1. Introduction
A significant challenge in radar-derived quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) is separating precipitation from nonprecipitation (NP) radar returns. NP echoes include electromagnetic interferences (EI) from man-made telecommunication transmitters and sun spikes (SS); ground clutter from anomalous propagation (AP) of the radar beam due to specific atmospheric temperatures and/or moisture gradients (Grecu and Krajewski 2000); biological scatterers (birds, bats, and insects) (Lakshmanan et al. 2010); ground clutter from surface structures, such as towers and buildings (Bachmann and Tracy 2009); and sea clutter (Gray and Larsen 2005). An effective quality control (QC) of radar reflectivity (Z) fields is critical in assuring realistic depiction of storm structure and accurate precipitation estimation from the radar data.
Before polarimetric radar techniques became widely available, heuristic rule–based (e.g., Zhang et al. 2004) and neural network–based [quality control neural network (QCNN)] (e.g., Lakshmanan et al. 2007, 2010) reflectivity QC techniques using Z, radial velocity V, spectrum width συ, and atmospheric environmental data were developed to segregate precipitation and nonprecipitation (P–NP) echoes. These techniques can remove a significant amount of NP returns under various scenarios. However, nocturnal biological echoes (“blooms”) during the peak of bird migration seasons, spring and fall, remained a major issue, especially when they are connected with precipitation echoes. On the other hand, light rain and snow echoes were sometimes removed as a result of the techniques trying to minimize bloom echoes. Manual QC on radar reflectivity field has been practiced at commercial weather companies and in operations such as the National Weather Service River Forecast Centers (http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/ylin/pcpanl/stage4/). However, manual QC is an expensive resource and prohibitive for timely warnings of severe weather and flash floods. An automated approach is still desirable for real-time applications.
The polarimetric upgrade of the U.S. Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) network opened a new era for the radar data applications in many disciplines (Kumjian 2013b). With the upgrade, new variables of differential reflectivity ZDR, differential phase ΦDP and specific differential phase KDP, and correlation coefficient
Lakshmanan et al. (2013) developed a dual-polarization (dp) radar reflectivity quality control using a neural network approach (dpQCNN) to segregate NP from precipitation echoes. With inputs of the six variables (Z, V, συ,
It is commonly recognized that the correlation coefficient
The dpQC is a physically based scheme that applies a set of explicit meteorological principles according to
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a detailed description of the dpQC methodology, and section 3 presents case study results and discussions. Conclusions and remarks are given in section 4.
2. Methodology
Figure 2 shows an overview flowchart of the dpQC algorithm, which consists of seven steps, including 1) a basic
a. The basic filter
It is commonly known that pure rain and pure snow are associated with high ρHV values close to 1 and that NP scatterers generally produce low
Figure 4 shows normalized histograms of
b. Hail and NBF
If a strong reflectivity echo (>45 dBZ) is associated with a
c. The ML
If a real ML is found, then the ML boundaries in a radial are determined by searching for the significant radial gradients of
Figure 6 shows an example of the ML lineation during a winter precipitation event, where a black circle indicates the relatively low
d. The texture filter
e. The spike filter
While most SS and EI echoes are associated with low
f. Vertical gradient and horizontal smoothness checks
The vertical gradient check handles AP ground clutter and clear-air echoes around the radar. Some AP echoes are associated with
Clear-air echoes are sometimes associated with unrealistic high
g. The speckle filter and hole filling
This step performs two tasks: removing clear-air echoes of minor size and filling in small voids in precipitation regions. If the residual echoes of 10 dBZ or higher in the whole volume scan accumulate to less than 10 km2 in size, then the whole volume scan is assigned missing reflectivity. This process effectively cleans up clear-air pixels with biased high
3. Evaluations of dpQC
List of cases used for the development and tuning of dpQC. BI: biological clutter; WF: wind farm; GC: ground clutter.
Testing cases for evaluating the QC algorithm.
The dpQC algorithm has been implemented in the MRMS system (Zhang et al. 2014) to process 146 WSR-88D since 5 December 2012. While computationally efficient, the dpQC scheme has been very effective in removing biological and other NP echoes and retaining light precipitation. Figure 9 shows example CREF mosaic fields from the real-time MRMS system before and after the dpQC. The raw CREF image (Fig. 9a) showed large areas of blooms because it was late night (~0330 local time) during the peak bird migration season (early October). The dpQCNN was able to remove the majority of the blooms, although some blooms connected with the precipitation were left in (red circles in Fig. 9b). Meanwhile a light rain near the KDMX radar (white circle in Fig. 9b) was removed. This may be an indication that the relative weights given to the reflectivity and
The dpQC scheme has been evaluated on a daily basis for over a year in the real-time MRMS system, and its performance was found to be very satisfactory. A few minor issues remain, though. Because of the difference in the maximum ranges of
4. Conclusions
A physically based P–NP echo classifier was developed using polarimetric radar variables and atmospheric environmental data. The algorithm applied a set of explicit meteorological principles that segregate P–NP echoes in the radar reflectivity field based on the correlation coefficient, 3D reflectivity, and temperature structure. The new algorithm was evaluated using 16 independent events and showed a high accuracy (HSS of 0.83) in segregating P–NP echoes. When compared with a more complex QC algorithm that uses all polarimetric variables and a neural network approach, the dpQC showed a similar HSS (0.83 vs 0.80), but with a significantly higher computational efficiency (3.15 vs 17.76s in CPU time usage and 83 vs 199 MB in RAM usage for processing a volume scan of data). Because of its computational efficiency and transparency of the algorithm, the dpQC is easy to implement and to maintain for large radar networks in a real-time environment.
Funding for this research was partially provided under the agreement between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Federal Aviation Administration's Aviation Weather Research Program, and partially provided by NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research under NOAA-University of Oklahoma Cooperative Agreement NA11OAR4320072, U.S. Department of Commerce. The authors thank Dr. Alexander Ryzhkov and Dr. Yadong Wang for their comments. We would also like to express our appreciation to three anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions.
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