratio mss2/mss1 compared to CM54sl.
From further analysis on the impact of model resolution, we found that the mean square slopes (mss1 and mss2) are not very sensitive (generally within 1%–2%) to small changes of the spectral resolution in frequency (i.e., Δf/f = 0.1 compared to 0.07) regardless of the forcing. Similarly, increasing the azimuthal resolution from 10° to 5° has negligible impacts on the mean square slopes of DIA solutions. In contrast, WRT solutions are affected the most by the increase in azimuthal spectral resolution (Δθ = 5°) giving larger mss2 and the ratio mss2/mss1 by about 3% for both ST4 and R2019, whereas for ST6 mss2/mss1 and mss2 increase by 4.4% and 5.4%, respectively.
The impacts of using the more common model grid upper frequency limit of 1 Hz on the computations of the mean square slopes are shown in Figs. 6–8 with solid gray circles. Limiting the integration 1 Hz compared to 1.6 Hz gives lower mss1 values on average by about 10%–50% and lower mss2 values by about 10%–25%. This is demonstrated in the supplemental material (Fig. S5) through direct comparisons.
c. Overlap integral
The overlap integral I(k) directly computed from wave solutions near “full” development cp/U10 = 1 are plotted in Fig. 9 comparing the different physics against DLNAW for wind speeds between 4 and 15 m s−1. The model solutions exhibit minima near the spectral peak where the spectra are narrowest and generally increase away from the peak. The semiempirical model monotonically increases with wavenumber at intermediate scales approaching constant values toward low and high wavenumbers. The relatively large values of I(k) at low wavenumbers for the DLNAW model are attributed to wave energy from shoreline reflections not accounted for in the idealized numerical solutions. At wavenumbers much larger than the spectral peak the model solutions are significantly lower compared to DLNAW, except for R2019. In general, WRT solutions give lower values I(k) compared to the DIA. Both DLNAW and R2019 approach the value of −8 dB [
4. Discussion and conclusions
We presented an analysis of numerical solutions produced with WW3 for idealized conditions forced with the approximate (DIA) and exact (WRT) nonlinear energy fluxes and different wind input/dissipation, specifically the widely used ST4 and ST6 packages, and R2019. WRT solutions give consistently larger bimodal amplitudes compared to those obtained with the DIA, independent of wind input/dissipation. The R2019 solutions with WRT give the best agreement against the GOTEX empirical scaling of the lobe amplitudes and separations. ST4 gives much weaker lobe amplitudes and separations regardless of the nonlinear energy fluxes. Similarly, ST6 gives lobe separations generally narrower than the GOTEX observations. ST6 gives the largest lobe amplitudes at lower wave ages with nonmonotonic trends for both the lobe amplitudes and lobe separation with respect to the scale and wave age.
Further analysis shows that all model solutions give total resolved mean square slope (mss) versus wind speed comparable to Cox and Munk (1954a) in slick conditions (CM54). However, the individual components versus wind speed are generally not in agreement with CM54, except for R2019. ST4 and ST6 give mss1 and mss2 generally larger and smaller than CM54, respectively, with the exception of ST6 mss1 for young waves which approximately match CM54. Consequently, the ratio mss2/mss1 is significantly lower for ST4 and ST6 compared to R2019 and CM54. DIA solutions generally give larger mean square slope ratios compared to WRT. Similarly, the overlap integral computed from model solutions is significantly smaller at high wavenumbers for ST4 and ST6 compared to R2019, which gives values comparable to the semiempirical findings by DLNAW. Regardless of the physics, the DIA generally gives larger overlap integral values compared to WRT.
The results from the study suggest that directional distribution produced by R2019 is more realistic compared to ST4 and ST6 as determined by three independent metrics and datasets (Cox and Munk 1954a; Romero and Melville 2010a; DLNAW). The main difference between R2019 and the other models is the relatively narrower spreading of the energy dissipation due to breaking which couples with the nonlinear energy fluxes due to wave–wave resonant interactions leading to a wider spectrum and stronger bimodality. A similar effect could result from a wider or bimodal wind forcing like Phillips (1957) resonance due to pressure fluctuations. Ultimately as shown by Alves and Banner (2003), all three terms combined (wind input, nonlinear energy fluxes, and dissipation) shape the directional distribution of the spectrum of the short gravity waves. Further work is needed to better understand the controls on the directional distribution of short gravity waves.
Note Eq. (12) differs from Eq. (5) in Farrell and Munk (2008) based on their definition of
LR dedicates the manuscript to Ken Melville in appreciation for his mentorship. This work acknowledges support of NSF (OCE-1924686 and OCE-2121646). We are grateful to Qingxiang Liu for the careful reviewing and constructive feedback during the peer-review process. We also appreciate the positive review provided by the other reviewer (anonymous).
Data availability statement.
The model WAVEWATCHIII (v5.16) with the R2019 dissipation is available at https://github.com/Leonel-Romero/WW3-Lambda and is also available in the most recent version of WAVEWATCHIII v7.14 (https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WW3) as an option within the ST4 package, which can be enabled with the following parameters: SDSBCHOICE=3, SDSC2 = -3.8, SDSBR = 0.005, FXFM3 = 20, SDSCUM=0, SDSC5 =0, SDSBT=0.0011, SDSFACMTF = 400, along with SDSMWD = 0.9 for DIA and SDSMWD = 2.0 for WRT.
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