1. Introduction
National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters engage with a diverse set of observations and guidance1 when making critical decisions that can affect the well-being of many people. Forecasters access and synthesize these myriad sources of information when forecasting for high-impact, severe weather events (Daipha 2015; Hoffman et al. 2006; Henderson et al. 2023). In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have increasingly been used to produce new guidance tools with the goal of aiding weather forecasting (Chase et al. 2022; Roebber 2022), including for severe weather (e.g., Gagne et al. 2017; Burke et al. 2020; Lagerquist et al. 2020; Flora et al. 2021; Hill et al. 2023; Sobash et al. 2023). The growth of AI to produce experimental and operational guidance has driven increased emphasis on developing AI that is trustworthy. This emphasis on trustworthy AI exists across weather research and operational forecasting (McGovern et al. 2022; Roebber and Smith 2023), and it also has much broader national and international resonance. For instance, trustworthy AI is a focus of the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and the U.S. National Science and Technology Council’s National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan (European Commission 2019; National Science and Technology Council 2023).
Past research pertaining to AI trustworthiness and trust is vast, covering numerous concepts and empirical studies from across a wide range of fields and domains (Saßmannshausen et al. 2021; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2022; Bostrom et al. 2024; C. D. Wirz et al. 2024, unpublished manuscript). Within the literature are many efforts to define and measure trustworthy AI and end-user trust in AI (e.g., Hoffman et al. 2018b; Jacovi et al. 2020; Varshney 2021; Stanton and Jensen 2021; Bostrom et al. 2024). A few aspects are particularly relevant to the research presented here. The literature suggests that attributes such as being able to interact with the AI model inputs and outputs, strong performance of the AI model, and improved human–machine performance all contribute to users perceiving it as trustworthy (Hoffman et al. 2018a; Mueller et al. 2019; Kaplan et al. 2021). Researchers in the fields of cognitive engineering and decision-making have studied how the type and extent of explanations about the function, output, and performance of an AI model [i.e., explainable AI (XAI)] can influence users’ trust in and reliance on it (Hoffman et al. 2018a,c). These and other aspects represent concepts that are central to AI, including those of AI model explainability, interpretability, and transparency. Explainability is the degree to which AI functionality can be understood with post hoc methods (AI2ES 2022a). Interpretability is the extent to which a person can understand the AI model functionality without supplementary techniques (AI2ES 2022b). Transparency2 is providing the user with relevant details about the data, processing, and algorithms used within an AI system, so that the user can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the AI system for their use case. We draw upon these ideas in our study of AI trustworthiness in the weather forecasting domain.
Despite the recent increase in the provision of AI guidance in meteorology alongside efforts to develop trustworthy AI, there has been little research to date that examines how forecasters evaluate such guidance. This lack of research includes whether the AI guidance is trustworthy, what attributes might influence this, and how forecasters might use said guidance. This knowledge gap represents research located at the intersection of trust and trustworthiness of new technologies, domain expert decision-making and sense-making, and the development of new guidance for weather prediction. Working at this complex intersection requires the type of intentional, deep collaboration among social, atmospheric, and AI scientists that was designed as part of the National Science Foundation AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography (e.g., AI2ES; McGovern et al. 2022).
Here, we present research that begins to fill this knowledge gap with a focus on the context of severe convective weather forecasting. Our focus is severe weather, one of several hazards our research team is researching as part of AI2ES (McGovern et al. 2022). Our first research question aims to understand how forecasters decide what model guidance and other tools to use in their operational forecasting process (RQ1). This knowledge provides a foundation for contextualizing how they evaluate AI guidance and for informing how AI guidance can be developed and provided in a way that better integrates into their forecasting process.
Our second research question aims to understand how different descriptive and performance attributes of prototype model guidance developed using AI influence forecasters’ assessment of the guidance trustworthiness (RQ2). More specifically, we explore how initial background information about AI guidance affects forecasters’ assessment of its trustworthiness (RQ2A). We then examine how the AI technique used, training of the AI model, AI model input variables, performance of the AI model, developer of the AI model, and interactivity with the AI model output each influence forecasters’ assessments of trustworthiness (RQ2B). These guidance attributes were selected based on their relevance to forecasters’ informational needs (Novak et al. 2008; Demuth et al. 2020) and on meta-analyses and systematic reviews of empirical research about how human, technological, and contextual factors influence trust in automation (Hoff and Bashir 2015; Schaefer et al. 2016; Glikson and Woolley 2020) from across multiple domains (e.g., social media, customer service, transportation, health care, military operations). Last, we elicit from forecasters what additional AI guidance attributes, if any, they want to further assess the trustworthiness of the AI guidance (RQ2C).
To address our research questions, we conducted preinterview surveys and in-depth, structured interviews with NWS forecasters focused on severe weather. Our research approach was informed by and contributes to decades of research focused on understanding the diversity of decisions made by and informational needs of operational forecasters and their core partners (e.g., Stewart et al. 1997; Doswell 2004; Stuart et al. 2006; Daipha 2015; Morss et al. 2015; Hoffman et al. 2017; Demuth et al. 2020). Here, we extend such research by valuing and eliciting forecasters’ expertise, perceptions, and needs, with the ultimate goal of informing efforts to develop and provide AI guidance that is more trustworthy, trusted, and useful to them.
Below, we describe our methods, the rich set of results our research yielded, and a summary and discussion that highlights cross-cutting ideas and offers motivation for continued user-centered research that is inclusive of forecasters as domain expert collaborators.
2. Methods
a. Research design, preinterview survey, and interview protocol
We employed a mixed-methods research approach (Fig. 1). We recruited forecasters for the primary purpose of being interviewed, and we asked them to complete a short, web-based survey prior to the interview, both described below. As part of our analysis, we wanted to explore whether forecasters’ assessments of the guidance we presented to them (RQ2) differed if we explicitly did or did not label that new guidance as AI; below, we note how we incorporated the AI- versus no-AI-labeled versions into the survey and interview design.
1) Preinterview survey
The preinterview survey had two purposes (Fig. 1a; Demuth et al. 2024). First, we asked the forecaster to think about a recent severe convective event that was challenging to forecast. This prompted them to recall a concrete forecasting situation to help them draw upon specific aspects of that experience when they responded to the survey questions. We also informed them that we would ask about this same challenging forecast event during the interview. Asking the forecaster to think about an actual event during the preinterview survey and then again during the interview was designed to trigger an episodic memory that more concretely anchored the survey and interview in specific professional practice experiences. This approach takes inspiration from critical incident technique, which results in more detailed and contextually relevant answers (Shattuck and Woods 1994).
Second, we asked the forecaster to rate a set of 20 forecast guidance attributes (Table 1). The 20 items were inspired by prior research about AI explainability, interpretability, transparency, and performance (Hoffman et al. 2018c,b; Heinrichs and Eickhoff 2020), which we tailored and expanded for our focus on severe weather forecasting and based on our team’s prior related research experience (Bostrom et al. 2016; Gagne et al. 2019; McGovern et al. 2019; Demuth et al. 2020). Most of the survey items pertained to forecast guidance generally, whether derived from numerical weather prediction (NWP) models or AI (or other statistical) techniques (Table 1, items 1–12). Some items were designed to be specific to AI; for these, we explicitly mentioned “artificial intelligence/machine learning” or “AI/ML” in the item for the AI version of the survey and more generally mentioned “new guidance” in the item for the no-AI version of the survey3 (Table 1, items 13–20). We asked the forecaster to rate each attribute as “essential,” “useful, but not essential,” or “not necessary” (Hoffman et al. 2018b) while keeping their challenging severe convective forecast experience in mind. We asked them to rate each attribute twice, once in the context of getting familiar with or training on new guidance and once in the context of using guidance operationally. Thus, each forecaster made 40 ratings overall.
Preinterview survey items measuring whether forecasters deem different attributes of forecast guidance essential, useful but not essential, or not necessary.
2) Interview protocol
We conducted interviews, a qualitative research method, as our primary data collection method (Fig. 1b). Qualitative research aims to “come to terms with the meaning, not the frequency, of . . . phenomena in the social world” (Van Maanen 1979, p. 520). We chose this approach to obtain rich, detailed data to investigate our research questions.
Our interdisciplinary research team collaboratively developed the structured interview protocol, published in full in DesignSafe (Cains et al. 2024a,b). The interview included four sections. The first section included questions about the forecaster’s current job role and core responsibilities and about their prior related work experience.
In the second section, we asked the forecaster about the recent, challenging severe convective forecast that they thought of while taking the survey. We asked them to briefly describe the event and their process of forecasting for it, including what data and products they used, what key decisions they made, and what forecast uncertainties were key. We further asked why they choose what tools and guidance they use and to what extent they need to know the details of how a product was derived to consider using it operationally. Data from these questions informed our analysis for RQ1.
In the third section—for the AI version only—we asked what came to mind when hearing the terms “artificial intelligence” and “machine learning” and how they felt about AI and ML in forecasting. For both interview versions, we then asked about the forecaster’s interpretations of the terms “trustworthiness,” “explainable,” and “interpretable,” including how they pertain to forecast guidance. Results from these questions will be reported in future work.
The fourth section comprised the bulk of the interview and elicited the forecaster’s assessments of the trustworthiness of a specific AI product that was presented to them (RQ2), one of two nonoperational severe convective weather AI products under development by members4 of the research team. One product uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict the probabilities of storm objects being a supercell, quasi-linear convective system (QLCS), or disorganized (Sobash et al. 2023). The other product uses a random forest classification and regression to predict the probability of severe hail (≥2.54 cm; Gagne et al. 2017; Burke et al. 2020). Both products forecast up to a 36-h lead time and were brand new to the forecasters. The interview content and corresponding questions, further described below, were approximately parallel for these two products and investigated the same type of guidance attributes for the two different AI techniques and products.
Further, we designed and used parallel interview versions that either explicitly labeled the guidance as AI/ML or not. The no-AI version contained all the same technical details as the AI version—for example, it indicated that the storm mode probability product was developed using a CNN—but the product was referred to as new guidance or using a “new technique” rather than as “AI/ML guidance” or using an “AI/ML technique.” The intention of this was to see whether or what effect explicitly labeling the product as AI/ML would have on forecasters’ perceptions and responses, not to obscure the use of AI/ML techniques. At the end of the no-AI version of the interview, we disclosed that the new guidance the forecaster had just explored was AI/ML and asked whether this knowledge changed how they thought about it. We then followed up by asking what came to mind when hearing the terms artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as how they felt about AI and ML in forecasting.
To assess how forecasters perceived the trustworthiness of the AI guidance they reviewed, we developed a Google Slides deck that presented information about the guidance and included an interactive virtual information board with which forecasters could learn about the different attributes. Full details of the slide deck content are published with the interview protocol in DesignSafe (Cains et al. 2024a,b). We asked the forecasters to think aloud and read the information while they performed the task of going through the slide deck. This think-aloud approach, as we explained to the forecaster participants, means to verbally share what is going through one’s mind, without analyzing or justifying one’s thoughts (Ericsson and Simon 1998; Charters 2003; Ericsson and Fox 2011; Schulte-Mecklenbeck et al. 2011).
The slide deck and corresponding think-aloud included multiple parts (Fig. 1b-4). We provided the forecaster with an initial slide that had basic background information about the guidance (Fig. 2). Then, we asked the forecaster their opinion about how trustworthy the guidance was on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 meant “can’t be trusted at all” and 10 meant “completely trustworthy,” along with why they gave that rating. Next, we directed the forecaster to interact with the virtual information board while thinking aloud. The information board had six virtual sticky notes (Fig. 3a), each of which pertained to an attribute that we hypothesized might affect the forecaster’s perceived trustworthiness of the guidance (Fig. 3c). Four of the attributes—the technique used, training, verification, and developers—were included in both the storm mode and severe hail versions. The other two attributes were specific to the product. For the severe hail product, these attributes included (i) details of the input variables and (ii) a comparison with the Storm Prediction Center’s hail forecast. For the storm mode product, these attributes included (i) a web-based platform to interact with the guidance and (ii) the application of the algorithm trained from one NWP model to another. Each virtual sticky note linked to a slide with details about that attribute for the forecaster to read (Fig. 3b). For each sticky note, the forecaster was asked to think aloud as they read the information linked to the sticky note and placed the sticky note on a slide titled “Trustworthiness of [AI/ML] product” that included three panels labeled “Decrease,” “No Impact,” and “Increase,” respectively (Fig. 3c). After working through all six guidance attributes, we reasked the forecaster’s opinion about how trustworthy the guidance was on the 0–10 scale.
Finally, we asked the forecaster in two places about what else they would want to know or do with the product, if anything, before using it for forecasting. We first asked this question with the initial background slide and then again after they went through the full information board and all attribute details.
b. Recruitment and sampling
The sampling strategy for identifying and inviting forecasters to participate in this research was based on (i) the climatologies of storm mode and severe hail because those were what the AI guidance predicted and (ii) the forecaster’s position in the NWS. Only one interviewee was invited from each Weather Forecast Office (WFO). For the forecaster’s position, we recruited General Schedule (GS) 5–12 meteorologists, lead meteorologists, and Science and Operations Officers (SOOs). Details of how we developed our climatologically based sampling frame of WFOs and forecaster recruitment are in the online supplemental material.
We planned for and ultimately conducted interviews with a sample of 16 forecasters5 to balance capturing a diversity of attitudes and experiences while not overburdening the forecaster community. By the last interview, few to no new notable ideas emerged from the interviews, indicating that we were reaching “saturation” (Merriam and Tisdell 2015). The characteristics of the sample are provided in Table 2.
Characteristics of the 16 NWS forecasters interviewed.
The interviews were conducted online between October 2021 and May 2022 using Google Meet. Two researchers (the first and second authors) participated in each interview: One led the interview, while the other observed and took notes. The audio and video of each interview were recorded for transcription and data analysis purposes. The median interview was 89 min long (mean: 91; range: 76–110 min).
The research design was reviewed and approved by NCAR’s Human Subjects Committee. All interviewed forecasters consented to participate and to the audio and visual recording of the interview. Per human subject regulations and our research ethic, the forecasters’ identities (name and WFO) are de-identified, meaning we have redacted any language that could reveal their identity (e.g., if they discuss a local landmark). Such an approach allows interviewees to be honest and open when expressing their thoughts and feelings (Scott 2005).
c. Data analysis
For the preinterview survey, we analyzed item response frequencies (Fig. 1c). The forecaster interview transcriptions cumulatively produced hundreds of pages of rich and expressive textual data, which we analyzed with both qualitative and quantitative content analysis methods (Fig. 1d). Content analysis is a flexible method (Cavanagh 1997; Hsieh and Shannon 2005) where the “researcher is the primary instrument” for analysis (Merriam and Tisdell 2015, p. 16).
Our primary analytical focus was qualitative content analysis, specifically reflexive thematic analysis using the constant comparative method, which emphasizes the researcher’s “reflexive engagement with theory, data, and interpretation” (Braun and Clarke 2021a). This approach involves the researcher iteratively analyzing the data to identify and define codes, synthesize codes into themes, and connect relevant, cross-cutting ideas (see Braun and Clarke 2006, 2019, 2021b). Figure 4 is an annotated example from our interview data of reflexive thematic analysis to illustrate how thematic codes are identified in the data, which are further synthesized into themes.
Last, we quantitatively analyzed forecasters’ ratings of trustworthiness on the scale from 0 to 10, including their pre- and postinformation board ratings and the change in their ratings.
3. Results: Preinterview survey about attributes of forecast guidance
In Fig. 5, we show the attributes that at least 8 (≥50%) of the forecasters deemed as essential in the context of getting familiar with or training on the new guidance (familiarization) and in an operational context for using the guidance (operational). Seven attributes were deemed “essential” by half of forecasters in both contexts. One attribute is being able to compare the guidance with observations (item A). Three attributes pertain to verification, including generally knowing what the failure modes are (item B), how the guidance verifies (item C), and how it verifies compared to other guidance (item D). The three other attributes pertain to being able to interact with the guidance (item E), being able to sample the product (a form of interacting) to see the inputs that yield the output (item F), and knowing what the input variables are (item G).
Specific to familiarization and training, all forecasters indicated it is essential or useful to know why the guidance works or fails (item H). All forecasters also deemed it essential or useful to know how the output was derived and what data were used to train and calibrate the AI guidance (items I and J). Additionally, most forecasters deemed it essential to examine AI predictions for past cases (item K).
Specific to operational use, two attributes were deemed essential or useful by most forecasters: being able to compare the forecast from AI guidance to that of similar guidance valid at the same time (item L) and being able to examine the evolution in the guidance over time (item M). These likely reflect forecasters assessing model consistency as a way of shaping their forecast confidence (Demuth et al. 2020; Henderson et al. 2023). Interestingly, neither attribute was deemed important for familiarization or training.
4. Results: Understanding forecasters’ guidance use decisions
To investigate how forecasters make guidance use decisions (RQ1), we analyzed the forecasters’ responses to questions about why they use the guidance that they do and the extent to which they need to know the details of how a product was derived to use it for forecasting given that guidance can sometimes seem like a “black box,” all in the context of their recent challenging forecast event.
We synthesized three interrelated themes from our reflexive thematic analysis related to 1) forecasters’ desire to understand guidance, 2) their interactive process for exploring and evaluating guidance, and 3) how they prioritize information when time is limited.
Theme 1.1: Forecasters want to understand guidance to use it, but what constitutes “understanding” is complex and multifaceted. Per the forecasters’ quotes, understanding includes learning the functionality of a model,6 its strengths and weaknesses, how it performs under different scenarios, and how it performs compared to other models (Table 3: 1.1A–C). Forecasters do this by developing a “catalog or library in their mind” as to which model is “probably going to do better” in different situations (Table 3: 1.1C; Fig. 4). These aspects of understanding models are central to how forecasters use them for given atmospheric conditions and weather events and allow forecasters to mentally bias correct as needed. However, forecasters’ need to understand guidance is more complex and varied when it comes to knowing the details of how a model was derived. Some forecasters said the specifics of model inputs and derivation of outputs are not needed if the model performs well (Table 3: 1.1D). Others emphasized that understanding the model inner workings is important when initially using it, “but once [they] trust it, then it’s not as important” other than if it is particularly sensitive to certain conditions (Table 3: 1.1E). Forecaster 2 described how black boxes can impede their trust in models and that they need to “see it in action” to believe it (Table 3: 1.1F); this sentiment links this theme about understanding to the next theme about forecaster experience.
Thematic codes and example quotes supporting Themes 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 regarding how forecasters make guidance use decisions (RQ1). Formatted as Identifier | Thematic code: Example quote.
Theme 1.2: Forecasters go through an iterative process of exploring and evaluating guidance to determine whether, when, and how it should be used during operations. Multiple forecasters described how familiarity with models, using a given tool repeatedly, and having direct experience using guidance are important, illustrating the iterative evaluative process they go through for guidance use. One forecaster noted they do not trust guidance at face value nor use it solely based on others’ recommendations, but rather that they need to use it themselves repeatedly to “believe it” (Table 3: 1.1F, 1.2A). As the quotes in Table 3 illustrate, repeated personal experience with a model allows forecasters to develop familiarity with it, to learn how it performs for their geographic area and forecasting needs, and to know how to adjust from what the model output is if needed, all of which influence forecasters’ trust and/or confidence, both of which were terms explicitly mentioned by forecasters. Connecting this theme to Theme 1.1, iterative evaluation to develop familiarity and assess performance appears to be a key mechanism by which forecasters develop their desired deep understanding of model guidance, which in turn can influence their trust or confidence in it and ultimately use of it. Importantly, the “personal” aspect of the process stands out; as Forecaster 12 noted, “We’re all doing the same job, but we all have our own specific processes to come to our ultimate decisions” (Table 3: 1.2E).
Theme 1.3: Forecasters are overloaded with information but limited on time, and they manage this tension by prioritizing using guidance and other resources that best help them do their job. Multiple forecasters expressed that there is so much information available to them that they must “pick and choose” what to use (Table 3: 1.3A). As Forecaster 7 explained, the challenge of using new guidance in addition to existing tools is “where it starts to pile on” (Table 3: 1.3B). Forecasters do not have time, however, to dig into the inner workings of every tool they use because of the fast-paced environment they work in, especially when working on high-impact events (Table 3: 1.3C). Therefore, they have developed strategies to manage the information overload, such as looking at a tool postevent to determine whether it might have helped them in the moment (Table 3: 1.3A) and, in particular, using the tools that best help them do their job. There are multiple reasons why a tool can be especially helpful, such as a tool that curates and centralizes key pieces of information on a website. Forecaster 13 indicates the Storm Prediction Center’s (SPC) mesoanalysis web page as an exemplar noting that it is a “really good one-stop shop . . . where you can look at all the different parameters in a very quick time frame” (Table 3: 1.3D). Theme 2.3 presented below (section 5a) describes another reason why forecasters find certain tools especially helpful.
5. Results: Assessing the trustworthiness of AI forecast guidance
To investigate RQ2, we analyzed the think-aloud portion of the interview, including the initial background information provided about the AI forecast guidance (RQ2A; section 5a); the effect of different guidance attributes on forecasters’ perceived trustworthiness (RQ2B; section 5b); and additional attributes not provided that forecasters mentioned as important (RQ2C; section 5c). We did not find meaningful differences between the AI and no-AI versions in the analyses we present here, for which reason we combine reporting of them in all of the results discussed below. Note that this only applies to the analyses presented here of the think-aloud section of the interview protocol.7 We are analyzing other sections of the interview separately and will report in future papers on any differences we find between the AI and no-AI versions.
a. RQ2A: Impact of initial background information on forecasters’ assessment of AI (or new) guidance
Three complementary themes were synthesized from the analysis of forecasters’ think-alouds as they explored initial background information: forecasters’ 1) use of conceptual models, 2) desire for AI model explanations, and 3) favorable assessment of guidance that meets an unmet need.
Theme 2.1: Forecasters apply their conceptual models of the atmosphere when initially making sense of new guidance. Forecasters have expert knowledge about how the atmosphere is structured and how it behaves, and they applied their conceptual models in multiple ways when looking at the initial information about the new guidance to make sense of and evaluate it. Several forecasters explicitly noted that the guidance made sense to them given that it matched their conceptual models of severe convective weather. For instance, Forecaster 10 noted that the storm mode objects evolved in ways they would expect (Table 4: 2.1A). Further, some forecasters who explored the storm mode guidance interpreted the information by comparing the probabilities of the different modes at a given forecast valid time and thinking about the feasibility of the specific mixed-mode scenarios (Table 4: 2.1B). The probabilistic storm mode guidance included composite reflectivity as an underlay (see Fig. 2), which the forecasters also examined and mentioned as they applied their conceptual models. Having the new storm mode guidance coupled with radar data reflects forecasters’ real-world operational environment in which they have access to and consult multiple sources of information to make sense of atmospheric conditions. Although the forecasters’ use of their conceptual models typically resulted in them being better able to make sense of the new guidance, some forecasters were unsure how to interpret the disorganized storm mode (Table 4: 2.1C).
Thematic codes and example quotes supporting Themes 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 regarding the impact of providing the initial background information on forecasters’ assessment of the AI (or new) guidance (RQ2A). Formatted as Identifier | Thematic code: Example quote.
Theme 2.2: Forecasters want additional, baseline information about AI model development to better understand it, particularly about the AI techniques used, the model inputs and how they are defined, and how the model outputs are derived. As discussed in Theme 1.1, most forecasters want some basic understanding of guidance to use it, including some understanding of model functionality. We identified that desire in a few specific ways when showing forecasters the initial background information of the storm mode and severe hail guidance. Several forecasters stated that they were unfamiliar either with AI in general or with the specific CNN or random forest technique used, and they wanted to learn more about it (Table 4: 2.2A). Forecasters also wanted to know different things about the model inputs, including how a storm object was defined for the storm mode predictions and whether and what storm-based fields (e.g., updraft helicity) or environmental parameters (e.g., shear) “the model is taking into account” (Table 4: 2.2B,C). This desire to know the model inputs reflects Theme 2.1 about forecasters’ conceptual models of the atmosphere and how they are making sense of the guidance, including when the model produces output that differs from what a forecaster might expect. Forecaster 5 expressed such desire when they noted that the supercell probability was in a different location than expected and if they “[knew] what the inputs are, [they] could go look at those individual inputs.” This represents an opportunity where explainable AI could potentially enhance forecasters’ understanding of what input variables (e.g., composite reflectivity and updraft helicity) influenced the classification of a storm object or what variables yielded higher supercell probabilities. Finally, forecasters expressed a desire to know how the storm mode and severe hail probabilities were derived, but as Forecaster 1 explained, they would want such in-depth information as part of “preseason training” and “not necessarily . . . to reference the day of a severe event” (Table 4: 2.2D). This desire to know more during preseason training about how guidance is derived is also supported by the training/familiarity-only findings from the preinterview survey (Fig. 5, items H, I, and J). Overall, these results show that when initially introduced to the guidance, forecasters were interested in and essentially seeking information about attributes that, unbeknownst to them at the time, would be introduced later in the interview as part of the information board. This suggests that the AI attributes presented (see section 5b) aligned well with forecasters’ needs.
Theme 2.3: Forecasters respond favorably to guidance that fills an important, unmet operational need, in this case, storm mode prediction. Forecasters saw immediate utility in the storm mode guidance, given that storm mode is a forecasting challenge, and they indicated that the guidance would fill a need and “could be very useful operationally” (Table 4: 2.3A,B). The forecasters also noted that the storm mode guidance would also be useful for assessing threats of specific hazards (Table 4: 2.3A) and when paired with other sources of information such as “hail or hazard guidance” (Table 4: 2.3C). Forecasters expressed immediate, favorable reactions only for the storm mode guidance as filling a critical informational gap, whereas they perceived the severe hail guidance as being very similar to an existing SPC product (as it was designed to be). This does not mean that the severe hail guidance was not useful but rather that guidance that is critical to forecasters doing their job and that does not already exist, like the storm mode probabilities, can be especially useful (see also Theme 1.3).
b. RQ2B: Trustworthiness assessment of AI (or new) guidance and attributes
We categorized the initial and final trustworthiness ratings of the guidance into low, medium, and high trustworthiness. No new themes are presented in this section, rather our interpretations of the rating justifications and guidance attributes think-alouds yielded applied and specific examples (i.e., concretized manifestations) of the more generalized themes synthesized in sections 4 and 5a.
1) Phase 1: Initial trustworthiness rating
The initial trustworthiness ratings of the storm mode and severe hail AI guidance ranged from 2 to 8 (Fig. 6). Forecasters’ reasoning about ratings reflected several of the themes discussed in section 4b (Table A1; see the appendix). Forecasters who rated the trustworthiness of the guidance low (rating ≤ 3) noted they did not know enough about the guidance or its performance. Additionally, three forecasters [severe forecasters (SFs) 03, 09, and 14] did not even provide an initial trustworthiness rating for the severe hail product because they did not feel they had enough information to make such a judgment. Forecasters who rated the trustworthiness of the AI guidance as moderate (4 ≥ rating ≤ 6) stated that the AI models matched their conceptual models and that the subsequent product output looked realistic (supports Theme 2.1). Forecasters who rated the trustworthiness of the AI guidance as high (rating ≥ 7) said the AI models matched their conceptual models and filled an operational need (supports Themes 2.1 and 2.3).
2) Phase 2: Assessments of how guidance attributes influence trust
Tables 5 and 6 are thematically synthesized representations of the forecasters’ thoughts during the think-alouds while they examined and assessed the guidance attributes. Overall, each of the attributes shown tended to increase forecasters’ assessed trustworthiness of the guidance, but there were instances in which some attributes decreased or had no impact on trustworthiness. Although Tables 5 and 6 are a curated synthesis, we caution that these should not be interpreted as a metrics checklist.
Part 1: Thematic codes developed from the analysis of forecasters’ thoughts shared while thinking aloud as they decided whether the text and graphics provided for each guidance attribute decreased, had no impact, or increased the trustworthiness of the storm mode (n = 9) and severe hail (n = 7) AI guidance (RQ2B).
Part 2: Thematic codes developed from the analysis of forecasters’ thoughts shared while thinking aloud as they decided whether the text and graphics provided for each guidance attribute decreased, had no impact, or increased the trustworthiness of the storm mode (n = 9) and severe hail (n = 7) AI guidance (RQ2B).
(i) AI/ML model technique
Learning more information about the AI model techniques and inputs increased trustworthiness for many forecasters, which further supports multiple themes discussed in previous sections about forecasters wanting to understand more (Themes 1.1 and 2.2). Several forecasters responded positively to learning that humans were involved in the AI model training process for the storm mode guidance (Table 5: 1C, 2C). However, the human hand labeling of storm mode images was also noted as a source of uncertainty by the forecasters given their knowledge about the difficulty of categorizing storm mode and thus the subjectivity and differing interpretations in doing so. Forecaster 16 conveyed this as “differences in opinion and some lack of consistency” of how to classify storm modes. Comparatively, Forecaster 7 acknowledged that humans were a source of uncertainty but, “assuming the human knows what they’re doing, I think [hand-labeling] would be an increase in trustworthiness.”
(ii) Training of AI/ML model
The training of the AI model had a mixed effect on trustworthiness (Table 5: 2A–C). Several forecasters said their familiarity with the sources of information [e.g., Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast (HREF)] increased the trustworthiness of the AI guidance (Table 5: 2C), which is likely due to the forecasters having personal experience with those sources and building a mental record of performance (Table 3: 1.2F,C). Forecasters noted that a larger and longer storm mode dataset was needed to account for potential seasonal or climatological phenomena (Table 5: 2A); they also wanted to know whether the training datasets were geographically representative of the CONUS or a specific region, echoing results found by Demuth et al. (2020). Thus, when thinking about improving the utility of guidance, developers should consider broadening where and for what types of storms and scenarios the training data represent and not just when the AI model is trained for. The importance of the where and what does not diminish the need for temporal representation (Table 5: 2A); however, the absence of more geographically representative training datasets could cause decreased trustworthiness due to model outputs that conflict with the forecaster’s knowledge and conceptual model of the geographic region (Table 4: Theme 2.1).
(iii) Verification metrics
The verification information for both the storm mode and severe hail increased trustworthiness of the guidance for nearly all forecasters (Table 5: 3C). Several forecasters noted that verification information is valuable and always important for them; some forecasters specifically cited the inclusion of the reliability diagram, false alarm rate, and probability of detection. However, a few forecasters noted that there was not enough information provided to properly interpret the verification statistics, which in those instances was associated with a no-impact-on-trustworthiness decision (Table 5: 3B). This further supports that forecasters want to understand guidance but that understanding is multifaceted (Theme 1.1; Table 3). Even though the verification information provided basic definitions and interpretations of the shown statistics, this was not sufficient or the right type of information to influence some forecasters’ AI guidance trustworthiness judgments.
(iv) Developers
Information about the AI model developers had no impact on the trustworthiness of the guidance for one-third of forecasters (Table 5: 4B). However, it did increase trustworthiness for two-thirds of forecasters, in part due to the inclusion of operational expertise (Table 5: 4C). Forecaster 11 emphasized the need for such expertise when saying, “The fact that [the developers] actually put operational forecasters in the team is very important. That’s the end user of this kind of guidance so they need to have some kind of input, and that’s important.”
(v) Interactive output (storm mode)
Forecasters’ ability to interact with the output of the storm mode guidance via a web-based interface and to evaluate the dynamic evolution of the parameter fields and storm objects increased trustworthiness, partly because it helped forecasters evaluate the guidance by comparison with their conceptual models (Table 6: 1C). The location and timing of the different modes matched forecasters’ expectations, aided by the radar underlay that was a part of the guidance visualization, which is an applied example of Theme 2.1. The desire for interactivity for sense-making of black box–esque tools is not unique to AI guidance; similar needs were found by researchers investigating forecasters’ assessment of uncertainty using ensemble prediction systems (Novak et al. 2008).
(vi) Input information (severe hail)
Forecasters who reviewed the severe hail guidance said the familiarity of the input variables for the AI model increased their trustworthiness of it (Table 6: 2C). As Forecaster 9 said (which also supports Theme 1.1), “If I understand how I use these variables, and I’m already seeing that in this product, then [I’m] very happy with [the AI guidance].” For some forecasters, the input information had no impact on trustworthiness because they still did not know the model’s sensitivity to those inputs (Table 6: 2B).
(vii) WRF and HRRR model comparison (storm mode)
The output comparison of the WRF input versus High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) input for the storm mode CNN model produced the most mixed reactions about trustworthiness (Table 6: 3A–C). The comparison decreased trustworthiness for the forecasters who thought that guidance trained with the WRF and then applied to the HRRR was cause for pause. This supports Theme 1.1 wherein understanding guidance includes knowing the appropriate use of the model used to develop the guidance (Table 3: 1.1B). Conversely, this cross application increased the trustworthiness of storm mode for forecasters who drew on their experience with the HRRR to make sense of the location of the predicted HRRR storm objects. This is a concrete example of how personal experience with products (Table 3: 1.2F), like the WRF and HRRR, contributes to forecasters developing an understanding of when and how a new piece of guidance should be used (Table 3: Theme 1.2).
(viii) Random forest and SPC comparison (severe hail)
The output comparison of the severe hail AI guidance versus the SPC hail outlook either had no impact on the assessed trustworthiness of the guidance or increased its trustworthiness (Table 6: 4B,C). Some forecasters noted that the comparison did not affect how they felt about the guidance, whereas others said they had no experience with the AI product to evaluate its trustworthiness (Table 6: 4B). The forecasters who said the comparison increased their trustworthiness noted that it highlighted that the AI guidance was in “good agreement” with the SPC, which is a familiar and commonly used resource, and thus, they deemed that the AI guidance was a useful, additional tool for forecasting (Table 6: 4C).
3) Phase 3: Final trustworthiness ratings
After the attribute assessment, the final trustworthiness ratings of the storm mode and severe hail AI guidance ranged from 3.5 to 9 (Fig. 6). The majority of the forecasters rerated the trustworthiness of the AI guidance as high (rating ≥ 7), crediting the additional background information provided via the sticky notes, the forecasters’ familiarity with input data sources (e.g., WRF and HRRR), and comparison to conventional resources (e.g., SPC). Familiarity with the operational and domain expertise and reputations of the developers’ institutions was also credited as contributing to higher trustworthiness.
The increases in the trustworthiness ratings did not mean that forecasters were ready to immediately adopt the new guidance for forecasting. Forecaster 16 said they “want to be able to see more events and . . . a real-world example with actual radar” to investigate the storm mode AI model’s predictability. Additionally, although the severe hail guidance matched Forecaster 2’s conceptual model of the atmosphere, and they rerated the guidance as an 8 (initial rating was 2), they said, “I’ll just say I wouldn’t completely trust it; I know that machine learning can get spurious results. . . . I would need my own personal experience with [the guidance] to trust it further” (Table A2; supports Theme 1.2).
c. RQ2C: Additional important attributes for assessing guidance trustworthiness
Two themes were synthesized regarding additional attributes that forecasters indicated were important beyond those presented in the information board: 1) Forecasters want specific information to learn and understand their tools, and 2) they want to know what value is added by the new AI guidance.
Theme 3.1: Forecasters are continually learning; they not only seek training and reference material to understand guidance but also require hands-on experience with guidance. Forecasters wanting training and reference material to understand the AI guidance is resonant of Theme 1.1, where forecasters want to understand guidance to use it (Table 3). The informational slide deck provided basic information about certain attributes of the AI model, but, as underscored by the forecasters, initial exposure to and learning about new guidance are only part of the understanding process (see Theme 1.1). Forecasters want training about AI in general. Although some forecasters have had “basic training” about AI, they still feel that “something like a training exercise would probably be useful for staff” (Table 7: 3.1A). Such training exercises and reference materials also need to extend to specific guidance applications, such as the AI applications for the presented storm mode and severe hail guidance. One forecaster noted that having “a very solid description” of the new guidance from the developers would increase the trustworthiness of it (Table 7: 3.1B). An interviewed SOOs said that the content of the informational slide deck was “certainly enough for [them] to integrate this and to get staff brought in and trained up” (Table 7: 3.1B).
Thematic codes and example quotes supporting Themes 3.1 and 3.2 regarding additional attributes that forecasters report being important for assessing the trustworthiness of new AI guidance (RQ2C).
Training and reference material can only go so far, however, in helping forecasters understand the functionality and utility of new guidance. Illustrating this, Forecaster 14 pointed out that using new guidance once or twice does not increase trustworthiness, “it’s got to be multiple cases” (Table 7: 3.1C). Some forecasters also want to learn as much as possible about new guidance and get into the “nitty gritty” to understand the scientific background and not just its operational applications. Forecaster 9 illustrated this when they said, “As a scientist, I believe very strongly in trying to understand as much as I possibly can” (Table 7: 3.1D). The desire to fully understand their tools and respective nuances was illustrated by forecasters wanting to see specific information and additional analyses performed on the new AI guidance (supports Themes 1.1 and 2.2). For example, Forecaster 8 was not sure whether they were interpreting the provided verification information correctly for the severe hail guidance, which they were. Models that perform well with predicting low probability events (e.g., severe hail AI guidance) are not common, and thus, the forecaster wanted more information beyond the slide deck to make sure they were fully understanding the AI model’s performance capabilities (Table 7: 3.1D).
Theme 3.2: Forecasters want to know how AI guidance and products will improve weather forecasting, i.e., what is the value added and what need is being met. Given the numerous sources of information available to forecasters, they want to know what sets the AI guidance, or any new piece of guidance, apart from what they already know, use, and trust (Table 7: 3.2). When the forecasters are not centered in product development, undue burden is placed on them to determine whether and how new products could be useful. Answering this question of value added requires developers to work with and codevelop guidance and products with users such that the output is informed by users’ needs in order to be actually useful (as also found by Demuth et al. 2020).
6. Discussion
In this study, we collected data from 16 NWS forecasters via a short web-based survey and online, structured interviews. The survey asked forecasters to rate how essential different guidance aspects were when they were familiarizing with or training on new guidance as well as when they were using guidance operationally. The interview included questions about a recent, challenging convective forecast scenario and the data and guidance the forecaster used during that event. The interview also introduced two new AI guidance products (storm mode probability or severe hail probability) via an interactive informational board about different guidance attributes, with forecasters thinking aloud as they explored the board. Our analysis provides formative knowledge about how NWS forecasters make guidance use decisions (RQ1) and how information about select descriptive and performance attributes of AI guidance influences forecasters’ assessment of guidance trustworthiness (RQ2). We synthesized multiple quantitative and qualitative themes from the data. From these results, three key, cross-cutting findings and implications were identified that support and/or triangulate results from previous forecaster studies.
a. NWS forecasters’ development of trust in AI guidance is a deliberative, dynamic process
The first key, cross-cutting finding is that NWS forecasters’ development of trust in AI guidance is a deliberative, dynamic process. Assessments of AI guidance trustworthiness result from iterative, intentional engagements with the guidance. Hoffman (2017) refers to this process as progressive trusting, which is seen here as forecasters requiring experience using a model over time to evaluate it as valid or true. Forecasters’ process-based approach to evaluating new guidance is not specific to AI tools; rather, it occurs for most, if not all, new tools and guidance made available to them (e.g., Stuart et al. 2007; Novak et al. 2008; Evans et al. 2014; Demuth et al. 2020). This is because forecasters understand there are meteorological predictability limitations and corresponding model guidance errors, which they encounter in their forecasting roles. Because of the high-impact mission of their jobs to protect life and property and enhance the national economy, forecasters must constantly consider these potential prediction limitations and errors, which they do in part through the process of evaluating and reevaluating new guidance over time.
Through our data collection and analysis, we saw at least three phases8 in which forecasters evaluate new guidance in different ways: 1) initial exposure and orientation to new guidance, 2) further familiarization with new guidance through nonoperational information-seeking and interrogation, and 3) operational experience through real-time observation of guidance and potentially use of it for forecasting.
In the first evaluation phase, we see the forecaster’s initial introduction to new guidance and interpretation of it along with the accompanying information that was curated and “pushed” to them (e.g., our informational slide deck). Forecasters have extensive meteorological expertise and are used to having many pieces of information to look at, and thus, they have experientially developed skills to quickly evaluate a new piece of guidance to discern utility. Even when looking at guidance output in isolation, as with the spinup slide we provided, some forecasters applied their meteorological knowledge to begin evaluating whether the predictions matched their conceptual model and therefore made sense on the surface. The extent to which they could do this depended on how much initial information was made available. Forecasters have sophisticated mental models of the atmosphere for different hazards and different hazard scenarios, and they can immediately interpret new guidance—even without any a priori meteorological context—to start forming and updating their conceptual models.
The guidance attributes we asked forecasters to step through provided additional pieces of information for them to further develop their initial interpretation of the information. On balance, each of the attributes increased forecasters’ perceived trustworthiness of the guidance. In particular, learning about the AI/ML model technique, training of the AI/ML model, model verification, and input information all had predominantly positive effects on forecasters’ perceptions of AI guidance trustworthiness. This is largely because the attribute information jointly helped them understand the guidance better and further evaluate whether it matched their conceptual model. Additionally, being able to interact with the model output had a positive effect for all forecasters who had this option (for storm mode only) because it facilitated deeper sense-making. It did so by allowing forecasters to evaluate the evolution of the predictions at hourly forecast valid times and to interpret the model predictions coupled with radar data. Although providing this information about these attributes was useful, all forecasters’ final trustworthiness ratings were below the maximum, “completely trustworthy” option offered, and some ratings remained far lower. These ratings suggest that this initial introductory phase is useful but only part of the forecasters’ process of developing trust in new guidance.
The second evaluation phase includes forecasters becoming more familiar with new guidance through their own initiative by seeking more information and exploring it outside of their operational forecasting duties. Assessing how the guidance verifies is a big part of this second phase, in which forecasters aim to learn failure modes, why guidance works or fails, and how it compares to other guidance. Further understanding how the guidance functions is another big part of this phase, in which forecasters want to learn how it was derived, what the input variables are, and how it was trained and calibrated. In doing so, they want to interact with the guidance, including by sampling to see which inputs yielded a given output. Forecasters also want to examine guidance predictions for past cases to further explore verification and guidance functionality.
In the third evaluation phase, forecasters develop operational experience with guidance by observing how it functions during real-world situations and potentially by integrating the guidance as part of their forecast process. Forecasters assess new guidance in multiple ways, e.g., comparing it with observations, comparing it against similar guidance valid at the same time, and assessing how it evolves over time for different initialization and valid times. This repeated personal experience with guidance allows forecasters to more deeply understand how it functions and performs for the geographic area they forecast for and across a range of meteorological scenarios.
Based on this first key finding, AI (and other) developers would be well served by understanding and appreciating that forecasters’ assessment of AI guidance trustworthiness is a process that occurs over time and by consequently developing mechanisms to facilitate the forecaster’s evaluation process. Developers can do so by offering accessible baseline information and other training information about a new tool, particularly about the technique, inputs, training, and verification. Further, developers can facilitate forecaster interaction with guidance, particularly to evaluate the sensitivity of inputs, how the predictions evolve over space and time, and how the guidance compares or contrasts with other guidance or observations.
b. Influence of attributes on perceptions of trustworthiness varies across attributes and forecasters
The second key, cross-cutting finding is that the specific reasons for the influence of various attributes on perceptions of trustworthiness vary across attributes and forecasters. In other words, the determinants of trustworthiness for each of the six AI guidance attributes varied across forecasters. For example, several of the forecasters who evaluated the storm mode guidance said that the AI modeling technique increased trustworthiness because the model used human-labeled training data, while other forecasters noted more generally that having information about the AI modeling techniques and inputs increased trustworthiness. A coarse view of the results would be that the AI modeling techniques increase trustworthiness. However, although some simply cite the availability of that attribute information, a more granular view reveals that other forecasters cite the specific characteristics of the attribute (e.g., human-labeled training data). Similarly, learning about the AI model training increased most forecasters’ perceptions of trustworthiness, but the specific reasoning varied from the general availability of the training information down to being familiar with the specific sources of training data referenced. The diversity of determinants suggests there is more nuance to what shapes forecasters’ trustworthiness perceptions than the broad classification of attributes (e.g., technique, training, and developers) applied in parts of this study. Additional research with forecasters as expert collaborators would be helpful to further unpack these determinants (see Tables 5 and 6), as well as to discover other yet identified determinants.
c. User-centered approach to developing new AI guidance
I appreciate you guys getting in touch with all these WFO forecasters and I think that’s probably one of the things that’s going to make stuff more trustworthy too. It’s always nice when people working at national centers reach out to us. I think that makes it more trustworthy when a forecaster is using a product if they know that ‘Hey other WFO people have given their input on this.’
7. Conclusion
In closing, this research produced rich and expressive data regarding how forecasters assess the trustworthiness of new AI guidance and consider incorporating it into their operational forecast processes. Integrating atmospheric science and social science research enables robust, systematic evaluation of weather forecast guidance and product development through relevant feedback from end users. Yet, this work is only a first step in further understanding the complexity of forecasters’ perspectives and practices and how these intersect with the breadth and complexity of AI guidance. The analyses presented here did not reveal obvious inconsistencies between stated preferences on the surveys and those observed in the think-aloud task. Next steps could evaluate how the results of this multimethod study compare to real-world actions and behaviors of forecasters to better understand how they assess trustworthiness and use AI forecast guidance during real training sessions or active operations (i.e., the intention–behavior gap; e.g., McKnight et al. 2002; Norberg et al. 2007). Studies could also examine how forecasters interpret and use AI products when the inner workings of the model as explained by XAI do not match their physics-based conceptual model of the atmosphere (e.g., Lapuschkin et al. 2019). Another application of the intention–behavior gap could be providing a heat map of the forecast uncertainties within AI model outputs to see when and how forecasters use less certain guidance, as well as what guidance they use instead. There are multiple, high-priority research-to-operational efforts that should be undertaken, topically and methodologically (Bostrom et al. 2024). Through deeply collaborative, user-driven research like that presented in this paper, AI guidance can be developed and refined in ways that make it not only useful but actually usable and used by forecasters.
Consistent with Novak et al. (2008), we use the term “guidance” to broadly refer to any kind of predictive model—including dynamical, statistical, or AI models—or other tool that a forecaster might use to assess the meteorological situation and make a determination about the forecast they issue.
Authors adapted this definition from algorithmic transparency defined by Molnar (2023).
We used both the terms artificial intelligence and machine learning with the acronym AI/ML in the survey and interview questions. Both terms are used in the manuscript when reporting how a question was asked. Otherwise, only “AI” is used for simplicity; we recognize that some aspects discussed technically are ML, whereas others are more general AI.
The coauthors who developed the severe hail and storm mode AI products did not participate in the data collection or analysis. Data collection and analysis were led by the risk communication team on the project, while developers provided the material and additional interpretation context through domain expertise.
Prior to the 16 interviews that the dataset analyzed here is composed of, we conducted pretest interviews with six colleagues with relevant forecasting expertise whom we directly contacted. The pretest interviews informed changes to the interview structure, wording, organization, and length. None of the data from the pretest interviews are included in the analysis reported here.
In a later part of the no-AI interview after the think-aloud, forecasters were asked questions about AI (data not analyzed in the present study), and two forecasters did mention that the term “CNN” made them think of AI. The first said AI was what came to mind when they read CNN, and the second understood that the use of a CNN meant the product they were reviewing was AI.
We note these phases may overlap and are not necessarily a linear progression, but rather are three different key parts of the process forecasters use to assess trustworthiness.
The authors sincerely thank all of the NWS forecasters for their time and their thoughtful and detailed responses, Imme Ebert-Uphoff for her collaborative conceptualization of the research approach, and Amanda Burke for the severe hail product output. This research is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant ICER-2019758. Additional support was provided by NOAA OAR Grant NA17OAR4590114. The NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Data availability statement.
Anonymized survey data are available via DesignSafe (Cains et al. 2024c). Interview data are not available in accordance with NSF NCAR Human Subjects Committee approval.
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Reflexive thematic analysis of reasoning/justification stated by forecasters for their final trustworthiness rating. Ratings were given after the think-aloud assessment of guidance attributes.
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