1. Introduction
In this paper, we would like to present some new results on the generation of ocean waves by wind and the consequent feedback of the growing wind waves on the airflow [called the quasi-linear effect in previous works of Janssen (1982, 1989, 1991)]. In Janssen (1991), a parameterization of the effect of waves on the wind profile and the consequent slowing down of the wind was developed. This parameterization of the two-way interaction of wind and waves has been used in the operational wave model (WAM) since the end of 1991 and has produced good agreement with the most recent parameterizations of the surface drag coefficient CD (see Edson et al. 2013). Nevertheless, in spite of the success of this approach, it is valid to ask questions regarding some of the assumptions that have been made.
This parameterization of the background roughness length has been used in the operational WAM model since the end of 1991 and has produced good agreement with the most recent parameterizations of the observed surface drag coefficient CD (see Edson et al. 2013). Nevertheless, in spite of the success of this approach, it is valid to ask why the roughness length of the gravity–capillary waves would scale with the square of the friction velocity divided by acceleration of gravity g and whether α is a constant.
Here, it is suggested to calculate the background roughness length using a model for the gravity–capillary wave spectrum called Verification and Interpretation of ERS-1 (VIERS-1). This model was proposed by Janssen et al. (1998), and it gives the spectrum of gravity–capillary waves as follows from the balance of a nonlinear wind-input source function, dissipation by wave breaking, and three- and four-wave nonlinear interactions. The surface stress then results from an iterative solution of the stress balance at the surface, as given in Eq. (1). An iterative solution is required because viscous stress and the low- and high-frequency stress all depend in a nonlinear way on the surface stress τa. If the surface stress is known, it is possible to obtain quantities such as the background roughness length and the drag coefficient, and we will study the dependence of these quantities on wind speed U10 in the range 1 ≤ U10 ≤ 80 m s−1 and on the wave-age parameter
The program of this paper is as follows: In section 2, a brief summary is given of the extension of the coupling approach to the case of two-dimensional propagation. This work is based on the critical layer theory of Miles (1957), and the key result is that the growth rate of the waves by wind is proportional to the curvature in the mean wind profile at the critical height, while the slowing down of the wind, resulting in the drag, is found to depend explicitly on the wave spectrum. In 1D, there is only one contribution to the slowing down of the wind, which conserves mean vorticity, while in 2D, there is an additional contribution that conserves mean momentum. In the steady state, and including effects of turbulence on the mean flow, one may evaluate how the curvature of the mean wind depends on the wave spectrum. Following Miles (1965), this gives the nonlinear dependence of the growth rate of the waves by wind on the wave spectrum.
This is followed in section 3 by a brief presentation of the VIERS model (Janssen et al. 1998), which assumes that the gravity wave spectrum, obtained by a wave-prediction system, is given, while the gravity–capillary wave spectrum is obtained from the steady-state version of the energy balance equation using the “local” (in wavenumber space) approximation for the three- and four-wave interactions, while the wind-input source function is given in Janssen (1991), with additional nonlinear effects found in section 2. Then, from the gravity wave spectrum, one obtains the wave-induced stress of the gravity waves τw,lf, while the gravity–capillary spectrum gives the high-frequency stress τw,hf, and the viscous stress at the surface may be evaluated as well. Then, as already mentioned, the total stress τa is obtained by means of iteration. Note that in every step of the iteration process, one solves for the gravity–capillary spectrum, which depends on the surface stress (which varies during the iteration process) and the fixed energy flux from the gravity waves. In this fashion, the stress relation at the surface can be satisfied, because it can be shown empirically that the iteration process converges.
In section 4, a number of properties of the new model for surface stress are presented, and the key result is a “climatological” relation between the drag coefficient CD and wind speed U10. It is shown that up to a wind speed of about 23 m s−1, the drag coefficient increases with wind speed, which is then followed by a maximum in drag at about 30 m s−1, while for higher winds, a decrease of drag coefficient with wind speed is found. Below the wind speed of 23 m s−1, there is a good agreement with the observed wind speed dependence of the drag as obtained by Edson et al. (2013). The model results are also in qualitative agreement with observations of decreasing drag with wind speed for hurricane conditions. It is also shown how the wave-induced stress of the gravity waves and of the gravity–capillary waves depend on wind speed. Owing to the combination of the quasi-linear effect and nonlinearity, the momentum transfer to the high-frequency gravity–capillary waves is quenched for high winds when the waves are steep. As a consequence, for high winds, i.e., U10 > 23 m s−1, the wave-induced stress to the gravity–capillary waves τw,hf vanishes. This has important consequences for the dependence of the drag coefficient on wind speed. Also, when τw,hf vanishes, it is possible to find an expression for the surface stress, as according to Eq. (1), ignoring the viscous stress, the surface stress equals the low-frequency wave-induced stress. Using a simple expression for the wave spectrum and the wind-input term, an approximate expression for the wave-induced stress is obtained, which helps explain under which circumstances CD decreases with increasing wind speed. At around a wind speed of 30 m s−1, the drag coefficient attains a maximum, and above that, wind speed nonlinearity becomes so strong that the wind input and the low-frequency wave-induced stress are reduced to a considerable extent. As a consequence, a reduction of the drag coefficient for increasing wind speed is found, in qualitative agreement with recent findings from observation campaigns (e.g., Powell et al. 2003; Powell 2007; Jarosz et al. 2007; Holthuijsen et al. 2012). Laboratory experiments also provide information on the drag for high wind speeds nowadays, but these data suggest that for strong winds, there is a saturation in the drag. However, one needs to be careful using these results in a geophysical context because gravity wave spectra in a tank have a much higher peak frequency than in the field. Nevertheless, the revised estimates of ocean surface drag by Curic and Haus (2020) show good agreement with the empirical relation suggested by Edson et al. (2013).
Donelan (2018) tries to explain the reduction in drag in terms of flow separation that occurs just after the crest of a steep surface gravity wave. Simulations of turbulent flow over steep, nonbreaking surface waves by, for example, Sullivan et al. (2000) also suggest the presence of flow separation at the crest and the sheltering of the troughs when the critical layer is close to the surface. Clearly, sheltering is a nonlinear effect. In the present paper, we concentrate on the critical-layer mechanism, and it will be seen that the nonlinear wind input also plays an important role in reducing the drag. Following Hara and Belcher (2002), it is tempting to interpret the reduction of the wind input to the short waves in terms of a sheltering of the short waves by the long waves since waves remove momentum from the wind, thus leaving a smaller stress to force the growth of the short waves.
This section is concluded with a brief discussion on the choice of a number of tuning parameters in the model. For example, results for mean square slope are compared with observations from Cox and Munk (1954) in order to determine the starting wavenumber of the model for the gravity–capillary wave spectrum.
In section 5, we will discuss the work done by introducing the new model for surface stress into a single gridpoint version of the EMWF version of the WAM model (ecWAM). To speed up the routine for the calculations of the background roughness, an approximation to the gravity–capillary spectrum is introduced, which ignores direct effects of wind input and dissipation. This so-called inertial subrange spectrum provides an accurate approximation of the wave-induced stress associated with the gravity–capillary waves. But quantities such as the mean square slope are less-accurately represented. Regarding the model results it is noted that, because of the introduction of the effects of surface tension and viscosity, the updated ecWAM model might deviate from the “classical” scaling relations proposed by Kitaigorodskii (1962). In these scaling relations, the relevant parameters such as wave energy, peak period, wave age, duration, fetch, etc. are made dimensionless by means of acceleration of gravity g and the friction velocity
In section 6, our conclusions are summarized. The present operational version of ecWAM (CY47R1) has an empirical sharp reduction of the background roughness parameter for winds above 33 m s−1 (ECMWF 2020), which we hope to replace with this new development. Also, since CY46R1, the input and dissipation source terms are based on those of Ardhuin et al. (2010), whereas the wind-input source function is based on Janssen (1991), except for the partial sheltering effect. Since the nonlinear wind-input term represents directly the effects of sheltering of the short waves by the long waves, it is hoped to replace the partial sheltering effect of Ardhuin et al. (2010) with the new nonlinear wind input.
A preliminary account of this work has been published as an ECMWF technical memorandum by Janssen and Bidlot (2021). Although the main threads are very similar, certain details have changed, in particular regarding the choice of the angular distribution and certain details of the wind input to the short waves.
2. Wind–wave interaction
Wind–wave interaction involves two aspects. First of all, waves are generated by wind, and we shall adopt for convenience a particular wind–wave generation mechanism, namely, Miles’ critical-layer theory, which was originally formulated as a theory for the case of one-dimensional propagation. In Miles (1957), it is found that in the so-called quasi-laminar approach, the critical height, the height where wind speed U0(z) equals the phase speed c = ω/k, plays a very important role in the generation process. It turns out that the growth rate γ of the ocean waves by wind is proportional to the ratio of the curvature of the wind speed profile divided by its shear, both evaluated at the critical height. Hence, the momentum transfer from wind to waves is an example of the resonant interaction between wind and waves. The second aspect, the feedback of the growing waves on the wind, is discussed extensively by Janssen (1982, 1989, 2004). The resonant interaction process conserves momentum; while the waves are growing, they will extract considerable amounts of momentum from the air, resulting in a slowing down of the airflow. As a consequence, the drag of airflow over wind waves depends on the sea state because young, steep wind waves will extract much more momentum from the airflow than old, gentle wind waves.
We revisit the case of two-dimensional propagation that was only partially discussed in Janssen (1991). It will be seen that the expression for the growth of ocean waves by wind is very similar to the one-dimensional result, so that the growth rate is proportional to the curvature in the wind profile. However, the mean flow equation has an additional term because the wave-induced stress
According to Fabrikant (1976) and Janssen (1982), wave growth results in a slowing down of the airflow. For one-dimensional propagation, the ocean waves exert a wave-induced stress
Let us now discuss the consequences of the two-dimensional version of the wind–wave coupling a bit further. Compared to the one-dimensional version given in Janssen (1982), it is seen that the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (5) is new. This term is connected to the y component of the wave-induced velocity and is therefore connected to vortex stretching as the mean flow vortex is in the y direction. This term will try to maintain the curvature in the wind profile and therefore it increases wave growth.
This has important consequences for the equilibrium conditions. In one dimension, in the absence of turbulence and viscosity, the mean flow would evolve toward a condition where the curvature of the wind profile vanishes (Janssen 1982); hence, wind–wave growth vanishes for large times. This is clearly not the case for the two-dimensional problem, as now the rate of change of the wind velocity is proportional to a linear combination of the shear and the curvature of the wind profile; therefore, wind–wave growth does not necessarily vanish for large times.
Now, the growth rate of the waves by wind is still proportional to the curvature of the wind profile. And therefore, the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (5) is expected to be directly related to the process of the momentum transfer from wind to waves. This is indeed the case as the vertical integral from z = 0 to z = ∞ of the first term vanishes because the diffusion coefficient D⊥ vanishes at the boundaries; therefore, the first term conserves momentum. However, the vertical integral of the second term is finite and gives the total rate of change of airflow momentum. Finally, although the first term does not affect the momentum budget, it still is important because it may locally affect the curvature of the mean flow and the growth rate of a particular wave.
The interaction of wind and waves is now described by the set of Eqs. (3), (4), (6), (11), and (12), while the surface stress is given by Eq. (13). The above set of equations shows that there is a strong two-way interaction between wind and waves. While the waves grow, they extract considerable amounts of momentum from the airflow, resulting in a slowing down of the wind as the wind profile is forced by the waves toward an almost-linear wind profile. This change in wind profile, which mainly occurs close to the water surface, corresponds to an increase in roughness length and a reduction in the high-frequency part of the wind input and the wave-induced stress.
The strong interaction of wind and waves was studied by Janssen (1989) for the one-dimensional version of the above quasi-linear set of equations (i.e., for vanishing D⊥). The properties of the one-dimensional coupling were explored by searching for a given spectral shape for steady-state solutions of the airflow over wind waves by means of an iteration method. The rate of convergence of this procedure was judged using Eq. (13), i.e., by checking how close the total stress τυ + τturb + τw was to the surface stress
The results of the iteration process are presented in Janssen (1989); for a summary see Janssen and Bidlot (2018). In the present context, the most important result is the impact of the sea state on the wind profile. Young waves have a large roughness, giving a considerable slowing down of the wind, and therefore the equilibrium wind is quite reduced compared to the case of old wind sea, for which the airflow is much smoother. However, the shape of the wind profile away from the surface is still logarithmic, but close to the surface there are deviations from the logarithmic wind profile, which are a reflection of the impact of growing waves on the wind. In particular, it was shown in Janssen (1989) that for young wind sea, the wave-induced stress dominates the total stress near the surface, giving an additional slowing down of the wind, and hence a rougher airflow. As a consequence, the drag coefficient, defined as
a. Parameterization of quasi-linear theory
Another advantage of using the logarithmic wind profile is that it provides a simple parameterization of the wave growth by wind. To obtain the growth rate γ, one needs to solve the Rayleigh equation, which cannot be solved exactly. Instead, we use as a starting point an approximate expression for the growth rate that has been obtained by Miles (1993) by means of asymptotic matching, a result that also holds for two-dimensional propagation (see the appendix).
As mentioned in the introduction, an important assumption in the present approach is that the effect of the short gravity–capillary waves is represented by a background roughness length as given by Eq. (2). The validity of this assumption needs to be tested, and for this reason, one needs to give an explicit calculation of the momentum transfer to the short gravity–capillary waves. An attempt to explicitly calculate the momentum transfer to the short waves is given in the next section, using a model for the short gravity–capillary waves, called the VIERS model (Janssen et al. 1998). Before we do this, we have to discuss the inclusion of nonlinear effects in the expression of the growth rate of waves by wind.
b. Full nonlinear theory
In the previous section, it has been mentioned that the original approach results in drag coefficients that are in good agreement with well-known parameterizations of drag against wind speed or wave age that are obtained from observation campaigns. These observational fits are restricted to wind speeds U10 that are less than about 23 m s−1. Despite this good agreement, one may question a number of assumptions underlying the original approach. Here, we discuss the validity of the assumption that the wind profile has a logarithmic shape.
The coupled equations, in particular the stress balance [Eq. (12)], show that there is a strong interaction between wind and waves. Clearly, the resulting slowing down of the wind is a nonlinear effect, because its impact depends on the angular average of the wave spectrum. Therefore, one would expect that the growth rate of the waves by wind depends on the wave spectrum as well, and as a consequence, there would be deviations from the logarithmic wind profile. In Eq. (A4) a brief, approximate derivation of the sea state dependence on the growth rate γ is given. A similar result was already obtained by Miles (1965), and it has been utilized in the VIERS model (Janssen et al. 1998; see also Caudal 2002).
Using the approximations for N1 and N2, we have plotted in Fig. 1 for two wind speeds the impact of nonlinear corrections on the growth rate as function of wavenumber k by comparing the linear normalized growth rate γ0/ω with the nonlinear normalized growth γ/ω, where γ is given by Eq. (23), and the renormalization factors N2 are given in Eq. (24), while N1 = N2/6. The relevant solutions for the drag coefficient CD and the friction velocity
3. A model for the short waves
The model for the short waves is based on work done by the VIERS-1 group in the 1990s. The main objective of this group was to obtain a physics-based model for the radar backscatter, and one of the main tasks was to obtain a model of the short gravity–capillary waves, because these short waves give an important contribution to the radar backscatter through the Bragg scatter mechanism. A detailed description of the short wave model is given in Janssen et al. (1998), and therefore we will suffice with a brief explanation, discussing mainly deviations from the original model, which solves the one-dimensional energy balance equation in wavenumber space. For directional aspects we refer to Caudal (2002).
For wavenumbers higher than k3w, a new regime is entered because three-wave interactions start to play a role in the steady-state energy balance equation. In the following, we shall only discuss a theory for the one-dimensional wavenumber spectrum, while, if needed, effects of the angular distribution of the short waves are provided in a fairly simple fashion.
a. Wind-input source function
In the original VIERS model, a slightly different input source function was used. It had a similar form as in Eq. (33) but with α1 vanishing, because at that time it was not realized that for two-dimensional propagation there was an extra contribution to maintain the curvature in the wind profile.
b. Nonlinear interactions
In the VIERS model, three dissipative processes are assumed to play a role in the gravity–capillary regime, namely, viscous dissipation, wave breaking, and damping due to slicks. These processes have been described in some detail by Janssen et al. (1998) and will be denoted in this paper by Sdiss = −γdF(k). In the numerical experiments discussed here, effects of damping due to slicks will be ignored.
c. Exact solution of short-wave energy balance
Effects of wind input and dissipation (Γ term) are represented by the second term in Eq. (45) and result in a modification of the “inertial” subrange spectrum given in Eq. (46). The degree of saturation now becomes a function of the friction velocity while, for large wavenumbers, dissipation becomes important, giving a rapid decay in the high-wavenumber range. Examples of degree of saturation spectra for different wave ages (ranging from a wave age χ between 5 and 25 in steps of 5) at a constant wind speed of 15 m s−1 are shown in Fig. 2. The kink in these spectra is at the wavenumber
4. Determination of the surface stress
a. Method
The final part of the solution procedure concerns a method to generate realistic spectra, using the JONSWAP spectrum. In the first step, a first guess of the wave age
b. First results and comparison with approximate CD
First results of the degree of saturation spectrum for the case of a wind speed of 15 m s−1 and wave ages ranging from χ = 5 to χ = 25 are shown in Fig. 2. The short-wave spectra are in qualitative agreement with the observations obtained by Jähne and Riemer (1990) [see for a later reference Donelan (2018)]. For an illuminating discussion of this comparison, please consult Caudal (2002).
The kink in these spectra is at wavenumber
In Fig. 3, the wave-age dependence of the drag coefficient CD (z = 10) is shown for a wind speed of 15 m s−1. The graph shows that for old wind sea (χ ≈ 25), the drag coefficient is low, and it increases with decreasing wave age until a maximum of 2.25 × 10−3 is reached for χ ≈ 7. The reason that a maximum in drag coefficient occurs is, as already discussed below [Eq. (37)], connected to the assumption that surface gravity waves have a limiting steepness for extremely young wave ages. For completeness, in the right panel of Fig. 3, the dependence of the different stress components of the momentum balance on wave age is also shown. For the relative high wind speed of 15 m s−1, the viscous stress plays a minor role in the stress balance at the surface. The low-frequency part of the wave-induced stress τw,lf/τa always gives a substantial contribution to the total stress, but this is clearly not the case for its high-frequency part, which gives a small contribution in the wave-age range from 3 to 11. The high-frequency stress vanishes because the cut-off wavenumber kc is below k3w; hence, there is no wind input to the gravity–capillary waves. In other words, in that wave-age range, the stress is completely determined by the low-frequency waves. In that event, we have τa = τw,lf so that it makes sense to compare the results from the iteration scheme with the simple expression for the low-frequency wave-induced stress given by Eq. (37). Indeed, a comparison of the analytical result for the drag coefficient
c. Climatology
The surface stress according to the present approach is now obtained using the JONSWAP spectrum with wave age given by Eq. (49), and the climatological relation between drag coefficient and wind speed is presented in Fig. 5. It is seen that for low wind speeds, up to U10 = 25 m s−1, the drag coefficient increases with wind speed in close agreement with a fit of mean drag coefficient versus wind speed found by Hersbach [cf. Edson et al. (2013)]. This “empirical” fit is only valid for wind speeds less than 23 m s−1. For larger winds, there are not enough reliable data yet (cf. Powell et al. 2003; Jarosz et al. 2007; Powell 2007; Holthuijsen et al. 2012), but these observations do suggest that the drag coefficient saturates and starts to decrease from U10 = 30 m s−1 to U10 = −35 m s−1 onward. The present model calculations seem to confirm this picture, in agreement with the analytical result [Eq. (37)].
Note that the analytical formula is valid for the case that the low-frequency wave-induced stress is dominant in the stress balance. This is indeed the case in the wind speed range 20–40 m s−1 as follows from Fig. 6, which shows the average Charnock parameter, the background Charnock parameter, and the viscous dimensionless length αvisc3 as function of wind speed. Clearly, the background roughness length becomes vanishingly small above a wind speed of around 20 m s−1; hence, the low-frequency wave-induced stress dominates the stress balance for larger wind speeds up to 40 m s−1.
Returning to Fig. 5, a comparison of the results of some sensitivity experiments is also shown. First, we show the climatological drag wind speed relation for the operational system, which has a constant dimensionless background roughness length equal to 0.0065. These have the label OLD. The drag coefficient starts to saturate from a wind speed of about 30 m s−1. But, clearly, there are significant differences between the operational results and the present approach. The main reason is that for large winds, when the waves become steep, the momentum transfer from the airflow to the high-frequency waves is quenched, giving a considerable reduction of the background roughness and owing to the nonlinear wind input a considerable reduction of the low-frequency wave-induced stress. Furthermore, the last two experiments show that both the combination of a quasi-linear wind input and gravity–capillary roughness and the combination of nonlinear wind input and constant background roughness are not sufficient to have considerable reductions of drag at large wind. Clearly, this requires both a nonlinear wind input and gravity–capillary roughness.
Finally, it is also of interest to test the present wind–wave model for other aspects of the sea state as it could be a useful model for the interpretation of satellite remote sensing observations. For example, an altimeter estimates the mean square slope (mss) of the sea surface, and it is of interest to see how well this model for the gravity and gravity–capillary waves is performing. In Fig. 7, a comparison for low wind speeds is made between the climatological mean square slope and observations from Cox and Munk (1954). It turns out that the mss is sensitive to a number of parameters in the VIERS model, such as the starting wavenumber k3w of the short-wave spectrum and the strength of the three-wave interactions α3. By choosing k3w according to Eq. (41), with friction-velocity-dependent parameter y, and by choosing α3 = 6π, a reasonable agreement with the Cox and Munk (1954) observations was achieved.
It is of great interest to further validate the high-frequency part of the wave spectrum and the related (low pass) mean square slope with the wide range of satellite instruments, including altimeters, scatterometers, radiometers, and reflectometers that are nowadays available (for a summary see, e.g., Hwang and Fan 2018). This work will commence in a systematic manner as soon as the new version of the wave model becomes operational. At present, we can already be optimistic considering the reasonably good agreement between radar backscatter σ0 from Ku-band radar altimeter and the model (Abdalla and Janssen 2019). Also, preliminary work shows good agreement between low-pass mss from solar reflection and the wave model. Note, finally, that in the past wave slopes from the operational ecWAM model have been used with some success in the calibration of the Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radar Altimeter (SIRAL) on board CryoSat 2 and across-track ocean slope measurements (Galin et al. 2013).
5. Toward an operational implementation
We have developed a procedure to obtain the surface stress from the sum of stresses determined by the growth of long gravity waves, short gravity–capillary waves, and viscous effects. In this procedure, the quasi-linear wind input was replaced by the nonlinear wind-input term given by Eq. (23) using the approximation [Eq. (25)]. Now, briefly, some aspects of the operational implementation of the present air–sea interaction procedure are discussed. First, a fast approximate expression for the short-wave spectrum is introduced, and it is shown that the approximation gives accurate results for the drag coefficient and surface stress. In the next step, this approach is implemented in a version of the ecWAM model, and some of the initial results are discussed.
a. Approximate short-wave spectrum
The climatological results for the drag coefficient using the complete wave spectrum versus the inertial subrange spectrum have been compared in detail, and a very good agreement is found. To understand this better, consider as a typical example a wind speed of 15 m s−1. In Fig. 8, a comparison between the wave spectrum based on the full energy balance equation and the inertial subrange spectrum is shown. Noting that the main interest is in an accurate representation of the wave-induced stress, in the right panel the growth rate of waves by wind is shown as well. Evidently, wind input vanishes for large wavenumber (in this case kc is just below 1000), so that the very short waves do not contribute to the wave-induced stress. Realizing this, it is clear that regarding the surface stress, there is very good agreement between inertial subrange spectrum and the complete spectrum.
It is concluded that for operational purposes it is a fair approximation to use the inertial subrange spectrum in the calculation of the wave-induced stress of the gravity–capillary waves. However, for the accuracy of mss, this may be a somewhat different matter because there is no high-wavenumber cutoff for this parameter. As shown in Fig. 7 for low wind speeds (U10 < 20 m s−1), the inertial subrange spectrum gives an accurate mss, but for larger wind speeds, there are differences, although these are believed to be relatively small.
b. Introduction into the ecWAM model
To further test the present approach, we have implemented the new scheme into an older version of the ecWAM model, which is a single gridpoint version of the wave physics introduced by Janssen (1991). This implementation was preceded by reprogramming the software regarding the determination of the high-frequency stress τw,hf and the stress τa in the surface layer. Previously, these quantities were determined using tabulated values of τw,hf and τa at regular values of input parameters such as wind speed, Charnock parameter, etc. Reading from a table in memory is apparently relatively slow these days, and Bidlot (ECMWF 2019) realized that one may as well do the actual calculation on the fly. So we upgraded the single gridpoint version of the ecWAM software to allow for both iteration (for the surface stress) and the explicit calculation of τw,hf and τa and no slowing down of the running of the wave model was found. Having done this upgrade, it was relatively straightforward to introduce the novel framework for calculation of the surface stress, including the actual calculation of the surface roughness connected with the growth of gravity–capillary waves.
The upgraded ecWAM model, which uses the nonlinear input term [Eq. (23)] with the exact renormalization factors [Eq. (24)], has a number of parameters that need to be fixed. For the nonlinear transfer, we are using discrete interaction approximation (DIA) as implemented in ecWAM and have tuned the whitecap dissipation source term of CY45R1 with a dissipation coefficient CDIS = 1.35. The parameters for the wind-input source function are βmax = 1.3, zα = 0.008, while the parameter α was renamed as αB and was determined by the unresolved roughness calculation presented in this paper. Furthermore, the parameters of the numerical semi-implicit scheme were chosen as XIMP = 2 and XDELF = 5. Finally, during numerical experimentation, it became evident that the parameters determining the wind-input term of the short waves and its directional distribution required further specification. The angular distribution factor was chosen as
c. Discussion of results
To study the properties of the new wave modeling system, a number of duration-limited runs were made for wind speeds ranging from 1 to 25 m s−1. The duration of the runs was one day. The discussion of results is started by noting that the introduction of the effects of gravity–capillary waves into the ecWAM model may cause a breakdown of the universality of the usual scaling relations for wave growth, Charnock parameter, etc. Normally, it is possible to obtain universal scaling relations between parameters such as wave variance, peak period, wave age, etc. by scaling the relevant dimensional parameters by means of acceleration of gravity g and the friction velocity
The first interesting parameter to study is the dimensionless wave variance
At the same time, one may wonder whether the discrepancy between modeled and observed Phillips’ parameter can be explained by a small underestimation of the surface stress, which may then give an overestimation of the wave-age parameter, thus shifting the αp–χ relation toward larger values of χ. To check this, Fig. 10 gives a plot of drag coefficient at half the peak wavelength, CD(λp/2), as function of wave age for four different wind speeds, and the numerical results are compared with Hwang’s parameterization [cf. Eq. (22)]. Clearly, simulated drag coefficients are systematically slightly lower than the ones according to Hwang, thus explaining why the simulated Phillips parameter in Fig. 9 is slightly higher compared to the parameterization [Eq. (36)]. However, for wave ages larger than 20, agreement between numerical results and Hwang’s relation is less convincing. At fixed wave age for smaller winds CD(λp/2) is found to be systematically larger than for stronger winds. Near a wave age of 25, the relative difference amounts to about 20%.
The above finding is confirmed by studying the dependence of the Charnock parameter α on the wave-age parameter. This is shown in Fig. 11, where in the left panel numerical results for the Charnock parameter are shown as a function of wave age for different wind speeds. For young wind sea, an approximate scaling behavior is found; however, for old wind sea this is clearly not the case, suggesting a breakdown in universality of the “classical” scaling relations.
For completeness, we have also displayed in the right panel of Fig. 11 the dimensionless background roughness αB as a function of wave age for different wind speeds. In the previous version of the ecWAM model, this parameter was assumed to be a constant, and it is of interest to see to what extent this choice was a valid assumption. Comparing this with Fig. 4, it is clear that there is a good agreement between the wave model calculations of this section and the simple model used in section 4. Obviously, for typical wind speeds on the order of 10 m s−1, the background roughness is fairly constant during the evolution of the sea state, thus for lower winds, the assumption of a constant background roughness seems a valid one, although it should be pointed out that the smaller the wind speed, the larger the background roughness αB. In other words, in low-wind-speed regions, e.g., in the deep tropics, the new system will give rise to a larger surface drag. On the other hand, for strong winds and young wind seas, the background roughness is seen to vanish, resulting in a smoother water surface and at the same time scaling behavior.
d. First results with a coupled atmosphere–ocean wave system
We finally briefly comment on results obtained with a coupled atmosphere (IFS)–ocean wave system using the new formulation of the air–sea interaction approach. The atmospheric component is the IFS (CY47R1), which was run with the Tco 1279 grid (effectively about 9-km resolution) and 137 layers in the vertical. The ocean wave system is ecWAM, which was run with a spatial resolution of (1/8°), about 14 km, while the spectrum had 36 frequencies (on a logarithmic grid) and 36 angular directions. The empirical reduction of the background roughness was switched off. The forecast of 22 March 2019 was chosen because a number of tropical cyclones were present in the forecast. The results that are shown in the next figures are averages over the first 3 days of the forecast using output every hour.
The average drag coefficient at 10-m height as function of the 10-m wind speed is shown in Fig. 12. For relatively low wind speeds, both the old and the new scheme show good agreement with the empirical fit obtained by Edson et al. (2013). For large winds, considerable differences between the old and new scheme are noted. As argued before, these differences are caused by the combination of the explicit modeling of the background roughness length and the nonlinear effects introduced in the wind-input term.
To show that the short-wave model produces realistic spectra, we have plotted mean square slope, integrated over all wavenumbers, as function of the 10-m wind speed in Fig. 13. For comparison purposes, we have shown the measurements of mean square slope of Cox and Munk (1954) as well, and it is clear that there is good agreement between model results and observations. Finally, when we started the development of this new wind–wave interaction scheme, we made a simplifying assumption regarding the relation between average wave age and wind speed so that we could quickly generate results. For this reason, we have shown in the right panel of Fig. 13 the average wave age as function of wind speed, and it is clear that indeed, on average, the sea state is old for low wind speeds, while it is much younger for strong winds. However, the relation Eq. (49) used in the testing of this approach has considerably younger sea state compared to the present coupled system: at U10 = 50 m s−1 the present results have an average wave age of about 5, while Eq. (49) suggests lower values on the order of three. This may explain why for large winds the drag coefficients in the development phase are smaller than the ones found with the present coupled atmosphere–ocean wave system.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we have discussed some new results on the generation of ocean waves by wind and the feedback of growing wind waves on the airflow given a strongly coupled air–water system. First, we have extended the wind-input term, which is based on the Miles (1957) critical-layer theory by including nonlinear effects, which for strong winds give rise to a considerable reduction of the growth of surface gravity waves and of the associated wave-induced stress. This nonlinear effect is in particular important for strong winds, i.e., U10 > 25–30 m s−1 where, together with an explicit representation of the background roughness length, it will give rise to relatively small drag. It is emphasized that for moderate wind speeds the nonlinear effect on the wind input may be neglected.
Second, we have scrutinized the assumption of a constant dimensionless background roughness length. Originally, an explicit calculation of the slowing down of the airflow by surface gravity waves was made while the effect of the gravity–capillary waves was parameterized using a constant dimensionless background roughness length [see Eq. (2)]. But this is a simplifying assumption that needs to be verified. For this reason, we have introduced an explicit calculation of the amount of momentum gravity–capillary waves receive using a model for the gravity–capillary waves that solves the one-dimensional energy balance equation for the short waves (the VIERS model). Again, the wind input is determined by a nonlinear version of the critical-layer theory of Miles (1957). As a consequence, for steep waves, wind input to the short waves is quenched. In practice, this means that when the sea state is nonlinear, the gravity–capillary waves will hardly receive momentum from the wind so that the low-frequency wave-induced stress dominates the stress balance at the surface. Hence, the simple expression for the drag [see Eq. (37)] plays a prominent role in the air–sea interaction problem.
The consequences of this approach have been incorporated in a single gridpoint version of the ecWAM model. By relaxing the accuracy requirement (relative accuracy reduced from 0.001% to 0.1%), the solution of the surface stress balance only requires typically a few iterations, thus making calculations of the surface stress on the fly practically feasible. The results from the new version of the ecWAM model are consistent with the simple model presented in section 3. For example, for large winds, the background roughness is small for young wind waves. As a consequence, it is emphasized that for young wind sea, the classical scaling relations for, for example, wave variance, peak frequency, and Phillips’ parameter still hold, but for old wind sea this is not quite the case, because the background roughness is finite and depends on additional parameters such as the surface tension and viscosity in air and water.
First trials with the Ardhuin et al. (2010) parameterization in the coupled IFS–ecWAM system, which involves both data assimilation and 10-day forecasting over a 30-day period, show that the new air–sea interaction approach produces realistic results. Here, the partial sheltering effect of Ardhuin et al. (2010) has been replaced by the nonlinear wind-input source function, which effectively models sheltering (see, e.g., Hara and Belcher 2002). Validation of forecast tropical cyclones shows that the new approach performs as well as the operational system (Magnusson et al. 2021).
We thank the reviewers for their helpful comments that improved the clarity of the manuscript and resulted in suggestions for future research.
Data availability statement.
Figures 1–11 are a direct graphical representation using output of the wind–wave interaction model developed in this paper. Figures 12 and 13 were produced from results of large-scale simulations produced by an upgrade of ECMWF’s forecasting system with the new wind–wave interaction model in comparison with the operational model version, called control. These updated model data are available at https://doi.org/10.21957/ccsr-7e97, while the results of the control model are available at https://doi.org/10.21957/8ycd-y021.
In the original treatment of Janssen (1991), l = κz and the boundary condition of vanishing wind speed, U0(z = zB) = 0, was specified at z = zB.
Although Eq. (45) is not an explicit expression for the degree of saturation B, since the growth rate of the waves depends through the roughness length and the friction velocity on B. Strictly speaking, an iteration of Eq. (45) is required.
The viscous dimensionless length is defined as the viscous roughness length made dimensionless with the factor
Introducing 3D Effects
a. Basic equations
b. Growth rate in 3D
c. Wave-induced stress in 3D
The principal goal of this section is to determine the wave-induced stress in terms of the vertical velocity profile. Note that in 3D, the wave-induced stress has two components, one along the wind direction and one across. The along and cross components are connected on one hand to wind–wave growth and on the other hand to stretching of the vortex. First, the stress for a single wave is obtained, and then this is followed by an expression for many waves that are characterized by the wave spectrum.
It would be of interest to study the consequences of this set of coupled equations for the evolution of wind waves and surface winds, namely, Eqs. (A27) and (A33). In particular, it would be interesting to study whether, for example, in the case of an asymmetric distribution of surface gravity waves around the wind direction there will be a turning of the wind by the waves and to what extent this matters. So far this has not been done. Instead, in the main part of the paper we will make the assumption that the cross-diffusion coefficient vanishes so that no appreciable cross component of the wind is generated. This is a reasonable assumption, since most of the stress is determined by the short waves that are very quickly in equilibrium with the wind.
d. Nonlinear effects
The coupled equations, in particular the stress balance Eq. (12), show that there is a strong interaction between wind and waves. Clearly, the resulting slowing down of the wind is a nonlinear effect because its impact depends on the angular average of the wave spectrum. Therefore, one would expect that the growth rate of the waves by wind depends on the wave spectrum as well, and as a consequence, there would be deviations from the logarithmic wind profile. Here, a brief, approximate derivation of the sea state dependence on the growth rate is given. A similar result was already obtained in Miles (1965), and it has been utilized in the VIERS model (Janssen et al. 1998; see also Caudal 2002). This relatively simple proof is possible because of the nature of the resonant wave, mean-flow interaction, which allows a direct correspondence between wavenumber space and the vertical through the resonance condition c = U0(zc) cosθ.
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