1. Introduction
Global data assimilation systems collate data from various observation platforms such as radiosonde, aircraft, and satellites. Satellite-based radiance measurements are essential to improving data assimilation systems. An example is the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A), which has a particularly great observation impact (OI) (e.g., Gelaro et al. 2010; Ota et al. 2013; Hotta et al. 2017; Privé et al. 2021); therefore, incorporating AMSU-A observations is crucial to improving data assimilation systems.
Optimizing a global observing system requires proactive estimation of the contribution, or OI, of any newly added observation type. It would be useful to determine the extent and geographic location of any OI from a particular set of measurements, including AMSU-A observations. For this purpose, many studies have conducted observing system experiments (OSEs). Other recent studies have measured OI using the adjoint-based forecast sensitivity to observations (FSO; Langland and Baker 2004; Gelaro et al. 2010; Privé et al. 2021). FSO mathematically derives the impacts of all observation types by quantifying the extent to which each improves or degrades subsequent forecasts. Recent studies have applied the FSO formulation to the ensemble Kalman filter system in a diagnostic scheme known as EFSO (Kalnay et al. 2012; Ota et al. 2013; Hotta et al. 2017; Kotsuki et al. 2019). As the EFSO scheme has been successfully implemented in the Atmospheric General Circulation Model for the Earth Simulator (AFES)–local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF) ensemble data assimilation system (ALEDAS; Yamazaki et al. 2021), we can assess AMSU-A OI without conducting an OSE. Here, the OI calculated by EFSO is denoted as OIEFSO. Several studies have sought to understand the extent to which (E)FSO methods can quantify OI derived by OSEs. It has usually been reported that (E)FSO performs well in estimating the OI obtained by OSEs in most situations (e.g., Hotta et al. 2017; Lawrence et al. 2019; Privé et al. 2021; Yamazaki et al. 2021). However, the (E)FSO formulation does not directly approximate OI when data denials/additions are repeated in time in an OSE (e.g., Lien et al. 2018).
Previous studies have compared the OIs derived by OSEs and by (E)FSO (e.g., Gelaro and Zhu 2009; Lawrence et al. 2019; Candy et al. 2021; Eyre 2021). Gelaro and Zhu (2009) found that FSO overall provides estimates consistent with OSEs for most observation types; they gave detailed comparisons of the OIs from FSO and OSEs in the sense of global and area-averaged values. On the other hand, Lien et al. (2018) reported that the OI estimated by EFSO cannot correspond to that from OSEs, as OSEs usually include cycling data assimilation experiments, as explained below. They concluded that an OSE with a long period is needed to collect a sufficiently large sample and that (E)FSO represents a practically useful alternative to OSEs. However, to our best knowledge, previous studies have not provided a full physical interpretation of the origins of the differences between OSEs and (E)FSO.
(E)FSO is known to estimate OI by noncycling data denials (Lien et al. 2018; Yamazaki et al. 2021). For noncycling OSEs, each data denial for particular observations is carried out once every analysis cycle. The OI is assessed by the forecast and analysis data from the control (CTL) experiment and the forecast from the OSE analysis. In noncycling OSEs, the OI can be approximated by (E)FSO (section 2b). However, cycling OSEs repeatedly exclude specific observations from each analysis cycle. By cycling data denials, the OSE analysis can depart from the CTL analysis owing to the accumulation of the OI. We call the OI in cycling OSEs the “accumulated OI.” It is not evident whether (E)FSO can estimate the accumulated OI. Practically, it would make sense to consider cycling OSEs when conducting near-stationary observational campaigns (e.g., Yamazaki et al. 2015; Inoue et al. 2015; Sato et al. 2018; Hattori et al. 2017), in which specific observations and/or observation types are repeatedly added or deleted. Feasibility studies by Chen and Kalnay (2019) and Chen and Kalnay (2020) explored how to adopt EFSO for online quality control (called proactive quality control) in cycling data assimilation systems. They reported that EFSO is helpful in improving data assimilation systems even in cycling situations through proactive quality control. Lien et al. (2018) applied EFSO as an alternative to OSEs to design newly added observation types with offline quality control. Those studies did not evaluate the differences in the distributions between accumulated OI by OSEs and OIEFSO. Therefore, we focused on the spatial distributions of AMSU-A OIEFSO and accumulated AMSU-A OI and the physical interpretation of the accumulation of AMSU-A OI during cycling data assimilation. Hence, in this study, we attempted a detailed comparison of the differences between OIEFSO and accumulated OI when cycling OSEs for AMSU-A observations are performed. To interpret the difference physically, the distribution and propagation of OI in the OSEs through the general circulations were also discussed. Physical interpretation can aid exploration of the applicability of (E)FSO.
In addition to the main purpose of this study, we also tested whether an AMSU-A satellite radiance assimilation scheme was successfully implemented in our data assimilation system. We recently restructured an in-house global atmospheric data assimilation system called ALEDAS (Enomoto et al. 2013). The updated system includes an increased model top to resolve the entire stratospheric circulation and the ability to assimilate AMSU-A satellite radiances (Terasaki and Miyoshi 2017). Here we study the feasibility of the latter update (AMSU-A satellite radiance assimilation).1 The updated system implements an AMSU-A assimilation scheme similar to that of Terasaki and Miyoshi (2017), which was initially developed for LETKF-based data assimilation systems (see also Miyoshi and Sato 2007; Miyoshi et al. 2010). Terasaki and Miyoshi (2017)’s scheme involves an observation operator that converts a model vertical profile to brightness temperature using RTTOV2 (version 11.3; Saunders et al. 2013) and online bias corrections of both the airmass and scan biases. We assimilate three channels of the AMSU-A radiances that are sensitive to temperature around the upper troposphere. It is a crucial step for an ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system to assimilate satellite radiance data. Houtekamer and Zhang (2016)’s review noted that there are still few studies of the feasibility of assimilating satellite radiance observations in ensemble Kalman filter–based data assimilation systems. Therefore, our study may constitute a first step to studying the impact of AMSU-A satellite radiance observations on the tropospheric and stratospheric circulations using the same AMSU-A observations and assimilation scheme of Terasaki and Miyoshi (2017).
We conducted AMSU-A OSEs (data-denial experiments) to assess the effects of accumulated AMSU-A OI on the general circulation in a global ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system (ALEDAS). Furthermore, we discussed how EFSO can help estimate the accumulated AMSU-A OI.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the data assimilation system, the definition of accumulated OI, and the experimental designs of the OSEs. Results of the OSEs and the physical interpretation of the difference between OIEFSO and accumulated OI are given in section 3. Section 4 discusses how accumulated AMSU-A OI propagates in the general circulation reproduced in ALEDAS. Finally, conclusions and final remarks are provided in section 5.
2. Data, definition, and experimental designs
a. Development and performance of ALEDAS
We updated ALEDAS to resolve stratospheric circulation and enable assimilation of AMSU-A satellite radiances. ALEDAS is briefly described here. An atmospheric general circulation model called AFES is used for the model part. The horizontal resolution is T119 (∼1° × 1°), and there are 56 vertical levels with the model top of ∼0.1 hPa. The cumulus convection and radiation schemes follow those of Emanuel (1991) and Sekiguchi and Nakajima (2008), respectively. The nonorographic gravity wave drag scheme of Scinocca (2003) is newly implemented (Orr et al. 2010; Baba 2019; Yamazaki and Noguchi 2023, manuscript submitted to Mon. Wea. Rev., hereafter YN23). Detailed AFES information is given by Enomoto et al. (2008, 2013), and Kodama et al. (2019). The ocean boundary condition is given by the daily 1/4° Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (Reynolds et al. 2007). Data assimilation applies to the LETKF with an ensemble size of 63. The localization functions are 400 km horizontally and 0.4lnp vertically. The spatially uniform 10% multiplicative inflation method is adopted. These settings follow those of Enomoto et al. (2013) and Yamazaki et al. (2021). Other observations derived from the PrepBUFR3 datasets include conventional types, aircraft observations, and satellite-derived winds in addition to AMSU-A satellite radiances. ALEDAS is used to generate an experimental atmospheric global ensemble reanalysis (ALERA).
As already noted, there are two main ALEDAS updates. One is in its model part: the vertical resolution has been increased from 48 vertical levels (up to ∼3 hPa) to 56 (up to ∼0.1 hPa). YN23 describe the benefits of this update. The other is in the data assimilation part, and is particularly significant for ALEDAS’s handling of AMSU-A assimilation: the scheme is similar to that of Terasaki and Miyoshi (2017), which implements the following:
the satellite radiance assimilation scheme for the LETKF [initially developed by Miyoshi and Sato (2007) and Miyoshi et al. (2010)] and
online (adaptive) airmass and scan bias corrections (section S1.4 in the online supplemental material).
Terasaki et al. (2019) used this scheme to create multiyear global analysis data. The supplemental material (section S1) summarizes the implementation of the scheme in ALEDAS.
Implementing Terasaki and Miyoshi (2017)’s scheme, ALEDAS assimilates AMSU-A channels 6, 7, and 8, which are sensitive to temperature in the midtroposphere to lower stratosphere (Fig. 4 in Terasaki and Miyoshi 2017); the sensors are onboard polar-orbiting satellites NOAA-15, NOAA-18, and NOAA-19, and MetOp-A (Table S1). We follow Terasaki and Miyoshi’s (2017) choice of assimilated channels and satellites for AMSU-A. Sections 3 and 4 show that AMSU-A is expected to have large areas of beneficial OI over the Southern Hemisphere (SH) oceans. This is due to the strict quality control of the AMSU-A observations, which results in channels 6 and 7 being disregarded over land (see section S1.3), and to there being few conventional observations over oceans. Using the same limited AMSU-A channels as Terasaki and Miyoshi (2017) is the first step to assimilating satellite radiance observations in ALEDAS. Improving the use of satellite radiance observations would require further steady developments of previous methods.
ALEDAS can perform adequately in global atmospheric data assimilation systems, and ALERA is somewhat comparable to recent global reanalysis families (Fujiwara et al. 2017, 2022). Figure 1 shows the root-mean-square difference in the 850- and 250-hPa temperature fields, respectively, of ALERA and JRA-55 (Kobayashi et al. 2015). For comparison, the differences of ERA5 (Hersbach et al. 2020) and NCEP-NCAR (Kalnay et al. 1996) reanalyses against JRA-55 are also shown. ALERA departs from JRA-55 by no more than 2 times the difference between ERA5 and JRA-55 in the upper troposphere and 1.5 times in the lower troposphere, and it has a comparable difference between the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis and JRA-55. ALEDAS and ALERA may also be used as a global reanalysis family, because the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis has been used in enormous studies. The 500-hPa geopotential height fields from ALERA and JRA-55 look almost identical over the extratropics (Figs. 1c,f). Moreover, ALERA reproduces two stratospheric sudden warming events in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere (YN23). Note that similar results were obtained using ERA5 as the reference instead of JRA-55 (see Fig. S4). In light of this, ALERA can faithfully simulate true synoptic–large-scale atmospheric circulations in the troposphere and stratosphere.
b. Definition of accumulated OI
As mentioned in section 1, (E)FSO estimates the OI obtained by noncycling data assimilation. Yamazaki et al. (2021) physically interpreted the OI and the OIEFSO. Here, we define the accumulated OI obtained by cycling data assimilation, which can be compared with OIEFSO.
Similar to Eq. (1), the OI of the OSE is evaluated by considering the difference between the two forecast errors from the analysis with AMSU-A observations (CTL) and from that without (OSE). Due to the accumulation of OI, cycling AMSU-A data denials separate
c. Experimental design
We conducted two OSEs in which the entire AMSU-A observations were excluded from ALEDAS; i.e., ALEDAS generates ALERA or CTL. The OSEs were separated into two streams: one with a data assimilation cycle from 0000 UTC 21 December 2018 to the end of January 2019 (NH-winter experiment) and the other from 0000 UTC 23 August 2019 to 1800 UTC 3 October 2019 (SH-winter experiment), both initialized with ALERA. To verify our results, the CTL and the OSEs were compared using different data periods. Spinup periods of about 10 days after starting each OSE were discarded; the adjusted periods were from 0000 UTC 1 January to 1800 UTC 31 January 2019 for the NH-winter and from 0000 UTC 3 September to 1800 UTC 3 October 2019 for the SH-winter experiments. As a result, the same conclusions were obtained for the adjusted periods. The supplemental material gives further details (Figs. S6–S13 and Tables S3 and S4).
During the two OSEs, the AMSU-A observations were excluded for each data assimilation cycle; thus, these are the cycling OSEs. We try to evaluate accumulated OI by cycling data denials. Any OI localized in limited areas or altitudes can propagate and accumulate during the cycling data assimilation, affecting the general circulation.
3. Results
a. Comparison of AMSU-A accumulated OI and OIEFSO
We assess the effects of the accumulation of AMSU-A OI. Table 1 lists the OI of the OSEs and EFSO averaged over the NH-winter and the SH-winter experiments. In both OSEs, AMSU-A OIEFSO become positive (i.e., beneficial), indicating the successful implementation of Terasaki and Miyoshi (2017)’s AMSU-A assimilation scheme in ALEDAS. Furthermore, IAMSU-A is negative in both experiments, or
Total OI, total OIEFSO of the CTL and the OSEs, AMSU-A OIEFSO, and IAMSU-A for the NH-winter and SH-winter experiments. All values are averaged for each experimental period. The rightmost column shows the correlation between total OI and total OIEFSO. Units are J kg−1 except for correlation coefficients.
The magnitudes (absolute values) of IAMSU-A are greater than those of AMSU-A OIEFSO by factors of 1.2–1.6, possibly due to the effect of the accumulation of AMSU-A OI.
The IAMSU-A and AMSU-A OIEFSO show larger values in the SH-winter experiments than in the NH-winter experiments, suggesting that AMSU-A OI is more significant and/or widespread in Southern Hemisphere winters than summers because of dynamical propagation in the extratropics (as discussed in section 4).
b. Physical interpretation of negative AMSU-A accumulated OI against the positive AMSU-A OIEFSO
We interpret here the reason for IAMSU-A being negative in contrast to the positive beneficial AMSU-A OIEFSO. First considered are the time series of
Last, we consider the effects of the accumulation of AMSU-A OI. Figures 2c and 2f shows time series of the moist-total-energy differences of the analyses between the CTL and the OSEs. The accumulation of OI causes the analyses of the OSEs to depart substantially from the analysis of the CTL. The analyses of these experiments converge on different states after 10–14-day data assimilation cycles of the OSE periods. The differences converged to 7–9 (J kg−1), about 100 times the values of AMSU-A OIEFSO and 2–3 larger than the total OI values (Table 1). As the CTL and OSE forecasts start from different analysis states, the total OIs in the OSEs are larger than that in the CTL, and thus IAMSU-A can be negative against a positive AMSU-A OIEFSO. Interestingly, the disparities between the CTL and OSE analyses have similar values to the OSE analysis ensemble spreads. The analysis ensemble spreads become smaller in the CTL than those in the OSEs.
We consider the reason for the incorporation of AMSU-A observations resulting in a reduction in the total OI or IAMSU-A becoming negative. From Table 1 and Fig. 2, we sketch the effect of the accumulation of AMSU-A OI on a data assimilation system (Fig. 3). The figure shows time sequences of the analysis and background (first guess) fields in the CTL (lines C and C′, respectively) and the OSE (lines O and O′, respectively). Suppose we start cycling data denials at t = t0. Line O will depart from line C, and will reach a different equilibrium state (Figs. 2c,f): the analysis difference between lines O and C overall corresponds to the ensemble spread of the OSE analysis. Comparison of the CTL and the OSE indicates that the total OI in the CTL becomes smaller than that in the OSE (Figs. 2a,d), despite the CTL having more total observations than the OSE. The reason for this result is that the difference between the analysis and the short-range (6–12 h) forecast (i.e., the error) in CTL is smaller than the difference in the OSE (Figs. 2b,e). This further shows that the CTL increment (the difference between lines C′ and C) becomes smaller than the OSE increment (the difference between lines O′ and O). Decreasing the increment in a forecast–analysis cycle brings the short-range forecast closer to its analysis. Therefore, there is less shock in the data assimilation (forecast–analysis) cycle in the CTL, and the addition of AMSU-A observations stabilizes the data assimilation system. We can thus interpret the negative IAMSU-A as being beneficial in a cycling data assimilation system, if we define positive OIEFSO as beneficial [Eq. (1)].
c. Changes of OIEFSO in the AMSU-A OSEs
Figures 4a and 4d show the global averaged values and distributions of AMSU-A OIEFSO and those by the other observation types during the NH-winter and SH-winter experiments. Relative rankings of OIEFSO by observation type show the AMSU-A observations are estimated to have the seventh most beneficial impact among the nine types in both experiments. The AMSU-A OIEFSO distributions in Fig. 5 indicate that the AMSU-A observations have large beneficial impacts in the middle and upper troposphere in the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes. As only channels 6–8 are assimilated, the AMSU-A OIEFSO distributions are confined to the upper troposphere. However, the distributions show that the Southern Hemisphere storm track areas benefit from the AMSU-A observations. Therefore, as storm tracks are important driving forces of the general circulation (Edmon et al. 1980; Thorncroft et al. 1993), the observations may have a generally positive influence. Regarding the other observation types, those with the three largest OIEFSO are satellite winds (SATWND), ocean scatterometer (ASCATW), and in situ land (ADPSFC) in order. OIEFSO overlapping with the large AMSU-A OIEFSO distributions are radiosondes (APDUPA), aircraft (AIRCFT), and satellite winds (SATWND).
We anticipate that the addition of AMSU-A observations will alter the relative contributions of each observation type’s OI to the total OI. Comparison of OIEFSO in the CTL and in the OSEs shows which observation types have their OI reduced by the addition of AMSU-A observations. Here, we distinguish the OIEFSO derived from the CTL as
Figures 4b and 4e show the differences of
Figure 6 shows the distributions of the differences between
It is difficult to explain the tendency of AIRCAR observations to reduce
d. Distributions of AMSU-A accumulated OI and OIEFSO
We now assess the spatial correspondence between beneficial IAMSU-A and AMSU-A OIEFSO. Figure 7 shows latitude–height sections of zonal mean IAMSU-A. We find distinct beneficial IAMSU-A signals in the upper troposphere at Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes in the NH-winter and SH-winter experiments. These beneficial signals largely overlap with those of beneficial AMSU-A OIEFSO in Fig. 5: the amplitudes (absolute values) of the IAMSU-A and AMSU-A OIEFSO signals are overall of the same order. The results indicate that EFSO is helpful in estimating beneficial IAMSU-A distributions. However, the IAMSU-A signals are distributed more broadly than the AMSU-A OIEFSO signals, likely because of the propagation of accumulated AMSU-A OI. Beneficial IAMSU-A is widely distributed in the troposphere and the Southern Hemisphere stratosphere: the accumulation of AMSU-A OI brings beneficial impacts globally. These findings are consistent with Table 1.
Similar to Fig. 7, Fig. 8 compares horizontal distributions of AMSU-A OIEFSO and IAMSU-A. Beneficial AMSU-A OIEFSO is distributed mainly over the southeastern Pacific and the Southern Ocean, and is weakly apparent in the northeastern Pacific (Figs. 8a,c). These areas seem particularly beneficial because conventional observations are sparse, but AMSU-A measurements from polar-orbit satellites are distributed uniformly worldwide. In particular, we find distinct beneficial AMSU-A OIEFSO signals over the southeastern Pacific off the coast of Peru, and Figs. 8b and 8d show the IAMSU-A signals located just downstream of the midlatitude area of peak AMSU-A OIEFSO in both experiments. These horizontal maps again suggest the propagation of accumulated AMSU-A OI in the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes.
In the Southern Hemisphere stratosphere, beneficial IAMSU-A appears in both OSEs despite the estimation that AMSU-A observations do not directly affect these regions (Fig. 5). The stratospheric IAMSU-A is attributed to the effects of the accumulation of AMSU-A OI. Small and broad beneficial IAMSU-A in the NH-winter and SH-winter experiments would stem from the propagation of accumulated OI via radiation processes, as the distribution of beneficial IAMSU-A is independent of the zonal wind fields (Fig. 7). A distinct beneficial IAMSU-A signal appears in the polar Southern Hemisphere stratosphere below 10 hPa in the SH-winter experiment, because this experiment’s AMSU-A OI accumulation is greater than that in the NH-winter experiment (Table 1 and Fig. 2). The stratospheric signal is attributed to the propagation of accumulated AMSU-A OI through dynamical processes. This is explained in section 4.
Finally, we check whether the beneficial IAMSU-A signals actually involve regions where the CTL analysis fields are improved relative those in the OSEs. Figure 9 shows the analysis fields’ root-mean-square difference distributions against JRA-55. This figure shows the difference of root-mean-square difference of the CTL minus the OSE analysis fields in moist total energy (J kg−1): more negative values indicate the CTL analysis fields to be superior to the OSE analysis fields. In both the NH-winter and SH-winter experiments, the improved (negative root-mean-square difference) regions show a good correspondence to the beneficial IAMSU-A signals in Fig. 7. Here, similar results were obtained using ERA5 as for the reference fields (Fig. S5). Therefore, regions of beneficial IAMSU-A involve improving the analysis fields. Regions of beneficial IAMSU-A signals also emerge where AMSU-A observations stabilize the forecast–analysis (i.e., data assimilation) cycles. EFSO can estimate such regions overall if we consider the OI distributions.
e. Relative contributions of AMSU-A OI to kinetic, potential, and moist energy
As OI has been normalized by the moist total energy, we can decompose the OI of AMSU-A OIEFSO or IAMSU-A to the kinetic (eKE), potential (ePE), and moist (eME) energy components [Eqs. (7)–(9)]. To decompose and evaluate the relative contributions of those energy components, we can discuss which variables AMSU-A observations will contribute in ALEDAS.
Table 2 lists the relative contributions of eKE, ePE, and eME to the total OI of CTL (
Contributions (%) of kinetic (eKE), potential (ePE), and moist (eME) energy to the moist total energy (=eKE + ePE + eME) in the global averages of total OI of CTL
Therefore, AMSU-A observations tend to improve the variables related to potential energy (i.e., temperature and surface pressure) among the global (total) observations. However, as the AMSU-A observations have a greater impact on the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes than anywhere else (section 3d), kinetic (i.e., wind) and potential energy of IAMSU-A are transferred interchangeably owing to extratropical geostrophic adjustment through the accumulation (cycling data assimilation) periods, which would be more active during Southern Hemisphere winters.
Figure 10 shows AMSU-A OIEFSO and IAMSU-A distributions decomposed into their eKE, ePE, and eME components. The AMSU-A OIEFSO distributions (Figs. 10a,b) show large eKE and ePE contributions in the middle and upper troposphere in the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes during both experiments. Their eKE and ePE distributions show similar patterns to each other, although the eKE distributions are rather broad toward the tropics. In contrast, the eME distributions of AMSU-A OIEFSO are small and mostly confined to the tropical middle troposphere, far from the major beneficial AMSU-A OIEFSO region in the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes (Figs. 5 and 8a,c).
For the IAMSU-A distributions (Figs. 10c,d), the eKE, ePE, and eME contributions show similar but broader patterns to those of the AMSU-A OIEFSO. As the eKE and ePE of the AMSU-A OIEFSO are largely distributed in the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes, those energy components of beneficial IAMSU-A are distributed in the Southern Hemisphere extratropical stratosphere, possibly because of the propagation of accumulated OI (section 4).
In summary, AMSU-A observations have a relatively large impact on the potential energy of OI, which includes temperature improvements, compared with all the observation types (total observations). This is consistent with the AMSU-A channels used here being sensitive to atmospheric temperature. For accumulated AMSU-A OI, the potential energy and kinetic energy are exchanged with each other in the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes through the cycling OSEs; much potential energy was transferred to kinetic energy during the SH-winter experiment. In contrast, AMSU-A observations contribute less to the moist energy of OI, because this energy is mainly distributed in the tropics, far from the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes.
4. Discussion: Propagation of accumulated OI
Section 3 shows that the accumulation of AMSU-A OI causes IAMSU-A to become generally negative (beneficial), particularly over the upper troposphere of the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes and over the Southern Hemisphere polar stratosphere in the Southern Hemisphere winter (Fig. 7). The distributions of AMSU-A OIEFSO overall overlap with those of beneficial IAMSU-A, but the latter distributions are broader (Figs. 5, 7, 9, and 10). This result is associated with the dynamical propagation of accumulated OI. Consequently, this section contrasts the distributions of the tropospheric AMSU-A OIEFSO and IAMSU-A signals in the upper troposphere. We will discuss the cause of the stratospheric IAMSU-A signal in the SH-winter experiment.
Figure 11 shows horizontal maps of OIEFSO and IAMSU-A at 300 hPa in regions of the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes with notable tropospheric IAMSU-A and AMSU-A OIEFSO signals (Figs. 5, 7, 8, and 9). The AMSU-A OIEFSO distributions indicate the peak beneficial area over the southeastern Pacific off the coast of Peru in both the NH-winter and SH-winter experiments (Figs. 11a,d). The local sparsity of global observations and the Southern Hemisphere midlatitude storm tracks both contribute to the concentration of the AMSU-A OIEFSO signal in the peak area. The former is apparent from Figs. 11b and 11e. These panels show the sum of
In contrast, the beneficial IAMSU-A signals extend just downstream of the beneficial peak area of AMSU-A OIEFSO: from South America via the South Atlantic to the south Indian Ocean in both experiments. As EFSO estimates OI well in the short-range forecast period (Yamazaki et al. 2021), we speculate that AMSU-A OI tends to accumulate downstream via the cycling data assimilation, which includes short-range (6-h) forecast cycles. The beneficial IAMSU-A distributions are concentrated along the westerly jet (Figs. 11c,f), so that the accumulation and upper tropospheric dynamical propagation are related via advection and the movement of Rossby waves along the jet. Such upper-tropospheric dynamical propagation has been found in a cycling OSE (Yamazaki et al. 2015) and in short- to medium-range forecast experiments (e.g., Yamazaki et al. 2021; Sato et al. 2020). The beneficial IAMSU-A distribution in the SH-winter experiment is somewhat broader than that in the NH-winter experiment (Figs. 11c,f). This seems to be associated with the double jet structure in the Southern Hemisphere winter (Fig. 11f). In fact, Fig. 7b shows two peaks in the tropospheric IAMSU-A signal over the latitudinal bands of the tropospheric jet around 30°S and of the stratospheric jet around 60°S.
We next consider the beneficial IAMSU-A signal in the Southern Hemisphere polar stratosphere in the SH-winter experiment. In terms of the general circulation, the distinct beneficial IAMSU-A signal mostly appears at the dominant upward Eliassen–Palm flux region from the upper troposphere to the stratosphere (McIntyre 1982; Andrews et al. 1987). During the SH-winter experiment, a stratospheric sudden warming occurred in the Southern Hemisphere around 7 September (e.g., Noguchi et al. 2020; Lim et al. 2021). During the warming event, the Eliassen–Palm fluxes became poleward (YN23), which may be associated with the stratospheric IAMSU-A signal over the Southern Hemisphere polar region.
Figure 12 shows time–height sections of the area-averaged IAMSU-A over the Southern Hemisphere polar cap area (60°–90°S) at 300 hPa (upper troposphere) to 30 hPa (middle stratosphere). A peak beneficial IAMSU-A signal occurs in the upper troposphere (300 hPa) on 1–5 September. This tropospheric peak signal (1–5 September) propagates upward to the stratosphere (6–10 September). Figures 13a and 13b show longitude–height cross sections for 1–5 and 6–10 September. The tropospheric beneficial IAMSU-A signal around 90°W extends toward the stratosphere during 1–10 September. The geopotential height field tilted westward during this period, causing planetary waves to propagate higher. On 1–5 September, a blocking anticyclone formed around 90°W in the upper troposphere (Fig. 13A), demonstrating that this blocking was the source of the propagation of the tropical OI signal toward the stratosphere. The above dynamical processes thus contribute to both the tropospheric and stratospheric IAMSU-A signals in Fig. 7b.
In addition to the upward propagation (Fig. 12), there is a beneficial IAMSU-A signal in the stratosphere (above 100 hPa) with an equivalent barotropic structure on 21–25 September. The longitude–height cross section of that stratospheric signal on 21–25 September (Fig. 13c) shows the beneficial IAMSU-A signal in the stratosphere at about 60°W, which is also equivalent to the barotropic structure from 30 to 100 hPa. During 21–25 September, the geopotential height field also has an equivalent barotropic or slightly eastward-tilted structure, as is often seen during stratospheric sudden warming, with planetary waves from the troposphere being absorbed or reflected (Kodera et al. 2008; Mukougawa et al. 2017). On 26–30 September (Fig. 13d), the stratospheric signal seems to propagate slightly lower, around 100 hPa, and eastward (downstream) around 120°E. With the stratospheric sudden warming, the stratospheric OI signal appears to build up and intensify in the stratosphere. It may even transmit to some degree downward toward the upper troposphere. The above stratospheric interior processes contribute to at least the stratospheric signal in Fig. 7b.
In summary, beneficial AMSU-A OIEFSO signals appear in regions of low observation density and active storm tracks in the SH, whereas beneficial IAMSU-A signals tend to accumulate in regions dynamically downstream of the beneficial OIEFSO regions. In the SH-winter experiment, AMSU-A OI was input originally in the upper troposphere, propagated along the upper tropospheric westerly jet, and was amplified by troposphere–stratosphere coupling processes, possibly due to both blocking and a stratospheric sudden warming, which could contribute to the large accumulated AMSU-A OI in the Southern Hemisphere winter hemisphere. The findings in this section provide evidence that (E)FSO can effectively evaluate the distribution of accumulated OI by considering dynamical propagation.
5. Conclusions
Using the updated AFES-LETKF data assimilation system (ALEDAS), we evaluate accumulated AMSU-A OI in cycling (repeating) OSEs. The updated ALEDAS implements the AMSU-A satellite radiance assimilation scheme initially developed by Terasaki and Miyoshi (2017). In the cycling situation a subset of observations or a particular observation type is continually denied or added, as commonly occurs during an observation campaign that continues for a certain period or incorporates a new type of satellite observation. We used the ensemble-based forecast sensitivity to observations (EFSO) technique to estimate the accumulated OI. The accumulated OI due to AMSU-A and the OI estimated by EFSO (OIEFSO) were compared through AMSU-A observing system (data denial) experiments.
First, we assessed the reproducibility of ALEDAS, finding that it enables realistic reproduction of tropospheric circulations comparable to the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis in recent global reanalysis families. Second, we defined accumulated OI slightly differently from previous studies. Our definition is based on total OI by all the observations of each data assimilation cycle. The accumulated OI of AMSU-A is defined as the difference in total OI with (CTL) and without (OSE) AMSU-A observations. Last, two cycling AMSU-A OSEs were performed for a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere winter to assess the accumulated AMSU-A OI. We then tested whether the accumulated OI can be estimated by OIEFSO.
AMSU-A OI had negative values that were almost of the same order as the positive (i.e., beneficial) values of AMSU-A OIEFSO; the accumulation effects caused the total OI in the CTL to become smaller than that in the OSEs. This reduction that resulted from including AMSU-A observations was explained by the CTL’s short-range forecast errors being lower than those of the OSEs. The OSE analysis states diverged from the CTL analysis states and converged to their equilibrium states within about 2 weeks; the order of their differences was nearly identical to the spread of the OSE analysis ensemble. The results also indicate that AMSU-A assimilation stabilized ALEDAS via the accumulation of AMSU-A OI. Comparisons of OIEFSO in the CTL and the OSEs show that AMSU-A OIEFSO primarily supports OIEFSO by other observation types that directly measure the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes and/or near the upper troposphere in the global observing system.
The negative accumulated OI of AMSU-A was greatest in the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes in both the NH-winter and SH-winter experiments, particularly in the upper troposphere where westerly jets or active storm tracks were present and observations other than AMSU-A were scarce. In the same region, the CTL analysis fields were closer to JRA-55 than the OSE fields; again, the negative accumulated OI was beneficial. The estimated AMSU-A OIEFSO showed its most beneficial peak in the same region, implying that EFSO is helpful in estimating the distributions of beneficial accumulated OI. Beneficial accumulated AMSU-A OI had broader distributions, and thus larger absolute values (amplitudes), than AMSU-A OIEFSO, possibly due to the accumulation during the cycling data assimilation. We then discussed the horizontal distribution and time evolution of the accumulated OI. In the upper troposphere of Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes, AMSU-A OI tended to accumulate downstream of the southeastern Pacific area where the OIEFSO peak signals were estimated. Accumulated AMSU-A OI had a second beneficial peak in the Southern Hemisphere polar stratosphere during the SH-winter experiment. The stratospheric peak might be attributable to the upward planetary wave propagation of a beneficial OI signal that originated from blocking in the upper troposphere during the cycling data assimilation. A stratospheric sudden warming event in the Southern Hemisphere may have contributed a stratospheric beneficial OI signal with an equivalent barotropic structure in the mid- to lower stratosphere. Therefore, stratosphere–troposphere coupling processes could contribute to amplifying the accumulation of AMSU-A OI in the Southern Hemisphere winter. In conclusion, if we consider the dynamical propagation of OI through the cycling data assimilation, both the beneficial OI peaks are connected to dynamical propagation, and EFSO can help estimate the distributions of beneficial accumulated AMSU-A OI.
Considering the development of data assimilation systems, the results obtained here indicate that Terasaki and Miyoshi’s (2017) scheme of assimilating AMSU-A satellite radiance data has been successfully implemented in ALEDAS, a global ensemble Kalman filter–based system. This development is significant for ALEDAS, as it previously could assimilate only conventional, aircraft, and satellite-wind observations.
As discussed in several previous studies, designing actual observing systems requires assessment of the differences between (E)FSO estimations and OSE outputs (e.g., Gelaro and Zhu 2009; Lawrence et al. 2019; Candy et al. 2021; Eyre 2021). As ALEDAS can moderately reproduce the actual general circulation, the results obtained here could be helpful in the above research streams. This study found that EFSO is useful for estimating distributions of the analysis improvement due to the accumulated effects of AMSU-A OI (section 3d). In the next step, we will investigate whether EFSO is useful for estimating the impact of accumulated AMSU-A OI on the forecast fields.
Assimilating AMSU-A satellite radiances is an essential part for our OSE studies that have been done using the previous ALEDAS. The latest ALEDAS is anticipated to outperform the previous one by successfully assimilating AMSU-A observations. Furthermore, the current ALEDAS could be used to assimilate satellite radiance observations that observation campaigns might specifically obtain. Further updates to ALEDAS to make it more useful include using Terasaki and Miyoshi (2017)’s scheme to assimilate more AMSU-A channels that are sensitive to the stratosphere (Miyoshi and Sato 2007; Miyoshi et al. 2010) and incorporating other satellite radiance observations. Exchanging several model schemes that have recently been successfully implemented into AFES (e.g., Baba 2020; Baba and Ogata 2022) could also further improve the performance of ALEDAS.
Regarding a benefit of the former update, we report elsewhere that the data assimilation system can efficiently reproduce stratospheric sudden warming events (YN23).
The abbreviation of Radiative Transfer for Television and Infrared Observation Satellite (TIROS) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS).
The abbreviation of “Prepared” Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data.
We appreciate the constructive comments of two anonymous reviewers. The Earth Simulator at JAMSTEC was used for ALEDAS and to create ALERA. Dr. Yuya Baba has implemented the non-orographic gravity wave drag scheme in AFES (Baba 2019). This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (20H01976, 18K13617, and 19H05702) and the Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II (ArCS II).
Data availability statement.
Datasets of the analysis and background ensemble mean and spread fields of ALERA are available from https://www.jamstec.go.jp/esc/fes/dods/alera3/plev. NCEP PrepBUFR and AMSU-A brightness temperature data are also available online (https://doi.org/10.5065/Z83F-N512 and https://doi.org/10.5065/DWYZ-Q852).
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