Application of an Adaptive Nudging Scheme in Air Quality Forecasting in China

Xiangde Xu State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China

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Lian Xie Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina

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Xinghong Cheng State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China

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Jianming Xu Nanjing Information Engineering University, Nanjing, China

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Xiuji Zhou State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China

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Guoan Ding State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China

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A major challenge for air quality forecasters is to reduce the uncertainty of air pollution emission inventory. Error in the emission data is a primary source of error in air quality forecasts, much like the effect of error in the initial conditions on the accuracy of weather forecasting. Data assimilation has been widely used to improve weather forecasting by correcting the initial conditions with weather observations. In a similar way, observed concentrations of air pollutants can be used to correct the errors in the emission data. In this study, a new method is developed for estimating air pollution emissions based on a Newtonian relaxation and nudging technique. Case studies for the period of 1–25 August 2006 in 47 cities in China indicate that the nudging technique resulted in improved estimations of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions in the majority of these cities. Predictions of SO2 and NO2 concentrations in January, April, August, and October using the emission estimations derived from the nudging technique showed remarkable improvements over those based on the original emission data.

Corresponding author address: Lian Xie, Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208. Email:


A major challenge for air quality forecasters is to reduce the uncertainty of air pollution emission inventory. Error in the emission data is a primary source of error in air quality forecasts, much like the effect of error in the initial conditions on the accuracy of weather forecasting. Data assimilation has been widely used to improve weather forecasting by correcting the initial conditions with weather observations. In a similar way, observed concentrations of air pollutants can be used to correct the errors in the emission data. In this study, a new method is developed for estimating air pollution emissions based on a Newtonian relaxation and nudging technique. Case studies for the period of 1–25 August 2006 in 47 cities in China indicate that the nudging technique resulted in improved estimations of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions in the majority of these cities. Predictions of SO2 and NO2 concentrations in January, April, August, and October using the emission estimations derived from the nudging technique showed remarkable improvements over those based on the original emission data.

Corresponding author address: Lian Xie, Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208. Email:

1. Introduction

As the date for the 2008 Olympic Summer Games was approaching, one of the biggest issues that faced the game’s organizers was accurately forecasting the air quality in the host city of Beijing, China. Forecasters at the Beijing Meteorological Bureau relied on coupled numerical weather prediction (NWP) and atmospheric chemistry models, such as “Models-3” (Dennis et al. 1996), a widely used operational air quality forecast system developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to accomplish their task. Models-3 consists of three components: 1) a regional NWP model, 2) an air pollution source initialization model, and 3) a multiscale atmospheric chemistry model [Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ)]. The modeling system has demonstrated skill in simulating and forecasting air quality at local, city, regional, and continental scales in the United States (Byun 1999a, b). However, the forecast accuracy depends critically on the accuracy of the pollution emission inventory that the model uses as input. Thus, obtaining an accurate air pollution emission inventory is a prerequisite for improving air quality forecasts.

The results from the Beijing City Air Pollution Observation Experiment (BECAPEX; Xu et al. 2003) showed that air pollution emissions change seasonally in Beijing and can differ significantly from the annual values estimated by Streets and Waldhoff (2000). For example, sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission during winter heating periods is often 2 times that observed during the summer. Thus, it is prudent that more accurate estimates of emissions that take into account their seasonal variability be used to initialize air quality forecast models. However, neither an up-to-date nor a seasonally dependent emission inventory is available in China. Therefore, to depict the seasonal variability of emissions, inversely estimating the emissions prior to the forecast period is the only option.

Previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of using various inverse modeling methods to obtain the spatial distribution of pollution emissions as well as to improve the forecast skill of air quality models (e.g., Hartley and Prinn 1993; Yienger and Levy 1995; Reich et al. 1999; Guenther et al. 1995, 1999; Bergamaschi et al. 2000; Bousquet et al. 1999; Hein et al. 1997; Houweling et al. 1999; Martin et al. 2002). Inverse modeling of pollution emissions has also been used in air quality modeling in China. Zhu et al. (2002) applied a generic algorithm to inversely compute the emissions from point sources. Li et al. (2003) developed a simple two-dimensional dispersion model to invert the sources and sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Liu et al. (2005) proposed an optimization theory for selecting the sites of pollutant-emitting factories with a goal to minimize the impact of air pollution. Xu et al. (2005) combined dynamical and statistical approaches to improve air quality forecasts by correcting the bias of model forecasts statistically. However, the effectiveness of using an inverse modeling approach to correct the emissions in an entire forecast domain and then using the corrected emissions to improve the air quality forecast at a regional domain has not been quantified in China.

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness and value of correcting the error in the emission inventory by using a nudging-based inverse-modeling approach. The nudging scheme is constructed by adding an array of adjustable “nudging terms” to the forecast equation to minimize the differences between the predicted and the observed values of air pollution concentration.

2. Description of modeling system, nudging method, and data

a. Model description

The multiscale air quality forecasting system is composed of the CMAQ pollution model, the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) for weather forecasting, and an inverse-modeling scheme based on a four-dimensional data assimilation nudging scheme. CMAQ is the core of the Models-3 air quality forecasting system. In this study, the air quality forecasting system is configured for the China domain as illustrated in Fig. 1. MM5 is configured for the larger domain (16°–50°N, 70°–135°E), whereas the CMAQ model is configured for the slightly smaller domain (17°–49°N, 71°–134°E) within the MM5 domain. The use of a smaller domain for CMAQ is for the purpose of reducing the impact of the lateral boundary conditions on the air quality forecast. The horizontal resolution for both domains is set to a uniform 36-km grid size in both the x and y directions. In the vertical direction, a nonuniform 13-level terrain-following sigma coordinate is used in CMAQ. Higher resolution is used near the lower boundary, with one-half of the grids set within the lowest 2 km to better resolve the boundary layer processes. MM5 uses 27 levels, with the top level at about 17 km. Again, higher resolution is used within the lowest 2 km to better describe the boundary layer processes.

b. Data

The lateral boundary conditions and initial conditions for the weather forecast model (MM5) are derived from the reanalysis data from the operational weather forecast model of the National Meteorology Center of the China Meteorological Administration. The data cover 31 vertical levels on 0.5625° × 0.5625° horizontal grids, and the forecasts are updated every 6 h. Nudging of meteorological data from 2500 surface weather stations and 300 upper-air stations occurs 2 times per day at 0800 and 2000 Beijing local time.

The performance of MM5 for the study region was evaluated by Xu et al. (2005). In their study, MM5 was run for the period of September 2004–March 2005. Meteorological variables including surface and upper-air temperature, humidity, and wind fields simulated by MM5 were validated against observations from 2500 surface weather stations and 300 upper-air stations. Xu et al. (2005) concluded that the meteorological variables simulated by MM5 are reliable for driving air quality forecast models in the study region. Separately, the Beijing Meteorological Bureau has carried out a mandated evaluation of MM5 before it was adopted for routine operational weather and air quality forecasting.

The emission inventory used to initialize the CMAQ model is from Streets et al. (2003), which describes the emissions in Asia for 2000. It is interpolated into the 36 km × 36 km CMAQ domain as shown in Fig. 1. This dataset will be referred to as S2000 hereinafter.

For model validation, two sources of datasets were used. The first is the pollution emissions and daily mean pollutant concentration observations from 47 surface monitoring stations across China as published by China Statistics Press (National Bureau of Statistics of China 2004). This dataset will be referred to as China2004 hereinafter. The second is the 2004 update of S2000 (X. Tie 2004, personal communication). It will be referred to as S2004 hereinafter.

In all calculations, the Carbon Bond Mechanism, version 4.0, (CB-IV) is chosen as the chemical mechanism in CMAQ. The air quality nudging procedure is applied to selected fair-weather dates prior to the validation periods as shown in Table 1. For example, for the forecast period of 1–25 August 2006, which represents the summer condition, nudging is applied for 20 and 21 July 2006. A similar procedure is used to produce the air quality forecasts for January, April, and October of 2006, representing winter, spring, and autumn conditions, respectively. Note that except for August (for which forecasts were for 25 days because of the lack of observations for 26–31 August), full-month forecasts were made for January, April, and October.

c. Nudging technique

The general form of a Newtonian relaxation nudging scheme can be expressed as
where α is the array of variables to be predicted, F denotes the array of the forcing function, x is the spatial dimensions, t is time, and N are the nudging terms. For the concentration of air quality parameter P, Eq. (1) can be rewritten as
where subscript n indicates the number of iterations in the nudging process, P* is the observed concentration, and Qn is the estimated emission value after n iterations. Nudging can be carried out for multiple air quality parameters simultaneously. For m species of pollutants, the emissions at iteration n + 1 (Q1n+1, Q2n+1, . . . , Qmn+1), can be estimated through the following array of nudging equations:
where Pmn is the concentration of the mth pollutant at the nth iteration and the βs are the empirical nudging coefficients, which are positive if P*m > Pmn and negative if P*m < Pmn.

The CMAQ model is used to compute the first-guess field of Pm1 from the original emission data Qm1 derived from S2000. The predicted concentration is used together with the observed concentration to derive the corrected emission estimation Qm2 through the iteration process described in Eq. (3). The new emission estimation is then used to predict the concentration Pm2 using CMAQ. Next, Pm1 and Pm2 are used to estimate Qm3 using Eq. (3), and so on until a convergence is reached. This iterative scheme is referred to as “adaptive nudging” hereinafter.

3. Results

In this section, we describe the results from twin SO2 and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration forecasting experiments: one using the nudging scheme described in section 2 (referred to as the nudging experiment) and the other without nudging (referred to as the control experiment). The case used in this study is for the period of 1–25 August 2006. This period was chosen because it is approximately the same period of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and because the weather during this period was mostly stable. For the nudging experiment, observed SO2 and NO2 concentrations at 47 urban observing stations in China from 20 and 21 July 2006 (fair-weather days) were used to correct the emissions through the iterative nudging process described in section 2. For the control experiment, the original emissions data (S2000) were used without correction.

a. Improvements in SO2 and NO2 concentration forecasts for 1–25 August 2006

Figure 2 shows the comparison of the 1–25 August mean SO2 and NO2 air pollution index (API) values among the control experiment, the nudging experiment, and the observations. API is a classification of air pollution severity according to the concentration of air pollutants. The China National API values for urban areas are described in Table 2 (Fan 1998). Larger API values correspond to more-severe air pollution conditions.

The simulated API values of SO2 and NO2 are shown in Figs. 2a and 2b, respectively. The APIs are computed for 47 cities across China. It is obvious that the NO2 and SO2 API values from the nudging experiment (light gray) are much closer to the observations (dark gray) than are those from the control experiment (white) in nearly all cities. The forecasts from 1–25 August for all 47 cities (a total of 1122 forecast samples) from the nudging experiment are statistically similar to the observations as shown in Figs. 3a,b. The correlation coefficient squared (R2) values between the observed API values and those from the nudging experiment are 0.44 for SO2 and 0.43 for NO2, both exceeding the 99% significance level. In contrast, the R2 values between the observations and the APIs from the control experiment were only 0.026 for SO2 and 0.055 for NO2, and neither passed the 90% significance test. Thus, it is evident that the nudging experiment showed remarkable improvement over the control experiment for both the SO2 and the NO2 forecasts.

The advantage of using “air quality nudging” is also evident when validated for different regions. Table 3 lists the differences between the average forecast API and that of the observed API in seven regions in China. It is shown that for all seven regions the nudging experiment showed significant improvement in forecasting SO2 and NO2 API values, with error reductions ranging from 54% to 71% for NO2 and from 27% to 74% for SO2.

b. Nudging-derived SO2 and NO2 emissions based on July 2006 SO2 and NO2 concentrations

The error reductions in SO2 and NO2 forecasts from the nudging experiment can presumably be attributed to the improvements made to the SO2 and NO2 emissions by nudging their simulated values toward the observed SO2 and NO2 concentrations. In this section, the changes of SO2 and NO2 emissions resulting from the nudging procedure will be analyzed. Because the Chinese government only publishes annual SO2 emissions, emissions for NO2 need to be derived from other sources. In this study, the S2004 nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions will be used as the “observations.”

The comparison between the derived NOx emissions using the nudging procedure described in section 2 and the 2004 observations of NOx emissions (S2004) is shown in Fig. 4. It is evident that the nudging procedure is clearly effective in improving the NOx emissions. For example, on average, the difference between S2000 and S2004 is 36%, and the nudging procedure reduced the difference to approximately 10% on average, achieving an average improvement of 72%. In other words, if one does not have S2004, the nudging procedure employed here effectively leads to an “update” of S2000 that is within 10% of the actual S2004 values.

For SO2 emissions, the comparison between China2004 and the derived emissions is shown in Fig. 5. The difference between the emissions derived by the nudging procedure using the 20–21 July 2006 SO2 concentration and the China2004 SO2 emissions (gray bars) is substantially smaller than that between the S2000 SO2 emissions and China2004 (white bars) at nearly all SO2 emission data locations:
where EMA represents S2000 emissions, EMB is the estimated emissions using 20 and 21 July 2006 observed concentrations and meteorological data, EMG is the emissions published by the Chinese government (China2004), RA is the percent departure between S2000 and China2004, and RB is the percent departure between the derived emissions through the nudging procedure and China2004.

For the 47 air quality monitoring stations across China, RB is smaller than RA at a majority (82.6%) of the stations. On average, RA (0.96) is almost 2 times RB (0.49). Thus, if China2004 is considered to be more accurate than S2000, it is evident that the nudging procedure is effective in substantially reducing the emission error for the majority of the 47 cities across China, and the average error reduction is approximately 50%.

c. Forecasting the seasonal values of SO2 and NO2 concentrations

To further quantify the effectiveness of nudging on the air quality forecasts in China, over 4000 data samples of NO2 and SO2 concentrations taken in four months (January, April, August, and October) at 47 air quality monitoring stations across China and their corresponding forecast values are compared statistically. Figure 6 shows the correlation coefficients R between the data and the forecasts from the experiments without nudging (white bars) and those with nudging (gray bars). It is evident that in all seasons nudging led to significant improvements in the correlation between the forecasts and the data for both NO2 and SO2.

For the four seasons in 2006, the observed SO2 concentrations are more closely correlated with the forecasts using the derived emissions (R = 0.44) than the forecasts using the original S2000 emissions (R = 0.23). This is also true for NO2, with correlation coefficients of 0.49 (for forecasts using the derived emissions) and 0.19 (for forecasts using the original 2000 emissions) (Fig. 6). Thus, one can conclude that the nudging procedure devised in this study is effective in reducing the SO2 and NO2 forecast errors in all seasons.

4. Conclusions

Current three-dimensional dynamic air quality modeling and forecasting in China rely primarily on the use of the outdated S2000 air pollution emission inventory. In this study, we demonstrated that, by incorporating an adaptive nudging scheme into the CMAQ-based air quality forecast system, the error field in the emission data can be reduced effectively through an inverse-modeling procedure using observed air pollution levels, and the improved emissions can further lead to significant improvement in air quality forecasts in all seasons.

A set of simulations and hindcasts for SO2 and NO2 API values for January, April, August, and October of 2006 were carried out to quantify the effectiveness of the nudging scheme. The experiment for August of 2006 is used to quantify the effectiveness of nudging in improving the estimation of emission sources. The emissions of SO2 in 47 cities in China for which actual SO2 emission observations are available have been computed inversely using S2000 as the first-guess field of the emissions and real-time SO2 and NO2 concentrations observed in late July of 2006 to correct the first-guess field. The experiments showed that the derived emissions are in better agreement with the corresponding observations than are the original S2000 emissions, indicating that the nudging procedure was effective in reducing the error in the original emission inventory. The model results also show that using the derived emissions of SO2 and NO2 led to significant improvement in the forecasts of SO2 and NO2 concentrations.

An implication of the results presented above is that because air pollution emissions are very uncertain in China one should avoid using uncorrected emissions, such as S2000, in air quality forecasting. Using the observations of pollutant concentrations prior to the forecast period to correct the emission data shows great promise for improving air pollution forecasts.

Note also that air quality forecast error can originate from multiple sources. Error in the emissions inventory is only one of several potential causes of forecast error. For example, error in meteorological forecasts and inaccuracy in the description of atmospheric chemistry in the model can all lead to air quality forecast error. Correcting the error field in the emissions represents only one of several approaches to improving emissions and air quality forecasts.


This work is supported by the national key basic research plan (No. TG1999045700) and the key project of international cooperation in science and technology of the China Science and Technology Ministry (No. 2004DFA06100) and by the national key research plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90502003).


  • Bergamaschi, P., R. Hein, M. Heimann, and P. J. Crutzen, 2000: Inverse modeling of the global CO cycle 1: Inversion of CO mixing ratio. J. Geophys. Res., 105 , 19091927.

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  • Bousquet, P., P. Ciais, M. Peylin, M. Ramonet, and P. Monfray, 1999: Inverse modeling of annual atmospheric CO2 sources and sinks 1. Method and control inversion. J. Geophys. Res., 104 , 2616126178.

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  • Byun, D., 1999a: Dynamically consistent formulations in meteorological and air quality models for multiscale atmospheric studies. Part I: Governing equations in a generalized coordinate system. J. Atmos. Sci., 56 , 37893807.

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  • Byun, D., 1999b: Dynamically consistent formulations in meteorological and air quality models for multiscale atmospheric studies. Part II: Mass conservation issues. J. Atmos. Sci., 56 , 38083820.

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  • Dennis, R. L., D. W. Byun, J. M. Novak, K. J. Gallupi, C. J. Coats, and M. A. Vouk, 1996: The next generation of integrated air quality modeling: EPA’s Models-3. Atmos. Environ., 30 , 19251938.

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  • Guenther, A., B. Baugh, G. Brasseur, J. Greenberg, P. Harley, L. Klinger, D. Serca, and L. Vierling, 1999: Isoprene emission estimates and uncertainties for the Central African EXPRESSO study domain. J. Geophys. Res., 104 , 3062530639.

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Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

Study area. The outer domain depicts the simulation area for the meteorologicalvariables using MM5. The inner domain depicts the area for the air quality model (CMAQ).

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 8; 10.1175/2008JAMC1737.1

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

Comparison of the 1–25 August mean SO2 and NO2 API values among the control experiment, nudging experiment, and the observations for the (a) SO2 API and (b) NO2 API. The APIs are computed for all 47 cities. It is obvious that the NO2 and the SO2 API values from the nudging experiment (light shade) are closer to the observations (dark shade) than are those from the control experiment (white) in nearly all cities.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 8; 10.1175/2008JAMC1737.1

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

Scatterplots of the forecast data and the observed data for 1–25 August for all 47 cities (a total of 1122 forecast samples) from the nudging experiment for (a) SO2 API values and (b) NO2 API values.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 8; 10.1175/2008JAMC1737.1

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

The NOx emission inventory “error” measured in terms of the percentage departure from the S2004 NOx inventory. The white bars are for the error of S2000 NOx emission, and the black bars are for the error of the derived emission using the nudging procedure.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 8; 10.1175/2008JAMC1737.1

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

Deviation ratio between the derived emissions and S2000 with respect to China2004 emissions. The white bars (RA) are for the deviation ratio between S2000 and China2004, and the gray bars (RB) are for the deviation ratio between the derived emissions and China2004.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 8; 10.1175/2008JAMC1737.1

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

Seasonal change of correlation coefficients R between forecast NO2 and SO2 values and corresponding observed concentrations. The white bars (Rcmaq) are the correlation coefficient for forecasts using S2000, and the gray bars (RNE) are the correlation coefficient for forecasts using the derived emissions.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 8; 10.1175/2008JAMC1737.1

Table 1.

Description of nudging experiments (R is correlation coefficient).

Table 1.
Table 2.

API and corresponding concentration of pollutants (CO is carbon monoxide, O3 is ozone, and PM10 is particulate matter with diameter of less than 10 μm).

Table 2.
Table 3.

Comparison of NO2 and SO2 API differences between nudging forecast (NF), observations (obs), and CMAQ control experiments (CMAQ) for 1–25 Aug 2006.

Table 3.
  • Bergamaschi, P., R. Hein, M. Heimann, and P. J. Crutzen, 2000: Inverse modeling of the global CO cycle 1: Inversion of CO mixing ratio. J. Geophys. Res., 105 , 19091927.

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  • Bousquet, P., P. Ciais, M. Peylin, M. Ramonet, and P. Monfray, 1999: Inverse modeling of annual atmospheric CO2 sources and sinks 1. Method and control inversion. J. Geophys. Res., 104 , 2616126178.

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  • Byun, D., 1999a: Dynamically consistent formulations in meteorological and air quality models for multiscale atmospheric studies. Part I: Governing equations in a generalized coordinate system. J. Atmos. Sci., 56 , 37893807.

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  • Byun, D., 1999b: Dynamically consistent formulations in meteorological and air quality models for multiscale atmospheric studies. Part II: Mass conservation issues. J. Atmos. Sci., 56 , 38083820.

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  • Dennis, R. L., D. W. Byun, J. M. Novak, K. J. Gallupi, C. J. Coats, and M. A. Vouk, 1996: The next generation of integrated air quality modeling: EPA’s Models-3. Atmos. Environ., 30 , 19251938.

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  • Fan, Y. Z., 1998: Program of air pollution index (in Chinese). Environ. Prot., 8 , 1920.

  • Guenther, A., and Coauthors, 1995: A global model of natural volatile organic compound emissions. J. Geophys. Res., 100 , 88738892.

  • Guenther, A., B. Baugh, G. Brasseur, J. Greenberg, P. Harley, L. Klinger, D. Serca, and L. Vierling, 1999: Isoprene emission estimates and uncertainties for the Central African EXPRESSO study domain. J. Geophys. Res., 104 , 3062530639.

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  • Hartley, D. E., and R. G. Prinn, 1993: On the feasibility of determining surface emissions of trace gases using an inverse method in a three-dimensional chemical transport model. J. Geophys. Res., 98 , 51835198.

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  • Hein, R., P. J. Crutzen, and M. Heimann, 1997: An inverse modeling approach to investigate the global atmospheric methane cycle. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 11 , 4376.

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  • Houweling, S., T. Kaminski, F. Dentener, J. Lelieveld, and M. Heimann, 1999: Inverse modeling of methane sources and sinks using the adjoint of a global transport model. J. Geophys. Res., 104 , 2613726160.

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  • Li, C., L. Xu, M. Shao, and R. J. Zhang, 2003: Development and application of an inverse model technique of source and sinks of atmospheric CO2 (in Chinese). China Environ. Sci., 23 , 610613.

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  • Liu, F., F. Hu, and J. Zhu, 2005: Resolving optimization location of multi-industrial pollution sources by adjoint method (in Chinese). Sci. China Ser. D, 35 , 6471.

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  • Martin, R. V., and Coauthors, 2002: An improved retrieval of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide from GOME. J. Geophys. Res., 107 .4437, doi:10.1029/2001JD001027.

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  • National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2004: Annual Report of Statistics of Environmental Protection in China. China Environmental Science, 267 pp.

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  • Reich, S. L., D. R. Gomez, and L. E. Dawidowski, 1999: Artificial neural network for the identification of unknown air pollution sources. Atmos. Environ., 33 , 30453052.

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  • Streets, D. G., and S. T. Waldhoff, 2000: Present and future emissions of air pollutants in China: SO2, NOx, and CO. Atmos. Environ., 34 , 363374.

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  • Streets, D. G., and Coauthors, 2003: An inventory of gaseous and primary aerosol emissions in Asia in the year 2000. J. Geophys. Res., 108 .8809, doi:10.1029/2002JD003093.

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  • Fig. 1.

    Study area. The outer domain depicts the simulation area for the meteorologicalvariables using MM5. The inner domain depicts the area for the air quality model (CMAQ).

  • Fig. 2.

    Comparison of the 1–25 August mean SO2 and NO2 API values among the control experiment, nudging experiment, and the observations for the (a) SO2 API and (b) NO2 API. The APIs are computed for all 47 cities. It is obvious that the NO2 and the SO2 API values from the nudging experiment (light shade) are closer to the observations (dark shade) than are those from the control experiment (white) in nearly all cities.

  • Fig. 3.

    Scatterplots of the forecast data and the observed data for 1–25 August for all 47 cities (a total of 1122 forecast samples) from the nudging experiment for (a) SO2 API values and (b) NO2 API values.

  • Fig. 4.

    The NOx emission inventory “error” measured in terms of the percentage departure from the S2004 NOx inventory. The white bars are for the error of S2000 NOx emission, and the black bars are for the error of the derived emission using the nudging procedure.

  • Fig. 5.

    Deviation ratio between the derived emissions and S2000 with respect to China2004 emissions. The white bars (RA) are for the deviation ratio between S2000 and China2004, and the gray bars (RB) are for the deviation ratio between the derived emissions and China2004.

  • Fig. 6.

    Seasonal change of correlation coefficients R between forecast NO2 and SO2 values and corresponding observed concentrations. The white bars (Rcmaq) are the correlation coefficient for forecasts using S2000, and the gray bars (RNE) are the correlation coefficient for forecasts using the derived emissions.

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