1. Introduction
Modeling the stable boundary layer (SBL) has proven difficult (Mahrt 2014) because of weak or collapsed turbulence and, consequently, the increased importance of other processes [including gravity waves (Mahrt 1998), baroclinicity (Mahrt 1998), intermittent turbulence (Poulos et al. 2002), thin and “upside down” boundary layers (Mahrt and Vickers 2002), surface heterogeneity (Verkaik and Holtslag 2007; Optis et al. 2014), inertial oscillations (IOs) (Baas et al. 2012), and low-level jets (LLJs) (Van de Wiel et al. 2010)]. Extensive research has focused on the representation of SBL turbulence and the sensitivity of atmospheric models to different parameterization schemes (ECMWF 2007; Beljaars and Viterbo 1999). Single-column models (SCMs) are often employed to evaluate turbulence parameterization schemes within the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). Such models are flexible in determining which processes and parameterizations are included (e.g., turbulence, radiation, entrainment, land surface characteristics, etc.), allow for the specification of lower boundaries above the surface (Optis and Monahan 2016), and generally have low computational requirements. Models range in complexity from those that incorporate detailed physics (similar to a 3D model) to idealized representations that may only consider the budget equations (e.g., momentum and temperature).
SCMs are often used within an equilibrium framework to study SBL characteristics up to moderately stable conditions. Specifically, the SCM is initialized (usually from neutral stratification) and then evolves over a 9–12-h period with imposed external forcings (e.g., geostrophic wind speed and surface cooling rate). Under this approach, the SBL reaches a “quasi equilibrium” state in which the wind profile and potential temperature gradient become constant in time. The structure of the SBL (boundary layer height, vertical profiles, surface turbulence, etc.) and relationships between parameters (e.g., flux-gradient relationships) can then be evaluated from the quasi-equilibrium state. This approach has been used in a number of studies to explore SBL characteristics (e.g., Weng and Taylor 2006; Sterk et al. 2013; Sorbjan 2012, 2014) and to compare different turbulence parameterizations (e.g., Weng and Taylor 2003; Cuxart et al. 2006; Edwards et al. 2006; Optis and Monahan 2016). In a previous study, we identified several limitations of the equilibrium approach (Optis and Monahan 2016). First, the only suitable observed parameter available within an equilibrium framework (i.e., constant forcings) to account for surface cooling was the turbulent temperature flux (a constant surface temperature, for example, does not provide information about stratification). Research has demonstrated that for a given value of the temperature flux, two physically meaningful solutions exist—a relatively weak stratification solution (computationally stable) and a relatively strong stratification solution (computationally unstable) (Van de Wiel et al. 2007; Gibbs et al. 2015). It was demonstrated in Optis and Monahan (2016) that the equilibrium SCM either tended toward the weak stratification solution (thereby frequently underestimating stratification) or broke down in part because of runaway surface cooling and the collapse of turbulence as well as other factors. Second, the equilibrium approach did not accurately account for the observed IO and the LLJ evolution since these processes depended on the time-evolving state of the SBL and, in particular, the degree of departure of the wind profile at the time of sunset from its equilibrium profile during the night (Van de Wiel et al. 2010). Incorporating time evolution in the SCM overcomes the above limitations of the equilibrium approach. Time-evolving temperature measurements (readily available at multiple altitudes) can be used to account for stability (thereby avoiding the two-solution ambiguity problem), while IOs and LLJs are more robustly modeled within a time-evolving framework. Time-evolving SCMs have been used recently to model the evolution of the LLJ and to assess SCM sensitivity to variations in model parameterizations (e.g., Baas et al. 2010; Bosveld et al. 2014b).
Agreement between SCM simulations of the SBL and observations is often poor because of the influence of horizontal processes [e.g., momentum and temperature advection, baroclinic effects, and internal boundary layers (IBLs)]. Horizontal homogeneity is generally assumed in the construction of an SCM although the effect of horizontal processes can be parameterized. For example, Bosveld et al. (2014a) used piecewise constant functions to model momentum, temperature, and moisture advection and specified a geostrophic wind profile to account for baroclinicity. The influence of advective tendencies can be mitigated by compositing SCM results from a larger dataset, provided these tendencies are sufficiently variable to cancel out on average. Baas et al. (2010) found that compositing SCM results over similar LLJ events averaged out the effects of horizontal advection and resulted in better agreement with similarly composited observations.
The existence of IBLs also limits the accuracy of a one-dimensional (1D) model. For example, low local roughness within 200 m of the Cabauw meteorological tower in the Netherlands combined with higher regional roughness results in a local IBL extending from the surface to approximately 20 m in near-neutral conditions (Beljaars 1982; Verkaik and Holtslag 2007). The extrapolation of 10-m wind speeds (within the IBL) aloft implicitly assumes horizontally homogeneous low roughness conditions, resulting in a strong tendency to overestimate wind speeds (Optis and Monahan 2016). The influence of IBLs can be mitigated by using a lower boundary above the IBL or by using a surface-based lower boundary and specifying a roughness length z0 that more closely represents the surface roughness of the upstream region of interest [e.g., the use of mesoscale roughness values for studying the wind profile up to heights of 500 m, as in Baas et al. (2010) and Bosveld et al. (2014a)]. However, the specification of z0 is not straightforward as it is a poorly constrained parameter to which the wind profile is generally highly sensitive (Optis et al. 2016).
The influence of horizontal processes can be accounted for by using a 3D atmospheric model. Mesoscale models generally have horizontal grid spacing around 1–2 km and can, in principle, account for horizontal processes on horizontal scales of several grid points and larger. Processes on smaller-length scales (e.g., IBL development at Cabauw) are not expected to be accurately resolved by a mesoscale model with such resolution. Higher resolutions in 3D models are possible (e.g., microscale models with horizontal grid spacing less than 1 km) but require even greater computational cost and detailed surface roughness characteristics to account for microscale features such as the IBL at Cabauw.
Given its low computational requirements and its ability to make use of local observations, the time-evolving SCM may be an appealing alternative to a 3D model in simulating the wind profile for wind energy resource assessments. Such modeling is especially important in the very stable boundary layer, given the higher wind speeds above 100 m (e.g., the low-level jet) and the more complex set of boundary layer processes compared to the neutral or unstable boundary layer. Used for such purposes, the SCM provides a middle ground between the use of conventional and highly simplified wind speed extrapolation equations and the use of computationally costly but more physically robust 3D atmospheric models. Wind speed extrapolation equations range from those that take no account of atmospheric physics (e.g., power law profile), through those that provide a limited account of atmospheric turbulence (e.g., logarithmic wind speed profile), to those that account for more detailed forcings, including the pressure-gradient force and the Coriolis force [e.g., two-layer logarithmic-Ekman model in Optis et al. (2014), Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) model (Troen and Petersen 1989)]. In particular, Optis et al. (2014) demonstrated considerable improvements in mean wind profile accuracy for all stratifications by using a two-layer logarithmic-Ekman model. Although the two-layer model was accurate on average, it demonstrated considerable spread in the wind speed error in very to extremely stable conditions. This fact was attributed in part to the model’s inability to account for time-evolving processes (e.g., IO and LLJ). Furthermore, the two-layer model was highly tuned to one year of Cabauw data in (Optis et al. 2014) to produce an accurate mean wind speed profile, while the same model was considerably less accurate in a follow-up study (Optis and Monahan 2016) that made use of a 10-yr dataset. The use of 3D mesoscale models such as the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model (which account for time-evolving processes) is becoming increasingly common for purposes ranging from wind resource assessments, wind farm siting, and predicting ramp events (e.g., Storm et al. 2009; Storm and Basu 2010; Floors et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2013; Nunalee and Basu 2014; Yang et al. 2013). To our knowledge, a detailed comparison of equilibrium and time-evolving approaches to wind profile modeling over a large composite dataset has not been investigated, nor has a comparison of 1D and 3D models been carried out.
Building upon our previous analyses of 1D approaches to modeling the wind profile under stable stratification (all previously based within an equilibrium framework), we extend the analysis here to assess the SCM approach within a time-evolving framework. Specifically, an equilibrium SCM, a time-evolving SCM, and a time-evolving 3D WRF Model are assessed in their representations of the wind profile up to 200 m under stable stratification. Data obtained from the Cabauw meteorological tower in the Netherlands over a 10-yr period are used to drive the models and to assess the accuracy of model performance. In section 2, we describe the data sources. The SCM setup including the different turbulence schemes considered is provided in section 3 along with a description of the WRF Model setup. In section 4, we compare SCM and WRF Model performance over a series of LLJ case studies, considering a range of turbulence parameterization schemes for the SCM. We then assess the time-evolving SCM performance using different heights above the surface as the lower boundary and compare results to the LLJ case studies. In section 5, we compare model performance using composite results obtained over the 10-yr period and for different stability classes. A discussion is provided in section 6, and conclusions are in section 7.
2. Data sources
Most observational data used in this study were obtained from the Cabauw meteorological tower in the Netherlands, operated by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). Measurements of meteorological variables at 10-min resolution were obtained from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2010 (these data are available at http://www.cesar-database.nl). Wind speed and direction measurements are made at 10, 20, 40, 80, 140, and 200 m; and temperature measurements are made at these altitudes as well as 2 m. Surface pressure measurements at 10-min resolution are also provided, which were used to calculate the potential temperature at different heights. Turbulent momentum flux data at 10-min resolution are provided by KNMI for the period July 2007–June 2008 at altitudes of 5, 60, 100, and 180 m. Surface geostrophic wind data also provided by KNMI are derived from 1-h surface pressure measurements from weather stations near Cabauw using a second-order polynomial fit. We use 6-h averaged wind vector data at 800 hPa taken from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim) as an estimate for the geostrophic wind aloft (available at http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/interim_full_daily). These data are linearly interpolated horizontally to the Cabauw coordinates. Data sources for the WRF Model are described in section 3. All data used in this analysis are interpolated to 10-min resolution.
3. Model setup
a. SCM governing equations and turbulence schemes

We consider a range of turbulence closure schemes investigated in Bosveld et al. (2014b) and Kleczek et al. (2014). Limiting the complexity of schemes to no higher than level 1.5-TKE closure (but including Mellor–Yamada), we identify a total of eight different turbulence closure schemes considered between these two studies. In Optis and Monahan (2016), we identified several of these schemes that did not perform well in stable stratification: the Yonsei University (YSU) and Wageningen University schemes both considerably underestimated stratification, while the Environment Canada scheme showed large spread in model results. These schemes are excluded from the present analysis. The remaining schemes are considered in this analysis for the time-evolving SCM and are listed in Table 1, with complete parameterizations provided in Table 2. In a previous study, we found the Met Office (UKMO) turbulence scheme to be the most accurate relative to the other turbulence schemes for use in an equilibrium SCM (Optis and Monahan 2016). We therefore consider equilibrium simulations using only the UKMO scheme in this study. Note that we include the YSU scheme in Table 2 as it is used in the WRF simulations in this study.
Turbulence closure schemes considered in this study.
Complete parameterizations of turbulence closure schemes considered in this study.
To facilitate calculations for the MYJ scheme, we replace the usual form of the mixing length limit (Mellor and Yamada 1982) with the form λ = au*/f. Both representations of λ are proportional to hABL, so the substitution is not expected to result in significant changes to model results. For the UKMO scheme, Smith (1990) uses a value of λ that scales with hABL, but no equation is provided. We therefore assume the form λ = au*/f.
b. Time-evolving SCM numerical scheme and boundary conditions
Performance of the models are considered under two scenarios: a series of LLJ case studies and the long-term performance over a period of 10 yr. Model setup differs between the two scenarios and is described separately in this section.
For the LLJ case studies, the time-evolving SCM is initialized from a neutral profile beginning at 1200 UTC (as in Baas et al. 2010; Bosveld et al. 2014a) to allow sufficient time for model spinup. The neutral profile is determined by assuming equilibrium (i.e., ∂u/∂t = ∂υ/∂t = 0) in Eqs. (1a) and (1b) and then solving the resulting set of ordinary differential equations using a boundary value problem (BVP) solver in the MATLAB software package (“bvp4c,” described at http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/bvp4c.html). For calculation of the initial profile, we specify a first-order closure scheme with a mixing length of the form
For the 10-yr composite analysis, the data are partitioned into 3-month datasets for faster computing on multiple processors. We begin each dataset from a neutral profile as described above and neglect results obtained from the first 24 h of each 3-month simulation to account for model spinup time. Note that less spinup time is required for the LLJ case studies since the ABL quickly evolves from a neutral to an unstable state at 1200 UTC because of intense turbulent mixing.
We specify the 800-hPA winds from ERA-Interim and a zero turbulent temperature flux as upper-boundary conditions. For TKE-based closure, we specify an upper-boundary condition of zero for the vertical turbulent TKE flux.
c. Equilibrium SCM
Equilibrium SCM setup is the same in both the LLJ and long-term case studies and is consistent with the setup in Optis and Monahan (2016). Using observed external parameters at a given point in time (specifically, the surface geostrophic wind, 10-m wind, and 5-m turbulent temperature flux), we begin from a neutral wind profile and integrate Eqs. (1a)–(1c) forward in time while keeping the external parameters constant. We assume an initial potential temperature of 295 K at all levels, noting that the value of temperature (in contrast to the temperature profile) is arbitrary and has negligible influence on model results. We note that a constant surface temperature at the lower boundary cannot account for stratification under an equilibrium approach, necessitating the use of the 5-m turbulent temperature flux as a lower-boundary condition. We integrate for a period of 9 h to reach quasi equilibrium, consistent with approaches used in other equilibrium SCM studies (Beare et al. 2006; Cuxart et al. 2006; Sorbjan 2014). Methods used to solve for the neutral profile and integrate Eqs. (1a)–(1c) are the same as described in the previous section.
We specify the 10-m wind vector and the 5-m temperature flux as lower-boundary conditions at 10 m. For TKE-based closure, we calculate the TKE at 10 m using Eq. (9). For upper-boundary conditions, we specify the surface geostrophic wind vector and a constant potential temperature of 295 K. For TKE-based closure, we specify an upper-boundary value of zero for the vertical turbulent TKE flux.
d. WRF Model
Jiménez et al. (2016) used the WRF mesoscale model to obtain 10-min averaged wind vector and temperature profile data at the grid point closest to the Cabauw site for the 2001–10 period. A detailed discussion of the model and its configuration is presented in Jiménez et al. (2016). These model results were provided for use in this study. The model is configured with four domains using two-way nesting with a horizontal grid spacing of 2 km for the innermost domain. There are 31 terrain-following hydrostatic pressure levels with the upper level at 50 hPa. The model includes parameterizations for longwave and shortwave radiation, cumulus clouds, and the land surface. The YSU turbulence parameterization scheme is used (Table 2). It should be noted that WRF, version 3.4.1, was used, which does not contain the bug in the YSU scheme identified in Hu et al. (2013). Initial and boundary conditions were obtained from ERA-Interim.
4. LLJ case study results
We begin with considering model performance over the eight LLJ case studies investigated by Baas et al. (2010), selected for their relatively idealized conditions. Specifically, the case studies all occur in late spring or summer and demonstrate clear sky conditions, strong surface cooling at night, reasonably constant geostrophic forcing from the southeast, and reasonably smooth rotation of the IO (indicative of minimal advective tendencies).
a. Sensitivity to turbulence schemes
The evolution of the modeled and observed potential temperature difference between 200 and 10 m (Δθ200–10) for the different case studies, as well as the averaged composite results, are shown in Fig. 1. In all cases, the lower 200 m of the ABL is weakly unstable from 1200 UTC up to around 1500–1700 UTC. The stable boundary layer then develops at about 1800 UTC, reaching a peak inversion strength generally around 0400 UTC. The transition back to unstable conditions occurs between 0700 and 0900 UTC. Fluctuations of the observed Δθ200–10 over 1–2-h time scales in the individual case studies (possibly caused by advective tendencies, intermittent turbulence, etc.) are largely averaged out in the composite case. The different models demonstrate a range of modeled stratifications. For the time-evolving SCM, the RACMO and ECMWF schemes tend to slightly underestimate Δθ200–10 during the stable regime. The UKMO scheme shows good agreement with observations apart from a slight tendency to overestimate Δθ200–10 from the late evening up to the peak stratification. The MYJ and quasi-normal scale elimination (QNSE) schemes overestimate stratification from early evening onward and model the sunrise transition on average 2–3 h later than the observed transition time. We attribute this delay to the increased time required to break up the intense stratification up to 200 m produced by these schemes. The WRF Model is generally less accurate in modeling the stratification compared to the time-evolving SCMs. Specifically, the WRF Model tends to substantially overestimate |Δθ200–10| at all times of day apart from the 2–3-h period before the sunrise transition. This tendency may be attributed to insufficient turbulent mixing in the WRF Model for both unstable and stable conditions. The equilibrium SCM accurately accounts for the stratification during the day but shows poor accuracy at night. Specifically, large spikes in Δθ200–10 are common, corresponding to large magnitudes of the 5-m
Evolution of the modeled and observed Δθ200–10 for the different LLJ case studies. Time-evolving SCM results using different turbulence closure schemes, the WRF Model, and the equilibrium SCM (SCM-Eq) are considered.
Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 5; 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0324.1
The evolution of the modeled and observed 200-m wind speeds (U200) for the different case studies, as well as the averaged composite results, are shown in Fig. 2. Hodographs of the 200-m wind vector are shown in Fig. 3 along with the composite hodograph determined using the approach in Baas et al. (2010). The observed 200-m wind speeds increase in magnitude at around 1600–1800 UTC, consistent with the onset of stable stratification and reduced surface coupling. The peak in the wind speed occurs around 2200–0000 UTC because of the formation of an LLJ near 200 m (Baas et al. 2010). The wind speed then decreases and reaches a minimum at the sunrise transition. As demonstrated in Figs. 2 and 3, the evolution of U200 over the course of the night is strongly associated with the evolution of the IO. Fluctuations of the observed U200 over 1–2-h time scales in the individual case studies (possibly caused by advective tendencies, intermittent turbulence, etc.) are largely averaged out in the composite case. The time-evolving SCM and the WRF Model generally show reasonable agreement with the observations (apart from the RACMO and ECMWF schemes), although both schemes underestimate the magnitude of the IO and, consequently, the peak wind speed. The observed wind speeds tend to decrease after the peak value more rapidly than the modeled wind speeds. Baas et al. (2010) attributed this result to a consistent pattern in momentum advection observed over the case studies, likely caused by a combination of mesoscale influences—such as sea, lowland, and topographic effects. Compared to the time-evolving SCM, the WRF Model shows results of similar quality for the composite case but much different results in the individual case studies. The WRF Model is more accurate in some cases relative to the SCMs and other times is less accurate. This result is not surprising given that, in contrast to the SCMs, the WRF Model is not driven by local observations but can in principle account for horizontal processes such as momentum advection. The equilibrium SCM generally shows poor agreement with observations. The increase in wind speed at night is underestimated and occurs about 2 h earlier than the observed increase. Furthermore, there is no clear IO development. This result is not surprising given that the equilibrium SCM is not time evolving and is by construction unable to account for the IO. Despite these limitations, the equilibrium SCM is about as accurate as the time-evolving RACMO and ECMWF SCMs.
As in Fig. 1, but for wind speeds at 200 m above ground level.
Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 5; 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0324.1
As in Fig. 1, but for hodographs of the wind vector at 200 m above ground level.
Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 5; 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0324.1
b. SCM sensitivity to changes in the lower-boundary height
We will now explore the sensitivity of the time-evolving SCM to two different representations of the lower boundary. The first representation uses the roughness length z0 as the height of the lower boundary, with uLB = 0, υLB = 0, and the 2-m temperature values acting as boundary conditions. We consider three values of z0. The first value (z0 = 0.15 m) used in Bosveld et al. (2014a) is intended to be representative of mesoscale roughness. The other z0 representations are an order of magnitude above and below the mesoscale value (i.e., z0 = 0.015 m and z0 = 1.5 m). We select this broad range because of the fact that z0 is a poorly constrained parameter that can vary by an order of magnitude depending on the method used to determine its value (Optis et al. 2016). The second representation of the lower boundary uses altitudes above the surface, with the wind vector and temperature at that altitude as boundary conditions. We consider three different heights above the surface (10, 40, and 80 m) to determine to what extent the use of higher altitudes improves the accuracy of the modeled wind speeds aloft. We consider in this analysis only the composite results averaged over the eight LLJ case studies and consider only the UKMO turbulence scheme, given its good performance relative to other schemes demonstrated in the previous section.
Observed and modeled wind speeds at 80 m (i.e., U80) are shown in Fig. 4a. Larger values of z0 lead to smaller values of U80 throughout the day and earlier minimum wind speeds at the sunset transition, both of which can be attributed to increased turbulent mixing. The observed U80 is generally well represented with the z0 = 0.15 m formulation, supporting the fact that mesoscale roughness features are influencing the winds and turbulence at 80 m. The use of observed wind speeds at altitudes above the surface generally results in improved representations of U80 compared to the z0 approaches, particularly at the sunrise minimum (the SCM80 case is, of course, exact).
Time-evolving SCM results averaged over the LLJ case studies and considering different lower-boundary heights. The figures show the time evolution of (a) the 80-m wind speed, (b) the 100-m turbulent momentum flux, (c) the 200-m wind speed, and (d) Δθ200–80.
Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 5; 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0324.1
Observed and modeled turbulent momentum fluxes at 100 m (i.e., τ100) are shown in Fig. 4b averaged over the 5 and 8 May 2008 case studies (for which observed momentum flux data at 100 m were available). All models generally underestimate τ100 during the day, which can be explained by the fact that the SCM does not incorporate nonlocal transport and will, therefore, tend to underestimate τ100 in very unstable conditions. Larger values of z0 lead to larger values of τ100 as expected, while higher altitudes for the lower boundary tend to produce larger values of τ100 during the day. This result is also expected given that wind speeds at higher altitudes are more representative of mesoscale roughness and less influenced by the IBL. During the night, the models tend to overestimate turbulent mixing, and the z0 = 0.015 m roughness length is generally most accurate. These results suggest a tendency for the UKMO scheme to overestimate turbulent mixing at night for these two case studies, consistent with the tendency to underestimate stratification (Fig. 1). The SCM80 approach mitigates this tendency and reasonably accounts for the low (if variable) τ100 values.
The 200-m wind speeds are shown in Fig. 4c. Higher values of z0 result in lower wind speeds during the day, as expected, but result in larger wind speeds during the night and a larger magnitude IO (although the differences at night are relatively small). We attribute this reversal to the fact that the magnitude of the IO depends on the degree of departure of the wind profile around sunset to its equilibrium profile at night. Higher values of z0 result in a more turbulent ABL at sunset, and therefore, the departure from the nocturnal equilibrium profile is larger compared to smaller z0 values. The observed U200 during the day generally falls between that estimated using z0 = 0.15 m and z0 = 1.5 m (apart from the time after sunrise), which suggests a higher regional roughness affecting the winds and turbulence at 200 m than represented by z0 = 0.15 m that is generally cited (e.g., Beljaars 1982; Verkaik and Holtslag 2007; Bosveld et al. 2014a). Higher altitudes for the lower boundary result in moderate improvements in modeling U200 and, in particular, better representation of the LLJ magnitude. These results demonstrate that the use of observed wind speeds at 10 m and above as a lower boundary improves the simulation at transition times, mitigating excessive or insufficient turbulent mixing produced using a no-slip boundary condition at z0.
Finally, observed and modeled Δθ200–80 values are shown in Fig. 4d. Larger z0 values result in faster erosion of stable stratification as expected because of increased turbulent mixing. Interestingly, the use of higher altitudes for the lower boundary results in increased tendencies to overestimate stratification. The reasons for this effect are unclear.
Overall, the use of lower boundaries above the roughness length tends to improve modeling of wind speeds aloft and, in particular, tends to mitigate the effects of excessive or insufficient turbulent mixing. The SCM10 approach was slightly less accurate in modeling the 200-m wind speeds compared to the SCM80 approach but better accounted for stratification. The better performance of the SCM10 approach is an interesting and valuable result given that winds and temperature are more easily measured at this altitude than aloft.
5. Climatological results
Stability classes considered in this analysis, based on RiB.
Mean wind speed profiles are shown in Fig. 5. With increasing stratification, the observed wind speeds decrease on average and demonstrate a mean LLJ around 140 m in extremely stable conditions. In general, the time-dependent models show reasonable agreement with the mean observations, while the equilibrium SCM is less accurate. In weakly stable conditions, the WRF Model shows good agreement with observations, while the equilibrium and time-evolving SCMs all overestimate the wind speed because of the influence of the IBL. This effect is mitigated but not eliminated in the time-evolving SCM by using higher-altitude lower boundaries. These results indicate stronger than expected mixing in weakly stable conditions above 80 m, which was also demonstrated in Optis and Monahan (2016). In moderately stable conditions, the influence of the IBL is reduced, and the SCMs show much better agreement with observations. The WRF Model is accurate above 100 m but overestimates wind speeds below this altitude, likely caused by excessive turbulent mixing at low altitudes due to the inability of WRF to resolve the IBL. In very stable conditions, all models are accurate (apart from the WRF Model below 50 m). In extremely stable conditions, none of the models are able to account for the mean LLJ. However, the time-evolving SCM and WRF Model show good agreement with observations from the surface to approximately 140 m and overestimate wind speeds above this altitude. The equilibrium SCM underestimates wind speeds up to 140 m and overestimates wind speeds above this altitude.
Mean modeled and observed wind speed profiles for the different stability classes for the 10-yr dataset. Here, n denotes the number of values included in the mean.
Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 5; 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0324.1
Box plots of the relative difference between modeled and observed wind speeds at 200 m are shown in Fig. 6 for the different stability classes. In general, the spread between observed and modeled wind speeds increases with stratification. Overall, the equilibrium SCM demonstrates the least spread across all stability classes, particularly in weakly and extremely stable conditions. For the time-evolving SCM, less spread is produced when higher-altitude lower boundaries are used. The WRF Model generally shows spread similar to that found for the time-evolving SCM. The lower spread found for the equilibrium SCM is a surprising result, given the poor performance of the equilibrium SCM in the LLJ case studies. Time-evolving models are expected in principle to perform better than an equilibrium model in stable stratification, particularly in very to extremely stable conditions, where accounting for the time-evolving IO and LLJ are important.
Box plots of the percentage error between modeled and observed winds [i.e., (Umod − Uobs)/Uobs] at 200 m for the different stability classes. The red lines show the mean values; blue boxes show the interquartile range; and black dotted lines show the total range, excluding outliers. The first three models are the time-evolving SCM results using different lower-boundary heights. The acronym Eq denotes the equilibrium SCM.
Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 5; 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0324.1
We note that wind power density is generally more relevant to the wind power industry than wind speed. A similar analysis of the errors in wind power density demonstrated the same relative performance between different models as wind speed.
The difference in spreads in Fig. 6 for the different models can be attributed in part to how well the different models account for stratification. In Fig. 7, we show joint PDFs of the difference in the modeled and observed Δθ200–80 values (i.e., Δθmod − Δθobs) with the difference in the modeled and observed wind speeds at 200 m (i.e., ΔU200) for the different models and stability classes. Note that we do not consider the time-evolving SCM40 and SCM80 in this analysis. In general, the spreads in wind speed error and stratification error both increase in higher-stability classes. Several PDFs demonstrate a correlation between ΔU200 and Δθmod − Δθobs: the time-evolving SCM from weakly to very stable conditions and the equilibrium SCM from moderately to very stable conditions. If this correlation arises because the stratification error causes that in the wind profile or if they have a common cause, it is expected that improved modeling of the stratification in these cases would lead to some reduction in the mean 200-m wind speed error. In extremely stable conditions, no clear relationship between ΔU200 and Δθmod − Δθobs is found for any of the models. In this regime, wind speed error can be attributed to other factors, as discussed in the introduction (gravity waves, intermittent turbulence, etc.). We also note the tendency of the equilibrium SCM to underestimate stratification in higher-stability classes, reasons for which were described in Optis and Monahan (2016) and are also discussed in section 6. Overall, the performance of the time-evolving SCM (which demonstrates the most association between wind speed and stratification error) would be most improved from a better accounting of the modeled stratification. Conversely, it appears that such a change would have little effect on the performance of WRF.
Joint PDFs of the difference in modeled and observed stratifications between 200 and 10 m and the difference in modeled and observed wind speeds at 200 m. Results are shown for the time-evolving SCM over the range of stability classes.
Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 5; 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0324.1
The large spread in stratification error found for the time-evolving SCM can be attributed in large part to its inability to account for horizontally driven temperature changes in the ABL (e.g., warm or cold fronts, temperature advection). We demonstrate this fact in Figs. 8 and 9 using 3-week time periods in both winter and late spring. For the winter case (Fig. 8), there is evidence of warm-air temperature advection from the North Sea causing the 200-m temperature to increase at night while the 10-m temperature decreases because of surface cooling (e.g., 2 and 5 January). By construction, the time-evolving SCM—driven by the lower-boundary wind and temperature observations—attributes changes in temperature to vertical processes (i.e., surface heating or cooling). As a result, the time-evolving SCM simulates unstable conditions when the 10-m temperatures are increasing (e.g., 5–9 January) and is unable to account for the diverging temperatures at the surface and aloft because of temperature advection. Overall, the time-evolving SCM poorly accounts for stratification over this 3-week period. The equilibrium SCM shows little to no improvement in the modeled stratification but, more importantly, demonstrates frequent model breakdown [reasons for which are described in Optis and Monahan (2016)]. The WRF Model—which can account for horizontally driven temperature changes—shows much better agreement with the observed stratification over the 3-week period.
Evolution of the modeled (using the time-evolving SCM with a 10-m lower boundary, the equilibrium SCM, and the WRF Model) and observed θ values at 200 and 10 m for a specified time period in winter.
Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 5; 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0324.1
For the late spring case (Fig. 9), the observed 200-m and 10-m temperatures show a clear diurnal pattern: the temperatures at 10 m and 200 m are similar during the day, while the 10-m temperature decreases more rapidly than the 200-m temperature during the night. Within the 3-week period, there are periods of both net cooling and heating over time scales of several days. When temperatures in the lower ABL are decreasing (e.g., 29 April onward), the time-evolving SCM tends to overestimate stratification, which can persist for several days. The equilibrium SCM breaks down often over this period, highlighting its limited usefulness. The WRF Model is generally very accurate in capturing the evolving stratification for the spring case. We note that the use of lower boundaries at 40 m or 80 m for the time-evolving SCM can mitigate the influence of temperature advection but results in only modest improvements in the modeled stratification.
As in Fig. 8, but for a spring case.
Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56, 5; 10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0324.1
6. Discussion
The equilibrium SCM was shown in this analysis (and in Optis and Monahan 2016) to be of very limited value and applicability in wind profile modeling because of frequent model breakdown, its bias toward low stratification, and its inability to accurately account for fundamentally time-evolving processes such as the IO and LLJ. Despite these serious limitations, the equilibrium SCM demonstrated less spread in the wind speed error compared to the time-evolving SCM over the 10-yr dataset. This result can likely be attributed to the different lower-boundary conditions used in the equilibrium and time-evolving simulations and their relative sensitivities to horizontally driven temperature changes in the ABL. Consider an idealized example where a uniform temperature change is observed at all altitudes, resulting in no change in the observed stratification. The near-surface
The presence of a local IBL is an important factor for wind profile predictions accounting only for processes in the vertical. The presence of such IBL structures is not unique to Cabauw but would exist in other locations with a low local roughness but higher regional roughness (and vice versa). In this study, SCM performance was improved by using a higher-altitude lower boundary where wind speeds and turbulence were less influenced by the local IBL. The use of higher-altitude measurements is not necessarily a practical difficulty: tower measurements up to 100 m are common during wind resource assessments in complex terrain, and in the context of forecasting, wind and temperature measurements are generally made at hub height on a wind turbine nacelle. The standard approach to mitigate the effect of IBLs is to use a surface lower boundary with a higher z0 value to account for regional roughness. However, as demonstrated in this study, the specification of z0 is ambiguous in inhomogeneous terrain given that the value resulting in the most accurate simulation of turbulence aloft can change significantly over the course of the day. Another approach to account for the IBL would be to add a parameterization to the SCM to model the influence of the IBL. However, such an approach is not straightforward as it would need to take into account wind direction and stratification and would be fundamentally tuned to a particular site with likely limited application at a different location.
Overall, the time-evolving SCM performed well in the idealized LLJ case studies in which the influence of horizontal processes was minimized but showed comparatively less accuracy over the 10-yr dataset, where horizontal processes were generally more influential. Fundamentally, a 1D approach is inherently limited in its ability to account for horizontal processes. The WRF Model showed considerably less bias than the SCM (based on 10-m observations) in weakly and moderately stable conditions where the influence of IBLs was most prominent. However, the WRF Model and the SCM had similar accuracy in very and extremely stable conditions, highlighting the importance of local observations combined with an appropriate turbulence scheme in simulating the wind profile. As a next step, it would be useful to extend this analysis to a range of locations (complex terrain, offshore, northern climates, etc.) to further assess the robustness of an SCM approach relative to a mesoscale model.
Regarding the performance of the WRF Model, we note that, for comparison to previous analyses, we used the simulations described in Jiménez et al. (2016). Only the YSU turbulence scheme was considered in this WRF simulation. It is possible that a different turbulence scheme (e.g., MYJ) would improve the performance of WRF in this analysis. However, we note that the YSU scheme generally modeled the stratification accurately (e.g., Fig. 1).
In this and in previous studies (Optis et al. 2016, 2014; Optis and Monahan 2016), we have examined how far a 1D approach can be pushed for the accurate representation of the wind profile up to 200 m under stable stratification. Overall, the time-evolving SCM model has been found to produce more accurate wind profiles (considering both mean wind profile accuracy, spread in error, and model resiliency or robustness) compared to a range of equilibrium approaches [i.e., MOST (and its various modifications), two-layer model, equilibrium SCM], while requiring the same amount of observational data requirements and only modestly higher computational requirements. While still leaving room for considerable improvement, the time-evolving SCM was found to provide a middle ground between equilibrium and 3D model approaches and could find useful application in commercial wind energy resource assessments.
7. Conclusions
In this study, we compared three different approaches to modeling the wind profile from 10 to 200 m and compared model results with observations obtained from the Cabauw meteorological tower in the Netherlands. The models considered included an equilibrium SCM, a time-evolving SCM (with a range of different turbulence parameterizations), and a time-evolving 3D mesoscale model (WRF). Using a composite dataset of low-level jet (LLJ) case studies, we found that the time-evolving SCM and the WRF Model accurately simulated, on average, the evolving stratification, the inertial oscillation, and the LLJ. The equilibrium SCM was shown to have comparatively less accuracy on average because of its inability to accurately account for time-evolving processes. Over the full 10-yr dataset, both the equilibrium and time-evolving SCMs overestimated wind speeds in weakly and moderately stable conditions because of the influence of the IBL but were more accurate on average in the higher-stability classes. Model performance in all stability classes was limited by the inability of the SCM to account for fundamentally 3D effects such as the formation of internal boundary layers and horizontal temperature advection. Frequent model breakdown and the tendency to underestimate stratification limited the usefulness of the equilibrium SCM. Despite its various limitations and simplified physics, the SCM approach was generally found to be no worse (in terms of mean wind profile accuracy and error spread) than the WRF Model while using a fraction of the computational cost and requiring only a minimal amount of easily attainable local observations.
The authors are grateful to Pedro Jiménez from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research for providing the WRF data used in this study. The authors also thank Fred Bosveld of KNMI for providing the surface geostrophic wind vector data and for the many comments and useful dialogues pertaining to this research, and three anonymous reviewers for comments which improved this paper. We also acknowledge the CESAR database for providing access to the remaining observational data at Cabauw used in this analysis. This research was funded by the Discovery Grant program and the Postgraduate Scholarship program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
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