1. Introduction
Due to the initial errors, model errors, and boundary errors, and the chaotic properties of the atmosphere, NWP models inevitably contain uncertainties (e.g., Lorenz 1963; Zhang et al. 2006). Ensemble forecasting is a useful stochastic dynamic forecasting method to address the forecast uncertainties within single deterministic forecasts, and can provide useful probabilistic distributions (e.g., Tracton and Kalnay 1993; Hopson 2014). As computer power has increased, convection-permitting ensemble prediction systems (CPEPS), with horizontal grid spacings of 2–4 km, have developed rapidly over the last decade. Many meteorological centers have developed operational CPEPSs, such as COSMO-DE-EPS with a horizontal grid spacing of 2.8 km (e.g., Harnisch and Keil 2015), MOGREPS-U.K. with a horizontal grid spacing of 2.2 km (e.g., Golding et al. 2014; Hagelin et al. 2017), and AROME-EPS with a horizontal grid spacing of 2.5 km (e.g., Bouttier et al. 2012) .
Successful CPEPSs should sample errors of different types (e.g., Romine et al. 2014), including initial errors derived from imperfect data assimilation systems and observations, and model errors caused by the uncertainties in physical processes (e.g., Berner et al. 2011). Besides these two error sources, boundary errors must be considered due to the limited-area nature of most CPEPSs (e.g., Saito et al. 2012; Harnisch and Keil 2015), and topographic errors should also be included because the transformation of real topography to model topography is connected with the model resolution, topographic interpolation, and smoothing schemes in numerical models (e.g., Li et al. 2017, 2021). Therefore, how to construct reasonable perturbation methods to describe these error sources in CPEPSs remains a crucial but open issue (e.g., Vié et al. 2011; Johnson and Wang 2016).
Recent studies have used various perturbation methods to construct CPEPSs (e.g., Frogner et al. 2019). Initial perturbations are commonly produced by either dynamical downscaling from global or regional EPSs with large–scale initial perturbations (e.g., Peralta et al. 2012; Kühnlein et al. 2014; Mori et al. 2021), or applying multiscale initial perturbation approaches such as ensemble transform methods (e.g., Fujita et al. 2007; Bishop et al. 2009), ensemble data assimilation methods (e.g., Yussouf et al. 2013; Harnisch and Keil 2015), shifting initialization methods (e.g., Walser et al. 2004), random perturbation methods from the background error covariance (e.g., Torn et al. 2006), and ensemble Jk blending method (e.g., Keresturi et al. 2019). There are many model perturbation methods that sample model errors by employing stochastic perturbations (e.g., Bouttier et al. 2012; Wastl et al. 2019a; Lupo et al. 2020), multiphysics (e.g., Gebhardt et al. 2011), perturbed parameters (e.g., Xu et al. 2020; Fleury et al. 2022), multimodel (e.g., Clark et al. 2011), and hybrid stochastic perturbations (e.g., Wastl et al. 2019b) methods. Moreover, the lateral boundary perturbations are commonly generated from the coarse-resolved global/regional EPSs (e.g., Kunii 2014).
The effects of perturbations of different types on ensemble forecasting are distinct in many aspects, such as forecast lead times, cases under different synoptic forcings, and atmospheric variables. For forecast lead times, many studies have shown that initial perturbations dominate the perturbation development over the first 12 h or longer, and the dominated time depends on the domain size (e.g., Schwartz et al. 2020), whereas lateral boundary perturbations play more important roles at longer ranges, and the effects of lateral boundary conditions should be a function of domain size and error propagation speed (e.g., Peralta et al. 2012). In addition, model perturbations have the most pronounced effects in periods of convective activity (e.g., Kühnlein et al. 2014; Frogner et al. 2019; Wastl et al. 2019a, 2021). For cases under different synoptic forcings, Keil et al. (2014) and Zhang (2021a) suggested that model perturbations improve forecast skill for heavy precipitation under weak forcing conditions, as compared to initial perturbations. Conversely, Surcel et al. (2017) found no close relationship between the impacts of model perturbations and cases under different synoptic forcings. For atmospheric variables, Fujita et al. (2007) indicated that the effects of model perturbations on low-level dewpoint and temperature variables are larger than on wind variables. Nonetheless, previous studies have ignored the forecast uncertainties derived from the orography, or considered the topographic perturbations in the CPEPS. What are the changes when adding topographic perturbations to the initial and lateral boundary perturbations and model perturbations? The above questions require further examinations based on several cases.
Many EPSs apply a combination of multiple perturbations, and some studies suggest that the ensemble spread obtained from multisource perturbations is larger than that generated from only one or two perturbation methods (e.g., Romine et al. 2014; Surcel et al. 2017), and ensemble system with initial and lateral boundary perturbations and model perturbations performs best (e.g., Yang et al. 2023). Conversely, Baker et al. (2014) and Zhang (2021b) suggested that combining model perturbations with initial or lateral boundary perturbations can reduce the ensemble spread of precipitation, and such reduction of ensemble spread may improve forecast skills when initial perturbations lead to overdispersion. Li et al. (2017) concluded that combined perturbations make little contribution to the spatial distribution of ensemble spread. Despite these previous studies, it still remains inconclusive whether combining several kinds of perturbation methods leads to the best forecasting skill? The optimal combinations of perturbation methods also need to be determined.
Additionally, one property of perturbation experiments like those we have performed here is chaos seeding, which is an unrealistic phenomenon where any perturbations made to model prognostic variables may rapidly seed the entire modeling domain. The tiny perturbations (which are unavoidable) are due to model spatial discretization schemes and can grow very rapidly through nonlinear processes and upscale wherever moist physics are active. Some studies have noticed the phenomenon of chaos seeding and found that the areas far from the source of perturbations are also contaminated (e.g., Hohenegger and Schär 2007; Leoncini et al. 2010), However, they attributed the fast diffusion of perturbations to known physical processes, such as gravity, acoustic, and lamb waves, and also ignored the effects of chaos seeding. The only two studies to focus on the impacts of chaos seeding were Hodyss and Majumdar (2007) and Ancell et al. (2018) to our knowledge. Despite the above studies, the chaos seeding has barely been documented in the previous studies of the effects of perturbations of multiple types on ensemble forecasting and brought to the attention of those who are guided by results from such experiments to the best of our knowledge. Since the phenomenon of chaos seeding is unavoidable (and particularly since our experiments focus on precipitation) and may cause misinterpretations of the prescribed perturbations, it is necessary to run a benchmark experiment to compare their effects to those of the intended perturbations to which we ascribe the causes of the results. We hope that this study can help operational and academic communities take into account the chaos seeding when conducting perturbation experiments and have a correct understanding of perturbation results.
In the above context, we compare the effects of chaos seeding to the other-source perturbations. This will then reveal if the perturbation techniques we originally have assessed can explain the differences in results or if chaos seeding prevents that conclusion. And this paper also investigates the effects of multiple perturbations, including model perturbations and topographic perturbations, on both dynamical variables and precipitation for 14 heavy rainfall cases by applying the experimental China Meteorological Administration–Convection Permitting Ensemble Prediction System (CMA–CPEPS). Special attention is paid to southern China, where the occurrence frequency of heavy rainfall is high and the predictability of precipitation is very low because of the influence of complex multiscale weather systems (e.g., Zheng et al. 2016; Luo et al. 2017). It is hoped that this study will be informative for constructing CPEPSs and thereby improving the skill of convective weather forecasting.
This paper is divided into six sections. Section 2 describes the configuration of CMA–CPEPS, experimental design, and analysis methods. The roles of chaos seeding in precipitation forecasts, including their spatial structure and magnitude of ensemble spreads, along with probabilistic forecasts, are given in section 3. Section 4 describes the roles of chaos seeding in dynamical variables. Section 5 gives the roles of multiple perturbations, including model and topographic perturbations, in precipitation and dynamical variables. Section 6 provides a conclusion and some further discussion.
2. Model and methods
a. CMA–CPEPS configuration
Currently in its experimental/non–operational phase of development, CMA–CPEPS relies on the CMA’s Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System (GRAPES) (e.g., Chen et al. 2008, 2020). The GRAPES system adopts a semi-implicit and semi-Lagrangian scheme for time integration, a fully compressible dynamical core with nonhydrostatic approximations, and a terrain-following coordinate (e.g., Wang et al. 2021a). Table 1 gives the model physics schemes. CMA–CPEPS has a horizontal grid spacing of 3-km, 51 vertical model levels, and consists of 15 ensemble members. The control forecast of CMA–CPEPS is derived from dynamical downscaling of the control forecast of T639 global ensemble prediction system (T639-GEPS) (e.g., Guan and Chen 2008), with no initial and lateral boundary perturbations, model perturbations, or topographic perturbations. The initial and lateral boundary fields of perturbed ensemble members also originate from dynamical downscaling of perturbed members of T639-GEPS. The model uncertainty is generated by applying the stochastically perturbed parameterization tendencies (SPPT) scheme (e.g., Bouttier et al. 2012). The formula of SPPT is the same as Li et al. (2008) and Xu et al. (2020), and more details including settings of specific tuning parameters are based on previous works (e.g., Xu et al. 2020, 2022), which are displayed in Table 2. Furthermore, the data assimilation method implements a cloud analysis scheme, which applies multiple radar, satellite, and sounding data to diagnose the cloud water and precipitation particle, and then uses nudging method to achieve the initialization of cloud information to obtain more precise initial conditions (e.g., Zhu et al. 2017). Note that each ensemble member applies a cloud analysis scheme, and this makes the initial condition spread of clouds small because all members are being pushed toward the same values. The forecast is run for 36 h with a model integration step of 30 s.
The model physics schemes.
Stochastic perturbation parameter settings for SPPT scheme.
b. Experimental design
To evaluate the roles of chaos seeding and perturbations of different types in convection-permitting ensemble forecasting, we designed six comparison experiments, including the four fundamental experiments and two combined experiments. One of the four fundamental experiments is the chaos seeding experiment, which is regarded as a benchmark (we call it “chaos” for simplicity). The other three fundamental experiments are denoted as Mp, Gp, and IBp for simplicity, representing model perturbations, topographic perturbations, and the combination of initial and lateral boundary perturbations, respectively. In the Mp and Gp experiments, all ensemble members use identical initial and lateral boundary conditions, which come from dynamical downscaling of the control forecast of T639-GEPS. In the chaos seeding experiments, we run an ensemble where small, local Gaussian-distributed initial condition perturbations with a maximum magnitude of 0.01 m3 m−3 are made to the skin soil moisture in a region we are nearly certain should not dynamically affecting our results [in the far downstream corner of the domain (23°N, 120.5°E) denoted as the red dot in Fig. 2], and the ensemble members do not have lateral boundary, model, or topographic perturbations. Figure 2 shows the perturbations of the skin soil moisture between ensemble member 1 and control forecast. These small and local perturbations propagate into the whole analysis domains within an hour. As illustrated in Ancell et al. (2018), the small and speedy perturbations result from the numerical solution of partial differential equations, which are unavoidable. For the fifth-order finite-difference solutions of the CMA–CPEPS models, the seeding speed is about 5Δx (15 km) per time step (30 s) (equal to 1800 km h−1), which is faster than any realistic processes. Additionally, the locations of large perturbations coincide with the large precipitation centers, indicating that the perturbations grow very rapidly wherever moist physics are active. Overall, the chaos seeding experiments provide a baseline no matter what perturbations were introduced and test whether the findings from our intended perturbations are robust.
Based on the IBp experiments, two additional combined experiments were designed as follows: IBp+Mp and IBp+Mp+Gp, in which the combination of initial and lateral boundary perturbations with model perturbations, and the combination of initial and lateral boundary perturbations with model perturbations and topographic perturbations were included, respectively. We should point out that we did not differentiate between the impacts from initial perturbations with those from lateral boundary perturbations; rather, we combined these perturbations together. This is mainly because the topographic perturbations result from the initial and lateral boundary conditions interpolated to different topographic heights, so merely combining the topographic perturbations with the initial perturbations or lateral boundary perturbations alone may result in dynamical inconsistencies between the initial and lateral boundary fields for the perturbed members. Furthermore, owing to the indispensable effects of initial and lateral boundary perturbations in the CPEPS design (e.g., Schwartz et al. 2015; Zhang 2019), all combined perturbations have initial and boundary condition perturbations. Adding model perturbations to initial and lateral boundary perturbations can reveal the roles of model perturbations, and adding topographic perturbations to the combination of initial and lateral boundary perturbations and model perturbations can further display the associated effects of topographic perturbations. The setup of six comparison experiments is summarized in Table 3.
The setup of six comparison experiments.
A total of 14 heavy rainfall events expanding from March to June 2019 over southern China were chosen, including the 23 March; 3, 11, 14, 18, 20, and 26 April; 5, 20, 22, 24, 26, and 28 May; and 6 June cases. These events were initialized at 0000 UTC and ran out to a 36-h lead time. All of the comparison experiments and the following verifications are based on these 14 events.
c. Analysis methods
For illustrating the roles of chaos seeding and perturbations of different types in ensemble forecasting, we conducted verifications in terms of precipitation and dynamical variables, including ensemble spreads and probabilistic forecasts.
1) Ensemble spreads for precipitation
2) Probabilistic forecasts for precipitation
The binary contingency table.
Elements of Table 4. Variables q and p denote the precipitation thresholds and probabilistic forecast thresholds, and O(i) denotes observed values at i grid point.
The reliability diagrams are calculated by first placing the NEP values into the proper bins spanning 0%–6.6667% (6.6667% = 1/N, N denotes the number of ensemble members), 6.6667%–13.3333%, …, 93.3333%–100%. Then, we compute the ratio of the grid point numbers in which observations occur in its corresponding bins to the grid point numbers in which NEP values occur in the proper bins.
3) Ensemble spreads and probabilistic forecasts for dynamical variables
The consistency, which is defined as the ratio of ensemble spread to the RMSE of the ensemble mean (e.g., Wang et al. 2018), and continuous ranked probability score (CRPS; Hersbach 2000) of the probabilistic forecasts are used to verify how EPSs perform for dynamical variables. The consistency is a score for measuring the spread–skill relationship, with a perfect value being 1 (e.g., Wang et al. 2018). The CRPS is applied to calculate the absolute error between the forecast probability and observed frequency. A smaller CRPS score contributes to a better probabilistic forecast skill.
The CMA Multi-source Merged Precipitation Analysis System (CMPAS-V2.1) with a resolution of 5 km (https://data.cma.cn/) (e.g., Pan et al. 2015) is applied for evaluating the precipitation forecasts, and we interpolate the observations to the same model grids by applying the bilinear interpolation. And the CMA gridded analysis, which is derived from the interpolation of the control forecast of T639-GEPS to the 3-km grid, is applied for assessing the dynamical variables. Here, we should mention that as the interpolation from the coarse-resolution models does not add more details, the resolution of the analysis is much coarser than 3-km forecasts.
In addition, we employ a bootstrap resampling method with 1000 replicates to the verification metrics to verify whether the forecast differences between two experiments are statistically significant (e.g., Hamill 1999; Wolff et al. 2014). The significance level is determined as the percentile where the bootstrapped distribution of differences crosses zero (e.g., Griffin et al. 2020). The precipitation scores aggregated over all 3-h forecasts during 0–12-, 12–24-, and 24–36-h forecasts for each case are regarded as one sample, and we totally have 14 samples (cases). Based on the 14 samples, the significance level of the differences of precipitation scores between different experiments can be given.
3. The roles of chaos seeding in precipitation
a. Ensemble spreads
1) spatial structure of ensemble spreads
Figure 3 gives the spatiotemporal evolution of the ensemble spreads of precipitation in the four fundamental experiments. In the chaos seeding experiment, the small initial perturbations of the skin soil moisture propagate into each prognostic variable, leading to some ensemble spreads of precipitation. Additionally, the perturbations develop during the 0–24-h forecast hours in the four fundamental experiments, with the maximum ensemble spreads distributed at the same areas. However, the ensemble spread magnitudes of IBp are obviously larger than those of chaos seeding, Mp, and Gp experiments during the entire forecast hours. Figure 4 further shows the horizontal distribution of ensemble spreads at meso-α (greater than 200 km) and meso-β (20–200 km) scales to reveal the scale characteristics of the four fundamental experiments. The results clearly show that the initial and lateral boundary perturbations (Figs. 4b1,b2), model perturbations (Figs. 4c1,c2), and topographic perturbations (Figs. 4d1,d2) grow in the presence of moist convection, and the perturbation magnitudes of meso-β scales (Figs. 4b2–d2) are larger than those of meso-α scales (Figs. 4b1–d1), which agree with Zhang (2019). Additionally, the perturbations derived from chaos seeding also develop when moist convection is active (Figs. 4a1,a2) and thereby form the similar structures of ensemble spreads as other-source perturbations.
Based on the horizontal distributions of ensemble spreads, Fig. 5 gives the absolute correlation coefficients of the ensemble spreads between the chaos seeding experiments and IBp, Mp, and Gp experiments. The results show that the absolute correlation coefficients have a maximum value of 0.88 between chaos seeding and Gp experiments at 21-h forecast lead time, and a minimum value of 0.455 between chaos seeding and IBp experiments at 36-h forecast lead time. That is to say, the chaos seeding experiments can yield similar spatial structure of ensemble spreads as other experiments. Above results indicate the nature of the problem—the ensemble spreads of precipitation may be originating from the chaos seeding of numerical noise. That is not to say our intended perturbations, including initial and lateral boundary perturbations, model perturbations, and topographic perturbations, have no realistic effects. The crucial question is, can the perturbations derived from the chaos seeding experiments be large enough to impact our intended perturbations?
2) magnitude of ensemble spreads
To reveal the perturbation magnitudes, Fig. 6a exhibits the domain-averaged ensemble spread magnitudes for the four fundamental experiments. By comparing the chaos seeding with other three fundamental experiments, we find that the ensemble spreads of chaos seeding are the smallest (red line in Fig. 6a), followed by topographic perturbations (green line in Fig. 6a), model perturbations (black line in Fig. 6a), and last initial and lateral boundary perturbations (blue line in Fig. 6a). The significance level of the differences between chaos seeding and other three fundamental experiments all exceeds 90% at all forecast lengths, demonstrating that the ensemble spread magnitudes induced by chaos seeding alone are a different proportion of other types of perturbations. Therefore, although the ensemble spread spatial structures of chaos seeding experiments appear deceptively similar as those of other three fundamental experiments, chaos seeding produces less spread than the other perturbation methods, which indicates chaos seeding by itself cannot be the reason for the spread in the perturbation experiments. That is to say, the initial and lateral boundary perturbations, model perturbations, and topographic perturbations have different degrees of the real dynamical influence. However, if we do not know the phenomenon of chaos seeding, we could not interpret whether the perturbation growth is realistic. Generally, we hope that this study can help researchers pay more attention to the chaos seeding phenomenon and remove the possible misinterpretations of the intended perturbations.
The correspondence ratio (CR) metrics are considered to be also useful for measuring ensemble spread magnitudes in space. Figure 6b shows the averaged CR values for 3-h accumulated precipitation. A threshold of 3 h accumulated precipitation exceeding 0.1 mm is applied to exclude dry events. Among the four fundamental experiments, the chaos seeding experiments (red line in Fig. 6b) have the largest CR values with the smallest ensemble spread magnitudes in space, and topographic perturbations (green line in Fig. 6b), model perturbations (black line in Fig. 6b), and initial and lateral boundary perturbations (blue line in Fig. 6b) have the second largest, the third largest, and the smallest CR values, respectively. And the chaos seeding experiments also have statistically significant CR differences from other-source perturbations, indicating that although the chaos seeding phenomenon leads to some ensemble spreads in space, chaos seeding by itself cannot be the reason for the CR values in the perturbation experiments. The results of CR agree with those of ensemble spread magnitudes.
b. Probabilistic forecasts
Above we have mentioned that the neighborhood-based probabilities are interpreted as ensemble mean possibilities of event occurrence at the grid scale given a neighborhood length scale. We have examined the effects of multiple neighborhood length scales on probabilistic forecasts and found that FSS increases as the neighborhood length scale increases at all forecast lead times and precipitation thresholds, and the areas under ROC diagrams (AROC) (e.g., Mason 1982) and reliability diagrams behave more complex than FSS as the neighborhood length scale increases. Typically, reliability improves as the neighborhood length scale increases up to a certain point, and then reliability may get saturated. Additionally, AROC improves as the neighborhood length scale increases up to a certain point, and then AROC may get saturated or even degrade due to the sharpness loss (figures not shown). For brevity, we only show figures for one neighborhood length scale. As for what length scale to actually use, there is no perfect answers. However, Roberts and Lean (2008) showed that the minimum useful scale is the neighborhood length scale at which FSS ≈ 0.5. And we also considered that a larger neighborhood length would unavoidably lead to so much smoothing that relevant storm-scale features are lost and make reliability and AROC get saturated or even degrade. Considering the above reasons, we used the neighborhood length scales of 35 times grid spacings to make FSSs larger than 0.5 at most forecast lead times and thresholds.
Figure 7 gives the FSS and AROC scores of 3-h accumulated precipitation at 0.1-, 3-, and 10-mm precipitation thresholds. First, the comparisons between IBp (blue columns in Fig. 7) and chaos seeding (red columns in Fig. 7), and Mp (black columns in Fig. 7) and chaos seeding, reveal that initial and lateral boundary perturbations and model perturbations can yield larger FSS and AROC scores than chaos seeding, with the FSS and AROC differences achieving statistical significance at the 90% level for most precipitation thresholds and forecast lead times (Tables 6 and 7). Second, FSS differences between chaos seeding and Gp experiments (green columns in Fig. 7) are only statistically significant at the 90% significance level at 3- and 10-mm precipitation thresholds at 24–36-h forecast lead time (Table 8), and AROC differences are never statistically significant at the 90% level, illustrating that topographic perturbations can only improve FSS and AROC scores a little compared to chaos seeding experiments. The reason why the topographic perturbations were not usually statistically significantly different from chaos seeding may be that the chaos seeding do not reflect the real dynamics/physics of the atmosphere, and topographic perturbations have only small degrees of the real dynamical influence. Conversely, the initial and lateral boundary perturbations and model perturbations are actually weather dependent, which have large degrees of the real dynamical influence.
The significance level of the FSS and AROC differences, and the significance level of the differences of the absolute differences between the areas under diagonal line and the areas under reliability diagrams across all bins between IBp and chaos seeding experiments at 0.1-, 3-, and 10-mm precipitation thresholds, aggregated over all 3-h forecasts during 0–12-, 12–24-, and 24–36-h forecast lead time for each case. Note that what we are showing in Tables 6–8 are instances where significance levels are at least 75%, at least 80%, at least 85%, and at least 90%. The FSS, AROC, and reliability diagrams show the neighborhood length scale (NLS) of 35 times grid spacings. The “×” indicates that the significance level is smaller than 75%, and the bold and italic fonts indicate that the significance level is at least 90%. The statistical significance was not calculated unless two groups of comparison experiments had larger than 500 grid points within the particular forecast probability bins when calculating the reliability.
As in Table 6, but for the significance level of the metric differences between Mp and chaos seeding experiments.
As in Table 6, but for the significance level of the metric differences between Gp and chaos seeding experiments.
Figure 8 shows the reliability diagrams of 3-h accumulated precipitation with the neighborhood length scale of 35 times grid spacings. The reliability gets worse and more overconfident with the forecast lead time, especially for the high precipitation thresholds (Fig. 8c3). Additionally, the comparisons between the four fundamental experiments reveal that initial and lateral boundary perturbations (blue line in Fig. 8), model perturbations (black line in Fig. 8), and topographic perturbations (green line in Fig. 8) have a little better reliability than chaos seeding experiments (red line in Fig. 8), although significant differences occur rarely (Tables 6–8). In all, the differences of reliability diagrams between chaos seeding and our intended perturbations are smaller than those of FSS and AROC. That is to say, unlike most metrics, the reliability results may be induced by chaos seeding phenomenon.
4. The roles of chaos seeding in dynamical variables
Figure 9 gives the evolution of the domain–averaged consistency and CRPS with forecast hour for zonal wind. First, the consistency is smaller than 1 at most forecast lengths, indicating that the ensemble members are underdispersive. The comparisons between the four fundamental experiments exhibit that initial and lateral boundary perturbations (blue line in Fig. 9) have the best consistency scores with improved dispersions, model perturbations (black line in Fig. 9) and topographic perturbations (green line in Fig. 9) follow, and the chaos seeding experiments (red line in Fig. 9) have the most significant level of underdispersion. Furthermore, the consistency scores of chaos seeding experiments are significantly different from those of IBp, Mp, and Gp experiments (red marks in Fig. 9). Second, the CRPS scores of chaos seeding experiments are higher (i.e., higher probabilistic forecast errors and worse probabilistic forecast skill) than those of IBp, Mp, and Gp experiments, with the CRPS differences between chaos seeding and other three fundamental experiments being statistically significant at the 90% significance level at almost all forecast lengths. And other dynamical variables behave similar as zonal wind (not shown). To sum up, chaos seeding has statistically significant differences from our intended perturbations in terms of the ensemble spreads and probabilistic forecast skill of dynamical variables. Chaos seeding by itself cannot be the reason for the consistency and CRPS scores of dynamical variables in our intended perturbations.
5. The roles of model and topographic perturbations in precipitation and dynamical variables
a. The roles of model and topographic perturbations in precipitation
1) Ensemble spreads
To reveal the effects of model and topographic perturbations on perturbation spatial structure of precipitation, the absolute correlation coefficients of the spatial distribution of ensemble spreads between different experiments are presented in Fig. 10a. The correlation coefficients of the ensemble spreads between IBp+Mp and IBp experiments (red line in Fig. 10a) are similar to those between IBp+Mp+Gp and IBp+Mp experiments (blue line in Fig. 10a). This reveals that the effects of model perturbations and topographic perturbations on perturbation structure of precipitation are comparable, and the influences increase with the forecast hour.
Having revealed the perturbation spatial structure, we further analyze the effects of model and topographic perturbations on ensemble spread magnitudes by using the NVD metrics, as displayed in Fig. 10b. The NVD values calculated from IBp+Mp and IBp (red line in Fig. 10b) are larger than 0 at all forecast hours, demonstrating that model perturbations can increase ensemble spread magnitudes. Since the current operational ensemble prediction systems around the world are underdispersive (i.e., ensemble mean forecast error is significantly larger than ensemble spread) (e.g., McCollor and Stull 2009; García-Moya et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2018), more spreads may be desirable. Additionally, the impacts of topographic perturbations on ensemble spread magnitudes are overall small (blue line in Fig. 10b), with NVD values near 0, and the effects are mainly concentrated on the first 0–6 h.
2) Probabilistic forecasts
Figure 11 shows the FSS, AROC, and reliability diagrams for IBp, IBp+Mp, and IBp+Mp+Gp experiments. First, the FSS and AROC scores of IBp+Mp (blue columns in Fig. 11) are larger than IBp (red columns in Fig. 11) at most forecast lengths, with the FSS differences being statistically significant at the 90% significance level at the first 24-h forecast hours for all precipitation thresholds and the AROC differences being statistically significant at the 90% significance level at most forecast lengths and precipitation thresholds (red marks in Fig. 11), implying that model perturbations can improve FSS and AROC scores. Second, the comparisons between IBp+Mp (blue columns in Fig. 11) and IBp+Mp+Gp (black columns in Fig. 11) show that topographic perturbations have little effects on FSS and AROC scores, with the differences having not passed the statistical significance test at the 90% level. Finally, both model perturbations and topographic perturbations have little impact on the reliability diagrams.
b. The roles of model and topographic perturbations in dynamical variables
Figure 12 shows the consistency and CRPS of IBp, IBp+Mp, and IBp+Mp+Gp experiments. The inclusion of model perturbations can improve the consistency of mid- and low-level variables, especially for latter forecast hours (Figs. 12a2,a3), with the consistency differences having passed the statistically significant tests at the 90% level (red circles in Figs. 12a2–a3). And IBp+Mp can yield smaller CRPS scores in comparison with IBp for mid- and low-level variables at some forecast lengths (red circles in Figs. 12b2,b3), demonstrating that model perturbation can improve probabilistic forecast skills. Furthermore, topographic perturbations can improve the spread–skill relationships and CRPS little, with the significant differences concentrating on only a few forecast hours and variables.
6. Summary and discussion
To construct reasonable perturbation methods to consider error sources in CPEPSs and improve the skill of convective weather forecasts, it is vital to gain insight into the effects of multiple perturbations. With this motivation, the present study investigated the roles of chaos seeding and perturbations of multiple types, including model perturbations and topographic perturbations, in convection-permitting ensemble forecasting by using an experimental system (viz., CMA–CPEPS). The chaos seeding experiment was regarded as a benchmark to compare their effects to the intended perturbations to which we ascribe the causes of the results. Six comparison experiments were conducted for 14 heavy rainfall events over southern China. The core results are concluded as follows:
In the chaos seeding experiment, the tiny and local perturbations of the skin soil moisture propagate into the whole analysis domain within an hour with the propagation speed faster than any realistic processes, and also expand to every prognostic variable, leading to some ensemble spreads of precipitation. Additionally, the perturbations derived from chaos seeding develop rapidly when moist convection is active and thereby yield the similar perturbation structures as our intended perturbations. Above results reveal the chaos seeding phenomenon of numerical noise.
The comparisons between chaos seeding and IBp, Mp, and Gp can reveal whether the perturbations derived from chaos seeding can impact our intended perturbations. First, for ensemble spreads of precipitation, although the chaos seeding experiments exhibit similar spatial structure of ensemble spreads as IBp, Mp, and Gp experiments, the ensemble spread magnitudes of chaos seeding experiments are statistically different from those of other three fundamental experiments, implying that the chaos seeding by itself cannot be the reason for the ensemble spreads in our intended perturbations; Second, for probabilistic forecasts of precipitation, initial and lateral boundary perturbations as well as model perturbations have significantly larger FSS and AROC scores and a little better reliability than chaos seeding experiments. And topographic perturbations can only improve FSS, AROC, and reliability a little compared to chaos seeding experiments. The different performances of initial and lateral boundary perturbations, model perturbations, and topographic perturbations relative to the chaos seeding may be that the chaos seeding do not reflect the real dynamics of the atmosphere, and the initial and lateral boundary perturbations, model perturbations, and topographic perturbations have different degrees of the real dynamical influence. Third, the spread–skill relationships and probabilistic forecast skills of dynamical variables of chaos seeding are significantly different from those of our intended perturbations.
The inclusion of model perturbations in initial and lateral boundary perturbations indicates that the effects of model perturbations on ensemble spread magnitudes and structures are large, and model perturbations can improve FSS and AROC scores of precipitation and the consistency of mid- and low-level dynamical variables, and can improve probabilistic forecast skills of dynamical variables. The inclusion of topographic perturbations in the combination of initial and lateral boundary perturbations and model perturbations shows that the topographic perturbations have large impacts on perturbation structure of precipitation, but have small effects on spread magnitudes. Furthermore, the topographic perturbations have little effects on FSS, AROC, and reliability diagrams of precipitation, and the spread–skill relationships and CRPS of dynamical variables. In all, the topographic perturbations only have small impacts. Given the advantages of the IBp+Mp experiments over other experiments, it is recommended that the design of CMA–CPEPS combines the initial and lateral boundary perturbations and model perturbations.
However, owing to the large computational expense of conducting ensemble experiments, we only select 14 cases to investigate the results in our study. In the future, with large improvements in computer resources, we should expand these studies to more cases to separate the associated effects from strong-forcing cases to weak-forcing cases. Second, the impacts of topographic uncertainties would likely be confined to certain geographic areas and model configures, and our findings concerning topographic uncertainties are only presented in southern China. The roles of topographic perturbations in ensemble forecasting over other regions should also be studied in the future. Third, how do the different parameter settings of SPPT and different Mp runs play a role in the reported results? Finally, the chaos seeding phenomenon may lead to the misinterpretations of the perturbation experiments. Ancell et al. (2018) proposed three methods to mitigate the misinterpretations caused from chaos seeding, including ensemble sensitivity analysis, empirical orthogonal analysis, and the use of double precision. However, in this study, we only first attempted to focus on chaos seeding phenomenon and compared the chaos seeding with our intended perturbations to reveal whether the chaos seeding influences our results. The methods to mitigate the misinterpretations induced by chaos seeding and discriminate realistic impacts from chaos seeding remain to be further studied in our ongoing work. Systematically studying all of these aspects should help in designing the operational CMA–CPEPS and improving the skill of convective weather forecasts.
Overall, we hope that this study can help researches focus on the chaos seeding phenomenon when conducting the studies of the effects of different perturbations on ensemble forecasting and also provide a complementary understanding of the effects of model perturbations and topographic perturbations on the quality of the CPEPS relative to studies.
We would like to express our great appreciation for three anonymous reviewers’ constructive and valuable comments in guiding the content, which have all been very helpful for revising and improving our manuscript. And we are grateful to the editor for patiently reviewing our manuscript and giving us warm encouragement. This work is sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 42105154), and the National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant 2018YFC1507405).
Data availability statement.
The CMA Multi–source Merged Precipitation Analysis System (CMPAS-V2.1) data are available online in archives hosted by the National Meteorological Information Center of China Meteorological Administration.
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