1. Introduction
The ocean surface boundary layer (OSBL) dictates the short-term heat capacity of the upper ocean and modulates the communication between the atmospheric and oceanic systems (Umlauf and Burchard 2005; Belcher et al. 2012; Li et al. 2019; Fox-Kemper et al. 2021a; Hall and Fox-Kemper 2021, manuscript submitted to Geophys. Res. Lett.). Fluid motions within the OSBL are dominated by small-scale turbulence [from
There are many approaches to approximating turbulence physics in oceanic boundary layers. LES and single-column parameterization models (SC models) traditionally consider turbulence generated by wind stress and buoyancy forcing (recognized here as shear turbulence models, ST). Newer LES and SC models may also include the enhanced turbulence contribution from surface wave forcing, usually called Langmuir turbulence (LT), under the assumption that surface wave forcing can be approximated through the waves’ Stokes drift in the wave-averaged equations (Leibovich 1980; Craik 1982; Holm 1996; McWilliams et al. 1997; Suzuki and Fox-Kemper 2016; D’Asaro et al. 2014; Li et al. 2019). Extensions of these equations to include stochastic waves (Holm and Hu 2021), wave breaking (Sullivan et al. 2007), and phase-dependent turbulence–wave interactions (Teixeira and Belcher 2002; Qiao et al. 2016) illuminate what is missing from the traditional wave-averaged approach. It is common to isolate the upper-ocean response to atmospheric forcing in an SC modeling framework [i.e., one-dimensional (1D) models; Li et al. 2019]. Validating these approaches across the wide range of ocean states and atmosphere forcing conditions or understanding the impact of an SC model on the ocean–atmosphere system is difficult due to the complexities of both the turbulence and the evolution of the OSBL. Attempts to validate modeled OSBL evolution against observations are inhibited by the difficulties in measuring turbulent motions, or confounded by other processes prevalent in the OSBL but missing inherently in the 1D framework, such as horizontal advection, fronts, and other submesoscale structures (e.g., Jaeger et al. 2020; Johnson et al. 2016). In the absence of this observational truth, OSBL SC models are compared with high-resolution LES or DNS simulations that partially resolve or resolve turbulent motions. Such simulations are computationally expensive and, except for a few examples (e.g., Rabe et al. 2015; Large et al. 2019; Pham et al. 2023; Fan et al. 2020; Whitt et al. 2022), are typically run under idealized constant forcing conditions that occupy a narrow region of the vast range of possible ocean states [estimates of regimes covered by steady-state LES are given in Li et al. (2019)]. Despite these many approaches, there is still a limited understanding of how well OSBL SC models work universally, under realistic conditions, or how the choice of an OSBL parameterization influences the simulated weather and climate system.
The variety of theoretical underpinnings that each turbulence parameterization is built on further complicates SC model comparison. For example, consider the common relation of turbulent motions of a variable ϕ to an eddy diffusivity κϕ dependent on a velocity scale and a length scale of the turbulent motion, κϕ = cql, where c is a nondimensional coefficient, q is the turbulent velocity scale, and l is a typical turbulence length scale (Tennekes and Lumley 2018). While this fundamental turbulence concept is utilized by second-moment closure schemes (e.g., Rodi 1987) as well as by k-theory schemes (e.g., Large et al. 1994), each formulation’s definition of length scale and turbulent velocity scale are unique to each parameterization. A unifying framework (the generic length scale; Umlauf and Burchard 2003, 2005) was developed to connect different second-moment closure schemes. Yet, when including a broader class of SC models, key turbulent control parameters in the OSBL, such as Richardson number and turbulent velocity and length scales, are applied in widely different contexts in each specific scheme of turbulence closure. It is possible to treat each SC model as a black box and evaluate how separate SC models run under identical forcing diverge and result in different ocean states. With this method, it can be challenging to interpret diverging ocean states after a long period of time as the turbulent fluxes (and parameterizations) that define the OSBL are nonlinear, path dependent, and exhibit hysteresis. Here, an approach is adopted to 1) understand the local behavior of a nonlinear dynamical system (i.e., numerical model) and 2) localize approximately in time so as to quantify and evaluate the divergence across an ensemble of numerical models.
Specifically, this study presents a framework to compare models of the OSBL by evaluating the local (i.e., finite-time) behavior of the modeled OSBL subject to different turbulence physics. The goal of this work is not to identify the “best” model, but to isolate where in the state and forcing space models disagree in order to evaluate the robustness, or alternatively, the uncertainty, in the parameterized physics. Section 2 presents the mathematical foundation for understanding the modeled OSBL as a nonlinear system of equations. Leveraging dynamical systems theory, the ensemble system is first presented as a linearized one using a Taylor series expansion to highlight the distinct sources of sensitivity in the modeled OSBL system. Focusing on the sensitivity due to parameterization physics alone, a method is proposed to evaluate intermodel uncertainty.
This method is applied to a specific suite of 10 OSBL SC models within the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM; Burchard et al. 1999; Umlauf and Burchard 2005) compared against LES (Pham et al. 2023), and implemented in a case-study using in situ observations of the 2018 monsoon onset collected during the ONR Oceanic Control of Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Tropical Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal (MISO-BOB) campaign (section 3). Results are presented in section 4 and discussed in section 5. It will be shown that the finite-time ensemble method successfully isolates two regimes in the case study where models disagree 1) during wind-driven deepening of the mixed layer (ML) and 2) under strong diurnal forcing.
2. The ocean surface boundary layer system
a. Understanding the OSBL as a dynamical system
For a state
Tunable time-independent parameters, β, that appear on the right-hand side of Eq. (12) can also impact the trajectory of x. For the discretized equations, this includes time-stepping schemes and vertical coordinates. This also includes parameters specific to each closure approach, such as Ri criteria in KPP-based formulations (Large et al. 1994; Van Roekel et al. 2018), or stability parameters in second-moment formulations (Umlauf and Burchard 2003).
The sensitivity of x to perturbations in the state or forcing space depends on the behavior of the OSBL system, which can be evaluated locally and formally through the eigenvalues of the Jacobian [Eq. (13)] and gain matrices [Eq. (14)]. Appendix A explores this local approach for the highly simplified two-equation bulk ML model of Kraus and Turner (1967, hereafter KT67), with results that suggest the KT67 system is stable to small perturbations in state space. While many current SC models are not tractable under the same analytical techniques, it is anticipated that they exhibit the same behavior: that the forced dissipative OSBL can be described by mean variables that evolve continuously and deterministically, and the fast time scales and stochastic, chaotic behavior (especially sensitivity to initial conditions and forcing) that characterize turbulent motions are not characteristic of the later, finite-duration SC model evolution. This is consistent with assumptions in the Reynolds averaged equations where the time scale of turbulence is less than that of the evolving BL (i.e., BL evolution is longer than the large-eddy turnover time scale). BL forcing can be represented as the friction velocity,
b. The ensemble vector approach for intermodel comparison
As highlighted in Eq. (11), sensitivities in numerical simulations of the OSBL are defined by their physics (e.g., choice of parameterizations for unresolved processes), initial conditions, forcing conditions, as well as numerics (e.g., temporal and spatial discretization and resolution) captured in the map
From this, it is helpful to define an SC ensemble difference vector
A more computationally simple and appropriate approach evaluates the finite, nonlinear growth of error in state space between different SC models (i.e., system maps
For intermodel comparison, the EV is obtained by running the model
So far, the discussion of model comparison has been generalized, yet the execution of this method in practice will depend on the nature of the model formulations to be considered (e.g., the chosen base run and SC models and their numerical realization) and the focus of the comparison (e.g., sensitivity). The rest of this manuscript presents an example that compares a suite of ST and LT parameterizations for a case study during the 2018 monsoon onset in the Bay of Bengal. The EV method for intermodel comparison is performed using an LES as the reference base run. SC models run through GOTM (Burchard et al. 1999; Li et al. 2019) are branched from the base run to create the EV as described in section 3. The largest EVs provide a targeted examination of where and why turbulence parameterizations deviate from the LES as explored in section 4 and discussed in section 5.
3. Methodology
a. Data processing
This analysis is motivated by the 2018 MISO-BOB field campaign that captured the upper-ocean response to the onset of the monsoon intraseasonal oscillations (MISO). The details of the ocean response can be found in Shroyer et al. (2021) and are summarized here (Fig. 2). A northward propagating rainband that signaled the onset of the monsoon was associated with strong variable surface forcing (referred to as the active period). During this period, upper-ocean mixing from unsteady winds and surface cooling competed with buoyancy input from strong, yet short-lived precipitation events. Later in the survey, the atmospheric forcing regime shifted to one characterized by low winds and a strong diurnal cycle (referred to as the break period). These two phases typify the oscillating wet and dry patterns that characterize the MISO and therefore provide an opportunity to evaluate the performance of upper-ocean mixing parameterizations to unsteady and variable monsoon forcing.
Surface fluxes of heat, wind speed, and precipitation were collected from the meteorological system on board the R/V Thompson. Surface heat fluxes and wind stresses were calculated using the COARE 3.5 algorithm and filtered in time to smooth out higher frequencies using a Butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency of 1 h. Precipitation was not filtered as to capture significant rainfall events typical of the monsoon. Wave data were not collected during the survey; therefore, an assumption of wind-wave alignment is made. Stokes drift profiles are computed from wind speeds at 10 m (u10) using an empirical wave spectrum assuming equilibrated wind and waves (Donelan et al. 1985) similar to that described in Li and Fox-Kemper (2017). Wind-wave direction is important for LT studies, but in the absence of truth, the assumption here is appropriate for LES-SC model comparison as all LT models use the same Stokes drift profiles.
In situ measurements collected by a fast CTD (Pinkel et al. 2012; Lucas et al. 2016) provided motivation for idealized initial vertical profiles of temperature and salinity constructed using a tanh function (Pham et al. 2023). These surface fluxes, Stokes shear, and initial profiles were used to force a combination of LES and SC model (Table 1).
List of parameterizations used in this study. Three second moment closure (SMC) schemes: k–ε (KEPS), Mellor–Yamada (MY), and Langmuir turbulence (LT). Five KPP schemes: community vertical mixing (CVMIX), Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), entrainment (ENTR), e-factor (EFACTOR), and Reichl (R). Two ePBL schemes for shear and Langmuir turbulence.
b. Large-eddy simulation
Large-eddy simulations solve the three-dimensional grid-filtered nonhydrostatic incompressible Navier–Stokes equations under the Boussinesq approximation. Further details of the LES are in appendix B.
Two LES simulations were performed (Fig. 4): one with Langmuir turbulence (LES-LT)—that is, including the Stokes vortex force, Stokes Coriolis force, and Stokes advection of the wave-averaged Boussinesq equations—and one with shear turbulence only (LES-ST). Both simulations were initialized with observationally motivated salinity and temperature profiles which consist of a 20-m OSBL on top of a 30-m remnant layer. The remnant layer is bounded by the thin layers of elevated N2 at 20- and 50-m depths (Figs. 3a,e). The LES-LT model uses the same Stokes drift as the SC-LT models. Overall, the evolution of the OSBL is qualitatively similar in the two simulations. However, there are important quantitative differences between the two LES simulations due to the effects of Langmuir turbulence, for example, deeper MLs and stronger rates of turbulent mixing in the LT simulation. Detail of the differences can be found in Pham et al. (2023).
c. Single-column models
This study explores the impact of 10 different SC models on the evolution of the upper ocean using a common framework GOTM (Burchard et al. 1999; Umlauf and Burchard 2005) with the extension by Li et al. (2019) to incorporate a set of Langmuir turbulence SC models (SC-LT). Three classes of SC models used here include 1) a set of KPP variants, 2) the energetic planetary boundary layer (ePBL) models, and 3) a set of second-moment closure (SMC) models. Within each class, both ST and LT formulations are included. A comprehensive overview of these parameterizations can be found in Burchard et al. (1999), Umlauf and Burchard (2005), and Li et al. (2019). Note that SC-LT models solve Eqs. (1)–(4) and do not include the Stokes vortex as in the LES. Therefore, the effect of enhanced mixing due to Langmuir turbulence is incorporated implicitly in the turbulent fluxes. The list of parameterizations used in this study and the references are summarized in Table 1.
The simulations were run with a uniform vertical grid spacing of 0.5 m, a time step of 60 s, and initialized with profiles of mean T, S, u, and υ from the LES-ST and LES-LT as described in the next section. A comparison of the simulated ML depth in these SC models and LES is shown in Fig. 4.
d. Implementation
4. Results
Mixed layer evolution
A full analysis of the LES is detailed in Pham et al. (2023) and summarized here (Fig. 3). For the first 24 h after LES initiation, shear builds up in the ML (Fig. 3) as the LES adjusts from the zero-momentum initial condition. By the first inertial period (Ti ≈ 40 h), shear has reached the pycnocline and begins to interact with stratification at the ML base. This study will focus on ML evolution after this initial spinup. The monsoon onset is distinguished by an increase in winds and intermittent precipitation that leads to a competition between shear production {
In both the LES and SC simulations (Fig. 4), the ML deepens during the active period of high winds and cooling, then remains steady with midday shoaling during the break period of strong diurnal warming and reduced winds. The continuous ST and LT SC model runs deviate from the LES-ST and LES-LT, respectively, during mixed layer deepening and persists through the model run, with a spread of ΔH ≈ 20 m for ST and ΔH ≈ 10 m for LT SC models. From this example, it is impossible to isolate how the models perform under a range of forcing regimes as the ocean’s states between models quickly diverge, and then subsequent behavior and sensitivity to forcing accumulates upon this initial divergence. This disagreement in MLs highlights the importance of an alternative approach to intermodel comparison as discussed in section 3c and below.
Different estimates of model error are represented in Fig. 5. The standard deviation (σ) of the full SC model ensemble difference from the LES (Fig. 4) is interpolated onto EV time intervals (Fig. 5a) and compared with the EV and EVSST (Figs. 5b,c, respectively). The full model run variance represents the model divergence over time. Alternately, the EV error highlights particular moments where BL parameterizations disagree with LES and offers an alternative depiction of the conditions in which BL parameterizations break compared to continuous runs. The EVSST is also considered here to bring attention to times when SST, an essential variable for air–sea coupling, is sensitive to model physics. Two hotspots that arise provide case studies for discussion: 1) during ML deepening in the monsoon active phase as variable winds, precipitation squalls, and a damped diurnal cycle create near-inertial shear and boundary layer turbulence that erodes the pycnocline, and 2) during the subsequent break period, as reduced winds and diel warming produce a strong diurnal warm layer. Exploring these two cases provides examples of how model physics influences the trajectory of the mixed layer system.
Case 1 (Fig. 6) exhibits one of the most fundamental problems in mixed layer physics, the deepening of the wind-driven mixed layer (Pollard et al. 1973), and has been a testing ground for SC model validation (Price et al. 1986; Mellor and Yamada 1982; Umlauf and Burchard 2003; Large et al. 1994). During case 1,
The initial monsoon onset is followed by a break period where deep mixed layers respond to strong daytime surface warming: case study 2 (Fig. 7). The wind speed has reduced such that
When averaged over the entire simulation, disagreements in T and S, and therefore ρ, between SC models and LES are largest at the ML base (Figs. 6, 7, and 8a,b). SC models tend to be less dense above the ML and more dense below the ML indicating insufficient entrainment, with implications for stratification across the ML base and the potential energy of the water column (as discussed in section 5). Additionally, SC model velocities disagree with LES near the surface (Figs. 8c,d), suggesting parameterized momentum flux divergences are not consistent with LES. These discrepancies in mean fields are significant for the state and energetics of the OSBL. Implications of these results are explored in the next section.
5. Discussion
A main motivation for the EV analysis is to isolate model disagreement under different forcing conditions and ocean states to identify where parameterized physics can be improved. Using the EV method to identify when SC models disagree isolates two cases: during wind-driven deepening (case 1) and strong diel forcing (case 2). Model disagreements in the context of boundary layer theory and parameterization implementation are discussed here.
During case study 1, different variants of KPP ST formulations set the upper and lower limit of entrained turbulent heat flux during wind-driven deepening. This is consistent with the evolution of model spread in the continuous runs (Fig. 4) and suggests events such as this could kick a model state into a different trajectory over time. In this case, KPP-CVMIX-ST underestimates turbulence throughout the ML, while KPP-ROMS-ST overestimates entrainment flux. The shallow ML in KPP-CVMIX-ST is coincident with subcritical local gradient Ri at the depth of the KPP OSBL even though the bulk Richardson number criteria is met (not shown). It is common to implement a local gradient Ri number mixing criteria in KPP models for internal wave mixing, but this is effective below the OSBL depth and does not alter the results here (in GOTM).
Like many first-order mixing schemes, KPP uses a diagnostic definition for turbulence, which does not consider past turbulence statistics but instead depends on instantaneous mean variables and surface forcing. A KPP turbulence profile can, through the mean equations Eqs. (1) and (2) induce an Ekman spiral and near-inertial shear, yet the translation of near-inertial energy into turbulence can only occur through the mean variables at the top and bottom of the OSBL through the bulk Ri criteria rather than through localized Ri anomalies in three dimensions as LES might. As the bulk OSBL definition in KPP-CVMIX-ST fails to deepen the mixed layer, shear builds at the ML base. This is not the case in KPP-ROMS-ST, which adopts an integral form definition for Ri (McWilliams et al. 2009). In the presence of complicated vertical shear (e.g., during times of strong wind forcing), this definition can result in a deeper OSBL depth than KPP-CVMIX-ST and therefore a different shape of κϕ. In this case study, the KPP-ROMS-ST definition of bulk Ri results in significantly more mixing (as κϕ in KPP is inherently linked to BL depth) than the LES and other parameterizations (e.g., Figs. 4 and 6). Conversely, higher-order turbulence closure schemes tend to have stability parameters tuned to obey local gradient Ri criteria, which may be the reason why SMC-ST and KEPS-ST (and ePBL-ST which is tuned to behave like KEPS-ST) agree more with LES during wind-driven deepening than KPP-based models do. However, in profiles (Figs. 9d,h) the local nature of second-moment closure models can produce spurious extrema.
Langmuir turbulence models are in better agreement with the LES-LT and among other SC-LT models than the shear turbulence models. KPP-based LT models (KPP-R-LT and KPP-ENTR-LT) set the upper and lower limits of the EV spread during ML deepening (Fig. 6), but the EV direction (i.e., order of model spread) is not consistent throughout case study 1. Overall, LT models agree on how to deepen the ML compared to ST models under this forcing (i.e., wind and wave-driven deepening) and state.
The active phase of the monsoon is followed by a break phase, with weak surface winds and a strong diurnal heat flux (case study 2). During this time, SC models underestimate the amplitude of diurnal sea surface temperature (Fig. 7) as a result of greater heat and momentum flux from the surface than LES during the nighttime and morning hours and less heat and momentum flux from the surface during the afternoon and evening transition. This leads to an underestimation of shear and stratification (not shown) in SC models during peak warming. This diurnal cycle of overestimation–underestimation in the turbulent fluxes does not cancel out upon averaging but results in a persistent cold SST bias in SC models compared to LES when averaged over the entire diurnal cycle. This bias is larger in ST models than LT models.
Unlike the wind-driven deepening case, turbulent heat flux profiles within SC models (both ST and LT) agree more among different parameterizations than with LES in the strong diel warming case. Because the LES and SC models use the same light attenuation curves in the temperature tendency equation, this artifact can only result from their representations of turbulence. The agreement among SC models suggests that turbulence parameterizations are built to obey similar scaling laws near the boundary. More work on near-boundary behavior is needed to understand the correct scaling and curvature of κϕ during strong diurnal forcing. This challenge is a prospect for comparison between models and observations as well, as lateral effects are not expected to be important to these near-surface diel processes. The representation of these processes is likely also important for marine heatwaves (Fox-Kemper et al. 2021b).
The shape of the flux divergence determines the conversion of wind power to turbulence kinetic energy through shear and buoyancy production and turbulent transport. Since quantities
The ensemble vector method provides error bounds on SC model evolution that are not available when modeling any single SC model. Cases with large EV errors provide target regions for parameterization and SC model improvement. More recent work uses novel techniques such as machine learning, artificial neural networks, ensemble Kalman filters, and superparameterizations, to constrain parameterization variables to fit LES under an array of forcing conditions (e.g., Liang et al. 2022). A commonality between parameterization fitting efforts and the ensemble error estimates presented here is acknowledging the vast array of forcing and state space that OSBL parameterizations must be able to span to accurately predict upper-ocean evolution.
6. Conclusions
This work outlines an ensemble vector approach for OSBL model comparison that uses an ensemble vector methodology to isolate the nonlinear trajectories of the OSBL subject to different turbulence parameterizations. Within the ensemble vector time scale, each model exhibits initial transience, usually characterized by rapid changes in the state before returning to the state of its own base run. This initial transience hinders the application of alternative dynamical systems approaches that depend on the linearization-based analysis methods (i.e., Lyapunov vectors, singular vectors), as they often dominate the tangent linear system. The relaxation of the trajectories back to their base run as seen in Fig. C1 contrasted with the divergences of trajectories noted in the EV (Fig. 5) implies that trajectories in the OSBL are more sensitive to the choice in turbulence parameterization than to perturbations in state space resulting from initial transience. In terms of the dynamical systems framework outlined in section 2, the state x is more sensitive to different maps
As such, perturbed model states are not expected to diverge exponentially over time as assumed in the Lyapunov vector and bred vector approaches, but to remain diffusive as explored in the KT67 equations. Though the OSBL is a diffusive system that does not appear to exhibit chaotic behavior (i.e., appendixes A and C), the nonlinearity of the turbulence parameterization alters the system’s trajectory so that a model’s state at a given time depends on an accumulation of historical errors. This EV method identifies the nonlinear difference between stable trajectories of various maps subject to specific forcing conditions. The forcing here is key and provides a source of energy for the EV as momentum and buoyancy input at the surface are distributed differently by parameterized flux divergence formulations. The EV method highlights the key forcing when SC models diverge, unlike direct continuous simulations of transient forcing where errors build upon errors and obfuscate the interpretation of ensemble spread (Fig. 4). This work focused specifically on parameterization choice, but the Taylor series expansion in Eq. (12) sets up a framework to design other EV experiments. For example, the EV method could be adapted to explore gain matrices and evaluate sensitivity to surface forcing (e.g., uncertainty caused by reanalysis products, bulk formula or light extinction coefficients). Additionally,
This case study identified windows of forcing where models deviate: 1) during wind-driven deepening and 2) under strong diurnal forcing. The isolated times of maximum EV contrast the ML spread in Fig. 4, which grows in time as model choices during the early monsoon onset are propagated throughout the continuous run. For wind-driven deepening, models disagree on how to redistribute wind power into turbulent buoyancy production, resulting in varied relationships between mean and turbulent energy in the upper ocean. Future work to improve parameterizations could consider energetic criteria to constrain mixing during these times. Under strong diel warming, SC models overestimate turbulence in the early part of the day and underestimate turbulence in the evening, with a net negative SST bias when averaged over an entire cycle. During this cycle, turbulence parameterizations agree more among each other than with LES. This suggests a need for further research on how near-surface turbulent heat flux behaves in SC models, LES, and observations.
This study did not aim to identify the best model, yet it is helpful to relate model behavior here in the context of previous studies. SMC-KEPS-ST and ePBL-ST tend to agree most with LES-ST, while ePBL-LT and KPP-ENTR-LT agree most with LES-LT in this study. These results are fairly consistent with the SC model versus idealized LES comparisons in Li et al. (2019) where ePBL-LT and KPP-ENTR-LT were closest to the LES-LT simulations. The agreement between SMC-KEPS-ST and ePBL-ST is expected since ePBL-ST was designed to mimic SMC-KEPS-ST but under more robust numerical implementation. The two end members of the full ensemble spread in Fig. 4 are KPP-CVMIX-ST (shallowest ML) and KPP-ROMS-ST (deepest ML), again consistent with results of Li et al. (2019). This model spread originates during stage 1 as the different Ri criteria under enhanced shear due to wind-driven deepening result in drastically different OSBL depths. KPP-based models agree more during modest wind and strong diel forcing (stage two, Fig. 7). The sometimes disparate behaviors of different KPP models reinforce the importance of numerical implementation (KPP-CVMIX-ST versus KPP-ROMS-ST in particular, which have identical theoretical foundings but different implementations), in addition to foundational aspects of OSBL theory (e.g., KPP versus SMC. versus ePBL versus LES), on the trajectory of the ML system. Though this study identified two forcing regimes where models disagree, it is anticipated that the direction and magnitude of ensemble spread would shift under different forcing conditions. Therefore, any statement about the “best” model requires an EV analysis across a range of state and forcing spaces, and could be the focus of future work.
In weather forecasting, ensemble methods offer uncertainty bounds not offered by a single deterministic run (e.g., Toth and Kalnay 1997; Molteni et al. 1996). In Fig. 4, the ensemble mean (of the continuous run) is closer to LES than any single model. A rule-of-thumb that ensemble means tend to outperform individual models has long been noted in model ensembles where every model has good reason to be included (e.g., Gleckler et al. 2008), but the rule can be violated with pathological choices of models to include. Therefore, an ensemble mean of several continuous runs may provide a reliable base run along with uncertainty bounds in lieu of more computationally expensive LES. Furthermore, this suggests the potential of intermodel OSBL parameterization ensembles as a robust way to employ SC models.
The influence of turbulence parameterizations impacts upper-ocean predictions during the monsoon intraseasonal oscillation. This work spans one active-break cycle as the onset of the northward propagating monsoon deepened the mixed layer, and the following break period reduced mixing and warmed the upper ocean. The amount of deepening predicted by the models decides the fate of air–sea interaction during the break period and the heat capacity of the upper ocean for the following monsoon period. The OSBL system, though not chaotic, is highly nonlinear and exhibits hysteresis. As such, small differences in state space identified by the EV method capture tendencies for turbulence parameterizations to set different trajectories for the OSBL system. This analysis is meant to highlight these distinctions and lead to better modeling of the OSBL and monsoon intraseasonal oscillation overall.
LJ and BFK were supported by ONR N00014-17-1-2393. HTP and SS are supported by ONR N00014-17-1-2735. BFK received partial support from NSF 2148945. QL was supported by the E3SM project funded by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
Data availability statement.
This manuscript used LES simulations as described in Pham et al. (2023) and can be accessed through https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7250847. The single-column simulations were run through GOTM5 with additional packages to include Langmuir turbulence (Li et al. 2019). Simulation code can be accessed at https://github.com/qingli411/gotm and https://github.com/qingli411/gotmwork. Additional code to calculate the EV can be accessed through https://doi.org/10.26300/c277-dz74.
Example: The Kraus–Turner Model
The phase space for the deepening KT67 system (using dimensional
Large-Eddy Simulation
Large-eddy simulations solve the three-dimensional grid-filtered nonhydrostatic incompressible Navier–Stokes equations under the Boussinesq approximation. The wave-phase averaged equations are solved in LES to include the effects of wave-induced Stokes drift.
Subgrid momentum flux is obtained using the filtered structure function parameterization in Ducros et al. (1996). The subgrid Prandtl and Schmidt numbers are taken to be unity in the computation of subgrid heat and salinity fluxes, respectively. Further details of the numerical methods and the subgrid fluxes of the LES can be found in Pham and Sarkar (2018) and VanDine et al. (2020).
The LES shown here are run on a computational domain in a rectangular box with dimensions of 192 m × 192 m × 147 m in the zonal, meridional, and vertical directions, respectively. The horizontal grid spacing is 0.75 m while the vertical grid spacing is 0.3 m in the top 50 m and is slightly stretched in the region below. The flow is homogeneous in the horizontal directions, to arrive at the same equations as Eqs. (1)–(5) after horizontal averaging, but with turbulent covariances solved for in the full 3D computation. Surface fluxes which include the wind stress, the solar and nonsolar heat fluxes, and the net amount of precipitation minus evaporation as shown in Fig. 2 are applied at the top surface. The transmissive solar heat flux is parameterized using a Jerlov type-I model (Paulson and Simpson 1977). A sponge region is implemented near the bottom surface to maintain constant temperature and salinity gradients in the pycnocline throughout the simulations.
Model Transience and the Ensemble Vector Timescale
The final ensemble vectors (one for SC-ST and a separate one for SC-LT) combine all SC model difference vectors
It is also important to define the ensemble vector time scale ΔtEV, which must be longer than the initial transience of each SC model, yet short enough to capture the full nonlinear response to a narrowly defined ocean state (e.g., the sampling interval of evolving surface forcing, stratification, etc.). A linear EV eigenanalysis is not possible with the GOTM simulations as SC models are not initialized with each model’s full state in GOTM and thus require some adjustment, particularly as higher-order schemes spinup to statistical equilibrium. This transient behavior is evaluated by performing branch runs of each parameterization off of its own base run for a length of 24 h, at 3-h intervals. For example, KPP-CVMIX-ST is initialized with a state from the continuous KPP-CVMIX-ST simulation in Fig. 4c every 3 h (as opposed to KPP-CVMIX-ST being initialized by LES as in case studies above). The L2 norms of the EVs for all branch runs highlight how initial model trajectories do not always follow the trajectory of the continuous run (Fig. C1). In other words, each SC model undergoes initial transience before it equilibrates onto its own stable trajectory (e.g., its own map
Bred vector calculations are traditionally performed in unforced systems with a chaotic divergence of nearby initial conditions and therefore require a breeding method. In this method, growing perturbations over a bred vector interval are rescaled to the initial perturbation repeatedly to find the fastest growing perturbation. The repeated rescaling identifies the direction of the largest error growth of the system and has been shown to correspond to a system’s leading Lyapunov vector which can be constructed directly from the tangent linearization without repeated simulations (Kalnay et al. 2002). The forced nature of an SC model is somewhat incompatible with a breeding method because of the dual dependency on not only x (as in traditional breeding), but also on F. This forcing, and the differential state-dependence sensitivity to forcing, add energy to the breeding cycle that differentiates it from traditional breeding approaches. For a given EV time interval, the growth of SC model error is explored by adding the average SC model error at the end of an ensemble vector time scale to the initial profile and rerunning the simulation under the same forcing. These repeated simulations would not identify the direction of the fastest growing errors of the SC model (like traditional breeding), but instead the direction of the fastest growing errors between SC models under a specific forcing condition. Repeated simulations (10) tested for a 6 h interval during rapid ML deepening shows that the direction of SC model spread does not evolve upon iteration. This suggests that the forced, dissipative SC model systems rapidly settle after transients onto a stable trajectory during the initial ΔtEV interval (Fig. C1), thereby capturing the true direction of model spread under a set of forcing and initial conditions. This is consistent with the behavior of model transience, both supporting that the largest errors between models are a result of the SC model formulation and reduced-restart issues and not a chaotic sensitivity to small perturbations in state space. Thus, the ensemble vector method (no rescaling and restart needed) and the bred vector method (rescaling and restart to identify chaotic divergence) are importantly distinct, while both seek to use finite-time simulations using the actual numerical model system to understand its nonlinear behavior.
The stabilizing tendencies in Fig. C1 also demonstrate how the different models, and therefore the EV approach, integrate statistical noise. The slow degrees of freedom within the system defined by Eq. (16) persist after the collapse of fast, transient eigenmodes. A prognostic higher moment order equation with eight or more equations to constrain turbulence would probably exhibit initially chaotic behavior (though not shown here formally, but implied by divergent transience in second-moment closure models), but as the system reaches statistical equilibrium, the mixed layer system defined by x in Eq. (16) represents a diffusive system captured in Fig. A1. For example, the long-term behavior of k–ε does not improve by including ε into the initial conditions, suggesting its impact on the initial eigenvector (i.e., initial transience) but not the trajectory of the EV over longer time scales. Therefore, it is assumed for this analysis that the transients do not importantly affect the model trajectory and that the reduced state space in Eq. (16) provides a representative subspace of the ocean surface boundary layer system suitable for initialization from restarts, LES “truth,” or SC ensemble means. It is also interesting to note that the time scale of transience depends on the SC model time step, where longer time steps result in longer relaxations—this dependence reflects the fact that many of the initial transients stem from numerical spinup techniques that depend on time step rather than representing physical processes which are agnostic to numerical implementation. For implementation, SC models were branched off of LES every 3 h using a Δt = 60 s, and a 6-h window was chosen as the EV time scale. Choosing a time scale of 4 and 8 h did not significantly alter the interpretation of the results.
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